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1642 4023 1 PB
Received: 10 November 2018 Accepted: 1 Januari 2018 Online Published: 29 Januari 2019
Recent studies showed that salinity concentration of the injected water is more important factor rather than the amount of water
injected. The objectives of this study are to analyse the effect of salinity and its behaviour in waterflooding and calculating the
recovery factor of the oil produced in sandtone reservoir condition. This study focuses on analysing the effect of salinity to its
recovery factor, relative permeability, breakthrough time and water cut of the oil-water system. Laboratory experiment had been
carried out to determine the recovery factor by using sandstone core with the dimension length and diameter of 3 in and 1.5 in,
respectively. Sodium Chloride (NaCl) was used to control the salinity concentration in waterflooding with range of 1,000 ppm
to 14,000 ppm. The experiment was run with constant flow rate, pressure and temperature. In this experiment, deionized
water with varied salinity and paraffin oil were used to perform the waterflooding procedure. Based on the results obtained, the
highest total oil recovery by waterflooding was 57.8% with 4,000 ppm as the optimum salinity, which is 14.6% higher than
oil recovered by 14,000 ppm. The results also showed the change in end-point value of relative permeability. It also showed that
water cut tend to increase as the salinity increase, while breakthrough time tend to decrease as the salinity increase.
Studi terbaru menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi salinitas air yang disuntikkan adalah faktor yang lebih penting
daripada jumlah air yang disuntikkan. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh salinitas dan
perilakunya dalam waterflooding dan menghitung faktor pemulihan minyak yang dihasilkan dalam kondisi
batu pasir reservoir. studi ini berfokus pada analisis pengaruh salinitas terhadap faktor pemulihannya,
permeabilitas relatif, waktu terobosan dan potongan air dari sistem minyak-air. Eksperimen laboratorium
telah dilakukan untuk menentukan faktor pemulihan dengan menggunakan inti batupasir dengan panjang
dimensi 3 in dan diameter 1,5 in. Natrium Klorida (NaCl) digunakan untuk mengontrol konsentrasi salinitas
dalam waterflooding dengan kisaran 1.000 ppm hingga 14.000 ppm. Eksperimen dilakukan dengan laju
aliran, tekanan dan suhu yang konstan. Dalam eksperimen ini, air terdeionisasi dengan salinitas bervariasi
dan minyak parafin digunakan untuk melakukan prosedur waterflooding. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh,
total perolehan minyak tertinggi dengan waterflooding adalah 57,8% dengan 4.000 ppm sebagai salinitas
optimal, yang mana 14,6% lebih tinggi daripada minyak yang dipulihkan oleh 14.000 ppm. Hasil juga
menunjukkan perubahan nilai titik akhir permeabilitas relatif. Eksperimen ini juga menunjukkan bahwa
potongan air cenderung meningkat dengan meningkatnya salinitas, sementara waktu terobosan cenderung
menurun dengan meningkatnya salinitas.
70 2,000
Figure 1. : Experimental flow diagram Figure 2. (a). Oil recovery by waterflooding, (b). Oil
recovery by the amount of water injected
Oil Recovery Relative Permeability
Figure 2(a) shows the oil recovery after Figure 3 shows the relative permeability
waterflooding with four different brine salinities. end-point value of the waterflooding process.
The brines used were 2,000 ppm, 4,000 ppm, Based on previous study, the change in relative
8,000 ppm and 14,000 ppm. The highest oil permeability could bring change to wettability
recovered was achieved by 4,000 ppm brine with state of the system. In Figure 4.3, it can be seen
57.79% while the lowest oil recovered achieved that the increment of the end-point value of the
by 14,000 brine with 43.51%. The increase relative permeability to its optimum salinity was
percentage in recovery with reduced salinity show at column number 2 (4,000 ppm). This increment
the improvements in recovery resulting from the indicated that there is a possible change in
LSE. Although, the lowest salinity carried out in wettability state of oil-water system towards more
the experiment was at 2,000 ppm, the oil water-wetness. Nonetheless, wettability was out
recovered was not the highest which is 50.15%. of the scope of this study. For example, if the
Figure 2 (b) shows the oil recovered by initial wettability of the oil-water system was
waterflooding with the amount of water injected. mixed-wet, the change would be towards water-
The injected water was approximately at 6 PV wet state.
until the water cut reach about 90% before the
process stopped. In the early waterflooding
process, injection with 2,000 ppm brine showed
the most highest oil recovered with only 0.4 PV
with 44% oil recovered. 0.4
1 2 3 4
Kro 0.73 0.86 0.72 0.67
Krw 0.25 0.18 0.23 0.31
Breakthrough Time and Water Cut the waterflood front reaches the producer (Gary
Table 2 shows the breakthrough time and R. Jerauld, 2000). Second reason was the effect of
water cut performance of different salinities. The salinity to relative permeability in oil-water
longest breakthrough time was documented by system. Based on previous study, the change in
2,000 ppm brine with 559 seconds while the relative permeability could bring alteration to
fastest breakthrough time was measured by wettability state of the system. In Figure 4.3, it can
14,000 ppm brine with 266 seconds. From the be seen that the increment of the end-point value
experiment, it can be seen that breakthrough time of the relative permeability to its optimum salinity
decrease as the salinity increased. The watercut was at column number 2 (4,000 ppm). This
percentage was recorded after 1 hour of injection. increment indicated that there was a possible
The highest watercut percentage was at 14,000 change in wettability state of oil-water system
ppm brine with 89% of watercut while the lowest towards more water-wetness. The increment in
was 2,000 ppm brine with 83% of watercut. Here, relative permeability plots indicated the
it can be conclude that watercut tended to development of the oil-water system to more
increase as the salinity increased, where the water water-wet state. Improved oil recovery were
produce were higher. generally supported by an increase in water
wetness (Shaddel, Tabatabae-Nejad, & Fathi,
Table 2. Breakthrough time and water cut performance 2014). The more water-wet of the system, the
by waterflooding more of oil can be produced. Therefore, low
salinity benefit as a shift in wettability towards
Salinity Breakthrough
% water cut more water-wet state. Another reason is due to
concentration time
(after 1 hour) the reaction between the injected fluid and the
(ppm) (seconds)
minerals of the rock, the dissolution of the
2,000 559 83.15 mineral may happened. The dissolution process
caused the clogging in the pore spaces during the
4,000 575 83.35 migration of the fines particles resulting from the
8,000 421 85.28
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