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Ministry of Public Health

Mental Health & Substance abuse Department

Clinical Psychology Curriculum

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1. Introduction
Mental Health Department, MoPH start to implement mental health hospital project on January
2011 through European Union Fund, implemented by International Medical Corps – Afghanistan. To
build and strengthen its capacity to provide quality and equitable mental health and substance
misuse treatment services for the Afghans. With the fund from European Commission and under
stewardship of the Afghanistan Ministry of Public Heath, this project commenced in January of 2011
with renovation of the Mental Health Hospital and Jangalak Misuse Center and has been providing
assistance in many different forms up to the present date. International Medical Corps (IMC) –MHH
project’s major activity is to provide different trainings in order to improve clinical skills and capacity
of the MHH and Jangalak staffs. These training have been provided in Clinical Psychology, Psychiatry,
Mental Health Nursing, Social work, Occupational Therapy etc.

There is no clinical psychology program at the university level in Afghanistan, but the country is in
dire need of psychologists who can effectively provide non-pharmacological interventions and
psychotherapy services for patients. As part of her project, International Medical Corps will upgrade
the MHH psychology department into a clinical psychology program. This initiative has several
aspects but one of the main activities of the project is to develop and finalize the clinical psychology
training curriculum and advocate with Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) for recognition and licensing
of psychologists in the country.

The trainings based on this curriculum will build the capacity of MHH to serve as a teaching hospital
and to play an important role in training the general psychology graduates and equip them with
clinical skills required in the field of non-pharmacological patient care. Since 2012, International
Medical Corps (IMC) started training MHH psychologists and the effort to formalize such training and
provide psychologists with certificates in clinical psychology will continue until the end of the
project. In the long run, once clinical psychology programs are established in universities, MHH can
play an important role in contributing to the practical knowledge and skills of the students and
graduates through field placements, job shadows, or short practical trainings/role plays for clinical
psychology and/or counseling students.

The current curriculum is specifically designed to train the current MHH psychologists to become
clinically competent psychologists in order to support and enhance non pharmacological
interventions of the hospital. This curriculum, although short term, equips MHH psychologists with
the essential competencies that enables them to perform the essential activities of a clinical
psychologist in mental health hospital. This curriculum is focused on the practical needs of
psychologists working in a Mental Health Hospital and offers psychologists a well-balanced
curriculum in many fields. The clinical core courses and the ongoing practicum focus on the theories
and models of dysfunctional behavior, and evidence-based practice of assessment, intervention,
evaluation, professional standards, ethics and supervision.

This curriculum covers several out of nine major competencies that American Psychological
Association (APA) proposes for accreditations of a clinical psychology programs. In this curriculum,
these competencies are divided into two categories of foundational and functional competencies
which describes as follows.

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 Foundational Competencies
o Reflective Practice/Self-Assessment
o Scientific method
o Ethical/Legal Standards
 Functional Competencies
o Psychological Evaluation
o Psychological Interventions
o Supervision and Teaching
In the future, there will be a necessity for inclusion of topics in Social Psychology, Development
Psychology, Neuropsychology, and especially on Research and Statistics to make this curriculum
more comprehensive.

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2. Core Competencies
A. Foundational Competencies

1. Reflective Practice/Self-Assessment:
Practices within the boundaries of competencies; demonstrates commitment to lifelong learning;
engages with scholarship; capable of critical thinking; demonstrates a commitment to the
development of the profession. Accepts and uses feedback effectively; Self-Assessment, Self-Care
and Professionalism. Self-assessment and self-monitoring skills, reflective regarding professional
practice; Understands importance of self-care to effective practice
Trainings provided in MHH:
 Working as a psychologist
 Secondary Traumatization, Vicarious Trauma or Compassion Fatigue, Post-Traumatic Stress
Disorder; Burnout
 Self-Care, the concept of resilience and the use of self-protective techniques

2. Scientific method:
Demonstrates respect for scientifically derived knowledge; understands research and research
methodology; understands biological bases of behavior, cognitive-affective bases of behavior, and
lifespan human development; scientific mindedness and knowledge.
Trainings provided in MHH:
 Biology of acute Stress
 Neurobiology of Trauma

3. Ethical/Legal Standards:
Application of ethical concepts and awareness of legal issues regarding professional activities with
individuals, groups, and organizations; advocating for the profession of psychology.
Knowledge, ethical conduct and ethical decision making: Working knowledge and understanding of
the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct, laws, statutes, rules, regulations; behaves ethically,
Identifies ethical dilemmas effectively.
Trainings provided in MHH:
 Client Rights
 Ethical issues in working with clients
 Psychology Department Guideline
B. Functional Competencies

1. Psychological Evaluation:
Assessment, diagnosis and conceptualization of problems and issues of individuals, groups, and/or
organizations; Diagnostic and conceptualization skills, formal assessment skills, interview, tests,
measurements, report writing, communication skills; able to utilize systematic approaches of
gathering data to inform clinical decision-making; awareness of the strengths and limitations of
administration, scoring and interpretation of traditional assessment.
Trainings provided in MHH:

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 DSM IV - TR - Part I – VI
 Hospital medical records : MSE – I - II
 Interviewing Skills – I - II
 Bio Psychosocial Assessment
 Treatment Plan
 Psychology Progress Report I
 Risk Assessment I-III
 Motivational Interviewing I-II
 Testing for Depression
 IQ Test: Raven's Progressive Matrices - Age 9-18
 Writing Case Studies
 Patient assessment measures DSM-5 Assessment tools
 Depression DSM-5 (Severity Assessment DSM-5)
 Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ-9;
 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, (DSM – 5 Definition, Severity assessment)
 Acute Stress Disorder (DSM-5 Assessment level 2) Severity of Acute Stress Symptoms—Adult
 Anxiety disorders (Severity Assessment DSM-5) LEVEL 2—Anxiety—Adult (PROMIS Emotional
Distress—Anxiety— Short Form)
 Severity Measure for Panic Disorder—Adult DSM-5
 Severity Measure for Generalized Anxiety Disorder—Adult DSM-5
 Severity Measure for Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)—Adult
 Sleep-Wake Disorders (Severity Assessment DSM-5) LEVEL 2—Sleep Disturbance—Adult
(PROMIS—Sleep Disturbance—Short Form)
 Reactive Attachment Disorder (Severity Assessment DSM-5)
 Substance Use LEVEL 2—Substance Use—Adult (adapted from the NIDA-Modified ASSIST)
 Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviours—AdultLEVEL 2— (adapted from the Florida Obsessive-
Compulsive Inventory [FOCI] Severity Scale
2. Psychological Interventions:
Knowledge of Interventions, intervention planning, intervention implementation, progress
knowledge of scientific, theoretical, empirical and contextual bases of intervention, including
psychotherapy theories, research, and practice, able to implement evidence based interventions
that take into account empirical support, clinical judgment; evaluate treatment progress and modify
treatment planning as indicated, utilizing established outcome measures; assesses and documents
treatment progress and outcomes
Trainings provided in MHH:
 Introduction to Training. Theories, clinical and general discussion about psychotherapy
 Counseling Skills Part I – VI
 Introduction to psychotherapy
 Introduction to Freudian psychotherapy
 Freudian theory of personality and human development
 Psychoanalytic psychotherapy processes - Part I and II
 Introduction in Analytical Psychology
 Introduction in Psychology of C. G. Jung
 Introduction in Art Therapy
 Drawing and painting in Therapy
 Picture interpretation

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 Client Centered Psychotherapy I – III
 Behavioral therapies I-III
 Cognitive Therapies I –III
 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy I – V
 Working with Psychosis I-III
 Personality Disorders I-V
 Sexual Disorders I-III
 Working with Mental Retardation
 Forensic Psychology
 Introduction in Obsessive Compulsive Disorders
 OCD Treatment
 OCD Treatment ERP (Exposure Ritual Prevention)
 Family Therapy I-VI
 Introduction in Group Facilitating
 Introduction Closed Group Cycle
 Group Therapy session I-X
 Working with Addiction I-II
 Group therapy substance use I-IV
 War Trauma and Acute Stress Symptoms
 Introduction in PTSD
 Complex Trauma C-PTSD
 Trans generational Trauma
 Trauma interventions
 Introduction in Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) I-III
 Depression I,II,
 Anxiety disorders I, II
 Depression and Anxiety Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression, a trans diagnostic approach
 Attachment Theory
 Reactive Attachment Disorder (DSM-5)
 Post traumatic grief I, II
 Sleep-Wake Disorders I, II

3. Supervision and Teaching:

Supervision and training of professionals
Knowledge of models and approaches; awareness of factors affecting quality of supervision,
demonstrates rudimentary understanding of teaching theories, and has gained some relevant
experience in teaching.
Trainings provided in MHH:
 Training of Trainers I-III
 Supervision of first experience in teaching I-III

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3. Lecture Plan

Semester I: February 2012 - August 2012

Duration Topic of the training session Objective of the training session

Introduction to Training.
Theories, being clinical and
2 hrs 1st session of the training
general discussion about
to explain what psychotherapy is and generally how it's
2 hrs Introduction to psychotherapy
Introduction to Freudian to further clear the participants understanding of
2 hrs
psychotherapy psychoanalysis
to increase participants understanding of personality
Freudian theory of personality
2 hrs and its functions, defense mechanisms and their use in
and human development
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy to help participants to be able to effectively use
2 hrs
processes - Part I psychoanalysis with their patients
Psychoanalytic psychotherapy to help participants to be able to effectively use
2 hrs
processes - Part II psychoanalysis with their patients
To train participants in effective counseling skills to help
them build more effective rapports with their patients
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part I
and increase the level of their effectiveness while
working with clients
To train participants in effective counseling skills to help
them build more effective rapports with their patients
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part II
and increase the level of their effectiveness while
working with clients
To train participants in effective counseling skills to help
them build more effective rapports with their patients
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part III
and increase the level of their effectiveness while
working with clients
To train participants in effective counseling skills to help
them build more effective rapports with their patients
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part IV
and increase the level of their effectiveness while
working with clients
To train participants in effective counseling skills to help
them build more effective rapports with their patients
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part V
and increase the level of their effectiveness while
working with clients
Practical session. Learning through role play and
2 hrs Counseling Skills - Part VI
practical work
To explain and clarify clients rights to participants in
2 hrs Client Rights
order to promote best practice in the hospital

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To introduce to participants the ethical issues while
Ethical issues in working with
2 hrs working with clients in order to promote best practice in
the hospital
Client Centered To train participants in CCP by Carl Rogers-Theories, the
2 hrs
Psychotherapy I process of psychotherapy, competencies and etc.
Client Centered To train participants in CCP by Carl Rogers-Theories, the
2 hrs
Psychotherapy II process of psychotherapy, competencies and etc.
Client Centered To train participants in CCP by Carl Rogers-Theories, the
2 hrs
Psychotherapy II process of psychotherapy, competencies and etc.
to train participants on practical techniques of
2 hrs Behavioral therapies I behavioral therapy such as relaxation, assertiveness,
desensitization and sexual arousal
to train participants on practical techniques of
2 hrs Behavioral therapies II behavioral therapy such as relaxation, assertiveness,
desensitization and sexual arousal
Behavioral therapies III - to train participants specifically on sexual disorders and
2 hrs
Sexual disorders and therapies their therapies
To train Participants on cognitive therapies of Aaron
Beck and Albert Ellis. Their theories, the process of
2 hrs Cognitive Therapies I psychotherapy, core skills, rational and irrational
thoughts, negative and automatic thoughts and their
use in practice
To train Participants on cognitive therapies of Aaron
Beck and Albert Ellis. Their theories, the process of
2 hrs Cognitive Therapies II psychotherapy, core skills, rational and irrational
thoughts, negative and automatic thoughts and their
use in practice
To train Participants on cognitive therapies of Aaron
Beck and Albert Ellis. Their theories, the process of
2 hrs Cognitive Therapies III psychotherapy, core skills, rational and irrational
thoughts, negative and automatic thoughts and their
use in practice
To Train participants on basic concepts of CBT, core
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, behavioral and cognitive modification skills and
2 hrs
(CBT) - I techniques, behavioral activation, shaping, and etc. to
be used with their patients in MHH and Jangalak
To Train participants on basic concepts of CBT, core
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, behavioral and cognitive modification skills and
2 hrs
(CBT) - II techniques, behavioral activation, shaping, and etc. to
be used with their patients in MHH and Jangalak
To Train participants on basic concepts of CBT, core
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, behavioral and cognitive modification skills and
2 hrs
(CBT) - III techniques, behavioral activation, shaping, and etc. to
be used with their patients in MHH and Jangalak

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To Train participants on basic concepts of CBT, core
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, behavioral and cognitive modification skills and
2 hrs
(CBT) - IV techniques, behavioral activation, shaping, and etc. to
be used with their patients in MHH and Jangalak
To Train participants on basic concepts of CBT, core
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills, behavioral and cognitive modification skills and
2 hrs
(CBT) - V techniques, behavioral activation, shaping, and etc. to
be used with their patients in MHH and Jangalak
To help participants to be able to use DSM IV - TR in a
more effective way and make better diagnosis and also
2 hrs How to DSM IV - TR - Part I
to increase their ability in more accurate differential
To help participants to be able to use DSM IV - TR in a
more effective way and make better diagnosis and also
2 hrs How to DSM IV - TR - Part II
to increase their ability in more accurate differential
To help participants to be able to use DSM IV - TR in a
more effective way and make better diagnosis and also
2 hrs How to DSM IV - TR - Part III
to increase their ability in more accurate differential
To help participants to be able to use DSM IV - TR in a
more effective way and make better diagnosis and also
2 hrs How to DSM IV - TR - Part IV
to increase their ability in more accurate differential
Final session to answer any questions that participants
2 hrs Question and Answer I might have or clarify any points which is not explained
enough in order to prepare them for final examination
Final session to answer any questions that participants
2 hrs Question and Answer II might have or clarify any points which is not explained
enough in order to prepare them for final examination
Final session to answer any questions that participants
2 hrs Question and Answer III might have or clarify any points which is not explained
enough in order to prepare them for final examination

Semester II: September 2012 - March 2013

Duration Topic of the training session Objective of the training session

Brainstorming session regarding the new project

2 hrs 1st session of the training
training.- class schedule agreed with participants
To explain what has been done during the previous
Review previous and the new
2 hrs semester and what is coming in the new training
(introducing the new curriculum)

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1- To clear and distinguish the role of Psychologists in
Mental Health Hospital.
2 hrs working as a psychologist
2- Challenges Psychologists face
3- What does it mean to be a psychologist
1- What is ward round (Multidisciplinary team - MDT)
and its purpose
Ward Round Presentation and 2- Increase participants ability and knowledge to present
2 hrs
Morning Handover - I Patients in Hospital Ward Rounds and morning
3- What to present and what not to present
Practice and role play the "two minutes “presentation of
the patients to the ward round team (Similar to elevator
Ward Round Presentation and
2 hrs talk)
Morning Handover - II
participants learn how to report the most important
information and not all of them
1- Importance of recording data and documenting
Hospital medical records :
2 hrs 2- What is MSE and Mini MSE
3- Role play and Practice
1- How to run an effective MSE
Hospital medical records : 2- How t run a Mini Mental Status examination
2 hrs
MSE - II 3- How to document and MSE
4- Role Play and Practice
1- what are communications skills
2 hrs Interviewing Skills - I 2- what are counseling skills (clinical skills)
3- Role play and practice
to thoroughly explain and exhibit the counseling skills in
2 hrs Interviewing Skills - II
1- To introduce the psychology department guideline to
the participants and explain ways to more effectively
Psychology Department use the guideline in their daily activities in the hospital.
2 hrs
Guideline 2- the guideline includes group therapy, individual
therapy, principles of psychology, MSE & MMSE and
1- How to run a full Bio psychosocial assessment
2 hrs Bio-Psycho-Social Assessment
2- role play - session 1 with Hypochondriasis client
1- How to develop treatment plan for client in
association with other professions
2- How to develop psychological treatment plan in
2 hrs Treatment Plan
association with clients
3- Practical work: develop a treatment plan for the role
play client in 3 teams
1- How to write a progress report for a psychotherapy
2 hrs Psychology Progress Report I session
2- Role play - session 2 with Hypochondriasis client

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1- How to write a progress report for a psychotherapy
2 hrs Psychology Progress Report II session with focus on writing MSE/MMSE
2- Role play - session 3 with Hypochondriasis client
1- Introducing risk - what is risk?
2- How to assess for risk in MHH using the existing tool
2 hrs Risk Assessment I 3- Introducing Historical, Clinical and Risk - 20 Items
(HCR-20) as a internationally renowned tool for risk
1- How to prepare client for termination
2 hrs Termination and discharge
2- Role play - Last session with Hypochondriasis client
Introduction, explanation and practical work on the 10
2 hrs Risk Assessment II
historical items of the HCR-20
Introduction, explanation and practical work on the 5
2 hrs Risk Assessment III
Clinical and 5 Risk items of the HCR-20
1- Introduction to MI - History and effectiveness
2 hrs Motivational Interviewing I 2- Introduction to the stages of change model by
1- Definition of MI
2 hrs Motivational Interviewing II 2- Principles of MI
3- warning to therapists: traps to avoid falling into!!!
1- What is Relapse and how to prevent future incidents
2 hrs working with Addiction I of drug use
2- How to develop a relapse prevention plan
1- Ten facts about addiction
2 hrs working with Addiction II 2- Coping skills training (interpersonal and
1- What is psychosis
2- is it really that bad?
2 hrs working with Psychosis I 3- Are non pharmacological interventions possible with
Psychotic clients?
3- the four main principles of working with psychosis

1- Anthony's eight principles of working with psychosis

2 hrs working with Psychosis II 2- whole-person model in working with psychosis
3-reality testing and self boundaries!!!

1- Psychotherapy with psychosis

2- working with hallucinations and delusions
2 hrs working with Psychosis III
3- thoughts and feelings!!! The difference … Challenging
beliefs, etc.
1- What is personality
2 hrs Personality Disorders I 2- What is personality Disorder
3- types of PD - Clusters A, B, and C
1- Borderline Personality Disorder: the most difficult one
2 hrs Personality Disorders II 2- Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) for BPD
3- DBT: Mindfulness, What and How skills

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DBT: Distress Tolerance and Emotion Regulation
2 hrs Personality Disorders III

2 hrs Personality Disorders IV DBT: Emotion Regulation techniques

2 hrs Personality Disorders V DBT: Interpersonal Effectiveness techniques

1- Introduction to sexual disorder

2 hrs sexual Disorders I (MHH) 2- DSM IV-TR diagnosis of the 11 sexual disorders
3- Sexual Identity disorder and Paraphilia
1- pharmacotherapy for sexual disorders
2 hrs sexual Disorders II (MHH) 2- techniques for male sexual disorders (stop-start and
techniques for male sexual disorders (stop-start and
2 hrs sexual Disorders III
Final session to answer any questions that participants
2 hrs Question and Answer might have or clarify any points which is not explained
enough in order to prepare them for final examination

Semester III: April 2013 - October 2013

Duration Topic of the training session Objective of the training session

1- What is intelligence?
Working with Mental 2- What is considered retardation?
2 hrs
Retardation I 3- Ways to diagnose MR - DSM Criteria
4- Psychometrics (testing) for MR
1- What is depression?
2- Introducing Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) 21 Items
2 hrs Testing for Depression 3- How to run the test and scoring system
4- Practical testing in the class among participants and
1- What is family therapy
2- History and early researches of Family therapy
2 hrs Family Therapy I 3- Introduction to Systems Theory
4- Introduction to 4 major schools in family therapy
(Bell, Bowen, Ackerman and Jackson & Haley)

2 hrs Family Therapy II Bowen Family System Therapy: 8 main principles

1- Explanation of Psychology Services Outcome

2 hrs Family Therapy III
2- Bowenian Family Systems Therapy-explaining the

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1- How to create a Genogram
2 hrs Family Therapy IV
2- Symbols used in a Genogram
1- Techniques in Bowenian Family Systems Therapy
2 hrs Family Therapy V
2- Techniques of couples therapy in Bowenian therapy
1- Techniques in family therapy - Con'd
2- Dealing with Triangulations (transference and counter
2 hrs Family Therapy VI transference
3- How to do couple therapy with only one member
Final session of Family Therapy to answer any questions
Question and Answer - Family
2 hrs that participants might have or clarify any family therapy
concepts which are not explained enough.
1- Explaining IQ Tests
2- Explaining the culture free tests
IQ Test: Raven's Progressive 3- Explanation of Raven't progressive IQ test for ages 9-
2 hrs
Matrices - Age 9-18 18
4- Practical running of the test
5- in class grading and interpreting
1- Dr. Inka discussed with psychologists about the future
Focus group Discussion and
2 hrs project and their impression of the current training
Forensic Psychology
2- Introduction to forensic psychology
1- historical background of forensic psychology
2 hrs forensic Psychology I 2- most important historical cases (e.g. JFK assassin)
3- basic concepts in forensic psychology
2 hrs forensic Psychology II
2 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs
2 hrs

Semester IV: September 2014 – March 2015

Duration Topic of the training session Objective of the training session

2 hrs Training Case Study How to write a professional Case Study

Definition and Diagnosis of OCD in DSM-5 ; assessment
Introduction in Obsessive tool
2 hrs
Compulsive Disorders DSM-5 LEVEL 2—Repetitive Thoughts and Behaviors—

2 hrs OCD Treatment Treatment methods of OCD

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the techniques of "Exposure Ritual Prevention"
2 hrs
OCD Treatment ERP TherapyERP
Introduction in the Cross Cutting Symptom Level I and
Patient assessment measures
2 hrs Level II, and
DSM-5 Assessment tools
Specific severity assessment measures
Introduction in Group Healing Aspects of Group Counseling, the Pyramid of
2 hrs
Facilitating Recovery: the theoretical model of Judith Herman
War Trauma and Acute Stress What is trauma? Effects of war trauma
2 hrs
Symptoms Definition: Acute Stress Disorder (DSM-5 308.3)
Introduction closed Group Introduction in the Group cycle for patients with PTSD
2 hrs
Cycle (War Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape)
Group cycle preparation for patients with PTSD, War
2 hrs
Group Therapy session 1 Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
2 hrs
Introduction in PTSD DSM – 5 Definition, Severity assessment
Group cycle preparation for patients with PTSD, War
2 hrs
Group Therapy session 2 and 3 Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape
Introduction in Complex Trauma and Trans generational
2 hrs
Complex Trauma Trauma; Impact of Childhood Trauma on Functioning
Group cycle preparation for patients with PTSD, War
2 hrs
Group Therapy session 4 and 5 Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape
Group cycle preparation for patients with PTSD, War
2 hrs
Group Therapy session 6, 7, 8 Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape

2 hrs Trauma intervention Trauma Intervention and post traumatic growth

Group cycle preparation for patients with PTSD, War
2 hrs
Group Therapy session 9, 10 Trauma, traumatic grief, loss, or rape

2 hrs
Biology of Trauma Trauma and the Brain; The Neurobiology of Trauma
To provide the skills to plan and conduct a training
2 hrs
Training of Trainers Introduction to icebreakers, warm-ups, and energizers
To gain knowledge of effective methods to prepare
2 hrs trainings
Training of Trainers Motivational tools and techniques
To develop skills for an interactive training
2 hrs
Training of Trainers Before, during and after the training; feedback

2 hrs Introduction in NET Introduction in Narrative Exposure Therapy

The ‘Lifeline’ Concept: Demonstration
2 hrs NET Demonstration (Positive and negative Event),
Narrative exposure Therapy Discussion

2 hrs
Narrative exposure Therapy NET Demonstrations and exercises

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Depression, Definition (Severity Assessment DSM-5)
2 hrs
Depression Causes
Beck Depression Inventory, PHQ-9; biological,
2 hrs psychological, social factors; specific cognitive behavior
Depression Treatment therapy techniques
DSM - 5 Anxiety disorders , Definition(Severity Assessment
2 hrs
Anxiety DSM-5)

2 hrs
Anxiety Treatment Underlying Causes; Treatment; Eclectic approaches
Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depression,
2 hrs
Anxiety and Depression a trans diagnostic approach
History of the Attachment Theory, the founder John
2 hrs Bolwby
Attachment Theory The Trilogy of Attachment and Loss (1969–82)
Mary Ainsworth‘s “Secure Base” and "the Strange
Situation”; Cultural variations and their influences on
2 hrs attachment patterns, DSM – 5 Severity Measure for
Separation Anxiety Disorder
Reactive Attachment Disorder

2 hrs Post traumatic grief The grief process; the 5 Stages of Loss and Grief
Symptoms and complications of the 5 Stages; personal and
2 hrs Post traumatic grief
collective aspects of the of mourning rituals
Sleep-Wake Disorders, Definition and assessment tools
2 hrs DSM-5, LEVEL 2—Sleep Disturbance—Adult (PROMIS—
Sleep-Wake Disorders Sleep Disturbance)

2 hrs Sleep-Wake Disorders Sleep Hygiene, Primary Insomnia, Stages of Sleep, S R T

2 hrs Group therapy substance use Introduction in Group Therapy with substance use clients
Traditional Models for Understanding Addictions;
2 hrs
Group therapy substance use Becoming addicted
Personal Pathways to Change, Successful recovery from
2 hrs
Group therapy substance use addictions. How Do People Change?
Reasons for Relapse; Regression, Relapse and Recycling
2 hrs
Group therapy substance use through the Stages; Key Issues In Prevention
Freud and Jung; word association test and psychological
Introduction in
2 hrs complexes, psychological types, the Red Book, the
Analytical Psychology Symbolic of Mandala
The collective and personal unconscious, Archetypes,
2 hrs persona, shadow, anima and animus, Dynamics of the
Psychology of C.G.Jung Psyche, Individuation
Articulating affective states through Image-making in
2 hrs
Introduction in Art Therapy Psychotherapy; Images as bridges to the Unconscious

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Drawing and painting in Why painting during a therapeutic process? finding the
2 hrs
Therapy Symbol
Tools for interpretation: associations and amplification,
2 hrs
Picture interpretation material aspects, formal aspects, space symbolism
Secondary Traumatic Stress, Vicarious Trauma or
2 hrs Compassion Fatigue and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder;
Secondary Traumatization Burnout
To be able to reinforce stress management techniques;
2 hrs the concept of resilience and the use of self-protective
Self-Care techniques

4. Evaluation
In future lecture plans, at least 35 Training sessions (70 Training hours) per semester (140 lectures
totally) should be provided.

During the 4 Semesters from 2012-2015 there were totally 132 Training Lectures provided:

 Semester I: 35 Training sessions (70 Training hours)

 Semester II: 34 Training sessions (68 Training hours)
 Semester III: 18 Training sessions (36 Training hours)
 Semester IV: 45 Training sessions (90 Training hours)

Responsible for the Training during 2012 to 2013: Mohammad Zaman Rajabi (Semester I, II, and III)

Responsible for the training during 2014 to 2015: Dr Angela Karin Keller (Semester IV)

Pre-Post Assessment Model

To assess the Psychologists learning outcomes, Pre and Post Tests were provided for most of the
Training Sessions. Pre-Posttests serve several purposes: knowledge of the current status of the
psychologists may provide guidance for future activities as well as the basis of comparison for a post-
test results; Knowledge gain from Pre to Post Test should reach at least 75%.


Presence lists for every session will control the continuous participation of the Psychologists in the
training sessions during the 4 Semesters.
All material handed out to the participants during the Semester (assessment tools, handouts, Pre
and Posttest, Feedback sheet and Evaluation etc.) are documented and stored in MHH office. MHH

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psychology department maintains records in such a way as to preserve the confidentiality of these
documents and to protect the physical and electronic record from inadvertent or unauthorized

Clinical Supervision

The clinical supervisor meets regularly with the psychologists to discuss case work and group therapy
in a structured way. The purpose is to assist the trainees to learn from his or her experience and
progress in expertise, as well as to ensure good service to the patient and group participants.

Each trainee receives at least 5 supervision sessions per Semester.

Training of Trainers (ToT)

All hospital psychologists received Training of Trainers (ToT) in order to gain knowledge and skills
and become competent in supervise the clinical activities of the possible future psychologists of
MHH; they will pass the knowledge and skills to prospective psychologists of MHH and help
psychology, counseling, social work students and volunteers with their practical skills.

As part of this training, the psychologists receive 3 ToT Sessions and 2 follow up Supervision

5. Conclusions
During the previous EC funded project, International Medical Corps started training MHH
psychologists. The focus is now on formalizing this training and to provide psychologists with
certificates in clinical psychology.

To meet requirements for APA accreditation of the Clinical Psychology program, students are
required to take courses that provide a “broad and general coverage of the foundational theories
and methods in:

1. History of Ideas in Psychology

2. Clinical neuropsychology
3. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
4. Social Psychology
5. Developmental Psychology
6. Psychopathology, adult and child
7. Clinical assessments, Tests and Measurements
8. Introduction to Clinical Ethics and Problems in Scientific & Professional Psychology
9. Research and Statistics

The MHH 4 semester lecture program is focused on the practical needs of psychologists working in a
Mental Health Hospital and offers psychologists a well-balanced curriculum in many fields. The
clinical core courses and the ongoing practicum focus on the theories and models of dysfunctional

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behavior, and evidence-based practice of assessment, intervention, evaluation, professional
standards, ethics and supervision.

The topics of the lectures focus mainly on psychopathology, diagnosis and clinical interventions, a
short introduction in history of ideas in Psychology, counseling skills, cognitive behavior therapy,
client centered psychotherapy, knowledge of clinical assessment, and measurements, techniques of
group, family and individual therapy, especially knowledge in closed group therapy with traumatized
and drug addicted clients, forensic psychology, specific interventions in PTSD, war trauma, anxiety
and depression therapy, and art therapy approaches.

In future there might be necessity for more lectures in Social Psychology, Development Psychology,
Neuropsychology, and especially on Research and Statistics. Research is a core activity of Clinical
Psychology and utilizes knowledge of methodology, including experimental, correlation and
epidemiological methods; knowledge of statistics including parametric, nonparametric and
multivariate approaches. In future program plans research and statistics should be included.

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