Glenium B250 SCC
Glenium B250 SCC
Glenium B250 SCC
GLENIUM B250 SCC has been primarily developed The excellent dispersion properties of GLENIUM
for applications in the ready mixed and precast B250 SCC make it the ideal admixture for precast
concrete industries where the highest durability and readymixed concrete where low water cement
and performance is required. ratios are required. This property allows the
production of very high early and high ultimate
GLENIUM B250 SCC is free from chlorides and strength concrete with minimal voids and therefore
complies with ASTM C494 Types B, D and G. optimum density. Due to the strength development
characteristics the elimination or reduction of steam
GLENIUM B250 SCC is compatible with all Portland curing in precast works may be considered as an
cements that meet recognised international economical option.
• high workability without segregation or
Chemistry and mechanism of action of GLENIUM bleeding
B250 SCC • less vibration required
• can be placed and compacted in congested
Conventional superplasticisers , such as those based reinforcement
on sulphonated melamine and naphthalene • reduced labour requirement
formaldehyde condensates, at the time of mixing, • improved surface finish
become absorbed onto the surface of the cement • ideal for use in self-compacting concrete in
particles. This absorption takes place at a very early conjunction with GLENIUM STREAM 2 viscosity
stage in the hydration process. The sulphonic enhancing admixture.
groups of the polymer chains increase the negative
charge on the surface of the cement particle and Packaging
dispersion of the cement occurs by electrostatic
repulsion. GLENIUM B250 SCC is available in 210 litre drums
and in bulk tanks upon request.
GLENIUM B250 SCC is differentiated from
conventional superplasticisers in that it is based on Effect on hardened concrete properties
a unique carboxylic ether polymer with long lateral
chains. This greatly improves cement dispersion. At • increased early and ultimate compressive
the start of the mixing process the same strengths
electrostatic dispersion occurs as described
• increased flexural strength
previously but the presence of the lateral chains,
• higher E modulus
linked to the polymer backbone, generate a steric
• improved adhesion to reinforcing and stressing
hindrance which stabilises the cement particles
capacity to separate and disperse.
• better resistance to carbonation
This mechanism provides flowable concrete with • lower permeability
greatly reduced water demand. • better resistance to aggressive atmospheric
• reduced shrinkage and creep
• increased durability
GLENIUM B250 SCC must not be used in GLENIUM B250 SCC contains no hazardous
conjunction with any other admixture unless prior substances requiring labelling. For further
approval is received from MBT Middle East information refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet.
Technical Services.
GLENIUM B250 SCC is suitable for mixes containing:
Field service, where provided, does not constitute
• microsilica supervisory responsibility. For additional
• pulverised fuel ash information contact your local MBT representative.
• ground granulated blast furnace slag cement
MBT reserves the right to have the true cause of any
Dosage difficulty determined by accepted test methods.
The normal dosage for GLENIUM B250 SCC is Quality and care
between 0.5 and 1.5 litres per 100 kg of cement
(cementitious material). All products originating from MBT’s Dubai, UAE
facility are manufactured under a management
Dosages outside this range are permissible subject system independently certified to conform to the
to trial mixes. requirements of the quality, environmental and
occupational health & safety standards ISO 9000,
Directions for use ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001.
MBT Middle East LLC P.O. Box 37127, Dubai, U.A.E. Whilst any information contained herein is true, accurate and represents
our best knowledge and experience, no warranty is given or implied with
Tel: +971 4 8851000 Fax: +971 4 8851002 any recommendations made by us, our representatives or distributors, as
the conditions of use and the competence of any labour involved in the e-mail: [email protected] application are beyond our control.
Certificate No: 945787
As all MBT technical datasheets are updated on a regular basis it is the user's responsibility to obtain the most recent issue.