Skripsi Mahasiswa
Skripsi Mahasiswa
Skripsi Mahasiswa
1.1. Background
our region that is our country. So that, it is very urgent for learners to study and
master it, English has specific rule for us who wants use to get in touch with the
others people. One of part from English that should be mastered namely
part to begin our writing, speaking, reading and listening, it makes us easy to
translate some words into English or Indonesia. If the students have good
vocabulary in their mind, they can understand the meaning of the text and they
can converse to others. The fact many students cannot understand the text and
mastering vocabulary is one important thing for the students because by mastering
something to hang on when learning structure, but was frequently not a main
without thinking whether the students have understood or not about the material and
then they always explain the material quickly. Therefore the students do not enjoy the
the reason that make the students were difficult to memorize English vocabularies
because they are bored with the teachers’ way in teaching English especially and no
The problems previously also faced by the students at the tenth year of
SMPN 6 Lermatang. The students felt bored in studying English because teacher in
SMPN 6 Lermatang giving material just use one way which never changed when they
teach English to the students. Besides, the way of teacher in explain the material is
very quick, they never think whether the students have understood or not. It also the
students do not enjoy and un interested to learn vocabulary during the learning
stimulation for the students of SMPN 6 Lermatang through alternative method like
using game, and also the students must be encouraged. Many matters students faced
when they study English, namely: lack of vocabulary, have no motivation more, and
and make the students easily in learning vocabulary. There are many methods that
can be used to improve the students’ vocabulary and one of them is using snowball
students enjoy and can decrease worry in learning vocabulary. Snowball throwing is
enjoyable when applied in classroom because it is interesting and make the student
attractive in learning process so they can be easily receive the material. Besides,
through snowball throwing students get a new vocabulary by using it, because there is
new vocabulary therefore students can improve their vocabulary. The last, they also
Based on problem statements, the objective of the research is to find out the
enrich students’ vocabulary. It can be useful to all readers who want to use Snowball
English and be reference for the student in improving their ability in studying
where the researcher used pictures and music as instrumental to give sign in applying
Snowball Throwing for Seventh year students of SMPN 6 Lermatang. The pictures
In this thesis, the researcher found some researchers which are closely related
a. The researcher, Febrianti Indrasari (2012) in thesis which written under title
Surakarta in the 2011/2012 Academic Year)”. The research findings show that
words. The highest improvement was the aspect of using of words. Snowball
active learners as they involved in the activity and they automatically learned by
b. The researcher, Kurnianengsih (2013) in thesis which written under title “Using
Students of SMPN 21 Pekanbaru”. The result show that after two cycles of the
Snowball Throwing Model treatment, it was found that there was improvement of
speaking ability of the second year students and could perform a good speaking
results of the two cycles were found on the Post-test 2, where about 83.33% of the
ability in narrative text. Moreover, the students’ activeness during the Snowball
Throwing Model treatment also improved from one meeting to others. Regarding
the effectiveness of the Snowball Throwing model on the observation sheets and
field notes results showed that the students had positive attitudes towards and that
the approach could help them speak better and make the class more interesting.
Both of the previous studies above its so different from this research
where the result of this research showed that from cycle 1 to cycle 2 there was
SMPN 6 Lermatang. It proved with mean score in cycle 2 was 85,5 meanwhile in
cycle 1 was 50,5. Through snowball throwing the researcher used picture and
music so that the students could enjoy and got fun with this material.
student, but it is guiding the students in order that they are able to be success. Jack
Guiding and facilitating learning, enabling the learner to learn, setting the
The process of teaching has three main components, the components are
researcher who teaches, students who accept the knowledge and the last is
2.3. Vocabulary
a. Definition of Vocabulary
of the components of language and that no language exists without words. More
words we know, more ideas we can explore. So, we can communicate the ideas
Hornby (1995) states that vocabulary is: All the words in a particular
language; The words that people use them they are talking; A list words whit
language; however a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word.
something to hang on when learning structure, but was frequently not a main
skills in English.
b. Type of Vocabulary
the words that you understand when you read or listen, but which we do not use
(or cannot remember) in our own writing and speaking. Active vocabulary is all
the words you understand, plus all the words that we can use ourselves. Our
active vocabulary, in English and your own language, is probably much smaller
Kenji Kito et al (2013), In detail the vocabulary are divide into four
a) Active speaking Vocabulary is words that the speakers are able to use
in speaking.
Jeremy Harmer (1992) also divides vocabulary into two types, those are:
when they meet them but they will probably not be able to produce.
b) Active vocabulary refers to words that students have learned. They are
Collier writes that there are words lists, one of function words and
contain words that containing basic two thousand words English vocabulary,
Collier (1997). White page and Thomas in Ali divided vocabulary into four kinds
as follows:
b) Writing vocabulary; the word that come reading to one finger vocabulary.
c) Listening vocabulary; the stock of woods one responds with meaning and
d) Reading vocabulary; the words which one responds in the writing of others,
(Ibid, P.10)
c. Vocabulary Selection
done carefully. English researcher should know which words will not be useful to
the students. Useful words are the word that occurs frequently in everyday
should choose the actual words that can be used by the students. In this case,
before teaching it, the researcher should select the vocabulary students need.
selection has been that of frequency. We can decide which words we should
teach on the basis of how frequently they are used by speakers of the language.
The words which are most commonly used are the ones we should teach first.
environment and anything that relate to their words. Make the students like to
study by, games, role play, singing or song, etc, (Ibid, P.37)
c) Singing a song
e) Realita
In this case the writer just chooses the first method in doing the research,
that is games.
1. Function Words
By ‘Function words’ we mean a word that does not belong to one of the
four major part of speech in English (noun, verb, adjective, and adverb). Their
purpose is not only to express meaning but to relate other words to each other.
These are the words you must know in order to speak or understand English with
any fluency at all. Not only are they among the most frequent in the language, but
specialized expressions. They also include numerals, day of the week, and month
of the year. Many of the words can be used in more than one way.
Function words are those that often have little meaning in the dictionary
sense but which serve important functions in relating other words in the language
to each other. Examples are: is, at, to, which, for, by, he etc. since these are the
words that occur most frequently the language, they are sure to be mastered in any
good elementary language course. You simply cannot say much of any looking
them up in the dictionary is not of much use. Since they acquire most of their
meaning from the sentences in which then are used, it is rather pointless to discuss
them in isolation.
The other function of words is the basic building in speech and writing.
No one can communicate without words that convey exact meaning. The purpose
the word is not only to express meaning but to relate other words to each other.
These are the words we must know in order to speak or understand English with
any fluency at all. Not only they are among the most frequent in the language, but
specialized expressions. They also in include numeral, days of the week, and
months of year. Many of the words can be used in more than one way.
2. Contents Words
Content words are words which refer to a thing, quality, state, or action
and which have meaning (lexical meaning) when the words are used like noun.
Hornby (1995) stated that a noun is a word used to name or identify any
of a class of things, people, place or ideas. Nouns have subclasses. They are
pronoun and function nouns. Pronoun comprise seven words namely I, We, You,
They, He, She, It. All of them have inflectional variants, but they do not have
plural suffix- (e)/s, and the possessive suffix-‘s as most nouns do.
There are some types of nouns. They are proper nouns, concrete or abstract
nouns, countable or non countable nouns, and collective nouns, Marcel Frank (1972).
Proper nouns: Mr. John Smith, Holland, Dutchman, Easter, June, Liberty,
Concrete noun: is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by the sense-
Abstract nouns: a word for a concept-it is an idea that exists in our minds
Noncountable noun: is not used in the plural.Mass nouns form one typeof
noncountable noun. They are words for concrete objects stated in an undivided
quantity (coffee, iron). Abstracts nouns (including names of school subjects and
countable sense and will therefore have plural. In addition, a noncountable noun
family, flock, folk, government, group, herd, jury, majority, minority, nation,
started with form group then each leader get job from techer to make vocab in
paper and then the paper is thrown into another group, and then every student
present vocabulary in the paper. According Saminanto in the same source state
that snowball throwing is practice students so that more active receive messages
from other students in form snowball that be made from paper, and deliver its
throwing is one of vocabulary games which make students enjoy and can
for the students. In teaching learning process, snowball throwing method can be
This method is not difficult to apply. The rule is very simple to the
subject under study when the play this method. The role of teaching snowball
a) Giving one topic for the student about what topic will you teach. For
d) The researcher throws the ball to the first student. The first student throw
the ball to the other students, taking turns from the right side to the left
side during the music plays and then suddenly the researcher stop the
e) The researcher shows a picture about the topic to the students. The last
student which holds the ball must answer what the researcher shows. If
the student cannot answer, the games will be continue to the next
student until anyone can answer correctly and if all of the students
cannot answer correctly, the researcher will answer what the picture is
about. This situation can make students adroit in three activities at the
f) The researcher explains and gives simple question that related to the
g) This step continues until the researcher finishing the last picture
h) This method can make the players or in this case the students more adroit
a) This method can make the players or in this case the students more
a) Snowball throwing need a lot of time to finish all the picture, because
another student
makes situation more crowded because the student screams when the
ball running
because not all the students get the chance to study because limit of
vocabulary through snowball throwing. The learning process was fun and
interesting for them. The researcher used classroom action research it consisted
two cycles. The researcher made planning, action, and observation. The
participation, analyzing and making conclusion. The researcher could identify the
teaching vocabulary.
Conceptual Framework
Learning Method
This research applied the Classroom Action Research (CAR) method that
consist of four stages, they are: Planning, Implementation of Action, Observation, and
Reflection. Judging from its name already indicated the content contained is a research
activity conducted in the classroom. Because there were three words that make sense,
model and rules for obtaining the data or information useful in improving the
3. Classes, namely: in this sense is not tied to the classroom, but in more specific
terms. As has long been recognized in the field of education and teaching, the
meaning of the term class is a group of students who are in the same time, receive
the same lessons from the same teacher as well, Suharsimin Arikunto (2007).
There were three cycles that be done by the researcher. Each cycle was the
series of activities which have close relation. The realization of the next cycle will
year students of SMPN 6 Lermatang class VII. The total number of students was 20
students. This research was done in two cycles, in order to find out the effective way in
1. English Researcher
English researcher was a researcher in this research, where the English researcher
2. Students
The position of the students in this research was as the subject of the research
The collaborator in this research as the observer, the collaborator helped the
researcher to observe the students, so the researcher was able to know the students
condition in learning process and gave the suggestion for the problem in each cycle.
1. Methods
a. Observation list : It was useful to observe the students’ participation during the
discussion part among the researcher and the collaborators as a way to make
b. Interview : To find out the level of successful in implementing the use of snowball
2. Instrument
The instrument was used in collecting data in this classroom action research were:
The data which collected in every observation in each cycle was analyzed
1. Vocabulary test result : Students’ score of vocabulary test was counted by using the
formula, as follow:
2. Calculating the mean score of the students’ reading comprehension test by using the
formula :
Where :
X = Mean score
3. Activities of students during the learning process: it was analyzed by considering the
Cycle 1
The first cycle of this classroom based research consist of planning, acting,
a. Planning
1) Make a lesson plan about the use of snowball throwing in teaching
3) Make the instrument which used in each cycle of the classroom action
b. Action
1) The researcher prepared all of the instruments in the class before starting
4) The researcher distributed the list of vocabulary and then plays the game.
5) The researcher asked the students to see the picture and guess the picture.
6) The students wrote down in a paper the vocabularies that have been showed.
7) The researcher discussed the picture with the students, then explains and list of
c. Observation
d. Reflecting
The result of the data have been done, it was continued until can be made
as reflection after action research. The reflection was discussed with a guidance
lecturer while the researcher should make research planning for the next cycle. The
research plan was the plan for the next cycle which repaired from cycle 1.
Cycle 2
In this section, the researcher is going to do the next action based on the
a. Planning
3) Make planning again in the scenario learning process from the result of cycle 1
b. Action
In this stage, action is done to upgrade the result based on the cycle 1
reflection. The stages were different because the picture which used about
transportation pictures:
1) The researcher prepared all of the instruments in the class before starting
4) The researcher distributes the list of vocabulary and then plays the game.
5) The researcher asked the students to see the picture and guess the picture.
6) The students write down in a paper the vocabularies that have been showed.
7) The researcher discusses the picture with the students, then explains and list
c. Observation
cycle 1.
d. Reflecting
know whether the action of this cycle reaches success criteria based on the result
action. This classroom action research was success if some of the following
1) Most of the students have a good score in evaluation (vocabulary test) (65).
who is established by SMPN 6 Lermatang for English subjects is 70 . There were also
increased attendance, attention, and the activity of students in the learning process that
4.1. Findings
The findings of the research explained the cycles of teaching and learning
process of this current research. In this case, there were two cycles, it can be seen in
Cycle 1
Problem Planning
Reflecting I
analysis I
Next Cycle
Cycle 2
Problem Planning
Reflecting II
analysis II
Cycle I
The first cycle of this classroom based research consist of planning, acting, observation
and reflecting.
1. Planning
teaching vocabulary.
through snowball throwing, such as picture, the camera, students’ test, and
observation sheet.
2. Acting
The action of cycle 1 started on 16 January 2024, at the first lesson at 7:30
a.m. The researcher opened the class by greeting all the students and introduced
himself and his collaborator. After that, he asked the condition of the students then
explained what the snowball throwing is and the steps of it in learning vocabulary or
what must they did during the class. Before starting the lesson, he divided the
students into four groups then gave them one topic, the topic was about the animals.
To make the students easier in learning process, the researcher gave them list of
vocabulary that would be used during using snowball throwing. He wrote the
vocabulary on the whiteboard and prepared the first ball that would be thrown.
Firstly, the plastic ball was thrown by the researcher to the first student and
then the first student threw the plastic ball to the other students in other groups,
during the activities the music was played and then suddenly he stopped the music.
It indicated that the last student which held the ball must answer the question and
also all the students had to answer question related to the picture in the plastic ball.
The question was “ what picture is this?” then the students answered the question
related to the picture, the first picture was crocodile. Next, the students must
continue to throw the plastic ball to other groups when their member in each group
that could not answer the question that related to the picture would be out and the
plastic ball would be thrown continually until anyone can answer correctly and if all
of the students cannot answer correctly, the researcher could give the correct answer.
By the end of the class, the researcher closed the class with conclusion as
appreciation to all students that the students had done well in learning although there
were still some of them unable to answer the questions because their vocabulary was
3. Observation
throwing in the first cycle, the researcher and the colaborator did observation. They
found that some of students got improvements in vocabulary. The students said that
the learning process was interesting, enjoyable and they felt happy. In other side, He
also found that some others were still under the target or the criteria. Such as; the
students were not familiar with the learning by using snowball throwing, they didn’t
have a braveness to be active during the learning process, they have limited
vocabulary and some of them didn’t know how to pronounce some vocabularies. For
example, when they pronounce “/horse/”, they still say” /hor-se/” instead of “/hors/”
Evaluation of the students’ vocabulary test showed that there were some
students who got low scores and the mean score was only 50.5.
Table 1
1 R001 50
2 R002 30
3 R003 60
4 R004 50
5 R005 80
6 R006 20
7 R007 60
8 R008 30
9 R009 60
10 R010 60
11 R011 70
12 R012 70
13 R013 40
14 R014 60
15 R015 70
16 R016 50
17 R017 30
18 R018 50
19 R019 40
20 R020 30
= = 50,5
Table 2
The table above shows that the students’ score in the test of cycle I;
there was none student got ‘very good’, 4 (20%) students got ‘good’, 9(45%)
students got ‘fair’, 6 (30%) students got ‘poor’ and 1 student got ‘very poor’
Table 3
Cycle 1 Score
To 60
sc 50
e 40
10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Total of students
Besides, the researcher and collaborator also did observation about the students’
activeness during the class and the they got some data, It can be seen in the table bellow:
Table 4
1 001
2 002
3 003
4 004
5 005
6 006
7 007
8 008
9 009
10 010
11 011
12 012
13 013
14 014
15 015
16 016
17 017
18 018
19 019
20 020
Total 3 7 6 4
Where :
Very active : the students are responsive and participated fully in all activities in
Active : the students responses the material and interacting with others, whether
Less active : the students pays attention and gives responses once in a while.
Not active : the student does not give respond to the material, she/he looks
confused, bored and sometimes leaves the class, sleepy, fiddling mobile, write or
Table 5
Very active 4 20 %
Active 6 30 %
Less active 7 35 %
Not active 3 15 %
P= N x 100
Where :
Percentage F
: Frequency
N : Total of students.
Table 6
Diagram the Students’ Participation
Not Active
Less Active
Very Active
Based on research data in the cycle 1 which is shown by the description above
that included 20 students, there were 4 (20 %) students were very active in the class.
The active students were 6 (30 %), the less active students were 7 (35 %). And the
students not active were 3 (15%) students. This section was not success because there
4. Reflection
The reflection was done by the researcher and collabolator as it was found
There were significant weaknesses in the first cycle that the researcher found
such as;
c) The students did not focus to the material. Because the students just needed
d) They did not understand about how to pronounce the word well.
To solve these problems above, the researcher gave more practice about
the using snowball throwing to make them easier in memorizing vocabulary, still
gave list of vocabulary to them and told how to pronounce the words correctly and
Cycle 2
1. Planning
The content of this planning was the results from reflection of cycle I. The
results of cycle I was used to plan the action in cycle 2. The planning was done in
I. the goal of discussion was for solving the problem or weakness which was
Actually the plan of cycle was closely same with cycle I. but the researcher
made new strategy for increasing the cycle 2. Such as the researcher gave more
practice about the using snowball throwing to make them easier in memorizing
nouns, gave list of vocabulary then told them how to pronounce the words correctly
and gave new topic and interesting picture. The researcher hoped in the cycle 2 the
2. Acting
At the beginning of the first meeting was closely same with previously
meeting. Researcher opened the class by greeting the students like saying hi or hello
and asked their condition by saying how are you? then reviewed about the material
that had been given before where the question was” what is the Indonesia of horse?.
In this section, the researcher gave more practice to make them easier in memorizing
vocabulary and to make the students interest in learning process, he gave new
picture, the picture was about the transportation. The researcher also gave list of
vocabulary that used in learning process then told them how to pronounce the words
In this cycle the researcher asked the student threw the base ball to the other
students in other groups, during the activity the music was played and then suddenly
the researcher stopped the music. It indicated that the last student which held the
base ball had to answer the question. “what picture is this?” After answering the
question, the student who held the base ball continued threw the base ball to other
groups. In this activity, most of the students could answer the questions. After all of
the picture had been showed, the researcher calculated the true answering by the
students in each group and also the researcher looked for the winner of this activity.
Then he gave a reward to the group that had been the winner.
By the end of the class, the researcher motivated them so that they got spirit
and was active in learning process. After that, he closed the class by giving
conclusion as appreciation to all students that the students had done well in learning.
3. Observation
in the action cycle 2, they found that students’ participation was very good. The
teaching material seemed interesting for the students. There fore almost of them
followed the learning process enthusiastically so that the class seemed more active
than before. The quality of learning process increased from the first cycle to the
second cycle could be seen from the students’ oral tested. The researcher and
collaborator also found that most of the students could catch the vocabulary easily
and relax the situation during the use of snowball throwing. And the last,
evaluation of student’s vocabulary achievements showed that the students got better
score than in the first cycle. The mean score was 85.5.
Table 7
The mean score of students’ vocabulary in Cycle 2
1 R001 90
2 R002 80
3 R003 90
4 R004 90
5 R005 90
6 R006 90
7 R007 90
8 R008 90
9 R009 70
10 R010 90
11 R011 80
12 R012 90
13 R013 90
14 R014 90
15 R015 80
16 R016 80
17 R017 80
18 R018 70
19 R019 90
20 R020 90
= = 85,5
Table 8
Fair 41-60 - -
Poor 21-40 - -
The table above shows the students’ score in cycle II; in which there were no
student got ‘ fair, poor and very poor’, 13 (65 %) students got ‘ very good’. And
Table 9
Cycle 2 Score
Total score
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Total students
After that the researcher also did observation about activities of students
in the class. He did it with observer, and got some data about activities of students in
learning process. Based on the result of observation he got some data, such as none
students were not active, 2 students were less active, 12 students were active, and
just 6 students were very active. It can be seen in the table bellow:
Table 10
1 001
2 002
3 003
4 004
5 005
6 006
7 007
8 008
9 009
10 010
11 011
12 012
13 013
14 014
15 015
16 016
17 017
18 018
19 019
20 020
Total 0 2 12 6
Where :
1. Very active : the students are responsive and participated fully in all activities
2. Active : the students responses the material and interacting with others,
3. Less active : the students pays attention and gives responses once in a while.
4. Not active : the student does not give respond to the material, she/he looks
confused, bored and sometimes leaves the class, sleepy, fiddling mobile, write or
Table 11
Diagram the Students’ Participation
Table 12
Where :
Percentage F
: Frequency
N : Total of students.
can be known that from 20 students, there were 6 (30%) students were very active in
the class by using snowball throwing. There were 12 (60 %) students were observed
as the active ones. And there were still 2 (10%) students who less active and there
was not student not active in cycle 2. Based on the result of data analysis above, the
researcher found that in the cycle 2 the students’ active participation was better than
the result in the cycle 1, because the researcher gave more practice about the using
snowball throwing to make them easier in memorizing nouns, still gave list of
vocabulary then told them how to pronouncing the words correctly and gave knew
topic and interesting picture. He also believes that the criteria of success in the cycle
2 had been achieved as the accumulation from the percentage of very active and
4. Reflecting
Some successful points in the Cycle 2 namely: most of the students were
familiar with the using snowball throwing in vocabulary achievements. Most of the
student were active in learning activities, 12 students were active, 6 students were
very active, 2 students were less active, and none of student was not active. It is
mean that 90% students were active in learning process and 10% were not really
active. Therefore, researcher and collaborator decided to stop the CAR. Researcher
4.2. Discussion
For the first section, the researcher wanted to discuss about students’ active
cycle, she found that there were 4(20%) students were very active in learning
process by using snowball throwing. The active students were 6(30%), there were 7
(35%) students were less active, and there were 3(15%) students who were not
active. The accumulation from very active students and active students reached 50%.
It did not reach the criteria and the data took from observation list that was done by
From data and observation, he found that there were 10 students very
active and active during learning process, it caused they like the way the researcher
taught them by using snowball throwing which they could enjoy and have fun with
their friends, and also they felt happy so that they easier to receive and understand
the lesson. Besides, he also found the problems of the class, why students not active
and less active because the students were not familiar with the learning by using
snowball throwing, they didn’t have a braveness to be active during the learning
process, they have limited vocabulary and some of them didn’t know how to
pronounce some vocabularies. For example, when they pronounce “/horse/”, they
still say” /horse/” instead of “/hors/”. The result of the students’ score in the first
cycle 50,5 and the criteria of success had not been achievewhich was determined.
In the second cycle revised from the first cycle, the researcher did new
plan in order to solve the problems in cycle 1. Such as; the researcher gave more
practice about the using snowball throwing to make them easier in memorizing
nouns, gave list of vocabulary then told them how to pronouncing the words
By doing the procedures above, she found that there were 6 (30%) students
were observed very active in the teaching learning process by using snowball
throwing. There were 12 (60%) students were observed as the active ones. There
were still 2(10%) students who was less active and surprisingly there was no not
active student in the cycle 2 were found. Referred to the result of data analysis, he
found that the students’ active participation was better than the result in the cycle 1.
He also found that the criteria of success in the cycle 2 had been achieved as the
accumulation from the percentage of very active and active. It reached 90%.
And the result of students’ score in this cycle showed 85,5 and the criteria of
succes had been achieved. According to explanation above, the researcher concluded
that the students’ participation was very good at the time. The teaching material
seemed interesting for the students. Therefore almost of them followed the
learning process enthusiastically so that the class seemed more active than
before. The quality of learning process increased from the first cycle to the
second cycle could be seen from the students’ oral tested. The researcher and
collaborator also found that most of the students could catch the vocabulary easily
and relax the situation during the use of snowball throwing. The last, evaluation
of student’s vocabulary achievements showed that the students got better score
than in the first cycle. It means that, teaching vocabulary by using snowball
Action Research at the Fifth Year Students of SDN Banyuanyar I Surakarta in the
2011/2012 Academic Year)”. The research findings show that Snowball Throwing
improvement was the aspect of using of words. Snowball throwing games could
Snowball throwing games could change the students to be active learners as they
involved in the activity and they automatically learned by doing, Febrianti Indrasari
This chapter consist of two sections. The first section deals with the
5.1. Conclusions
After finishing the research, the researcher concluded that there were some
effective ways of using Snowball Throwing to teach vocabulary at the seventh year
1) Giving more practice about the using snowball throwing to make the students easier in
2) Giving list of vocabulary then told them how to pronounce the words
4) Changing the atmosphere of the students in the classroom during learning process and
snowball throwing was good. The students said that they felt happy and have fun
5.2. Suggestions
1) Snowball throwing was the effective way of the teaching process, because that is a
students which can make them rilex and enjoy getting the material and also the
2) To achieve the goal of teaching the teacher should adapt between material and
3) For the next researcher who wants to do the research on the use of snowball
throwing too, hope this research paper can be a reference to make them easier in
doing their research. It is better to find more theories that support the use of
Kisworo in
penerapan- metode-snowball.html. Accessed on Januari 10th 2013, at
09.00 a.m.
Kurnianengsih, Deni .Using Snowball Throwing Model To Increase Speaking
Ability Of The Second Year Students Of SMPN 21 Pekanbaru. (online): 123456789/1318, accessed on 2nd
February 2013.
Muhajir, Upaya Meningkatkan Minat Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran
Pendidikan Agama Islam Melalui Metode Snowball di Kelas VII MTs.
PMDS Bagian Putra Palopo, Skripsi, STAIN Palopo, 2011.
Nunan, David. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Cambridge
University Press.1995.
Siklus 1
Nama peneliti : Emiliana Kundre
Siklus 2
The animal’s pictures using in learning