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Annex 83
Estate Tax Retum

1. Processing of transactions commence only upon submission of COMPI.ETE DOCUMENTS.
2. Ma*'/forsubmitted documenb and Xforlacking documenb.

tD +'"f()
I, tte BlR, if grm taxable estiate o<ceeds P8,000 for
deathsmrnirg deathsocanirp

of ExtraJudicial Setternent tte estate has been

and the of the murt approvirg lhe same wihin hirty (30) days after tte

decedent itemized deductiors fun gross estate ard the amount due it he gross
(P5,000,@0) for decedent's deah on or after January 1, 201 8 or two mi[ion pesos
1, 1998 to December 31, 2017,
offte he family home b mnjugal propedy and does not exceed
b one{atf only);
'Clains Against the Estate' arising iom Conbacl of Loan;
contracted wihin hree (3)years priorto deah of tre deceden(
Pmof of tfre ciaimed'Property PreviursV Tued';
Proof of he dairned 'Trarsfer for Pubtic Use';
Copy of Tax Debtt Memo med m payrnent if applicable.
Propeilies, if any: -LD
Ceilined fue copyfies of tB T@effficale/s of tdrnpropertylles (toritand badr pages), if

g applicable;
Cedified tue copy of the Tax Dedaration of real properties at the time of death, if applicable;
Certificate of No lmprweriiffilEBty{c Assesso/s Office where dedared properties hane no

For Pgronal Ptopedies, ifany

fvl Certificate of Deposit/lnvestnenUldeHedness orned by fte decedeflt and he survMrg spuse, if applicable;
l-l enotmpyffGiTffite ot negisratirx of vehides and otter proob sho,virg the conect value of lhe same, if apflicable;
f-t Proof of valuation ol shares ol stock at $e time of death, if applicable;
For shares of stock not listed/not taded - Latest Audited Finarcial Statement of tre issuing corporation witt
computation of frre bok value per share
For shares of stocks listed/traded - Price index fmm lhe PSBIatest FMV published in the nompaper at the time of
For dub shares - Price published in na,rapapers on the kansaclion date or nearest to the transaclion date
lTl Photocogy of cerlificate of stocts, il applicable;
f-l proor ot ulrua{ion of other types A pe'rbnat property, if applicable;

Other Altrtional Requirements, fflqF@ble:

gfl Specia eora of AttomeyG?A), ilthe percon transadirg/processirg lhe karstur b not a party to tre trarsadion and/or S\vom

Statement if one of tE heir$tedEsignated as exeaior/adminisffior
Certification fronr tre Philippine Consulate if docurnent b o<eorted abroad I
I-l Location PlanMcinity map if zonalvalue cannot be rcadily detemined from tln dmrments submitted
Fi CertlRcate of Exemption8lR Ruling issued by he Commissioner of lntemal Revenue or his authorized representative, if ta
I-l BIR-aWoved requet for imtallment payment of Estate tax due
Fl B|R+pproved request for paflial disposition of Estate
l-l Sudr other doanmenb m may be required by ladrulirEs/regulaions/etc.

Submitted by: Date: _

Name ofTaxpayer
Received bv: Date:

Acknowledgement of applicant:
I _ , of legal age, hereby acknorledge the identified lacklng documentary requiremenUs
(marked with'X') s,hich I commit to submit wittrin five (5) workirB days. I understand lhat my application will only be
processed upon submission o( complete doarnenUs.
Name of TaxpayerRepresentative


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