HM Notes - Electric Charges and Fields
HM Notes - Electric Charges and Fields
HM Notes - Electric Charges and Fields
another charge.
There are two-types of electric charge; positive and negative. (Like charges repel and unlike
2. ** Is charge a scalar or a vector?
3. **Write the SI unit of charge (1 Mark) - March 2014
4. What are point charges?
Charges whose sizes are negligible compared to the distance between them are called point
Topics: Charging
5. Mention different methods ofcharginga materlal.
Charging by friction, charging by conduction and charging by induction.
6. What is charging by friction?
Charging by friction involves rubbing two suitable types of materials against each other. The
two materials acquire opposite type of charge on rubbing.
Gtve examplesofpalrs of materlals that can be charged by friction
Pair Posltively Charged Negatively Charged
Material Materlal
Wool rubbed with Wool Amber
Glass rubbed with silkGlass Silk
Hair and comb Hair Plastic
Extra Information: Electrons can be exchanged between materials on contact. After coming into
contact, a chemical bond is formed between some parts of the two surfaces, called adhesion, and
charges move from one material to the other to equalize their electrochemical potential. When
separated, some of the bonded atoms have a tendency to keep extra electrons, and some a
tendency to give them away. The body which loses electrons gets positively charged. The body
which gains electrons gets negatively charged.
When we rub a glass rod with silk, electrons from the rod are transferred to the silk cloth. Thus,
the rod gets positively charged and the silk gets
negatively charged.
The two materials only need to come into contact and then separate for the material to be
charged. However, the effect is greatly enhanced by rubbing the materials together, as they touch
and separate many times.
1 Page
8. What is the meaning of
a) Neutral or uncharged body?
b) positively charged body?
charged body?
is made up of atoms.Atoms contain positive and
electrons). negative charges(protons and
a) A body is said to be neutral if positive and
b) A body is said to be positively charged if it negative charge is exactly balanced.
contains excess positive
c)A body is said to be negatively charged charge
if it contains excess negative charge.
9. **When a glass rod is rubbed with
silk it gets positively charged.
a) Does this mean that the positlvely charged
b) If yes, is there transfer of protons from silk glass
rod has more protons than electrons.
to glass?
a) Yes.
b) No, charging by friction involves transfer of electrons from one
body to another.
10.** A polythene piece rubbed with wool is
found to have a negative charge, is there a
transfer of mass from wool to
Yes. Charging by friction involves
transfer of electrons from one
Herepolythene gets negatively charged by gaining electrons andbody to another.
hence its mass increases.
CThe increase in mass is very small and almost
11.* Whatis charging by conduction?
When a charged body is brought in contact with an
be transferred to the conductor. This is uncharged conductor, some charge will
called charging by conduction.
12. What is charging by induction?
A charged body is
brought near an uncharged conductor but not in contact with the
conductor. This induces charges of
opposite sign on the conductor.
13.** Mention properties
of conductors and insulators (With respect to electric charge)
Conductors allow electric charge to move
a conductor, it
through them. When some charge is transferred to
spreads over the surface of the conductor.
Insulators do not allow electric charge to
pass through them. The charge transferred on to an
insulator does not get spread, it stays at the same
Properties of Electric charges
14.**** Write any two basic
15. **** Mention any three
properties of charge. (2 Marks) March 2019
Additivity of charges
.Conservation of charges
Quantisation of charge
16.*** What is additivity of charges?
The total charge of a system is the algebraic sum of all individual charges in the
(Charge is a scalar quantity hence they add up like real numbers or system.
Example: If a system contains three point charges,q = +1 unit, q2 =+2 units, 9a-1 unit
Total charge of the system =
q1 + 42 t 9a= (+1) +(+2)+(-1) =
+2 units
17.*** State law of conservation of
>The total charge
of an isolated system remains constant.
18.*** What is quantisation
>The total
of charge. Mention expression.
charge (q) on a body is always an integral multiple of e. where, e is the
electron/proton (e). charge of an
Thus, q ne, where n = 0,1,2,3,.
The value of e is +1.6 x 10-19 coulomb.
By convention, the
charge on an electron is taken to be negative and that on a proton as te
19.*** A polythene piece rubbed with wool is found to have a negative charge of 3 x 10-7 C.
Estimate he number of electrons transferred
q =3 x 10-7C
9ne or n = 3 x
n = 1.875 x
e1.6x 10-19
1012 electrons
>Coulomb's law: The electrostatic force between two point charges at rest, is
proportional to the product of the magnitude of charges and inversely proportionaldirectly
to the
square of the distance between them. It acts along the line joining the two charges.
24.** Two polnt charges are separated by some distance, repel each other with a force F. What
will be the force if distance between them is halved?
(1) +(2)
or F= 4 F
33.** Obtain the expression for electric intensity due to a point charge and explain the terms.
Consider a charge Source charge Q and a test charge q4o, Let the test charge be at a distancer
from the source charge. Then,
F- o 4TTE r2
SI unit: Cm2
37. Mention of expression for electric field due to a continuous charge distribution.
F AV since,Q = pAv
Electric dipole:
38,*** What is electric dipole? (1 Mark) - March 2016
An electric dipole is a pair of equal and opposite point charges, separated by a small distance.
Dipole-General information:
Consider a dipole consisting of point charges
-9 to tq. Let the charges be separated by a
small distance 2a as shown in the diagram.
0 is the mid-point between -q and +q, itis
called the centre of the dipole. 0:
A straight line passing through both the
charges is called the axis of the dipole.
A straight line perpendicular to the axis
and passing through the center of the
dipole is called the equatorial line.
The direction of the dipole is from -qto
39.**What is the net charge of an electric dipole?
40. * Define electric dipole moment. Mention its expression and SI unit.
Dipole moment is a vector quantity whose magnitude equal to the product of magnitude of
either of the charge and the distance between the charges.
The direction is along the line from -q to q.
i.e. = q x 2ap where, p is the unit vector along the dipole axis (from -q to q)
The Si unit of dipole moment is Coulomb metre
Topic: Dipole in an electric field
41.*** What is the net force on an electrie
Zero dipole placed in a uniform electric ffeld?
a) b)
61 Page
d) e)
Electric fux
General Information - Electric flux
Consider a stream of water. If a ring is held inside the stream then some water can flow through
the ring. The volume of liquid crossing the area per unit time is called liquid flux. Similarly,
Electric flux over an area is a measure of the number of electric field lines crossing this area.
(Note: There is nothing physically observable that flows in case of electric flux)
In the above example, the amount of water flowing through the ring per unit time depends on
the orientation of the ring.
If the surface of the ring is perpendicular to the direction of flow
Flux is maximum
If the surface of the ring is parallel to the direction of flow Flux is
Since the orientation of the area element changes the flux, area
should be treated as a vector in calculating flux
49.*What is electric flux?
Electric flux over a surface is the total number of electric
field lines passing through the surface area normally.
50.What is the direction of area vector?
I t is perpendicular to the surface area
51.*** Mention expression for electric flux through a
surface (for a flat surface in uniform electrdc E-Electric field intensity
= E . A = EA cos e A-Area vector
52.*** What is the SI unit ofelectric flux? Is electric fux a -Angle between E and A
scalar or a vector?
53. How to calculate flux through a curved
We consider the curved surface to be made up of a
elements. Each small
large number of very small area
area element may be considered to be flat.
Thus, the total flux PE is the sum of the flux through
each area element
IfAS 0 , then
direction of an area element for a closed surface?
54. What is the
considered to be the direction of the area element
By convention, the outward normal is Outward normal for Surface 1 Inward normal for Surface
(Area element which is part of a closed surface)
Surface 1
The total fux through the closed surface is the sum rtace z
Gauss's Law:
56.**** State and explain gauss law in electrostatics. Outward normal for Surface 2 Inward normal for Surface 2
(2 Marks)-July
>The total electric2017
flux over any closed surface S in vacuum is 1/¬, times the total charge (Q)
contained inside S,
E4TEt -a)
Direction of E is along OP
The magnitude of electric intensity at P due to charge -q is,
E46 r+a
Direction of Ez is along PO
E and E, act along opposite directions and E > E2
Therefore, the magnitude of net electric intensity at P is, E E - Ez
E 2pr
P where, is the unit vector along the dipole axis (from -q to )
4TE(r2 a2)2 -
Direction of E, is along AP
The magnitude of electric intensity at P due to charge -q is,
E 2qa
Direction of E is along AB
The direction of the net electric feld is opposite to the dipole moment
In vector form: E =
since, 2qa = lpl and p is in opposit direction to E
3. **Obtain an expresslon for torque acting on an electric dipole placed in an uniform electric
Consider a dipole consisting of point charges -q at
A and +q at B, separated by a distance 2a. Let the
dipole be in a uniform external field E. Let 8 be
the angle between dipole moment and E. Draw
AC perpendicular to E
The force on charge +q is +qE and the force on
charge -q is -qE. Hence the net force on the
dipole is zero. However, the charges are separated,
so the forces act at different points, resulting in a
torque on the dipole.
4. **** State Gauss's law in electrostatics. Derive the expresslon for electric fleld at a point due
toinfinitely long charged straight conductor using Gauss's law. (5 Marks) July 2015, -
Consider an infinitely long thin straight wire with uniform linear charge density .
Now, consider a cylindrical Gaussian surface with its axis along the wire. Let r be the radius
and be the length of the cylinder.
The total flux through the cylinder is,
Where, PP2 and are electric flux through the surfaces 1,2 and 3 respectively.
From symmetry, we find that E on elther side of the wire must be perpendicular to the wire,
having same magnitude at ll points equldistant from the wtre.
Now, the outward normal to surface 1 is perpendicular E
= EA, cos 90 = 0 - (1)
The normal to the surface 3 at every point is along E and its magnitude is constanto =
EE.AS = E EAS cos 0 EXAS
Surface 1
E2Trl - -(3)
Adding (1), (2) and (3)
0+E2xrl =E2rl------4)
According to gauss's Law
(5) (Since, q =
In vector form,E= t (where,f is unit vector) Surface 2
fis perpendicular to the wire, directed outwardifl is positive and inward ifA is negative.
5. State Gauss's law in electrostatics. Derive the expression for electric feld at a point due to
a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet using Gauss's law. (5 Marks)
Surface 3
Where, , 2 and 3 are
electric flux through the
surfaces 1,2 and 3
From symmetry, we find
that E on either side of the
sheet must be Surface 2 Surface 1
perpendicular to the plane of
the sheet, having same
magnitude at all polnts
equldistant from the sheet
Now, the outward normal to surface 1 is along E
EA1 cos 0 = EA1
The outward normal to surface 2 is along E
EA cos 0 = EA
The normal to the surface 3 at every point is perpendicular to E and its magnitude is
E.S = EAS cos 90 0
Adding (1), (2) and (3)
d= EA1 + EA2 +0
= 2EA ----(4) since A = Az = A
According to gauss's Law
E (where, fi is the unit vector normal to the plane and going away from it)
E is directed away from the plate ifo is positive and toward the plate ifo is negative.
Note: E is independent of r, the distance of the point from the sheet.
6. ***State Gauss's law in electrostatics. Using the law, derive an expression for electric fleld
due to untformly charged thin spherlcal shel at a point outslde the shell (S Marks) - March
2014, July 2014, March 2019
7. ***Using Gauss law in electrostaties. Obtaln the expresslon for electric feld due to a
uniformlychargedthin spherlcal; shell at a point () outside the shell (i) inside the shell.
Marks)- June 2018
Consider a uniformly charged thin spherical shell of radius R with centre 0. Let q be the total
charge on it.
1) Field outside the shel: Let P be a point outside the
shell with radius vector . Consider a spherical
Gaussian surface of radius r and centre 0, passing
through P. Let AS be a small area element around P
on the surface.
Flux through AS is,
Ad =E.A = E
AS cose
Flux through the Gaussian surface is,
--. ***
= 4 ) E.AS = E AS cos e ***
Due to spherical symmetry, the electric field at each potint of the Gausslan
surface constant and is along the radius vector at each point.
= E4rr -(1)
According to gauss's Law
Invector Form, E =
f (where,f is unit vector along radius vector. )
Thus for points outside the shell, the field due to a uniformly charged shell is as if the entire
charge of the shell is concentrated at its centre.
2) Fleld insidethe shell: Consider a point P is inside the shell. The Gaussian surface is a
sphere through P centred at 0. Let AS be a small area
element around P on the spherical surface.
Flux through AS is,
AD = E.AS = E AS cos6
Flux through the Gaussian surface is,
A d = F.AS = E AS cose
Due to spherical symmetry, the electric field at each
point ofthe
Gaussian surface is constant and is along the radius vector at
each pointt
= E4nr2 -(1)
According to gauss's Law
=0----- (2) (Since,Nochargeis enclosed,g =
Using (1) and (2)
E4Tr= 0 or E = 0
The field due to a uniformly charged thin shell is zero at all points inside the shell.
8. ***Using to superposttdon principle, find the resultant force on a charge due to multiple
Consider a system of 3 charges q1, 42 and q, with 13
position vectorsF and Fi--
Now, force on q due q,is,
Fia 9192
Where,Fa =Fi-F2
Force on q, due ga is,
F 9 Where,a = F1 -F
4TEg r3
Using superposition principle, the net force on q, is given by,
F F2+F
4TEO rí2 t t = Pa + ,13
Similarly, for a system of n charges,
F-T att in
9. ***Using superposition principle to find electric field for a system of charges.
Consider two charges q and q2 with position vectors and Tz
The Electric field at point P due to q, is,
F Where,T=Fp-Fi
The Electric field at point P due to q2 is,
Where,Fa=Fp -Fz
4TtE Tp
Using superposition principle
(principle of superposition: net electric field strength at a
point due to a system of charges is equal to the vector sum
of all the individual electric field strengths at that point due
to all the other charges.)
F-F,+T -E
Similarly, for a system of n charges,
F' Fx 16
F' 1.5x 10-2 x 16 =0.24N
2. ****The electrostatic force on a metal sphere of charge 04 C due to another identical metal
sphere of charge -0.8 uC in air is 0.2 N. Fnd the distance between the two spheres and
also the force between the same two spheres when they are brought into contact and then
replaced in their initial positions. (NCERT Exercise 1.2)
9= 0.4 HC = 0.4 x 10-<C
9 2 - 0 . 8 pC = 0.8 x 10C
F 0.2N
a) r =?
b) When the spheres are brought in contact, the charge on each sphere is,
0.4-.0- -0.2 C
= = = 2
x 10-2m
ENet E+Eg +E
Ec 4C
4me AD E
E, =*10 x
4 x 10-9
(0.02)2 =9x 10* Nc-1 ENet
Ec = EA = 9x 101 NCc1
(since, AD = CD and qa = qc)
9x10x 4 x10
(0.028)2 4.59 x
10 NC-1
E Net= |E +E+ |E| = 12.7 x 10 +4.59 x 10' = 17.29 x 10'Nc-1
ENe is at 45 with respectto E
4. ***ABC is an
equllateral triangle of slde 10cm. Point charges of +2nC and 2nC are
at corners B and C
respectively. Calculate the resultant electric fleld at A placed
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2 nC=2 x10-°C EB
9 B - 2 nC = 2x 10-°C A A ENet
AB = BC = CA = 0.1m
ENee E+F
E- l9l
9x 109x 2 x 10-9
E, = = 1.8 x 103 NC-1
(0.1) B
0.1 m
E B c = 18 x 103NC- +2nC -2nC
a tan
5. ***Aspherical conductor of radius 12 cm has a charge of 1.6 x 10-7C distributed uniformly
on its surface. What is the electric field
(a) inside the sphere (b) at a point 18 cm from the
centre of the sphere?
q 1.6x 10-7C
II PUC- HM Notes
17| P age
a 4 x 10-8C X (0.06-x)
AB 0.06m 0.06 m
where electric field due to quand qpis equal
Consider a point P, between the two charges,
other. Let P be at a distance x from q4
opposite, hence they cancel each
E= E
1 19 1
4TE x2 4TtE (0.06-x)2
(0.06 x ) 2 = 4x2
0.06 3x
x =0. 02m
between the two charges, at a distance 0.02m from the weaker charge.
The point is
are located 20cm apart in vacuum. (5 Marks)
7. ****Two point charges qa=3uC and qp=-3uC
March 2017
AB Joining the two charges?
a. What is the electric feld at the point 0 on the line
1.5 10°Cis placed at this point, what is the
b. Ifa negative test charge magnitude
of x
9 3 x 10C A E EA+Ep B
3 x 10C
1 0 cm 10cm -
E=E= =9x 10" 3 x10-2) = 27x 105 NC-1
F El4ol
F 54x 105 x 1.5 x 10- = 81 x 10- N
18 P a 8e
I PUC-HM Notes
Fis along BA, since the force on a negative charge is opposite to the direction
field. of the electric
8. **Two charges +3nC and -3nC are placed 20cm apart. What is the total
charge on the
dipole? Calculate the dipole moment and electric field due to the dipole at a point on the axis
at a distance 0.4m from the mid-polnt of the electric
3 x 10-9C
9 s - 3 x 10-9c
AB 2a = 20 cm = 0.2 m
a = 0.1m
r 0.4m
Total charge on a dipole is Zero
p 2aqA = 0.2 x3 x 10- = 0.6 x 10-9 Cm
4TE(r2 a2)2
x 0.4
E (9 x 10)4X
(9x 0.6 x
10")042-0.12)2 4.32
= 192 NC-1
Direction of E is from negative charge towards the positive charge of the dipole.
9. *An electric dipole with dipole moment 4 x 10-°Cm is aligned at 30° with the direction
ofa uniform electric field of magnitude 5x 10*N/C. Calculate the magnitude of the torque
acting on the dipole. (NCERT Bxerclse 1.15)
p=4 x 10-9Cm T= pË sin 6
E = 5 x 10 NC-1 Tz4 x 109 x 5 x
10 x
sin 30
2 0x 10-s
30° T= =10 x 10-5Nm
10.**Conslder a uniform electric fleld E = 3 x 103. (a) What is the fux of this field through
square of 10 cm ona side whose plane is perpendicular to feld? (b) What is the flux through
the same square if the nornmal to its plane makes a 60° angle with the field?
E =3x 103NC-1
a = 10cm = 0.1m
A = a2 = 0.12 = 0.01 m2
b) 60
a) 6= 0 d=E.A = EA cos e
= E.A= EA cos 3x 103
x 0.01 x
=3x 103 x 0.01x cos0 3 x 103 x 0.01
3 x 103 x 0.01
30 Nm*C-1 = 15 Nm2c-1
11.*Apolnt charge +10 AC is a distance 5 cm directly above the centre of a square of side 10
Cm. What is the magnitude of the electric flux through the square? (NCERT Exercise 1.18)
1 0 x 10-6C
Since the charge is at the centre of the cube, the flux through
each face of the cubeis same. Therefore, the flux through one of the face of the cube is,
square Cube
=6 0.188 x 10 NmC-1
12. A point charge causes an electric flux of -1.0 x 10* Nm-/C to pass through a spherical
Gausslan surface of 10.0 cm radius centred on the charge. (a) If the radius of the Gaussian
surface were doubled, how much flux would pass through the surface? (b) What is the value
of the point charge? (NCERT Exercise 1.20)
Flux, = -1 x 10 N m?C-1
a) No change in flux.
to gauss law,
Flux through a gaussian surface depends on charge enclosed by the surface and not the
surface area. Since Q does not change in this case, flux remains same.
or Q Pr¬o
Q -1 x103 x8.854 x 10-12= -8.854 x 10-c
13.**A untformly charged conducting sphere of2.4 m diameter has a surface charge density of
80.0 Cm.(a) Find the charge on the sphere. (b) What is the total electric flux leaving the
surface of the sphere? (NCERT Exercise 1.22)
Surface charge density,o = 80uCm2 = 80 x 10-5Cm2
Diameter, d = 2.4m
Radius,r 1.2m
Surface area, A = 4r2 = 4 x 3.14 x 1.22 = 18.08 m2
a=or Q= Ao
Q = 18.08 x 80 x 10-6 = 145 x 10-C
1 4 5 x 10-3
Electric flux, PE Eo 8.854 x 10-12 1.6 x 10#N m?c-1