ILT Project Initiative Plan Template

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I. Project Initiative Brief

Program Proponent

Program Owner/s

Target Learners 14 incoming Grade 3 learners under Frustration level

Number of Batches and Batch 1

Proposed Implementation Date April 2024- October 2024

Proposed Venue

Total Proposed Budget 15,000

Proposed Continuing Professional N/A

Development credit units (if any)

II. Project Initiative Background and Rationale

School Shared Vision: (State your School Shared Vision in the text box provided below)
Bucal Elementary School as a dynamic learning organization envisions to produce functional literate learners
years (from 2024-2027) with a strong foundation in literacy that will enable them to be competent for the country
Learners stay in a safe and conducive learning environment wherein literacy experiences with an integration of
be provided accordingly. To realize this, school head and teachers shall engage themselves in continuo
development to effectively transfer the knowledge, values and skills. More so, stakeholders’ participation is
support the literacy initiatives for the realization of this vision.

SMART Goal: (State your School Shared Vision in the text box provided below. Please take note you can further imp
SMART Goal based on the developments of your Project Initiative Plan)
By the end of SY 2024-2025, 90% of incoming Grade III frustration readers will become instructional and in
readers through providing various literacy activities with the integration of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) a
Equity and Social Inclusion (GESI) before moving on to Key Stage 2
In addition, in the beginning of the school year 2024-2025, 6 or 100% of the Grade 1-3 teachers will be c
through mentoring and coaching focused on explicit instruction to improve the literacy skills of the learners.
Lastly, Bucal Elementary School will tap 80% of its stakeholders to support teachers and learners with a
reading materials and promote reading advocacies ensuring optimal functional literacy and well-being.

Discussion Points:

Based on the 3rd Quarterly Reading Assessment for 41 incoming Grades 3 pupils using the Early Gra
Assessment Tool in English and conducted in March 2024, there are 14 or 34. 15% pupils belonging to the frustra
The data reveals a 34.15% gap to reach 100% of instructional and independent readers. Thus, there is
implement this Project Initiative Plan (PIP) that focuses on providing reading interventions to address the gaps

III. Project Initiative Description

This Project Initiative Plan aims to capacitate G1-G3 teachers through SLAC on explicit instruction with inte
and GESI as well as the enhancement and contextualization of reading materials. Through the implemen
frustration readers will be provided with reading materials that are relevant and suited to their reading abilities.
parents and stakeholders will be conducted to ensure greater participation from them. Reading intervention will
the 25 frustration readers. At the end, the school will conduct a “Fun Learning Activity Day” that will serve
showcasing the improvement of the 14 frustration readers. This project will start on April 2024 up to October 202
This initiative is anchored to the DepEd’s National Reading Program which is a program that promotes literac
from Key Stages 1 to 3 on the foundations of reading skills development in the early grades. Also, this is aligned w
Improvement Plan as well as to the Annual Implementation Plan of the school which aim to improve the litera

IV. Target Stakeholders’ Description

Discussion Points:
The participants of this initiative are the G3 teachers, 25 learners who fell under frustration level, and the p
concerned learners. More so, for this initiative to be a successful one, the support of the stakeholders is
Elementary School will tap 80% its stakeholders for the support and assistance to this initiative.
V. Workplace Application (WAPP) Project or Job-Embedded Learning

The 14 identified frustration readers will become instructional and independent readers, problem solvers, critical thinkers an

VI. Design

Day/ Session Objectives Outputs Topic/Content Methodolo Nominated

Time At the end of the Highlights gy Project Team
session, Members
participants will be
able to:

April -Conduct needs Need Planning Face to School Head,

2024 assessment and Assessment Face Grade 1-3
planning Results Meeting teachers
Schedule of
April -Be capacitated on the Approaches/Strategies Face to School Head,
Enhanced face SLAC
2024 different skills on in literacy Instruction session Grade 1-3
approaches/strategies literacy with integration of SEL teachers
in literacy instruction instruction and GESI
with the integration of
SEL and GESI as well
as the enhancement
and contextualization
of reading materials.
May -Conduct Photo Implementation Face-to- School head,
2024 orientation to Documentat Process Orientation Grade 1-3
parents and ion and teachers and
stakeholders Narrative the identified
Report frustration
May -Tap community Deed of Promotion of Utilization of School Head
2024 stakeholders for the donation Project Initiative communication Stakeholders
provision of the platforms
learning resources
needed for the

July -Implement reading DLL and Implementati Face to face School Head,
Enhanced mentoring and
2024- interventions to the Reading on of the coaching Grade 1-3
October identified frustration Resources Project teachers
2024 readers

-Conduct Mentoring
and Coaching on the
Writing of DLP/DLL,
enrichment of
reading materials
and other related
reading resources
July – Monitor, evaluate, Filled-up Monitoring Face to EPS, PSDS,
monitoring face
2024- and provide tool and Evaluation monitoring School Head
October technical assistance
2024 by EPS in English
and Filipino and
October -Conduct the Final Egra Result Final Reading Face to Face School Head,
2024 Reading (G1-G3) Assessment reading Grade 1-3
Assessment Phil-IRI- assessment teachers and
Filipino identified
Result (G3) frustration
October -Conduct of “ Fun Activity Showcasing of Face to School Head,
2024 Learning Activity Documentati Improvement Face Grade 3
Day” on Report Activity teachers

Checklist of the Components of the Project Initiative Plan (I-IV)

(As a participant, you can refer to this list as a guide in developing your Project
Initiative Plan) YES NO
1. The program proponents are indicated.
2. The target learners and stakeholders are specified with descriptions.
3. The specific duration and schedule of implementation are specified.
4. The areas/locality covered by the project is specified.
5. The proposed budget is consistent with the MOOE.
6. The School Shared Vision was improved from the first draft
7. The SMART Goals were improved from the first draft.
8. The kind of intervention used was described and explained.
9. Other related literacy programs were connected to the description of the
Project Initiative.
10. The interventions used the concepts and models taught in the ISPD Program.

11. The selection of stakeholders was explained.

12. The relevant demographics of the stakeholders were described.
Output Result:
Choose an item.
Output Result Guide: If score is more than 8, “Satisfied”;
If below 7, “Not Satisfied”

Name of Facilitator

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