The Effectiveness of Using The Kahoot Application For PAI Learning Evaluation of Faith in Rosul Material
The Effectiveness of Using The Kahoot Application For PAI Learning Evaluation of Faith in Rosul Material
The Effectiveness of Using The Kahoot Application For PAI Learning Evaluation of Faith in Rosul Material
Received: April 2023 Accepted: June 2023 Published: September 2023
Abstract :
In the field of education, the quality of learning and teaching must be improved in
accordance with the times, especially in technological developments. This aims to
make students more active in learning. There are many learning evaluation media that
can be used, one of which is Kahoot. This study aims to determine the Effectiveness of
Using Kahoot Application for PAI Learning Evaluation of Iman Ke Rosul Material at
SMKN 1 Gempol. This study uses a quantitative approach with a pretest-posttest
design experimental method. In this study, the population was class XI majoring in
Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) at SMKN 1 Gempol. The sample in this
study consisted of 2 classes, namely TKJ 1 and TKJ 2. Where the TKJ 1 group was used
as an experimental class with the treatment given, namely using Kahoot. While the
TKJ 2 group is used as a control class. From the results of data analysis using the t test,
it shows that the Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.000 <0.05, which means that the use of Kahoot is
proven effective for evaluating PAI learning on Iman Ke Rosul material.
Keywords : Effectiveness, Kahoot, Evaluation.
Abstrak :
Dalam bidang pendidikan, kualitas pembelajaran dan pengajaran harus ditingkatkan
sesuai dengan perkembangan zaman, terutama dalam perkembangan teknologi. Hal
ini bertujuan agar siswa lebih aktif dalam belajar. Ada banyak media evaluasi
pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan, salah satunya adalah Kahoot. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui Efektivitas Penggunaan Aplikasi Kahoot untuk Evaluasi
Pembelajaran PAI Materi Iman Kepada Rosul di SMKN 1 Gempol. Penelitian ini
menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode eksperimen pretest-posttest
design. Pada penelitian ini, populasinya adalah kelas XI jurusan Teknik Komputer dan
Jaringan (TKJ) di SMKN 1 Gempol. Sampel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 2 kelas,
yaitu TKJ 1 dan TKJ 2. Di mana kelompok TKJ 1 digunakan sebagai kelas eksperimen
dengan perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu menggunakan Kahoot. Sedangkan kelompok
TKJ 2 digunakan sebagai kelas kontrol. Dari hasil analisis data dengan menggunakan
uji t menunjukkan bahwa nilai Sig. (2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 yang berarti
penggunaan Kahoot terbukti efektif untuk evaluasi pembelajaran PAI pada materi Iman
Kepada Rosul
Keywords: Efektivitas, Kahoot, evaluasi.
In this study, researchers used a quantitative approach with
experimental methods. Quantitative approach can be interpreted as a research
approach that is systematic and uses scientific methods to collect, analyze, and
interpret data in the form of numbers or statistics (Muhamad Subhi,
Nursuprianah, &; Izzati, 2020). The experimental method is used to determine
how much the level of purity (truth) of the influence of variable X on variable Y.
Experimental research is carried out to observe the influence or effect of
stimulus administration (treatment) on an object (Rahmi, 2021).
In this study, there were 2 classes of research subjects, namely the
experimental class and the control class. The experimental class received
Kahoot treatment, and the control class with conventional methods. The
population in this study was grade XI TKJ 1 and XI TKJ 2 students at SMK
Negeri 1 Gempol. The reason researchers took this study was because
researchers wanted to see accurate results through the tests carried out, namely
by pretest (before treatment) with posttest (after treatment). The treatment in
question is Kahoot which is used as a learning evaluation tool in class XI PAI
subjects at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. During the study, researchers collaborated
with the teacher concerned, namely Andik Yudiawan, M.Pd., who became a
companion in the process of implementing PAI subjects. Here's the pretest-
posttest design table:
Figure 2 : Kahoot
From the results of the hypothesis test in table 3, it is known that Sig. (2-
tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, with the decision H 0 rejected and Ha accepted. Thus,
researchers can conclude that the use of the Kahoot application for the
evaluation of PAI learning on Faith in Rosul material has proven effective.
Furthermore, the value of "Mean Difference" is -41.02857. This is the average
value, and this difference ranges from -45.26111 to -36.79604. (95% Confidencce
Interval Bottom Difference Top)
Based on the results of the research and the results of the hypothesis test
above, it shows the effectiveness of using Kahoot for evaluation of PAI learning,
the Faith in Rosul material has an influence on student learning outcomes and
is evidenced by increasing student understanding. This can also be seen from
the comparison of values between the results Pretest and posttest.
Based on the results of research that has been conducted, it shows that
the use of the Kahoot application significantly increases the average value of
PAI class XI TKJ learning at SMK Negeri 1 Gempol. By using the paired t test, it
shows that the Significance (Sig.) (2-tailed) value of 0.000 < 0.05 which means
that the use of Kahoot has proven effective for evaluating PAI learning material
Faith in Rosul. The increase in learning outcomes is due to educators' efforts to
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