Testcase Template

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Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps

TC_001 User is on the login screen Labels and controls 1. Open the
are as per the application.
requirement 2. Check for the
controls in login

TC_002 User is on the login screen Check if the user is 1. Open the
able to login if the application.
correct username 2. Enter the
and password is correct
entered username.
3. Enter the
correct password
4. Click the login
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The control names The control PASS
are as per the names are as
requirement per the

The user should The user is able PASS

be able to login to to login to
the application appliction after
providing the
username and





Forgot Password?

Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps
TC_001 User is accesing the Labels/colour 1. Open the
currency converter tool coding/Fonts are as currency
per user converter tool.
specification/requir 2. Check for the
ements controls.

TC_002 User is accesing the Amount input only 1. Open the

currency converter tool accepts the currency
numeric values converter tool.
2. Enter the
values other
than number

TC_003 User is accesing the Check whether the 1. Open the

currency converter tool From and To currency
dropdown are converter tool.
prepopulated with 2. Select/open
currencies as the dropdown
needed in the for the from and
specification To

TC_004 User is accesing the Check whether the 1. Open the

currency converter tool "Add to the site currency
"button works as converter tool.
per the 2. Click on the
expectation Add to site
TC_005 User is accesing the Check whether the
currency converter tool Convert button
converts the
currency in the 1. Open the
from to the correct currency
value of "To" converter tool.
2. Enter the
amount in the
Amount field.
3. Select the
from and to.
4.Click on the
convert button
TC_006 User is accesing the
currency converter tool

Check if the 1. Open the

historic button currency
shows the previous converter tool.
history of 2. Click on
conversions historic
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The controls The control are
should be as per as per the user
the user specification
specification/ PASS

The amount field The amount

should not accept field is not
the values other accepting the
than numbers. values other
than numbers.

The values should The values are

be populated in populated in
the dropdowns the dropdowns
are as per the user are as per the
specification user
specification PASS

Click on the add to Click on the PASS

site button should add to site
help user add this button is
particular tool helping user
onto the website add this
particular tool
onto the
The amount The amount is PASS
should be converted
converted properly

On click of the
historic button,
the web page
opens and shows
the previous Working as per
conversions we the expected
have made result PASS
Testcase No Testcase Criteria Assumptions
TC_001 Check if the font, School admission form is
font style, colour, available to test
mages, text are as
per the

TC_002 Check if the first School admission form is

name, last name available to test
are taking only
alphebet values

TC_003 Check if the School admission form is

dropdown has the available to test
classes client has
asked for

Data Testcase Steps Expected Result Actual Result
1. Open the The font, font The font, font
school admission style, colour, style, colour,
form. background,logo,i background,log
2. Check for font, mages,text should o,images,text
font style, be as per the are as per the
colour, requirement requirement

1. Open the The system should

school admission flag an error
2. Enter the
charatcers in the
text field

The values in the

dropdown are as
per the
1. Open the document
school admission
2. Open the
obox/select box.
3. Check the
values in the
Testcase Result

Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps
TC_001 Mobile app is Check if the controls are as 1. Launch mobile
available for per the user specifications app.
the user to test 2. Check for the

TC_002 Mobile app is Check if the first name 1. Launch mobile

available for accepts only alphabets app.
the user to test 2. Enter the
values other
than alphabets in
the first

Check if the last name 1. Launch mobile

accepts only alphabets app.
2. Enter the
values other
than alphabets in
the last name
Mobile app is
available for
TC_003 the user to test

1. Launch mobile
app .
Mobile app is Check if the email field 2. Enter the
available for accepts values without @ email address
TC_004 the user to test and . without @ or .

Check if on the click of 3 1. Launch mobile

Mobile app is bar opens the correct app.
available for screen as per the 2. Click on the 3
TC_005 the user to test specification bar on the left
Check if on the click of 3 1. Launch the
Mobile app is dots opens the correct mobile app.
available for screen as per the user 2.Click on the 3
TC_006 the user to test specification dot menu
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The controls The controls
should be as per are as per the
the user user
specification(Chec specification
king for the font, PASS
font style,colour,

The user should The user is

be alerted to alerted in case
provide proper the value other
values in the first than alphabets
name is added

The last name The last does

should not allow not allow
values other than values as other
the aphabets than alphabets PASS
The system should Works as PASS
alert the user to expected
provide proper
email id

The system should

open the
screen on the click
of the 3 bar DEFFERRED
The system should
open the
screen on the click
of the 3 dots DEFFERRED
Testcase No Assumptions Testcase Criteria Testcase Steps Expected Result
TC_001 Taxi booking The font, colour, 1. Launch the The controls
screen is font style, text , application. should be per the
available to logo, background is 2. Check for the user specification
test as per the user controls/fields
specification on the mobile

TC_002 Taxi booking Check if the start, 1. Launch the The location
screen is via, end location is application. should be
available to suggested to the 2. Start writing a suggested to the
test end user through location in the end user
google app start via and end
text field

TC_003 Taxi booking Check if the click 1. Launch the The user should
screen is on add stop gives application. be given an option
available to the user another 2. Click on Add to add the
test text field to enter stop button. location of the
the location halt/stop

TC_004 Taxi booking Check if the click of

screen is calendar button
available to helps user to select 1. Launch the User should be
test the date application. able to select the
2. Click on the date and populate
calendar icon in the date field
TC_005 Taxi booking 1. Launch the User should be
screen is application. able to select the
available to 2.Click on the time in hours and
test up/down minutes
Check if the user is arros(select
able to select the control)
correct time from
the time field
Taxi booking
screen is User should be
available to Check if the user 1. Launch the able to see the
test can see the corretc application. estimated fare in
value for the 2. Check for the the this
TC_006 estimated fare field Est fare field/control
Taxi booking The user should
screen is receive a
available to 1. Launch the notification that
test application. the taxi is
2. Enter all the booked/not
Check if the user is mandatory booked(reason)
able to book the fields.
taxi after clicking 3. Click on the
TC_007 on the book button Book button
TC_008 Mandatory fields testcase
TestData Actual Result Testcase Result
elds testcase
Testcase No Testcase Criteria Assumptions TestData Testcase Steps
TC_001 Check if the controls on Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open anti
the screen are as per the is available for user virus software.
user to test 2. Check the controls
specification/requireme on the anti virus
nt document software.

TC_002 Check if the dashboard Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open anti

is accesible if the is available for user virus software.
dashboard link is clicked to test 2. Click on the

TC_003 Check if the Protection Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open

link is accesible if the is available for user antivirus software.
Protection link is clicked to test 2. Click on protection

TC_004 Check if the privacy link Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open

is accesible if the privacy is available for user antivirus software.
link is clicked to test 2. Click on privacy link

TC_005 Check if the Utilities link Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open

is accesible if the is available for user antivirus software.
Utilities link is clicked to test 2. Click on utilites link

TC_006 Check if the Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open

Notifications link is is available for user antivirus software.
accesible if the to test 2. Click on the
Notifications link is notifications link

TC_007 Check if the my account Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open

link is accesible when is available for user antivirus software.
the my account link is to test 2. Click on the My
clicked account link

TC_008 Check if the settings Anti Virus software 1. Launch/open the

page is opened on click is available for user antivirus software.
of the settingt link to test 2. Click on the
settings link

TC_009 Check if the support Anti Virus software 1. Launch /open the
page is opened on the is available for user antivirus software.
click of the support page to test 2. Click on the
support page

TC_010 Check if the start scan Anti Virus software 1. Launch open the
button is operational is available for user antivirus software.
to test 2. Click on the start
TC_011 Check if the open vpm Anti Virus software 1. Launch open the
link button is is available for user antivirus software.
operational to test 2. Click on the open
vpn scan

TC_012 Check if the install on Anti Virus software 1. Launch open the
another device works as is available for user antivirus software.
per the exected result to test 2. Click on the install
on another page

TC_013 Check if the safepay Anti Virus software 1. Launch topen the
privacy open button is is available for user antivirus software.
operational to test 2. Click on the open

TC_014 Check if the add a quick Anti Virus software 1. Launch open the
action button works as is available for user antivirus software.
per the desired result to test 2. Click on the "Add a
quick action " button
Expected Result Actual Result Testcase Result
The logo/images/the
font/font stylle/colour
are as per the user

The dashboard should

be accesible by the end

The protection page

should open for the
end user

The privacy page

should open for the
end user.

The utilities page

should open for the
end user.

The notifications page

should open for the
end user.

The My account page

should open on the
click of My account

The settings page

should open on click of
the settings link

The support page

should open on the
click of the support link.

The start scan button

should help the user to
start a quick scan on
the application
The open vpn button
help user access the
vpn page.

The install on another

page button should
help user to open the
page for install on
another device.

The open button should

navigate the user to the
desired result.

The add a quick button

should navigate the
user to the desired

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