A Study On The Oil Flow Characteristics in The Inv
A Study On The Oil Flow Characteristics in The Inv
A Study On The Oil Flow Characteristics in The Inv
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Abstract. In order to secure the reliability of the oil in the inverter rotary compressor used in
the system multi-air conditioners in heating and cooling modes, it is necessary to study the oil
flow characteristics which affect to the compressor efficiency. In this study, sight glasses were
installed at the compressor and accumulator for oil flow measurements, and various
experiments were performed to measure the amount of discharged oil for different refrigerant
pipe lengths. On the basis of the experimental measurements, we compared the OCR (Oil
Circulation Rate) results of the system multi-air conditioner for various operating conditions.
The results are graphically depicted.
1. Introduction
With higher standards of living, the air conditioner has become a home appliance necessity, although
its use has raised concerns about the residential environment. In particular, the system multi-air
conditioner has become the solution to energy conservation and environmental issues, etc. It consists
of an outdoor unit with an inverter rotary compressor, refrigerant pipes connected to the outdoor unit,
and several indoor units. The indoor units are controlled through the variable inverter rotary
compressor according to the thermal load of each room. The installed refrigerant pipe length reflecting
the different distances between each room and the outdoor unit influences the compressor performance.
Many studies have been carried out about the indoor and outdoor units of the system multi-air
conditioner. However, only a few studies have been performed on the influence of the incremental
pipe length of an installed system multi-air conditioner [1, 2]. The oil discharged from the compressor
influences the system performance and the reliability of the compressor. Excessive discharged oil can
deteriorate the reliability of the compressor by reducing the efficiency of the compressor with rising
temperature and by over pressurizing the compressed oil [3, 4]. Cremaschi et al. [5] investigated oil
retention in air conditioning systems by experiments. They found that the oil retention volume is
proportional to the oil mass fraction and the ratio of the liquid film viscosity to the refrigerant vapor
In this study, the discharged oil from the inverter rotary compressor was measured for different
lengths of the refrigerant pipe. We compared the OCR (Oil Circulation Rate) results of the system
multi-air conditioner for various conditions, such as normal, overload and low temperature conditions,
in cooling and heating modes.
2. Experiments
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6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans with Compressors and Wind Turbines IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 52 (2013) 042004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/52/4/042004
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the commercial Figure 2. Revised schematic diagram for
system multi-air conditioner. experiments.
Figure 3. Photos of the discharged oil Figure 4. Installed sight glasses at the
measurement devices. compressor, accumulator and discharged oil
measurement devices.
6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans with Compressors and Wind Turbines IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 52 (2013) 042004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/52/4/042004
Temperature [℃]
Mode Working condition Indoor Outdoor
Dry bulb / Wet bulb Dry bulb / Wet bulb
Normal 20 / 15 7/6
Heating [30℃] Overload 27 / 15 24 / 18
Low temp. 20 / 15 2/0
Normal 27 / 19.5 35 / 24
Cooling [18℃] Overload 32 / 27.5 43 / 33
Low temp. 21 / 15 21 / 15
Compressor Frequency 58Hz
6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans with Compressors and Wind Turbines IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 52 (2013) 042004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/52/4/042004
so that the compressor could recover the oil. The OCR that can be calculated by using the measured
amount of discharged oil can be expressed as follows:
System oil circulation rate ( g )
OCR (%) (1)
System [oil refrigerant ] circulation rate ( g )
(a) short-line pipe of heating mode (b) short-line pipe of cooling mode
(c) long-line pipe of heating mode (d) long-line pipe of cooling mode
However, in the heating mode of the overload SLP condition, it was twice the average value. The
amount of discharged oil increased as the thermal load of the system increased in the SLP condition.
Figure 8. Comparison of OCR results in the Figure 9. Comparison of the OCR results in the
heating mode. cooling mode.
6th International Conference on Pumps and Fans with Compressors and Wind Turbines IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 52 (2013) 042004 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/52/4/042004
4. Conclusions
In order to secure the reliability of the inverter rotary compressor used in system multi-air conditioners,
the oil flow characteristics were experimentally investigated. In particular, the amount of discharged
oil from the compressor was measured. Also, p-h diagrams were prepared and the cycle was found to
have a stable formation at all specified geometrical and operational conditions. Therefore, the
operating reliability of the inverter rotary compressor can be secured in the system multi-air
conditioner. In the SLP condition, the average value of the OCR in the heating mode was 0.19%
higher than that in the cooling mode. However, in the LLP condition, the average value of the OCR in
the cooling mode is slightly higher than that in the heating mode. Based on OCR comparison, we may
conclude that the reliability of oil in the compressor is low at the low temperature condition in the
heating mode because of the big difference of OCR between SLP and LLP conditions.
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