BROCHURE Case Study Writing Competition 2024

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Indian Institute of Banking & Finance

Guidelines for preparing Case Studies and Teaching Notes

IIBF’s Case Study Writing

Competition - 2024
The case study competition is an initiative of IIBF to encourage Bankers/Finance professionals
to share their knowledge and experience through developing cases, accompanied by Teaching

 Bankers (including former bankers)
 Faculty working in Staff Training Establishments of Banks / Financial Institutions / NIBM /


Case should be developed on a theme related to Indian Banking. Tbe list of suggestive themes
is mentioned below. The themes have been categorised on the basis of specialization into
Scheme I to Scheme V. A participant is also free to develop a case in any other area related to
Indian Banking under Scheme V other general matters.

Scheme I Scheme II Scheme III Scheme IV Scheme V

Credit International Banking Human Resource Information Customer
Management & Foreign Exchange Management security Service
MSME Treasury Management Financial Inclusion Cyber crimes AML/KYC
Retail Risk Management Rural banking Digital Ethics and
banking banking Corporate
Recovery Accounting & Wealth Other general
Auditing Management matters
Compliance Para Banking

Only original case studies will be accepted. In other words, cases should not have been published
/ presented in any other for a Cases involving matters which are sub-judice will not be considered.
All cases, should be accompanied by a teaching note and should be based on the real situation,
with a clear decision – making scenario case study should be and prepared in accordance with
case study writing guidelines provided below.
Academic (research) cases will not be accepted for evaluation by the Case Review Committee.

The following are the guidelines for:
I. Preparing a case study.
II. Preparing the teaching note accompanying the case.


The case study should narrate, in a logical and chronological sequence, a situation exists /
had existed / can precisely arise in an organization / country. The case study, when used as a
pedagogical tool, should enable the candidate to understand the situation, examine different
ways of analysing the given situation and arrive at optimum solutions.


1. Finalise a topic for developing a case. As far as possible, the topic should be choosen from
given lists under the Scheme I to Scheme V. However, the author is free to choose any other
relevant topic pertaining to the field of Banking & Finance, under category of general under
scheme V.
2. While finalising a topic, the learning outcome should be clearly stated upfront.
3. The case should be written carefully bringing out only the essense required. If everything
concerning the case is indicated upfront, there may be no learning outcomes.
4. The case should have an introductory paragraph followed by an explanation of the facts
involved in the case.
5. The case should be prepared based on secondary data and / or personal experience. While
sourcing information / data to build a case, care should be taken to source it from authentic
websites, and
a) Proper referencing should be made.
b) Reproduction of material as it in from internet and other sources should be avoided.
c) There should be no copyright infringement issues.
6. As the case will be based on the participants’ expertise and secondary data, it will have to be
ensured that enough secondary data is available on the topic chosen.
7. The case may also have an annexure, if required. All annexures should be numbered.
8. All tables & charts should be numbered.
9. Each case may have around 4-5 questions flowing out of the case. These questions will be the
ones on which, the class will deliberate upon and arrive at optimum solutions.


1. Each case should be accompanied by a Teaching Note (TN).
2. The TN should clearly answer the questions raised in the case.
3. Each answer should draw upon the facts as presented in the case, and, if possible, give
different ways of arriving at a solution and then indicate the optimum solution under the given

4. The answer to each question should be written carefully giving different alternatives, wherever
possible and then finally arrive at the best possible recognise to the question concerned.
Hence, the TN should be more detailed than the case itself.
5. It is possible that additional secondary data is drawn upon to explain more clearly the aspects
involved in the case. Hence, like in a case, proper referencing will have to be made and it
should be ensured that there are no copyright issues.
6. All tables & charts should be numbered.
For both the case and the teaching note, the font should be Times New Roman font size 12 with
single line spacing. The case can be around a maximum of 6-8 pages. The total word count may
be around 3000 to 4000 words (including Teaching Note)
The author of the case shall be required to furnish certificate of originality as per the prescribed

Overall three best case Studies will be awarded cash prizes as under:

First Prize: Second Prize: Third Prize:

Rs.1,00,000/- Rs. 75,000/- Rs. 50,000/-
Note: If a case has multiple authors, the awarded amount will be divided evenly among the authors.
Submission: All entries must be submitted electronically, to [email protected] not later
than 31/08/2024, along with the following:
● The original case ● Teaching Note and supporting document/s
● Completed Entry Form ● Certificate of Originality
RIGHTS : The publication rights and intellectual projects rights of all case studies submitted will
be with the Indian Institute of Banking & Finance, Mumbai.

The participant should mention the following details on the front page:

Title of the Case Study

Area of the Case Study

Case Study entered in the scheme (I – V)

Name of the Author

Designation (present/former)

Employer (present / former)

Phone / mobile number /

Email address


Any other information

This is to certify, that the Case Study and the Teaching Note submitted by me are outcome of my
independent and original work. I have duly acknowledged all the sources from which the ideas
and extracts have been taken. The project is free from any plagiarism and has not been submitted
elsewhere for publication.

Signature :
Name of Author(s) :
Designation :
Affiliated Institution Bank :
Title of the Case :
E-mail :
Contact No. :
Date :
Place :


To be signed by all authors,
I/We, the undersigned author(s) of the case study titled ___________________________________


Here by declare that : f) I/We do not have any conflict of interest

(financial or other)
a) The above Case Study and Teaching Notes
which are submitted to Indian Institute of g) I/We have read the final version of the
Banking and Finance (IIBF), Mumbai, are Case Study and Teaching Notes and are
not under consideration elsewhere. responsible for the contents.
b) The Case Study and Teaching Notes have h) The work described in the Case Study &
not been published already in part or whole Teaching Notes are my/own.
in any journal or magazine for private or
public circulation. i) No one who has contributed significantly
to the work, has been denied authorship
c) I/we give consent for publication in any and those who helped have been duly
media (print, electronic, or any other), and acknowledged.
assign copyright to IIBF in the event of its
publication. j) If the authorship is contested at any stage,
the responsibility of proving the authorship
d) The Case Study & Teaching Notes may be will vest with author(s) and IIBF will stand
used by IIFB for educational purposes after indemnified in all respects.
suitable modifications if required in the
manner desired by IIBf without mentioning k) All authors are required to sign this form.
the name(s) of author(s).
Signatures :
e) I/We affirm that the case does not violate
the intellectual rights of any third party. I/we
agree to indemnify and hold IIBF harmless Date :
in respect of any claim on account of Place :
violation of intellectual property rights.

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