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Physics Actvities

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BATCH: 2024 - 2025



O. T NO.
1. To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) andcheck 4-9
continuity of a given circuit using multimeter

2. To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit 10-12

3. To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising atleast a 13-17

battery, resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the
components that are not connected in
proper order and connect the circuit and also the circuitdiagram

4. To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor, and a capacitorfrom a 19-22
mixed collection of such items

5. Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional flow of currentin case of 23-27

diode and an LED and check whether a given electronic component
(e.g. diode), is in working order

6. To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam oflight 28-31

incident obliquely on a glass slab


- To measure resistance, voltage (AC/DC), current (AC) and check continuity of
a given circuitusing multimeter.

- Three carbon resistors,
- one standard resistance coil,
- a battery eliminator with tapping (2 V, 4 V and 6 V),
- a step-down transformer (6-0-6 V) with two tapping (2 V and 4 V)
- , a resistor of 100 ohm,
- a plug key
- multimeter.

Multimeter. It is a single measuring device acting as an Ammeter, a Voltmeter and an Ohmmeter.
For this reason, it is also called AVO meter.

It can measure alternating as well as direct current and alternating as well as direct voltage in
addition to resistance. For this purpose, its panel is divided into five different sections.

There are many ranges in each section so that it can measure from micro (10 -6) to mega (106)
units. Rotation of a knob changes the section and the range in one section.

— Rotation of knob for change in ammeter range, brings shunt resistances of different values in
circuit in parallel with the coil.

— Rotation of knob for change in voltmeter range, brings series resistances of different values in
circuit in series with the coil.

1. Carbon resistors are frequently used in electrical and electronic circuits and their values vary
over a very wide range. A color code is used to indicate the value of the resistance.

2. A carbon resistance has four different concentric colored rings or bands on its surface. The
first three bands a, b and c determine the value of the resistance and the fourth band d gives
the percentage of accuracy called tolerance. The resistance of carbon resistor R = (ab x 10 c ±
T %) Ω.

3. To read the value of carbon resistance, the following sentence is found to be much more

4. The following table provides the color code for the carbon resistors :


1. Mark the given carbon resistors as R1,R2, R3.

2. Note the color of the first, second, third and fourth ring for each resistor.
3. Plug in the probes of the multimeter in appropriate terminals. Select the appropriate range,
short the other ends of probes and adjust zero. Turn the terminal marked ‘Adjust’ such that
the needle of the meter shows full scale deflection and reads zero ohm.
4. Separate the metallic ends of the probes. Insert the resistor R 1 to be measured in between the
metallic ends of the two probes and read the deflection of the pointer on the range selected.
5. Repeat step 4 for other resistors R2and R3 each time selecting the appropriate range and
testing zero.
6. Now convert using the color code table, the values of resistors in ohms and write their values
with tolerance.

(b) D.C. Voltage

1. Select a D.C. source of potential difference, 6 V battery eliminator or a battery.

2. Plug the probes black in com and red in +.
3. Select D.C. volt, by turning the selector switch to range 10 V D.C. volts,
4. Touch and press other ends of probes such that red is on battery terminal marked + and black
on and not the reading.
5. Insert red probe in terminals marked 4 V, 2 V in succession and note readings.

(c) A.C. Volts

1. Turn the selector A.C. (200 Volt).

2. Touch and press the probes other ends to two terminals of A.C. source of potential

drop and note the reading.

3. Use red probe in terminals 4 V and 2 V in succession and record the reading.

(d) Continuity of given circuit

1. Set the selector switch to ohm, range MΩ.

2. Touch and press the ends of probes at A and B, full scale deflection indicates continuity.

3. Similarly check in succession the continuity between terminals B and C and terminals C and
Never place the probes ends between terminals connected with
the terminals of the battery. In digital electronic multimeter for
continuity test rotor is set to mark 0 and a buzzer, sounds when
probes are connected to ends of components tested.


(a) For Measurement of Resistance :

(b) Measurement of Voltage:

1. The measured values by multimeter match with decoded values of resistors.

2. A.C. and D.C. voltages marked on voltage sources match with voltage measured by


1. Instructions for handling the multimeter should be gone through thoroughly as it is a very

handy instrument and is likely to get damaged if carelessly or ignorantly used.

2. Select the appropriate parameter current, voltage or resistance to the measured and set it to

the appropriate range

To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit.

1. Resistor
2. Ammeter (0-1.5A)
3. Voltmeter (0-5V)
4. Battery
5. One way key
6. Rheostat
7. Sandpaper
8. Connecting wires

1. Connect the components as shown in the diagram.

2. After closing the key K, check that the voltmeter and ammeter show deflections on the right-

hand side.

3. Check the continuity of the assembled circuit using a multimeter.


An electrical circuit is a closed loop that allows current to flow from a power source, through
various components, and back to the power source. The main components of an electrical circuit

1. Power Source: Provides the electrical energy needed for the circuit (e.g., battery, power

2. Conductors: Materials that allow current to flow easily (e.g., wires).

10 | P a g e
3. Resistors: Components that resist the flow of current, controlling the amount of current in the


4. Capacitors: Store and release electrical energy.

5. Inductors: Store energy in a magnetic field when electrical current flows through them.

6. Switches: Control the flow of current by opening or closing the circuit.

7. Load: The component that consumes electrical energy (e.g., bulb, motor).


11 | P a g e
The components of the electrical circuit were assembled.

1. The positive terminal of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of the
ammeter and positive terminal of the voltmeter.

2. Sandpaper should be used to clean the ends of connecting wires and leads of the component

terminals. The grease/oil or oxide layer on their surfaces is insulating in nature and needs to be

removed. However, do not clean the plugs and keys with sandpaper. Excessive use of sandpaper

in such a case will make the plug unfit to be used with the key.

12 | P a g e
To draw the diagram of given open circuit comprising at least a battery, resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter
and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not connected in proper order and correctthe circuit and
also the circuit diagram.

1. A given open circuit comprising at least a cell or a battery,
2. plug key,
3. resistor,
4. rheostat
5. , ammeter,
6. voltmeter,
7. connecting wires sandpaper.

An electrical circuit is functional only if all the components of the circuit are connected in proper
order, assuming that all circuit components/devices are in working condition and key is closed.

An open circuit means a break in some part of a circuit which could be deliberate such as a key
in open position or a fault such as broken wire or burnt-out component(s) or loose connection.
Some of such circuits are given in the figures

13 | P a g e
Figures (a), (b), (c), (d) Open Circuit Diagrams

14 | P a g e
15 | P a g e
1. Draw the circuit diagrams in your notebook as given by your teacher [Fig. A 2.1(a), (b), (c)

and (d)].

2. Consider one circuit and mark in Table A 2.1, the various components which have not been

connected in proper order.

3. Draw the correct circuit diagram.

4. Connect the electrical components according to corrected circuit diagram.

5. Close the key in the circuit to verify if the corrected circuit is functional.

Rheostat as a variable resistance

1. Draw a diagram as given in Fig. A 2.2 (a) showing use of a rheostat as a variable resistor.

2. Connect the terminals of rheostat as drawn below using one end terminal and the other
variable terminal.

Figure (a) Rheostat as a variable resistor

(b) Rheostat as a potential divider giving variable voltage

16 | P a g e
Rheostat as a potential divider
1. Draw a diagram as given in figure.2 (b) showing use of a rheostat as a potential divider.

2. Connect the terminals of rheostat as drawn above using

(i) the end terminals (1) and (2) connected to input potential (battery)

(ii) one end terminal and the other variable terminal for variable voltage.



1. Battery/Cell ✓
2. Resistor ✓
3. Rheostat ✓
4. Key ✓
5. Ammeter ✓
6. Voltmeter ✓

The electrical circuit assembled as per the corrected circuit diagram is functional.

1. Ends of the connecting wires should be cleaned with sandpaper before making connections.

2. The positive terminal of the battery should be connected to the positive terminal of the
voltmeter and positive terminal of the ammeter.

17 | P a g e

18 | P a g e
To identify a diode, an LED, a resistor, and a capacitor from a mixed collection of such items.

1. Multimeter,
2. A collection of diode
3. LED
4. Transistor
5. IC
6. Resistor
7. Capacitor

 A diode is a two-terminal device. It conducts when forward biased and does not conduct
whenreverse biased. It does not emit light while being conducted.

 A LED (light emitting diode) is also a two-terminal device. It conducts when forward
biased anddoes not conduct when reverse biased. It emits light while conducting.

 An IC (integrated circuit) is a multi-terminal device in the form of a chip. But some may
haveonly three terminals, e.g. 7805, 7806, 7809, 7912.
 A resistor is a two-terminal device. It conducts equally in both directions.

 A capacitor is a two-terminal device. It does not conduct but stores some charge when dc
voltageis applied.

19 | P a g e
1. Check the physical appearance of the component. (a) If it has four or more terminals and has
the appearance of a chip (black rectangular block), then it is an IC.

(a)If it has three terminals, the component may be a transistor. To confirm, set-up the multimeter
in resistance mode (highest range). Connect its black or common terminal to one of the extreme
legs of the component and the second terminal (red or positive) to the central leg. Check the
multimeter deflection. If a deflection is observed, interchange the multimeter terminals. If no
deflection is observed, the component is a transistor. Repeat this test connecting the multimeter
terminals to the central leg and the other extreme leg. If a similarbehavior is observed, the
component is a transistor.

2. If the component has two terminals, it could be a resistor, a capacitor, a diode or an LED.

(a) Look for color bands, if it has a typical set of three-color bands followed by a silver or gold
band, the component is a resistor.

(b) Connect the multimeter terminals (in resistance mode highest range) to the component
terminals and watch for multimeter deflection. Also repeat by reversing the component terminals.

(c) If the multimeter shows an equal deflection in both directions, the component is a resistor.

(d) If the deflection is accompanied by emission of light, in one direction and a much less or zero
deflection in the other direction the component is a LED.

(e) If the multimeter does not show any deflection in one direction and shows deflection with no
light emission in the other direction then, the component is a diode.

(f) If the multimeter does not show any deflection on connecting its terminals either way to the
component, it is a capacitor. But if capacitance of capacitor is large, multimeter may show a
momentary deflection.

(g) Record your observations in Table A.1 and A.2

20 | P a g e
Table A.1.



Table A.2.


1. Conducts in one direction only without
any emission of light
2. Conducts in one direction only with
emission of light
3. Three terminal devices; conducts in one
direction only between central terminal
and either of the remaining two terminals
4. Conducts in both directions
5. Does not conduct, gives an initial
deflection which decays to zero

21 | P a g e
A diode, a LED, a transistor, an IC, a resistor and a capacitor are identified respectively from a
mixed collection.

While obtaining resistance of any component, clean its leads properly.

1. When the metal ends of a multimeter lead are touched, the multimeter should show zero
resistance. If it does not show it, bring the pointer to zero using ‘Zero Adj knob’ on the
multimeter. If it is not done, the resistance measurements are not reliable.

22 | P a g e
Use of multimeter to see the unidirectional flow of current in case of diode and an LED and
check whether a given electronic component (e.g. diode), is in working order.

1. A multimeter,
2. a diode,
3. a transistor (whose base diagram is known),
4. plug key,
5. a battery,
6. resistance box,
7. connecting wires and
8. sandpaper.

Analog multimeter used in resistance mode in this selection a circuit with a battery and resistors
come into play. The circuit diagram below (Fig. A1) indicates the main circuit components: a 3V
battery (provided in the multimeter), a fixed resistance, a rheostat and a galvanometer G. Red
and black leads are connected at fixed resistance ends B and A respectively.

The deflection is adjusted to full scale deflection (zero mark on the scale), using the rheostat
(zero adjust) by first shorting the red and black leads. Any resistance which must be
tested/evaluated is placed between A and B. The deflection due to current in the circuit is
calibrated to read the resistance.

You will notice that the black lead is connected to the positive and red to the negative of the
internal 3 V battery. While measuring values of resistances, it is immaterial how they are
connected across A and B. However, it becomes important when this battery also provides the
bias for a diode or a transistor junction.

23 | P a g e
Figure A.1. Multimeter in resistance mode

A semiconductor junction diode, when connected (or biased) in the forward direction, offers a
low resistance. However, when it is biased in the reverse direction, it offers a very high
resistance. Therefore, the working of a junction diode can be examined by measuring its
resistance in the forward and reverse bias conditions.

24 | P a g e
1. The diodes, transistors, and connecting wires may have some insulating layers on their
surface if they are not used for a long time. Therefore, clean their ends using sandpaper
till they shine.
2. Set the multimeter in resistance measuring mode.
3. Connect the diode terminal 1 with the positive lead of the multimeter and terminal2 with
the negative lead of the multimeter. Measure the diode resistance. Reverse the diode
connections and again measure the diode resistance. Record your observations in Table
A2. Also conclude whether the given diode is in working order or not.

 A low value of diode resistance (ranging from few Ω to kΩ) indicates that the diode is
connected in forward bias. While a very high value of resistance (of the order ofMΩ),
indicates that the diode is connected in reverse bias. If both the resistance values, i.e., in
reverse and forward directions, are low then it means that the diode is short- circuited. On
the other hand, if both the resistance values are very high, then the diode junction may be
considered as discontinuous or open. Thus, in both the conditions, the diode condition may
be concluded as not in working order.

4. Identify the p-and n-terminals of the given diode from the observations.
5. Connect the diode with the cell and resistance box in a series circuit (without keyON) as
shown in Fig. A2. Set the multimeter in current measuring mode at a suitable range
(mA, start from high current range).
6. Take out a suitable resistance R from the resistance box in the circuit to restrict the
current within the current range chosen (in the multimeter). Put the key ON and measure
the current flowing through the circuit. Record your observations inTable A2.
7. Repeat step 6 for a few more values of resistance R in the circuit.
8. Reverse the polarity of diode (now the diode is reverse biased) and repeat steps6 and 7.

25 | P a g e
Table A.1. Measurement of diode resistance
S.NO. Diode terminal connected Diode terminal connected Resistance
with the positive lead of the with the negative lead of (Ω)
multimeter the multimeter
1. 1 2
2. 2 1

Table A.3. Unidirectional flow of current through a diode

(a) When diode is connected in forward bias
S.NO. Resistance (Ω) Current (mA)

(b) When diode is connected in reverse bias

S.NO. Resistance (Ω) Current (mA)

The p- and n-sides of the given diode are identified from Table A

2. The given diode is/is not in working order (from Tables A.1. and A.2.)

3. The unidirectional flow of current in a diode has/has not been realized (from Table A.2.).

26 | P a g e
1. While obtaining resistance of any component, clean its leads properly.
2. Use the selector switch of the multimeter carefully for various measuring modes.

1. When the metal ends of multimeter leads are touched, the multimeter should show zero
resistance. If it does not show this, bring the pointer to zero using ‘zero Adj knob’ on the
multimeter. If it is not done, the resistance measurements are not reliable.

27 | P a g e
To observe refraction and lateral deviation of a beam of light incident obliquely on a glass slab.

1. Drawing board
2. Rectangular glass slab
3. White sheet of paper
4. Adhesive tape (cello-tape)
5. Drawing pins
6. A meter scale
7. Alpins
8. Protractor
9. Sharp pencil
10. Eraser

When a ray of light is incident on a rectangular glass slab, it is refracted through it.

It emerges out of the slab parallel to the direction of the incident ray.

The emergent ray suffers only lateral displacement.

For a given angle of incidence and a pair of media, the lateral deviation is proportional to the
thickness of the glass slab.

28 | P a g e

1. Fix a white sheet of paper on the drawing board with the help of cello-tape or drawing pins.

2. Place the glass slab lengthwise symmetrically at the center of the paper sheet and mark its
boundary ABCD (Fig. A10.1) on the paper sheet with a sharp pencil.

3. Draw a normal at a point F on the face AB. Draw a line EF, representing the incident ray,
making an angle i the angle of incidence with the normal.

4. Fix two alpins P and Q with sharp tips, about 8 to 10 cm apart, vertically on the line EF.

5. Observe the images of the two pins through the face opposite of the glass slab. Fix two more
alpins R and S about 8 to 10 cm apart, vertically on the white paper sheet carefully with their tips
in line with the tips of the images of P and Q. Take care that the tips of all the alpins appear to be
on a straight line.

6. Remove the glass slab and mark the pin prick positions of the alpins on the white paper sheet
with a pencil. Draw a straight-line GH, representing the emergent ray, passing through the points
marked R and S, meeting the face CD at G.

7. Draw the line FG to represent the refracted ray. Draw a normal at point G on the face CD;
making an angle of emergence e with the normal. Measure the angle of incidence i and angle of
emergence e with a protractor. Write the values of these angles on the white paper sheet.

8. Extrapolate EF forward to meet the face CD of the glass slab at O. Draw the perpendicular OL
to the line GH.

29 | P a g e
9. Check if the emergent ray GH is parallel to the incident ray EF along the original direction. It
is laterally deviated by a perpendicular distance OL. Measure the lateral deviation OL = d and
the thickness of the glass slab.

10. Repeat steps 2 to 9 by changing the angle of incidence

11. Repeat steps 2 to 10 by using glass slabs of different thickness. Measure the lateral deviation
and the thickness of the glass slab each time. Also write the values of ∠i and ∠e on the white
paper sheet each time.

12. Record observations in tabular form with proper units.


Least count of the protractor = degree

Least count of the meter scale = mm = _ cm

S.NO. Thickness of the Angle of incidence i Angle of emergence Lateral deviation

glass slab e d 102 m
T 102 m
(degree) (radians) (degree) (radians)
1 t1
2 t1
-- --
5 t1
6 t2
-- --
10 t2
11 t3
-- --

30 | P a g e
1. The ray of light emerging from a glass slab is parallel to the incident ray direction but is
laterally deviated.

2. The lateral deviation of the emergent ray with respect to the incident ray is directly
proportional to the thickness of the glass slab.

31 | P a g e

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