4th Mastery TQ Eng7 2024 YU DELA CALZADA B
4th Mastery TQ Eng7 2024 YU DELA CALZADA B
4th Mastery TQ Eng7 2024 YU DELA CALZADA B
4 Mastery Examination in English 7
______ 1. Imperative sentences are the sentences we use in our daily life to make
request, make a wish, express a desire or give a command or even a
______ 2. Often the subject of an imperative sentence is- (you); but, IT IS mentioned.
______ 6. Any Imperative Sentence seldom contains an Imperative Verb, which serves
the purpose of giving command, or order.
______ 7. “She didn’t complete the work”. The Imperative Verb in this sentence is
______ 8. Imperative Sentences can be classified into the types, based on the purpose
they serve; they instruct, give command, make requests, demands, share
invitations and make wishes.
______ 9. “Have fun at the party!”. This is an example of Imperative Sentences making
a wish .
______ 10. An Imperative Sentence doesn’t have a subject. The subject (you) is hidden
and is only understood.
______ 11. You can use the imperative to give instructions, commands, advice or to
______ 12. “ There is some milk in the fridge.” The preposition in this sentence is
______ 13. “ She was hiding under the table.” The preposition in this sentence is “
______ 14. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess.” The preposition in this
sentence is “upon”.
______ 15. “We were on the middle of the storm.” The error in this sentence is “ on”.
______ 16. Prepositions does not indicate relationships between other words in a
______ 18. “Look to the left and you’ll see our destination”. This preposition indicates
______ 19 . “We saw a movie at the theater.” This preposition indicates “location”.
______ 20. “We’re meeting for ten guests tonight”. “Ten” is the preposition in this
_____ 21. “Has” is used in the present tense when the subject is a singular noun or
_____ 22. “Had” is used in the present tense when the subject is a plural noun or the
pronouns I / you / they / we.
_____ 23. “Had” is used in the past tense with subjects of all numbers and persons.
_____ 24. As an ordinary verb have indicates ideas such as possession of objects,
individual characteristics, relationships etc.
_____ 25. As an auxiliary verb “got” is used in the formation of perfect tenses.
_____ 26. “The baby has blue eyes.” The verb in this sentence is “blue”.
_____ 27. Action verbs are words that express action (give, eat, walk, etc.
_____ 28. There are three types of verbs: action verbs, linking verbs, and helping verbs.
_____ 30. “Airplanes fly.” The verb in this sentence is “fly” and this is a complete
_____ 31. Wh-questions ask for information and we do not expect a yes-no answer to
a wh- question.
_____ 32. “Who owns this bag?” “Who” is the subject of the sentence and “this bag” is
the object.
Test II. Fill-in the blanks. Use of Imperatives, Contemporary Philippine Literature
Directions: Fill-in the blanks with appropriate imperative to make each statement
Write your answer on the blanks provided. (16 points)
a. Don't dress
b. Dressing
c. Dress
2. Boss: Always __________ your documents as soon as you finish writing them.
Employee: OK, I will.
a. you save
b. don’t save
c. save
3. Teacher: Jerry, __________ please. I'm ready to begin teaching.
a. sit down
b. you sit down
c. down
4. __________ after you eat a big meal. It's not a good idea.
a. Don't exercise
b. Exercise
c. You exercise
a. Interrupt
b. Please don't interrupt
c. You don't interrupt
a. Be
b. Don't be
c. You be
9. ________ is a vast group of written works produced from a specific time in history
through the
current age.
a. contemporary literature
b. literature
c. written works
a. culture
b. literary heritage
c. nation
11. ________ is a rich mix of flavors, ideas, and techniques, some of which are newly
invented and others as old as writing itself.
a. Creative Nonfiction
b. Flash Fiction
c. Science Fiction
12. _________ or hypertext fiction are new genres of literature that use the computer screen as
medium, rather than the printed page.
a. Hypertext poetry
b. Lyric Poetry
c. Philippine Poetry
13. A cell phone novel, or _________is a literary work originally written on a cellular phone via
text messaging.
a. Ipad Novel
b. Mobile Phone Novel
c. Computer Novel
14. Flash fiction goes by many names, including_________, microstories, very short stories,
sudden fiction, postcard fiction and nanofiction.
a. microfiction
b. Science fiction
c. Sudden fiction
15. A Blog is a platform where a writer or even a group of writers share their views on an
individual ______.
a. topic
b. subject
c. matter
16. Contemporary literature is a vast group of written works produced from a specific time in
______ through the current age.
a. various works
b. writers
b. history
Test III. Paragraph Completion. Use of Prepositions
Directions: Below is a short and incomplete narrative. Analyze and fill-in with suitable
prepositions. ( 2x8=16 points)
Mr. Paez works 1. ____clerk in a local school. He is poor but honest. His honesty is known 2.______everyone in his
locality. He often suffers 3. _____ hunger. He is deprived 4. _____comfort and many other things. Nevertheless, he
does not long 5. ______ wealth. He never hankers 6. _____name and fame. He leads his life 7. _______ honest
means. He is satisfied 8. _____ what he has. But sometimes he runs into debt and poverty is responsible by this debt.
However, he does not like to depend with others.
APPLYING. WH-Questions
Test IV-A. Sentence Writing. (8x2= 16 points)
Directions: Change the following statements into questions. Write your complete
sentences on the space provided and observe proper punctuations.
“The point of reading literature is to engage in ideas important in life, as well as develop literacy.
……….end of test……