Blackmer HXL Rotary Vane Pump
Blackmer HXL Rotary Vane Pump
Blackmer HXL Rotary Vane Pump
The HXL Series Sliding Vane Pump is the solution for high-volume
transfer applications. HXL pump models come in in 6-, 8- and 10-inch
ANSI flanged port sizes with maximum rated capacities of 750, 1,190
and 2,080 gpm (170, 270, and 472 m3/H) respectively.
With three different vane options, HXL Series Sliding Vane Pumps can
handle a wide range of viscosity levels (0.2 to 22,000 cSt) allowing for
pumping of everything from light petroleum products to asphalt and
molasses. All HXL Series models offer optional bolt-on relief valves
designed to protect the pump from excessive pressure. Base-mounted
unit assemblies with commercial gear reduction drives, motors and
baseplates are available for all HXL models. A jacketed version of the
HXL Sliding Vane Pump is available in the 8-inch size. With its jacketed
heads the HXLJ8 model maintains the high temperatures of fluids
within the pump for high viscous and high temperature applications.
Due to the sliding vane design, and reduced motor speed, HXL Series
Sliding Vane Pumps are capable of dry run, self-priming, high suction
lift, product recovery, and line-stripping. With these capabilities HXL
pumps stand apart from other high-volume pump technologies
like screw pumps and centrifugal pumps that cannot provide those
features. With their high-volume capacity, HXL pumps are commonly
used in refineries, terminal operations, barge and ship loading, and
many other off-loading applications that value these capabilities.
In addition to moving low viscosity fluids, HXL pumps also excel at
moving highly viscous fluids like asphalts, molasses, and heavy crude.
2 B L A C K M E R ®
| H X L S E R I E S S L I D I N G V A N E P U M P S
HXL Sliding Vane Pumps | Design Features
FKM O-rings provide
strong seal and offer Heating Jacket
an impressive range of
chemical compatibility. The HXLJ8 model features jacketed
External Bearings heads (not shown) for high viscous
and high temperature applications.
Reduce pump wear due to
This optional feature is only available
balanced shaft load, and
on the 8-inch size model.
decrease required maintenance
due to greased bearing housing
Maintenance and Rebuild Kit Part Numbers external from working fluid.
Pump Model Maintenance Kit Rebuild Kit
Vane contact with the chamber wall is maintained by three forces: (1) centrifugal force from the rotor’s rotation, (2) push
rods moving between opposing pairs of vanes, and (3) liquid pressure entering through the vane grooves and acting on
the rear of the vanes.
Each revolution of a Blackmer Sliding Vane Pump displaces a constant volume of fluid. Variance in pressure has minimal
effect. Energy-wasting turbulence and slippage are minimized and high volumetric efficiency is maintained.
4 B L A C K M E R ®
| H X L S E R I E S S L I D I N G V A N E P U M P S
HXL Series | Performance & Specifications
Performance Data
Pump Model 1.0 cSt 110 cSt 630 cSt 2,200 cSt 4,250 cSt 10,500 cSt 22,000 cSt
(30 ssu) (500 ssu) (3,000 ssu) (10,000 ssu) (20,000ssu)* (50,000ssu)* (100,000 ssu)*
rpm 350 350 300 230 155 100 68
gpm 685 735 625 480 320 200 130
HXL6 m3/h 156 167 142 109 73 45 30
L/min 2,590 2,780 2,370 1,820 1,210 760 490
hp 26 30 32 27 20 14 11
rpm 350 350 300 230 155 100 68
gpm 1,150 1,180 1,010 740 515 327 220
HXL8 m3/h 261 268 229 168 117 74 50
L/min 4,350 4,470 3,820 2,800 1,950 1,240 830
hp 33 43 40 40 28 21 15
rpm 230 230 230 190 155 100 68
gpm 1,990 2,075 2,075 1,700 1,385 885 595
HXL10 m3/h 452 471 471 386 315 201 135
L/min 7,530 7,850 7,850 6,440 5,240 3,350 2,250
hp 90 97 115 115 89 60 40
Note: Approximate capacities and horsepower (hp) are for the conditions specified at 50 psi (3.45 bar) differential pressure. Refer to performance curves for capacities
and horsepower at other operating conditions.
* For viscosities 4,250 cSt (20,000 ssu) and higher, use metal vanes.
Operating Limits
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Pump Nominal Flow Rate Min./Max.
Viscosity Operating Working Differential
Model Range Speed
Temperature Pressure Pressure
90 - 750 gpm 22,000 cSt -25°F to 400°F 150 psi 125 psi
HXL6 45 - 350 rpm
(341 - 2,839 L/min) (100,000 ssu) (-32°C to 204°C) (10.3 bar) (8.6 bar)
HXL8 145 - 1,190 gpm 22,000 cSt -25°F to 400°F 250 psi 150 psi
45 - 350 rpm
HXLJ8 (549 - 4,505 L/min) (100,000 ssu) (-32°C to 204°C) (17.2 bar) (10.3 bar)
430 - 2,080 gpm 22,000 cSt -25°F to 400°F 250 psi 150 psi
HXL10 45 - 230 rpm
(1,628 - 7,874 L/min) (100,000 ssu) (-32°C to 204°C) (17.2 bar) (10.3 bar)
Note: Optional materials of construction may be required to meet specific application requirements – Refer to Blackmer Material Specification Sheets.
For operating conditions that exceed those listed – Consult factory.
B L A C K M E R ®
| P A R T O F P S G ®
HXL Series | Performance & Specifications
gpm (L/min)
2,080 gpm
2,000 (7,874 L/min)
Pump Flow Rate
1,190 gpm
(4,505 L/min)
750 gpm
(2,839 L/min)
430 gpm
400 (1,628 L/min)
(757) 145 gpm
90 gpm (549 L/min)
(341 L/min)
125 psi (8.6 bar) 150 psi (10.3 bar) 150 psi (10.3 bar)
Differential Pressure
6 B L A C K M E R ®
| H X L S E R I E S S L I D I N G V A N E P U M P S
HXL Series | Dimensions
in. 2 3/8 1
/2 21 91 1/16 20 1/4 9 1/2 10 3/4 21 1/2 34 1/2 5 1/2 10 1/2 800 lbs.
mm – – 533 246 514 241 273 546 876 138 267 364 kg
in. 3 7/8 1 22 1/2 13 7/8 32 1/8 14 3/4 16 5/8 39 1/8 44 5/16 10 21 2,610 lbs.
mm – – 572 352 816 375 422 994 1,126 254 533 1,184 kg
Note: ANSI compatible flanges.
B L A C K M E R ®
| P A R T O F P S G ®
PSG Grand Rapids
1809 Century Avenue SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503-1530
P: +1 (616) 241-1611
F: +1 (616) 241-3752
[email protected]
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PSG® reserves the right to modify the information and illustrations contained in this document without prior notice. This is a non-contractual document. 04-2021