Chu 1991

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Computers ind. Engng Vol. 21, Nos 1-4, pp. 111-115, 1991 0360-8352/91 $3.00+ 0.

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H s i n g - W e i Chu and Phadhana T o s i r i s u k

D e p a r t m e n t of Industrial E n g i n e e r i n g
Lamar U n i v e r s i t y
Beaumont, Texas 77710


In c o n v e n t i o n a l quality control methods, where c o n s e q u e n c e s are analyzed

to d e t e r m i n e actions, often provide the solution too late. Even if the
process is initiated as soon as p r o b l e m s occur, small e n v i r o n m e n t a l changes
might force the entire process to be redesigned. W i t h o u t the ability to deal
promptly with such situations, it is frequently too late to do anything. The
Process D e c i s i o n P r o g r a m Chart (PDPC) is one of the m e t h o d s used to solve
problems in O p e r a t i o n s R e s e a r c h during the design stage in R e s e a r c h and
Development. PDPC is an e f f e c t i v e means of m o v i n g p r o m p t l y t o w a r d one's goal
at the very stage of the process where we e n c o u n t e r an u n e x p e c t e d problem and
define the s o l u t i o n p r o c e s s when we are d e a l i n g w i t h p r o b l e m s that have more
than one p o s s i b l e outcome. In this paper, we discuss the a p p l i c a t i o n of PDPC
for Total Q u a l i t y Control in the area of process planning. Object-Oriented
Programming Technique is p r o p o s e d in order to implement this method


In most r e s e a r c h and d e v e l o p m e n t of new p r o d u c t s or processes, we make

an effort to plan step by step in order to solve p r o b l e m s and reach our
objectives. In reality, unfortunately, changing c o n d i t i o n s often do not
allow us to act as we anticipate, so we are forced to alter our plans due to
u n e x p e c t e d changes in conditions or insufficient k n o w l e d g e at that time of
planning. This also occurs in the area of total q u a l i t y control especially
when we face the d i f f i c u l t problem of quality. To resolve this kind of
problems, we must be guided in the right d i r e c t i o n toward c o m p l e t i o n of our
objectives. Also w h e n e v e r new information or k n o w l e d g e is obtained, we
should revise our plans and consider new p o s s i b l e alternatives. In light of
this, the Process D e c i s i o n Program Chart M e t h o d is c o n s i d e r e d well suited.


The Process D e c i s i o n Program Chart Method is one of the m e t h o d s used to

solve p r o b l e m s in O p e r a t i o n s Research. PDPC is a q u a l i t a t i v e model which can
be expressed, in m a n y cases, with g e o m e t r i c figures and tree charts but c a n
be revised at any time. Hence, PDPC is a dynamic g o a l - m e t h o d tree chart
c o m p a r e d to the tree chart in which the p o s s i b l e solutions have already been
d e s i g n e d at the b e g i n n i n g with a fixed line of goal-method. There are no
d e f i n i t e s t r u c t u r a l rules in d e v e l o p i n g PDPC pattern. PDPC is an effetive
means of m o v i n g p r o m p t l y toward the goal. If a certain c o n d i t i o n occurs as
a result of a certain action, and if the c o n d i t i o n is not desirable, a proper
or new s o l u t i o n should be sought. However, the s o l u t i o n may causes various
new conditions. In such cases, PDPC is used to express a c h r o n o l o g i c a l and
s y s t e m a t i c p i c t u r e of a p h e n o m e n o n through the entire process.


Fiqurel: One Solution Each Step bv Step P l a n n i n u

112 Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering

Figure 1 shows an example of the case when only one s o l u t i o n is

d e t e r m i n e d in order to reach the o b j e c t i v e step by step. This is not a good
planning, for example, if any one of AI, A2, or A3 can not be i m p l e m e n t e d due
to u n e x p e c t e d t e c h n i c a l problems, the rest of the entire process has to be
redesigned or correct and often p r o v i d e the s o l u t i o n too late e s p e c i a l l y in
d e v e l o p i n g new p r o c e s s for the limited timely m a n n e r product.


Figure 2: Static G o a l - M e t h o d Tree Chart

In Figure 2, there are two p r i m a r y p o s s i b l e ways to reach the G O A L from

the START, one is along the path S T A R T - A I - A 2 - A 3 - G O A L and the o t h e r one is
along the path S T A R T - C I - C 2 - C 3 - G O A L . A s s u m e that the first path is p r e f e r r e d
to the second path, therefore, the p r i m a r y ' s o l u t i o n is to i m p l e m e n t A1 first.
Suppose that A1 cannot be i m p l e m e n t e d then Cl will be i m p l e m e n t e d next. In
the first path along S T A R T - A I - A 2 - A 3 - G O A L , form A1 in order to reach A3 there
are two p o s s i b l e ways, A2 and B2. In case of an u n e x p e c t e d p r o b l e m which
causes A2 not to be s u c c e s f u l l y implemented, then B2 can be p e r f o r m e d in
order to reach the GOAL along the path S T A R T - A I - B 2 - A 3 - G O A L . This tree chart
is called a static g o a l - m e t h o d tree chart in the sense that it has already
been d e s i g n e d with a fixed line and no r e v i s i o n at any time later.


Figure 3: Dynamic Goal-Method Tree C h a r t

Figure 3 shows the case of a d y n a m i c g o a l - m e t h o d tree chart or PDPC. In

this example, suppose that after A1 has been s u c c e s s f u l l y implemented, the
next step is to implement A2. At that time, assume that new k n o w l e d g e is
o b t a i n e d and a n o t h e r path to reach G O A L can be created, S T A R T - A I - D 2 - D 3 - G O A L .
Then if this new s o l u t i o n is better than all the e x i s t i n g ones, the next step
is to c o n t i n u e on the path D 2 - D 3 - G O A L instead of A 2 - A 3 - G O A L or B2-A3-GOAL.
Chu and Tosirisuk: Process Decision Program Chart 113


Object-oriented programming (OOP) differs from conventional programming

in terms of how procedures are put to work. In conventional programs, data
and procedures are separted and usually data is sent to procedures to produce
results. However, in object-oriented programming one sends the object a
message, and a selector in the message specifies the kind of operation.
Objects, upon receiving the message, determine what they have to specifically
do using the selector. They then use their own procedures to perform the
task. Classes and instances are concepts in object-oriented programming. A
class represents a group of objects with something in common. An instance is
an object belonging to this group. Thus class is a generic object, while
instance is a specific one. For example, method 1 is one class, whereas
method A1 and method B1 are instances of this method 1 class. Inheritance is
another important concept in object-oriented programming. Inheritance is
used to describe objects that are similar to each other. This mechanism is
important because it permits the specification of certain characteristics
that are shared by multiple parts of a program. Therefore, inheritance helps
keep programs shorter and tightly organized. Figure 4 is the template of an


Parent 1 : parent-name 1
Parent 2 : parent-name 2
, . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . ° . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . , .

Slot 1 : slot-name i value

Slot 2 : slot-name 2 value
• , . . , . . , . , . . , . o o , . , . o , . . . . , , . , . ° , . . , ° , . ,

Fiqure 4: Object Template

Object databases have a tree like structure. The nodes of the tree form
the objects. A typical node is usually connected to nodes above and below.
Nodes above are called parents, while those below are called children of the
particular object. Object name refers to the name of the particular object
under consideration. Parent names are names of objects higher up in the
hierarchy from which objects lower inherit information. For any two levels,
the higher objects are usually generic objects (class) and the lower objects
are usually instance objects. Instance objects will inherit information from
all their parents. Objects also have their own peculiarities which are
defined in their slots. Slots are a means by which variables and their
values and /or procedures are defined within an ojbect. This insures that
throught inheritance all information of parents will be available in any
children. Figure 5 and Figure 6 illustrates an example of tree diagram.

/ / ~ GOAL

Fiqure 5: Tree Structure of Example

114 Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering

~Solutlonl B2 1
Parent *
S o l u t l o n l A3
S o l u t l o n 2 C3

/::- GoA
~olution2 I
arent A3
GOA~ (~:rent GOA
l (~liarsnt GOA
olutlonl A1 ) ,Parent
\Solutlonl ** ) ,Parent
~olutlonl Cl i

I Parent A3 )
I Parent
C3 )
~ Parent A2 ~ Parent C2
~8olutionl ** \Solution1 **

* First parent
** Last object

F~uure 6: Object-oriented Tree Diauram of Example


From Figure 5, the PDPC pattern can be obtained by adding the START and
reverse the arrow starting from the START point as shown in Figure 7.

Level 4
3 ~ G O A L

Level 3
Level 2

Level i

Level 0

Fiuure 7: Process Decision Prouram chart

Suppose that after complete on Level i, new information is obtained so

that a new path can be created as in Figure 3. Then the PDPC will be revised
and the result is shown in Figure 8. The double line shown the suggested
direction to reach the goal. Note that the objects at the lower level will
inherit information from all their parents in the higher level. This thus
saves one from having to repeat a lot of redundant information.
Chu and Tosirisuk: Process Decision Program Chart 115

D~vel 4

Level 3 >
Level 2

Level I • C

Level 0

Fiqure 8: p~qgess Decision Proaram Chart

Currently, there are just a few of the practical applications of PDPC.
We hope that the PDPC method will be more widely used in the future in the
area of product or process planning where systems must be closely monitored.
In order to implement the process decision program chart method effectively,
the programming environment requirements are the ability to represent a
hierarchy of relations, procedural and declarative information and therby
pave the way for compact expressions as well as the ability of revision the
PDPC itself. Object-Oriented programming technique is identified to be one
of such a means.


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[2] S.B. Billatos, "Guidelines for Productivity and Manufacturability
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[3] Kaoru Ishikawa, "What is Total Quality Control?", Prentice-Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ., 1985.
[4] J.M. Juran and F.M. Gryna, "Quality Planning and Analysis", McGraw-Hill,
New York, 1980.
[5] F.S. Hillier and G.J. Lieberman, "Introduction to Operations Research",
Holden-Day, Oakland, CA., 1986.
[6] M. Stefik and D.G. Bobrow, "object-Oriented Programming: Themes and
Variations", The AI Magazine, May 1988.
[7] M. Mullin, "Object Oriented Program Design with Examples in C++",
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[8] S. Ishizu and O. Furukawa, "Total Quality Control by the Use of Expert
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