2023S2 - Ors216d Task V3
2023S2 - Ors216d Task V3
2023S2 - Ors216d Task V3
A. You can perform the following tasks on Debian-based Linux running on:
a. Bare metal PC or
b. Virtualized environment (VirtualBox) or
B. On Cloud platform such as Google Shell terminal
A. Connect via your Gmail account:
e.g. its not mandatory to use switch for mkdir BUT mandatory to put argument
e.g. its not mandatory to use switch for cp BUT mandatory to name TWO arguments
File/Folder Management
1.7. Listing contents of a directory: ls
✓ Enter ls THEN ls –l ;THEN ls –la THEN ls –l /etc THEN ls –ld /etc
NB: Enter each command and press enter …see outputs…and only THEN…anter
the next command!
✓ Now – from the results- explain what the commands achieved!