National Programme of Mid-day-Meal in Schools Annual Work Plan & Budget
National Programme of Mid-day-Meal in Schools Annual Work Plan & Budget
National Programme of Mid-day-Meal in Schools Annual Work Plan & Budget
Mid-Day-Meal Programme
Annual Work Plan and Budget 2011-12 1
Brief History, Objectives and Rationale of Mid-DayMeal Programme.
1.1.1 Education plays a vital and important role in fulfilling the basic needs of a common man viz. food, shelter and clothing. The main aim of Education is to prepare and develop the child physically, mentally and spiritually to lead a quality life. Education is a process through which a child is made capable to attain the necessary competencies and skills to face the challenges in life to survive, and to make struggle for existence. Four important factors are identified for achieving the goal of Education for All. These are Access to Education, Enrolment of children, Retention of the enrolled children and Achievement. Mid Day Meal scheme is an effort to achieve and facilitate all the four above said objectives. 1.1.2. Various education schemes sector were by the implemented Government in to the primary the
disadvantaged population. Access to Primary Education was universalized through flagship programmes of Govt. like Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, however, despite this, a few children are still deprived of Primary Education due to inability of their parents to send them to schools because of their poor economical status. For, these parents, sending their children to school means not only incurring extra 2
M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab
financial burden but also depriving them of some money which their children would have earned otherwise by doing labour. That being the attitude of these economically backward parents, one may, perhaps, to motivate the parents and children was to bring their children to school by providing food and nutritional needs. 1.1.3 Government of India, on Oct 2nd 1995, launched the scheme of National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education also known as Mid-Day-Meal Programme. Under this scheme, students of Primary classes were to be provided wheat @ 3 kg per student per month (for 10 months in a year) subject to 80% attendance. Meanwhile, the apex court also intervened and vide its orders dated 28th November, 2001 the Supreme Court directed:1- We direct the State Government/Union Territories to implement the Mid-Day-Meal scheme by providing every child in every Government and Government Assisted primary schools with a prepared Mid-DayMeal with minimum contents of 300 calories of energy and 8-12 grams of protein each day of school for a minimum of 200 days. Those Governments providing dry rations instead of cooked meals must within 3 months start providing cooked meals in all
Government Aided primary schools in all half the districts of the state(in order of poverty) and must within a further period of 3 months extend the provisions of cooked meals to the remaining parts of the state. 2- We direct the Union of India and the FCI to ensure provision of fair average quality grain for the scheme on time. The State/Union Territories and the FCI are M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 3
directed to do joint inspection of foodgrains. If the foodgrains is found, on joint inspection, not to be of fair average quality, it will be replaced by the FCI prior to lifting. 1.1.4 Like many other states, Punjab could not switch over to cooked meal scheme from the very beginning due to certain reasons inter alia due to paucity of funds involved in the conversion of foodgrains to cooked meal. However, in compliance with the Supreme Courts order dated 28-112001, cooked meal was provided to the children of Primary classes in one block in every district of Punjab during the year 2002-03. The Govt. of Punjab started providing cooked meal to all the students of Primary classes in Govt. schools with effect from September, 2004 and for this purpose, a sum of Rs. 666.00 lacs during the financial year 2004-05 was released to the Deputy Commissioners, who are also the Chairmen of the District level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee for implementation of this scheme at district level. During the financial year 2005-06, a sum of Rs. 1309.86 lacs was released to the Deputy Commissioners as conversion cost for providing cooked meal to the students in the Government and Government-Aided Private Schools under the Scheme. Subsequently, it was extended to children enrolled under Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) and Alternative Innovative Education (AIE) centres working under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Programme.
Objectives of the Programme:The main objectives of the programme are: a) To increase enrolment, retention and to tone up the learning abilities of the beneficiaries, especially of children belonging to poor and down trodden sections of the society; b) To provide nutritious meal to the school going children to achieve the goal of Healthy mind in Healthy body; c) To promote friendship and feelings of common brotherhood among the children belonging to different caste, colour and creed by providing meals to them together and also to increase their retention in schools.
northwestern corner of the India on 35 degree latitude and 74 degree longitude covering an area of 50362 sq. kms (2% the countrys total geographical area), comprising mostly of plain and fertile soil. It is bounded on the north by the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, on the east by Himachal Pradesh and the Union territory of Chandigarh, on the south by Haryana and Rajasthan, and on the west, it shares a long border with Pakistan. The city of Chandigarh is the joint capital of Punjab and Haryana. 1.1.8 Administrative setup : Punjab is divided in 20
Administrative Districts, 72 Tehsils, 141 CD Blocks, 216 ED Blocks and 12711 Villages
Sr. Name of Districts No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Amritsar Barnala Bathinda Faridkot Fatehgarh Sahib Ferozepur Gurdaspur Hoshiarpur Jalandhar
No. of villages 856 219 411 230 510 1367 1659 1633 1205 789 1147 242 329 414 319 529 1097 685 573 552 13540
No. of Panchayats 753 144 306 181 420 1069 1642 1336 912 538 924 242 349 414 319 501 932 601 573 538 11496
10 Kapurthala 11 Ludhiana 12 Mansa 13 Moga 14 Mohali 15 Muktsar 16 Nawanshaher 17 Patiala 18 Ropar 19 Sangrur 20 Tarn Taran Punjab
1.1.9 Social and economic indicators in the State, including literacy rates, health indicators (IMR,MMR), sex ratio, poverty ratios etc. 1.3.1 According to 2001 census population of the state is 2.44 crores. Two third (66.1 percent) of the total population resides in rural areas and the remaining one third (33.9 percent) in urban areas. It has a high concentration of Schedule Caste Population i.e 28.9%, which is one of the highest in the country. 1.1.10 Present Literacy Status of the State. As per Census 2001 the literacy rate of the state is 69.95%. District wise figures of literacy rate is as follows:-
55.03 63.63 30.78 56.91 62.99 56.16 69.62 35.65 35.65 29.78 64.79 61.00 44.33 36.27 34.25 34.39 40.12 65.07 70.48 63.96 77.66 42.22 42.22 38.11 73.53 70.17 53.47 44.45 41.45 42.17
1.1.11 Nutritional Status, including data on malnutrition, anaemia, Vitamin A, other micro-nutrients
deficiencies, etc. Children are the future of the nation, if the children are healthy, the Nation is bound to be strong. In the light of these observations, the School Health Programme is an important component of total Health Care Delivery System in the state, which helps in keeping close watch on health of school going children. Under the School Health Programme, all the school going children from class I-XII of Government and Government Aided Schools (approximately 32 Lakhs of children) are examined at least once in the academic year and detailed School Health Check up Reports for the year 2005-06 to 2009-10 are as under:SCHOOL HEALTH CHECK-UP REPORT FOR THE YEAR 2005-06 TO 2009-10 No. of Students found suffering from various ailments 6,51,682 (20.2%) 6,81,428 (22%) 4,84,952 (21%) 482328 (18%) 486780 (21%) 401060 (22%) Deficiencies Manifestation Vitamins Deficienc ies 38,568 (1.2%) 36,503 (1.2%) 32,032 (1.4%) 35071 (1.3%) 32452 (1.4%) 27345 (1.5%) Skin Diseases
Anaemia 2,39,349 (7.4%) 2,32,296 (7.5%) 1,60,156 (7%) 194237 (7.2%) 180804 (7.8%) 144017 (7.9%)
Eye Diseases
Worm Infestatio n
1,12,865 (3.5%) 1,14,393 (3.7%) 84,293 (3.6%) 99816 (3.7%) 97356 (4.2%) 78389 (4.3%)
1,46,487 (4.5%) 1,60,016 (5.2%) 1,20,826 (5.2%) 134887 (5.0%) 125172 (5.4%) 94796 (5.2%)
49,058 (1.5%) 54,184 (1.7%) 47,657 (2.0%) 48559 (1.8%) 44042 (1.9%) 36460 (2%)
58,367 (1.8%) 62,728 (2.0%) 65,833 (2.8%) 67443 (2.5%) 64904 (2.8%) 47398 (2.6%)
26,515 (1.8%) 17,952 (0.6%) 15,571 (0.67%) 18884 (0.7%) 18544 (0.8%) 12761 (0.7%)
Source: - Department of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Punjab. * This data is collected and tabulated by the Department of Education
The reports on nutritional status indicate that prevalence of anaemia is 7.9% among the school going children in Punjab and 1.5% students have Vitamin deficiency diseases. All the children from classes I to XII have been provided 100 tablets of 20 mg of Iron and Folic Acid (1 tablet daily) once a year and deworming tablet twice a year to complement nutrition of students taking Mid-Day-Meal. The permanent record of complete health profile of all the students have been maintained in the Health Cards and School Health Registers. Children identified with poor vision after screening test have been provided free spectacles. Students suffering from various medical ailments are referred to the hospitals/health clinic. Free Medical Treatment including surgical interventions have been provided to the School children suffering from Rheumatic Heart Disease and Congenital Heart Disease. To review Health Interventions in the implementation of Mid-Day-Meal Scheme in the state meetings under the chairmanship of Principal Secretary/Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, Punjab were held on 19/02/07, 26/02/08, 12/08/08, 06/10/08 , 10/06/09, 11.05.2010 & 10.09.2010. Minutes of these meetings are enclosed at Annexure- C. Further regular monthly meetings have been held at the level of Director General School Education of all the District Education Officers (SE & EE) who have been entrusted the responsibility to implement the scheme at the district level. Department of Health and Family Welfare, Punjab reviews the Mid-Day-Meal Scheme in the meetings of the Civil Surgeons on monthly basis.
1.2 Process of Plan formulation With the start of the secession in the schools data with respect to number of children enrolled, no. of children who are actually served Mid-Day-Meal, No of days on which Mid-Day-Meal is served, food grain lifted from FCI and utilized, funds received at school level and utilized start collecting. Information colleted from the schools is compiled at the District level and is submitted to Head Office in the specially These designed formats every months.
Head Office is tabulated District wise and is discussed in the monthly meeting of District Education Officers with respect to lifting of food grains from FCI, Utilization of food grains, funds available with the District and their no. of school whom utilization. No of children enrolled,
which Mid-Day-Meal has been served. Progress of construction of kitchen sheds progress of procurement of kitchen devices, health checkup of students under the school health programme are also reviewed in the monthly meeting. Proceedings of the meetings are placed at Annexure-B.
Description and assessment of the Programme implemented in the current year (2010-11) with reference to:
Regularity and wholesomeness of Mid-Day-Meal served to children, reasons for Programme interruptions, if any & planning to minimize them. The State Government to ensure that the scheme is implemented wholesomely and effectively, a three tier system has been defined in compliance with the directions 11
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given by Government of India. The Chief Secretary is the Chairman of the State Level Steering and Monitoring Committee; Deputy Commissioner is the Chairman of the District Level Steering and Monitoring Committee whereas the Sub Divisional Magistrates are the Chairmen of the Sub Divisional Steering and Monitoring Committee. In addition to it, there is a complete synergy between Department of School Education, Health Department, Department of Rural Water Supply and Sanitation and Department of Food and Civil Supplies at the District and Block Level. Sub Divisional Magistrates get the schools inspected either themselves or through senior revenue officers with the objective to check the Mid Day Meal at regular intervals. The Department of Health collects the food samples of the cooked meal and take further necessary action after following the due procedure. The Department of Rural Water Supply and
Sanitation ensures the potable quality of drinking water to the schools on the basis of sample collected by the Health Department. Regular meetings of the Sub Divisional Level and District Level Steering and Monitoring Committee are held in the State. In addition the State Level Steering and Monitoring Committee also meets at regular intervals to monitor the programme. The State Government has also constituted a "Core Group of Officers" under the
chairmanship of Secretary, School Education to monitor and sort out the problems, if any, in smooth implementation of the scheme.
Foodgrains management including adequacy of timeliness of lifting, transportation and distribution plan to overcome them.
2.2.1 The allotment of Food grains is made by Government of India as per the requirement of the State. The district wise allocation is made by the Nodal Officer at the State Level. Allocation of foodgrains along with allocation of funds is communicated and is made available to the districts in advance so that there is no difficulty in procuring the foodgrains and making payment to the FCI. The transportation agency namely Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation (PUNSUP) has been identified as the nodal agency by the State Government to lift the foodgrains from the FCI godowns and send it to the schools. As per the Guidelines issued by the Govt. of India Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi, Deputy Commissioners / District Magistrates have been asked by the State Government to ensure that the quality of foodgrains lifted from FCI godowns is best available and at least should be FAQ. Regular meetings are held by the District Magistrates to monitor the quality and supply of foodgrains wherein District Manager PUNSUP and District Education Officer participate in such meetings. Quality of foodgrains and its availability in the district and implementation of the Mid-DayMeal Scheme is also reviewed by the Chief Secretary at the State level in the monthly meeting of Deputy Commissioners. 2.2.2 Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation (PUNSUP) has prepared the route chart covering all the schools and supply of food grains is ensured regularly depending upon M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 13
the consumption of the foodgrains in schools. At the school level, a local committee has been constituted in all the districts to receive the food grains. The school teacher is a Member Secretary of this committee and is responsible for the maintenance of the records. It is ensured by the Deputy Commissioners that the food grains delivered at the schools are stored in appropriate storage bins, though, at some places such storage bins still remains to be provided. Direction have been issued separately allowing the school level committees to procure the storage Bins out of the sale proceeds of the Bardana rendered empty after utilization of food grains. 2.2.3 The lifting and the distribution chart of the food grains is very simple and effective as evident from the below :FCI Godown
Nodal Transportation Agency Schools 2.3 System for release of funds provided under Cooking Cost (Central and State) Please indicate the dates when the funds was released to Directorate /State Authority, District Block/ Gram Panchayat and finally to the Cooking Agency School. Funds are sanctioned and released at the State level by Finance Department. Director General School Education draws the funds from the Treasury and funds are remitted to the District Education Officers (EE) through electronic transfer. Funds are released by District Education Officers (EE) to the 14
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implementing Agency at village level i.e. VEDC/Head Teacher of the schools. Finance Department Administrative Department
Head Teacher of the school In pursuance of the guidelines given in the Regional Review Meeting held on 06/11/08, Mid-Day-Meal Society has been registered. Release of funds to the Mid-Day-Meal Society directly may further improve the situation. The dates on which funds were received by the State and released to the schools are given in Table AT-24. 2.4 System for payment of Honorarium to cook-cumand implementing agencies viz.
Number of cook-cum-helpers has been determined as per the norm fixed by the Govt. of India depending upon the strength of the children enrolled in a particular school. Names of cooks engaged and their date of engagement is
communicated to the District Office where a complete record of the cook-cum-helpers is maintained. Funds for the honorarium of cooks are released to the District Education Officer who on the basis of record release these funds to the M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 15
school head. Payment to the cook-cum-helpers is made by the school head by cheque to maintain complete
vegetables including leafy ones, salt, condiments, oil & fuel etc), commodities, which are centrally supplied to schools or locally purchased and
and rate of cooking cost per child per day provided at school level. The cooking ingredients and other commodities are locally purchased at school level. The rate of cooking cost per child per day is as per the norms fixed by the Govt. of India:-
(1@ Rs. 2.69 per child per school day Classes @ Rs. 4.03 per child per school day.
System for cooking, serving and supervising Mid-DayMeals in the school and measures to prevent any
untoward happening .
(i) Cooks/MSHGs engaged by the Department/Village Panchayats/ VEDCs cook the meal. The detail of cooks is given in Table 1. 16
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(ii) Mothers have been involved in the process of serving and supervising Mid-Day-Meal in the schools. MSHGs have been formed in all the schools. (iii) NGOs have been engaged in two districts of Ferozepur, and Nawanshaher to provide Mid-Day-Meal in schools by establishing centralized kitchens. 2.7 Procedure for getting kitchen shed constructed i) Funds released under the Mid-Day-Meal Scheme for
the construction of kitchen sheds are released to the District Education Officers for transferring the same to school Head Teacher who is a Secretary of the village Education Development constructed. During the year 2006-07, a sum of Rs. 1150.20 lacs for the construction of kitchen shed-cum-store was released by the Finance Department, however, funds were not released by the Treasury. Further, an amount of Rs. 1592.39 lacs was also Department. The total not released by the Finance unspent balance of Rs.2742.59 Rs.1592.39 lacs) permitted Committee to get the kitchen shed
by the Govt. of India to be carried over to the financial year 2007-08. During the year 2007-08, a sum of Rs. 2742.59 lacs was released. The total amount drawn from the Treasury was sent to all the Deputy Commissioners for construction of Kitchen Sheds in 4571 Primary schools through Village Education Development Committees (VEDCs). These
kitchen sheds have been completed. An amount of Rs. 8324.40 lacs for the
construction of 13874 kitchen sheds in Primary and Upper M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 17
Primary Schools released by Govt. of India has been drawn during February, 2009. Funds have been released to the districts for raising construction of kitchen sheds as per guidelines and latest position is as under:Year Kitchen shed sanctioned 4571 kitchen construction shed in progress completed 4571 0 Not yet started 0
13874 18445
7880 12451
5994 5994
0 0
Procedure of procurement of Kitchen devices from i) Funds released under the Mid-Day-Meal Programme
During the year 2006-07, a sum of Rs. 217.37 lacs was sanctioned for Kitchen Devices and Gas Connections. The State Government released the funds to the Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation (PUNSUP). Out of the amount of Rs. 217.37 lacs, Rs.200 lacs were advanced to the above corporation for procurement of Kitchen Devices and for arranging release of Gas Connections. Gas Bhatties, Fire Extinguishers and 4347 Gas connections have been
supplied by PUNSUP to the Primary schools. Further, during the year 2006-07, an amount of
Rs. 245.90 lacs sanctioned by the Government of India for kitchen devices could not be released by the State Finance Department due to late receipt of sanction from Govt. of India i.e. after 31/3/07. Thus, an unspent balance of Rs. 245.90 lacs was allowed to be carried over to the financial year 2007-08 by the Govt. of India. During the year 2007-08, this amount of Rs. 245.90 lacs for procurement of Kitchen Devices was released to the Deputy M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 18
Commissioners for arranging Kitchen Devices and Gas Connections in 4918 Primary schools. All the 4918 Bhatties, Fire Extinguishers and Gas connections have been supplied to the Primary schools. During the year 2008-09 a sum of 52.60 lacs for the procurement of Kitchen Devices for 1052 Upper Primary Schools was released. These funds were released to the Districts and 1052 Bhatties, Fire
Extinguishers and Gas Connection have been procured. Further a sum of Rs. 432.60 lac has been released during January 2010 to procure 8652 kitchen devices for the remaining 8652 schools. These funds have been released to Districts for the procurement of Kitchen Devices and District Committees have been constituted to procure kitchen devices as per rules. Year Kitchen devices sanctioned 18969 kitchen devices procured 18969 Procurement in progress 0
categories of persons involved in the Mid-Day-Meal Programme under programmes of SSA, DIETS etc.
Regular training programmes are being conducted by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programme to all the teachers in the Primary and Upper Primary Schools. A module of Mid Day Meal programme addressing all the aspects of the scheme is M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 19
an integral part of the training programmes. Further, the trainings are also organized on Mid Day Meal scheme through Edusat project of State government. Medical officers from the Health Department provide invaluable inputs on preventive health care particularly the disease relating to iron deficiency, eyes, ears etc. through Edusat as well as through regular training course run by the SSA. One BRP is specifically trained to monitor the Mid Day Meal scheme under the SSA programme at BRC level so as to build the capacity at the grass root level. In addition the State Government has also created the Mid Day Meal cell at the district level by appointing District Managers and Accountants. The basic qualifications for the District Managers are that he should have an experience of working in the Department of Foodgrains or Finance. The qualifications for the Accountants are that he should be retired Section Officer/Assistant Controller Finance and Accounts or B.Com (2nd Division) and minimum 5 years accounts experience. 216 Posts of Assistant Block Managers one in each block of the state has been filled through competitive exam. The basic qualifications for the Assistant Block Manager is that he should possess B.Com/BBA Degree with computer knowledge. 2.10 Management Information System at School, Village/ Gram Panchayat, Block, District and State level
2.10.1 Mid-Day-Meal Programme implementation is the overall responsibility of Committees constituted at school level. Teacher Incharge of Mid-Day-Meal Programme maintains the 20
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day to day record of the programme. There are only two registers to be maintained at school level. One register is for maintenance of funds (Cash Book) and second register is kept for foodgrains. 2.10.2 At the end of the month, every school submits its monthly report of stock register for foodgrains to the Centre Head Teacher which transmits it to the Block Primary Education Officer. Block Primary Education Officer compiles the reports received from various schools and communicates to the District Education Officer (EE), who in turn compiles the entire district report and sends to the State Mid-Day-Meal Cell. District Education Officers (EE) convene monthly meeting of Block Primary Education Officers. 2.10.3 Reports received from the various districts in the formats from table 1 to 16 as given in Annexure - B are compiled at State Mid-Day-Meal Cell and thereafter, progress is reviewed regularly. Monthly meetings of the District Education Officers (EE) are held under the Chairmanship of Director General School Education-cumSpecial Secretary to Govt. of Punjab. 2.10.4 It is also apprised that Punjab Govt. has already taken a decision to transfer the funds electronically right up to the VEDC level in the State, so that there is least obstruction /delay in making the funds available up to the executive agencies. The funds from the State Level are electronically released to District Education Officers (EE) and further electronically transferred to Block Primary
Education Officers for the quick supply of cooking cost to the schools. 2.10.5 All block level officers in the Education Department are going to be connected through internet facilities. Monitoring of the Mid Day Meal scheme shall also be done through this network by asking the Block Primary Officers to put into the information relating to Mid Day Meal through internet. 2.10.6 Specific registers have been designed and supplied to the schools Block Primary Education Officers, Cluster Heads and District Education Officers. It may also be relevant to mention here that these registers have been simplified in a manner so as to take not more than five minute for a school teacher to make the necessary entries into these registers. 2.11 System to ensure transparency and openness in all aspects of Programme implementation including inter alia, foodgrains management, ingredients procurement, cooking and serving, appointment of cooking staff, construction of Kitchen sheds, Procurement of cooking devices
2.11.1 Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation (PUNSUP) is responsible for the lifting of foodgrains from the Godowns of FCI. The foodgrains of Fair Average Quality are transported by the Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation (PUNSUP) and delivered to the schools at their door step once in a month. The schools maintain records containing the necessary information such as number of children fed on each day, the type of food served. 22
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24 Hours Helpline Number 0172-6541673 has been introduced in Head Office at Chandigarh for all complaints and suggestions.
their requirement. Cooking is done by Cooks/MSHGs and supervision is done by mothers in rotation. Cooks/MSHGs are engaged by the Department/Village Panchayats/ VEDCs.
to all the Primary and Upper Primary schools. The Guidelines issued by the Government of India have been taken into account and these instructions have been circulated to the District Education Officers who have been allocated funds for the construction of kitchen sheds through the VEDCs. Necessary care is taken to see that the kitchen sheds are completed keeping in view the rules and regulations. 2.11.4 On the cooking staff, it is apprised that the local
level committees at the school level have been asked to arrange the cook at local level. Mainly women workers have been appointed as a cook in various schools. In case the number of students is large, the schools have been allowed to engage more than one cook, as per the revised norms fixed by the Govt. of India.
districts. All the funds released by Government of India for the kitchen sheds have been released to the districts. 23
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during 2006-07, 2007-08 and 2008-09 have been procured under the supervision of a District level committee . 2.12 Measures taken to rectify a) Inter district low and uneven utilisation of foodgrains and cooking cost b) c) Inter district mismatch in utilisation of foodgrains and cooking cost Measures taken to rectify delay in delivering cooking cost at school level. Inter district low and uneven utilisation of foodgrains and cooking cost is caused due to late release of cooking cost and delay in making allocation of foodgrains. Some of the Districts/Schools manage the programme at their own level while other schools wait for the Government assistance, which cause the mismatch. Utilization of cooking cost more or less corresponds to utilization of foodgrains so perhaps does not need much explanation. On line transfer of funds even up to the school level is being implemented to curtail delay in transfer of funds. 2.13 Details of evaluation studies conducted by State/UTs and summary of its findings. As per the guidelines issued by the Govt. of India, proposals were sought from all the Universities in the State. After examining the same, Punjab Agriculture University was selected to conduct the external evaluation at a cost of Rs. 10,87,500/-. The Punjab Agriculture University shall
submit the evaluation report which shall be shared with the MHRD . 2.14 Brief write up on best practices followed in the State:The following best practices are followed in the schools:(1) All students, irrespective of their caste, creed and religion take the Mid Day Meal and thus spread a message of common brotherhood and also imbibe good traditions of the Indian Society amongst the students; (2) Participation of the women, particularly, the mothers in cooking and serving to the children / students is very good practice. It has also enforced the accountability of teachers towards society to impart quality education to students; (3) In some of the places, the students have been motivated to produce the vegetables by making use of available land in the schools effectively. This will not only make the school self-sustainable but would also inculcate the habit of selfreliance amongst the students; (4) Health Interventions:Principal Welfare Secretary/Secretary, reviews the Health issues & Family to
Health Department regularly. The examines the primary students at primary to senior secondary
one tablet
and deworming tablets twice a year to from class I -XII under School Health 25
year 2010-11 under intimation to the Education Department. District Health Officials check the samples of water and water and under the Mid-dayraw & cooked food to ensure that the potable quality food are being served to the students Mid-Day-Meal Scheme. Health Cards under Meal Scheme have been issued to all
maintenance of health records. Weighing Machines and Height Recorders in all the Primary Schools have also been provided. (5) Implementation of Centralized kitchen concept involving NGOs NGOs (STRI SHAKTI for Ferozepur and Nawanshaher) have been engaged to provide Mid-Day-Meal in the two districts of Ferozepur, and Nawanshaher as pilot project from the middle of September, 2008. The Scheme is running smoothly .
2.15 Instances of unhygienic food served, children falling ill, sub- standard supplies, diversion/ misuse of resources, social discrimation and safety measures adopted to avoid recurrence of such incidents.
No such unfortunate and avoidable incident has fortunately ever come to the notice though there are un-substantiated reports coming in the media once in a while. All these reports are monitored in the Head Office on regular basis and it has generally been found that the reports were either vague or there was some lack of communication. It would also be M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 26
relevant to mention that regular meetings are held under the Chairmanship of Secretary Health on checking the samples
of the Mid Day Meal Scheme and also the quality of water being used in the schools. Regular health check ups are A being done by the Health Department in the schools.
complete annual plan on health check up is prepared in advance for each district. This is reviewed in the District
Level Steering and Monitoring Committee as well as is reviewed at State Level also. One officer from the
Department of Education invariably attends the Monthly meetings of Civil Surgeons convened by the Department of Health to review the implementation of Mid Day Meal as one of the agenda items. 2.16 Extent of involvement of N.G.Os and Civic Body Organizations (CBOs)/PRIs in the implementation and monitoring of the scheme. State -of - the art in the district of centralized kitchens have been set up
Mid-Day-Meal in 2330 schools covering 1,39,317 students through the NGOs (STRI SHAKTI for Ferozepur and
Nawanshaher from middle of September, 2008. The Scheme is running smoothly in these districts. 2.17 Status of School Health Programme with special focus on provision of micro-nutrients, Vitamin-A, de-worming medicine, Iron and Folic acid, Zinc and height, weight etc. 2.17.1 Mid-Day-Meal Scheme has developed complete recording of
synergy with health department in the implementation and monitoring of School Health Programme. Regular meetings have M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 27
been held under Chairmanship of Secretary, Health and Family Welfare, Punjab on 19.02.07, 26.02.08, 12.08.08, 06.10.08 and 2.01.09 , 10-06-09, 11.05.10 & 10.09.10 to discuss the issues related to Mid-Day-Meal Scheme, quality of drinking water, sanitation, Health check up and micronutrient supplementation. The minutes of such meetings are enclosed at Annexure 'C'. These matters are also reviewed on monthly basis by the
Department of Health as well as the Department of Education in the meetings of Civil Surgeons and the District Education
officers respectively . At the district level, Civil Surgeon is a key Member of District level Steering cum Monitoring Committee. 2.17.2 Health Department has designed the tour programme of
medical officers for the year 2010-11 in advance covering all the schools under School Health Programme. The Health Department conducts the qualitative medical check up of students and intimate the details of the results on the monthly basis to the education department. Status of School Health Programme for the years 2005-06, 2006-07, 2007-08, 2008-09 , 2009-10 (upto December, 10) is given on Page No.10. 2.17.3 Approx 04 lacs health cards have been got printed and 2010-11
with an expenditure of Rs. 2.24 lacs out of Management Monitoring and Evaluation funds and distributed to the schools covering all the students from class I to VIII availing as per
Mid-day-Meal. The Health Card has been prepared format prescribed by the Department of Health
(placed at
Annexure - E) and would be complete health profile of school going children for five years. The Medical Officers record their
regularly. Height recorders and Weighing Machines have been provided in all the primary and Upper Primary schools.
2.17.4 It is apprised that micronutrient supplementation i.e. 100 tablets of 20 mg of Iron and Folic (one tablet daily) once a year and deworming tablets twice a year have been provided to all the students taking Mid-Day-Meal from the budget of school health programme of 2010-11 under NRHM funds. To implement the School Health Programme efficiently School Health Registers as per performa given by the Health Department (placed at Annexure - F) have been maintained in each school and certificates are being issued to the doctors on visiting any schools. 2.18 Steps taken to strengthen the monitoring mechanism in the Block, District and State level and status of constitution of SMCs at these levels. Status of formation on standing committees at
village/school/cooking agency level. Steering and Monitoring Committees, as apprised above, have already been constituted at State, District and Sub Divisional Level. These are headed by the Chief Secretary, Deputy
Commissioner and the Sub Divisional Magistrate respectively. Director General School Education monitors the implementation of these schemes on daily basis at Head Office level. There is a State Level Mid Day Meal Cell headed by a General Manager Mid Day Meal Cell to assist the Director General School Education. One District Manager and accountant in Mid Day Meal is
provided in each district to assist the District Education Officer / Deputy Commissioner and one B.R.P. assists the S.D.M. / Block Primary Education Officer at Block level to monitor the scheme. Regular monthly meetings are held on every 15th of month at the M id-D ay-M eal Scheme, Punjab 29
Mid-Day-Meal Scheme is also reviewed at the level of Deputy Commissioners in all the districts on the monthly basis. A meeting of Core Group headed by Secretary School Education is held at State level and similarly, meeting at the level of Principal Secretary Health is held once in a quarter to address the issues relating to health and sanitation at the State level.
The Chief Secretary also reviews the implementation of the scheme in the meeting of State Level Steering-cum-Monitoring Committee. 2011. 2.19 Strategy for establishment of monitoring cell at various levels viz. Block, District and State level for effective monitoring of the scheme. Meeting has already been held on 10, February,
Mid-Day-Meal cell at the State level which is headed by a General Manager, 4 Managers, 1 Accountant & 4 Data Entry Operators has been created. In addition to the above State Govt. has also formed a mid-day-meal cell at the district level by appointing District Managers , Accountants & Data Entry Operators. The basic qualifications for the District Managers are that he should have an experience of working in the Department of Foodgrains or Finance. The qualifications for the Accountants are that he should be retired Section Officer/Assistant Controller Finance and Accounts or B.Com (2nd Division) and minimum 5 years accounts experience. 216 Posts of Assistant Block Managers one in each block of the state has been filled through competitive exam. The basic qualifications for the Assistant Block 30
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Arrangement for Official inspections to Mid-Day-Meal Centres and percentage of schools inspected and summary of findings and remedial measures.
In addition to the monitoring system, as explained above, all the District Institutes of Education and Training have been entrusted the responsibility to ensure that all schools are covered by them with the objective to know the status of implementation of the Mid Day Meal scheme. These reports are compiled at the level of Director, State Council of Educational Research and Training and follow up action is thereafter initiated by Director General School Education. 2.21 Feedback/Comments in respect of report of Monitoring Institutions designated for Punjab State to monitor implementation of MDM and action taken thereon. Study conducted by the Punjab University
Chandigarh in respect of implementation of the Mid-Day-Meal Scheme in the schools of Punjab reveal that there is an over all improvement in the implementation of the scheme. Food grain and funds are generally available with the schools in advance. Whenever there is a short fall, teachers manage it at their own level and recoup it later on. Invariably meals are provided daily in all the schools but whenever there is break that too is very short and varies from 1 to 3 days. 31
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Requirement of food grains and funds for each and every school in every district has been worked out and got printed in the form of a booklet which has been given to all concerned so that they have a ready recconer with them and may plan for the meals in advance. Prescribe menu is followed by the schools. However directions have to be issued to District Education Officers to get the weekly menu exhibited in all the schools so that children and their parents know about the same in advance. 2.22 Grievance Redressal Mechanism if any, used by the State/UTs.
A 24 hour help line at telephone no. 0172-6541673 has been formed at the State level. Complaints received are dealt with at the Head Office, District Office or Schools immediately. School Heads mid-day-meal. inform Head Office directly at telephone no. 0172-2600119 if they get any problem regarding
Overall assessment of the manner in which implementation of the Programme is contributing to the Programme objectives and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the Programme implementation
overcome the initial teething problems. Now, the people and all concerned are aware of the programme. It has been successful in 32
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breaking social inhibitions as children from different caste, colour and creed sit together to eat the food. 2.23.2 In order to implement the programme effectively, a
State Mid-Day-Meal Cell has been created. A post of General Manager with posts of Manager (Finance and Accounts), Manager Foodgrains, Manager Community Support and Manager Health and Nutrition has been created for State Cell. All the posts at Head quarters have been manned by persons having vast experience of food grains/Finance and Accounts. One post of District Manager (MDM) was also created at each of the Districts in the office of District Education Officer (EE). These posts have also been filled up by retired persons having experience of food grains/Accounts One Accountant and one Computer Operator for each of the Managers have also been provided. 216 Posts of Assistant Block Managers one in each block of the state has been filled through competitive exam. 2.23.3 Intensive, on the spot checkings are being conducted
regularly in all the districts on campaign basis without pre intimation to schools through District/Block level Officers. Where deficiencies are pointed out in the implementation of the programme, the concerned district authorities are called upon to explain. 2.23. 4 At the State Level, the implementation of the scheme is
monitored by the State Level Steering and Monitoring Committee which is chaired by the Chief Secretary himself. At the district level, the District Level Steering and Monitoring committee is headed by the Deputy Commissioner with other departmental officers as Members. At the Sub Divisional Level, the Committee is headed by the Sub Divisional Magistrate concerned with the 33
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officers of the Department of Education and others as Members. It is further apprised that the Sub Divisional Magistrates have inspected all the schools during the last quarter of the year 2010-11.