It’s about
classic gins and new-generation gins, about gins from all
over the world. It's about gin enjoyed with tonic and Sicilian
lemonade: About the perfect martini gin and the best gin fora
negroni. \t’s about juniper-heavy and delicate aromatic gins.
About gin cocktails that ooze style and personality. Above all it’s
about enjoying your gin in ways you never thought possible.
Ome e eee e renee rere reser e esses esses ee ee ee eee HEEEEee ee sess eE eee sess eeeessssssesese
An Hachette UK Company
ISBN: 978-1-84533-938-8
My father, he drank whisky; my mother, she drank
gin. This may sound like the start of a country
and western song, but it was, kind of, the truth
- the first bit anyway. My mother didn’t really
drink; a small sherry before dinner perhaps.
Once, however, she did confess to me that “the
drink | love the most is a gin and tonic, but, you
know...” The sentence didn’t need to be finished.
Women didn’t drink gin. Its taste may have been
wonderful, but people would have tutted.
Strangely, though, gin was behind her getting
married. Her first date with my father was also the
first time she had ever been to a pub. When my
dad asked her what she would like to drink, she
panicked and said, “Gin and It”. She had heard
about it, maybe seen it mentioned in a movie, but
had never tried it. My mother’s first drink was the
British equivalent of the Martinez, served in a pub
in Glasgow’s East End. That gives me a certain
sense of pride. The fact that they married soon
after and a couple of years later | came along also
means that, in some curious way, | have gin to
thank for my existence.
Her relationship with gin was a throwback
to the gin-fuelled mayhem of London in the
eighteenth century; it also carries the chill of
Scottish Presbyterian disapproval (and, trust me,
there is nothing as fearsome) and the disreputable
whiff of the excesses of the Bright Young Things
in the twenties and thirties. Gin was flash, too
strong, and uncouth. Being assailed by all sides
simultaneously has long been part of gin’s burden.
My own love of gin began later. In the Scotland where
| grew up, men drank whisky. Gin was also seen as an
“English” drink, one for snooty golf clubs and a certain
social class; a signifier of status, class, and attitude.
This was, of course, in the days of gin’s decline.
Years on, | had my first Martini. lt was made for me
by Desmond Payne at the Beefeater distillery, in those
days a lonely, echoing place that seemed only to be
kept warm by one man’s passion. | inhaled the scents
of the botanicals, marvelled at the stills, nosed the new
make, sipped the drink, and thought, “Where have you
been all my life?”.
Gin was still in the doldrums. Distillers were
flailing around, lowering strength and adding flavours.
Then along came Bombay Sapphire and people
began to become interested in gin once more. Equally
significantly, it coincided with the London cocktail
revival, when people of my age could drink classics;
a small band of sisters and brothers in the wasteland
crying, “We love gin”.
Soon after, Charles Rolls flew me to Plymouth in
a two-seater plane with two cases of gin in the back
(quite why we were taking gin to the distillery | never
quite worked out). What followed was the realization
that every person worth talking to in Scotch whisky had
gin as their first drink. | became a confirmed gin drinker,
fascinated by its complexities, revelling in its history,
loving its underdog status.
Now, at a time when 20 new brands seem to appear
every week and new distilleries are on every corner, all
of that seems like a weird dream. Was there really a time
when gin wasn’t loved, when it was stigmatized, when
Martinis were vodka drinks and bartenders thought
Negroni was an imported beer? Was there a time when
saying you would like to write a gin book would see the
publisher politely changing the subject?
Here’s to the new world of gin!
———— Se
Ancient Remedy
Inthe early days of human civilization, when people
cured themselves with whatever the earth could
Jrpoe CORUNA provide, the “berries” of what came to be scientifically
| ARI 6 Pie ra ROTI,
named as Juniperus communis were valued for
their particular potency. The Ancient Egyptians
Juniperus communis, the Common noted in the Ebers Papyrus (c. 1550 sc), one of the
Juniper, has been used for thousands of oldest records of medical knowledge, how juniper
years as a cure for numerous ailments.
cured jaundice. For the Ancient Greeks, it was both
a performance-enhancing drug and a remedy for
colic. The father of medicine, Roman physician
Dioscorides (c. AD 40-90) detailed the effective use
of juniper berries steeped in wine to combat many
chest ailments, and also as an abortifacient. Were
they distilled? Perhaps. Dioscorides’s “pot-on-pot”
distillation method would appear in medical and
herbal texts over the subsequent 500 years. Pliny the
Elder also praised juniper, mentioning it 22 times in
his Naturalis Historia (c. aD 77-79), where he writes:
“The seed... dispels flatulency and sudden chills,
stops coughs and brings indurations to a head... and
the berries taken in red wine act astringently on the
bowels... The seed is diuretic in its effects... either asa
dose of four berries in white wine or in the form of a
decoction of 20 berries in wine.”
Medieval Panacea
By the thirteenth century, this miracle berry was one of
a dizzying catalogue of ingredients that alchemists and
apothecaries were experimenting with in cities such as
Bruges. It was in nearby Damme, 7km (42 miles) away,
between 1266 and 1269 that Jacob van Maerlant wrote
(in rhyme) the 13-volume encyclopedia Der Naturen
Bloeme, itself a translation of Brussels-born Thomas
of Cantimpré’s 20-volume Liber de Natura Rerum.
In Chapter 8, van Maerlant advises: “cook [juniper]
berries in wine for cramps... cook berries in rainwater for
stomach pains”. He also describes a method of distilling
the wood to make oil, which, along with juniper incense
and berries stuffed into masks, led the battle against the
onslaught of the Black Death (1346-53).
Hieronymus Brunschwig’s treatise on distilling of
1500, the title of which translated into English as The
Vertuose Boke of Distyllacyon, contained a recipe for
“water of genyver berries”:
“In the morning/at nine at night/drink of the same
water at each time an ounce/is good against the
gravell in the limbs and in the bladder/it causes the
urine to come out and well to piss...”
This was the age of the herbals - encyclopedias of
plants and their curative properties - and juniper played
a prominent role in most of them. The Swiss naturalist
Conrad Gesner chose to exemplify the distillation of
juniper’s fruits in his 1559 herbal entitled The Treasure of
Euonymus. Gesner’s herbal also contained a vast recipe
Conrad Gesner’s The Newe Jewell
of Health (1576), shows the master for “a most noble water of vertues worthy to be preferred
and assistant distilling alcohol, using before silver and gold” and listed juniper among 23
a primitive form of reflux condenser. base ingredients, while another recipe that claimed
to “restoreth youth” had 44. The other ingredients are
familiar to gin lovers: grains of paradise, sage, fennel
seeds, nutmeg, pepper, bayberry, fresh herbs, cubeb
berries, cardamom, and almond. Three years later,
William Turner published his A New Herball, the first
to focus on English plants, including juniper, which he
reported “grows plenteously in Kent... in the bishopric
of Durham and Northumberland” and could be used
as a diuretic, as well as to keep vipers away. This was
followed in 1640 by the last of the great herbals, John
Parkinson’s Theatrum Botanicum, in which he wrote:
“No man... can easily set down the virtues of the juniper
tree”, yet undeterred he goes on to try. Juniper, it would
seem, was good for treating everything from nosebleeds
to the plague, including convulsions during childbirth
and asthma. By then, however, in the Low Countries at
least, juniper had another valuable attribute, and one
that had an affect on wealth as well as health.
The Spirit of the Low Countries
We don't know his name, but we can surmise that
a certain merchant who lived between Arnhem and
Appeldorn in 1495 was rich, because who else but a
wealthy man would have a household book handwritten
for his own delight? And who else would have been able
to afford the outrageous amount of spices needed to
make a recreational spirit, the earliest found to date to
use Juniper (see panel, left)? Those spices would have
come to him overland from the East to Constantinople,
then Venice. This was a decadent, liquid manifestation
_ This extravagant recipe starts
by taking 10 quarts of wine (or
of power and also a clear indication that people were
_“mother of wine”, possibly lees), drinking for pleasure. Two years later, “brandy” -
thinned with clear water or a catch-all term for spirits at that time - was being
Hamburg beer “until the water has
taxed in Amsterdam.
the thickness of buttermilk”. It is
then distilled in a two-pot still, the
head being affixed and sealed with Water of Life
a mixture of egg yolk and flour. You
To understand gin, you must first understand genever,
then take 9 parts of this “burned
wine” to 1 part of the following the rise of which came on the back of warfare, religious
spice mix: 12 nutmegs, ginger, persecution, nation building, and trade. Its greatest
galangal, grains of paradise, historian is Dr. Eric Van Schoonenberghe, without
clove, cinnamon, and cardamom.
After this is distilled, you add 4lb
whose texts this chapter would have been considerably
of crushed nutmeg, 2 handfuls sketchier. There was a rich seam of alchemical-related
of dried sage, 1lb of cloves, and, writings in Dutch from the thirteenth century onwards,
finally, juniper. In the actual recipe,
many of which mention juniper. However, it was
this is referred to as gorsbeyn de
dameren, which translates literally Johannes de Aeltre’s 1351 copy of an earlier tract titled
as “ashes of frog’s bones” or, as Aqua vite, dats water des levens of levende water that
Van Schoonenberghe (see right)
is particularly significant in highlighting a shift in the
argues, ground dried juniper
[ghurst] berries [beyen]. This spirit’s function. In it, he stated that aqua vitae:
mixture is put into a cloth bag “Het doet oec den mensche droefheit vergeten
and suspended in the pot, then Ende maecten van hertten vro ende oec stout
the mixture is redistilled.
In 2014, at G’Vine’s (see pp.122-3)
ende coene.”
Cognac HQ (the original recipe calls “It makes people forget about sadness,
for wine from close to Cognac), a and makes their hearts happy and brave.”
team including genever historian
Clearly, achange had taken place. People were realizing
Phillip Duff and David Wondrich
(see p.155) re-created this that what had been regarded purely as a medicine had
concoction and named it Verbatim. another property. And so juniper berries were ready to
assume their modern role.
The position of Bruges as acentre for trade and
intellectual investigation dwindled in the fifteenth
century when the river Zwin silted up, and the focus
shifted 9Okm (56 miles) east to Antwerp where, in 1552,
Philiopous Hermanni wrote Een Constelijck Distileerboec.
It not only featured a recipe for juniper berry water but
went into forensic detail about how to distil. It would
become the manual for distillers in the Low Countries.
All of the healing waters up until this point had been
wine-based, but a succession of poor harvests and
cold weather prompted distillers to turn to what was
around them, initially sour beer and subsequently rye
and malted barley. But there was another reason for
the shortage of wine. The year 1568 saw the start of the
Eighty Years’ War between the Low Countries and their
then rulers Spain. A Protestant uprising, centred around
Antwerp, was violently suppressed by the Spanish. The
combination of increased religious persecution and a fall
in trade prompted a mass exodus of artisans, distillers,
Crock bottles, like these antique and merchants. Six thousand refugees went to London
examples from Dutch distiller Bols, are alone during this period, while others went to the
still used to bottle genever today. northern Netherlands, Berlin, Cologne, and France. As
Antwerp’s importance declined, distillers re-established
themselves in the towns of the new Dutch Republic,
such as Schiedam, close to Rotterdam. Others moved
to Amsterdam, Weesp, and Hasselt (now in Belgium),
joined by asecond wave in 1601 when the rulers of
the Spanish-controlled south, Archdukes Albert and
Isabella, banned distillation from grains, citing the need
for bread, an edict that remained in force for 112 years.
Added Values
Hitherto, the rich had drunk wine and brandy; the poor,
beer and malt spirit, but by the start of the seventeenth
century, war was imposing a change. In 1606, the Dutch
Republic taxed brandy, anise, and genever. Since prior to
this only brandy had been taxed, it’s evident that genever
was now being more widely consumed. This also resulted
in a shift in flavour. In order to produce a more refined
spirit to appeal to the brandy-deprived merchant class,
Dutch distillers began to aromatize their malt wine,
primarily with juniper Genever) and other spices that
were becoming easier to obtain. In 1602, the Dutch East
India Company (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie
or VOC) received its charter. Until its dissolution in
1799, it was the world’s most powerful trading body,
with a virtual monopoly on the spice trade. The Dutch
Golden Age had begun.
Among the refugees from Antwerp were the Bulsius
family who, after a short period in Cologne, had arrived
in Amsterdam in 1575, changed their name to Bols, and
began making liqueurs. By 1664, they had added genever
to their range (see pp.171-3 and 178). Both styles of drink
required exotic ingredients, and the family established
close ties with the 17-man Council of the VOC. In 1700,
at the height of the VOC’s power when it had risen to
the status of a de facto state, Lucas Bols became a
shareholder, allowing him preferential access to the
spices as well as a distribution network for his products.
The VOC's nigh-on 5,000-strong fleet made
Amsterdam the centre of world trade. As EM Beekman
observes in Fugitive Dreams, “monopolies can be
legislated, but they can only be maintained by force...”
Yet what did Amsterdam’s merchants and distillers
care of the brutalities in the East when its riches were
being unloaded on the city’s wharves? In came the
spices and silks; out went the genever. By this time, the
Dutch navy and army were receiving a daily ration of
genever. Colonists in the East Indies would have soopjes
(shots) of “parrot soup”, “fathead”, and “hopping
water” throughout the day, and take their “mosquito
net” nightcap before sleep. Genever was also used in
The trading post of the Dutch East
bartering. The missionary Herman Neubronner van der
India Company, the VOC, in the Hooghly
district of Bengal, in India. Painting by Tuuk was offended when a Batak chief in Sumatra asked
Hendrik van Schulenburgh, from 1665. for 12 bottles of genever in exchange for a sacred text.
Holland Goes Global
Genever had become part of a complex web of trade
and culture, one thread in the intricate tapestry of
identity that the new nation was stitching for itself. As
it began to be distributed around the world, to western
and South Africa, India, Japan, China, the Caribbean,
South America, and Europe, it became a signifier for
the Dutch. It wasn’t just genever, it was “Hollands”.
Production continued to rise. Grain came in from the
Baltic, and malted barley from England. Casks were
needed, made by coopers such as Petrus de Kuyper of
salted rm Horst, whose son Jan opened a distillery in Schiedam in
1752, its smoke and scents mingling with the effusions
from the town’s other 126 operations.
83) DISTILLER The creation in 1713 of the Austrian Netherlands
to control the quality of the spirit being made. The
1698 reprint of its recipe book The Distiller of London
(see panel, opposite) instructed “that all wines, low
wines, lees of wines, and spirits under proof be first
distilled... into strong proof whereby they may be
corrected... before they are compounded”.
Dutch Influence
Among the influx of immigrants into England was
William Y-Worth of Rotterdam, a respected alchemist
and confidant of Isaac Newton who, in 1692, published
The Compleat Distiller. Y-Worth’s book is a clear
account of the Dutch methods of distilling and
compounding. He has some sharp words to say about
the “defective” approach of the Worshipful Company,
Sn ace nwneceresenenaescateaesnsassngenensenenssrsssenesenssesens
though his only mention ofjuniper is in the medicinal
_ Soldiers played a strange role in
Pharmacopoeia Spagyrica section. Along with
English gin’s story. According to
some gin historians, it was thanks improved Dutch distilling techniques, the seventeenth
to them bringing back “Dutch century also saw the importation of genever, both
Courage” from the battlefields
legally and by smugglers, and this was soon regarded
of the Netherlands at any point
between Elizabethan times (about as the measure against which British distillers should
1560-1600) and the Thirty Years’ compare their gins. At this time, members of Scotland’s
War (1618-48) that prompted gin’s Haig distilling dynasty were also studying genever
rise in popularity. However, the idea
that the troops were advocates of production in Schiedam (see p.20).
genever is, | think, over-simplistic. By this time, Britain also had a Dutch king, William
When they returned, unemployed, Ill, who had been invited to take the throne in 1688. His
they were looking for cheap spirits;
accession is often cited as the trigger that prompted
the fact that by the eighteenth
century the cheapest was gin people to start drinking gin out of patriotic enthusiasm.
was pure coincidence. In reality, the gentry were already drinking it, and its
consumption only spread thanks to an act of political
expediency. In 1690, Parliament passed “An Act for
encouraging the distilling of brandy and spirits from
corn”. Lowering the duties on spirits made from English
corn and initially banning French brandy was a way to
curry favour with farmers and landowners who were
experiencing a corn surplus. It wasn’t an attempt to
encourage people to drink gin, though they did, and
how. Deregulation of production meant that anyone
could now distil or compound. As a result, consumption
of spirits rose from 2,600,363 litres (572,000 gallons)
in1684 to 5,455,308 litres (1.2 million gallons) in 1700.
The combination of cheap corn from 1715-55 anda
mass of new distillers saw prices crash, and as they did,
so did quality. By 1720, the Gin Craze had taken hold.
Crazed Times
Out of chaos, in the eighteenth century, Britain formed
itself into anew nation, and the greatest manifestation
of that bedlam was London. The city was expanding
rapidly, with people packed into its growing slums. It was
a febrile time, with almost constant war, the continuing
threat of Jacobite rebellion, and uncontrolled financial
speculation. The siren call of London's possibilities lured
ever more souls into its fetid embrace, only to dash them
into its gutters. Some, though, prospered and learned
a trade, or obtained a position, but the majority salved
their misery with the balm provided by Mother Geneva.
By 1720, 90 per cent of English spirits were being
distilled in London and most of that was gin. It was cheap,
strong, imitated the “Hollands” that the gentry were
drinking, and easily available from taverns, public houses,
coffee houses, and the grimy gin shops that festooned
the city’s alleyways. You could buy it from the chandler’s
shop, where the poor got their twists of sugar, stale
bread, and hard cheese, from barrows, or from hawkers.
The rise in gin consumption by the lower classes had
become enough of an issue for the government to pass
an Act in 1729 to try and curb demand. However, it saw
just 453 of the new licences (costing the equivalent of a
THE GIN ACTS year’s income) being granted and had no effect on the
volume being sold. Distilling and selling was becoming
1729 A higher duty of 5 shillings the sole option for earning money in the slums.
- per gallon on compound waters.
The rise in duty not only attempted to raise much-
Retail licence now cost £20.
needed revenue (the century’s constant wars had to be
1733 The extra duty on compound
spirits scrapped. Street vendors paid for), but played well with the neo-Prohibitionists. It
banned. £10 fine to be paid if also cleverly avoided conflict with the vested interests
caught. Informers to be paid £5 on
of the distillers and landowners by only targeting the
conviction and payment of fine.
estimated 1,500 compounders. The problem was that it
1736 £50 licences for selling
distilled spirits; duty £1 per gallon. didn’t work, and by 1730 gin consumption had reached
£100 fine for unlicensed retailers. 13,638,276 litres (3 million gallons). Opposition to gin
£10 fine for street sales. Illegal to had become a moral crusade fought with sermons,
sell less than 2 gallons wholesale.
plays, and pamphlets relating dreadful tales of
1743 Duties on low wines
debauchery, murder, and dissipation.
doubled to 2 pence per gallon,
duty of spirits 6 pence per gallon. In 1736, a third Gin Act was passed (see panel, left),
Licence cut to £1. Gin to be sold in but in spite of its draconian measures designed to drive
licensed premises only. Distillers
gin out, only 20 of the new £50 licences were issued
not permitted to retail.
and the demon spirit was even more freely available.
1747 Wholesale distillers
allowed to retail on payment Two years later, production topped six million gallons.
of a £5 licence. The fury of gin’s opponents was only matched by
1751 Duty rises to one shilling that of those they were targeting. They queued up in
per gallon; cost of licence rises to front of “Puss and Mew” devices, pioneered by Dudley
£2. Distillers banned from retailing.
Bradstreet, where, by a painted sign of a cat, patrons
Licensed premises restricted to
inns, alehouses, and taverns and whispered “Puss”. On the affirmative response of
gin only for sale to publicans “Mew”, the patron placed two pennies in the drawer
whose premises are rateable at
that shot out and were dispensed a dram through a
more than £10 per annum.
lead pipe under the cat’s paw. Informers, eager to claim
1760 Duty increases of 5 pence
on low wines and 1 shilling 3 pence their rewards, were now organizing themselves into
on corn-based spirits. Export gangs but, if uncloaked, they could pay a very high
subsidies offered. price. In 1738, for example, the body of a deceased
woman informer was dug up and a stake driven through
her heart. Drinking gin had now become an act of civil
disobedience; the mob was restless. In time, magistrates
fearful of attack gave up trying to impose the law.
Out of the eight million gallons of gin produced in
1742 (over two gallons per capita), only 40 gallons of
licensed gin were sold. Revenue was now desperately
needed to help pay for the 80,000 troops sent to
fight in the war of the Austrian Succession (1740-8),
so the Government changed tack with yet another
Act (see panel, left). Initially it appeared to work, with
481,000 of the low-priced licences being taken out
between 1743 and 1747. The distillers, however, objected
to not being allowed to sell direct and, in 1748, they
and the compounders were once again permitted
to retail. At this precise moment, however, the troops
returned, prompting a gin-fuelled crime wave.
London was in crisis. The city’s birth rate fell between
1720 and 1750, while the death rate rose, with infant
mortality averaging 242 deaths per 1,000 deaths per
annum between 1730 and 1779. Alcoholism played
its part, but gin was far from being the sole cause.
The Gin Craze was born out of poverty. Although gin
consumption began to fall during the late 1740s, the
war with gin was soon once again top of the political
agenda. In 1751, artist William Hogarth’s print of Gin
Lane (see p.16) was issued with its hellish depiction of
life in the “rookeries” (slums) around St Giles. It depicts
a fractured society, with gin as asymbol of its moral and
The perils of gin-drinking among young physical decline. The drunken slatternly mother letting
women was another popular theme for her child tumble to its death in the centre represented
illustrators such as Thomas Rowlandson, not just Mother Genever but women themselves.
who produced this drawing at the
beginning of the 1800s.
From Notoriety to Acceptability
“Ifa woman accustoms herself to dram-drinking
she... becomes the most miserable as well as the
most contemptible creature on earth.” So wrote the
anonymous author ofA dissertation on Mr Hogarth’s Six
Prints in 1751. lf women are depraved, the abolitionists
posed, then what hope has society? Women are meant
to hold society together, they argued, not be the ones
with bottles in their skirts selling gin at Sam. More to the
point, if they are bad mothers, then where is the next lot
of cannon fodder coming from? Yet selling gin was one
of the few ways that single women could make money.
The same year, yet another Gin Act was passed (see
panel, p.17), which finally appeared to work and, bar
for a spike in 1756, consumption continued to fall. Any
residual thirst for cheap gin was washed away between
1757-63 when poor harvests meant that no grain was
distilled, and small distillers shut up shop. With gin now
expensive to make, prices rose and with them quality.
The Gin Craze was over and spirits were returned to the
hands of the wealthy, the same people who had been
drinking rum, brandy, and genever through its duration.
Gin distilleries were now owned by men of
considerable substance - families such as Boord,
Currie, and Booth - and in 1769 Alexander Gordon
started distilling in Bermondsey, south London (see
pp.87-8). By the 1780s, James Stein had installed a gin
plant at his Kilbagie whisky distillery in Fife, Scotland
capable of producing 5,000 gallons of “Hollands” a
day, and although his export licence was revoked, it
was a sign that London gin distillers no longer had
a monopoly. Thomas Dakin had established a gin
distillery in Warrington, northwest England, in 1761
(see pp.69 and 89), while in 1793 the Coates family
started up in Plymouth (see p.104). Four large new
distilleries in Bristol, a trio in Liverpool, and increased
exports of spirit for rectification from Scotland also
put pressure on the London firms.
Gin was, tentatively, becoming an acceptable
drink, but it was far from the spirit we know today. In
his 1757 book The Complete Distiller, Ambrose Cooper
advised distillers to follow a Dutch method, with the
encouragement that if they were “careful in distilling
and rectifying [their] malt spirit, may make Geneva
The 1751 Gin Act brought about the equivalent to that of the Dutch”. Y-Worth’s message
death of Madam Genever... or did it? still ran true (see p.15).
oJ me inimente wreMe
were olY
if fn Lore
Class Customs
As Olivia Williams recounts in her book Gin Glorious
Gin, iN 1833 the London magazine, The Spectator, listed
genever and brandy as being a staple of the middle class
household’s purchases, while “home-made spirits (gin
and whisky) are falling on the poor”. Hollands was still
regarded as superior, and there were further attempts
to make it in Britain, with the Haigs trying to market
their Scottish-made version in London in 1807. The
distiller Robert More, who had trained in Scheidam, was
selling “Geneva” produced at his Underwood distillery in
Falkirk, Scotland, in 1828, but it wasn’t to work, and the
next year he was declared bankrupt.
British gin was still a drink of the working classes.
In his 1836 essay The Streets at Night, Charles Dickens
portrays the rowdy post-theatre crowd in London calling
for “goes” (drams) of gin and purl - aromatized beer
dosed up with gin. Imports still outstripped domestic
production and, in addition, there was still considerable
smuggling. Carpeau and Stival’s Citadelle distillery in
Dunkirk, northern France, was given royal dispensation
to distil with grain in 1785 with the specific purpose
of smuggling it into England, a state of affairs that
continued until 1810, even as the Napoleonic Wars were
being fought. It was this tale that inspired Alexandre
Gabriel to create his Citadelle brand (see pp.118 and 158).
The British legislators then came up with a smart
idea to boost domestic spirits. In 1825, they slashed
duties from 10 shillings 6 pence to 6 shillings. Gin was
now cheaper than beer and ina year consumption
jumped from 3.7 to 7.4 million gallons. As Samuel
Morewood reported in 1838, this did not improve
quality. Because of the poor standard of the base spirit,
he wrote: “All spirits were obliged to pass through the
medium of [the rectifiers] who were then by a mistaken
enactment made the arbiters of public taste.”
The return of cheap gin also created a new place in
which to drink it, the gin palace, which dazzled among
London’s malodorous thoroughfares. Glass-fronted,
brightly lit, with long bars and barrels of gin behind, gin
palaces appeared to offer a high-class opportunity to
sip elegant drinks. It was a chimera. They were no more
than tarted-up gin shops, seatless spaces for the poor to
obliterate themselves with low-grade booze once again.
Nothing had been solved. As Dickens put it in his essay
on gin palaces in 1835, “Gin-drinking is a great vice in
England, but poverty is greater.” Realizing their mistake,
the government removed the duty on beer in 1830,
prompting a rush back to pubs, which now took design
7 20s enuiacecondGin Craze, ; cues from the gin palaces (with added seats), giving
this time centred around London's gin : them the look of the Victorian pub seen today. By the
palaces, like this one. ? end of the 1830s, the era of the gin palace was over.
New Gin Styles
The gin distillers were, however, organizing themselves.
From 1820-40, the Rectifiers Club met monthly, and
while the group had a certain whiff of the cartel about it,
the Club standardized practices, while also addressing
the issue of inferior base spirit. In 1827, Robert Stein
installed his new patent continuous still at Kilbagie
(see 0.19), a design then improved by Aeneas Coffey
in 1832 (see illustration, opposite). The previous year
in Warrington (see p.19), Mary Dakin bought a Corty
rectifying head for her gin still, and in 1836 installed
another new rectifying head designed by a Mr Carter
(see pp.42-3). The result of all of these innovations was
a cleaner base spirit, which in turn meant that there was
less need to overload it with heavy botanicals. The new
clarity allowed a widening of the botanical palette - more
citrus, sweet spices, cardamom, caraway, and so on -
and, consequently, gins of greater complexity. In London,
gin distillers were now grouped together in Bermondsey,
Lambeth, and Clerkenwell, where, in 1798, Gordon’s had
joined Nicholson’s and Booth’s. By the middle of the
century, the Plymouth distillery (see p.19) was supplying
1,000 barrels of Navy Strength a year to the Royal Navy.
This period also saw gin being used to dilute
medicinal concoctions. The officers in the Navy cut their
dose of antimalarial Angostura bitters with Plymouth
gin, thereby creating pink gin. In order to prevent
scurvy, all vessels had by law to carry limes, which were
most easily transportable in the form of the cordial
created by Lauchlin Rose in 1862. Thus, taken with gin, a
drink named after the surname of the Navy’s Surgeon-
General, Sir Thomas Gimlette, was invented. Even the
Army got in on the act, offsetting the bitterness of
antimalarial tonic waters by mixing them with gin.
The publishing in Britain of William Terrington’s
Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks in 1869 also pointed
to a further stage in gin’s evolution. Gin was becoming
respectable and more sophisticated as a drink, since
it could now be served cooled by ice, which was more
widely available. Gin cups, such as the No. 1 famously
created by (or for) Mr Pimm’s oyster warehouse, were
gaining in popularity. The clearest indication of what
was on Offer in the way of gin from public houses is
revealed in Loftus’s New Mixing and Reducing Book
' Simm
(and whisky) to become the spirit of choice for the
middle class, evidenced by the appearance of gin
drinks, such as the punch, julep, cocktail sling, and
sangaree in 1871's The Gentleman's Table Guide. By then,
the old distillers had been joined by Charles Tanqueray,
who started compounding in 1830 (see pp.110-2),
Walter and Alfred Gilbey, and James Burrough who, in
1863, bought John Taylor’s gin distillery in Cale Street,
Chelsea. In 1876, his Beefeater dry gin (see p.63) was
launched to tap into the demand among gin’s new
consumers for an unsweetened style akin to the then
new “dry” Champagnes. English distillers now looked
west to America, another market that was opening up,
and one that had long developed a taste for gin.
was also being exported as a base spirit to distillers in
England, France, and Germany.
Everything from malting to bottling took place
in the town. The soot from Scheidam’s hundreds of
distillery chimneys mingled with that from the kilns of
its 62 malt houses. The blackened air, fanned lightly
by the sails of the town’s 15 windmills, earned the city
the name “Black Nazareth”. The boom was not to last.
Schiedam’s importance started to decline in the late
1880s as the country’s larger firms turned their back
on malt wine (the town’s speciality) in preference of the
cheaper base spirit industrially produced from sugar
beet. This change mirrored what had already taken place
in Belgium. In the 1820s, Belgian distillers were quick to
install Brussels-based Cellier Blumenthal’s column stills
(see left), while Belgium’s independence in 1830 saw a
drop in taxes, aban on Dutch genever, and a doubling
Belgian distillers adopted the Cellier in the number of distilleries to 1,092 with exports
Blumenthal still design in the 1820s. starting to Brazil, Africa, India, New Zealand, Australia,
and China. Consolidation soon followed, with the bulk
being made by large urban distilleries using sugar beet
base spirit. This new Vonge), light genever became a
low-price working class drink, prompting Belgium’s
very own Gin Craze, whose opponents countered the
rise in consumption with messages and images eerily
reminiscent of those used in London a century before.
Madam Genever was not dead.
(see also p.181) gives a recipe for gin made with clarified
whiskey and an equal quantity of water “together with
a sufficient quantity of juniper berries, a handful of hops
[plus isinglass, lime water, and salt].” This gin, he adds,
“ when fined, and two years old, will be equal, if not
superior to Holland gin”.
It’s this recipe that Brooklyn-based New York
Distilling Company has re-created for its Chief Gowanus
(see p.181), and appropriately, too. Brooklyn was a
hub of early distilling and is where, in 1808, Hezekiah
Pierrepont founded the Anchor Distillery, said to be
the first commercial gin plant in the USA. According to
Henry Reed Stiles’s A History of the City of Brooklyn,
Anchor “kept the gin for a full year after it was made
by which it acquired the mellowness for which it was
peculiarly esteemed”. Of the spirits distilled in South
Brooklyn’s six distilleries in 1851, 2.9 million gallons of
whiskey were rectified, much of it into gin.
America made gin because America began drinking
mixed drinks. What started as simple, single-serve
punches (slings) became fixes, sours, daisies, juleps, and
smashes, and, with the addition of bitters at the start of
While less scabrous than Hogarth (see the nineteenth century, “bittered slings” or “cocktails”.
p.16), the Temperance movement also These were short, preferably cold, drinks to be taken
played the “family values” card heavily. quickly, as eye-openers, hangover cures, or apéritifs, and
all could be made with genever. Initially, they were all
morning drinks. The wider availability of ice from 1830
onwards made the drinks colder, as did the advent of the
cocktail shaker in the late 1840s. As the drinks changed, so
did their surroundings. Saloons were now, as Solmonson
argues, designed to lure people in and keep them drinking.
With the saloons came bartenders and with
bartenders came showmanship. The first great
bartending superstar, Jerry Thomas, started mixing in
1849, and by 1862 had written the first cocktail book.
By then, Thomas and his colleagues had “improved”
the simple gin drinks. In came apricot brandy, absinthe,
Chartreuse, and other ingredients, but the most
significant shift took place when vermouth was found
to be the Romeo to gin’s Juliet. The gin Manhattan,
aka the Turf Club, emerged in the 1880s. Its first written
reference is in 1884, though Terrington (see p.22) has
DieTENEER 11 a remarkably similar-sounding mix - alongside the
vermouth-heavy Martinez. Both were either Hollands-
or Old Tom-based. Of dry gin there is no trace. Harry
Johnson's 1888 Bartenders’ Manual has 11 gin drinks
with Hollands, eight with Old Tom; Jerry Thomas’s
1888 edition is 6:4 in favour of Hollands; and “The Only
William” Schmidt's The Flowing Bow! of 1892 is 11:5 in
favour of Hollands. By 1908, however, William “Cocktail”
Boothby lists six dry gin drinks in his The World's Drinks
and How to Mix Them, nine each with the two older
styles of gin. The tide was turning. America’s taste was
moving in the dry direction just as it was also going dry.
Bathtub Gin
Despite the US authorities’ best efforts, As William Grimes outlines in his history of the American
gin’s popularity rose during Prohibition cocktail Straight Up or On the Rocks, drinks also became
pricier. Prior to Prohibition, a cocktail would set you
back 20 cents. That price now doubled for a shot at
a speakeasy, and would hit $3 at a top-end club. This
provided a further incentive to mix drinks at home and
impress your friends with your Martini-making skills.
After all, as far back as 1894 the tagline for Heublein’s
pre-mixed gin drinks promoted them as “a better cocktail
at home than is served over any bar in the world”.
For those who couldn’t afford bootlegged imported
gin, there was an alternative, rustled up by mixing
industrial alcohol and turpentine in a bathtub, its rank
taste masked in the glass by creams and sweeteners.
Adulterated “gin”, an increase in drinking among
women, arise in spirits consumption - sound familiar?
Yes, Prohibition was America’s very own Gin Craze.
Amazingly, bathtub gin didn’t damage the category’s
image. In fact, gin prospered after 1933. The following
year, Gordon’s began distilling in the USA. Gilbey
followed in 1938, while Canadian distiller, Seagram,
began making its eponymous gin in 1939.
Mixed Fortunes
Meanwhile, things were tougher in the Low Countries.
In Belgium, in 1919, duties rose fourfold, retail sales
were restricted to a minimum of two litres, and spirits
were banned in bars in an attempt to curb excessive
consumption (this latter restriction would remain in
place until 1985). In the Netherlands, the consequences
of a refusal to modernize resulted in only 14 distilleries
surviving in Schiedam in 1920, and a less nimble
negotiation of Prohibition than that accomplished by
the British distillers led to sales to the USA dropping
off. Add to that the effects of the Great Depression
and World War Two, and genever entered the 1950s
severely bloodied.
Gin distilleries in the UK, however, prospered.
Prohibition increased the number of rich Americans
in Europe and, equally significantly, the number of
US-trained bartenders, notably Harry Craddock at The
Savoy Hotel (see p.200) and Harry MacElhone (see
p.204 and p.208), who began his European career at
the New York Bar in Paris that would later bear his name.
Europe was now finally up to speed with cocktails,
though their consumption was less egalitarian than
| HS jul
{ pore
afoot y
A master at work: Harry Craddock inthe USA. In London, cocktail drinking was the
brought American-style gin cocktails preserve of the Bright Young Things at their new-
to London's Savoy Hotel. fangled “cocktail parties” or flitting around bars like
Ciro’s, The Savoy, and the Café Royal. Englishmen
abroad could sip their Straits Slings in Singapore or
the Pegu Club in Rangoon (see p.206). Less affluent
drinkers could try to emulate the experience with
Gordon’s ready-to-serve cocktail packs (complete
with shaker) or Beefeater’s pre-mix range, or just ask
for gin and a simple mixer: orange squash, ginger
beer, sweet vermouth, tonic, or Dubonnet.
Post-war Trends
Post-Prohibition America had begun to prefer drier
drinks both in terms of the type of gin and the style of
drink. The flamboyant, sweet, and creamy drinks of the
nineteenth century and Prohibition era had gone and
with them Hollands and Old Tom, while consumption
of dry gin was steadily on the up. Enter the glory years
of the Dry Martini, ever increasing in dryness and the
quantity consumed: three at lunch, then more at home
or in the bar. The pace of 1950s America was brisk
and the mood steely in its intent; the Martini perfectly
fitted the bill. In Britain, on the other hand, most people
drank gin with tonic water (conversely a swanky drink
in America), or as a Gin and It - the pub version of the
Martinez. It was the drink my mother ordered on her
first date with my father. She hadn’t a clue what it was,
but she knew it carried an air of sophistication.
However, a flavourless assassin was preparing to
strike. By 1954, one million cases of vodka were being
sold every year in the USA, marketed with the boast that
it could replace gin in any drink and leave your breath
untainted. By 1967, it was outselling gin. If gin was on the
slide in the USA, in Britain it had become irredeemably
conservative, a drink consigned to golf clubs and yachts
(the new “gin palaces”). In short, it was the antithesis
Gin's Renaissance
The blue bottle came as a surprise to everyone. What
was Sidney Frank thinking? Not just gin, but premium
gin? In 1987, however, that bold move brought a new
generation to gin. Bombay Sapphire (see pp.70-1)
was light, aromatic, and sexy; it revitalized the whole
category. Plymouth’s regeneration from 1997 by Charles
Rolls (now at Fever-Tree) built on this turnaround
(see p.104). Suddenly distillers like Desmond Payne
at Beefeater (see p.64) who had kept the gin pennant
flying in a sea of vodka were rightly lauded. Gin drinks
were now being made again in London and New York.
People were looking for sophistication, for classicism.
Vodka couldn’t deliver that. Gin could.
It took a little longer for genever to catch up,
but in recent years a revival - led initially by Bols
(see pp.171-3 and 178) and its close connections with
the world’s bartending community - has seen it being
taken seriously once more. New gins began to appear
almost daily as a consequence of the rise in small-scale
distilling, initially in the USA. For decades, American-
made gin had been low-priced because gin was, after
all, almost dead. The new small-scale distillers saw
an opportunity to do for gin what the microbrewery
movement had done for beer, namely making it local,
premium, feather-ruffling, and historically obsessed
yet forward-thinking.
Gins are now made in pretty much every style -
ultra-traditional, terroir, genever, cask-rested, Old Tom,
or using a “democratic” botanical mix that scales back
juniper. Britain has also experienced a juniper-scented
explosion of new gin brands - many made at Thames
Distillers (see p.79) or Langley (see p.75) - witha
growing number of distilleries following the path created
by the first of their number, Sipsmith (see pp.107-8).
Gins are now being crafted globally with a new
awareness of the local, such as the Cape fynbos used
in South Africa’s Inverroche (see p.125), Australian
botanicals in West Winds (see 9.135), Islay botanicals in
The Botanist (see p.73), and the mix of exotic and Black
Forest-sourced ingredients in Monkey 47 (see p.130),
whose vastly complex recipe chimes uncannily with
those early and lengthy expositions in medieval herbals.
Genever is back: Dutch brand Bols has In going forwards, gin has come full circle.
aligned itself closely to the bar community.
One thing that has intrigued me for some while
isn’t so much the fact that there are so many
new gins on the market but that new distillers
seem to think gin is easy to make. There Is more
to gin than just bunging some nicely smelling
ingredients together and then distilling them.
In fact, the more you examine gin, the more head-
scratchingly complex the whole affair becomes.
You have to consider the quality of the
base spirit and be aware of the shape and size
of the still, the speed at which you run it, and
when you stop capturing the gin. In addition,
you are always thinking in terms of aroma -
what does each botanical smell like, does it
add texture, where does it emerge on the nose
and palate, and then how does it interact when
placed alongside others? How also do you ensure
consistency between batches if your (natural)
ingredients are changing?
When | asked Plymouth Gin’s Sean Harrison
about all of this, he recommended that | read
two books: one on aromatherapy, the other on
perfumery. They taught me a huge amount, but
they didn’t reveal gin’s soul. A gin distiller sits
at the crossroads of chemistry and artistry.
What follows isn’t a guide on how to make
gin at home (leave it to the experts, say I), but
it might just give you an idea of how complex
the whole process is.
“LOrganic chemistry] is the chemistry of life itself
and of the products of living things... [its] practical
application to human need is one of the irreplaceable
foundations of modern civilization.”
An Introduction to Perfumery by Tony Curtis and
David Williams
Gin flavours come from the essential oils within its
botanicals (see pp.34-7). The closer you look at the
properties of these, the more marvellously weird the
whole thing becomes.
Juniper, for example, gets its identity from the
combination of a small number of major constituent
parts, and alarge number of smaller ones. Even trace
elements at parts per trillion contribute to its overall
Gin’s flavour comes from the distillation effect. Juniper has elements of citrus and rose, as well
of natural essential oils. as pine and camphor. This range is similar for each
botanical. Even lemon peel smells of orange.
During distillation these aromas vaporize, mingling
with those from the alcohol, rising up the stillina
supercharged aromatic steam. Each of the different
elements within them is then released at a different
point. What is happening is a bit like a maniac driving
a horse-drawn carriage over a rocky road: eventually
the structure gives way and it flies apart. In botanicals,
the most volatile (the lightest) are liberated first, with
the heaviest only managing to struggle free later on. At
the same time, these elements are bonding with similar
components from other botanicals, holding hands as
they fly upwards. Together, they build complexity.
Juniper (Juniperus communis)
This, the only essential botanical in gin, grows across
Europe, Asia, and North America, with Tuscany and
Macedonia being the main areas of production. It is
also sourced from Serbia, Bulgaria, and Scandinavia.
Differences in vintage and terroir impact on the
aroma of the “berries” (actually soft-scaled cones
containing oil-rich seeds), meaning that distillers need
to monitor the quality and character of their juniper
closely to ensure consistency of aroma. With an easily
identifiable central aroma of a heavily scented pine
forest (given by alpha-pinene), juniper’s aromatic
fingerprint soreads much wider into citrus, lavender,
camphor, turpentine, green florals, heather, fruit, and
resin, an all-pervasive quality that sustains across the
length of a gin’s delivery.
Understanding juniper gives an insight into how a
botanical recipe is put together by accords, supports,
and counterpoints. Everything refers back to it. Without
juniper, a gin’s centre cannot hold and anarchy is loosed
upon the spirit.
Citrus (Citrus)
Everyone knows the fresh, sharp, sweet zing of
citrus. It wakes up the nostrils, gives energy, and lets
the sunshine in. These are the same qualities that
make it such an important element in gin. Prior to
its widespread use, gin’s top notes would have been
provided by coriander and jJuniper’s upper range.
A wide range of citrus peels (occasionally whole fruit)
is used, with lemon and orange the most common.
These are commonly sourced from southern Spain.
Lemon (Citrus limon) adds its intense, clean,
sharp, sherbet-like zing (that’s citral, by the way) with
immediacy. Volatile lemon comes in quickly and
leaves almost as fast.
Bitter orange (Citrus aurantium) gives an intense,
: slightly bitter edge, which adds boldness and lift to
Lemon and other citrus peels add a gin’s mid-palate.
aromatic lift to gin i Sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) is used, most
: famously, by Plymouth (see p.104) to provide sweet
zestiness (unsurprisingly, given the name) and length
to the palate.
More recently, grapefruit (ultra-fresh and sweet),
pomelo (“greener” and milder than grapefruit),
bergamot (highly intense sour-sweet with floral links
to coriander), yuzu (massively intense fragrance), and
lime have been used. Lime is also chemically linked to
juniper, which could explain why it works so well in G&T.
provides a distinctive marzipan note along with subtle
nuttiness and a little cherry. Sweet almond (var. dulcis)
gives a honeyed note, helping to add softness to the
mouthfeel. Almonds are grown and harvested in the
Mediterranean, North Africa, and California.
Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum)
It’s the compound anethole that gives aniseed its
distinctive “liquorice” taste (though weirdly liquorice
doesn’t taste of it as strongly). Similarly aromatically
related are fennel seeds (Foeniculum vulgare), which
contribute more of alemon top note. Some gin distillers
also use the warm, pungent star anise (///icium verum).
Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
An immediately identifiable warm spice, nutmeg
contains pinene in its chemical make-up, and also
links into cardamom and cassia.
Geranium (Pelargonium)
The leaves of geraniums have been widely used in
perfume and drinks for centuries. Punchbowls were
lined with them to add their scent to the compound.
Aromas range from pineapple, through lemon and mint,
to the familiar green rose provided by geraniol, which
is also present in many other gin botanicals including
juniper. Geranium contributes middle notes.
Gin must be made from ethyl alcohol : PGlgin
flavoured with juniper berries and other Gin de Mahon (Menorca) and Vilnius Dzinas
botanicals. The predominant flavour must (Lithuania) have protected geographical
bejuniper, and it must be bottled at no less indication (PGI) status. Plymouth Gin’s
than 37.5% ABV. : (see p.104) PGI status lapsed in 2015.
Gin : Genever
Made by adding natural or approved Made with ethyl alcohol/grain spirit/
artificial flavourings to alcohol. No distillate flavoured with juniper, which
restrictions on colouring or sweetening. : needn't be the predominant flavour.
: Any casks used must be no larger than
Distilled gin : 700 litres (154 gallons).
Made by redistilling neutral alcohol with
approved natural or artificial flavourings. Graanjenever This is made from 100 per
After distillation, more ethyl alcohol of cent grain.
the same composition may be added.
Additional approved natural or artificial Oude genever Contains a minimum of
flavourings may be added after distillation. 15 per cent malt wine and no more than
Colouring and sweetening is permitted. 20g (402) sugar per litre.
London Gin/London Dry Gin Korenwijn Contains more than 51 per cent
Made ina traditional still by redistilling a : malt wine.
high grade of ethyl alcohol in the presence :
only of approved natural flavourings toa : Oude graanjenever Contains 100 per cent
minimum strength of 70% ABV. Further grain and aged for a minimum of one year.
ethyl alcohol may be added after distillation,
provided it is of the same composition. : Jonge genever Contains a maximum
No colouring or sweetening is permitted. : 15 per cent malt wine and no more than
10g (402) sugar per litre.
American gin The following also have their own
In the USA, gin can be produced AOCs (appellation d’origine contrdlées):
“from original distillation from mash, Hasseltse jenever, Balegemse jenever,
redistillation, or mixing neutral spirits, with Peket, and O’de Flander Echte Oost-
juniper berries and other aromatics, or with : Vlaamse graaanjenever (Belgium);
extracts from such materials. It derives its geniévre Flandres Artois (France);
main characteristic flavour from juniper Ostfriesischer Korngenever (Germany).
berries and is bottled at not less than 80° i
proof [40% ABV ]”.
“Gin isn’t made by molecules. It’s made by people.”
Sean Harrison, master distiller, Plymouth Gin
maintain consistency. This cannot be done by computer.
Gin distillers are masters who know not just what each
botanical smells like but how it will behave within a
mixture, and then how it will perform on the palate and
ina mixed drink. Gin distillers are the heroes.
Pot Still
The majority of gins are redistilled with their botanicals
in copper pot stills. The shape of the still has an effect,
with the “headspace” (the vapour-filled gap between
liquid and the condenser) affecting the way in which
flavour compounds rise, move, revert to liquid, and are
redistilled (known as reflux). If a distiller installs a new
Gin is made by redistilling a neutral base still, she or he may have to adjust the ratios of botanicals
spirit in a pot still with botanicals to maintain consistency. The speed of distillation also
impacts on how well the oils are released, the nature
of the flow, and the level of reflux. If a still is run too
aggressively, there is the risk of botanicals physically
coming across so, the gentler the better all round. In
addition, the manner in which the botanicals are added
will also influence the gin’s character.
Vanour Extraction
Rather than immersing the botanicals in the spirit,
distillers can extract the essential oils by passing vapour
through them.
Carter-Head Still
In 1831, Mary Dakin installed first’ a Corty head, thena
Carter-Head still at her family’s distillery in Warrington
(see p.19 and p.22), now Greenall’s (see p.89). Both had
a rectifying column on top of the pot, which helped to
produce a lighter, cleaner spirit. The downside was that
they also stripped out most of the essential oils.
The solution was to place the botanicals in a copper
basket that sat after the column. The vapour rushing
through stripped off the oils and carried them forwards
to be condensed. The technique is still in use in gins
such as Bombay Sapphire (see pp.70-1).
The baskets are divided into segments, each packed
with all the botanicals - the larger at the base, the ground
ones on top. A longer “heads” run is also required, as the
botanicals need to be moist before they will release their
Berry trays — as used by Caorunn — are oils. The advantage of this, its proponents say, is that it
another method of extracting aromatics. gives freshness to the final gin. Its detractors say that
using this method alone doesn't “fix” the aromas fully.
Berry Trays
A different technique, used for Caorunn (see p.78) and
Boé (see p.68), employs a large chamber separated into
trays with perforated plates onto which the botanicals
are placed. The spirit vapour is then passed through.
Although the vacuum distillation of essential oils has been
around since the eighteenth century, it is a relatively new
technique in gin distillation. By lowering the pressure
inastill, the boiling point of all the ingredients is
reduced. The oils can then be released without the
botanical being “cooked”, giving a fresh, clear result.
Modern, glass vacuum stills, as used by Sacred (see
p.106) and Cambridge (see p.77), allow the distiller
to accurately capture the full range of an ingredient’s
aromatics. Both of these distil botanicals separately
and then blend. An alternative, used by Oxley (see
p.103), is to distil the botanicals together under vacuum
at extremely cold temperatures.
Traditional genever production starts with making a richly
flavoured and textured malt wine, customarily made
from a mixed mash bill of rye, wheat and/or corn, and
malted barley. Distillers such as Filliers (see pp.170 and
177), which produces 99 per cent of the malt wine in the
Netherlands and Belgium, will run different mash bills.
The corn and/or wheat are first cooked at high
temperature to soften the starches, then cooled and
the rye added. After a further period of cooking, malted
barley goes in. The enzymes in the barley then convert
all the starches to sugar. This mash is subsequently
cooled further, yeast is added, and the mixture is left to
ferment for up to one week. Baker’s yeast is the most
commonly used, though Zuidam (see pp.174-6 and
p.179) uses a mix of brewer’s and distiller’s yeast.
The resulting beer is then distilled, traditionally
using pot stills (as with Zuidam), three times (similar
to malt whisky production). In Zuidam’s case, this gives
a fruity, complex malt wine at around 70% ABV. The
alternative, as used at Filliers, is to run the beer through
a single column and then redistill in a pot still (similar
to bourbon production). This gives a more bready,
cereal-accented, and lower-strength malt wine. In both
cases, the character of this base will have a significant
impact in terms of mouthfeel, aroma, and flavour.
All genever distillers then redistill a portion of malt
wine in pot stills, this time with botanicals - again to
each distiller’s/brand’s recipe. Some distillers also make
a separate distillate of juniper and neutral alcohol. All of
these elements are then blended together. In Filliers’s
case, the malt wine Is then either shipped to distillers or
turned into genever to their customers’ specifications.
This distillate can either then be reduced to bottling
strength, or reduced and aged as it is. More commonly
it’s blended with neutral spirit, either from wheat or
sugar beet molasses. The jonge style has a minimum of
85 per cent neutral spirit in the mix (often higher), and
while oude must have more than 15 per cent malt wine,
most contain up to 40 per cent or, in korenwijn’s case,
significantly more (see panel, 9.39). The more malt
wine, the more characterful the genever.
These oude blends can then be aged - most
commonly for a short period, but at times for up to 20
years. Most are aged in used casks, but Zuidam uses a
Pot-still distillation helps to create complex mix of new American, refill, and ex-sherry casks.
genever's rich, bready “malt-wine” base. Still think gin distilling is easy? Think again!
The challenge wasn’t so much where to start
but where to stop. The number of gins now
available outstrips anything in the spirit’s
history. So, the ones chosen had to cover not
only the most widely available brands but also
be representative of the newer arrivals, as well
as methods of production, places of origin, and
styles: dry, Old Tom, cask-aged, fruit, genever;
all had to be covered.
Neither was this a competition. It’s pointless
making a list of the “best gins” - were that to be
even possible - and then not to say how they are
best enjoyed. The aim here is to see how gins
behave when they are consumed as they were
intended to be, i.e. mixed.
There is more to drinking gin than just sloshing
in tonic, however. Gin is nothing if not amenable,
working with many mixers and in cocktails. How
then does each respond to the challenge laid
down by sweet vermouth and Campari, a double
act that would make most spirits blanch? And how
would they fare when more exposed in a Martini?
What is the best way to enjoy fruit gins, Old Tom,
cask-aged, and genever?
The key objective here is to help maximize
your enjoyment so that when you are ina bar or
a shop and can’t find your favourite brand you
will have other options. Also, as a real gin drinker,
you won’t just have one brand of choice but gins
for different occasions and drinks. Before mixing,
though, | had to get to grips with the gin itself.
_ The best. Tasting gin requires a recalibration of the senses.
The perfect synthesis of gin
Other spirits - rum or whisky, for example - often work
and mixer. Everyone needs to
have at least one of these. on allusion, as in having an aroma that smells like, for
instance, “heather”, “honey”, or “tropical fruit”. There
Superb. is no such creative latitude in gin. The aromas that you
Elegant, effortless, anda
perfect balance struck so that
are picking up are coming from the botanicals. It’s on
the gin is enhanced. the one hand more analytical and precise, but on the
other more immersive because nosing and tasting agin
4.5 Halfway between a superb
transports you to anew aromatic landscape. Let’s face
drink and a great drink.
it, how many of us really encounter orris or angelica
Great drink. ona daily basis, never mind the more outré botanicals
A drink that cannot be faulted.
now being pressed into service? What the experience
I'd be happy to drink this
all night. does give you, therefore, is a greater understanding
and engagement with the world. These aromas aren’t
2.0 Halfway between a great drink artificial but natural
and a good drink.
The way in which a gin changes on your nose mirrors
Good. exactly the progression of aromas from the still. You
A decently balanced drink. pick up the most volatile first, the heaviest last. You are
Pil have one. | might move on
smelling time. Relax and delve into its complexities.
to something else afterwards.
Rather than just being “gin”, you now experience that
2.9 Halfway between a good drink initial burst of citrus: lemon, orange, grapefruit, or a
and a drink that's just so-so.
combination. But where are the coriander seeds? How
does the juniper express itself? When do the roots and
Seek another option. spices emerge? This is a retronasal experience, meaning
you detect more aromas when the gin is in your mouth.
Now you can notice more clearly how one aroma blends
into another, how they rise and fall.
The key is balance, not abrupt shifts from one to
There are some gins where
another. Think of how it’s textured: thick, broad, light?
mixing simply doesn’t work.
Go back to the glass. Have the aromas changed, or
The scores are given to the simply flown off? (they should have persistence).
mix and not to the gin. Even Finally, is it juniper, citric, spicy, floral, or herbal? Having
if a gin doesn’t score highly
in a combination, this is not a
an understanding of each gin will give you an idea of
reflection on its quality. Read how best to enjoy it.
the notes and find your own
Citrus peels began to be widely used in
the mid- to late nineteenth century, and
the classic examples of this camp come
from around that time, but again this isn’t
a character that’s restricted toa single
time period. Here, the aroma is given lift
with some pretty noisy companions who can come
blundering into the bar singing at the tops of their
voices, the vermouth slurring in a baritone, the Campari
behaving like a flame-haired drag queen. It might be
entertaining, but they just need to keep the noise down
The king of mixed drinks, a Negroni must a bit. Hitting the ideal balance is tricky not only because
always be well balanced. of their presence but because every gin is different.
Some are bold, others are discreet. While Tanqueray can
hold its own at a classic ratio (see p.110), a delicate gin
like Bombay Sapphire is lost (see p.70-1). Therefore, the
ratio needs to be adjusted to make a balanced gin drink.
All ratios refer to gin:vermouth:Campari.
1:1:1 This classic ratio is perfect for bigger and juniper-
forward gins either because the gin is either big enough
to hold its own, or forces its companions into line.
14:1:1 This ratio suits citric gins (and some others).
The key here is that freshness and top notes have been
retained and boosted.
2:1:% A ratio that’s deal for spicier/herbal gins whose
mid-palate bite is the key to character. Here, the
Campari’s volume needs to be turned down otherwise
its own spice and bitterness causes a clash.
2:1:1 A mix for the light, floral group, with the gin element
upped. While it may seem counterintuitive to increase
the Campari, here its top notes add to the balance.
Sicilian Lemonatle
A perverse choice? Hear me out. | started out with gin
and Schweppes Bitter Lemon. Then, when in Spain,
| discovered the joys of gin and Fanta Limon. Next came
an appreciation of the simple early gin drinks that used
fresh lemon juice. When | triangulated the positives of
| see vermouth and gin as evidence of Einstein’s theory
of “spooky action at a distance”. Though separated,
they have always been linked; when one moves, so does
the other. If gin’s history (and name) is that of juniper’s,
then vermouth’s saga follows wormwood’s (Wermut
in German) use as a curative herb. Its spiritual home
is Piedmont - specifically Turin - where wormwood-
infused wine (“hippocras”) became a speciality from
the sixteenth century, though discoveries of residues
within bronze vessels in China show that wine has
been aromatized with herbs and spices for at least
$3,000 years. “Modern” vermouth dates from 1786 in
Turin when Antonio Carpano launched his first version.
In time it soread beyond Piedmont, over the Alps to
Chambéry and the southern Rhéne where, in 1813,
Joseph Noilly started making his French version. By
the mid-nineteenth century, vermouths were being
exported, though in the USA it remained a specialist
taste until mixologists began mixing with it. When
paired with gin, the latter changed forever. Without
Fever-Tree’s Sicilian lemonade each other, both would have remained interesting
is a versatile mixer. specialities; together, they took over the world.
Vermouth is made by adding botanicals (which
— ae __3
must include wormwood) to a wine base that itself
Cocchi Storico came out top of the sweet vermouths
tested, tied with La Quintinye Rouge, and with Martini
There is plenty about the Martini later on, but |
approached these with the belief that this is a gin and
vermouth drink and the latter has a role to play. In their
Guide to Vermouth & Other Apéritifs, cocktail historians
Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown persuasively argue
that Martinis only became drier because people forgot
The rationale behind the different ratios of Negronis
has already been laid out (see p.49). But what | haven’t
yet mentioned - and this applies to the Martini as
well - is how important temperature is to these drinks.
Vermouth should be kept in the fridge, and it should be
used quickly (buy half bottles), as should the Campari.
Ideally, the gin comes straight out of the freezer. The
difference will astound you... and impress your friends.
Other Mixes
A different tack | tried was with genever and Old
Tom, cask-rested, and fruit gins. |know Old Tom is
versatile, but | was intrigued to see how it behaved in
a nineteenth-century way. The same went for cask-
rested gin and genever (which doesn’t get on with
dry vermouth anyway). So in came the Gin Cocktail,
Gin Fizz, and the Martinez. When the last was too
vermouth-dominated, | switched to the Turf Club.
There are a large number of recipes for this drink, but | used
the oldest and simplest.
Stir all the ingredients over ice and strain into a chilled
coupette glass.
[ + 8 ¥% tsp Maraschino
f Fane e ee ee ene e eee eeeeeeeenee
45ml (1fl oz) gin
Stir all the ingredients over ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
“The funny thing about my gin,” one distiller
said to me, “is that | am the only person to know
what it really tastes like.” This seemed a strange
comment to make, as the brand he was talking
about is hardly unknown around the world. What
he meant was that no matter how much people
loved his gin, the first thing they would do is take
it and make a mixed drink with it. Gin isn’t a spirit
that people sit and sip neat - the only people |
know who take it neat or with a drop of water are,
er, gin distillers. He was, of course, right.
Understanding the personality of a gin gives
you an idea of how best to enjoy it. There are
some gins that seem made to be drunk long.
There are others that only blossom as a Negroni
ora Martini. There are lunchtime gins and early
evening gins. There are digestif gins and, dare |
say it, there are breakfast gins. There are 120 of
them waiting for you here, all tried ina number
of ways. It’s time to dive in.
The gins that follow here are all made in Britain
(not just England, but also in Scotland and Wales)
and typify the style that most of us are most
familiar with. Here are the big brands, here are
some old stagers, but here also are newer arrivals,
the advance troops of gin’s new wave.
It’s easy to be caught up in the excitement
of anew gin appearing every week - give it five
years and every town in Britain will have its own
gin - but what the tasting showed is that it would
be wrong to dismiss the old nineteenth-century
brands in preference to the bright, shiny, and
new. Big brands are popular in the long term
not because of marketing but because of their
inherent quality. At some point in a marketing-led
brand’s life there will be a drinker pointing out
that the emperor has no clothes. A high-quality
gin has no such fears.
Here’s another thing. Don’t be seduced by the
number of botanicals listed on a bottle. Taste
the gin. Is it complex? Is it balanced? Do these
botanicals give extra character and depth, or
are they window dressing?
You will certainly find some new favourites
here - | did - but you will also hopefully rediscover
the qualities of some established brands.
Made by liqueur specialists Bramley and Gage (see
p.167), the inspiration for this gin came from director
Michael Kain’s great-grandfather who, every evening,
would sit down at 6 o'clock with a G&T to contemplate
the day’s events and plan for the future. Given that
he became a successful engineer, the routine clearly
worked. According to Kain, his ancestor’s watchword
was “balance, poise, and precision”, which sums up
what any fine gin should be about.
pumas a on -
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of the > tongu for
s itself known. aie ae cee
ADNAMs Rae, :
4 With Sicilian Lemonatle: the aromatics - especially that
: heavy floral note - are more ideally matched with a fresher
» mixer. Again, some lengthening is beneficial.
AD5- Martini: Its heavy perfume is retained, but the chill and the
~ vermouth help to calm down its more exuberant qualities.
_ Becomes drier and therefore better balanced. I'd have it
» short, quick, and hard.
The nose is light, with a clean, fruity top note that drifts
towards heavy florals and a slightly mineral edge. The
citrus comes through with a touch of lavender and light
See ES
? = nae
= sass. —=-
' =
find it, in preference to the standard 40% ABV offering.
ra oe
5 : Martini: Pleasingly oily with excellent balance. The juniper
~ becomes bolder initially, but there is enough citric activity to
- balance. Crisp and ultra clean. Lunchtime/early evening,
BEEFEATER 24 sc wv
teen ween:
4.5 : Negroni: N2 It’s here where you begin to notice the teas,
- adding fresh green/grassy notes‘and giving the mix a fragrant
lift to the mid-palate. The volume of the Campari maybe
» needs to be tweaked down alittle, but it’s a minor detail.
Tay er
SLOW 48 DISTILLED | : 4 : With Sicilian Lemonatle: The herbs are calmed down and
SMALL BATCH SELECT ~ ESTABLISHED 1705 : an excellent balance is struck between the mixer and the
; : ~ complexities of the gin. Have it long, or as a Collins (see p.188)
~ where the impact is more subtle.
Juniper¢ .
* Liquorice root * Cinnamon * Nutmeg BLACKWOODS VINTAGE
DRY GIN 2012 se an
* Angelica root Sea thrift * Marsh
marigold * Meadowsweet
3.5 G8: Good and attractive, with the mixer giving some vitality
~ anda deepening of the base notes. A decent mix.
3.9 ; Martini: Good at 4:1 because this is a gin that benefits from
- the little nudges that the vermouth provides. The herbal
» elements link with those in the gin, and while the spirit
» remains muted, there is a cleanliness and bite to it.
root * Cubeb berries * Honeysuckle «
Chamomile * Pomelo peel
This was Greenall’s master distiller Joanne Moore’s
first venture into working with distillates of flowers
(see a/so p.65). Here, chamomile and honeysuckle are
given a further delicate lift by the addition of pomelo
rather than the traditional citrus fruits. The aroma is
very light and discreet with a honeyed touch before
zingy citrus comes through, followed by a cool menthol
note. Everything is quite subtle, adding a meadow-like
calmness to the proceedings. On the palate there are
tisane notes and chamomile tea, alongside the almost
evanescent perfume. Water shows that there is juniper
and violet growing in this garden, and allows the spirit
to spread and anchor itself. It’s really well handled, with
no stewing of the flowers.
45 G8: Becomes very floral and springs into life. The perfect,
~ cool summery G&T, like sticking your head in a bride’s
- bouquet, if that weren’t rude. Which it is.
3.5 : Negroni: N4 This is a big ask for such a delicate gin with the
Campari always dominating. A more radical solution to the
~ classic Negroni ingredients might be better. Try Aperol and
- rose vermouth?
4.5 : Martini: You need this gin to show itself fully, so the
vermouth should be scaled right back. 5:1 is ideal for me
here because its influence is subtle, but also linked directly
~ to the garden blossom. A lovely drink.
LE ——
ca3: ear.With the tonic, there is a slightly fruit note that develops
» alongside the lemon. It’s clean but needs more energy. There
: is, however, persistence of aroma.
3.9 ; With Sicilian Lemonate: initially the mixer takes over, but
then the gin kicks in with its citrus lead. Decent and best as a
_ Fizz, where there is more bunched-up aggression.
Juniper * Lemon peel « Coriander seeds
* Orris root * Angelica root « Bitter
almond « Liquorice root * Cassia bark
The downside of Bombay Sapphire’s success is how its
considerably older brother has been sidelined, which is
a pity in my view, as this is an excellent traditional gin.
Its recipe is based on the one created by Thomas Dakin
in Warrington in 1761 (see p.89) and then refined further
in terms of production in the 1830s when the distillery
installed the then new Carter-Head still (see pp.42-3).
It was named Bombay in 1960 when New York lawyer
Alain Subin decided to break into the drinks world.
G8: Rich and well balanced, with a pleasant peppery catch
in the middle adding interest. Decent persistence.
2.5 : G8T: clean and very spicy, green, and immediate. By the
: time you take your second sip the aromatic burst has gone,
- so keep it short and qu
LONDON a 5 With
1SicilianLemonate: the,mixer See steers the gin,
DRY GIN » lengthening its aromatic persistence. Quite punchy on the
i tongue. Best as a sharpener, or a Fizz.
Disiilled fo wn FOO%
i ae : A,
Cain NMuatral Sprit Saal
| Thie .
So 5:1, even 6:1 is better, when you can appreciate the gin’s
complexity and where the slower release of aromatics,
~ thanks to the low: temperature, finally gives it some length.
ider seeds + A
root * Liquorice root ¢ Orris root «
Cassia bark * Almond * Lemon peel
4% AB
* Cubeb berries * Grains of paradise
« Lemon grass * Vietnamese black
2.5 With Sicilian Lemonatle: a better mix. OK, it’s light but in
~ the Sapphire mould, and while | would have expected lemon
i and lemon grass to be a blast, it’s slightly more laid-back.
- Just needs a little extra zest to drive things forward.
oo RUSSELL AA] MNO Compan, 3.5 ; With Sicilian Lemonatle: The addition of citrus suggests
» that this should be a no-brainer, and while it delivers
gOODLEs ~ beautifully in that regard, the palate lacks the lift to give
~ the mix momentum.
EST. ] 1845
3.3 Negroni: n2 As the nose suggests, this is very polite and well
LONDON DRY ~ bred. Wholly pleasant and seamless with a certain minty,
IMPORTED » menthol edge, but it lacks a spark. :
3 ; With Sicilian Lemonaile: Broad and showing good balance,
(fr but maybe just a bit too dry. A little harsh on the mid-palate.
5 : Martini: Really oily, with gentle vermouth allied to the more
UA » herbaceous elements. | prefer it at 5:1 where the complexity
of the gin shows.
but 8used
Currently the only Welsh gin, this hails from the
Penderyn whisky distillery in the foothills of the
Brecon Beacons. The nose is very subtle, delicate, and
perfumed with low juniper, putting it firmly in the New
Gin camp. In time, there is a light aniseed note mixed
with pine, sage, heather, and bergamot. It’s all very
clean, crisp, and discreet before the palate brings out
a slight floral/herbal/honeyed note alongside some
berry-like fruit.A clever complex gin, it seems to present
anew aroma with every sniff. The palate is gentle, clean,
and soft, with most of the action coming in the middle
EDITION of the tongue where the peels kick in and the juniper
slowly distributes its flavours. It dries to almost gentian-
like levels on the finish, adding crispness.
j 4.5 i Martini At 4:1 you hit the ideal balance, wae eurticlent
citrus to carry the entire length. The full complexity iis calmly
revealed. Excellent balance and complexity. Recommended.
e eds «
_ ¢ Nutmeg ¢ Cassia bark * Cinnamon «
Liquorice root * Angelica root » Orange
BROKER'S 47% ABV (export strength)
peel « Lemon peel
I’m all for fun in drinks, but I’ve always thought the
bowler hat that sits jauntily atop the Broker’s bottle
makes this gin look slightly gimmicky. It was first
distilled (at the Langley Distillery near Birmingham,
West Midlands) in 1998 to an old recipe for brothers
Martin and Andy Dawson and has been a huge success
in the USA. Maybe the bowler hat helps.
5 : G8: Clean and dry with big gin delivery at 2:1,so you might
~ want to lengthen it further. Perfumed on the back palate,
» whichis so essential in this old-style G&T.
2.5 ;With Sicilian Lemonatie: The gin is pretty austere and that
~ element works against the mixer here, not allowing enough
Blended and Beta ly - sweetness to come through.
Made by the independent bottling arm of J & A Mitchell,
owners of the legendary Campbeltown whisky distillery
Springbank, this and sister brand Old Raj (see p.101)
have built up a cult following, particularly in the USA.
This is a boldly assertive and - don’t forget - strong gin
with forward juniper and roots, angelica in particular. It’s
deep-toned, rich, and mellow, with forest-like aromas
and almost gentian-like dryness. The palate is fruity with
a quick bust of citrus, before it dries into a pine forest
with just a touch of sweetness on the end. It’s serious,
yes, but importantly it’s balanced. A solid performer.
Bottled by 45 ; Negroni: N1 Of course you still get juniper - what did you
~ expect? Now, however, it’s moved into sage and pine witha
» little menthol addition. There is softness behind, but this is
a powerfully potent mix. ‘
70cl 5O%vol
4 Martini: Boidana lightly vegetal. Some more sweetness
~ emerges in time, the vermouth easing the herbal flavours
. forward and adding balance. It’s BIG, so you’ve been warned.
r PNot fullydectered but ficlode: Juniper
* Rosemary ¢ Elderberry* Ginger °
WINTER 2014 san
Fennel seeds
3.3 Negroni: N2 The herbal notes are scaled back on the nose,
- but the huge aromatic burst has been preserved on the
~ palate, tempered by the vermouth; the Campari, however,
is the unwanted guest.
anion °
* Orange se Angelica root * Cassia
bark * Rowan berries * Coul Blush apple
CAORUNN sta wr
* Heather * Bog myrtle * Dandelion
= oh
4 Negroni: n4. the ratio allows the perfume to lift, but the
» vermouth and Campari help to anchor it aromatically and give
» not just balance but alittle weight. The bitter finish is a bonus.
3.5 : Martini: Clean, crisp, and fresh. The lower temperature fixes
. the flighty botanicals, giving depth to the mid-palate. You need
- to have it cold and let the inside of your mouth do the work.
(a RE
bark Ferns of paradise * Ginger «
Cumin * Clove * Coriander seeds «
Angelica root * plus Elderflower and
citrus infusion
J.5 “GSI: Fresh, witha a9 citric edge adding a soft and lightly
' honeyed element. Just lacks persistence. a
2.9 Negroni: N3 Sadly, this goes a little too earthy, with the
» spiciness setting up a clash.
H Reyflorals. The palate starts |
Lively, even vehent with heavy
~ solidly, but citrus comes through os drying"a
CIS and almost medicinal.
ff {9 B
pss “i =
. AS y
ee 7
4 “CRI: If you likeyour G&qT hi
hiShi aromatic on the nose, then
this is for you. The drier palate goes well with thet
tonic and
is givena spicy kick, Delivers well. Ne ae Bae
: a ae = i
4.5 - Martini: The light fruitiness from the vermouth rounds out
the delivery, while the temperature cuts back on the estery
; notes, allowing the presence Gfthe palate to have a greater
» say, Good.
——— ee
G8: For such a solid gin it seems to shrink away when tonic
» is added, with the quinine becoming a little too prominent.
Orange peel
Made in Britain, at Langley in fact (see p.75), this brand
was established in 1740. These days, however, it is
destined solely for the German market, where it is one
of the largest sellers and this very ubiquity means that
itis agin that is often overlooked. This is the premium
variant bottled at a higher strength. The aromatics are
quite overwhelming, not just very lemony citrus - the
lead-off - but floral notes, bountiful coriander, and
an earthy note. Sappy juniper is present, as is a slight
steeliness that drifts towards minerality. The palate
starts with a modest suggestion of a juniper base, and
it becomes richer and deeper than the nose indicates.
The mid-palate has that firm edginess and dry spice.
Is it too rigid? We'll see.
| ] 34 With Sicilian Lemonatle: This is pretty dry as well - even
i _ the warm, bittersweet Mediterranean influence can’t melt
: - its starchy heart.
; :
i Phnglo Beteh Distillation |
3 Negroni: N2 Clean and still pretty dry. It’s hard to shift it
» away - even the sultry attentions of the vermouth can’t tempt
» it. All very solid and worthy.
FORDS a wr
Juniper * Coriander seeds * Orris root
* Angelica root * Jasmine ¢ Cassia bark
+ Bitter orange peel * Lemon peel *
Grapefruit peel
show themselves. The vibrant citrus comes in early on,
accompanied by some rather frisky lavender-accented
juniper, then cassia, before the floral heaviness of the
jasmine begins to blossom and add richness. You get
more drive on the palate with perky citrus as a prelude to
it starting to dry pleasantly. It’s very well put together.
45 : G8: More of the citrus peels are released with a very clean
' mid-palate and good persistence. The grapefruit adds a tingle
to the finish.
a EE
* Orris root *Coriander seeds * Clove
* Cumin * Lemon peel« Orange peel «
Geranium ° plus 1 secret one
In 2009, Henrik Hammer and his father’s obsessive
search for a new botanical that they felt would make
gin complete was revealed. Their new ingredient
was geranium leaves, which is less outrageous
than it sounds, as geranium shares scent molecules
(particularly geraniol) with juniper and citrus. The gin
is distilled at Langley Distillery (see p.75). Geranium
appears immediately with its warm, dusty rose-citric
note. It’s soon backed up with lavender, pine, lemon,
and just a tiny hint of clove. The key lies in the thick
texture of the spirit, which helps allow the botanicals to
become more rose-like. Geranium can be unforgiving,
so the balance is critical - and fully achieved. The palate
shows a cool freshness before the juniper muscles in
along with pepper and spice.
4.5 : G8: The perfume works well here, with the drying elements
gAV hrm aasoow steshoinms Hp siyaacd 1) Abnslynd of doud i vague
iO of bygaruits
zur oenn * inthe centre acting as a balance.
TAD WW noNIEGHo sao} bobrasb L haw wAiEaMwap grch 0:LoV,.
| syn yar smi} 104) Yh yay AYO M254 Ad Aum ot alithe
i 6 IO AIK 4 vbmnié teat
i say oa nv!mtA sit iewt ut ni i: cya) Yo xe Siti ‘nhs
i PHEMIUMI sora ere 3.5 With Sicilian Lemonatle: Needs to be lengthened - there is
J © omit ition LOGON» Dry.oe * too much chaos at higher strength. The carbonation works,
noiltasaygsaanLo Side WAY Alas aD AG nobyo.T mute
but the geranium isn’t an ideal partner.
ldjenogis youts Sanat
asmunelt 1H
n0%, 3 rsmmyolt
3.3 : Negroni: N4 There is a big citric element here, along with the
perfume. Velvety in feel with some rose, but it all becomes
- hugely floral and sweet, with a slightly confected note.
by Hammer & Son hs
backand ot baltiodbox bollized
Turvinersy eH
3.5 G&I: Fresh and fragrant, and just what you want on the nose.
- The sage-like notes of juniper come through. Clean, but lacks
3.9 Negroni: n2 The gin seems a little lost here to start, but then
develops a light lavender touch onthe palate, which is clean
* and quite crisp. Pleasantly peppery onthe finish.
2.5 G8: Decent, but slightly lacking in impact from the gin (even
- at 2:1), making this more of a T&G rather than the other way
around. The dryness of the tonic emphasizes the rootiness.
[S25 DLO
X — With Sicilian Lemonatle: gizarrely, this smells like baked
= ~ beans and clashes badly on the tongue, adding a slightly
~ soapy element.
3 Negroni: N3 It’s hard to halt the advance of that coriander,
but there is a little angelica peeking out from behind the
vermouth and Campari. A light apéritif drink.
3.5 : Martini: Juniper comes out more boldly, with the vermouth
allying itself with the background green herbal elements.
Now there is citrus here, allowing peppery coriander to come
» through in the middle. A decent middle-of-the-road Martini.
28ccc root¢ Orris root * Liquorice
root « Cassia bark ¢ Bitter almond
Warrington’s gin distillery in Cheshire, northwest
England, was established in 1761 by Thomas Dakin
(see p.69), whose family retained ownership for 100
years before merging and then being taken over by
local brewer Greenall’s (see a/so pp.65, 67, 94, and
; 102). It remains an important and highly respected
GREENALIS distiller, making its own brands as well as third-party
Tigiaad NOONDRC : gins Cincluding Bombay until 2014). Today, the master
= i distiller is Joanne Moore.
“FLAVOURCMe o fis a. a a me 2 — ae a sy
se SE gS es Se one eae eo Sea
e475 NN ies } : Se ;- GSI: Though this is light, it works. Sound, clean, and with
- character; even if low strength means a low carry, it’s more
LONDON‘DRY GIN » than acceptable.
3.5 : Martini: Becomes lightly nutty and has retained its citrus-
» juniper perfume while managing not to be overpowered by
» the vermouth.
K) : G8: Bold, with the tonic bringing out the angelica and
- liquorice, while adding a light sweetness to assist with the
~ balance. The finish is dry, but this can be ameliorated with
- alime wedge.
2.5 With Sicilian Lemonate: Hele, it’s citrus and liquorice that
{00% GRAIN SPIRIT ' are promoted, then the spices with the juniper and roots
» stepping back.
Juniper * Coriand
Cinnamon Retin root Orris root
* Cassia bark « Liquorice root * Orange
1% ABV
peel * Lemon peel
: G8I: This needs considerable lengthening to balance.
When longer, it becomes gentler with the tonic adding a
oS Dyed
- little mid-palate wetness.
eeeeeeens enee ye
2s AS
4 ; With Sicilian Lemonate: A more successful, brighter mix.
The sweet nature of the gin is enhanced, while the coriander
- here shows its citric side. The palate is controlled, and rather
» than dustiness, you have spice and crispness on the end.
3.5 : Negroni: N3 It's Campari that is the bully here, so you have
EST. 1886 _ to drop it (and the vermouth) down to achieve balance.
SS 414% Vor. » Works not too badly and it’s pleasant, if coriander-led.
3.9 : Martini: The mix needs to be quite wet to give the vermouth
» achance to soften things down and ally themselves with the
. top notes. Fine.
coe London Dry
43% AB
With its minimal packaging, Christian Jensen’s first
gin sneaked onto the market in 2004 winning many
followers for its uncluttered, juniper-forward style. This
was an old-style, traditional dry gin with no pretensions.
For the first decade it was produced by Charles Maxwell
at Thames Distillers (see a/so pp.79, 82, 84, 105, and 166)
but is now produced at Jensen’s distillery in Bermondsey,
south London. This sample is from the latter.
_jensen's 5°
@ s
: ~ \
“GELyproper old-school G&TT with the one re
4effervescence, anda light drying element, while allowing the —
© When Christian Jensen
first tasted the vintage » ginto come through. In time, earthy elements begin to show.
‘gins from London's lost. ee persistence. eae. ita
distilleries, he began mn e :
“a journey, Creating a
» finely balanced gin that.
honoured these forgotten a
| tecipes became his 3.5With Sicilianake That dry earthiness iis there. Which
| obsession. That's why makes it a little uneasyto start with, but once it eescold on.
* Jensen’s is distilled in
/ small batches, using only ueTet it delivers well. :
) traditional gin botanicals.
So there's really nothing
jee : at a ==:es Se
= 385
— new about Jensen's, and
that’s why it’s different.
— Distilled in Bermondsey,
+. London, Jenszen’s is gin as
5 -NegrOni: Ni Dry and juniper/root-led, sha more of the Parma
it was. Gin as it should be. - violet Sec Big and hugely Sop e zing, you could eat this.
| 7OCL 43% VOL. ——a
4 - - aa = -
L preee D GIN
LED iN ae
(isp - A,
: with < i 2 ‘ i
he Bee : 2.9 : G&T: It comes across to begin with as being slightly artificial,
WATER Py Wee : like jelly babies, then come more fruits before the ginny core
i : - reveals itself. a
teeeee tee eeeeeeeenees
HAV ices 9|
CUNEP R atag eter
ic, this i r
isilled in Londen ander the personal sapersision ofoar mastor distiller. Le 25 withSicilian Lemonatle: rhe eee inates proceedings t
7JOCL*® DISTILLED GIN © 47% VOL on the nose, but the palate comes to th rescue where a
ms certain unity is ee A grown-up soft drink.
Ty .
ws dy
EE5 Negroni: N2 Aslightly muted nose with asf ashy palate. Big
a_ and sweet, with some brio and style. :
: Liquorice root «
Cassia bark * Lime peel * Lemon peel «
Orange peel * plus Cucumber essence
added post-distillation
4 ce Sicilian frre | What’s weird is how a citric mixer
also b brings out the rooty elements, while squeezing ‘out a
ilittle cre in the centre.
ee ae Divx tte Sean
= a pum
35. “Negroni: N2» Citrus remains the main player here, but without
» any waxiness. |Well balanced palate with Seville orange, but
§ oa bittersweet edge just tipsage into slight astringency.
RY a
45.2% ABV
Named after Martin Miller’s original office in Westbourne
Grove, Notting Hill, west London, it’s fascinating to
see the difference between this and the original (see
p.97). The strength is higher, and while the botanical
mix remains the same, the percentages are different.
The result is a gin that is broader in character. The citric
burst that defines its brother is calmer here, allowing
better equilibrium between all of the botanicals - there
seems to be more angelica coming through. It’s fatter
and almost autumnal, whereas the original is definitely
spring. Thick and lightly vegetal, it has bolder lemon
accents and more prominent juniper on the palate.
The signature waxiness is retained but has been calmed.
It’s zesty on the finish and shows good integration.
— = — a
* ee
noe -O! ‘la
Juniper * Coriande
root ¢ Grapefruit peel * Orange pe ele
N03 46% ABY
The venerable London wine and spirit merchant Berry
Bros. & Rudd has been trading from 3, St James’s Street
since 1698 and was supplying the gentry of the capital
when its unwashed were sluicing back Mother’s Ruin.
It moved into the premium sector in 2010 with the
launch of No.3.
&: ard
5: Martial: at its best here. Exotic with all the elements in
: harmony, you also get an idea of its richness and weight,
: with just enough sweetness allied to the vermouth to carry.
Neder a
- ee ml
ae scat note a
ae s. x d
SNS a 1 : : Bs porestree
= oo :
5 One bes“— t sumis greatert an the parts.
f : 2
Yistilled, tH : Hi 1The inscleanwth
eee ae
Geeal Bulan ee.
. ie | Sant ae
o it fro ig the nee
Bottled by ae
faS the aeroc oS—
p cushion ofve
56% v0|
i al feetocoe thever osamet
_ ofthe herbal acomethough a1m his a little
PW etter
a U: he ae a. with real Se,
i ee
Undeclared but include: Juniper ¢
Coriander seeds « Angelica root ¢
Cubeb berries * Cardamom ° Ginger °
Black pepper * Orange peel * Lemon
peel * Grapefruit peel
A spiced gin made by Greenall’s (see a/so pp.65, 67,
89, and 94) that smells like a takeaway curry - that mix
of peppercorn, cubeb, cumin, coriander, curry leaf,
turmeric, and fenugreek. You can imagine crunching
on the free poppadums. It’s hard to see quite where the
juniper is hiding. Less hot and peppery on the palate to
start, it lulls you into a false sense of security, because
then the spices come frolicking out. It’s alla little bit
odd to be honest, but kind of compelling, as these
things often are.
45 G8: | wasn’t expecting this to work - the gin is too bold, the
» juniper well hidden, but it does. Shut your eyes, think Indian
restaurant, think a drink you need to have with curry, and this
> isit. But is ita G&T? | think it’s something else, but it’s good.
Zy y L
Londen Ly, Yin
4 Neqroni: N1 All the cardamom comes through alongside
pepper and ginger, but on the palate everything comes
together with the spices only sneaking through fully on
the end. A lot of fun. 4
2.5 Martini: As you might have gathered, this is not a gin that
can be suppressed or shifted into a new shape, and while the
temperature slows the heat of the spices, the palate is a mess.
Clbdie Cnglih
ene Aooo01
as = 4 aes bs
i= 7 = ac --3
o i
Ppecisgerne na
Mr Coates opened his Black Friars distillery in 1793,
looking to make a higher-class spirit, and by the middle
of the nineteenth century was supplying over 1,000
casks of Navy Strength a year to the British Navy. But by
the 1980s, Plymouth Gin's glory days were long gone.
Uninterested owners had cut its strength and changed
the recipe. Yet in 1996, Charles Rolls (now of Fever-Tree)
bought the brand, upped the strength, and restored the
old recipe. Plymouth was back. It is now part of Chivas
Brothers, owned by Pernod Ricard.
ip2r pe
Ice; quite
“nn— — some |e
i i ne he
inperfect necease fres|
by the oth
ee ee ee
ood GSI: eric and clean, the G&T retains character
ersistence 2, although the finish can be alittleabruptif =
se forget to add citrus.
4 With Sicilian Lemonatle: Much Kedar manneG&q, this has
; ne : lift, allowing the gin to blossom and not dwell on the darker
= bitter SS pile 2 gay ey eee ee,
: = is a
A 1
aie .
i) Negroni: N2 The aromatics come across well with an added
» exotic edge to them along with a touch of mint. A perfumed
mellow palate. Complex and not at all diffident. Class shows.
Se. BOZ812
4.5 : Martini: |t works and works well, but only when you scale
down the vermouth to a 6:1 ratio, allowing this very subtle gin
» to show its wares. Good complexity.
independent spits oN
indenendent spcrits rip
ae i
: Negro: xe
Here the juniper is ent olded into the drin
» allowing berry fruits (think black cherry) to emerg
; with bittersweet bursts. Huge, dark, menacing, and de
Hand crafted by master distill f Q 5 3 : d a ;
ro t + Coriander
431% AB
Charles Tanqueray established his business in London's
Bloomsbury in 1830 when the district was noted for its
waters rather than its literary pretensions. It remains
typical of its time in the simplicity of its botanical
mix; its top notes are provided by the higher tones
of coriander and juniper.
fle “Gar. The fruits Sa) the tonic clash, and the bubbles seem to
’ fragment things rather than making them cohere. Becomes
: almost soapy. , d
Re as |
5 3 Martini: It’s made for this serve. If you like fragrance, go for
* the slightly wetter 4:1, which makes it luxurious. Personally,
» I'd go out to 5:1, where the juniper is in better balance.
ee ie
: 3 Negroni: N2 The vermouth in particular has:
: aggressive lime, giving the sweetness of the
* then ture of theCampari° i i
ce Id a<a
a Gimlets, that is
Juniper ° Orris root « Angelica root «
Citrus peels
Made in 100-bottle batches by Mark Gamble ina
25-litre (S¥2-gallon) copper still in Market Harborough,
Leicestershire, this is a relatively new gin on the market,
beginning operations in 2012. Although contemporary
in look, one sniff reveals that it’s quite definitely -
defiantly even - old style in expressiveness. It starts
high-toned in that bright, intense, lemon-accented
fashion, but here there is also lemon balm, and juniper in
its terpene-rich element; all explosively fresh and clean.
For asecond you wonder if this might just be bluster,
but it delivers on the palate where it’s softer than the
nose suggests, adding a heathland’s worth ofjuniper
and powerful penetrating pine, before some light violet
and citrus come through. Gamble is also now innovating
with various different casks for new variants. This is a
brand to watch out for.
2 ee
With Sicilian Lemonade: a intensity ae an
even when. ae aah eecee: x i
at aR
e Ze of “ro a : aes
G a -— =
: 3
Pa | iHarti expected. Even ‘chilling it down doesn’t do much
i ~ to suppress its energy. . At the start the} juniper ignites into
: action before the vermouth tries to put some sort of brake on
foie el The finish becomes lightly perfumed. Good.
. A i
Angelica root *Lavender * Cardamom «
Black pepper * Cinnamon « Elderflower
* Orange peel
3.5 :| G8: At 2:1 there is still a big gin influence, so take it further
‘ out to where the effervescence can work more effectively
and allow the drier elements to be teased out. j
DRY GIN ree“Negroni N2 The elderflower has been retained with upbeat
1 jig AN EXCEPTIONALLY SMOOTIL GIN » Campari and the vermouth emerging stealthily. Layered on
| | TOM WARNER AND SION EDWARDS ; the palate, then Seville orange peel. Good.
Ve Northants, United Kingdom “pe- Martini: A little too fat at 4:1, so dry it a little to be able to
see the gin. The vermouth is naturally allied with the top
» notes, but at 5:1 you have a crisper, flintier Martini without
losing any complexity. Very good.
ia = =—S7 —— — ao
ENGLAND 3 :Martini: If you keep it wet, then you can balance the vinegar
- crispness of the gin with the softer side of the vermouth,
48% Vo. 70cLe » which helps flesh out the body.
a a
a : G8: G&Ts can be alittle harsh, but here the tonic enhances
: the top notes, while the palate shows some mint, fennel,
camphor, and juniper. Subtle and aromatic.
ver With Sicilian Lemonade: Here, though, the gin and the
: lemon end up in an unseemly scrap.
5 3 Negroni: N2 One of the few gins that worked with any ratio of
» vermouth and any vermouth brand, showing how balanced it
» is. Light peels, floral notes, and anelegant, slow, spicy warmth
: area perfect foil for the other two ingredients. Aristocratic.
& 5 Parl
5 : Martini: Lightly vinous when wet, so dry it takes a little while
: to discern the gentle, relaxed pinging of botanicals across the
: tongue. A slow sipper.
4 : With Sicilian Lemonaile: The dryness of the gin works in
> this context, giving the mixer something to play with, while
the lemon adds top notes. The finish maybe lacks a little in
> terms of length.
ee eee g Par
5 Martini: At 4:1, there is this slow elegance coming through,
with a relaxed release of the gin’s complexity. When drier,
things become slightly leaner and more direct but without
losing the complexity. Compelling.
4 G8: Has that essential juniper dip in the middle where it and
- the quinine start to work in balance. A serious drink.
2.5 With Sicilian Lemonatle: White the citrus tries to give lift-off,
weight for it to happen.
4 d there is too much
Authentic handerafted gin, small batch }
distitked in atraditianal copper pat slide
100% grain spiut infused us ith 24 botanicals
Stokenij ‘ :
Aalnt (Belgium) 46% vol : 45
www Hemishgin.com B Neqroni: N1 The juniper throws a thick imperial purple cloak
over everything. A bold and courageous drink that should be
drunk with a certain arrogant glint in the eye. Well balanced.
5 G8: Fresh floral with a real lift from the vine flower that
: has come fully to life. Good acidity as well, which helps in
: retaining freshness. The palate is full.
G'VINE’ * FRANCE 0 With Sicilian Lemonade: Fragrant and clean, the lime and
‘ the lemon working in tandem. All very up with a sweet
* mid-palate, but a little lacking in gin definition.
4 Ws
i ee;
5 i Negroni: N2 (made with La Quintinye Rouge) Huge cherry
[FLORAISON'’] : notes, rich, but with a luscious top note. Gentle and decadent.
Sy —— Me - é 4.5 Martini: (made with La Quintinye Extra Dry) They say it’s
ee » not made for Martinis, but if you want your drink to be light
: and fresh, then take it out to 5:1 and sip on the terrace.
3:5:-G8I: Rooty and dry, quite a serious G&T that suggests it’s a
* harder drink for moments of despair. The tonic actually adds
» an element of sweetness to the middle.
SMALL BATCH 3 : With Sicilian Lemonatle: The depth helps here to contrast
\ tf * FRANCE
GIVINE® DISTILLED GIN > the bitter lemon edges. Crisp and clean as the nose suggests,
» but the mixer is dominating.
Juniper Coriande see on pee
«Black epper: Cassia barks Vanilla
pod « Lingonberries » Meadowsweet
45 Martini: Keep it naked and you can see how this gin is very
dexterously put together. I'd recommend you have some food
on the side as well. Excellent.
4 GSI: The aromais slightly simplified after such an exotic
experience when neat. Clean and dry, it remains exotic.
CLASSIC 4.5 With Sicilian Lemonaile: Very intense and upfront, this is
a better mix, as the herbal aspects come through well while
AS) | the citrus balances.
es oe
WITH WILD CAPE FYNBOS 3.9 Negroni: N4 The fynbos aroma is quite prominent, as you
| want it to be. The orange in the Campari acts as a flavour
bridge, while also adding some zing to the palate.
2.9 : G8: Fresh and very lemony to start with, but even at 2:1 the
tonic has the bigger say. The lack of weight is the issue here.
3.5 : With Sicilian Lemonaile: Gin and Fanta Limon was one
reason | chose Sicilian Lemonade, so this works. Clean, crisp,
SanN) and identifiable, the limon thing offers encouragement. It’s a
good drink, even if not wholly a Larios drink.
ESTO 1866 7 FLAVOUR CAMP citric
Ve * | e ar y q i °
3.9 Negroni: N4 Olives are the main issue here. Great in other
_ drinks, but not when put up with'vermouth. Becomes a little
: like red pesto. ‘
4 Martini: Good at 4:1 and 5:1, with the latter showing the
depth of the spirit. The vermouth is only there to offer a
helping hand. It has some class.
R ee
i) Martini: Best naked or ultra dry with just a whisper
of vermouth. Why add more flavour?
The Nolet family has been distilling in Schiedam, the
capital of Dutch genever, since 1691. Ironically, most of
the world knows them best for their Ketel One vodka,
but their gin roots run deep. The family’s newest gin is,
however, some considerable distance away from the
type of spirit that Johannes Nolet would have made
10 generations back. Silver is uncompromisingly a
New Gin. The use of fruit and flower essences - made
for Nolet’s by a French perfume house - makes this a
fruit bomb of agin with raspberry, chews, candyfloss,
Starburst sweets, and no discernible juniper. It struck
meas being alittle like a teenage girl’s perfume and my
own teenage daughter agreed: Lush Snow Fairy to be
precise. There is just a hint of parfait amour. The palate
is sweet and thick with those perfumes flying over the
EDAM"Hor, |
top, and a hint of camphor at the end. Maybe I’m not
AS * Np F
r the target market.
FLAVOUR CAMP Floral/Fragrant
ca) Martini: It works initially, and again if a sweeter, more
Ay 0 Jnl /47.6% yo! 10clE>
confected drink is your bag, then this is the gin for you.
Ja : G8: Is this too perfumed? Some may think so, in which case
- try lengthening it, where the combination works well.
3.5 G8: A classic LDG attack with juniper and an earthy note
from the quinine. Maybe a little short, but fair.
Sa eS Fa a
3.5 Martini: Clean with more violet notes initially. That heavy
: creamy element helps here at low temperatures, adding
: weight before cinnamon comes through. Has character.
Also try it as a Martinez.
pS - THE
4.5 Martini: Too wet at 4:1, but when drier the full character
of the gin comes across, bringing out herbal eucalypt. Clean
- and dry with plenty character.
It all started with a reaction against industrial
beer and the subsequent emergence of America’s
mighty and continually evolving craft-brewing
movement. In time, many of these brewers
decided to branch out into distilling, but with
the same founding principles: small-scale, local,
premium. From the start, gin was part of their plan.
They joined some existing specialist distillers,
then had their numbers boosted by bartenders,
historians, and writers; the curious wanting to
make something that was new and different.
Some looked to distillation techniques,
others to the past to create a “what if” scenario
of American gin had Prohibition never happened.
They foraged and macerated, they read and wrote
manifestos, they sprang up in urban areas and
farmland, in forests and one-horse towns. Some
rejected juniper, others held it close; some used
neutral spirit, others a lower-strength base.
America “made” gin, but America, ironically,
had never really made gin. That situation has now
changed. This is a new, exciting frontier for gin
and one that is continually evolving.
Lavender « Sarsaparilla * Coriander ATION 47% ABV
seeds * Cardamom ° Juniper * Aniseed : 0
¢ Sweet orange peel
N: : FLAVOUR CAMP spicy 2 oe
‘ : : G8: At the start quite overwhelming and floral with a
42% ALC 5 : ah copes ; ;
BY VOL 01007 aizhvor : big hint of aniseed and a bittersweet edge, which could
| —_—— i ; : be that sarsaparilla. More spices - cardamom in particular.
It's not your average G&T, but then it doesn’t want to be.
3ie With SillanLemonade: As with tonic, the: sweetness at
> this gin’s heart comes through, although I'm not sure that
: the bitterness of the lemon is the ideal partner. |
Sy ig
150 ML 94 pRooF wate. NNO :
Tia —__ | worn 33 le : 3.9 |“Negroni N1 Big and punchy, with that peppery element
== ; p :adding some tingle to the tongue. Maybe alittle too sweet _
CAPTIVE opens em aTTuenWa : forclassicists, but it works.
FuvoutGIMP Juniper
a |
Saye 18) Gara: R »
3.5 G&T: allows the tonic to bring the botanicals forward, juniper
: and cardamom especially. Quite creamy still, which makes
2 : this a pretty weighty drink that some might want to lengthen.
3.5. With Sicilian Lemonatle: Now it's the turn of the roots to
come through. The palate remains rich, but the citrus picks
: up freshness.
= SSIES a0" Negroni: N1 The richness ofthe spirit means that it ends up
; BRO WUct ay crsiUin ican Scarce GHASMBAICA | i - slightly sweeter, so scale back the vermouth in particular.
To mon ve
: More floral characters begin to emerge. Decent balance.
: so Y
7 SOM | gang Auc. By Vor. | 94
ac EN Ji 3.9 Martini: 4:1 makes it really big boned, so it's worthwhile
; : upping the gin. Floral again, with more cardamom. Clean but
© certainly rich.
LElofi.wide add,
Lyuniper Mid)
PARHER ‘:Gal: Everything iis well ecaed and balanced. Very fresh,
; zingy, and citric, Best Seek at 1:2. Fy ie
ae i With Sicilian Lemonade:|
I'd have thought that all the peels
» would have made this a no-brainer, but the Ove tie isa
COMPANY : bit clumsy, gue
4.5 : Negroni: N2 More of the grapefruit and flowers here, which __
» meld with Campari, but the elderberry and juniper are
: working hard behind the scenes building alliances with the
: vermouth. Becomes very rich.
44% ALcyvor (ga pRooF) 750M 4 Martini: Lots of fruit peels and flowers, and while there is
- an initial standoff between juniper and vermouth, they end up
in harmony. It louches (turns opaque) at low temperatures.
GINSMITHS 4.5 With Sicilian Lemonate: The citric opening returns.
: Zesty and quite long, with a soft centre and low spice.
Undeclared but officially “more than a
dozen” - there is certainly juniper!
3.9 GSI: The tonic helps to dry things down, reducing this
» potpourri of aromas. Good balance and cleanliness.
Re a
Sy :- G8T: Glorious, with areal lemon |lift. One of those
e i combinations where everything pulls together andis — o
» enhanced. A quintessential G&T. Excellent. ;
oe ; a fee ae
ou “Martin:
: The
1,vermouth Scorers a herbal backing, ah.
its vinosity adds to the texture and brings a gentle sweetness.
: Highly complex and gently Hevaing: Equally good eis
*Classical at Si. a
pi aS a ie
epee d.compl ae *
pea tof
‘lengthnening rea: On a
ence) 902 Dirzrfotapled in (ian
poTANTVOry, ©j waamae:
Sti Lenae
SP betantedl balancing at Vy
, Paes
he hight order, put distilled s \ ae Fe
ce"Hern Her thatherbal note offers ioe awe
ana of chotee herbs, fie hile the peels (especially bergamot) go to the
Seeyvco)! and clr mpari. It’s a huge and ee ffling array. I’d keep thing
45% ALC BY VOL : eee Cona < 2 S ce a és
Martini.USE — : nave
it itd no iy
* need for more 5, Becomes more piney, spiced, aniseedy,
a dry. Great.
a £
45% AB
Distilling eau-de-vie, which is how St. George’s founder
Jdrg Rupf and its current owner/master distiller Lance
Winters started (see p.147), means capturing the purest
essence of the ingredient, and this concept is central
to understanding the firm’s Terroir gin. This is not just a
distillation of botanicals but that of a place, specifically
the forests and chaparral behind the distillery. There is
Douglas fir, sage, juniper, and bay laurel, as well as wok-
roasted coriander seeds (it’s not native, but Winters says
that the roasted seeds smell like the chaparral). The sage
and fir are distilled separately, the juniper and bay ina
vapour basket, the rest in the body of the still. The result
is a hallucinatory plunge into a forest. There is pine, resin,
a sage note, a velvety menthol lift, citrus, a big geranium-
like laurel note, bay rum, bruised spices, juniper, and then
herbal aniseed. It gets even rootier with water. On the
palate there is massive retronasal impact. It’s a trip.
=, Sa,Nsroiafbed
GROEN ia Gillniz
X .With Sicilian Lemonade: really doesn’t work here either.
Manipioly Calfarntan yn
pe ofplace und poclry,®
X : Negroni: The nose offers hope. |mean it’s as OTT as you
: would expect, but the palate is a pile-up.
e le
3: Martini: Have it naked and start by running through a moist,
: old-growth forest. Immense amounts of fir, pine, and bay. End
: up sweating in a hogan scented with sage incense. Love it.
SSS aA ea ee
ON WalMBNetheriands:
aged: Wi 4 : . 1.
anierican cak : : 3.9 Gin Fizz: Again, slightly nutty to start, but the extra
BATCH NR 001 Ba : : sweetness allows the lemon juice to come through and
YEAR:2013 Be te : scales back the oak.
40% ALC. BY VOL.
X G8: Massive impact, but on the palate the tonic goes one
way, the Old Tom the other.
gin as
3.5 Gin Fizz: You need to dose up the drink with more sugar in
it was. Gin as jt should be order to hit a decent balance here. When you do, it’s quite
rooty yet decent.
AD ORIGINEM 1783 q : 4 : Gin Fizz: Very clean and zesty, with excellent expressiveness
a : : from the gin. Lip-smackingly clean and balanced.
Old English | |
5 Martinez: The gentle nature of the gin’s sweetness means
hte ne * that it isn’t too sugary when the vermouth is added. Instead,
ay P AND ported IN ©
» you pick up more bitter notes and richness. Complex,
balanced, and with a savoury edge.
— ——
: sc —
- 2.5
- |
G8: Works well on the nose, bringing out more top notes.
note, as set G ]N : * The sweetness slightly skews things on the palate though
MAVOL tke : ’ andit becomes alittle flat.
4 : Gin Fizz: Zesty and lively, with the sweetness ofthe gin
* countering the attack of the lemon. A well balanced and
- refreshing drink.
Clove * Orange peel BATHTUB OLD TOM Glk
24% UK
After the success of a gin allegedly made in his
bathtub (see p.62), Professor Ampleforth continued in
his explorations of gin history and at the suggestion of
The Handmade Cocktail Company decided to re-create
an Old Tom-style beverage. Once again, the technique
of cold compounding has been used. The nose indicates
sweetness, with some juniper and a fair whack of clove.
The palate is quite thick and needs time to relax and
open. There is considerably more cinnamon in the
mouth than on the nose, and it becomes a little cloying
on the finish. Water helps to lighten things, but the
slightly medicinal clove note continues and the finish
remains overly sweet. It’s perhaps more of a liqueur
gin than an Old Tom.
ce) G&l: It works well on the nose, that sense of depth and
» sweetness working against the dry aspects of the tonic.
» Apleasant, sweet G&T.
* Orange peel *Lemon peel
¢ Coriander seeds * Cardamom +
Angelica root * Aged in 100 per cent
French oak wine barrels for 3-6 months
Ys Sy
Old Tom Gin 3&
i Cue
Batch No: 008 Bottle No:0575 5 Gin Fizz: The gin absolutely flies here, showing its full
8S Prowt)
complexity. Only a little sweetening needed. A real slinger.
ey .
5 : Martinez: This is the drink the gin was made for. The oak
gives structure; the mix is complex, balanced, and layered,
» with a robust and hearty elegance. Glorious.
3.0 Gin Cocktail: More vanilla comes through now. The spirit
remains creamy and calm to start and then heats up into
pepper flakes on the end.
3.5 Gin Fizz: The nose works well because of the light, creamy
- edge cutting through the lemon and soda. The roots have
a part to play on the palate. A fair quick drink.
3.5 Gin Fizz: Clean and fresh with good energy and the gin
: adding alittle weight. The wood isn’t too obtrusive, but it’s
» not quite balanced.
Lene eee
seeds * Aniseed«* Grains of paradise °
Orange peel *Cardamom ° Violet
root * Lemon peel ¢ Coriander seeds *
Cubeb berries * Cassia bark * Liquorice Mh AYFrance
root * Savory * Nutmeg « Angelica root
* Cumin seeds * Cinnamon * Aged
first ina mix of ex-Cognac, Pineau des
Charentes, and American oak, then After five years of experimentation, Citadelle’s master
married in a solera vat
distiller Alexandre Gabriel has finally decided on the
formula for his aged expression (see a/so p.118). From the
2013 release onwards, Réserve will be different again.
Gabriel is now using an adapted solera method in which
the gin is split into three parcels, each of which is then
aged in either American oak, ex-Pineau des Charentes,
or ex-Cognac casks. After this, it is transferred to the
solera vat, which is never emptied. When a bottling is
made, the vat will be topped up with more gin from
the next lot of casks to be filled. This gives consistency,
more mellowing, and perhaps more volume. The effect
is an intense spiced aroma with more menthol, balsam,
and pepper than the non-aged version. The wood is
restrained and the juniper has been softened. With
water the coriander and peels kick in massively, while
on the palate you get gentle, oozing pine, herbs, and
powdery spices.
4 : Gin Fizz: Light and restrained. The gin has had a calming
effect with more violet, lavender, herbs, and pepper.
Be ae
in 88
4 Gin Cocktail: The sweetness is the key here, as it softens the
tannins and pulls down any aggressive elements, the bitters
just adding to the mix. Light coconut.
aged on y s i X
Gin Fizz: The lemon doesn't like oak it would seem.
american oak iy q :
BATCHNR.: 001 :
YEAR: 2013
44% ALC. BY VOL. :
4 re e)
WITH eas cata ieee ‘1 i 3.5 : Gin Fizz: The nose works, with the lemon and soda putting
BOTANICALS : a brake on its boisterousness. The palate has retained the
| 3 bubblegum/patchouli thing and adds a note of fresh lychee.
: It certainly has something.
Product of South Africa
Ca Coriander seeds « ( m
+ Lemon peel « Black peppercorn : CMOOTH AMBLER
Orange peel * Angelica root * Aged 50
per cent in ex-bourbon barrels, 50 per i
; {9 B0/ ABV USA
cent in ex-Old Scout bourbon barrels
ese gle
2.9 : Gin Cocktail: This becomes very fruity and the oak notes
» add their piney quality as well as some coconut. More
> cask-influenced.
2.9 ; Gin Fizz: It should work, but again there is a clash with the
wood here that knocks the lemon off balance.
3.5 MartineZ: 4 spirited nose with light oak, but here the wood
: gives edge and style. The maraschino is more upfront with
the vermouth playing a supporting role. Long with pleasing
: dustiness, while the finish has a savoury edge.
3.5 ; Gin Cocktail: Fresh and more citric, with the bitters adding
» ascented clove-like edge. Still rich and with good balance.
i : :
letras :
OAK-BARRELLED a 5 X : Gin Fizz: Goes all cream soda on you with a big aniseed hit.
“VICTORIA HAS MAT » Slightly odd.
ml aoe alc./vol.
3.5 Martinez: Big botanical lift takes this into the realm of
‘ old-fashioned cough medicine with masses of cherry stone.
: Big, rich, and pretty sweet, so to get the gin influence, try
’ as Turf Club.
4.5 : With Tonic: This works nicely. Heavier dilution brings some
coriander, saffron, cut peels, fruit’'gums, and juniper. Saffron
» adds bulk to a lovely palate, then moves it into cooked orange.
It may be just a little short, but a good and unusual aperitif.
i% A Scotland
4.5 : Gin Fizz: Works very well indeed, with enough sweetness
* to carry. The raspberries come brimming out, the lemon
’ adds acidity, and | can’t help dreaming of “the hissing of
» summer lawns”.
& : . .
5 ; With Tonic: The pie filling is now oozing over the pastry. A
> classic, ripe, sweet/off-dry fruit gin that holds well across the
» palate, the tonic just giving sufficient effervescence. It also
: makes an awesome Wibble (see p.192). A drink for all the year.
5 Gin FIZZ: rich and deep with great colour. It has retained
richness, the lemon just giving a bite to the soft fruits.
: Aproper drink.
Put it down to nominative determinism - you know,
having a surname that seems to preordain what your
profession will be. If your names are Edward Bramley
Kain and Penelope Gage, there really is only one
business you should be in: fruit farming. The husband
and wife team began making fruit liqueurs in their
Devon kitchen in the 1980s. Sloe gin - the classic English
fruit liqueur, although people never think about it like
that - was not far behind. Today, the next generation
of Kains is in charge of a considerably larger business,
but the same principles of using whole fruits grown
outdoors in Britain with no preservatives or colourings
remains. This organic sloe gin, for example, only uses
hedgerow-harvested fruit and has a higher sloe-to-gin
ratio than B and G’s standard expression (see p.59). The
gin base itself is a secret, but chances are it will be close
botanically to their 6 o’clock brand. It’s lighter in colour
than some and not as sweet either, allowing an intense
sloe character to come across with cherry, violet, and
that wild sour-berry edginess. The gin kicks in halfway
through with lots of lavender and juniper, even a hint
of angelica; classically bittersweet.
3.9 Gin Fizz: On slightly less sure ground, as the sloe and the
» lemon don't get along too well.
crcmeese=——SUPSIMITH SLOE GN 1 ng
root « Liquorice root * Orris root *
Almond « Cassia bark * Cinnamon *
: 0 ig all
SIPSMITHindes nenoent Sf
Hand crafted
5ocde 2.9%vol «
5 Gin Fizz: Berry fruits galore with pleasing sweetness to start,
: then it sours rather thrillingly. These elements then play off
each other. A very adult drink.
Many of today’s gin distillers share the same mindset as
bartenders and chefs - when looking for flavours, they
start in their immediate environs and see what can be
foraged. The local is important to Brooklyn’s Greenhook
Ginsmiths, so when they decided to make a fruit gin,
they sought out the New York equivalent of tart, bitter
sloe berries. They found it in Prunus maritima, the mad
little bittersweet plums that grow, mostly wild, along
America’s northeastern seaboard. The plums are small
and tricky to pluck, but a source has been found in Long
Island. These are then macerated in the firm’s gin (see
p.143). The fruits add an intriguing, almost medicinal
edge that takes you back to old-style remedies, before
they become more stewed with the bitter marzipan bite
of stone. There is a fair hit of gin in here, with juniper
proving to be the plums’ main ally. It seems a little tense
in the centre and maybe could do with a bit more sugar
to balance, but that’s a minor issue.
eV a5
X With Tonic: Becomes citric to start, but the plum notes are
lost and it ends up alittle short.
3.5 Gin FIZZ: This is better, but there is still a slight separation
between the spirit, the fruits, and then the lemon. Upping the
sugar helps to add weight and length.
Filliers, the Belgian jenever (as it’s spelled in Belgium)
specialist, was founded in 1792 by farmer Karel Lodewijk
Filliers, and remains under family ownership today. Their
modern distillery, which was opened in 2006, produces
jenever both for the family’s own brands and for third
parties in Belgium and Holland. Although the firm likes
to keep their cards close to their chest, it is known that
the mash bill for this 1OO per cent grain jenever has a
high rye content. It has also been aged for a decade
in American oak. It’s the rye rather than the wood that
comes across most on the nose, with fresh, spicily sweet
rye-bread notes anda hint of vanilla, before the light
3 — Y : botanicals come through - fence posts, lemon, apple
LIcRS blossom, and butteriness. It’s complex stuff. The palate
ee ae : confirms that it’s distillate- rather than cask-driven, with
a racy lemon acidity. It needs a drop of water to open up
the rye notes and speed the silky texture.
SEN 2600
X 70 CL
3.5 Gin Fizz: The acidity experienced when neat works against
> it slightly here. Fresh and with a bite.
saccade i 3.5 : Martinez: The vermouth gives a big hit here, so I'd go to
: : Turf Club levels, which adds earthy richness. Bitters provide
: anecessary balance.
4.5 Gin Fizz: Slightly sweeter, again with the lemon and genever
- working in consort. It’s a little short on the palate, but the
> nose more than makes up for that. In due course (if you allow
‘ afizz to have time), it opens up to buttery baking spice.
IMPORTED FROM HOLLAND 4 Gin Fizz: Sweetness is working here alongside the lemon.
GRAIN SPIRIT, * Some complexity. A clean and hugely drinkable shot.
eee Ca
1L. 42% ALC./VOL. 5 Martinez: Puts you into a dimly lit nineteenth-century bar.
- Light bittering with just enough sweetness. Best as a Turf
* Club. Elegant is the word.
| Sigh ees
44 X Gin Cocktail: There is little change here to be honest, as the
iyoen CRA ee cask influence is so strong. A little more structure with the
: bitters, but really it’s the same drink.
ae geeigre =
X Gin Fizz: Still this huge cask influence, with the wood getting
» inthe way.
Ron .
5 : Gin Cocktail: A complete extra dimension with the bitters,
» which just add to the layers of complexity. The shade of Jerry
: Thomas (see p.26) reaches out a hand for a bottle.
2.5 Gin Fizz: This makes the whole mix slightly more restrained
‘ with pepper galore. A clean, crisp drink.
one No4
3.5 Martinez/Turt Cluh: |wasn't holding out much hope for
this, but the nose is fantastic, with the sweetness and coconut
: working in tandem while the bitters fly happily above. It’s a
massive drink, but works even better as a Boulevardier.
3.9 :Gin Cocktail: Be careful with the bitters here. Quite herbal
: witha light dustiness.
3 Gin Fizz: Clean and slightly yeasty with some weight, but
* the wood sets up a clash.
X Gin Fizz: The wood comes into play and butts heads with
the lemon, making the mix slightly unbalanced.
What eos
All of Zuidam’s genevers (see a/so pp.174-6) are based
onamash bill of malted barley, corn, and rye, which
is given along temperature-controlled fermentation
(a week in the Korenwijn’s case) and then triple distilled
ina Holstein pot still. A percentage of this malt wine is
then redistilled with botanicals, blended back with the
original distillate, some neutral grain spirit, and put into
cask. This has a high malt wine content and, unusually
for a genever, has then spent a decade maturing in
two oloroso sherry casks. These provide classic notes
of Christmas cake mix, light walnut, a little vanilla, and
some ginger. The spirit is very pure with a thick, almost
syrup-like palate that has light tannins from the cask.
There is sultana and spice to finish.
Liter ‘ i 3.9 Martinez/T! urf Cluh: The bitters are the main driver of
1 : along and sweet mix. It's slightly odd but weirdly likeable.
It also works not too badly as a Boulevardier. It’s probably
easier to sip it neat, though.
oe5 GinCocktall Good spirit Worang well with the tropical
edges of the bitters. Some sweetness matching the nutty
: weight of the spirit. Light lavender on the finish.
Daa Ea ae AES
ate ad Gin Fizz: Still quite a malty base, but it has decent spread
i with clove, aniseed, and then lemon. A decent short drink.
= 70'cl; 4036, Vol.
3.5 Gin Cocktail: The bitters help out, adding top notes and
» moving things further into the left field. You need alittle
» more sugar than normal to balance.
3.5 Gin Fizz: Leave it to dilute slightly in the glass rather than
: knocking it straight back, as this stops it kicking like a mule
‘ and allows some softness to develop in the middle.
hs ie antl am 4 4 : Martinez/Turt Club: The aroma is like arye and raisin bagel.
2 > Hugely spicy, this works well in any of the late-nineteenth-
© century gin cocktails.
30m! (1fl oz) gin NEGRONI
It goes like this. In the 1920s, this chap called Count
Camillo Negroni walks into Bar Casoni in Florence, Italy
at aperitivo time. Now, before we go any further, let’s
Build the ingredients in an ice-filled
just dwell on the fact that Italian drinking culture is so
rocks glass, stir, and garnish with an
advanced that time is set aside to take a specific type
orange twist.
of drink that will both relax you after a day’s work and
sharpen your appetite. That means the drink has to have
freshness, acidity, and a bitter edge. My favourite, since
VARIATIONS you're buying, is the Mezzo e Mezzo made with equal
parts of Nardini Rosso (an amaro-style vermouth) and
Rabarbaro (a rhubarb liqueur) as served at the firm’s
25ml (fl oz) Plymouth Gin
eighteenth-century bridge bar in Bassano del Grappa.
(see p.104)
25ml (%fl oz) Gancia Bianco Anyhow, the Count was looking for a similar hit, and was
vermouth offered an Americano - equal parts Martini Rosso and
25m! (%fl oz) Aperol Campari, lengthened with soda. Whatever the reason,
pink grapefruit twist, to serve
he wanted something harder, so out went the soda and
Stir the ingredients over ice and
in went a slug of gin. It was his drink, so it got his name.
strain into a chilled coupette
glass. Squeeze a pink grapefruit For me, the finest is to be had at Star Bar in Tokyo,
twist over the rim of the glass Japan, where owner/master Kishi-san uses gin from
and discard.
the freezer, the fridge, and the shelf, which creates an
With thanks to Hannah Lanfear.
incredible 3-D textural experience on the palate. It’s
BELFAST BASTARD worth the price of the air fare, trust me.
60m (2fl oz) Tanqueray London Although you shouldn't mess with a classic, you can
Dry Gin (see p.110) work out your own variations on the theme - different
15ml (“fl oz) Combier Créme de
vermouths, different amari, the mix bottle-aged or
Pamplemousse Rosé
15ml (fl oz) Dolin Blanc vermouth cask-aged - but never stray too far from the idea of the
15ml (fl oz) Campari holy trinity. After all, gin, vermouth, and Campari are the
2 dashes of Regan’s Orange Bitters
booze equivalent of the celery, onion, and carrot soffritto
grapefruit twist, to serve that lies at the heart of great European cooking.
The Negroni is more than the sum of its parts. The
Stir all the ingredients over ice and
strain into a chilled coupette glass. gin provides the aromatics and can, if you use the Star
Spray a grapefruit twist over the Bar technique, add extra texture; while the Campari
surface and discard.
lends a bitter/sweet/sour/citric element. The vermouth
From Jack McBarry of The Dead
Rabbit Grocery and Grog, New York. spans these two extremes: sweet, fruity, bitter, rooty
and herbal. It creates Escher-like flavour bridges
Both recipes from Gaz Regan’s everywhere in your mind, forever looping back on each
The Negroni.
other, which is why the overall balance is so important.
ED It’s the king of drinks.
Eee eee IE OT INO a oe RU SES
50ml (134fl oz) Old Tom gin or
25ml (fl oz) simple syrup or Who knows what London’s Limmer’s Hotel was like
gomme (see below) in 1830? Yet three decades later, Captain Rees Howell
Gronow recalled it as being “the most dirty hotel in
London”. Grubby though it may have been, Limmer’s was
also, according to Gronow, “frequently so crowded that a
bed could not be obtained for any amount of money; but
you could always get a very good plain English dinner, an
excellent bottle of port, and some famous gin-punch”.
The gin punch had been the creation of Limmer’s head
Shake the first 3 ingredients with waiter in the 1830s, a cove called John Collins who was
ice and strain into an ice-filled famed for the quality of his libations. The one that would
Collins glass. Add the soda, stir, bear his name was a short, single-serve simple Gin Fizz
and garnish with an orange slice - made with Old Tom - which cocktail historian David
and a maraschino cherry. Wondrich believes would have been similar to the The
Garrick Gin Punch (see p.190). It was so good that Collins
even had a piece of doggerel written about his drink.
Like most of these proto-cocktails, this would
have started life as an eye-opener and hangover cure.
Limmer’s “gloomy, comfortless coffee-room” was
after all, according to Gronow, “where might be seen
many members of the rich squirearchy, who visited
London during the sporting season”. We don’t have
gin for breakfast much these days - although the
SIMPLE SYRUP strange routine of writing a gin book does mean | had
plenty of these at what polite society would consider a
Gently heat equal quantities of
white sugar and water until the disgracefully early hour. |can vouch for their efficacy.
sugar has completely dissolved. By the middle of the nineteenth century, the drink
You can flavour the syrup by
had jumped the Pond to America and by the 1870s had
adding mint leaves, citrus peel,
and so on. Alternatively, just buy changed its name as well. John Collins had become Tom
a bottle of gomme. - maybe after Old Tom, maybe due to a mishearing. It had
also been altered. The John Collins started off as a short,
shaken Gin Fizz (see p.212). The Tom Collins used the
same ingredients but became alonger drink, built over
ice cubes and stirred. It also, in time, shifted from being
an Old Tom drink to one made with dry gin. When you go
back to its nineteenth-century roots and make this with
Old Tom or oude genever (see p.172), it’s a revelation -
a drink with heft and richness, no matter what its name.
Serves 6
Ea : punch also works
of the day to freshen the palate, gin
FOR THE GARNISH in winter. Since the Victorians invented what we now
borage flowers
think of as a traditional Christmas, it’s only right that we
lemon and orange wheels
pineapple sticks should include a Dickensian-style warm punch - a sort
To make the Lemon and Seville : Of mulled gin - as part ofthe festivities. It is alot easier
Orange Sherbet, grate the zest : _ tohave a bowl of this to dispense, rather than rushing
of the oranges and lemons, then around trying to sort out a myriad different requests.
squeeze 300ml (10fl oz) ofjuice
from the oranges and an equal If anyone complains, then you can retort in the manner
quantity ofjuice from the lemons. : of Fagin to Oliver, “Shut up and drink yer gin!”
Muddle the citrus zests and sugar :
together, then add the citrus
juices and mix until the sugar
has dissolved - gently heat if
necessary. Strain.
Mix the first 5 main ingredients
together, then top up with the
Prosecco or demi-sec Champagne.
Garnish with borage flowers,
lemon and orange wheels, and
pineapple sticks.
With thanks to Nick Strangeway,
Strangehill, London, who in turn
was inspired by William Terrington.
40m (1%fl oz) gin THE BRAMBLE
20ml (%fl oz) simple syrup or
gomme (see p.188)
Funny the tricks that the memory plays, especially
when there is drink involved. How many great recipes
have been lost in the mists of a 4am post-shift
experimentation? Such is the case with the Bramble.
What we can say is that it was created at some point in
Shake the first 3 ingredients with the late 1980s in a bar called Fred’s in London’s Soho.
ice and strain into a highball glass And it was definitely the work of Dick Bradsell, who
filled with crushed ice. Dribble the
manned the stick at that particular establishment,
creme de mure down through the
which itself was the underground haunt of disreputable
ice. Garnish with a blackberry.
bohemian classic cocktail lovers, or BCCLs, when such
a thing was still, appropriately enough, underground.
It’s easy to forget how hard it was to get a great drink
VARIATION anywhere outside of the grand hotels in those days,
and since none of the BCCLs wore ties or jackets, they
For me, the Wibble is a better, more
couldn’t be served in most of those establishments
complex, grown-up version of the
Bramble that amplifies the sweet anyway. The answer was to create your own scene.
and sour elements while adding When that happened, Dick was its leading light. He is
layers of fruit. It was invented by
one of the very few bartenders to have three modern
Dick when he was at London’s Soho
bar, The Player, and named after the classics to his name - the others being the Espresso
always erect Nick Blacknell, then Martini and the Russian Spring Punch - in his lifetime.
marketing director of Plymouth
But anyway, back to the Bramble. | seem to recall
Gin. As Dick said, “it will make you
wobble, but you won’t fall down”. Plymouth being the gin that was used originally, but
| suspect that is my mind playing tricks... certainly it
THE WIBBLE was a time of excess. Maybe it’s because it is the gin |
25ml (%fl oz) Plymouth Gin would reach for, or perhaps |’m blurring the Bramble
(see p.104)
with the Wibble (see Variation), which of course is
25ml (fl oz) Plymouth Sloe Gin*
25ml (%fl 0z) fresh pink grapefruit another of Dick’s drinks. The man should have a statue
juice erected in his honour - an underground statue, waving
10ml (fl oz) fresh lemon juice
from a basement.
5ml (%fl oz) simple syrup or
gomme (see p.188) The important thing is that this works. That’s why
10m! (4fl oz) creme de mire it’s amodern classic. It refreshes, but the creme de
Shake all the ingredients with ice mure adds a sultry richness to the experience. It takes
and strain into a chilled glass, with me back to fuzzy long evenings and happenings that
or without ice.
best have a veil drawn quietly over them, but if we ever
*Recently I’ve replaced the
Plymouth Sloe Gin with Sipsmith meet, let me tell you about the potato gun standoff in
Sloe Gin (see p.168) or, even better, Louisville Airport.
Foxdenton Damson Gin (see p.166).
30m (1fl oz) Old Tom gin AVIATION
When you glance at the recipe for the Aviation, you
wonder what the fuss is about. It seems simple - too
Shake all the ingredients with
ice and strain into a chilled simple, perhaps, in the same way that jungles can be too
Martini glass. quiet just before the enemy attacks. On paper, there is
little more to this than a simplified single-serve Garrick
Gin Punch (see p.190). It’s a gin sour, it’s a gin Floridita
Daiquiri, and yet there is complexity lurking within.
The trick, as ever with drinks with so few ingredients, is
balance. The lemon juice needs to be fresh (of course),
the Maraschino atjust the right level, and the gin to have
a suitably amenable complexity.
Let’s have a look at the gin. The recipes say dry, but
| would be more specific and go for a style like Plymouth
(see p.104). Better still is Old Tom, as this gives the little
touch of sweetness that is needed; this can be too sour
otherwise. Hayman’s works excellently (see p.153), as
does Hammer & Son Old English (see p.152).
Maraschino and gin have a wonderful relationship.
The liqueur was a speciality of Zadar in Croatia, though
production post-World War Two switched primarily
to the Veneto region of northeastern Italy. It first
appeared in Britain in the 1770s, becoming a cult drink
and a favourite of the aristocracy. In the days when
people had fewer ingredients to play with, there is
little surprise that it began being used in simple mixed
drinks. Although a liqueur, it isn’t too sweet and has an
earthy note - which links with angelica and orris - along
with a deep fruitiness that brings to mind roses, cherry
pie (with slightly burned pastry), hay, and hill tracks.
Overload things and it dominates, but get it right and
your drink will fly, which is kind of appropriate.
Originally, the Aviation included créme de violette
as well as Maraschino, which gave it a cerulean hue and
amore floral edge. The colour alone would make it the
perfect accompaniment to have in lan Fleming’s “violet
hour”, were you not drinking a Vesper. Whatever way
you choose, this is another gin drink where it’s hard to
have just one.
45ml (1%4fl oz) Old Tom gin
30mI (1fl oz) gin SINGAPORE SLING
Gin became the favoured drink of those Dutch and
British empire builders who were posted to the East.
Genever would have been drunk from the eighteent
century if you were Dutch, and although it took longer for
British gin to shake off its low-class image (see p.20), by
the nineteenth century it had become the ideal spirit to
Build the first 4 ingredients in an
ice-filled glass, then stir, top up with sip when taking your sundowner in British-ruled colonies,
the soda water and add the bitters. a habit that carried on through the twentieth century
and, among the sensible, up until today.
Baker notes that “in other parts
A gin-based drink is perfect for those times when
drinkers often use ginger ale instead
of soda, or even stone bottle ginger your forehead is beading with perspiration and your
beer”. His Sling also uses 2 parts linen suit is losing its crispness. The best of them are
Old Tom to1 part cherry brandy deliciously, dangerously moreish. The night is young,
and 1 part Bénédictine. and the heat has ceased to be oppressive and instead
become like a silken blanket caressing your skin.
The greatest chronicler of this mode of drinking is
Charles H Baker (see p.197), and the gin drink that best
personifies it is that created in Singapore’s Raffles Hotel.
VARIATIONS Baker says of “The Immortal Singapore Raffles Gin Sling”:
“There are other good Gin Slings in the East... but the
Also, check out the Pegu Club
(see p.206). Raffles drink is the best. When our soft-footed Malay
boy brings the fourth Sling and finds us peering over
the window sill at the cobra-handling snake charmers
60ml (2fl oz) gin tootling their confounded flutes below, he murmurs
15ml (4fl oz) kirschwasser
15ml (fl oz) Bénédictine
‘Take care, master’. The Singapore Gin Sling is a
juice of % lemon delicious, slow-acting, insidious thing.”
2 dashes of orange bitters The problem is how to make it. It started, cocktail
2 dashes of Angostura bitters
historian Ted Haigh attests, as the Straits Sling, but was
soda water, to top up
fruits of your choice, to garnish soon sweetened (with cherry brandy replacing kirsch) -
and lengthened, becoming more of a proto-tiki drink (the
Shake all the ingredients, bar the
soda water, over ice. Strain into a OTT fruity rum-based concoctions popular in the fifties).
chilled sour glass or Champagne As is often the case with famous drinks, their spiritual
flute. Top up with soda and garnish
home often ends up being the place where the worst
with whatever fruits you fancy.
From Ted Haigh’s book Vintage examples are made. Raffles’s Singapore Sling was, in
Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails. recent times, one of those. However, Desmond Payne,
the guru of gin and aman who belongs on that hotel’s
terrace (see pp.64 and 157), reported in 2015 that it was
back to its old standard. Mr Baker would approve.
This was invented by Johnnie Solon Another early twentieth-century mix, which sadly fell from
at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in fashion (probably because of its pink hue) when mixed drinks
Manhattan, New York City, at the were only for Real Men, but is returning to favour in these
turn of the twentieth century. more metrosexual times.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
Shake all the ingredients with ice
and strain into a chilled cocktail
glass. Garnish with an orange twist.
As Harry Craddock (see p.28) wrote in his The Savoy Cocktail
Book of 1930, “four taken in quick succession will unrevive the
corpse again”. You have been warned.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
From Ted Haigh’s book Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails.
Although in New Orleans this is made The use of Old Tom shows this to be a nineteenth-century
with Cognac - appropriately enough, classic - it dates from 1895.
as it's named after a French field gun
30ml (1fl oz) Old Tom gin
- this has always been a gin drink.
Stir all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass. Garnish with an orange twist.
Shake the first 3 ingredients with
From Ted Haigh’s book Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails.
ice and pour into a chilled Collins
glass. Top up with Champagne.
Stir all the ingredients together and then serve ina frozen
coupe glass, garnished with an orange twist.
From Barrie Wilson, global brand ambassador, Tanqueray gin.
This first appeared in Harry Seemingly simple, yet tricky to manage. This needs to be
MacElhone’s ABC of Mixing COLD. Adding equal amounts of lime juice and cordial helps,
Cocktails in 1922 and is named or lengthen with soda.
after the swashbuckling star
50ml (134fl oz) gin
Douglas Fairbanks.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass. Serve with a lime wedge.
Stir all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass. Twist a swathe of orange peel over the
surface of the drink.
One from Harry's New York Bar An offering from Jim Meehan of New York's PDT bar
in 5 rue Daunou, Paris, guaranteed (see also pp.271 and 216), who adds: “Years before Old Tom
to revitalize parts that other drinks gin was reintroduced on the US market, | approximated the
do not reach. flavour profile by substituting bianco vermouth for dry
in his resurrection of the Astoria cocktail.”
60ml (2fl oz) gin
75ml (2%fl oz) Tanqueray London Dry Gin (see p.110)
A colonial delight, this was created as a sundowner for the
denizens of Rangoon’s (now Yangon) Pegu Club, Burma
(now Myanmar), in the 1920s.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
Invented by lan Fleming, this Another from the fertile mind of Harry MacElhone (see Fairbank
features in Casino Royale, the first Cocktail, p.204), this cocktail emerged in the Roaring Twenties
James Bond novel, and was named in Paris. These days, it’s most commonly seen being drunk in
after Bond's squeeze in the book, upscale bars in Tokyo.
double agent Vesper Lynd. It was
40ml (114fl oz) gin
originally made with the now sadly
discontinued Kina Lillet.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
Shake all the ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass.
40m (114fl oz) gin First made in the 1880s in either New York or Chicago (debate
rages), this was intended as an early morning picker-upper.
/ can vouch for its continuing efficacy.
This comes courtesy of Jim Meehan of PDT cocktail bar,
New York City (see also pp.206 and 216), who comments:
“A fitting reward for a vigorous day on the slopes; this winter
warmer also delights those of us who spend more time
looking at mountains than scaling them.”
30m! (1fl oz) Fords gin (see p.84) 50m! (134fl oz) London Dry gin
START ME UP (rightbottom)
45m (14%fl oz) gin
Stir all the ingredients over ice and strain into a chilled
cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon twist.
From Rob Libecans of White Lyan, Hoxton, London.
45ml (1%4fl oz) gin 50ml (154fl oz) Tanqueray London Dry Gin (see p.110)
For the oak moss syrup, put all the ingredients into a
saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Remove from
the heat and leave to infuse for an hour, then strain through
a Superbag strainer. Pour into a sterilized bottle, seal, and
date, then stick in the fridge. It will keep for a month.
To make the jasmine tea, brew the tea in the hot water
for 4 minutes. Add the cold water and quickly strain. Pour
into a sterilized bottle, seal, and date. Keep in the fridge for
2 days. The tea can be infused twice.
30mI (1fl oz) West Winds Gin The One more from Jim Meehan of New York’s PDT bar (see also
Cutlass (see p.135) pp.206 and 211), who explains: “A distant cousin of the classic
Old Pal cocktail, this bright, sophisticated sour shares many
40m (114fl oz) Regal Rogue Rosso
of the attributes of a valued companion.”
45ml (1%fl oz) London Dry Gin (see p.63)
Shake all the ingredients over ice and serve ina chilled
coupe glass. Garnish with a star anise.
40m (11sfl oz) Melbourne Gin 40m (1%4fl oz) Beefeater London Garden Exclusive
Company (MGC) Dry Gin Edition gin
8 seedless black grapes, plus extra to garnish
Anderson, Frank J. An //lustrated Curtis, Tony & Williams, David G. Gesner, Conrad. Historiae
History of the Herbals. New York: An Introduction to Perfumery, Animalium. Zurich: 1551-8.
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Historical Print Collections, 2011. with Dickens. New York: New Reminiscences of Captain
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ny ———————_————————
The Botanist 73 Edinburgh Gin 81
Boudier Saffron Gin 164 Edinburgh Gin's Raspberry
Bourbon Barreled Big Gin 156 Liqueur 165
Bradford A La Martini 184 elderflower 38
The Bramble 192 essences 44
Bramley And Gage Organic Sloe essential oils 33
Gin 167
Recipe titles for cocktails
Breakfast Martini 211 Fairbank Cocktail 204
and mixers are in /tal/ics.
Brecon Botanicals 74 Fifty Pounds Gin 82
Page numbers for illustrations
Broker’s 75 Filliers 44-5
are in italics.
The Bronx 200 Filliers 1992 Vintage
Burrough’s Reserve Oak Rested Graanjenever, First Release 170
6 O'clock Gin 59
Gin 157 Filliers Dry Gin 28: 120
1495 Verbatim 11
Filliers Dry Gin 28 Barrel
Cadenhead’s Classic 76 Aged 160
Adnams Copper House 60
Cambridge Gin Autumn/ Winter Filliers Oude Graanjenever, 8
ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain
2014: 77 Year Old 177
Release) 40
Campari 52 Finsbury Platinum 83
After Nine 211
Caorunn 78 flavour camps 48
almond 36-7
cardamom 37 Flemish Gin 20-3: 121
American Gin 39
Carter-Head Still 22, 42, 42-3 floral flavour camp 48
anethole 36, 37
cassia bark 36 The Ford Cocktail 203
Angel Face Martini 203
Cellier-Blumenthal Still 25 Fords 84
angelica 35
chamomile 38 Foxdenton Damson Gin 166
aniseed 37
Chief Gowanus 181 French 75: 203
Anno 61
Chocolate Negroni 212
aromas 33, 47 see a/so botanicals
cinnamon 36 G&T 50, 53
Astoria Bianco 206
Citadelle 20 The Garrick Gin Punch 191
Au Thé Vert 215
Citadelle 18 genever 39
Aviation 138
Aviation 194 Citadelle Reserve 2013: 158 history 11-15, 24-5
citrus 35-6, 48 production 44, 44-5, 45
The Clover Club 200 geranium 38
bartenders 26-7, 28, 29
base spirit 41 Coates family 19, 104 Geranium Gin 85
cocktails Gilpin’s 86
“bathtub gin” 27-8
Bathtub Gin 62 history 20-7; Great Britain 29; Gimlet 204
Bathtub Old Tom Gin 154 United States 26-8 The Gin Acts 16-17, 18
ratios 49 Gin Cocktail 54
bay (laurel) 38
Beefeater 63 Coffey Still 23 Gin Fizz 55
Beefeater 24: 64 Cold River 140 Gin Fizz Tropical 197
Beginner's Negroni 186 coriander seeds 34, 35 gin: legal definitions 39
Belfast Bastard 186 Corpse Reviver No 2; 200 Gin Mare 128
Belgium: history of gin 25, 28 Craddock, Harry 29, 200 gin palaces 27, 21
Berkeley Square 65 crock bottles: Bols 72 Gin Punch 190-1
berry trays 43 cubeb berries 37 Gin Punch A La Hepple 190-1
Big Gin 139 ginger 37
Blackwoods Vintage Dry Gin Darnley’s View 79 Gordon's 19, 22
2012: 66 Death's Door 141 Gordon’s 87
Bloom 67 Dickens, Charles 20, 21 Gordon's Export 88
Boé 68 distillation 33, 40-5 “Graanjenever” 39
Bols 13, 24, 25, 30, 171-3, 178 essences 44 grains of paradise 37
Bols Barrel Aged 173 and essential oils 33 Great Britain
Bols Corenwyn 178 genever production 44, 44-5, 45 history of gin: 17th century 14-15;
Bols Genever 171 history 70, 10, 11-12, 15, 19, 22, 25-6 18th century 16-19; 19th century
Bols Zeer Oude 172 one-shot versus concentrate 43 20-7; 20th century 28-9
crock bottles 72 Supercritical Fluid Extraction Greenall’s Dry Gin 89
Bombay Dry 69 (SFE) 44 Greenhook Ginsmiths American
Bombay Sapphire 70 vacuum 43-4 Dry 143
Bombay Sapphire East 71 vapour extraction 42-3 Greenhook Ginsmiths Beach Plum
Boodles 72 distilled gin 39 Gin Liqueur 169
botanicals 33-8, 34 Dodd's 80 G'vine Floraison 122
distillation 40-5 Dorothy Parker 142 G’vine Nouaison 123
individual distillation & “Dutch Courage” 15
blending 42 Dutch Courage Aged Gin 88: 159 Hammer & Son Old English Gin 152
steeping 42 Dutch Courage Dry Gin 119 Hanky-panky 204
vapour extraction 42-3 Dutch Courage Old Tom’s Gin 150 Hayman’s London Dry 90
Dutch East India Company 12-13, 73 Hayman’s Old Tom 153
Hayman’s Royal Dock 91 Martin Miller’s 97 stills
Hendrick’s 92 Martin Miller's Westbourne Carter-Head Still 22, 42, 42-3
herbs & flowers 38 Strength 98 Cellier-Blumenthal Still 25
Hern6 Gin 124 Martinez 55 Coffey Still 23
Herzog G.I.N. 180 Martini 53-4, 184 glass vacuum stills 43-4
history of gin Mascaro Gin 9: 129 pot stills 47, 41-2, 45
17th century 12-15 mash bills 44-5 The Straits Sling 198
18th century 16-19; crazed meadowsweet 38 Supercritical Fluid Extraction
times 16-18; Gin Acts 16-17, 18; mixers 50-2 (SFE) 44
notoriety to acceptability 18-19 recipes 53-5 syrup, simple 188
19th century 20-7; America’s Mombasa Club 99
gift to the Globe 25-7; Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin 130 Tanqueray, Charles 24, 110-12
class customs 20-1; Madam Monkey Gland 206 Tanqueray London Dry Gin 110
Genever’s reign 24-5; new gin Tanqueray No. Ten 111
styles 22-4 Negroni 49, 54, 186 Tanqueray Rangpur 112
20th century 27-30 Netherlands: history of gin 11-15, Tarquin’s 109
21st century 30-1 24-5, 28, 30 tasting gin 47
ancient remedy 9 New York Distilling Company 26, 181 Taylor, John 24, 63
cocktails 20-7 No. 209: 146 Telser Lichtenstein Dry Gin 132
development as an alcoholic No.3: 100 Temperance Movement 26
drink 11-15 Nolet’s Silver Dry Gin 131 Thames Distillers 31, 79
medieval panacea 9-10, 70 nutmeg 38 Thomas, Jerry 26-7
Hogarth, William Gin Lane 16, 18 tonic water 50
Hollands 14, 19, 20, 25, 26-7 Old Friend 216 Turf Club 55
Hook, Line, And Sinker 216 Old Raj 101 turpentine 20, 28
hops 38 Old Tom 23, 25, 27, 29 Twentieth Century Cocktail 208
House Gin Fizz 212 “one-shot” distillation 43 Two Birds 113
Opihr 102
Inverroche Amber 161 orris root 35 United States: history of gin 25-8,
Inverroche Classic 125 “Oude” genever 39, 45 29-30, 31
“Oude graanjenever” 39
Jasmine 215 Oxley 103 vacuum distillation 43-4
Jensen's Bermondsey 93 Van Wees Three-corner Dry Gin 133
Jensen’s Old Tom 151 Pastis in a Pear T 216 vapour extraction 42-3
John (Tom) Collins 188 Patchouli Fizz 218 vermouth 51-2
“Jonge” genever 25, 39, 45 Pegu Club 206 The Vesper 208
juniper 9, 33-4 see a/so history of gin PGI gin 39 Victoria Calling 218
ancient remedy 9 Plymouth Gin 104 Victoria Gin 134
development as an alcoholic Portobello Road No. 171: 105 Victoria Oaken Gin 163
drink 11-15 pot stills 47, 41-2, 45 vodka 30
flavour camp 48 production 32
medieval panacea 9-10 Prohibition 27, 27-8 Warner Edwards Harrington Dry 114
Junipero 144 water of life 11-12
quinine 50 The West Winds Gin The Sabre 135
“Korenwijn” 39, 45 White Lady 208
Kuku Cooler 218 Ramos Gin Fizz 197 Whitley Neill 115
Ransom Old Tom 155 The Wibble 192
Langley 31, 75 ratios (cocktails) 49 Williams Chase Elegant Crisp Gin 116
Langtons No.1; 94 reflux 41-2 wormwood 51-2
Larios 126 reflux condenser /0 Worshipful Company of Distillers
Larios 12: 127 Rowlandson, Thomas /8 14-15
legal definitions 39
lemonade, Sicilian 50-1 Sacred Gin 106 Xoriguer 136
Leopold’s Navy Strength 145 Schiedam 24, 24-5, 28
linalool 34, 37 Sicilian lemonade 50-1 Zuidam 44-5
liquorice root 36 Silver Fizz 211 Zuidam Korenwijn 1999: 179
London Gin/London Dry Gin 39 Singapore Sling 198 Zuidam Oude, Single Cask 10
London Hill 95 Sipsmith 31, 107-8 Year Old 176
London: history of gin 12, 14-15, 16, Sipsmith Sloe Gin 168 Zuidam Rogge 175
Is Ail, ZS) Sipsmith V.J.0.P, 108 Zuidam Single Barrel Zeer Oude,
The London No.1: 96 Smooth Ambler Barrel Aged 162 3 Year Old 174
Low Countries: history of gin 11-15, spices 37-8, 48
24-5, 28 St. George Botanivore 147
St. George Terroir Gin 148
MacElhone, Harry 28, 204, 208 Start Me Up 212
The Marguerite 184 steep & boil 42
THANKS This book has been long in gestation and could not have been
written without the help, input, friendship, broad shoulders, and
thirsty palates of many colleagues, friends, and family members.
Alamy Anton Havelaar 24; Bon To Will Lowe for crafting me my own gin, organoleptic advice,
Appetit 38; Falkenstein/Bildagentur- and ants.
online Historical Collect 23; Jean- To Alexandre Gabriel, Alex Nicol, Darren Rook, Simon Ford,
Baptiste Rabouan/Hemis 31; Jeffrey Charles Maxwell, Jake Burger, and all who sent samples.
Blackler 33; Mary Evans Picture To Anistatia Miller for always being a sounding board, and Jared
Library 21; Museum of London/ Brown for the same, along with Sam and Fairfax for some great
Heritage Image Partnership Ltd 18;
juniper-laden memories.
Peter Horree 13; Tom Hanley 37;
courtesy Caorunn Gin 43; Corbis To Geoffrey Kelly for Flemish gin, Neil Mathieson for the
David J Frent/David J & Janice “boutique” tasting, and Michael Vachon for the same.
L Frent Collection 26; courtesy To Nicholas Cook at the Gin Guild, and the staff at the
of Dave Broom 11; Getty Images Schiedam Museum.
Brad Wenner 2; Chris Ratcliffe/ To Charles Rolls for piloting me safely so many years ago, and his
Bloomberg via Getty Images 34; colleagues Tim Warrillow and Saskia Meyer at Fever-Tree.
Florilegius/SSPL 9; Guildhall Library
& Art Gallery/Heritage Images 19; To Joanne McKerchar at Diageo Archive for immense help with
Imagno 15; Topical Press Agency historical detail.
27, 29; courtesy The Hendrick’s Gin To David T Smith at summerfruitcup.wordpress.com for ears and
Distillery Ltd 32, 42; courtesy Lucas laying on a great tasting.
Bols bv 12; courtesy NY Distilling To Sandrae Lawrence and Gary Sharpen, Gin Cocktail lovers and
Company 30; Shutterstock Nicku dear friends.
25; S1001 36; SidorovichV 35;
Sipsmith Independent Spirits photo To Ryan Chetiyawardana for once again doing the cocktail shoot
despite huge work pressures, and to Tristan Stephenson and
Alastair Wiper 41; Thinkstock iStock
55; Wellcome Library, London 8, 10, the team at Whistling Shop for allowing us to use their great bar,
16; Zuidam Distillers bv 44, 45. Barrie Wilson, the second-best bartender in Dunfermline, Tony
C, Tim D Philips, Naren Young, Jim Meehan, Stu Bale, the Lyan
Author photo, page 7, by Will Robb. Group barkeeps, Nick Strangeway and Cairbry Hill, Dick Bradsell,
and Seb Hamilton-Mudge.
Cocktails photographed by Cristian To Philip Duff for all his help on genever, Gaz Regan for his finger,
Barnett for Octopus Publishing. and David Wondrich for advice administered in various Canadian
dive bars - truly a sage who knows his onions.
To the members of the SKYC, for whom three Negronis is
never enough.
To the Octopus team, who once again have done a magnificent
job: Denise, Leanne, Giulia, Juliette, and Jo the editor.
To Tom Williams, my patient, helpful, and unflappable agent -
and fellow Negroni fiend.
Mostly, however, to my wife Jo, who not only has supported me
during the writing but has been a partner in the process. Without
her handling of research and logistics, this book wouldn’t be
here, or I'd be mad... or both. At least at the end of this she now
realizes that she likes cocktails, which, in another serendipitous
occurrence, can now be shaken like the devil by our daughter
Rosie, who may be too young to drink but can make a killer
Aviation. Long may you fly.
F ah .
ISBN 978-1-84533-938-8
9 |8 7339388