LAS in P.E 10 AB
LAS in P.E 10 AB
LAS in P.E 10 AB
Waist Circumference
PHYSICAL EDUCATION 10 3. Participation in active recreation is everyone’s responsibility. Which
Quarter 4 – Module 4a of the following is the best reason for this? In order to….
Name: ____________________________ Date: ___________________ A. have a healthy lifestyle.
Grade and Section: ______________ Teacher: ____________________ B. maintain an ideal body weight.
C. keep a physically fit and healthy body.
I. What I Need to Know D. have fun, enjoyment, and socialization.
4. Best use for training stimulus to the biceps muscle, for example, can
be accomplished with arm curl exercises using increasing weights to
The Physical Education module is uniquely crafted to explore
measure the percentage of Heart rate reserve (HRR) combined with an
your greatest potential and promote lifelong skills through
appropriate duration and frequency of training.
active participation in the different learning activities.
A. Physical Activity C. Intensity of Exercises
This module is designed to provide and equip you with
B. Exercise D. Waist Circumference
knowledge, skills, and habits that will enable you to achieve
5. Which of the following will not improve your personal fitness
competence in maintaining your health and physical condition.
Lastly, this module focuses on the importance of a healthy
A. exercising at moderate intensities
lifestyle and physical activity through other dance forms such as
B. starting slowly
Cheerdance and Contemporary dance.
C. engaging in high-impact, weight bearing activities
D. making your program convenient
Learning Competency:
6. Which of the following is not a health-related physical fitness test?
1. Assesses physical activities, exercises and eating habits.
A. sit and reach C. sit-up
B. 50- meter run D. push-up
2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities for
7. People have different patterns of body fat distribution, and these
at least 60 minutes a day in and out of school.
patterns correspond to different risk levels for disease.
A. Physical Activity C. Intensity of Exercises
B. Exercise D. Waist Circumference
II. What I Know 8. A longer yell that involves motions, pompoms, stunts, jumps, or
Direction: Read each item carefully and write the letter of your answer A. Bells C. Chant
in your notebook. Choose the correct answer from the given items. B. Cheer D. Stunts
1. Refers to bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles. It requires 9. During an adolescent growth spurt in which a student's arms and legs
energy expenditure and produces progressive health benefits. grow longer, the proportion of limb-to-torso length often changes,
A. Physical Activity C. Intensity of Exercises resulting in:
B. Exercise D. Waist Circumference A. significant increases in joint flexibility.
2. A type of physical activity that requires planned, structured, and B. periods of poor coordination and balance.
repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more C. significant decreases in connective tissue elasticity.
components of physical fitness. D. immediate improvement in technical skill and control.
A. Physical Activity C. Intensity of Exercises
10.A short cheer, with simple arm movements. A short and repeated who carry fat on the trunk or abdominal area (called android obesity,
yell usually done on the sidelines. commonly called an apple-shaped physique). Because of the concern with
A. Bells abdominal obesity, waist circumference alone can help identify whether you
B. Cheer are at risk of health concerns.
C. Chant
D. Stunts Physical Activity and Exercise Defined
Physical activity refers to bodily movement produced by skeletal
III. What’s New? muscles. It requires energy expenditure and produces progressive health
benefits. Physical activity typically requires only low to moderate intensity
effort. Examples of physical activity include walking to and from work,
taking the stairs instead of elevators and escalators, and gardening, doing
Weight management is a struggle for many Filipinos but controlling body
household chores, dancing and washing the car by hand.
weight has many benefits. Filipinos, nowadays, have adopted the Western
Exercise is a type of physical activity that requires planned, structured,
culture of excessive intake of unhealthy, high-calorie food coupled with
and repetitive bodily movement to improve or maintain one or more
physical inactivity which often results in a society called “obesiogenic” (a
components of physical fitness. Examples of exercise are walking, running,
tendency to have a fat citizenry). This transformation towards over fatness
cycling, aerobics, swimming, and strength training. Exercise is an activity
does not occur overnight. The number of overweight and obese Filipinos
that requires a vigorous and intense effort.
has already grown, according to the National Nutrition and Health Survey by
Intensity of Exercise When trying to develop the CR (cardio-respiratory)
the FNRI (Food and Nutrition Research Institute) and DOST (Department of
system, many people ignore intensity of exercise. For muscles to develop,
Science and Technology) and it will most likely contribute to the
they have to be overloaded to a given point. The training stimulus to the
development of related diseases.
biceps muscle, for example, can be accomplished with arm curl exercises
BMI is commonly used because it is very easy to measure and it also
using increasing weights. Likewise, CR is stimulated by making the heart
correlates strongly with the percentage of body fats. Excess levels of body
pump faster for a specified period. Health and CR fitness benefits result
fat contribute to a number of health concerns including heart disease,
when a person is working between 30 to 85 percent of heart rate reserve
hypertension, diabetes and some cancers. Typically, body fat levels are
(HRR) combined with an appropriate duration and frequency of training.
higher as BMI increases. A BMI between 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2 is considered
Health benefits are achieved when training at a lower exercise intensity,
normal, with a healthy body weight. This is because BMI within this range is
that is, between 30 to 60 percent of the person’s HRR. Even greater health
associated with the lowest risk of developing a chronic disease or dying.
and cardio protective benefits, and higher and faster improvements in CR
People classified as overweight have an increased risk of disease and death,
fitness (VO2max), however are achieved primarily though vigorous intensity
and those who are obese have the highest risk of developing a number of
programs (at an intensity above 60 percent). Recent research
diseases. 8 indicates that the traditional equation of 220 – age
over predicts MHR in people 40 years and younger, and under predicts MHR
Waist Circumference
in individuals above 40 years old. Instead, we will use 207 as our constant
People have different patterns of body fat distribution, and these
MHR from birth that decreases by 1 beat per year.
patterns correspond to different risk levels for disease. The location of body
fat accumulation influences a person’s health risk. The risk is lower for those
Common Injuries Involved In Recreation
who have fat distributed more around the hips and thighs (called gynoid
obesity and commonly referred to as a pearshaped physique) than for those
Sprains is a stretch or tear of a ligament, the band of connective tissues First Aid Techniques to Injuries during Recreation
that joins the end of one bone with another. Sprains are caused by trauma These acronyms shall be remembered when applying first aid to injuries
such as a fall or a blow to the body that knocks a joint out of position and, in during the conduct of recreational activities: PRICED and HARM.
the worst case, ruptures the supporting ligaments. Sprains can range from
first degree (minor) to third degree (the worst). Areas of the body most Follow the PRICED procedure:
vulnerable to sprains are the ankles, knees and wrists. Signs of a sprain PROTECTION-Remove additional risk or danger in the injured area.
include varying degrees of tenderness or pain, bruising, inflammation, REST-Stop moving the injured area.
swelling, inability to move a limb or joint or joint looseness, laxity or ICE-Apply ice to the injured area for 20 minutes every two hours for two
instability. days. Then ice can be applied less frequently after the first two days until
Strains is a twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon - a cord of tissue the fifth to seventh day. Instead, either contrast baths or warm compresses
connecting muscle to bone. It is an acute, non-contact injury that results will be applied to hasten the healing process of the damaged tissues.
from overstretching or over-contraction. Symptoms of a strain include pain, COMPRESSION-Apply an elastic compression bandage in the injured area
muscle spasm and loss of strength. On the other hand, it is hard to tell the ELEVATION-Raise the injured area above heart level.
difference between mild and moderate strains, severe strains not treated DIAGNOSIS-Acute injuries should be evaluated by health-care professionals
professionally can lead to permanent damage and loss of function.
Knee injuries can range from mild to severe. Less severe would be In the first few days of an injury, remember to avoid HARM:
tendonitis, patella femoral compression syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome HEAT - Any kind of heat will speed up the circulation, resulting in more
and bursitis, to name a few. The severe injuries include bone bruises or swelling and longer recovery.
damage to the cartilage or ligaments. Major injuries are common to the ALCOHOL - Alcohol can increase swelling, resulting to longer recovery
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), Meniscus injuries, Posterior Cruciate RUNNING OR OTHER EXCESSIVE EXERCISE - Exercising can cause further
Ligament (Pcl), Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) and the Lateral Collateral damage to the injured part. Exercise also increases blood flow, resulting to
Ligament (LCL). more swelling.
Fractures is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one- MASSAGE - Massage increases swelling and bleeding into the tissue,
time injury to the bone (acute fracture) or from repeated stress to the bone prolonging recovery time.
over time (stress fracture). The most common symptom of a stress fracture
is pain at the site that worsens with weight bearing activities. Tenderness Cheerdance is coined from the words, cheer, and dance. To cheer is to
and swelling often accompany the pain. This is very important for the shout out words or phrases that may help motivate and boost the morale of
coaches to recognize and refer the athlete to the trainers or the team a playing team and perform better during a game. Dance, on the other
physicians. hand, is a physical activity where one expresses emotions or gestures while
Dislocations when two bones that come together to form a joint performing bodily movements usually in time with rhythm. Cheerdancing is
become separated, the joint is described as being dislocated. Contact sports rooted from cheerleading.
such as football, basketball and lacrosse, as well as high impact sports that
can result in excessive stretching or falling, cause the majority of Cheerleading is the performance of a routine, usually dominated by
dislocations. A dislocated joint is an emergency situation that requires gymnastic skills such as jumps, tumbling skills, lifts and tosses combined
medical treatments. with shouting of cheers and yells to lead the crowd to cheer for a certain
team during a game or sport. It originated in the United States. Due to
What are the First Aid Techniques? Filipinos’ love for dancing, they added more dance routines to their cheers
and came up with the term cheerdance wherein it is a routine composed of • Trunk flexion front (arms extended sideward) and back (with arm support
yells and cheers, gymnastic skills (pyramids and tosses, stunts, tumbling on back of waist), 16 counts each
skills, arm and hand positions and jumps), and dance (fusion of different • Trunk flexion right and left (arms extended sideward),16 counts each
dance genres). Today, cheerdancing is identified as one of the most • Side lunges (bent knee should be vertically aligned with supporting ankle)
spectacular events in one of the biggest collegiate sports events in the right and left alternately, 16 counts each front (bent knee should be
country, the UAAP (University Athletic Association of the Philippines) vertically aligned with supporting ankle) and back lunges alternately, 16
counts each
ESSENTIALS OF CHEERDANCING • Squats (feet apart parallel to each other, bend knees ‘til thigh is parallel to
Arms/hand movements the ground, raise arms horizontally forward), 16 counts
• Beginning stance and cheer stance • raise heels, reach up with both arms, 16 counts
• “T” and half “T” positions • Deep lunges right and left alternately 16 counts each
• Clasp, clap, overhead clasp, low clasp • do “a” march right and left alternately, 16 times
• Touchdown, low touchdown • High knees right and left alternately, 16 times
• High “V” and low “V” • Butt kicks right and left alternately, 16 times 13
• Tabletop and punch, etc. • Squat jumps (squat with arms at sides and stand then clap hands), 8 sets
• “L” and diagonal positions • do “a” march right and left alternately, 16 times
Legs/feet positions • squats and raise, 4 sets (inhale and exhale alternately)
• Feet Together
• Feet Apart
• Dig (front and side)
• Hitch, Liberty, and Scale
• Lunge (front and side) Prepared by:
• Knees and Hips Positions
Practice Teacher
IV. What’s More? Corrected by:
Make a video presentation about the SYLLABISED WARM-UP EXERCISES. EDGAR B. LOBOS, LPT
Cooperating Teacher
Sequence of Exercises: