Supporting Children's Reading Development
Supporting Children's Reading Development
Supporting Children's Reading Development
Children’s Reading
of Learners Foundation
Understanding a concept of a word
A word is a group of letters that mean something.
A word in writing is a group of letters with space on
either side.
I like to go home.
Identifying Letters
Recognizing Letters in Words and Sentences
Forming Letters
Willis, Judy M.D. “Teaching the Brain to Read: Strategies for Improving Fluency,
Vocabulary and Comprehension” . ASCD.
Bear, Invernzzi, Templeton, Johnston. “Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics,
Vocabulary and Instruction. Pearson Education Limited.
Sprenger, Marilee. “Wiring the Brain for Reading: Brain-based Strategies for
Literacy Learning”.Jossey-Bass