Anatomy 1

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First Professional MBBS Degree Examinations September 2020

Anatomy paper I

Draw diagrams wherever necessary

Time : 3 hrs
Marks: 100
Long Essays

1.A 50 yr old lady came to the hospital with complaints of pain while lifting the right upper
limb. On examination, she had pain only between 60-1200. A diagnosis of supraspinatus
tendinitis is made. With your knowledge in anatomy , answer the following questions related
to shoulder joint.
a) Describe the articular surfaces of bones taking part.
b) Name the ligaments of shoulder joint.
c) Describe the movements of shoulder joints specifying muscles producing it.
d) What is the reason for pain only between 60-1200?
e) Draw Sagital section of shoulder joint to show the relations of shoulder joint.
2.Classify epithelium with suitable examples Describe compound epithelium.

Short Essays

3. Karyotyping
4. Bronchopulmonary segments
5. Structures undercover of gluteus maximus
6. Implantation
7. Inversion & Eversion of foot
( 5 x 8=40marks)
Short Answers

8. Appearance of upperlimb in Erb’s paralysis and its anatomical basis

9. Anatomical basis of Fixity &Peau ’d orange appearance of mammary gland in cancer
10. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve.
11. Blood supply of head of femur and its clinical importance
Draw a neat labelled diagram of

12. Cross section at middle of leg.

(5 x 4 = 20 marks)
Name the following

13.Lateral Boundary of cubital fossa

14.Anterior wall of femoral sheath
15. Two events occurring at sternal angle
16. Developmental sources of arch of aorta
17. Structures piercing clavipectoral fascia
18. Boundaries of femoral ring
19. Placental barrier at term
20. Foetal membranes
21. Structures pierced by pleural aspiration needle in order
22.The biggest sesamoid bone
(10 x 1 = 10 marks)

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