Capture Fisheries
Capture Fisheries
Capture Fisheries
3. It includes fish, all other aquatic flora and fauna and other living resources of the
aquatic environment, including but not limited to salts and corals
a. aquatic resources
b. plants
c. marine fishes
d. mammals
5. An inlet of the sea or other body of water smaller than the gulf but of the same
general character
a. ocean
b. bay
c. lake
d. river
6. Aquatic animals grown to sexual maturity for breeding purposes or wild adults
captured for the same purposes.
a. broodstock
b. fry
c. fingerlings
d. eggs
7. A general term for that component of the catch which is anticipated to be caught
during an industrial operation in addition to the target catch
a. by-catch
b. seed stock
c. shared stock
d. incidental catch
8. Involves the catching of aquatic resources in fresh and marine waters using
various instruments or devices and accessories
a. Fishing Technology
b. Commercial fishing
c. Aquaculture
d. Post Harvest
9. Fishing with municipal waters using fishing vessels of three (3) gross tons or less
or fishing not requiring the use of fishing vessel
a. Municipal fishing
b. Commercial fishing
c. Large scale fishing
d. Medium scale fishing
10. Harvest limits allowed from any fishing area in consideration of the need to
prevent overfishing and adaptation of breeding stocks of aquatic organisms
a. catch ceiling
b. catch limit
c. fish limitation
d. target ceiling
11. The deeper part of a moving body of water where the main current flows or which
affords the best passage
a. channel
b. sea
c. river
d. strait
12. Substances applied to ponds or hatcheries for the purpose of altering the culture
environment to benefit the organisms being cultured
a. chemical inputs
b. antibiotic
c. urea
d. production limit
13. Closure of an entire fishing ground for a particular fishing gear or part of it for the
protection of a section of population, the whole or several population
a. closed area
b. marine park
c. marine protected areas
d. closed season
14. Period which the taking of specified fishery species is prohibited in a specified
area or fishing ground
a. closed season
b. fishing ban
c. fish sanctuary
d. marine park
15. Outline of the mainland shore touching the sea at mean low tide
a. coastal area
b. coastline
c. marine coast
d. coastal zone
16. Taking or catching of fishery species for trade business or profit using fishing
vessels of 3 GT or above
a. Commercial fishing
b. Municipal fishing
c. Aquaculture
d. Post harvest
17. A natural aggregation of coral skeleton with or without living coral polyps,
occurring in intertidal and subtidal marine waters
a. fishery area
b. coral reef
c. fish sanctuary
d. marine protected areas
18. Substances applied to soil and water or added to feeds for the purpose of
preventing, managing or treating disease, promoting the growth, change the sex
or otherwise changing physiological condition of culture organism
a. chemical inputs
b. drugs
c. antidote
d. hormone
19. It is an area beyond and adjacent to the territorial sea which shall not exceed
beyond 200 nautical miles from the baseline
a. Exclusive Economic Zone
b. Coastline
c. Fishery Management Area
d. Coastal Zone
20. The use of electricity generated by batteries, electric generators, and other
source of electric power to kill, stupefy, disable or render unconscious fishery
species, whether or not the same as subsequently recovered
a. spear hunting
b. purse seining
c. electrofishing
d. trawl fishing
21. It is the loss in quality and quantity of water and its living aquatic resources,
associated habitats and surrounding terrestrial environments
a. aquatic pollution
b. environmental degradation
c. aquatic degradation
d. environmental depletion
22. Species that do not naturally occur in a given ecosystem or biogeographic area
a. exotic species
b. natural species
c. migratory species
d. fishery species
23. Substances added to feed for the purpose of promoting growth, and maintaining
the health of cultured animals and enhancing the quality and marketability of
a. antibiotic
b. fertilizer
c. feed additives
d. drugs
24. Materials given to cultured animals for the purpose of nourishing them
a. feeds
b. feed additives
c. drugs
d. fertilizers
27. An enclosure and barrier contraption made of bamboo stakes, nets and other
materials devised to intercept and ultimately capture fish
a. fish corral
b. fish cage
c. fish sanctuary
d. fish nets
28. People directly or personally and physically engaged in taking and/or culturing
and processing fishery and/or aquatic resources
a. fish worker
b. farmer
c. fisherfolk
d. aquaculturist
30. A bay, gulf or any other fishery area that may be delineated for fishery resources
management purposes
a. marine protected areas
b. fish sanctuary
c. fishery management area
d. marine park
31. A designated area where activities are regulated and set aside for educational
and research purposes
a. fishery refuge
b. fishery sanctuary
c. fishery reserve
d. fishery management area
32. Fish species that live at or near the surface of the ocean
a. pelagic fish resources
b. demersal fish resources
c. coral reef species
d. aquatic invertebrates
33. A stage at which a fish has just been hatched usually with sizes from 1-2.5 cm
a. fish fry
b. fish fingerlings
c. fish broodstock
d. fish eggs
34. A permit to operate specific types of fishing boats gear for specific duration in
areas beyond municipal waters for demersal or pelagic fishery species
a. fishing permit
b. fishing manual
c. fishing boat/ gear license
d. fishery regulation
35. Any instrument or device and its accessories utilized in taking fish and other
fishery resources
a. fishing gear
b. fishing paraphernalia
c. fishing methods
d. fishing accessories
37. An enclosure constructed in a body of water for culturing fish and aquatic
animals, made up of poles arranged to prevent escape of fish through screen or
nylon netting
a. fish cage
b. fish corral
c. fish pen
d. fish aggregating device
38. A land based facility enclosed with earthen or stone material to impound water
for growing fish
a. fish pen
b. fish corral
c. fish cage
d. fish pond
39. Any boat, ship or other watercraft equipped to be used for taking of fishery
species or aiding or assisting one or more vessels in the performance of any
activity relating to fishing including but not limited to preservation, supply,
storage, refrigeration, transportation and/or processing
a. fishing carrier
b. fishing vessel
c. fishery craft
d. fishing banca
40. A kind of right by which fishers may have exclusive right use for a designated
area and resources
a. fishing license
b. fishing right
c. fishing permit
d. fishing regulation
41. A general term for the catch which is not anticipated to be caught during a fishing
operation, but are incidentally caught
a. by-catch
b. target catch
c. incidental catch
d. seed stock
45. A community of intertidal plants including all species of trees, shrubs, vines and
herbs found on coasts, swamps or border of swamps
a. mangroves
b. coastal area
c. lake
d. river
46. A marine reserve, that allows multiple uses through zoning where conservation,
recreation, education and research are emphasized
a. marine sanctuary
b. marine park
c. marine refuge
d. marine protected area
47. Any fishery species, which in the course of their life, travel over great distances in
water of the ocean as part of their behavioral adaptation for survival and
a. target species
b. migratory species
c. exotic species
d. natural species
49. Occurs when the quantity of fish harvested caused a net reduction of its
population thereby limiting production from fish stock for the future
a. overcapacity
b. overexploitation
c. overfishing
d. overstocking
50. Path, channel or course through or by which water passes, a way of exit or
entrance from one place to another
a. strait
b. passage
c. coastal zone
d. river
51. These facilities include but are not limited to fish port, fish landing, ice plants and
cold storages, fish processing plants
a. Capture Fisheries technologies
b. Post Harvest facilities
c. Marine technologies
d. Fish PROCESSING facilities
52. A form of surrounding net having a line at the bottom passing through rings
attached to the which can be drawn or pursed and the bunt is located in one of
the wings
53. The restocking of a degraded or impaired aquatic environment and its living
aquatic resources
54. That portion of the catch which will be landed at the fishing base or distributed to
the market
55. A great body of salty water that covers much of the earth’s surface
56. Materials that accumulate on the bottom of aquaculture ponds, tanks, pens or
below fish cages
57. Fishing using boats less than 3 GT, either mechanized or non-mechanized
58. Individuals who are involved in utilization of fishery resources and have interest
in the fisheries
59. Species which are distributed or migrate within and beyond the EEZs during their
life cycle
60. A comparatively narrow passages way connecting two large bodies of water
61. Fishing units catching marine products mainly for their own and their family’s
62. The component of the fish stock resource primarily sought or aimed at by the
industrial fisher
63. Substances used for the prevention and control of diseases
64. Fish species which migrate freely across the national boundaries in their life
65. An active fishing gear consisting of a bag shaped net with or without otter boards
which is dragged or towed along the bottom or through the water column to take
fishery species by straining them from the water
66. Fisheries that are multi-species and multi-gear in nature
67. The catch onboard the vessel
68. Refers to the drawing of ground water
69. Resources that cannot be harvested to full potential due to operational or
practical limitations
70. Species and subspecies of aquatic organisms which have reached a critical level
of depletion and are threatened with extinction
71. The variability among living organisms from all sources including terrestrial,
marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes from which
they are part
72. It is a band of dry land and adjacent ocean space in which terrestrial processes
and uses directly affect oceanic processes and uses and vice versa
73. Instruments exclusive of those made of textile which are manipulated by single
74. A running noose at the end of a pole or shaft
75. Lifted instruments made up of non-textile webs in which the capture of fish is
affected by brailing or dipping action
76. Complete barriers principally made of various non-textile materials which prevent
the escape of fish from a certain natural area which they have voluntarily entered
after having been intercepted in their natural course of migration
77. Usually baited enticing devices made of bamboo, rattan or chicken wire in the
form of regular receptacles with a non return valve which provides easy entrance
but difficult exit
78. Long simple lines with only a small series of baited hooks requiring constant
attention usually for catching squids
79. Extreme long lines with a series of baited hooks either set or drifting and
requiring only periodical attention at more or less fixed intervals of time
80. Chemical substances, naturally produced by microorganisms but also
synthetically, that inhibit the growth or even destroy bacteria and other
81. Adaptable technology, both in fishing and ancillary industries, that is ecologically
sound, locally sound-base and labor intensive
82. Output of cultured aquatic organisms either for final consumption or as raw
materials for transformation into other products or for trade
83. Persons engaged in aquaculture work such as repairing ponds, water supply,
84. Tuck seines having the bunt or landing piece at one end and the whole net
provided with a pursing device
85. Fishing with the use of destructive materials/substances such as dynamite or its
derivatives, obnoxious or poisonous substances, electric currents or the use of
fishing gear prohibited by existing fishery laws, rules and regulation
86. Components of a dynamite
87. A process of management in which the government share certain authority,
responsibility and function of managing the fisheries with the resources users as
joint partners
88. It is a full grown milkfish, refers to both male and female measuring more than 60
cm ling from the tip of the mouth to the extreme end of the caudal fin or tail
caught in all Philippine marine waters
89. It is a Japanese fishing gear use in reed fishing which consist of a movable bag
net and two detachable wings effecting the capture of fish by spreading the net in
arc form around reefs or shoals and with the aid of scaring devices, a cordon of
fishermen drive the fish from reefs toward the bag portion of the whole net
90. It is operated with the use of lighted torches and or use of kerosene, crude oil,
gasoline or any other flammable substances poured on any water area and
ignited to scare or drive fish towards the said gear
91. They are deputized fish wardens
92. The part of the ocean where no enough light is present for photosynthesis by
93. The benthic zone between high tide out to a depth of about 200 m
94. A group of green pigments found in plants that are essential for photosynthesis
95. A flow of water in which the motion of individual particles appears irregular and
96. A brownish sediment composed of partially decomposed plant tissue
97. Animals that are able to swim independent of current action
98. Organisms that spend their entire life as plankton
99. Organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen
100. A long linear basin that contains large accumulations of sediments. These
basins may be uplifted, folded and faulted eventually forming a mountain range