Research in Nursing .... Wanpis@130402

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DUE DATE 8/8/23


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In this essay, I am going to read an article base on the topic; Is the recent Increase in Cervical
Cancer in women aged 20 to 24 in England a cause for Concern? and analyse whether it is a
Quantitative research design or it is a Qualitative research. So before analysing the article we
must understand what is research. Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or
the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts,
methodologies and understandings. Or in other words, it is a diligent, systematic in inquiry or
investigation to validate and refine existing knowledge and generate knowledge. There are two
different types of research that researchers used. This includes; Quantitative research which is
the process of collecting and analysing numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and
averages, make predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider populations.
And the Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing non-numerical data (e.g., text,
video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences.
While reading the article title stated above, I found out that it was consist of both Qualitative
Research Design and Quantitative Research Design. The article consists of the characteristics
and approaches for both the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Design. It was all about or
consist of analysing the non- numerical data (text) to understand the concepts and experiences
and also involves the collecting and analysing numerical data for statistical analysis.
Type of Research Design
1.Quantitative Research
Quantitative Research Design is a formal, objective, systematic process used to describe
variables, text relationship between them and examine cause and effect interaction among
variables. In other words, Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analysing
numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal
relationships, and generalize results to wider populations. I suggest that the article was a
Quantitative research due to some of its characteristics that was used to do the research. The
characteristics include; the use of using measurable data which is the use of number in the
article, the use of statistical analysis which includes the descriptive statistics which visualises the
data, the use of sample size and also emphasis on objectivity.
Common approaches in the article includes;
Firstly, The Descriptive Research is the exploration and description of phenomena in real life
situations. It provides an accurate account of characteristics of particular individuals, situations,
or groups (Brown, 2014; Faweet &Garity,2009; Kerlinger & Lee,2000). Descriptive studies are
usually conducted with large numbers of subjects or study participants, in natural settings, with
no manipulation of the situation. Through descriptive studies, researchers discover new meaning,
describe what exist, determine the frequency which with which something occurs, and categorise
information in real world settings. The outcomes of descriptive research include the

identification and description of concepts, identification of possible relationships among
concepts, and development of hypotheses.
Secondly, Quasi- Experimental purpose is to examine causal relationship or determine the effect
of one variable on another. Thus, this study involves implementing a treatment or intervention
and examining the effect of this intervention using selected methods of measurement (Shadish,
Cook, &Campbell,2002). In nursing research, a treatment is an intervention implemented by
researchers to improve the outcomes of clinical practice. Quasi Experimental studies differ from
experimental studies by the level of control achieve by the researchers. These studies usually
lack a certain amount of control over the manipulating of the treatment, management of the
setting and/or selection of the subjects. When studying human behaviour, especially in clinical
settings, researchers frequently are unable to select the subjects randomly or manipulate or
control certain variables related to the treatment, subjects or the setting.
Lastly, Experimental Research is an objective, systematic, highly controlled investigation
conducted for the purpose of predicting and controlling phenomena in nursing practice. In an
experimental study, causality between the independent(treatment)and dependent(outcome)
variables is examined under highly controlled condition (Shadish et al.,2002). Experimental
research is the most powerful quantitative method because of the rigorous control of variables.
The three main characteristics of experimental studies are the following;1. Controlled
manipulation of at least one treatment variable (independent variable);2. exposure of some of the
subjects to the treatment (experimental group) and no exposure of the remaining subjects
(control group);3. random assignment of subjects to the control of experimental group.
Type of Research Design
1 Qualitative Research Design
Qualitative research is a systematic, subjective methodological approach used to describe life
experiences and gave them the reason. Qualitative research involves collecting and analysing
non-numerical data (e.g., text, video, or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences.
It can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research. I
suggest that the article was also a qualitative research design due to some of its characteristics
which also included in the article. These characteristics are; data analysis which is a process for
obtaining raw data, and subsequently converting it into information useful for decision-making
by users., Emergent Design which refers to the ability to adapt to new ideas, concepts, or
findings that arise while conducting qualitative research.
Common approaches in the article includes;
Firstly, Phenomenological Research which refers to a both a philosophy and a group of research
methods congruent with the philosophy that guide the study of experience or phenomena
(Dowling& Coone,2012). Phenomenologist view the person as integrated with the environment.
The world shapes the person, and the person shapes the world. The broad research question that
phenomenologist ask is, “what is the meaning of one’s lived experience?’’ being a person is a

self-interpreting; therefore, the only reliable source of information to answer the question is the
person (Mapp,2008). Understanding human behaviour or experience, which is a central concern
of nursing, requires that the person interpret the action or experience for the researcher; the
researcher then interprets the explanation provided by the person.
Secondly, Exploratory Descriptive Qualitative Research, Researchers design qualitative studies
such as these to obtain information needed to develop a program or intervention for a specific
group of patients. Usually, the researchers are exploring a new topic or describing a new topic or
a situation, so we can have chosen to label these studies as exploratory- descriptive qualitative
research (Groove et al., 2013). Studies consistent with these approaches are not a specific type of
research; rather, they are studies conducted for a specific purpose that do not fit into another of
the categories (Shandelowski,2000,2010). The studies are developed to provide information and
insight to clinical or practice problem.
To conclude, as we know research is systematic inquiry to validate and refine existing
knowledge. It consists of two main methods which is known the Qualitative research design and
Quantitative research design. The article as already read and seen in both perspective which is
the Quantitative and Qualitative research design.

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Susan K,Grove Jenifer R, & Gray Nancy Burns 2015,( 6th Edition), Understanding Nursing

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