Jieh Haurchen2008
Jieh Haurchen2008
Jieh Haurchen2008
Abstract— Finding the optimal sequence so as to minimizing Comparing to the other two, the evolutionary strategies use
the construction time is one of the solutions to lower the a different view of choosing operators. The particle swarm
construction costs. This study proposes an effective and optimization (PSO) algorithm introduced in 1995 is similar
efficient optimization algorithm, Self-Organizing feather Map
to evolutionary algorithms that initializes with a population
based optimization (SOMO), to minimize the construction time
with an application to a case study in obtaining the optimal of random solutions [5], [6], [7], but is not a simulation by
sequences for both primary and secondary bored piles of a the natural selection. Nevertheless, there are numerous
secant pile wall. The SOMO is a new developed algorithm modifications and applications recently in several research
according to the human brain that is capable of producing fields [8], [9], [10], [11]. Many studies successfully present
topologically ordered mapping, and that can occur in the that simulations and modeling based on self-organizing
evolution of the feature map for optimization. The results
feature map (SOM) are capable of processing applications
demonstrate that the optimal sequences for both primary and
secondary bored piles are determined with 27.21% of time such as vector quantization, adaptive equalization, and
saving. The practicability of the SOMO algorithm is cluster analysis [12]. SOM related studies demonstrate
substantiated. feasibility to solve the optimization problem in terms of the
traveling-salesman problem (TSP) [13], [14]. Recently Su
Keywords - sequencing, optimization, SOM, SOMO has proposed a new optimization algorithm named
algorithm. SOM-based Optimization (SOMO) algorithm to deal with
continuous optimization problems [15], [16].
The purpose of this paper is to apply the SOMO
I. INTRODUCTION algorithm to the construction sequencing optimization with
Reducing pollution, improving waterproofing efficiency, an application to a case study of a secant pile wall. The
and having long durability are three of the keys to construct following session reviews the secant pile wall in connection
retaining walls. Most relatively simple and inexpensive with the construction technique, and then, the SOM
retaining walls still remain the possible problems of air and algorithm is also reviewed. The third session presents the
noise pollution, damage to neighbors, and relatively low development of the SOMO, followed by the application in
quality while performing the work. For particular facilities, the fourth session. The results and discussion are made
which must meet higher requirements of environmental before the last session of the conclusions and suggestions.
protection standards, such as power plants and sewerage
treatment plants, the typical retaining walls may run into II. CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUE OF SECANT PILE WALL
trouble. Therefore, the secant pile wall is usually a proper The secant pile wall is one type of retaining walls which
answer for those projects requiring higher standards for can provide support for vertical or near-vertical grade
environmental protection. On the other hand, equipment change and prevent from water linking effectively. Such
required to construct the wall is costly and is usually for wall is usually used in heavy construction and infrastructure
rental basis. Time consumption by equipment use makes up projects. Studies regarding the secant pile discuss its
one of major cost drivers. It is always desired to optimize concrete strength during boring and cutting [17], the
the construction time of secant pile walls. problem of the borehole enlargement when applying to
Previous studies have developed optimization algorithms alluvium [18], the feasibility of lateral support for a tunnel
for solving optimization problems. For solving continuous crossing in difficult geologic conditions [19], and a stiff
and discrete problems, the most popular optimization support in to soft to medium stiff clays [20]. Nevertheless,
algorithms are genetic algorithms (GAs) [1], [2], the construction technique of most secant pile walls for
evolutionary programming [3], and evolutionary strategies above-mentioned uses remains similar.
[4]. GAs utilize operators, reproduction crossover, and The typical construction technique involves 7 steps for a
mutation to yield the optimal solutions; yet, the evolutionary unit, which consists of two primary bored piles and one
programming does not equip crosfsover function. secondary bored pile [21]. The first step is to construct a
guide wall so as to position the scant pile wall. The next step winner neuron j * at time k, and M × N solutions is used to
is the installation of casing for the first primary bored pile. explore the optimization space. The final iterating step is to
This requires the casing being driven into the ground, return to Step 2 until pre-specified iterations or the
leaving about one meter length of the casing protruding termination criteria are reached.
from the ground. In the third step, the soil within the casing Based on the learning algorithm for forming a SOM and
is removed to form a borehole. It is possible that the casing the SOM original features, conducting the modifications to
is not long enough for designed or required depth in the the SOM is able to solve optimization problems. This new
ground. Bentonite slurry is usually utilized as the support optimization algorithm is named as SOMO algorithm and is
material below the casing. Subsequently, pouring concrete introduced as follows. There are three significant
into the borehole to accomplish the primary bored pile is the modifications made on SOM: the training procedure, lattice
step 4. The second primary bored pile can be completed by initialization method, and projected fitness landscape [15],
repeating Steps 2 to 4. Steps 5 to 7 are the construction of [16].
the secondary bored pile. The casings of the two primary
bored piles need to be pulled out after 24-hour curing time,
at least, is reached. To form a secondary borehole, an auger A. Training Procedure
cuts and removes the soil in between the two primary bored The random initialization method is employed to initialize
piles. The last 2 steps are to place the steel cage into the the weight vectors. Assuming that the optimization problem
secondary borehole and then, pour concrete into the is to maximize the objective function and input
vector I = ( I 1 , " , I n ) = (1 , " ,1 ) , the winning neuron
borehole, which forms the secondary bored pile. Repeating
the steps 2 to 7, the secant pile wall can be constructed.
j* = Argmaxf (wj1 × I1,", wjn × In ) = Argmaxf (wj1 ×1,", wjn ×1)
1≤ j≤M×N 1≤ j≤M×N
= Argmaxf (wj1,", wjn) = Argmaxf (wj )
1≤ j≤M×N 1≤ j≤M×N
The principal objective of self-organizing feature maps is
to transform patterns of arbitrary dimensionality into the
responses of one- or two-dimensional arrays of neurons, and is the maximum output criterion where f (w) is the
to perform this transform adaptively in a topological ordered objective function of the optimization problem. Before
fashion [22]. Kohonem in 1995 proposed a learning adjusting the weights of the winner and its neighbors, let
algorithm for forming a feature map. There are 4 steps
including the initialization, winner finding, weight updating, wj(k+1)=wj(k)+λ1Λj*, j[wj* (k)−wj(k)]+λ2(1−Λj*, j)n for1≤ j ≤M×N (4)
and iterating. For the initialization step, randomly choose
values for the initial weight vectors w j (0) . In the next step, where λ1 and λ2 are the learning rates and are usually in the
the winning neuron j at time k is found by using either the
ranges of 0 < λ1 ≤ 0.3 and 0 < λ2 ≤ 0.2 , n = (n1 ,", nn ) T is
maximum output criterion or the minimum-distance
Euclidean criterion defined as a noise vector for the new weight vector, and
where x(k ) represents an input pattern; Again, iterating the entire training procedure is required
x(k ) = [x1 (k ),..., x n (k )] is the kth input pattern; ϕ j (⋅, ⋅)
until pre-specified iterations or the termination criteria are
stands for the activation function of neuron j, and ⋅ is the
Euclidean norm. In Step 3, we adjust the weights of the B. Lattice Initialization Method
winner and its neighbors Considering the efficient initialization scheme in a previous
study [23], let the smallest hyper-rectangle of the parameter
wj (k+1) =wj (k)+η(k)Λj*, j (k)[x(k)−wj (k)] for1≤ j ≤M×N (2) space be denoted as [l1 , h1 ]×"× [l n , hn ] where l i is the lowest
valid value of the ith parameter and hi is the highest one.
where η (k ) is usually a positive constant, Λ j* , j ( k ) Supposing that the neurons on the four corners have their
represents the topological neighborhood function of the corresponding weight vectors as follows
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE IEEM
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE IEEM
Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE IEEM
Table 2.
construction time. Only 16 activities plus concrete close to the reality, there above-mentioned impact factors
coagulation are considered in the time computing. Other should be considered; however, some of them are not easy
activities such as equipment movements, redeploying, and to measure and obtain.
interaction by other facilities can easily cause extra time
when the number of the equipment sets exceeds in one.
Although such activities do not appear in the collected data, VI. CONCLUSION
they may affect the construction time of those 16 activities This paper has examined a novel algorithm, SOMO, used
and the degree of their impact remains unknown. Another for solving optimization problems in construction time of
important assumption made in this case study is under the conducting a secant pile wall. The construction technique
given coagulation time of concrete which was measured and and sequence of the secant pile wall are presented in the first
obtained after concrete coagulation had taken place. In fact, place, followed by the introduction of the original SOM
the coagulation time of concrete depends on many concepts. The learning procedures carry out to obtain the
conditions such as humidity, temperature, and water-cement winning neuron so as to output the desired value as well as
ratio. It is difficult to have coagulation time in advance so the optimal solution. In the meanwhile, the iteration concept
that predicting the optimal sequence may be inaccurate.In and fitness landscape are used to seek a possibly better
addition, during the SOMO computation, it is found that the solution around the peak of a specific region. Using
concrete coagulation time may be one of critical factors that collected construction time data of the secant pile wall to
determine the optimal sequences of both primary and second evaluate the SOMO applicability, the results show that
bored piles. Thirdly, the soil condition is not considered. 143.92 hours or 27.21% of the original construction time
The soil under the construction site may have ingredients can be saved, and that the sequences for both primary and
that affect construction time. For example, in the original secondary bored piles can be determined. This substantiates
sequence, the construction time of No. 72 primary bored pile that the SOMO algorithm is capable of dealing with
is about a half hour longer than No. 71’s and No. 73’s. In optimization problems in the construction and civil
the optimal sequence yielded by the SOMO algorithm, No. engineering fields.
71 and 73 primary bored piles are completed ahead of Saving construction time indicates lowering construction
No.72. This may change the soil condition and reduce the costs for most cases but is not always true under the
construction time of No. 72 primary bored pile. The last one condition that does not include all cost drivers. The
is associated with the skill level and physical condition of equipment supplier charges for the total using time. As
the equipment operators. Operators with different level of concerning construction costs, the optimal sequences for
operating skills or under different level of physical both bored piles are unnecessarily the most economical
conditions contribute to the differentiation of the since every second of using equipment counts. Therefore,
construction time. The scope of the application does not considering not only the construction time but all other
include any human effects. To achieve a better outcome
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