Topic 4.5 Correlational Analysis
Topic 4.5 Correlational Analysis
Topic 4.5 Correlational Analysis
5 Correlation analysis
• Correlation analysis
• Interpret correlation
• Significance
• Pearson correlation
• Spearman correlation
What is a correlation analysis?
You want to find out whether there is a connection between the age at which a child
speaks its first sentences and its later success at school.
Interpret correlation
Positive correlation
A positive correlation exists if larger values of the variable x are accompanied by larger
values of the variable y, and the other way around. Height and shoe size, for example,
correlate positively and the correlation coefficient lies between 0 and 1, i.e. a positive
Negative correlation
A negative correlation exists if larger values of the variable x are accompanied by smaller
values of the variable y, and the other way around. The product price and the sales
quantity usually have a negative correlation; the more expensive a product is, the smaller
the sales quantity. In this case, the correlation coefficient is between -1 and 0, so it
assumes a negative value.
Strength of correlation
With regard to the strength of the correlation coefficient r, the following table can be
used as a guide:
|r| Strength of correlation
0.0 < 0.1 no correlation
0.1 < 0.3 little correlation
0.3 < 0.5 medium correlation
0.5 < 0.7 high correlation
0.7 < 1 very high correlation
As with any other hypothesis test, the significance level is first set,
usually at 5%. If the calculated p-value is below 5 %, the null
hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis applies. Thus, if
the p-value is below 5%, it is assumed that there is a relationship
between the variables in the population.
You are also interested in the direction of the correlation, i.e. whether there is a positive
or negative correlation between the variables.
Your alternative hypothesis is then e.g. age has a positive influence on salary. What you
have to pay attention to in the case of a directional hypothesis, we will go through at the
bottom of the example.
With the Pearson correlation analysis you get a statement about the
linear correlation between metric scaled variables. The
respective covariance is used for the calculation. The covariance gives a
positive value if there is a positive correlation between the variables
and a negative value if there is a negative correlation. The covariance
is calculated as:
Height Weight
1.62 53
1.72 71
1.85 85
Height Weight
1.82 86
1.72 76
1.55 62
1.65 68
1.77 77
1.83 97
1.53 65
To analyze the linear relationships by means of a correlation analysis,
you can calculate a correlation with DATAtab. First copy the table
above into the statistics calculator.
Then click on "Correlation" and select the two variables from the
example. Finally you will get the following results.
First, you will get the null and the alternative hypothesis. The null
hypothesis is: "There is no correlation between height and weight".
Then you get the correlation coefficient and the p value. If you click
on Summary in words, you will get the following interpretation: