OSCE Pass Q&A 2-1

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ainable = 20%) ximum | Marks | marks | obtained for the Client Care (Maximum mark obta a Scoring Guide \ Content __ - ‘and neainess of the ™ ‘i aranee and neat Ca of work, use of language and pelling = fritle of ease, student 's name surname first, date 1 1); preliminary pages (itl rcknowledgement, table of contents) _|_ 4 introductio a= =. — _—_ail — Patient profile (| ae yl a status) [|= Disease history os oe | all —}— Comprehensive literature of the clinical condition ] (concepts, cause, pathophysiology clinical manife ‘Application of nursing process: i a | Assessment: Relevant Gata collected (nursing histdry, physical aminations, investigations) 2 | Written care plan with: _ a = Appropriately stated nursing diagnoses _ [measurable client-oriented objectives _ = Appropriate time bound nursing orders = Appropriately stated rationale for actions [evaluation related to stated objectives _ Pharmacological review of drugs Progress and discharge summary ___ jo _ General evaluation of care, summary, conclusion, implications to nursing, recommen ms Exhaustive glossary and reference list using esigtions) | _\_ APA format | 1 — ee ee Lacerated wound ontused wound ‘Abration Bruises 2, The common anti septic solution used in dry dressing 1s a. Alcohol antise b. Benzyl peroxide Hydrogen peroxide g the requirement of wound dressi sptic ie 4. Eusol nstrument is not amon Which of the following i a: a, Dressing forceP b. Dissecting foreeP cc. Cheatle foreep d. Artery forceP . While performii dressing procedure dhe wound should pe cleaned from a, Outward within b, Surround ward within c. Within ou d, Surrounding the wound only dressing infected swounds is “The antiseptic solution used in CANDIDA’ s: Read the questions carefully and cirele the correct option with a pen, Bach ENSTRUCTIONS: question attracts 4 mark. Im abdominal examination, the next step after inspection is- a. Auscultation b. Palpation Percussion 4. Olfaction ‘The skill used to assess for mass contour in physical examination is i Palpation b. Percussion ce. Balloting d. None of the above The perineum is sometimes considered to be the tenth division of the abdomen a. True b. False 2 ‘The pancrease is located in ——— quadrant of the abdomen? _ The duodenum is located fo the lefi fumber region a Tre be. False t 4. 0 shdominal stroctures is generically refered to as- © SNE. & MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF Ni TITLE: EYE IRRIGATION = om IN Ni Read the questions carefully and circ! — Hi Rend the a fully and cixcle the correct option with a:pen. Each 1, Define the term eye immgation— Bye irrigation is done to prevent infection True/False Irrigation of the eye is a two nurses’ procedure TruciFalse The normal temperature of the lotion for eye irrigation is a 378 b. 385°C €, 398°C d. 40.8 °C Distilled water is used for eye irrigation True/False 6, The appropriate position for eye irrigation is z 3 | 4 a. Sitting ‘b. Prone must be obtaine: ‘a child is to undergo eye irrigation, the consent of the parent PROCEDURESSATIONS wie: SOAP AND WaTERHANDWASHING Ciaaidecriaiater eee Lee * -PREFARATION is feparatios may be used, aaa ‘of iatherand irene ] tveriaces fing | 1 msach) itor wrod ne chien any pera Naentsstiaalapae (re Infimix aa y . © NURSING & MIDWIFERY COUNCIL OF NIGERIA (Coady Nerina hdwsfy Rein Mt lp Ni me Fede fp 00 PROFPSSION, INATH = CANDIDATE'S NO TITLE: URINE TEST FOR SUGAR USING CLINITEST TABLET. SIN | neti PaESeaE Preparation = i Gather all the necessary materia Uh Tart) Procedure Washes and dries hands. Ot mari ‘Dons clean gloves. (4 mark) ‘Checks the specie gravy, maT Pours some of the urine into a clean Beaker if elaine, adds 913 rope Gf SEGUE acid). (8 mark) Tests urine of ofthe urine using itnus pager OF mam) 7 | uses the cropper to draw utng trom the beaker. (mari ‘8 | Holds the rapper in an upright position and put 5S drops ofuhne Tato Dean Ta | tube. (mark) Ie (3 Draws clean water ftom ane of he beaker io nse tie dropper marl 10 "| Orawsclean water frovn Ue other Beaker and then olds the dropperin an upight ‘a fepay osition, adds 10 drops of water tothe S drops of urine in the test tube. (% mark) = 412° | Brops one ciintest tablet into the mixture of urine and water inthe test tube. Of ark) 12 _| Waits for 15 secands for effervescence to complete. (i mark) St rt 13 _| Shakes the tes} tbe gently. (%4 mark) 14 _| Compares the colour with the colour chart scale. (Ve mark] =— Finishing =| Pauies away the misture. (H mak] = zi and replaces test tubes in the rack (7 marl) work rh) _washes and dries hands. (7 mark). ma) ‘machine is working ‘Suctioning. Starts suctioning by putting finger over T.valve ‘Removes finger immediately trom Y-valve when mucus bas been soucioned = i Rotales tube slowly and withdraw i without pinching i Suctions not more than 15 seconds each suchoning rere no choice) Water through the machine tub! ter suctioning “Changing the (necessary | Washes and san Documents the procedure rec No 143 Law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004) PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION FoR GENERAL NUKseS-ay sis CANDIDATES NO. 1 Ammange these parts of the body in the sequence they are bathed a Hanits—— abdomen— 2 Aircurrent increases loss of heat frm the body by a Radiation Evaporation ‘Conduction © 4 Convection 3 Barly recovery of clicat is enhanced by all except one of the following: ‘Good nutrition ‘pressure areas [7 Washes the area thoroughly, Fubbing vigorousl ‘Lather her palm with soup ard rub this into the for few minutes using citculac movement Rinses the skin of the area thoroughly with clean wale ‘or Vaseline ointment __ [7:9. | Swengthens the foundation bed, ma} | craps and the particles from top of the bed sheet TS | Places the patient in different position from the pressure [0._| Appreciaies the patient 2i,_| Removes hand glo 22._| Washes and sanitizes hand Documents the procedure, records and reports any ieee Soe ee 26|Pege DURE Reads the drug labeled again Withdraws the medicine ime aah a techniques) ‘medicine into syringe using strict (aseptic J i Put patients in suitable position Selects the appropriate area OSes the injection sides (minimal jabs the side with antiseptic swab Discards the used swab into container needle is not into bl Injects the medicine int Pulls out the n Applies slight press | sterile swab for few seconds ards the used swab, nee x without recapping e xposed die and syringe in appropriate Documents the servations jaundice sthenia gravis ‘DURE Places patient in lef lateral position Places mackiniosh and towel under patient buttocks TabHeates the Matus tube Tnserts about 4-3 inches of the flatus tube gently into the: patient rectum Tests by placing the outer end of the tube into a bow! of ‘ater and observes for air bubble of flatus tube \ Teaves the tbe in pationt Restam for about G10 minutes) Removes the tube and places it in receiver [FINISHING ‘Appreciates the patient a ‘| Removes hand gloves Washes and sanitizes hands Documents the procedure, records and reports observation | yo seco 04 (9) 8) Nounszan er Beg women) % "not ou 46D “Ty UU FATT TTS AANTUNTNINTTHAS AT AO NOTLVAWISHO TV ISAM my ‘sroyS wong = me Aino) pony sp pe 2uarBKy py wapieg = my ove ssn uum jowocy st tu -2pyox, 999 L1H "uy payin ao, unm doo se uta -aunpodcid Kajoav5,4)°89 annpao ay) 2 pasos amin res Yuan SHED - (airy aun pron a4. onasu pw Won xp 10} Zs} uM Jo agodind omg EIS - “anpssera 3H OR ONLISaL ANIA TROMLVIS SUNS WOLD =I a1g@UIEIGO SYRYy 10 ‘5 Hoday pu SSupuiy Waminoogy | returns o the right side and place the clean top sheet at] ‘of the sheet. i ‘edge of the cleantop shen. ithe soiled sheet and the endof the « jand withdrawto downward. ‘with clean one client's head Smnpasoud paw supa [eo weunsop y Hod | “OT “doa spay Geen pee Apodond souoyS jo osodsic| “61 | wood p24 | 240} pur fle opts aip eeres 03 sAaquiaman aTePIPUE Hogsod sjqenojia09 ©} Yoeg Wawed amy PB | 7) ‘Siascy ewe app soap exes Ruysn Xa sa op oumjase (.queolign) Ajddy “yy punos pur yynou: adi pa soon Sand poor ay Jo worpuod ap UNL |S! 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