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Location : Nautical Highway, Brgy. Tawiran, Calapan, Oriental Mindoro

Date :

unit cost total unit cost total
1.0 Mobilization 1.00 lot - 312,314.32 312,314.32 312,314.32
2.0 Demobilization 1.00 lot - 312,314.32 312,314.32 312,314.32
3.0 Temporary Facilities - -
3.1 Power Consumption 1.00 lot - 46,847.15 46,847.15 46,847.15
3.2 Water Consumption 1.00 lot - 31,231.43 31,231.43 31,231.43

3.3 Warehouse for Contractor and Owner Supplied Materials 1.00 lot - 85,886.44 85,886.44 85,886.44

4.0 Permits and Clearances 1.00 lot - 249,851.45 249,851.45 249,851.45

5.0 Bonds and Insurance - -
5.1 Surety Bond (20%) 1.00 lot - 93,694.30 93,694.30 93,694.30
5.2 CARI (100%) 1.00 lot - 78,078.58 78,078.58 78,078.58
5.3 Guarantee Bond (10%) 1.00 lot - 78,078.58 78,078.58 78,078.58
6.0 As-Built Plans including E-File 1.00 lot - 85,886.44 85,886.44 85,886.44
7.0 Service Vehicles / Tools & Equipment 1.00 lot - 93,694.30 93,694.30 93,694.30
8.0 Safety Procedures 1.00 lot - 46,847.15 46,847.15 46,847.15
9.0 Testing and Commissioning 1.00 lot - 78,078.58 78,078.58 78,078.58
10.0 Contractors Field Office and Barracks 1.00 lot - 46,847.15 46,847.15 46,847.15
11.0 Site Engineers Staff - -
11.1 Supervision & Contingencies 1.00 lot - 390,392.90 390,392.90 390,392.90
12.0 Permanent Power Application ( LEG WORK ONLY) 1.00 lot - 195,196.45 195,196.45 195,196.45
Sub-Total General Requirements - - 2,225,239.52
- -
A. Conduit and Fittings - -
Parking Level 1 - -
20mm Ø PVC Pipes 2,273.58 lghts 345.09 784,589.52 345.09 784,589.52 1,569,179.05
20mm Ø A/L 4,011.00 prs 34.58 138,681.72 34.58 138,681.72 277,363.44
25mm Ø PVC Pipes 20.40 lghts 391.16 7,979.57 391.16 7,979.57 15,959.14
25mm Ø A/L 2.00 prs 45.05 90.11 45.05 90.11 180.21
40mm Ø PVC Pipes 63.24 lghts 719.45 45,497.81 719.45 45,497.81 90,995.61
40mm Ø A/L 4.00 prs 70.55 282.19 70.55 282.19 564.38
50mm Ø PVC Pipes 42.84 lghts 820.73 35,159.99 820.73 35,159.99 70,319.97
50mm Ø A/L 3.00 prs 90.80 272.41 90.80 272.41 544.82
63mm Ø PVC Pipes 58.14 lghts 1,135.05 65,991.77 1,135.05 65,991.77 131,983.53
63mm Ø A/L 7.00 prs 111.76 782.31 111.76 782.31 1,564.62
75mm Ø PVC Pipes 8.16 lghts 1,589.07 12,966.80 1,589.07 12,966.80 25,933.61
75mm Ø A/L 3.00 prs 125.73 377.19 125.73 377.19 754.37
110mm Ø PVC Pipes 18.36 lghts 3,108.29 57,068.18 3,108.29 57,068.18 114,136.37
110mm Ø A/L 10.00 prs 380.33 3,803.29 380.33 3,803.29 7,606.58
15mm Ø FMC 1,278.06 mts 97.79 124,980.03 97.79 124,980.03 249,960.07
15mm Ø FMC conector 835.00 pcs 41.91 34,994.44 41.91 34,994.44 69,988.89
Hangers & Supports ( Details as Required ) 1.00 lot 52,386.89 52,386.89 52,386.89 52,386.89 104,773.78
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 34,924.59 34,924.59 34,924.59 34,924.59 69,849.19
Ground Floor - -
20mm Ø PVC Pipes 2,288.88 lghts 345.09 789,869.40 345.09 789,869.40 1,579,738.80
20mm Ø A/L 3,531.00 prs 34.58 122,085.55 34.58 122,085.55 244,171.11
40mm Ø PVC Pipes 6.12 lghts 719.45 4,403.01 719.45 4,403.01 8,806.03
40mm Ø A/L 1.00 prs 70.55 70.55 70.55 70.55 141.10
15mm Ø FMC 941.46 mts 97.79 92,064.30 97.79 92,064.30 184,128.61
15mm Ø FMC connector 615.00 pcs 41.91 25,774.35 41.91 25,774.35 51,548.70
Hangers & Supports ( Details as Required ) 1.00 lot 52,386.89 52,386.89 52,386.89 52,386.89 104,773.78
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 34,924.59 34,924.59 34,924.59 34,924.59 69,849.19
Second Floor - -
20mm Ø PVC Pipes 1,709.52 lghts 345.09 589,938.11 345.09 589,938.11 1,179,876.21
20mm Ø A/L 2,889.00 prs 34.58 99,888.18 34.58 99,888.18 199,776.36
15mm Ø FMC 841.50 mts 97.79 82,289.33 97.79 82,289.33 164,578.66
15mm Ø FMC conector 550.00 pcs 41.91 23,050.23 41.91 23,050.23 46,100.46
Hangers & Supports ( Details as Required ) 1.00 lot 27,939.68 27,939.68 27,939.68 27,939.68 55,879.35
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 20,954.76 20,954.76 20,954.76 20,954.76 41,909.51
Third Floor - -
20mm Ø PVC Pipes 2,130.78 lghts 345.09 735,310.68 345.09 735,310.68 1,470,621.37
20mm Ø A/L 3,000.00 prs 34.58 103,726.04 34.58 103,726.04 207,452.09
15mm Ø FMC 761.94 mts 97.79 74,509.25 97.79 74,509.25 149,018.49
15mm Ø FMC conector 498.00 pcs 41.91 20,870.94 41.91 20,870.94 41,741.87
Hangers & Supports ( Details as Required ) 1.00 lot 27,939.68 27,939.68 27,939.68 27,939.68 55,879.35
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 20,954.76 20,954.76 20,954.76 20,954.76 41,909.51
Fourth Floor - -
20mm Ø PVC Pipes 767.04 lghts 345.09 264,697.77 345.09 264,697.77 529,395.53
20mm Ø A/L 1,014.00 prs 34.58 35,059.40 34.58 35,059.40 70,118.81
40mm Ø PVC Pipes 13.26 lghts 719.45 9,539.86 719.45 9,539.86 19,079.72
40mm Ø A/L 2.00 prs 70.55 141.10 70.55 141.10 282.19
15mm Ø FMC 533.00 mts 97.79 52,121.46 97.79 52,121.46 104,242.93
15mm Ø FMC conector 355.00 pcs 41.91 14,877.88 41.91 14,877.88 29,755.75
Hangers & Supports ( Details as Required ) 1.00 lot 17,462.30 17,462.30 17,462.30 17,462.30 34,924.59
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 13,969.84 13,969.84 13,969.84 13,969.84 27,939.68
sub-total conduit & fittings - - 9,515,297.37
- -
Parking Level 1 - -
Octagonal Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 833.00 pcs 270.99 225,730.91 270.99 225,730.91 451,461.83
Square Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 66.00 pcs 338.73 22,356.30 338.73 22,356.30 44,712.61
Utility Boxes, 2" x 4", Ga. 16 438.00 pcs 237.11 103,855.19 237.11 103,855.19 207,710.38
Pullbox & Wire Gutter, Ga. 16 ( Sizes as Required ) 1.00 lot 50,809.78 50,809.78 50,809.78 50,809.78 101,619.56
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 37,260.51
Ground Floor - - - - -
Octagonal Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 610.00 pcs 270.99 165,301.15 270.99 165,301.15 330,602.30
Square Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 92.00 pcs 338.73 31,163.33 338.73 31,163.33 62,326.66
Utility Boxes, 2" x 4", Ga. 16 475.00 pcs 237.11 112,628.34 237.11 112,628.34 225,256.69
Pullbox & Wire Gutter, Ga. 16 ( Sizes as Required ) 1.00 lot 33,873.19 33,873.19 33,873.19 33,873.19 67,746.37
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 20,323.91
Second Floor - - - - -
Octagonal Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 548.00 pcs 270.99 148,500.05 270.99 148,500.05 297,000.10
Square Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 65.00 pcs 338.73 22,017.57 338.73 22,017.57 44,035.14
Utility Boxes, 2" x 4", Ga. 16 350.00 pcs 237.11 82,989.31 237.11 82,989.31 165,978.61
Pullbox & Wire Gutter, Ga. 16 ( Sizes as Required ) 1.00 lot 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 37,260.51
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 20,323.91
Third Floor - - - - -
Octagonal Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 497.00 pcs 270.99 134,679.79 270.99 134,679.79 269,359.58
Square Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 84.00 pcs 338.73 28,453.48 338.73 28,453.48 56,906.95
Utility Boxes, 2" x 4", Ga. 16 419.00 pcs 237.11 99,350.06 237.11 99,350.06 198,700.11
Pullbox & Wire Gutter, Ga. 16 ( Sizes as Required ) 1.00 lot 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 18,630.25 37,260.51
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 10,161.96 20,323.91
Fourth Floor - - - - -
Octagonal Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 353.00 pcs 270.99 95,657.88 270.99 95,657.88 191,315.76
Square Boxes w/ Cover, 4" x 4", Ga. 16 45.00 pcs 338.73 15,242.93 338.73 15,242.93 30,485.87
Utility Boxes, 2" x 4", Ga. 16 109.00 pcs 237.11 25,845.24 237.11 25,845.24 51,690.48
Pullbox & Wire Gutter, Ga. 16 ( Sizes as Required ) 1.00 lot 15,242.93 15,242.93 15,242.93 15,242.93 30,485.87
Miscellaneous / Consumables 1.00 lot 8,468.30 8,468.30 8,468.30 8,468.30 16,936.59
sub-total boxes and other accessories - - 3,017,084.71
- -
C. Wires and Cables - -
Parking Level 1 - -
250.0mm THHN Wire 36.72 mts 1,533.49 56,309.84 1,533.49 56,309.84 112,619.68
200.0mm2 THHN Wire 142.80 mts 1,195.60 170,732.28 1,195.60 170,732.28 341,464.56
150.0mm THHN Wire 48.96 mts 948.69 46,447.66 948.69 46,447.66 92,895.33
60.0mm2 THHN Wire 122.40 mts 415.86 50,901.55 415.86 50,901.55 101,803.10
38.0mm THHN Wire 183.60 mts 298.90 54,878.23 298.90 54,878.23 109,756.47
30.0mm2 THHN Wire 387.60 mts 207.93 80,594.12 207.93 80,594.12 161,188.24
22.0mm2 THHN Wire 499.80 mts 142.95 71,447.75 142.95 71,447.75 142,895.49
14.0mm THHN Wire 663.00 mts 90.97 60,313.03 90.97 60,313.03 120,626.07
8.0mm2 THHN Wire 326.40 mts 58.48 19,088.08 58.48 19,088.08 38,176.16
5.5mm THHN Wire 132.60 mts 38.99 5,169.69 38.99 5,169.69 10,339.38
3.5mm2 THHN Wire 20,408.16 mts 24.69 503,914.73 24.69 503,914.73 1,007,829.46
Ground Floor - -
14.0mm2 THHN Wire 181.56 mts 90.97 16,516.49 90.97 16,516.49 33,032.98
5.5mm2 THHN Wire 108.12 mts 38.99 4,215.28 38.99 4,215.28 8,430.57
3.5mm THHN Wire 20,658.06 mts 24.69 510,085.22 24.69 510,085.22 1,020,170.44
Second Floor - -
5.5mm THHN Wire 24.48 mts 38.99 954.40 38.99 954.40 1,908.81
3.5mm2 THHN Wire 15,361.20 mts 24.69 379,296.07 24.69 379,296.07 758,592.15
Third Floor - -
5.5mm2 THHN Wire 69.36 mts 38.99 2,704.14 38.99 2,704.14 5,408.29
3.5mm THHN Wire 19,036.26 mts 24.69 470,040.02 24.69 470,040.02 940,080.03
Fourth Floor - -
22.0mm THHN Wire 171.36 mts 142.95 24,496.37 142.95 24,496.37 48,992.74
8.0mm2 THHN Wire 42.84 mts 58.48 2,505.31 58.48 2,505.31 5,010.62
5.5mm2 THHN Wire 242.76 mts 38.99 9,464.51 38.99 9,464.51 18,929.01
3.5mm THHN Wire 6,800.34 mts 24.69 167,912.81 24.69 167,912.81 335,825.62
sub-total wires and cables - - 5,415,975.20
- -
Parking Level 1 - -
Single Pole Switch, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 52.00 sets 227.14 11,811.39 227.14 11,811.39 23,622.79
Two Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 59.00 sets 364.18 21,486.53 364.18 21,486.53 42,973.05
Three Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 11.00 sets 499.34 5,492.71 499.34 5,492.71 10,985.42
One Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 3.00 sets 343.53 1,030.59 343.53 1,030.59 2,061.17
Two Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 13.00 sets 596.95 7,760.38 596.95 7,760.38 15,520.76
Single Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 99.00 sets 443.02 43,859.09 443.02 43,859.09 87,718.19
Duplex Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 201.00 sets 613.85 123,383.27 613.85 123,383.27 246,766.53
Ground Floor - -
Single Pole Switch, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 67.00 sets 227.14 15,218.53 227.14 15,218.53 30,437.05
Two Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 54.00 sets 364.18 19,665.63 364.18 19,665.63 39,331.27
Three Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 6.00 sets 499.34 2,996.02 499.34 2,996.02 5,992.05
One Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 10.00 sets 343.53 3,435.29 343.53 3,435.29 6,870.58
Two Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 10.00 sets 596.95 5,969.52 596.95 5,969.52 11,939.04
Single Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 81.00 sets 443.02 35,884.71 443.02 35,884.71 71,769.43
Duplex Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 247.00 sets 613.85 151,620.23 613.85 151,620.23 303,240.46
Second Floor - -
Single Pole Switch, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 59.00 sets 227.14 13,401.39 227.14 13,401.39 26,802.78
Two Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 48.00 sets 364.18 17,480.56 364.18 17,480.56 34,961.13
Three Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 7.00 sets 499.34 3,495.36 499.34 3,495.36 6,990.72
One Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 2.00 sets 343.53 687.06 343.53 687.06 1,374.12
Two Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 4.00 sets 596.95 2,387.81 596.95 2,387.81 4,775.62
Single Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 79.00 sets 443.02 34,998.67 443.02 34,998.67 69,997.34
Duplex Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 151.00 sets 613.85 92,690.91 613.85 92,690.91 185,381.82
Third Floor - -
Single Pole Switch, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 108.00 sets 227.14 24,531.36 227.14 24,531.36 49,062.71
Two Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 60.00 sets 364.18 21,850.70 364.18 21,850.70 43,701.41
Three Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 8.00 sets 499.34 3,994.70 499.34 3,994.70 7,989.40
One Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 2.00 sets 343.53 687.06 343.53 687.06 1,374.12
Two Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 2.00 sets 596.95 1,193.90 596.95 1,193.90 2,387.81
Single Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 72.00 sets 443.02 31,897.52 443.02 31,897.52 63,795.04
Duplex Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 167.00 sets 613.85 102,512.46 613.85 102,512.46 205,024.93
Fourth Floor - -
Single Pole Switch, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 10.00 sets 227.14 2,271.42 227.14 2,271.42 4,542.84
Two Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 10.00 sets 364.18 3,641.78 364.18 3,641.78 7,283.57
Three Single Pole Switches, in one switch plate, 15A, 240V 6.00 sets 499.34 2,996.02 499.34 2,996.02 5,992.05
One Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 4.00 sets 343.53 1,374.12 343.53 1,374.12 2,748.23
Two Gang 3Way Switch, 15A, 240V 7.00 sets 596.95 4,178.67 596.95 4,178.67 8,357.33
Single Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 34.00 sets 443.02 15,062.72 443.02 15,062.72 30,125.44
Duplex Convenience Outlet, Grounding type 38.00 sets 613.85 23,326.19 613.85 23,326.19 46,652.38
sub-total wiring devices - - 1,708,548.59
- -
Parking Level 1 - -

6" Recessed Mounted Pinlight w/ 12watts, LED, daylight BULB,

585.00 sets 416.98 243,933.45 416.98 243,933.45 487,866.90
& E27 receptacle, pure aluminum reflector

600mm x 600 mm Recessed Mounted Troffer w/ aluminum

finish louver, reflector & stripe aluminum crossblade with 2x12 130.00 sets 1,899.58 246,944.97 1,899.58 246,944.97 493,889.94
watts T8 LED, daylight Tube

LED COVE LIGHTING, DAYLIGHT, T5 led 18watts 8.00 sets 809.64 6,477.09 809.64 6,477.09 12,954.19

8" Surfaced Mounted Pinlight w/ 15watts LED BULB, E27,

10.00 sets 1,133.95 11,339.55 1,133.95 11,339.55 22,679.09

Wall Lighting, LED 18watts, Daylight (Indoor at MAIN

1.00 sets 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 4,450.11

Exit Light, Complete with 2 hrs. battery pack 8.00 sets 1,417.73 11,341.86 1,417.73 11,341.86 22,683.73

ORBIK LED Emergency Light, 220v-240v AC, 50/60hZ, 2X18 high

power LED, 3hrs.emergency duration, 3w output power, 20hrs. 91.00 sets 1,417.73 129,013.69 1,417.73 129,013.69 258,027.38
Charging time 4.8v/1800mAh NI-CD BATTERY
Ground Floor - -

6" Recessed Mounted Pinlight w/ 12watts, LED, daylight BULB,

400.00 sets 416.98 166,792.10 416.98 166,792.10 333,584.20
& E27 receptacle, pure aluminum reflector

600mm x 600 mm Recessed Mounted Troffer w/ aluminum

finish louver, reflector & stripe aluminum crossblade with 2x9 100.00 sets 1,899.58 189,957.67 1,899.58 189,957.67 379,915.34
watts T8 LED, daylight Tube

LED COVE LIGHTING, DAYLIGHT, T5 led 18watts 12.00 sets 809.64 9,715.64 809.64 9,715.64 19,431.28

8" Surfaced Mounted Pinlight w/ 15watts LED BULB, E27,

16.00 sets 1,133.95 18,143.27 1,133.95 18,143.27 36,286.55

Wall Lighting, LED 18watts, Daylight (Indoor at MAIN

1.00 sets 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 4,450.11

Exit Light, Complete with 2 hrs. battery pack 9.00 sets 1,417.73 12,759.60 1,417.73 12,759.60 25,519.19
ORBIK LED Emergency Light, 220v-240v AC, 50/60hZ, 2X18 high
power LED, 3hrs.emergency duration, 3w output power, 20hrs. 72.00 sets 1,417.73 102,076.77 1,417.73 102,076.77 204,153.53
Charging time 4.8v/1800mAh NI-CD BATTERY
Second Floor - -

6" Recessed Mounted Pinlight w/ 12watts, LED, daylight BULB,

400.00 sets 416.98 166,792.10 416.98 166,792.10 333,584.20
& E27 receptacle, pure aluminum reflector

600mm x 600 mm Recessed Mounted Troffer w/ aluminum

finish louver, reflector & stripe aluminum crossblade with 2x9 52.00 sets 1,899.58 98,777.99 1,899.58 98,777.99 197,555.98
watts T8 LED, daylight Tube

8" Surfaced Mounted Pinlight w/ 15watts LED BULB, E27,

16.00 sets 1,133.95 18,143.27 1,133.95 18,143.27 36,286.55

Wall Lighting, LED 18watts, Daylight (Indoor at MAIN

1.00 sets 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 4,450.11

Exit Light, Complete with 2 hrs. battery pack 5.00 sets 1,417.73 7,088.66 1,417.73 7,088.66 14,177.33

ORBIK LED Emergency Light, 220v-240v AC, 50/60hZ, 2X18 high

power LED, 3hrs.emergency duration, 3w output power, 20hrs. 74.00 sets 1,417.73 104,912.23 1,417.73 104,912.23 209,824.46
Charging time 4.8v/1800mAh NI-CD BATTERY
Third Floor - -

6" Recessed Mounted Pinlight w/ 12watts, LED, daylight BULB,

324.00 sets 416.98 135,101.60 416.98 135,101.60 270,203.20
& E27 receptacle, pure aluminum reflector

600mm x 600 mm Recessed Mounted Troffer w/ aluminum

finish louver, reflector & stripe aluminum crossblade with 2x9 84.00 sets 1,899.58 159,564.44 1,899.58 159,564.44 319,128.89
watts T8 LED, daylight Tube

8" Surfaced Mounted Pinlight w/ 15watts LED BULB, E27,

16.00 sets 1,133.95 18,143.27 1,133.95 18,143.27 36,286.55

Wall Lighting, LED 18watts, Daylight (Indoor at MAIN

1.00 sets 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 4,450.11

Exit Light, Complete with 2 hrs. battery pack 3.00 sets 1,417.73 4,253.20 1,417.73 4,253.20 8,506.40

ORBIK LED Emergency Light, 220v-240v AC, 50/60hZ, 2X18 high

power LED, 3hrs.emergency duration, 3w output power, 20hrs. 69.00 sets 1,417.73 97,823.57 1,417.73 97,823.57 195,647.13
Charging time 4.8v/1800mAh NI-CD BATTERY
Fourth Floor - -

6" Recessed Mounted Pinlight w/ 12watts, LED, daylight BULB,

275.00 sets 416.98 114,669.57 416.98 114,669.57 229,339.14
& E27 receptacle, pure aluminum reflector

600mm x 600 mm Recessed Mounted Troffer w/ aluminum

finish louver, reflector & stripe aluminum crossblade with 2x9 26.00 sets 1,899.58 49,388.99 1,899.58 49,388.99 98,777.99
watts T8 LED, daylight Tube
8" Surfaced Mounted Pinlight w/ 15watts LED BULB, E27,
17.00 sets 1,133.95 19,277.23 1,133.95 19,277.23 38,554.46

Wall Lighting, LED 18watts, Daylight (Indoor at MAIN

1.00 sets 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 2,225.05 4,450.11

Exit Light, Complete with 2 hrs. battery pack 2.00 sets 1,417.73 2,835.47 1,417.73 2,835.47 5,670.93

ORBIK LED Emergency Light, 220v-240v AC, 50/60hZ, 2X18 high

power LED, 3hrs.emergency duration, 3w output power, 20hrs. 32.00 sets 1,417.73 45,367.45 1,417.73 45,367.45 90,734.90
Charging time 4.8v/1800mAh NI-CD BATTERY
Sub-Total Lighting Fixtures - - 4,403,519.97
- -
Parking Level 1 - -
Panel : "ATS" 1.00 assy 378,961.54 378,961.54 378,961.54 378,961.54 757,923.09
Panel: "MDP" 1.00 assy 540,267.85 540,267.85 540,267.85 540,267.85 1,080,535.70
Panel: "NMLPP" 1.00 assy 6,414.08 6,414.08 6,414.08 6,414.08 12,828.16
Panel: "EMLPP" 1.00 assy 14,198.16 14,198.16 14,198.16 14,198.16 28,396.31
Panel: "MEP" 1.00 assy 425,686.24 425,686.24 425,686.24 425,686.24 851,372.49
Panel: "EMEP-A" 1.00 assy 20,948.51 20,948.51 20,948.51 20,948.51 41,897.01
Panel: "EMEP-B" 1.00 assy 20,867.55 20,867.55 20,867.55 20,867.55 41,735.11
Panel: "NDP " 1.00 assy 55,793.15 55,793.15 55,793.15 55,793.15 111,586.30
Panel : "NLPPG " 1.00 assy 11,682.34 11,682.34 11,682.34 11,682.34 23,364.68
Panel : "EDP " 1.00 assy 309,002.93 309,002.93 309,002.93 309,002.93 618,005.87
Panel : "MELPP " 1.00 assy 31,731.01 31,731.01 31,731.01 31,731.01 63,462.02
Panel : "ELPPG-A" 1.00 assy 9,459.21 9,459.21 9,459.21 9,459.21 18,918.42
Panel : "ELPPG-B" 1.00 assy 9,315.98 9,315.98 9,315.98 9,315.98 18,631.97
Panel: "MPPACU" 1.00 assy 106,374.08 106,374.08 106,374.08 106,374.08 212,748.16
Panel: "PPACUG-A" 1.00 assy 25,133.23 25,133.23 25,133.23 25,133.23 50,266.45
Panel: "PPACUG-B" 1.00 assy 25,133.23 25,133.23 25,133.23 25,133.23 50,266.45
Panel : "MEEP " 1.00 assy 50,241.54 50,241.54 50,241.54 50,241.54 100,483.09
Panel : "EEPG " 1.00 assy 18,379.76 18,379.76 18,379.76 18,379.76 36,759.52
Panel : "ECPP " 1.00 assy 18,286.35 18,286.35 18,286.35 18,286.35 36,572.71
Ground Floor - -
Panel : " NLPP2 " 1.00 assy 14,920.52 14,920.52 14,920.52 14,920.52 29,841.04
Panel : " ELPP2-A " 1.00 assy 10,773.16 10,773.16 10,773.16 10,773.16 21,546.32
Panel : " ELPP2-B " 1.00 assy 10,773.16 10,773.16 10,773.16 10,773.16 21,546.32
Panel: "PPACU2-A" 1.00 assy 24,105.73 24,105.73 24,105.73 24,105.73 48,211.46
Panel: "PPACU2-B" 1.00 assy 20,898.69 20,898.69 20,898.69 20,898.69 41,797.38
Panel: "PPACU2-C" 1.00 assy 22,309.16 22,309.16 22,309.16 22,309.16 44,618.33
Panel : "EEP2 " 1.00 assy 17,950.08 17,950.08 17,950.08 17,950.08 35,900.16
Second Floor - -
Panel : " NLPP3 " 1.00 assy 12,672.48 12,672.48 12,672.48 12,672.48 25,344.95
Panel : " ELPP3 " 1.00 assy 11,539.12 11,539.12 11,539.12 11,539.12 23,078.23
Panel: "PPACU3-A" 1.00 assy 22,309.16 22,309.16 22,309.16 22,309.16 44,618.33
Panel: "PPACU3-B" 1.00 assy 25,827.57 25,827.57 25,827.57 25,827.57 51,655.13
Third Floor - -
Panel : " NLPP4 " 1.00 assy 14,777.29 14,777.29 14,777.29 14,777.29 29,554.58
Panel : " ELPP4 " 1.00 assy 11,825.57 11,825.57 11,825.57 11,825.57 23,651.14
Panel: "PPACU4-A" 1.00 assy 26,855.06 26,855.06 26,855.06 26,855.06 53,710.13
Panel: "PPACU4-B" 1.00 assy 21,926.19 21,926.19 21,926.19 21,926.19 43,852.37
Panel: "PPACU4-C" 1.00 assy 21,926.19 21,926.19 21,926.19 21,926.19 43,852.37
Fourth Floor - -
Panel : " NLPP5 " 1.00 assy 10,629.94 10,629.94 10,629.94 10,629.94 21,259.87
Panel : " ELPP5 " 1.00 assy 7,709.35 7,709.35 7,709.35 7,709.35 15,418.70
Panel: "PPACU5" 1.00 assy 17,420.76 17,420.76 17,420.76 17,420.76 34,841.53
Panel : "EEP5 " 1.00 assy 14,360.06 14,360.06 14,360.06 14,360.06 28,720.13
Sub-Total PANEL BOARD and CIRCUIT BREAKERS - - 4,838,771.98
- -
DIESEL DRIVEN STAND BY GENERATOR SET 1.00 lot 20,484,135.54 20,484,135.54 - - 20,484,135.54
- -
Sub-Total Gen. Set - - 20,484,135.54
TRANSFORMER 1.00 lot 4,391,920.10 4,391,920.10 - - 4,391,920.10
- -
Sub-Total Transformer - - 4,391,920.10
ELEVATOR PASSENGER BED ELEVATOR/ESCALATOR 1.00 lot 9,960,503.45 9,960,503.45 - - 9,960,503.45
- -
Sub-Total Passenger Elevator - - 9,960,503.45
- -
Supply and Installation of Telephone System Devices and
- -
A. Cabinet and Wires and Cables - -
Ground Floor - -
Cat 5e 25 PRS 16.67 mts 1,205.08 20,084.70 120.51 2,008.47 22,093.17
Cat 6 4PRS 900.00 mts 64.89 58,400.12 6.49 5,840.01 64,240.13
TTC Cabinet (600mmx300mmx150mm) 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Second Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 1,166.67 mts 64.89 75,703.86 6.49 7,570.39 83,274.25
TTC Cabinet (600mmx300mmx150mm) 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Third Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 1,166.67 mts 64.89 75,703.86 6.49 7,570.39 83,274.25
TTC Cabinet (600mmx300mmx150mm) 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Fourth Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 900.00 mts 64.89 58,400.12 6.49 5,840.01 64,240.13
TTC Cabinet (600mmx300mmx150mm) 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
B. Wiring Devices - -
Ground Floor - -
Single Wall Modular Telephone Outlet 11.33 sets 1,205.08 13,657.59 120.51 1,365.76 15,023.35
Second Floor - -
Single Wall Modular Telephone Outlet 15.67 sets 1,205.08 18,879.62 120.51 1,887.96 20,767.58
Third Floor - -
Single Wall Modular Telephone Outlet 14.33 sets 1,205.08 17,272.84 120.51 1,727.28 19,000.12
Fourth Floor - -
Single Wall Modular Telephone Outlet 11.67 sets 1,205.08 14,059.29 120.51 1,405.93 15,465.22
Ports Patch Panel 2.67 pcs 15,758.76 42,023.37 1,575.88 4,202.34 46,225.70
Horizontal Cable Manager 2.67 pcs 1,575.88 4,202.34 157.59 420.23 4,622.57
Patch Cord 1m 53.00 pcs 834.29 44,217.23 83.43 4,421.72 48,638.96
C. Telephone Equipment - -
Fourth Floor - -
KX-TDE600 (Main System) 1.00 pc. 111,238.32 111,238.32 11,123.83 11,123.83 122,362.16
KX-TDA0103- L-Type Power Supply 1.00 pc. 27,809.58 27,809.58 2,780.96 2,780.96 30,590.54
KX-TDA6181- Ports Analog Trunks 1.00 pc. 12,977.80 12,977.80 1,297.78 1,297.78 14,275.58
KX-TDA6178 -Ports SLT Card 2.33 pcs 83,428.74 194,667.07 8,342.87 19,466.71 214,133.77
KX-TDA0171 - Ports Hybrid Card 1.00 pc. 15,449.77 15,449.77 1,544.98 1,544.98 16,994.74
KX-DT346 - Operator's Unit 1.00 pc. 5,252.92 5,252.92 525.29 525.29 5,778.21
KX-DT390 - DSS Console 1.00 pcs 15,758.76 15,758.76 1,575.88 1,575.88 17,334.64
Cross Connet Cable with Amphenol Head 3.33 pcs 27,809.58 92,698.60 2,780.96 9,269.86 101,968.46
Telephone Terminal Block 1.00 lot 15,449.77 15,449.77 1,544.98 1,544.98 16,994.74
KX-TS500MX Analog Telephone Set 53.00 pcs 1,205.08 63,869.34 120.51 6,386.93 70,256.27
- -
- -
Supply and Installation of DATA/LAN System Devices and
- -
A. Cabinet and Wires and Cables - -
Parking Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 80.00 mts 64.89 5,191.12 6.49 519.11 5,710.23
DATA/LAN Cabinet 1.00 set 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Ground Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 900.00 mts 64.89 58,400.12 6.49 5,840.01 64,240.13
DATA/LAN Cabinet 1.00 set 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Second Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 666.67 mts 64.89 43,259.35 6.49 4,325.93 47,585.28
Third Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 333.33 mts 64.89 21,629.67 6.49 2,162.97 23,792.64
DATA/LAN Cabinet 1.00 set 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Fourth Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 900.00 mts 64.89 58,400.12 6.49 5,840.01 64,240.13
DATA/LAN Cabinet 1.00 set 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
B. Wiring Devices - -
Parking Floor - -
DATA/LAN Outlet 1.00 set 834.29 834.29 83.43 83.43 917.72
Ground Floor - -
DATA/LAN Outlet 11.33 set 834.29 9,455.26 83.43 945.53 10,400.78
Second Floor - -
DATA/LAN Outlet 8.67 set 834.29 7,230.49 83.43 723.05 7,953.54
Third Floor - -
DATA/LAN Outlet 4.33 set 834.29 3,615.25 83.43 361.52 3,976.77
Fourth Floor - -
DATA/LAN Outlet 11.67 set 834.29 9,733.35 83.43 973.34 10,706.69
C. DATA/LAN Equipment - -
Parking Floor - -
Ports Switch 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Ground Floor - -
Ports Switch 2.00 pcs 9,269.86 18,539.72 926.99 1,853.97 20,393.69
Second Floor - -
Ports Switch 2.00 pcs 9,269.86 18,539.72 926.99 1,853.97 20,393.69
Third Floor - -
Ports Switch 1.00 pcs 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Fourth Floor - -
Ports Switch 2.00 pcs 9,269.86 18,539.72 926.99 1,853.97 20,393.69
Ports Patch Panel 2.67 pcs 15,758.76 42,023.37 1,575.88 4,202.34 46,225.70
Horizontal Cable Manager 2.67 pcs 1,575.88 4,202.34 157.59 420.23 4,622.57
Patch Cord 1m 37.00 pcs 834.29 30,868.63 83.43 3,086.86 33,955.50
Patch Cord 2m 37.00 pcs 1,019.68 37,728.33 101.97 3,772.83 41,501.16
- -
- -
Supply and Installation of Fire Alarm System Devices and
- -
A. Wires and Cables - -
Parking Floor - -
1.2 mm2 TF Wires Twisted pairs 216.67 mts 46.35 10,042.35 4.63 1,004.23 11,046.58
Ground Floor - -
1.2 mm2 TF Wires Twisted pairs 283.33 mts 46.35 13,132.30 4.63 1,313.23 14,445.53
Second Floor - -
1.2 mm2 TF Wires Twisted pairs 500.00 mts 46.35 23,174.65 4.63 2,317.47 25,492.12
Third Floor - -
1.2 mm2 TF Wires Twisted pairs 500.00 mts 46.35 23,174.65 4.63 2,317.47 25,492.12
Fourth Floor - -
1.2 mm2 TF Wires Twisted pairs 500.00 mts 46.35 23,174.65 4.63 2,317.47 25,492.12
B. Wiring Devices - -
Parking Floor - -
Smoke Detector 14.33 sets 4,913.03 70,420.04 491.30 7,042.00 77,462.04
Heat Detector 1.00 sets 1,637.68 1,637.68 163.77 163.77 1,801.44
Siren With Strobe Light 1.67 sets 10,382.24 17,303.74 1,038.22 1,730.37 19,034.11
Manual Pull Station 1.67 sets 6,674.30 11,123.83 667.43 1,112.38 12,236.22
Annunciator Panel 1.67 set 64,889.02 108,148.37 6,488.90 10,814.84 118,963.21
Interface Module 1.33 set 15,758.76 21,011.68 1,575.88 2,101.17 23,112.85
FIREMAN' S TEL. JACK 1.67 set 6,488.90 10,814.84 648.89 1,081.48 11,896.32
Ground Floor - -
Smoke Detector 31.67 sets 4,913.03 155,579.16 491.30 15,557.92 171,137.07
Siren With Strobe Light 3.33 sets 10,382.24 34,607.48 1,038.22 3,460.75 38,068.23
Manual Pull Station 3.33 sets 6,674.30 22,247.66 667.43 2,224.77 24,472.43
Annunciator Panel 3.33 set 64,889.02 216,296.74 6,488.90 21,629.67 237,926.41
Interface Module 1.33 set 15,758.76 21,011.68 1,575.88 2,101.17 23,112.85
FIREMAN' S TEL. JACK 3.33 set 6,488.90 21,629.67 648.89 2,162.97 23,792.64
Fire Alarm Control Panel ( FACP ) 1.00 set 154,497.67 154,497.67 15,449.77 15,449.77 169,947.44
Second Floor - -
Smoke Detector 40.00 sets 4,913.03 196,521.04 491.30 19,652.10 216,173.14
Siren With Strobe Light 3.33 sets 10,382.24 34,607.48 1,038.22 3,460.75 38,068.23
Manual Pull Station 3.33 sets 6,674.30 22,247.66 667.43 2,224.77 24,472.43
Annunciator Panel 3.33 set 64,889.02 216,296.74 6,488.90 21,629.67 237,926.41
Interface Module 1.33 set 15,758.76 21,011.68 1,575.88 2,101.17 23,112.85
FIREMAN' S TEL. JACK 3.33 set 6,488.90 21,629.67 648.89 2,162.97 23,792.64
Third Floor - -
Smoke Detector 34.33 sets 4,913.03 168,680.56 491.30 16,868.06 185,548.61
Siren With Strobe Light 1.33 sets 10,382.24 13,842.99 1,038.22 1,384.30 15,227.29
Manual Pull Station 1.33 sets 6,674.30 8,899.07 667.43 889.91 9,788.97
Annunciator Panel 1.33 set 64,889.02 86,518.70 6,488.90 8,651.87 95,170.57
Interface Module 1.33 set 15,758.76 21,011.68 1,575.88 2,101.17 23,112.85
FIREMAN' S TEL. JACK 1.33 set 6,488.90 8,651.87 648.89 865.19 9,517.06
Fourth Floor - -
Smoke Detector 34.33 sets 4,913.03 168,680.56 491.30 16,868.06 185,548.61
Siren With Strobe Light 2.00 sets 10,382.24 20,764.49 1,038.22 2,076.45 22,840.94
Manual Pull Station 2.00 sets 6,674.30 13,348.60 667.43 1,334.86 14,683.46
Annunciator Panel 2.00 set 64,889.02 129,778.04 6,488.90 12,977.80 142,755.85
Interface Module 1.33 set 15,758.76 21,011.68 1,575.88 2,101.17 23,112.85
FIREMAN' S TEL. JACK 2.00 set 6,488.90 12,977.80 648.89 1,297.78 14,275.58
- -
- -
Supply and Installation of Nurses Call System Devices and
- -
A. Wires and Cables - -
Third Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 2,166.67 mts 64.89 140,592.88 6.49 14,059.29 154,652.17
Fourth Floor - -
Cat 6 4PRS 2,166.67 mts 64.89 140,592.88 6.49 14,059.29 154,652.17
B. Nurse Call Equipments and Others - -
Third Floor - -
Bed Head Button 21.00 sets 8,342.87 175,200.36 834.29 17,520.04 192,720.40
Bedside Call Switch 21.00 sets 5,283.82 110,960.23 528.38 11,096.02 122,056.25
Reset Button 11.67 sets 2,224.77 25,955.61 222.48 2,595.56 28,551.17
Call Master Station 0.67 sets 223,403.63 148,935.76 22,340.36 14,893.58 163,829.33
Fourth Floor - -
Bed Head Button 19.33 sets 8,342.87 161,295.57 834.29 16,129.56 177,425.13
Bedside Call Switch 19.33 sets 5,283.82 102,153.86 528.38 10,215.39 112,369.25
Reset Button 11.67 sets 2,224.77 25,955.61 222.48 2,595.56 28,551.17
Call Master Station 2.00 sets 74,467.88 148,935.76 7,446.79 14,893.58 163,829.33
Bath Room Pull Cord 23.33 sets 5,747.31 134,103.98 574.73 13,410.40 147,514.38
Corridor Lamp 25.33 sets 2,780.96 70,450.94 278.10 7,045.09 77,496.03
- -
- -
Supply and Installation of CATV System Devices and
- -
A. Wires and Cables - -
Ground Floor - -
RG 6 Co axial Cable 26.67 mts 46.35 1,235.98 4.63 123.60 1,359.58
Third Floor - -
RG 6 Co axial Cable 1,066.67 mts 46.35 49,439.26 4.63 4,943.93 54,383.18
Fourth Floor - -
RG 6 Co axial Cable 1,066.67 mts 46.35 49,439.26 4.63 4,943.93 54,383.18
B. Wiring Devices - -
Ground Floor - -
Single Wall Modular CATV Outlet 1.00 sets 278.10 278.10 27.81 27.81 305.91
Third Floor - -
Single Wall Modular CATV Outlet 13.33 sets 834.29 11,123.83 83.43 1,112.38 12,236.22
Fourth Floor - -
Single Wall Modular CATV Outlet 13.67 sets 834.29 11,401.93 83.43 1,140.19 12,542.12
C. CATV Equipment - -
Ground Floor - -
RG6 Connector with Faceplate 1.00 sets 278.10 278.10 27.81 27.81 305.91
Third Floor - -
RG6 Connector with Faceplate 13.33 sets 834.29 11,123.83 83.43 1,112.38 12,236.22
Fourth Floor - -
RG6 Connector with Faceplate 13.67 sets 834.29 11,401.93 83.43 1,140.19 12,542.12
- -
SUB-TOTAL CATV SYSTEM - - 160,294.42
- -
Supply and Installation of Public Address System Devices
- -
and Equipment
A. Wires and Cables - -
Parking Level - -
1.2 mm2 Speaker Wires 106.67 mts 46.35 4,943.93 4.63 494.39 5,438.32
Ground Floor - -
1.2 mm2 Speaker Wires 1,066.67 mts 46.35 49,439.26 4.63 4,943.93 54,383.18
Second Floor - -
1.2 mm2 Speaker Wires 1,333.33 mts 46.35 61,799.07 4.63 6,179.91 67,978.98
Third Floor - -
1.2 mm2 Speaker Wires 1,166.67 mts 46.35 54,074.19 4.63 5,407.42 59,481.60
Fourth Floor - -
1.2 mm2 Speaker Wires 1,066.67 mts 46.35 49,439.26 4.63 4,943.93 54,383.18
B. Public Address Equipments - -
Parking Level - -
Ceiling mounted speaker w/ matching transformer 1.33 sets 2,224.77 2,966.36 222.48 296.64 3,262.99
Ground Floor - -
Ceiling mounted speaker w/ matching transformer 14.33 sets 2,224.77 31,888.32 222.48 3,188.83 35,077.15
PA RACK 1.00 LOT 15,449.77 15,449.77 1,544.98 1,544.98 16,994.74
UPS 1.00 LOT 7,415.89 7,415.89 741.59 741.59 8,157.48
Desktop Paging Microphone 1.00 LOT 15,449.77 15,449.77 1,544.98 1,544.98 16,994.74
Amplifiers, Tuner & DVD Player 1.00 LOT 92,698.60 92,698.60 9,269.86 9,269.86 101,968.46
Second Floor - -
Ceiling mounted speaker w/ matching transformer 16.67 sets 2,224.77 37,079.44 222.48 3,707.94 40,787.39
Third Floor - -
Ceiling mounted speaker w/ matching transformer 15.67 sets 2,224.77 34,854.67 222.48 3,485.47 38,340.14
Fourth Floor - -
Ceiling mounted speaker w/ matching transformer 14.67 sets 2,224.77 32,629.91 222.48 3,262.99 35,892.90
- -
- -
Supply and Installation of Closed Circuit Television ( CCTV )
- -
System Devices and Equipment
A. Wires and Cables - -
Parking Level - -
4-pairs UTP CAT 6 CABLE 26.67 mts 64.89 1,730.37 6.49 173.04 1,903.41
Ground Floor - -
4-pairs UTP CAT 6 CABLE 21.67 mts 64.89 1,405.93 6.49 140.59 1,546.52
Second Floor - -
4-pairs UTP CAT 6 CABLE 21.67 mts 64.89 1,405.93 6.49 140.59 1,546.52
Third Floor - -
4-pairs UTP CAT 6 CABLE 21.67 mts 64.89 1,405.93 6.49 140.59 1,546.52
Fourth Floor - -
4-pairs UTP CAT 6 CABLE 21.67 mts 64.89 1,405.93 6.49 140.59 1,546.52
B. CCTV DEVICES AND Equipments - -
Parking Level - -
CCTV CAMERA DOME TYPE/BULLET (2 MEGAPIXEL) 3.33 sets 8,342.87 27,809.58 834.29 2,780.96 30,590.54
Ground Floor - -
CCTV CAMERA DOME TYPE/BULLET (2 MEGAPIXEL) 2.67 sets 8,342.87 22,247.66 834.29 2,224.77 24,472.43
1.00 LOT 166,857.49 166,857.49 16,685.75 16,685.75 183,543.23
1 SET 6FT. OPEN RAY RACK WITH POWER STRIP 1.00 SET 9,269.86 9,269.86 926.99 926.99 10,196.85
Second Floor - -
CCTV CAMERA DOME TYPE/BULLET (2 MEGAPIXEL) 3 sets 8,342.87 22,247.66 834.29 2,224.77 24,472.43
Third Floor - -
CCTV CAMERA DOME TYPE/BULLET (2 MEGAPIXEL) 2 sets 8,342.87 19,466.71 834.29 1,946.67 21,413.38
Fourth Floor - -
CCTV CAMERA DOME TYPE/BULLET (2 MEGAPIXEL) 2 sets 8,342.87 19,466.71 834.29 1,946.67 21,413.38

SUB-TOTAL Closed Circuit Television ( CCTV ) System 324,191.73

TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 72,494,863.65

Profit, Overhead, Contingencies, Miscellaneous 10,487,831.92
Value Added Tax 9,957,923.47



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