Diss Brochure
Diss Brochure
Diss Brochure
Filipino nationalist was a Filipino writer politician writer, and revolutionary and the brains
whose novels and labor activist statesman who played a behind the Katipunan’s
inspired the fight who founded the significant role in Philippines ideological framework. He
for independence first labor union in history as one of the penned many of the
from Spanish Rule. the Philippines and negotiators of the Treaty of organization’s foundation
championed the Paris, which ended the documents and played a
rights of workers. Spanish-American War and led crucial role in shaping its
to the cession of the principles and strategies
Philippines from Spain to the during the Philippine
Andres Bonifacio was a Filipino
United States. Revolution against Spanish
revolutionary leader who
founded the Katipunan, a secret
society that spearheaded the Juan Luna was a Filipino
Philippine Revolution against painter known for his
Spanish Colonial Rule. He masterpiece, “Spoliarium” Jose P. Laurel was the President of
played a crucial role in which won a gold medal at the the Philippines during the Japanese
mobilizing the masses and Exposición Nacional de Bellas occupation in World War II. His
igniting the fight for Artes in Madrid in 1884. He tenure saw efforts to maintain
independence, becoming known was one of the leading figures Filipino culture and governance
as the “Father of the Philippine of the Philippine Renaissance, amidst the challenges of war,
Revolution.” contributing significantly to the although it remains a contentious
development of Filipino art and period in Philippine history.
national identity.
Renato Constantino was a Filipino
historian known for his critical
analysis of Philippine history, Manuel L. Quezon was the first
particularly the colonial legacy and President of the Commonwealth Teodoro M. Kalaw was a Filipino
its impact on Filipino society. He of the Philippines, advocating for suffragist, educator, and advocate for
emphasized the importance of Filipino independence from women’s rights. She played a key
understanding history from the American colonial rule. He laid role in the fight for women’s
perspective of the oppressed and the groundwork for Philippin suffrage in the Philippines and was a
marginalized, challenging self-governance and promoted prominent figure in the early
traditional narratives shaped by national unity and identity during feminist movement in the country.
colonial powers. a crucial period of transition in
Philippine history.
Spoliarium is an iconic work of art
that represents the cultural and
political context of the Philippines
during the colonial era.