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Dallas James [James
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What is pharmacology? 1
doses. Botulinum toxin (Ch. 14) provides a striking example:
OVERVIEW it is the most potent poison known in terms of its lethal
dose, but is widely used both medically and cosmetically.
In this introductory chapter we explain how phar- General aspects of harmful effects of drugs are considered
macology came into being and evolved as a scientific in Chapter 58. Toxicology is the study of toxic effects of
discipline, and describe the present-day structure chemical substances (including drugs), and toxicological
of the subject and its links to other biomedical sciences. testing is undertaken on new chemical entities during their
The structure that has emerged forms the basis of development as potential medicinal products (Ch. 60), but
the organisation of the rest of the book. Readers in the subject is not otherwise covered in this book.
a hurry to get to the here-and-now of pharmacology
can safely skip this chapter.
1 2
Like most definitions, this one has its limits. For example, there are a The name persists today in some ancient universities, being attached to
number of essential dietary constituents, such as iron and various chairs of what we would call clinical pharmacology.
vitamins, that are used as medicines. Furthermore, some biological Oliver Wendell Holmes, an eminent physician, wrote in 1860: ‘[I]
products (e.g. epoietin) show batch-to-batch variation in their chemical firmly believe that if the whole materia medica, as now used, could be
constitution that significantly affects their properties. There is also the sunk to the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind
study of pharmaceutical-grade nutrients or ‘nutraceuticals’. and the worse for the fishes’ (see Porter, 1997). 1
1 SECTION 1 General Principles
The motivation for understanding what drugs can and by Chain and Florey during the Second World War, based
cannot do came from clinical practice, but the science could on the earlier work of Fleming.
be built only on the basis of secure foundations in physiol- These few well-known examples show how the growth
ogy, pathology and chemistry. It was not until 1858 that of synthetic chemistry, and the resurgence of natural product
Virchow proposed the cell theory. The first use of a structural chemistry, caused a dramatic revitalisation of therapeutics
formula to describe a chemical compound was in 1868. in the first half of the 20th century. Each new drug class
Bacteria as a cause of disease were discovered by Pasteur that emerged gave pharmacologists a new challenge, and
in 1878. Previously, pharmacology hardly had the legs to it was then that pharmacology really established its identity
stand on, and we may wonder at the bold vision of Rudolf and its status among the biomedical sciences.
Buchheim, who created the first pharmacology institute In parallel with the exuberant proliferation of therapeutic
(in his own house) in Estonia in 1847. molecules – driven mainly by chemistry – which gave phar-
In its beginnings, before the advent of synthetic organic macologists so much to think about, physiology was also
chemistry, pharmacology concerned itself exclusively with making rapid progress, particularly in relation to chemical
understanding the effects of natural substances, mainly mediators, which are discussed in depth throughout this
plant extracts – and a few (mainly toxic) chemicals such book. Many hormones, neurotransmitters and inflammatory
as mercury and arsenic. An early development in chemistry mediators were discovered in this period, and the realisa-
was the purification of active compounds from plants. tion that chemical communication plays a central role in
Friedrich Sertürner, a young German apothecary, purified almost every regulatory mechanism that our bodies possess
morphine from opium in 1805. Other substances quickly immediately established a large area of common ground
followed, and, even though their structures were unknown, between physiology and pharmacology, for interactions
these compounds showed that chemicals, not magic or vital between chemical substances and living systems were exactly
forces, were responsible for the effects that plant extracts what pharmacologists had been preoccupied with from the
produced on living organisms. Early pharmacologists outset. Indeed, these fields have developed hand-in-hand
focused most of their attention on such plant-derived drugs as wherever there is either a physiological or pathological
as quinine, digitalis, atropine, ephedrine, strychnine and mechanism, pharmacology could be there to exploit it with
others (many of which are still used today and will have a drug. The concept of ‘receptors’ for chemical mediators,
become old friends by the time you have finished reading first proposed by Langley in 1905, was quickly taken up by
this book).4 pharmacologists such as Clark, Gaddum, Schild and others,
and is a constant theme in present-day pharmacology (as you
will soon discover as you plough through the next two chap-
PHARMACOLOGY IN THE 20TH AND ters). The receptor concept, and the technologies developed
21ST CENTURIES from it, have had a massive impact on drug discovery and
therapeutics. Biochemistry also emerged as a distinct science
Beginning in the 20th century, the fresh wind of synthetic early in the 20th century, and the discovery of enzymes and
chemistry began to revolutionise the pharmaceutical the delineation of biochemical pathways provided yet another
industry, and with it the science of pharmacology. New framework for understanding drug effects. The picture of
synthetic drugs, such as barbiturates and local anaesthetics, pharmacology that emerges from this brief glance at history
began to appear, and the era of antimicrobial chemotherapy (Fig. 1.1) is of a subject evolved from ancient prescientific
began with the discovery by Paul Ehrlich in 1909 of arsenical therapeutics, involved in commerce from the 17th century
compounds for treating syphilis. Around the same time, onwards, and which gained respectability by donning the
William Blair-Bell was world renowned for his pioneering trappings of science as soon as this became possible in the
work at Liverpool in the treatment of breast cancers with mid-19th century. Pharmacology grew rapidly in partnership
another relatively poisonous agent, lead colloid mixtures. with the evolution of organic chemistry and other biomedical
The thinking was that yes, drugs were toxic, but they were sciences, and was quick to assimilate the dramatic advances
slightly more toxic to a microbe or cancer cell. This early in molecular and cell biology in the late 20th century. Signs
chemotherapy has laid the foundations for much of the of its carpetbagger past still cling to pharmacology, for the
antimicrobial and anticancer therapies still used today. pharmaceutical industry has become very big business and
Further breakthroughs came when the sulfonamides, the much pharmacological research nowadays takes place in a
first antibacterial drugs, were discovered by Gerhard commercial environment, a rougher and more pragmatic
Domagk in 1935, and with the development of penicillin place than academia.5 No other biomedical ‘ology’ is so close
to Mammon.
A handful of synthetic substances achieved pharmacological Modern medicine relies heavily on drugs as the main
prominence long before the era of synthetic chemistry began. Diethyl
ether, first prepared as ‘sweet oil of vitriol’ in the 16th century, and tool of therapeutics. Other therapeutic procedures, such
nitrous oxide, prepared by Humphrey Davy in 1799, were used to liven
up parties before being introduced as anaesthetic agents in the mid-19th
century (see Ch. 42). Amyl nitrite (see Ch. 21) was made in 1859 and Some of our most distinguished pharmacological pioneers made their
can claim to be the first ‘rational’ therapeutic drug; its therapeutic effect careers in industry: for example, Henry Dale, who laid the foundations
in angina was predicted on the basis of its physiological effects – a true of our knowledge of chemical transmission and the autonomic nervous
‘pharmacologist’s drug’ and the smelly forerunner of the system (Ch. 13); George Hitchings and Gertrude Elion, who described
nitrovasodilators that are widely used today. Aspirin (Ch. 27), the most the antimetabolite principle and produced the first effective anticancer
widely used therapeutic drug in history, was first synthesised in 1853, drugs (Ch. 57); and James Black, who introduced the first
with no therapeutic application in mind. It was rediscovered in 1897 in β-adrenoceptor and histamine H2-receptor antagonists (Chs 15 and 31).
the laboratories of the German company Bayer, who were seeking a less It is no accident that in this book, where we focus on the scientific
toxic derivative of salicylic acid. Bayer commercialised aspirin in 1899 principles of pharmacology, most of our examples are products of
2 and made a fortune. industry, not of nature.
What is pharmacology? 1
as surgery, diet, exercise, psychological treatments etc., are terms, detected by objective means, and influenced benefi-
also important, of course, as is deliberate non-intervention, cially by appropriate chemical or physical interventions.
but none is so widely applied as drug-based therapeutics. They focus instead mainly on subjective malaise, which
Before the advent of science-based approaches, repeated may be disease-associated or not. Abandoning objectivity
attempts were made to construct systems of therapeutics, in defining and measuring disease goes along with a similar
many of which produced even worse results than pure departure from scientific principles in assessing therapeutic
empiricism. One of these was allopathy, espoused by James efficacy and risk, with the result that principles and practices
Gregory (1735–1821). The favoured remedies included can gain acceptance without satisfying any of the criteria
bloodletting, emetics and purgatives, which were used until of validity that would convince a critical scientist, and that
the dominant symptoms of the disease were suppressed. are required by law to be satisfied before a new drug can
Many patients died from such treatment, and it was in be introduced into therapy. Demand for ‘alternative’
reaction against it that Hahnemann introduced the practice therapies by the general public, alas, has little to do with
of homeopathy in the early 19th century. The implausible demonstrable efficacy.6
guiding principles of homeopathy are:
• like cures like
Since the 1980s, biotechnology has emerged as a major
• activity can be enhanced by dilution
source of new therapeutic agents in the form of antibodies,
The system rapidly drifted into absurdity: for example, enzymes and various regulatory proteins, including hor-
Hahnemann recommended the use of drugs at dilutions mones, growth factors and cytokines (see Clark & Pazdernik,
of 1 : 1060, equivalent to one molecule in a sphere the size 2015). Although such products (known as biopharmaceuticals,
of the orbit of Neptune. biologicals or biologics) are generally produced by genetic
Many other systems of therapeutics have come and gone, engineering rather than by synthetic chemistry, the
and the variety of dogmatic principles that they embodied pharmacological principles are essentially the same as for
have tended to hinder rather than advance scientific pro- conventional drugs, although the details of absorption,
gress. Currently, therapeutic systems that have a basis that
lies outside the domain of science remain popular under
the general banner of ‘alternative’ or ‘complementary’ The UK Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)
requires detailed evidence of therapeutic efficacy based on controlled
medicine. Mostly, they reject the ‘medical model’, which clinical trials before a new drug is registered, but no clinical trials data
attributes disease to an underlying derangement of normal for homeopathic products or for the many herbal medicines that were
function that can be defined in physiological or structural on sale before the Medicines Act of 1968. 3
1 SECTION 1 General Principles
distribution and elimination, specificity, harmful effects pharmacokinetics, etc.), which are convenient, if not water-
and clinical effectiveness all differ markedly between high tight, subdivisions. These topics form the main subject
molecular-weight biopharmaceuticals and low molecular- matter of this book. Around the edges are several interface
weight drugs – as does their cost! Looking further ahead, disciplines, not covered in this book, which form important
gene- and cell-based therapies (Ch. 5), although still in two-way bridges between pharmacology and other fields of
their infancy, are beginning to take therapeutics into a new biomedicine. Pharmacology tends to have more of these than
domain. The principles governing gene suppression, the other disciplines. Recent arrivals on the fringe are subjects
design, delivery and control of functioning artificial genes such as pharmacogenomics, pharmacoepidemiology and
introduced into cells, or of engineered cells introduced into pharmacoeconomics.
the body, are very different from those of drug-based Pharmacogenomics. Pharmacogenetics, the study of
therapeutics and will require a different conceptual frame- genetic influences on responses to drugs, initially focused
work, which texts such as this will increasingly need to on familial idiosyncratic drug reactions, where affected
embrace if they are to stay abreast of modern medical individuals show an abnormal – usually adverse – response
treatment. to a class of drug (see Nebert & Weber, 1990). Rebranded
as pharmacogenomics, it now covers broader genetically
PHARMACOLOGY TODAY based variations in drug response, where the genetic basis
As with other biomedical disciplines, the boundaries of is more complex, the aim being to use genetic information
pharmacology are not sharply defined, nor are they constant. to guide the choice of drug therapy on an individual basis
Its exponents are, as befits pragmatists, ever ready to poach – so-called personalised medicine (Ch. 12). The underlying
on the territory and techniques of other disciplines. If it principle is that differences between individuals in their
ever had a conceptual and technical core that it could really response to therapeutic drugs can be predicted from their
call its own, this has now dwindled almost to the point of genetic make-up. Examples that confirm this are steadily
extinction, and the subject is defined by its purpose – to accumulating (see Ch. 12). So far, they mainly involve genetic
understand what drugs do to living organisms, and more polymorphism of drug-metabolising enzymes or receptors.
particularly how their effects can be applied to therapeutics Ultimately, linking specific gene variations with variations
– rather than by its scientific coherence. in therapeutic or unwanted effects of a particular drug
Fig. 1.2 shows the structure of pharmacology as it should enable the tailoring of therapeutic choices on the
appears today. Within the main subject fall a number of basis of an individual’s genotype. Steady improvements
compartments (neuropharmacology, immunopharmacology, in the cost and feasibility of individual genotyping will
&/,1,&$/0(',&,1( 9(7(5,1$5<
36<&+2/2*< 3+$50$&< %,27(&+12/2*< 3$7+2/2*< &+(0,675<
7+(5$3(87,&6 0(',&,1(
Fig. 1.2 Pharmacology today with its various subdivisions. The grey box contains the general areas of pharmacology covered in this
book. Interface disciplines (brown boxes) link pharmacology to other mainstream biomedical disciplines (green boxes).
What is pharmacology? 1
increase its applicability, potentially with far-reaching Pharmacoeconomics. This branch of health economics
consequences for therapeutics (see Ch. 12). aims to quantify in economic terms the cost and benefit of
Pharmacoepidemiology. This is the study of drug effects drugs used therapeutically. It arose from the concern of
at the population level (see Strom et al., 2013). It is concerned many governments to provide for healthcare from tax
with the variability of drug effects between individuals in revenues, raising questions of what therapeutic procedures
a population, and between populations. It is an increasingly represent the best value for money. This, of course, raises
important topic in the eyes of the regulatory authorities fierce controversy, because it ultimately comes down to
who decide whether or not new drugs can be licensed for putting monetary value on health and longevity. As with
therapeutic use. Variability between individuals or popula- pharmacoepidemiology, regulatory authorities are increas-
tions detracts from the utility of a drug, even though its ingly requiring economic analysis, as well as evidence of
overall effect level may be satisfactory. Pharmacoepide- individual benefit, when making decisions on licensing.
miological studies also take into account patient compliance For more information on this complex subject, see Rascati
and other factors that apply when the drug is used under (2013).
real-life conditions.
Occupation of a receptor by a drug molecule may or may THE BINDING OF DRUGS TO RECEPTORS
not result in activation of the receptor. By activation, we ▼ The binding of drugs to receptors can often be measured directly
mean that the receptor is affected by the bound molecule by the use of drug molecules (agonists or antagonists) labelled with
in such a way as to alter the function of the cell and elicit one or more radioactive atoms (usually 3H, 14C or 125I). The usual
a tissue response. The molecular mechanisms associated procedure is to incubate samples of the tissue (or membrane fragments)
with receptor activation are discussed in Chapter 3. Binding with various concentrations of radioactive drug until equilibrium is
and activation represent two distinct steps in the generation reached (i.e. when the rate of association [binding] and dissociation
[unbinding] of the radioactive drug are equal). The bound radioactivity
of the receptor-mediated response by an agonist (Fig. 2.1).
is measured after removal of the supernatant.
If a drug binds to the receptor without causing activation
In such experiments, the radiolabelled drug will exhibit both specific
and thereby prevents the agonist from binding, it is termed
binding (i.e. binding to receptors, which is saturable as there are a
a receptor antagonist. The tendency of a drug to bind to the finite number of receptors in the tissue) and a certain amount of
‘non-specific binding’ (i.e. drug taken up by structures other than
For this work, and the development of β-adrenoceptor antagonists by a receptors, which, at the concentrations used in such studies, is normally
similar experimental approach, Sir James Black was awarded the 1984 non-saturable), which obscures the specific component and needs
8 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. to be kept to a minimum (Fig. 2.2A–B). The amount of non-specific
How drugs act: general principles 2
(i) Radioactive drug binds to specific (ii) Increasing concentration of radioactive (iii) Excess non-radioactive drug displaces
and non-specific sites drug saturates specific sites radioactive drug from specific sites
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Concentration (nmol/L) Concentration (nmol/L) Concentration (nmol/L, log scale)
Fig. 2.2 Measurement of receptor binding. (A) (i) Cartoon depicting radioligand (shown in red) binding to its receptor (R) in the
membrane as well as to non-specific sites on other proteins and lipid. In (ii) when the concentration of radioligand is increased all the
specific sites become saturated but non-specific binding continues to increase. In (iii) addition of a high concentration of a non-radioactive
drug (shown in green) that also binds to R displaces the radioactive drug from its receptors but not from the non-specific sites. (B–D)
Illustrate actual experimental results for radioligand binding to β adrenoceptors in cardiac cell membranes. The ligand was
[3H]-cyanopindolol, a derivative of pindolol (see Ch. 15). (B) Measurements of total and non-specific binding at equilibrium. Non-specific
binding is measured in the presence of a saturating concentration of a non-radioactive β-adrenoceptor agonist, which prevents the
radioactive ligand from binding to β adrenoceptors. The difference between the two lines represents specific binding. (C) Specific binding
plotted against concentration. The curve is a rectangular hyperbola (Eq. 2.5). (D) Specific binding as in (C) plotted against the concentration
on a log scale. The sigmoid curve is a logistic curve representing the logarithmic scaling of the rectangular hyperbola plotted in panel (C)
from which the binding parameters K (the equilibrium dissociation constant) and Bmax (the binding capacity) can be determined.
binding is estimated by measuring the radioactivity taken up in the Non-invasive imaging techniques, such as positron emission tomography
presence of a saturating concentration of a (non-radioactive) ligand (PET), using drugs labelled with an isotope of short half-life (such
that inhibits completely the binding of the radioactive drug to the as 11C or 18Fl), can also be used to investigate the distribution of
receptors, leaving behind the non-specific component. This is then receptors in structures such as the living human brain. This technique
subtracted from the total binding to give an estimate of specific binding has been used, for example, to measure the degree of dopamine-
(Fig. 2.2C). The binding curve (Fig. 2.2C–D) defines the relationship receptor blockade produced by antipsychotic drugs in the brains of
between concentration and the amount of drug bound (B), and in schizophrenic patients (see Ch. 47).
most cases it fits well to the relationship predicted theoretically (see Binding curves with agonists often reveal an apparent heterogeneity
Fig. 2.14), allowing the affinity of the drug for the receptors to be among receptors. For example, agonist binding to muscarinic receptors
estimated, as well as the binding capacity (Bmax), representing the (Ch. 14) and also to β adrenoceptors (Ch. 15) suggests at least two
density of receptors in the tissue. When combined with functional populations of binding sites with different affinities. This may be
studies, binding measurements have proved very valuable. It has, because the receptors can exist either unattached or coupled within
for example, been confirmed that the spare receptor hypothesis (p. 10) the membrane to another macromolecule, the G protein (see Ch. 3),
for muscarinic receptors in smooth muscle is correct; agonists are which constitutes part of the transduction system through which the
found to bind, in general, with rather low affinity, and a maximal receptor exerts its regulatory effect. Antagonist binding does not show
biological effect occurs at low receptor occupancy. It has also been this complexity, probably because antagonists, by their nature, do
shown, in skeletal muscle and other tissues, that denervation leads not lead to the secondary event of G protein coupling. Because agonist
to an increase in the number of receptors in the target cell, a finding binding results in activation, agonist affinity has proved to be a surpris-
that accounts, at least in part, for the phenomenon of denervation ingly elusive concept, about which aficionados love to argue.
supersensitivity. More generally, it appears that receptors tend to
increase in number, usually over the course of a few days, if the THE RELATION BETWEEN DRUG CONCENTRATION
relevant hormone or transmitter is absent or scarce, and to decrease
in number if the receptors are activated for a prolonged period, a
process of adaptation to continued administration of drugs or hormones Although binding can be measured directly, it is usually
(see p. 18). a biological response, such as a rise in blood pressure, 9
2 SECTION 1 General Principles
(frog rectus muscle) SPARE RECEPTORS
50 ▼ Stephenson (1956), studying the actions of acetylcholine analogues
in isolated tissues, found that many full agonists were capable of
eliciting maximal responses at very low occupancies, often less than
1%. This means that the mechanism linking the response to receptor
occupancy has a substantial reserve capacity. Such systems may be
said to possess spare receptors, or a receptor reserve. The existence of
spare receptors does not imply any functional subdivision of the
receptor pool, but merely that the pool is larger than the number
10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 needed to evoke a full response. This surplus of receptors over the
Concentration (mol/L) number actually needed might seem a wasteful biological arrangement.
But in fact it is highly efficient in that a given number of agonist–
Fig. 2.3 Experimentally observed concentration–effect receptor complexes, corresponding to a given level of biological
curves. Although the lines, drawn according to the binding Eq. response, can be reached with a lower concentration of hormone or
2.5, fit the points well, such curves do not give correct estimates neurotransmitter than would be the case if fewer receptors were
of the affinity of drugs for receptors. This is because the provided. Economy of hormone or transmitter secretion is thus
relationship between receptor occupancy and response is achieved at the expense of providing more receptors.
usually non-linear.
Though one drug can inhibit the response to another in
several ways (see p. 16), competition at the receptor level
contraction or relaxation of a strip of smooth muscle in an is particularly important, both in the laboratory and in the
organ bath, the activation of an enzyme, or a behavioural clinic, because of the high potency and specificity that can
response, that we are interested in, and this is often plotted be achieved.
as a concentration–effect curve (in vitro) or dose–response curve In the presence of a competitive antagonist, the agonist
(in vivo), as in Fig. 2.3. This allows us to estimate the maximal occupancy (i.e. proportion of receptors to which the agonist
response that the drug can produce (Emax), and the concentra- is bound) at a given agonist concentration is reduced,
tion or dose needed to produce a 50% maximal response because the receptor can accommodate only one molecule
(EC50 or ED50). A logarithmic concentration or dose scale at a time. However, because the two are in competition,
is often used. This transforms the curve from a rectangular raising the agonist concentration can restore the agonist
hyperbola to a sigmoidal curve in which the mid portion occupancy (and hence the tissue response). The antago-
is essentially linear (the importance of the slope of the nism is therefore said to be surmountable, in contrast to
linear portion will become apparent later in this chapter other types of antagonism (see later) where increasing the
when we consider antagonism and partial agonists). The agonist concentration fails to overcome the blocking effect.
Emax, EC50 and slope parameters are useful for comparing A simple theoretical analysis (see p. 20) predicts that in
different drugs that produce qualitatively similar effects the presence of a fixed concentration of the antagonist,
(see Fig. 2.7 and Ch. 8). Although they look similar to the the log concentration–effect curve for the agonist will
binding curve in Fig. 2.2D, concentration–effect curves be shifted to the right, without any change in slope or
cannot be used to measure the affinity of agonist drugs for maximum – the hallmark of competitive antagonism (Fig.
their receptors, because the response produced is not, as 2.4A). The shift is expressed as a dose ratio, r (the ratio by
a rule, directly proportional to receptor occupancy. This which the agonist concentration has to be increased in the
often arises because the maximum response of a tissue presence of the antagonist in order to restore a given level
may be produced by agonists when they occupy less than of response). Theory predicts that the dose ratio increases
100% of the receptors. Under these circumstances the tissue linearly with the concentration of the antagonist (see p.
is said to possess spare receptors (see later). 20). These predictions are often borne out in practice (Fig.
In interpreting concentration–effect curves, it must be 2.5A), providing a relatively simple method for determin-
remembered that the concentration of the drug at the ing the equilibrium dissociation constant of the antagonist
receptors may differ from the known concentration in the (KB; Fig. 2.5B). Examples of competitive antagonism are
bathing solution. Agonists may be subject to rapid enzymic very common in pharmacology. The surmountability of
degradation or uptake by cells as they diffuse from the the block by the antagonist may be important in practice,
surface towards their site of action, and a steady state can because it allows the functional effect of the agonist to
be reached in which the agonist concentration at the recep- be restored by an increase in concentration. With other
tors is very much less than the concentration in the bath. types of antagonism (as detailed below), the block is usually
In the case of acetylcholine, for example, which is hydrolysed insurmountable.
by cholinesterase present in most tissues (see Ch. 14), the The salient features of competitive antagonism are:
concentration reaching the receptors can be less than 1%
of that in the bath, and an even bigger difference has been • shift of the agonist log concentration–effect curve to
found with noradrenaline (norepinephrine), which is avidly the right, without change of slope or maximum (i.e.
taken up by sympathetic nerve terminals in many tissues antagonism can be overcome by increasing the
10 (Ch. 15). The problem is reduced but not entirely eradicated concentration of the agonist)
How drugs act: general principles 2
A Competitive antagonism
Reversible competitive antagonism
• Reversible competitive antagonism is the commonest
1.0 and most important type of antagonism; it has two
Fractional agonist occupancy
main characteristics.
– In the presence of the antagonist, the agonist log
Antagonist concentration–effect curve is shifted to the right
concentration without change in slope or maximum, the extent of
0.5 0 1 10 100 1000 the shift being a measure of the dose ratio.
– The dose ratio increases linearly with antagonist
• Antagonist affinity, measured in this way, is widely
used as a basis for receptor classification.
10-2 1 102 104 106
Agonist concentration
Irreversible competitive antagonism ▼ Irreversible competitive (or non-equilibrium) antagonism occurs when
the antagonist binds to the same site on the receptor as the agonist
1.0 but dissociates very slowly, or not at all, from the receptors, with the
Fractional agonist occupancy
100 5
Response (% max) 80 4
3 KB = 2.2 x 10 mol/L
Log (r − 1)
20 1
0 0
10-11 10-10 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-9 10-8 10-7 10-6
Isoprenaline concentration (mol/L) Propranolol concentration (mol/L)
Fig. 2.5 Competitive antagonism of isoprenaline by propranolol measured on isolated guinea pig atria. (A) Concentration–effect
curves at various propranolol concentrations (indicated on the curves). Note the progressive shift to the right without a change of slope or
maximum. (B) Schild plot (Eq. 2.10). The equilibrium dissociation constant (KB) for propranolol is given by the abscissal intercept, 2.2 ×
10−9 mol/L. Note that the subscript ‘B’ is now used in ‘KB’ to indicate that the equilibrium dissociation constant is that of the antagonist
(designated drug B) measured in the presence of the agonist (designated drug A). (Results from Potter, L.T., 1967. Uptake of propranolol
by isolated guinea pig atria. J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. 55, 91–100.)
Antagonist concentration
100 0
Response (% max)
100 nM
800 nM
10−8 10−7 10−6 10−5 10−4
Normorohine concentration (mol/L)
Antagonist concentration
0 2 nM 33 nM
Fig. 2.6 Effects of irreversible competitive antagonists
on agonist concentration–effect curves. (A) Rat brain
Response (% max)
How drugs act: general principles 2
strips of rabbit aorta. The full agonist phenylephrine
A produced the maximal response of which the tissue was
capable; the other compounds could only produce sub-
maximal responses and are partial agonists. The difference
between full and partial agonists lies in the relationship
0.80 between receptor occupancy and response. In the experiment
shown in Fig. 2.7 it was possible to estimate the affinity
Response (E/Emax)
In Stephenson’s formulation, efficacy is the reciprocal of the occupancy
needed to produce a 50% maximal response, thus e = 25 implies that a
50% maximal response occurs at 4% occupancy. There is no theoretical
upper limit to efficacy. 13
2 SECTION 1 General Principles
Full agonist alone
Response due to
the presence of
Response (% max)
the partial agonist
0 10 100 1000 Partial agonist
log10[agonist] (mol/L)
Fig. 2.8 Hypothetical concentration–response curves for a full agonist in the absence and presence of increasing concentrations
of a partial agonist. The partial agonist will have agonist action and hence the initial response increases as the partial agonist
concentration increases, reaching a maximum equal to the maximum response of the partial agonist. However, when the full agonist is
added in the presence of the partial agonist its concentration–response curve is shifted to the right.
100 100
Change in level of receptor activation (%)
Constitutive level of
Antagonist alone
receptor activation
100 100
Inverse agonist
in presence of
Inverse agonist Antagonist in presence
of inverse agonist
−50 −50
10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4 10-10 10-8 10-6 10-4
Ligand concentration (M) Antagonist concentration (M)
Fig. 2.9 Inverse agonism. The interaction of a competitive antagonist with normal and inverse agonists in a system that shows receptor
activation in the absence of any added ligands (constitutive activation). (A) The degree of receptor activation (vertical scale) increases in the
presence of an agonist (open squares) and decreases in the presence of an inverse agonist (open circles). Addition of a competitive
antagonist shifts both curves to the right (closed symbols). (B) The antagonist on its own does not alter the level of constitutive activity
(open symbols), because it has equal affinity for the active and inactive states of the receptor. In the presence of an agonist (closed
squares) or an inverse agonist (closed circles), the antagonist restores the system towards the constitutive level of activity. These data
(reproduced with permission from Newman-Tancredi, A., et al., 1997. Br. J. Pharmacol. 120, 737–739) were obtained with cloned human
5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) receptors expressed in a cell line. (Agonist, 5-carboxamidotryptamine; inverse agonist, spiperone; antagonist,
WAY 100635; ligand concentration [M = mol/L]; see Ch. 16 for information on 5-HT receptor pharmacology.)
Agonist Allosteric
Affinity drug
Agonism Allosteric
(orthosteric) agonism
100 100
% Max. response
% Max. response
50 50
0 0
Log [Agonist] (mol/L) Log [Agonist] (mol/L)
100 100
% Max. response
% Max. response
50 50
0 0
Log [Agonist] (mol/L) Log [Agonist] (mol/L)
Fig. 2.12 Allosteric modulation. (A) Allosteric drugs bind at a separate site on the receptor to ‘traditional’ agonists (now often referred
to as ‘orthosteric’ agonists). They can modify the activity of the receptor by (i) altering agonist affinity, (ii) altering agonist efficacy or (iii)
directly evoking a response themselves. (B) Effects of affinity- and efficacy-modifying allosteric modulators on the concentration–effect curve
of an agonist (blue line). In the presence of the allosteric modulator the agonist concentration–effect curve (now illustrated in red) is shifted
in a manner determined by the type of allosteric modulator until a maximum effect of the modulator is reached. (Panel [A] adapted with
permission from Conn et al., 2009. Nat. Rev. Drug Discov. 8, 41–54; panel [B] courtesy of Christopoulos, A.)
2 SECTION 1 General Principles
Percentage of control
As a rule, the effect will be to reduce the slope and maximum 80
β adrenoceptors
of the agonist log concentration–response curve, although
it is quite possible for some degree of rightward shift to
occur as well.
Physiological antagonism is a term used loosely to describe
the interaction of two drugs whose opposing actions in the 20 Response
body tend to cancel each other. For example, histamine
acts on receptors of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa 0
to stimulate acid secretion, while omeprazole blocks this 0 4 8 24 56 88
effect by inhibiting the proton pump; the two drugs can Time (h)
be said to act as physiological antagonists. Fig. 2.13 Two kinds of receptor desensitisation.
(A) Acetylcholine (ACh) at the frog motor endplate. Brief
depolarisations (upward deflections) are produced by short
Types of drug antagonism pulses of ACh delivered from a micropipette. A long pulse
(horizontal line) causes the response to decline with a time
Drug antagonism occurs by various mechanisms: course of about 20 seconds, owing to desensitisation, and it
recovers with a similar time course. (B) β adrenoceptors of rat
• chemical antagonism (interaction in solution)
glioma cells in tissue culture. Isoproterenol (1 µmol/L) was
• pharmacokinetic antagonism (one drug affecting the
added at time zero, and the adenylyl cyclase response and
absorption, metabolism or excretion of the other) β-adrenoceptor density measured at intervals. During the early
• competitive antagonism (both drugs binding to the uncoupling phase, the response (blue line) declines with no
same receptors); the antagonism may be reversible or change in receptor density (red line). Later, the response
irreversible declines further concomitantly with disappearance of receptors
• interruption of receptor–response linkage from the membrane by internalisation. The green and orange
• physiological antagonism (two agents producing lines show the recovery of the response and receptor density
opposing physiological effects) after the isoproterenol is washed out during the early or late
phase. (Panel [A] from Katz B., Thesleff S., 1957. J. Physiol.
138, 63; panel [B] from Perkins, J.P., 1981. Trends Pharmacol.
Sci. 2, 326.)
is generally an unwanted complication when agonist drugs drug + free receptor complex
are used clinically. (xA ) ( N tot − N A ) (N A )
The Law of Mass Action (which states that the rate of a chemical
In some cases, desensitisation is associated with depletion reaction is proportional to the product of the concentrations of
of an essential intermediate substance. Drugs such as reactants) can be applied to this reaction.
amphetamine, which acts by releasing amines from nerve
Rate of forward reaction = k+1x A ( N tot − N A ) (2.1)
terminals (see Chs 15 and 49), show marked tachyphylaxis
because the amine stores become depleted. Rate of backward reaction = k−1N A (2.2)
ALTERED DRUG METABOLISM At equilibrium, the two rates are equal:
Tolerance to some drugs, for example barbiturates and k+1x A ( N tot − N A ) = k−1N A (2.3)
ethanol (Ch. 49), occurs partly because repeated administra- The affinity constant of binding is given by k+1/k−1 and from Eq. 2.3
tion of the same dose produces a progressively lower plasma equals NA/xA(Ntot –NA). Unfortunately, this has units of reciprocal
concentration, as a result of increased metabolic degradation. concentration (L/mol) which for some of us is a little hard to get our
The degree of tolerance that results is generally modest, heads around. Pharmacologists therefore tend to use the reciprocal
and in both of these examples other mechanisms contribute of the affinity constant, the equilibrium dissociation constant (K), which
to the substantial tolerance that actually occurs. However, has units of concentration (mol/L).
the pronounced tolerance to nitrovasodilators (see Chs 21 For drug A its equilibrium dissociation constant (KA)6 can be repre-
and 23) results mainly from decreased metabolism, which sented as
reduces the release of the active mediator, nitric oxide. K A = k−1 k+1 = x A ( N tot − N A ) N A (2.4)
PHYSIOLOGICAL ADAPTATION The proportion of receptors occupied, or occupancy (PA), is NA/Ntot,
Diminution of a drug’s effect may occur because it is nul- which is independent of Ntot.
lified by a homeostatic response. For example, the blood xA xA
pressure-lowering effect of thiazide diuretics is limited PA = = (2.5)
x A + k−1 k+1 x A + K A
because of a gradual activation of the renin–angiotensin
system (see Ch. 23). Such homeostatic mechanisms are very Thus if the equilibrium dissociation constant of a drug is known we
common, and if they occur slowly the result will be a can calculate the proportion of receptors it will occupy at any
gradually developing tolerance. It is a common experience concentration.
that many side effects of drugs, such as nausea or sleepiness, Eq. 2.5 can be written:
tend to subside even though drug administration is con- xA K A
tinued. We may assume that some kind of physiological PA = (2.6)
adaptation is occurring, presumably associated with altered xA K A + 1
gene expression resulting in changes in the levels of various This important result is known as the Hill–Langmuir equation.7
regulatory molecules, but little is known about the mecha-
nisms involved. 6
Here we now use ‘KA’ rather than just ‘K’ because we will in the next
section be going on to consider the situation when two drugs, A and B,
are present and there we will use ‘KA’ and ‘KB’ to denote the
equilibrium dissociation constants of the two drugs.
A.V. Hill first published it in 1909, when he was still a medical student.
RECEPTOR INTERACTIONS Langmuir, a physical chemist working on gas adsorption, derived it
independently in 1916. Both subsequently won Nobel Prizes. Until
▼ Here we present some aspects of so-called receptor theory, which recently, it was known to pharmacologists as the Langmuir equation,
is based on applying the Law of Mass Action to the drug–receptor even though Hill deserves the credit. 19
2 SECTION 1 General Principles
0 xA K A
0 5 10
PA = (2.9)
x A K A + xB K B + 1
Concentration (linear scale)
Comparing this result with Eq. 2.5 shows that adding drug B, as
B expected, reduces the occupancy by drug A. Fig. 2.4A (p. 11) shows
1.0 the predicted binding curves for A in the presence of increasing
Fractional occupancy
Binding of drugs to receptors responses
• Binding of drugs to receptors necessarily obeys the
Fig. 2.15 Early and late responses to drugs. Many drugs
Law of Mass Action.
act directly on their targets (left-hand arrow) to produce a rapid
• At equilibrium, receptor occupancy is related to drug
physiological response. If this is maintained, it is likely to cause
concentration by the Hill–Langmuir equation (Eq. 2.6). changes in gene expression that give rise to delayed effects.
• The higher the affinity of the drug for the receptor, the Some drugs (right-hand arrow) have their primary action on
lower the concentration at which it produces a given gene expression, producing delayed physiological responses.
level of occupancy. Drugs can also work by both pathways. Note the bidirectional
• The same principles apply when two or more drugs interaction between gene expression and response.
compete for the same receptors; each has the effect
of reducing the apparent affinity for the other.
as acute drug effects is becoming increasingly important.
Pharmacologists have traditionally tended to focus on
short-term physiological responses, which are much easier
to study, rather than on delayed effects. The focus is now
THE NATURE OF DRUG EFFECTS clearly shifting.
2 SECTION 1 General Principles
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