Markov Chains and Mixing Times Second Edition David A. Levin All Chapter Instant Download

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Markov Chains
and Mixing Times
Second Edition

David A. Levin
University of Oregon

Yuval Peres
Microsoft Research

With contributions by
Elizabeth L. Wilmer

With a chapter on “Coupling from the Past” by

James G. Propp and David B. Wilson

Providence, Rhode Island

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2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 60J10, 60J27, 60B15, 60C05, 65C05,
60K35, 68W20, 68U20, 82C22.
FRONT COVER: The figure on the bottom left of the front cover, courtesy of
David B. Wilson, is a uniformly random lozenge tiling of a hexagon (see Section
25.2). The figure on the bottom center, also from David B. Wilson, is a random
sample of an Ising model at its critical temperature (see Sections 3.3.5 and 25.2)
with mixed boundary conditions. The figure on the bottom right, courtesy of Eyal
Lubetzky, is a portion of an expander graph (see Section 13.6).

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Names: Levin, David Asher, 1971- | Peres, Y. (Yuval) | Wilmer, Elizabeth L. (Elizabeth Lee),
1970- | Propp, James, 1960- | Wilson, David B. (David Bruce)
Title: Markov chains and mixing times / David A. Levin, Yuval Peres ; with contributions by
Elizabeth L. Wilmer.
Description: Second edition. | Providence, Rhode Island : American Mathematical Society, [2017]
| “With a chapter on Coupling from the past, by James G. Propp and David B. Wilson.” |
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017017451 | ISBN 9781470429621 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Markov processes–Textbooks. | Distribution (Probability theory)–Textbooks.
| AMS: Probability theory and stochastic processes – Markov processes – Markov chains
(discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces). msc | Probability theory and sto-
chastic processes – Markov processes – Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state
spaces. msc | Probability theory and stochastic processes – Probability theory on algebraic
and topological structures – Probability measures on groups or semigroups, Fourier transforms,
factorization. msc | Probability theory and stochastic processes – Combinatorial probability
– Combinatorial probability. msc | Numerical analysis – Probabilistic methods, simulation
and stochastic differential equations – Monte Carlo methods. msc | Probability theory and
stochastic processes – Special processes – Interacting random processes; statistical mechan-
ics type models; percolation theory. msc | Computer science – Algorithms – Randomized
algorithms. msc | Computer science – Computing methodologies and applications – Simula-
tion. msc | Statistical mechanics, structure of matter – Time-dependent statistical mechanics
(dynamic and nonequilibrium) – Interacting particle systems. msc
Classification: LCC QA274.7 .L48 2017 | DDC 519.2/33–dc23 LC record available at

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Preface ix
Preface to the Second Edition ix
Preface to the First Edition ix
Overview xi
For the Reader xii
For the Instructor xiii
For the Expert xiv

Acknowledgements xvi

Part I: Basic Methods and Examples 1

Chapter 1. Introduction to Finite Markov Chains 2

1.1. Markov Chains 2
1.2. Random Mapping Representation 5
1.3. Irreducibility and Aperiodicity 7
1.4. Random Walks on Graphs 8
1.5. Stationary Distributions 9
1.6. Reversibility and Time Reversals 13
1.7. Classifying the States of a Markov Chain* 15
Exercises 17
Notes 19

Chapter 2. Classical (and Useful) Markov Chains 21

2.1. Gambler’s Ruin 21
2.2. Coupon Collecting 22
2.3. The Hypercube and the Ehrenfest Urn Model 23
2.4. The Pólya Urn Model 25
2.5. Birth-and-Death Chains 26
2.6. Random Walks on Groups 27
2.7. Random Walks on Z and Reflection Principles 30
Exercises 34
Notes 35

Chapter 3. Markov Chain Monte Carlo: Metropolis and Glauber Chains 38

3.1. Introduction 38
3.2. Metropolis Chains 38
3.3. Glauber Dynamics 41
Exercises 45
Notes 45

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Chapter 4. Introduction to Markov Chain Mixing 47

4.1. Total Variation Distance 47
4.2. Coupling and Total Variation Distance 49
4.3. The Convergence Theorem 52
4.4. Standardizing Distance from Stationarity 53
4.5. Mixing Time 54
4.6. Mixing and Time Reversal 55
4.7. p Distance and Mixing 56
Exercises 57
Notes 58

Chapter 5. Coupling 60
5.1. Definition 60
5.2. Bounding Total Variation Distance 61
5.3. Examples 62
5.4. Grand Couplings 69
Exercises 73
Notes 73
Chapter 6. Strong Stationary Times 75
6.1. Top-to-Random Shuffle 75
6.2. Markov Chains with Filtrations 76
6.3. Stationary Times 77
6.4. Strong Stationary Times and Bounding Distance 78
6.5. Examples 81
6.6. Stationary Times and Cesàro Mixing Time 83
6.7. Optimal Strong Stationary Times* 84
Exercises 85
Notes 86

Chapter 7. Lower Bounds on Mixing Times 87

7.1. Counting and Diameter Bounds 87
7.2. Bottleneck Ratio 88
7.3. Distinguishing Statistics 91
7.4. Examples 95
Exercises 97
Notes 98

Chapter 8. The Symmetric Group and Shuffling Cards 99

8.1. The Symmetric Group 99
8.2. Random Transpositions 101
8.3. Riffle Shuffles 106
Exercises 109
Notes 112

Chapter 9. Random Walks on Networks 115

9.1. Networks and Reversible Markov Chains 115
9.2. Harmonic Functions 116
9.3. Voltages and Current Flows 117

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9.4. Effective Resistance 118

9.5. Escape Probabilities on a Square 123
Exercises 125
Notes 126

Chapter 10. Hitting Times 127

10.1. Definition 127
10.2. Random Target Times 128
10.3. Commute Time 130
10.4. Hitting Times on Trees 133
10.5. Hitting Times for Eulerian Graphs 135
10.6. Hitting Times for the Torus 136
10.7. Bounding Mixing Times via Hitting Times 139
10.8. Mixing for the Walk on Two Glued Graphs 143
Exercises 145
Notes 147

Chapter 11. Cover Times 149

11.1. Definitions 149
11.2. The Matthews Method 149
11.3. Applications of the Matthews Method 151
11.4. Spanning Tree Bound for Cover Time 153
11.5. Waiting for All Patterns in Coin Tossing 155
Exercises 157
Notes 157

Chapter 12. Eigenvalues 160

12.1. The Spectral Representation of a Reversible Transition Matrix 160
12.2. The Relaxation Time 162
12.3. Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of Some Simple Random Walks 164
12.4. Product Chains 168
12.5. Spectral Formula for the Target Time 171
12.6. An 2 Bound 171
12.7. Time Averages 172
Exercises 176
Notes 177

Part II: The Plot Thickens 179

Chapter 13. Eigenfunctions and Comparison of Chains 180
13.1. Bounds on Spectral Gap via Contractions 180
13.2. The Dirichlet Form and the Bottleneck Ratio 181
13.3. Simple Comparison of Markov Chains 185
13.4. The Path Method 188
13.5. Wilson’s Method for Lower Bounds 193
13.6. Expander Graphs* 196
Exercises 198
Notes 199

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Chapter 14. The Transportation Metric and Path Coupling 201

14.1. The Transportation Metric 201
14.2. Path Coupling 203
14.3. Rapid Mixing for Colorings 207
14.4. Approximate Counting 209
Exercises 213
Notes 214

Chapter 15. The Ising Model 216

15.1. Fast Mixing at High Temperature 216
15.2. The Complete Graph 219
15.3. The Cycle 220
15.4. The Tree 221
15.5. Block Dynamics 224
15.6. Lower Bound for the Ising Model on Square* 227
Exercises 229
Notes 230
Chapter 16. From Shuffling Cards to Shuffling Genes 233
16.1. Random Adjacent Transpositions 233
16.2. Shuffling Genes 237
Exercises 241
Notes 242
Chapter 17. Martingales and Evolving Sets 244
17.1. Definition and Examples 244
17.2. Optional Stopping Theorem 245
17.3. Applications 247
17.4. Evolving Sets 250
17.5. A General Bound on Return Probabilities 255
17.6. Harmonic Functions and the Doob h-Transform 257
17.7. Strong Stationary Times from Evolving Sets 258
Exercises 260
Notes 260
Chapter 18. The Cutoff Phenomenon 262
18.1. Definition 262
18.2. Examples of Cutoff 263
18.3. A Necessary Condition for Cutoff 268
18.4. Separation Cutoff 269
Exercises 270
Notes 270

Chapter 19. Lamplighter Walks 273

19.1. Introduction 273
19.2. Relaxation Time Bounds 274
19.3. Mixing Time Bounds 276
19.4. Examples 278
Exercises 278
Notes 279

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Chapter 20. Continuous-Time Chains* 281

20.1. Definitions 281
20.2. Continuous-Time Mixing 283
20.3. Spectral Gap 285
20.4. Product Chains 286
Exercises 290
Notes 291

Chapter 21. Countable State Space Chains* 292

21.1. Recurrence and Transience 292
21.2. Infinite Networks 294
21.3. Positive Recurrence and Convergence 296
21.4. Null Recurrence and Convergence 301
21.5. Bounds on Return Probabilities 302
Exercises 303
Notes 305

Chapter 22. Monotone Chains 306

22.1. Introduction 306
22.2. Stochastic Domination 307
22.3. Definition and Examples of Monotone Markov Chains 309
22.4. Positive Correlations 310
22.5. The Second Eigenfunction 314
22.6. Censoring Inequality 315
22.7. Lower Bound on d¯ 320
22.8. Proof of Strassen’s Theorem 321
Exercises 322
Notes 323

Chapter 23. The Exclusion Process 324

23.1. Introduction 324
23.2. Mixing Time of k-Exclusion on the n-Path 329
23.3. Biased Exclusion 330
Exercises 334
Notes 334

Chapter 24. Cesàro Mixing Time, Stationary Times, and Hitting

Large Sets 336
24.1. Introduction 336
24.2. Equivalence of tstop , tCes , and tG for Reversible Chains 338
24.3. Halting States and Mean-Optimal Stopping Times 340
24.4. Regularity Properties of Geometric Mixing Times* 341
24.5. Equivalence of tG and tH 342
24.6. Upward Skip-Free Chains 344
24.7. tH (α) Are Comparable for α ≤ 1/2 345
24.8. An Upper Bound on trel 346
24.9. Application to Robustness of Mixing 346
Exercises 347
Notes 348

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Chapter 25. Coupling from the Past 349

25.1. Introduction 349
25.2. Monotone CFTP 350
25.3. Perfect Sampling via Coupling from the Past 355
25.4. The Hardcore Model 356
25.5. Random State of an Unknown Markov Chain 358
Exercise 359
Notes 359

Chapter 26. Open Problems 360

26.1. The Ising Model 360
26.2. Cutoff 361
26.3. Other Problems 361
26.4. Update: Previously Open Problems 362

Appendix A. Background Material 365

A.1. Probability Spaces and Random Variables 365
A.2. Conditional Expectation 371
A.3. Strong Markov Property 374
A.4. Metric Spaces 375
A.5. Linear Algebra 376
A.6. Miscellaneous 376
Exercise 376

Appendix B. Introduction to Simulation 377

B.1. What Is Simulation? 377
B.2. Von Neumann Unbiasing* 378
B.3. Simulating Discrete Distributions and Sampling 379
B.4. Inverse Distribution Function Method 380
B.5. Acceptance-Rejection Sampling 380
B.6. Simulating Normal Random Variables 383
B.7. Sampling from the Simplex 384
B.8. About Random Numbers 384
B.9. Sampling from Large Sets* 385
Exercises 388
Notes 391

Appendix C. Ergodic Theorem 392

C.1. Ergodic Theorem* 392
Exercise 393

Appendix D. Solutions to Selected Exercises 394

Bibliography 425

Notation Index 439

Index 441

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Preface to the Second Edition

Since the publication of the first edition, the field of mixing times has continued
to enjoy rapid expansion. In particular, many of the open problems posed in the
first edition have been solved. The book has been used in courses at numerous
universities, motivating us to update it.
In the eight years since the first edition appeared, we have made corrections
and improvements throughout the book. We added three new chapters: Chapter 22
on monotone chains, Chapter 23 on the exclusion process, and Chapter 24, which
relates mixing times and hitting time parameters to stationary stopping times.
Chapter 4 now includes an introduction to mixing times in p , which reappear in
Chapter 10. The latter chapter has several new topics, including estimates for hit-
ting times on trees and Eulerian digraphs. A bound for cover times using spanning
trees has been added to Chapter 11, which also now includes a general bound on
cover times for regular graphs. The exposition in Chapter 6 and Chapter 17 now
employs filtrations rather than relying on the random mapping representation. To
reflect the key developments since the first edition, especially breakthroughs on the
Ising model and the cutoff phenomenon, the Notes at the end of chapters and the
open problems have been updated.
We thank the many careful readers who sent us comments and corrections:
Anselm Adelmann, Amitabha Bagchi, Nathanael Berestycki, Olena Bormashenko,
Krzysztof Burdzy, Gerandy Brito, Darcy Camargo, Varsha Dani, Sukhada Fad-
navis, Tertuliano Franco, Alan Frieze, Reza Gheissari, Jonathan Hermon, Ander
Holroyd, Kenneth Hu, John Jiang, Svante Janson, Melvin Kianmanesh Rad, Yin
Tat Lee, Zhongyang Li, Eyal Lubetzky, Abbas Mehrabian, R. Misturini, L. Mor-
gado, Asaf Nachmias, Fedja Nazarov, Joe Neeman, Ross Pinsky, Anthony Quas,
Miklos Racz, Dinah Shender, N. J. A. Sloane, Jeff Steif, Izabella Stuhl, Jan Swart,
Ryokichi Tanaka, Daniel Wu, and Zhen Zhu. We are particularly grateful to Daniel
Jerison, Pawel Pralat, and Perla Sousi, who sent us long lists of insightful comments.

Preface to the First Edition

Markov first studied the stochastic processes that came to be named after him
in 1906. Approximately a century later, there is an active and diverse interdisci-
plinary community of researchers using Markov chains in computer science, physics,
statistics, bioinformatics, engineering, and many other areas.
The classical theory of Markov chains studied fixed chains, and the goal was
to estimate the rate of convergence to stationarity of the distribution at time t, as
t → ∞. In the past two decades, as interest in chains with large state spaces has
increased, a different asymptotic analysis has emerged. Some target distance to

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the stationary distribution is prescribed; the number of steps required to reach this
target is called the mixing time of the chain. Now, the goal is to understand how
the mixing time grows as the size of the state space increases.
The modern theory of Markov chain mixing is the result of the convergence, in
the 1980s and 1990s, of several threads. (We mention only a few names here; see
the chapter Notes for references.)
For statistical physicists Markov chains become useful in Monte Carlo simu-
lation, especially for models on finite grids. The mixing time can determine the
running time for simulation. However, Markov chains are used not only for sim-
ulation and sampling purposes, but also as models of dynamical processes. Deep
connections were found between rapid mixing and spatial properties of spin systems,
e.g., by Dobrushin, Shlosman, Stroock, Zegarlinski, Martinelli, and Olivieri.
In theoretical computer science, Markov chains play a key role in sampling and
approximate counting algorithms. Often the goal was to prove that the mixing
time is polynomial in the logarithm of the state space size. (In this book, we are
generally interested in more precise asymptotics.)
At the same time, mathematicians including Aldous and Diaconis were inten-
sively studying card shuffling and other random walks on groups. Both spectral
methods and probabilistic techniques, such as coupling, played important roles.
Alon and Milman, Jerrum and Sinclair, and Lawler and Sokal elucidated the con-
nection between eigenvalues and expansion properties. Ingenious constructions of
“expander” graphs (on which random walks mix especially fast) were found using
probability, representation theory, and number theory.
In the 1990s there was substantial interaction between these communities, as
computer scientists studied spin systems and as ideas from physics were used for
sampling combinatorial structures. Using the geometry of the underlying graph to
find (or exclude) bottlenecks played a key role in many results.
There are many methods for determining the asymptotics of convergence to
stationarity as a function of the state space size and geometry. We hope to present
these exciting developments in an accessible way.
We will only give a taste of the applications to computer science and statistical
physics; our focus will be on the common underlying mathematics. The prerequi-
sites are all at the undergraduate level. We will draw primarily on probability and
linear algebra, but we will also use the theory of groups and tools from analysis
when appropriate.
Why should mathematicians study Markov chain convergence? First of all, it is
a lively and central part of modern probability theory. But there are ties to several
other mathematical areas as well. The behavior of the random walk on a graph
reveals features of the graph’s geometry. Many phenomena that can be observed in
the setting of finite graphs also occur in differential geometry. Indeed, the two fields
enjoy active cross-fertilization, with ideas in each playing useful roles in the other.
Reversible finite Markov chains can be viewed as resistor networks; the resulting
discrete potential theory has strong connections with classical potential theory. It
is amusing to interpret random walks on the symmetric group as card shuffles—and
real shuffles have inspired some extremely serious mathematics—but these chains
are closely tied to core areas in algebraic combinatorics and representation theory.

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In the spring of 2005, mixing times of finite Markov chains were a major theme
of the multidisciplinary research program Probability, Algorithms, and Statistical
Physics, held at the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute. We began work on
this book there.

We have divided the book into two parts.
In Part I, the focus is on techniques, and the examples are illustrative and
accessible. Chapter 1 defines Markov chains and develops the conditions necessary
for the existence of a unique stationary distribution. Chapters 2 and 3 both cover
examples. In Chapter 2, they are either classical or useful—and generally both;
we include accounts of several chains, such as the gambler’s ruin and the coupon
collector, that come up throughout probability. In Chapter 3, we discuss Glauber
dynamics and the Metropolis algorithm in the context of “spin systems.” These
chains are important in statistical mechanics and theoretical computer science.
Chapter 4 proves that, under mild conditions, Markov chains do, in fact, con-
verge to their stationary distributions and defines total variation distance and
mixing time, the key tools for quantifying that convergence. The techniques of
Chapters 5, 6, and 7, on coupling, strong stationary times, and methods for lower
bounding distance from stationarity, respectively, are central to the area.
In Chapter 8, we pause to examine card shuffling chains. Random walks on the
symmetric group are an important mathematical area in their own right, but we
hope that readers will appreciate a rich class of examples appearing at this stage
in the exposition.
Chapter 9 describes the relationship between random walks on graphs and
electrical networks, while Chapters 10 and 11 discuss hitting times and cover times.
Chapter 12 introduces eigenvalue techniques and discusses the role of the re-
laxation time (the reciprocal of the spectral gap) in the mixing of the chain.
In Part II, we cover more sophisticated techniques and present several detailed
case studies of particular families of chains. Much of this material appears here for
the first time in textbook form.
Chapter 13 covers advanced spectral techniques, including comparison of Dirich-
let forms and Wilson’s method for lower bounding mixing.
Chapters 14 and 15 cover some of the most important families of “large” chains
studied in computer science and statistical mechanics and some of the most impor-
tant methods used in their analysis. Chapter 14 introduces the path coupling
method, which is useful in both sampling and approximate counting. Chapter 15
looks at the Ising model on several different graphs, both above and below the
critical temperature.
Chapter 16 revisits shuffling, looking at two examples—one with an application
to genomics—whose analysis requires the spectral techniques of Chapter 13.
Chapter 17 begins with a brief introduction to martingales and then presents
some applications of the evolving sets process.
Chapter 18 considers the cutoff phenomenon. For many families of chains where
we can prove sharp upper and lower bounds on mixing time, the distance from
stationarity drops from near 1 to near 0 over an interval asymptotically smaller
than the mixing time. Understanding why cutoff is so common for families of
interest is a central question.

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Chapter 19, on lamplighter chains, brings together methods presented through-

out the book. There are many bounds relating parameters of lamplighter chains
to parameters of the original chain: for example, the mixing time of a lamplighter
chain is of the same order as the cover time of the base chain.
Chapters 20 and 21 introduce two well-studied variants on finite discrete time
Markov chains: continuous time chains and chains with countable state spaces.
In both cases we draw connections with aspects of the mixing behavior of finite
discrete-time Markov chains.
Chapter 25, written by Propp and Wilson, describes the remarkable construc-
tion of coupling from the past, which can provide exact samples from the stationary
Chapter 26 closes the book with a list of open problems connected to material
covered in the book.

For the Reader

Starred sections, results, and chapters contain material that either digresses
from the main subject matter of the book or is more sophisticated than what
precedes them and may be omitted.
Exercises are found at the ends of chapters. Some (especially those whose
results are applied in the text) have solutions at the back of the book. We of course
encourage you to try them yourself first!
The Notes at the ends of chapters include references to original papers, sugges-
tions for further reading, and occasionally “complements.” These generally contain
related material not required elsewhere in the book—sharper versions of lemmas or
results that require somewhat greater prerequisites.
The Notation Index at the end of the book lists many recurring symbols.
Much of the book is organized by method, rather than by example. The reader
may notice that, in the course of illustrating techniques, we return again and again
to certain families of chains—random walks on tori and hypercubes, simple card
shuffles, proper colorings of graphs. In our defense we offer an anecdote.
In 1991 one of us (Y. Peres) arrived as a postdoc at Yale and visited Shizuo
Kakutani, whose rather large office was full of books and papers, with bookcases
and boxes from floor to ceiling. A narrow path led from the door to Kakutani’s desk,
which was also overflowing with papers. Kakutani admitted that he sometimes had
difficulty locating particular papers, but he proudly explained that he had found a
way to solve the problem. He would make four or five copies of any really interesting
paper and put them in different corners of the office. When searching, he would be
sure to find at least one of the copies. . . .
Cross-references in the text and the Index should help you track earlier occur-
rences of an example. You may also find the chapter dependency diagrams below
We have included brief accounts of some background material in Appendix A.
These are intended primarily to set terminology and notation, and we hope you
will consult suitable textbooks for unfamiliar material.
Be aware that we occasionally write
 n  symbols representing a real number when
an integer is required (see, e.g., the δk ’s in the proof of Proposition 13.37). We

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hope the reader will realize that this omission of floor or ceiling brackets (and the
details of analyzing the resulting perturbations) is in her or his best interest as
much as it is in ours.

For the Instructor

The prerequisites this book demands are a first course in probability, linear
algebra, and, inevitably, a certain degree of mathematical maturity. When intro-
ducing material which is standard in other undergraduate courses—e.g., groups—we
provide definitions but often hope the reader has some prior experience with the
In Part I, we have worked hard to keep the material accessible and engaging
for students. (Starred material is more sophisticated and is not required for what
follows immediately; they can be omitted.)
Here are the dependencies among the chapters of Part I:

Chapters 1 through 7, shown in gray, form the core material, but there are
several ways to proceed afterwards. Chapter 8 on shuffling gives an early rich
application but is not required for the rest of Part I. A course with a probabilistic
focus might cover Chapters 9, 10, and 11. To emphasize spectral methods and
combinatorics, cover Chapters 8 and 12 and perhaps continue on to Chapters 13
and 16.
While our primary focus is on chains with finite state spaces run in discrete time,
continuous-time and countable-state-space chains are both discussed—in Chapters
20 and 21, respectively.
We have also included Appendix B, an introduction to simulation methods, to
help motivate the study of Markov chains for students with more applied interests.
A course leaning towards theoretical computer science and/or statistical mechan-
ics might start with Appendix B, cover the core material, and then move on to
Chapters 14, 15, and 25.
Of course, depending on the interests of the instructor and the ambitions and
abilities of the students, any of the material can be taught! Below we include
a full diagram of dependencies of chapters. Its tangled nature results from the
interconnectedness of the area: a given technique can be applied in many situations,
while a particular problem may require several techniques for full analysis.

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The logical dependencies of chapters. The core Chapters 1

through 7 are in dark gray, the rest of Part I is in light gray,
and Part II is in white.

For the Expert

Several other recent books treat Markov chain mixing. Our account is more
comprehensive than those of Häggström (2002), Jerrum (2003), or Montene-
gro and Tetali (2006), yet not as exhaustive as Aldous and Fill (1999). Nor-
ris (1998) gives an introduction to Markov chains and their applications but does
not focus on mixing. Since this is a textbook, we have aimed for accessibility and
comprehensibility, particularly in Part I.
What is different or novel in our approach to this material?
– Our approach is probabilistic whenever possible. We also integrate “classi-
cal” material on networks, hitting times, and cover times and demonstrate
its usefulness for bounding mixing times.
– We provide an introduction to several major statistical mechanics models,
most notably the Ising model, and collect results on them in one place.

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– We give expository accounts of several modern techniques and examples,

including evolving sets, the cutoff phenomenon, lamplighter chains, and
the L-reversal chain.
– We systematically treat lower bounding techniques, including several ap-
plications of Wilson’s method.
– We use the transportation metric to unify our account of path coupling
and draw connections with earlier history.
– We present an exposition of coupling from the past by Propp and Wilson,
the originators of the method.

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The authors thank the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, the National
Science Foundation VIGRE grant to the Department of Statistics at the University
of California, Berkeley, and National Science Foundation grants DMS-0244479 and
DMS-0104073 for support. We also thank Hugo Rossi for suggesting we embark on
this project. Thanks to Blair Ahlquist, Tonci Antunovic, Elisa Celis, Paul Cuff,
Jian Ding, Ori Gurel-Gurevich, Tom Hayes, Itamar Landau, Yun Long, Karola
Mészáros, Shobhana Murali, Weiyang Ning, Tomoyuki Shirai, Walter Sun, Sith-
parran Vanniasegaram, and Ariel Yadin for corrections to an earlier version and
making valuable suggestions. Yelena Shvets made the illustration in Section 6.5.4.
The simulations of the Ising model in Chapter 15 are due to Raissa D’Souza. We
thank László Lovász for useful discussions. We are indebted to Alistair Sinclair for
his work co-organizing the M.S.R.I. program Probability, Algorithms, and Statisti-
cal Physics in 2005, where work on this book began. We thank Robert Calhoun
for technical assistance.
Finally, we are greatly indebted to David Aldous and Persi Diaconis, who initi-
ated the modern point of view on finite Markov chains and taught us much of what
we know about the subject.


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Part I: Basic Methods and Examples

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

–Paraphrase of a quotation from Einstein (1934).

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Introduction to Finite Markov Chains

1.1. Markov Chains

A Markov chain is a process which moves among the elements of a set X in
the following manner: when at x ∈ X , the next position is chosen according to
a fixed probability distribution P (x, ·) depending only on x. More precisely, a
sequence of random variables (X0 , X1 , . . .) is a Markov chain with state space
X and transition matrix P if for all x, y ∈ X , all t ≥ 1, and all events Ht−1 =
s=0 {Xs = xs } satisfying P(Ht−1 ∩ {Xt = x}) > 0, we have

P {Xt+1 = y | Ht−1 ∩ {Xt = x} } = P {Xt+1 = y | Xt = x} = P (x, y). (1.1)

Equation (1.1), often called the Markov property , means that the conditional
probability of proceeding from state x to state y is the same, no matter what
sequence x0 , x1 , . . . , xt−1 of states precedes the current state x. This is exactly why
the |X | × |X | matrix P suffices to describe the transitions.
The x-th row of P is the distribution P (x, ·). Thus, P is stochastic; that is,
its entries are all non-negative and

P (x, y) = 1 for all x ∈ X .

Example 1.1. A certain frog lives in a pond with two lily pads, east and west.

A long time ago, he found two coins at the bottom of the pond and brought one
up to each lily pad. Every morning, the frog decides whether to jump by tossing
the current lily pad’s coin. If the coin lands heads up, the frog jumps to the other
lily pad. If the coin lands tails up, he remains where he is.
Let X = {e, w}, and let (X0 , X1 , . . . ) be the sequence of lily pads occupied
by the frog on Sunday, Monday, . . .. Given the source of the coins, we should not

Figure 1.1. A randomly jumping frog. Whenever he tosses heads,

he jumps to the other lily pad.

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assume that they are fair! Say the coin on the east pad has probability p of landing
heads up, while the coin on the west pad has probability q of landing heads up.
The frog’s rules for jumping imply that if we set
P (e, e) P (e, w) 1−p p
P = = , (1.2)
P (w, e) P (w, w) q 1−q
then (X0 , X1 , . . . ) is a Markov chain with transition matrix P . Note that the first
row of P is the conditional distribution of Xt+1 given that Xt = e, while the second
row is the conditional distribution of Xt+1 given that Xt = w.
Assume that the frog spends Sunday on the east pad. When he awakens Mon-
day, he has probability p of moving to the west pad and probability 1 − p of staying
on the east pad. That is,
P{X1 = e | X0 = e} = 1 − p, P{X1 = w | X0 = e} = p. (1.3)
What happens Tuesday? By considering the two possibilities for X1 , we see that
P{X2 = e | X0 = e} = (1 − p)(1 − p) + pq (1.4)


P{X2 = w | X0 = e} = (1 − p)p + p(1 − q). (1.5)

While we could keep writing out formulas like (1.4) and (1.5), there is a more
systematic approach. We can store our distribution information in a row vector
μt := (P{Xt = e | X0 = e}, P{Xt = w | X0 = e}) .
Our assumption that the frog starts on the east pad can now be written as μ0 =
(1, 0), while (1.3) becomes μ1 = μ0 P .
Multiplying by P on the right updates the distribution by another step:
μt = μt−1 P for all t ≥ 1. (1.6)
Indeed, for any initial distribution μ0 ,
μt = μ 0 P t for all t ≥ 0. (1.7)
How does the distribution μt behave in the long term? Figure 1.2 suggests that

1 1 1

0.75 0.75 0.75

0.5 0.5 0.5

0.25 0.25 0.25

0 10 20 0 10 20 0 10 20

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1.2. The probability of being on the east pad (started

from the east pad) plotted versus time for (a) p = q = 1/2, (b)
p = 0.2 and q = 0.1, (c) p = 0.95 and q = 0.7. The long-term
limiting probabilities are 1/2, 1/3, and 14/33 ≈ 0.42, respectively.

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μt has a limit π (whose value depends on p and q) as t → ∞. Any such limit

distribution π must satisfy
π = πP,
which implies (after a little algebra) that
q p
π(e) = , π(w) = .
p+q p+q
If we define
Δt = μt (e) − for all t ≥ 0,
then by the definition of μt+1 the sequence (Δt ) satisfies
Δt+1 = μt (e)(1 − p) + (1 − μt (e))(q) − = (1 − p − q)Δt . (1.8)
We conclude that when 0 < p < 1 and 0 < q < 1,
q p
lim μt (e) = and lim μt (w) = (1.9)
t→∞ p+q t→∞ p+q
for any initial distribution μ0 . As we suspected, μt approaches π as t → ∞.
Remark 1.2. The traditional theory of finite Markov chains is concerned with
convergence statements of the type seen in (1.9), that is, with the rate of conver-
gence as t → ∞ for a fixed chain. Note that 1 − p − q is an eigenvalue of the
frog’s transition matrix P . Note also that this eigenvalue determines the rate of
convergence in (1.9), since by (1.8) we have
Δt = (1 − p − q)t Δ0 .
The computations we just did for a two-state chain generalize to any finite
Markov chain. In particular, the distribution at time t can be found by matrix
multiplication. Let (X0 , X1 , . . . ) be a finite Markov chain with state space X and
transition matrix P , and let the row vector μt be the distribution of Xt :
μt (x) = P{Xt = x} for all x ∈ X .
By conditioning on the possible predecessors of the (t + 1)-st state, we see that
μt+1 (y) = P{Xt = x}P (x, y) = μt (x)P (x, y) for all y ∈ X .
x∈X x∈X

Rewriting this in vector form gives

μt+1 = μt P for t ≥ 0
and hence
μt = μ 0 P t for t ≥ 0. (1.10)
Since we will often consider Markov chains with the same transition matrix but
different starting distributions, we introduce the notation Pμ and Eμ for probabil-
ities and expectations given that μ0 = μ. Most often, the initial distribution will
be concentrated at a single definite starting state x. We denote this distribution
by δx : 
1 if y = x,
δx (y) =
0 if y = x.
We write simply Px and Ex for Pδx and Eδx , respectively.

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These definitions and (1.10) together imply that

Px {Xt = y} = (δx P t )(y) = P t (x, y).
That is, the probability of moving in t steps from x to y is given by the (x, y)-th
entry of P t . We call these entries the t-step transition probabilities.
Notation. A probability distribution μ on X will be identified with a row
vector. For any event A ⊂ X , we write

μ(A) = μ(x).

For x ∈ X , the row of P indexed by x will be denoted by P (x, ·).

Remark 1.3. The way we constructed the matrix P has forced us to treat
distributions as row vectors. In general, if the chain has distribution μ at time t,
then it has distribution μP at time t + 1. Multiplying a row vector by P on the
right takes you from today’s distribution to tomorrow’s distribution.
What if we multiply a column vector f by P on the left? Think of f as a
function on the state space X . (For the frog of Example 1.1, we might take f (x)
to be the area of the lily pad x.) Consider the x-th entry of the resulting vector:
P f (x) = P (x, y)f (y) = f (y)Px {X1 = y} = Ex (f (X1 )).
y y

That is, the x-th entry of P f tells us the expected value of the function f at
tomorrow’s state, given that we are at state x today.

1.2. Random Mapping Representation

We begin this section with an example.
Example 1.4 (Random walk on the n-cycle). Let X = Zn = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1},
the set of remainders modulo n. Consider the transition matrix

⎨1/2 if k ≡ j + 1 (mod n),
P (j, k) = 1/2 if k ≡ j − 1 (mod n), (1.11)

0 otherwise.
The associated Markov chain (Xt ) is called random walk on the n-cycle. The
states can be envisioned as equally spaced dots arranged in a circle (see Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.3. Random walk on Z10 is periodic, since every step

goes from an even state to an odd state, or vice versa. Random
walk on Z9 is aperiodic.

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Rather than writing down the transition matrix in (1.11), this chain can be
specified simply in words: at each step, a coin is tossed. If the coin lands heads up,
the walk moves one step clockwise. If the coin lands tails up, the walk moves one
step counterclockwise.
More precisely, suppose that Z is a random variable which is equally likely to
take on the values −1 and +1. If the current state of the chain is j ∈ Zn , then the
next state is j + Z mod n. For any k ∈ Zn ,
P{(j + Z) mod n = k} = P (j, k).
In other words, the distribution of (j + Z) mod n equals P (j, ·).
A random mapping representation of a transition matrix P on state space
X is a function f : X ×Λ → X , along with a Λ-valued random variable Z, satisfying
P{f (x, Z) = y} = P (x, y).
The reader should check that if Z1 , Z2 , . . . is a sequence of independent random
variables, each having the same distribution as Z, and the random variable X0
has distribution μ and is independent of (Zt )t≥1 , then the sequence (X0 , X1 , . . . )
defined by
Xn = f (Xn−1 , Zn ) for n ≥ 1
is a Markov chain with transition matrix P and initial distribution μ.
For the example of the simple random walk on the cycle, setting Λ = {1, −1},
each Zi uniform on Λ, and f (x, z) = x + z mod n yields a random mapping repre-

Proposition 1.5. Every transition matrix on a finite state space has a random
mapping representation.

Proof. Let P be the transition matrix of a Markov chain with state space
X = {x1 , . . . , xn }. Take Λ = [0, 1]; our auxiliary random variables Z, Z1 , Z2 , . . .
will be uniformly chosen in this interval. Set Fj,k = ki=1 P (xj , xi ) and define
f (xj , z) := xk when Fj,k−1 < z ≤ Fj,k .
We have
P{f (xj , Z) = xk } = P{Fj,k−1 < Z ≤ Fj,k } = P (xj , xk ).

Note that, unlike transition matrices, random mapping representations are far
from unique. For instance, replacing the function f (x, z) in the proof of Proposition
1.5 with f (x, 1 − z) yields a different representation of the same transition matrix.
Random mapping representations are crucial for simulating large chains. They
can also be the most convenient way to describe a chain. We will often give rules for
how a chain proceeds from state to state, using some extra randomness to determine
where to go next; such discussions are implicit random mapping representations.
Finally, random mapping representations provide a way to coordinate two (or more)
chain trajectories, as we can simply use the same sequence of auxiliary random
variables to determine updates. This technique will be exploited in Chapter 5, on
coupling Markov chain trajectories, and elsewhere.

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1.3. Irreducibility and Aperiodicity

We now make note of two simple properties possessed by most interesting
chains. Both will turn out to be necessary for the Convergence Theorem (The-
orem 4.9) to be true.
A chain P is called irreducible if for any two states x, y ∈ X there exists
an integer t (possibly depending on x and y) such that P t (x, y) > 0. This means
that it is possible to get from any state to any other state using only transitions of
positive probability. We will generally assume that the chains under discussion are
irreducible. (Checking that specific chains are irreducible can be quite interesting;
see, for instance, Section 2.6 and Example B.5. See Section 1.7 for a discussion of
all the ways in which a Markov chain can fail to be irreducible.)
Let T (x) := {t ≥ 1 : P t (x, x) > 0} be the set of times when it is possible for
the chain to return to starting position x. The period of state x is defined to be
the greatest common divisor of T (x).
Lemma 1.6. If P is irreducible, then gcd T (x) = gcd T (y) for all x, y ∈ X .
Proof. Fix two states x and y. There exist non-negative integers r and  such
that P r (x, y) > 0 and P  (y, x) > 0. Letting m = r+, we have m ∈ T (x)∩T (y) and
T (x) ⊂ T (y) − m, whence gcd T (y) divides all elements of T (x). We conclude that
gcd T (y) ≤ gcd T (x). By an entirely parallel argument, gcd T (x) ≤ gcd T (y). 
For an irreducible chain, the period of the chain is defined to be the period
which is common to all states. The chain will be called aperiodic if all states have
period 1. If a chain is not aperiodic, we call it periodic.
Proposition 1.7. If P is aperiodic and irreducible, then there is an integer r0
such that P r (x, y) > 0 for all x, y ∈ X and r ≥ r0 .
Proof. We use the following number-theoretic fact: any set of non-negative
integers which is closed under addition and which has greatest common divisor 1
must contain all but finitely many of the non-negative integers. (See Lemma 1.30
in the Notes of this chapter for a proof.) For x ∈ X , recall that T (x) = {t ≥ 1 :
P t (x, x) > 0}. Since the chain is aperiodic, the gcd of T (x) is 1. The set T (x)
is closed under addition: if s, t ∈ T (x), then P s+t (x, x) ≥ P s (x, x)P t (x, x) > 0,
and hence s + t ∈ T (x). Therefore there exists a t(x) such that t ≥ t(x) implies
t ∈ T (x). By irreducibility we know that for any y ∈ X there exists r = r(x, y)
such that P r (x, y) > 0. Therefore, for t ≥ t(x) + r,
P t (x, y) ≥ P t−r (x, x)P r (x, y) > 0.
For t ≥ t (x) := t(x) + maxy∈X r(x, y), we have P t (x, y) > 0 for all y ∈ X . Finally,
if t ≥ maxx∈X t (x), then P t (x, y) > 0 for all x, y ∈ X . 
Suppose that a chain is irreducible with period two, e.g., the simple random
walk on a cycle of even length (see Figure 1.3). The state space X can be partitioned
into two classes, say even and odd , such that the chain makes transitions only
between states in complementary classes. (Exercise 1.6 examines chains with period
Let P have period two, and suppose that x0 is an even state. The probability
distribution of the chain after 2t steps, P 2t (x0 , ·), is supported on even states,
while the distribution of the chain after 2t + 1 steps is supported on odd states. It
is evident that we cannot expect the distribution P t (x0 , ·) to converge as t → ∞.

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Fortunately, a simple modification can repair periodicity problems. Given an

2 (here I is the |X |×|X | identity matrix).
arbitrary transition matrix P , let Q = I+P
(One can imagine simulating Q as follows: at each time step, flip a fair coin. If it
comes up heads, take a step in P ; if tails, then stay at the current state.) Since
Q(x, x) > 0 for all x ∈ X , the transition matrix Q is aperiodic. We call Q a lazy
version of P . It will often be convenient to analyze lazy versions of chains.
Example 1.8 (The n-cycle, revisited). Recall random walk on the n-cycle,
defined in Example 1.4. For every n ≥ 1, random walk on the n-cycle is irreducible.
Random walk on any even-length cycle is periodic, since gcd{t : P t (x, x) >
0} = 2 (see Figure 1.3). Random walk on an odd-length cycle is aperiodic.
For n ≥ 3, the transition matrix Q for lazy random walk on the n-cycle is

⎪ 1/4 if k ≡ j + 1 (mod n),

⎨1/2 if k ≡ j (mod n),
Q(j, k) = (1.12)

⎪ 1/4 if k ≡ j − 1 (mod n),

0 otherwise.
Lazy random walk on the n-cycle is both irreducible and aperiodic for every n.
Remark 1.9. Establishing that a Markov chain is irreducible is not always
trivial; see Example B.5 and also Thurston (1990).

1.4. Random Walks on Graphs

Random walk on the n-cycle, which is shown in Figure 1.3, is a simple case of
an important type of Markov chain.
A graph G = (V, E) consists of a vertex set V and an edge set E, where
the elements of E are unordered pairs of vertices: E ⊂ {{x, y} : x, y ∈ V, x = y}.
We can think of V as a set of dots, where two dots x and y are joined by a line if
and only if {x, y} is an element of the edge set. When {x, y} ∈ E, we write x ∼ y
and say that y is a neighbor of x (and also that x is a neighbor of y). The degree
deg(x) of a vertex x is the number of neighbors of x.
Given a graph G = (V, E), we can define simple random walk on G to be
the Markov chain with state space V and transition matrix

if y ∼ x,
P (x, y) = deg(x) (1.13)
0 otherwise.
That is to say, when the chain is at vertex x, it examines all the neighbors of x,
picks one uniformly at random, and moves to the chosen vertex.
Example 1.10. Consider the graph G shown in Figure 1.4. The transition
matrix of simple random walk on G is
⎛ ⎞
0 12 12 0 0
⎜ 1 ⎟
⎜ 3 0 13 13 0 ⎟
⎜ 1 1 ⎟
P =⎜ 1 1 ⎟
⎜ 4 4 0 4 4 ⎟.
⎜ ⎟
⎝ 0 12 12 0 0 ⎠
0 0 1 0 0

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2 4

1 3 5
Figure 1.4. An example of a graph with vertex set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
and 6 edges.

Remark 1.11. We have chosen a narrow definition of “graph” for simplicity.

It is sometimes useful to allow edges connecting a vertex to itself, called loops. It
is also sometimes useful to allow multiple edges connecting a single pair of vertices.
Loops and multiple edges both contribute to the degree of a vertex and are counted
as options when a simple random walk chooses a direction. See Section 6.5.1 for an
We will have much more to say about random walks on graphs throughout this
book—but especially in Chapter 9.

1.5. Stationary Distributions

1.5.1. Definition. We saw in Example 1.1 that a distribution π on X satis-
π = πP (1.14)
can have another interesting property: in that case, π was the long-term limiting
distribution of the chain. We call a probability π satisfying (1.14) a stationary
distribution of the Markov chain. Clearly, if π is a stationary distribution and
μ0 = π (i.e., the chain is started in a stationary distribution), then μt = π for all
t ≥ 0.
Note that we can also write (1.14) elementwise. An equivalent formulation is

π(y) = π(x)P (x, y) for all y ∈ X . (1.15)

Example 1.12. Consider simple random walk on a graph G = (V, E). For any
vertex y ∈ V ,
deg(x)P (x, y) = = deg(y). (1.16)

To get a probability, we simply normalize by y∈V deg(y) = 2|E| (a fact the reader
should check). We conclude that the probability measure
π(y) = for all y ∈ X ,
which is proportional to the degrees, is always a stationary distribution for the
walk. For the graph in Figure 1.4,
2 3 4 2 1
π = 12 , 12 , 12 , 12 , 12 .

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If G has the property that every vertex has the same degree d, we call G d-regular .
In this case, 2|E| = d|V | and the uniform distribution π(y) = 1/|V | for every y ∈ V
is stationary.

A central goal of this chapter and of Chapter 4 is to prove a general yet precise
version of the statement that “finite Markov chains converge to their stationary
distributions.” Before we can analyze the time required to be close to stationar-
ity, we must be sure that it is finite! In this section we show that, under mild
restrictions, stationary distributions exist and are unique. Our strategy of building
a candidate distribution, then verifying that it has the necessary properties, may
seem cumbersome. However, the tools we construct here will be applied in many
other places. In Section 4.3, we will show that irreducible and aperiodic chains do,
in fact, converge to their stationary distributions in a precise sense.

1.5.2. Hitting and first return times. Throughout this section, we assume
that the Markov chain (X0 , X1 , . . . ) under discussion has finite state space X and
transition matrix P . For x ∈ X , define the hitting time for x to be

τx := min{t ≥ 0 : Xt = x},

the first time at which the chain visits state x. For situations where only a visit to
x at a positive time will do, we also define

τx+ := min{t ≥ 1 : Xt = x}.

When X0 = x, we call τx+ the first return time.

Lemma 1.13. For any states x and y of an irreducible chain, Ex (τy+ ) < ∞.

Proof. The definition of irreducibility implies that there exist an integer r > 0
and a real ε > 0 with the following property: for any states z, w ∈ X , there exists a
j ≤ r with P j (z, w) > ε. Thus, for any value of Xt , the probability of hitting state
y at a time between t and t + r is at least ε. Hence for k > 0 we have

Px {τy+ > kr} ≤ (1 − ε)Px {τy+ > (k − 1)r}. (1.17)

Repeated application of (1.17) yields

Px {τy+ > kr} ≤ (1 − ε)k . (1.18)

Recall that when Y is a non-negative integer-valued random variable, we have

E(Y ) = P{Y > t}.

Since Px {τy+ > t} is a decreasing function of t, (1.18) suffices to bound all terms of
the corresponding expression for Ex (τy+ ):
Ex (τy+ ) = Px {τy+ > t} ≤ rPx {τy+ > kr} ≤ r (1 − ε)k < ∞.
t≥0 k≥0 k≥0

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1.5.3. Existence of a stationary distribution. The Convergence Theorem

(Theorem 4.9 below) implies that the long-term fraction of time a finite irreducible
aperiodic Markov chain spends in each state coincides with the chain’s stationary
distribution. However, we have not yet demonstrated that stationary distributions
We give an explicit construction of the stationary distribution π, which in
the irreducible case gives the useful identity π(x) = [Ex (τx+ )] . We consider a
sojourn of the chain from some arbitrary state z back to z. Since visits to z break
up the trajectory of the chain into identically distributed segments, it should not
be surprising that the average fraction of time per segment spent in each state y
coincides with the long-term fraction of time spent in y.
Let z ∈ X be an arbitrary state of the Markov chain. We will closely examine
the average time the chain spends at each state in between visits to z. To this end,
we define

π̃(y) := Ez (number of visits to y before returning to z)

= Pz {Xt = y, τz+ > t} .

Proposition 1.14. Let π̃ be the measure on X defined by (1.19).

(i) If Pz {τz+ < ∞} = 1, then π̃ satisfies π̃P = π̃.
(ii) If Ez (τz+ ) < ∞, then π := E (τ
is a stationary distribution.
z z

Remark 1.15. Recall that Lemma 1.13 shows that if P is irreducible, then
Ez (τz+ ) < ∞. We will show in Section 1.7 that the assumptions of (i) and (ii) are
always equivalent (Corollary 1.27) and there always exists z satisfying both.

Proof. For any state y, we have π̃(y) ≤ Ez τz+ . Hence Lemma 1.13 ensures
that π̃(y) < ∞ for all y ∈ X . We check that π̃ is stationary, starting from the


π̃(x)P (x, y) = Pz {Xt = x, τz+ > t}P (x, y). (1.20)
x∈X x∈X t=0

Because the event {τz+ ≥ t + 1} = {τz+ > t} is determined by X0 , . . . , Xt ,

Pz {Xt = x, Xt+1 = y, τz+ ≥ t + 1} = Pz {Xt = x, τz+ ≥ t + 1}P (x, y). (1.21)

Reversing the order of summation in (1.20) and using the identity (1.21) shows that


π̃(x)P (x, y) = Pz {Xt+1 = y, τz+ ≥ t + 1}
x∈X t=0

= Pz {Xt = y, τz+ ≥ t}. (1.22)

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The expression in (1.22) is very similar to (1.19), so we are almost done. In fact,
Pz {Xt = y, τz+ ≥ t}

= π̃(y) − Pz {X0 = y, τz+ > 0} + Pz {Xt = y, τz+ = t}
= π̃(y) − Pz {X0 = y} + Pz {Xτz+ = y} (1.23)
= π̃(y). (1.24)
The equality (1.24) follows by considering two cases:
y = z: Since X0 = z and Xτz+ = z, the last two terms of (1.23) are both 1, and
they cancel each other out.
y = z: Here both terms of (1.23) are 0.
Therefore, combining (1.22) with (1.24) shows that π̃ = π̃P .
Finally, to get a probability measure, we normalize by x π̃(x) = Ez (τz+ ):
π(x) = satisfies π = πP. (1.25)
Ez (τz+ )

The computation at the heart of the proof of Proposition 1.14 can be gen-
eralized; see Lemma 10.5. Informally speaking, a stopping time τ for (Xt ) is a
{0, 1, . . . , } ∪ {∞}-valued random variable such that, for each t, the event {τ = t}
is determined by X0 , . . . , Xt . (Stopping times are defined precisely in Section 6.2.)
If a stopping time τ replaces τz+ in the definition (1.19) of π̃, then the proof that
π̃ satisfies π̃ = π̃P works, provided that τ satisfies both Pz {τ < ∞} = 1 and
Pz {Xτ = z} = 1.
1.5.4. Uniqueness of the stationary distribution. Earlier in this chapter
we pointed out the difference between multiplying a row vector by P on the right
and a column vector by P on the left: the former advances a distribution by one
step of the chain, while the latter gives the expectation of a function on states, one
step of the chain later. We call distributions invariant under right multiplication by
P stationary . What about functions that are invariant under left multiplication?
Call a function h : X → R harmonic at x if

h(x) = P (x, y)h(y). (1.26)

A function is harmonic on D ⊂ X if it is harmonic at every state x ∈ D. If h is

regarded as a column vector, then a function which is harmonic on all of X satisfies
the matrix equation P h = h.
Lemma 1.16. Suppose that P is irreducible. A function h which is harmonic
at every point of X is constant.
Proof. Since X is finite, there must be a state x0 such that h(x0 ) = M is
maximal. If for some state z such that P (x0 , z) > 0 we have h(z) < M , then

h(x0 ) = P (x0 , z)h(z) + P (x0 , y)h(y) < M, (1.27)

a contradiction. It follows that h(z) = M for all states z such that P (x0 , z) > 0.

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For any y ∈ X , irreducibility implies that there is a sequence x0 , x1 , . . . , xn = y

with P (xi , xi+1 ) > 0. Repeating the argument above tells us that h(y) = h(xn−1 ) =
· · · = h(x0 ) = M . Thus, h is constant. 

Corollary 1.17. Let P be the transition matrix of an irreducible Markov

chain. There exists a unique probability distribution π satisfying π = πP .
Proof. By Proposition 1.14 there exists at least one such measure. Lemma
1.16 implies that the kernel of P − I has dimension 1, so the column rank of P − I is
|X |−1. Since the row rank of any matrix is equal to its column rank, the row-vector
equation ν = νP also has a one-dimensional space of solutions. This space contains
only one vector whose entries sum to 1. 

Remark 1.18. Another proof of Corollary 1.17 follows from the Convergence
Theorem (Theorem 4.9, proved below). Another simple direct proof is suggested in
Exercise 1.11.
Proposition 1.19. If P is an irreducible transition matrix and π is the unique
probability distribution solving π = πP , then for all states z,
π(z) = . (1.28)
Ez τz+
Proof. Let π̃z (y) equal π̃(y) as defined in (1.19), and write πz (y) = π̃z (y)/Ez τz+ .
Proposition 1.14 implies that πz is a stationary distribution, so πz = π. Therefore,
π̃z (z) 1
π(z) = πz (z) = + = .
Ez τz Ez τz+

1.6. Reversibility and Time Reversals

Suppose a probability distribution π on X satisfies
π(x)P (x, y) = π(y)P (y, x) for all x, y ∈ X . (1.29)
The equations (1.29) are called the detailed balance equations.
Proposition 1.20. Let P be the transition matrix of a Markov chain with
state space X . Any distribution π satisfying the detailed balance equations (1.29)
is stationary for P .
Proof. Sum both sides of (1.29) over all y:
π(y)P (y, x) = π(x)P (x, y) = π(x),
y∈X y∈X

since P is stochastic. 

Checking detailed balance is often the simplest way to verify that a particular
distribution is stationary. Furthermore, when (1.29) holds,
π(x0 )P (x0 , x1 ) · · · P (xn−1 , xn ) = π(xn )P (xn , xn−1 ) · · · P (x1 , x0 ). (1.30)
We can rewrite (1.30) in the following suggestive form:
Pπ {X0 = x0 , . . . , Xn = xn } = Pπ {X0 = xn , X1 = xn−1 , . . . , Xn = x0 }. (1.31)

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period. A severe penance was imposed on the insolent offender; but
one night he found means to evade the vigilance of his guardians,
escaped from the convent, crossed the intervening country, and after
some days of joyous gipsying and vagabond wanderings, he arrived
at Palermo. Some knowledge of the principles of chemistry and
medicine was about the total of the advantages he had derived from
the discipline of conventual life. His uncle began to despair of him,
but advice and remonstrances were alike lost upon the young
reprobate, who derided them all, and employing a certain portion of
his time in the cultivation of a natural taste for drawing, he otherwise
abandoned himself to unbridled excesses. He associated with
rascals and ne’er-do-wells; his drunkenness, gambling, and general
libertinage, led him into perpetual brawling; and he was frequently in
the hands of the police, whom he is said to have taken special
pleasure in resisting, frequently delivering by force the prisoners
whom they had arrested. He has been also accused of forging
tickets of admission to the theatres, and selling them with
characteristic effrontery. One of his uncles coaxed him back for a
time into his house, and was rewarded by the robbery of a
considerable quantity of money and some valuable effects. He
became an intermediary in the amorous intercourse of a female
cousin with one of his friends. He carried billets-doux to and fro
between them, and made the entire transaction personally profitable
by extorting money from his friend, persuading him that the fair
cousin had a partiality for presents, including both money and
jewellery, and, of course, appropriating the funds which were
entrusted to him. Graver crimes were soon laid to his charge. There
was a certain dissolute Marquis Maurigi in Palermo who coveted an
inheritance which had been willed to a pious establishment, and
knowing Balsamo, to him were his projects confided, and an
expedient was presently forthcoming. Joseph had a relative who was
a notary, and by frequenting his office he found means to forge a will,
bearing every mark of authenticity, in favour of the Marquis, who
made good his claim to the estate, and no doubt liberally
recompensed the skill and pains of his confederate. The falsification
was discovered many years after, but the guilty parties were both of
them far away. It was also rumoured that Balsamo was a party to the
assassination of a wealthy canon, but the matter is exceedingly
doubtful. He was many times arrested on various charges, but
eluded justice, either by the absence of direct proof against him, or
by the credit of his relations, and the exertions of reputable persons
of Palermo, who took interest in his family. It will scarcely be credited
that at this period Balsamo was only fourteen years of age. Naturally
endowed with artistic aptitudes, he soon began to give lessons in
drawing, and seems to have been many times on a fair way to
reformation. His skill in arms is also acknowledged, but, conscious of
his superiority, his street brawls frequently ended in duels; his
impetuosity even prompted him to take up the gauntlet for his
companions, and he scorned danger.
The most notorious of his youthful exploits, and that which caused
him to commence his life-long wanderings, was the adventure of the
concealed treasure, which has been variously related.
An avaricious goldsmith, named Marano, resided at Palermo. He
was a weak, superstitious man—a believer in magic, says M. Louis
Figuier—and he was much attracted by the mystery which, even at
this period, is declared by Figuier to have surrounded the life and
escapades of Balsamo, who already posed as an initiate of the
occult sciences. Joseph was now seventeen years of age, of
handsome mien and haughty carriage, speaking little, but holding his
hearers spell-bound by the magnetic fascination of his glance. He
had been seen evoking spirits; he was believed to converse with
angels, and to obtain by their agency an insight into the most
interesting secrets. He had, in fact, radically changed; the common
rogue was developing into the transcendental impostor. Marano lent
an attentive ear to the stories concerning him, and burned with
anxiety to behold “the friend of the celestial spirits.” The first
interview took place in the lodging of Balsamo; the goldsmith fell on
his knees before him, and Balsamo, after receiving his homage,
raised him condescendingly from the ground, and demanded in a
solemn manner why he had come to him.
“Thanks to your daily communion with spirits, you will easily know,”
answered Marano, “and you should have no difficulty in assisting me
to recover the money which I have wasted among false alchemists,
or even to procure me more.”
“I can perform this service for you, provided you believe,” said
Balsamo, with composure.
“Provided I believe!” cried the goldsmith; “I believe, indeed.”
An appointment was made for the next day in a meadow beyond
the town, and the interview ended without another word.
This version of the story is more romantic than probable, and we
owe it to the vivacity of a Frenchman’s imagination, which is never
more brilliant than when employed in the perversion or
embellishment of history. According to the more sober Aventures de
Cagliostro, Marano had for some time been acquainted with the
youthful charlatan, who sought him one day at his own residence,
and said to him: “You are aware of my communications with the
supernal spirits; you are aware of the illimitable potency of the
incantations to which I devote myself. Listen! In an olive field, at no
great distance from Palermo, there is a buried treasure according to
my certain knowledge, and by the help of a ceremonial evocation I
can discover the precise spot where the spade of the seeker should
be driven in. The operation, however, requires some expensive
preliminaries; sixty ounces of gold are absolutely needed. Will you
place them at my disposal?”
Marano declaimed against the preposterous extravagance of the
demand, maintaining that the herbs and drugs utilised in alchemical
experiments were exceedingly moderate in their price.
“’Tis well,” said Balsamo, coldly. “The matter is soon settled; I shall
enjoy the vast treasure alone. A blessing when shared is but half a
blessing for those who participate in it.”
On the morrow, however, Marano sought out the enchanter,
having been agonised by the gold fever the whole night.
“I am furnished with the sum you require,” he said. “But I pray you
to bargain a little with the spirits, and endeavour to beat them down.”
“Do you take them for sordid speculators?” cried the magician,
indignant. “The devil is no Jew, though he abode full long in Judea.
He is a magnificent seigneur, living generously in every country of
the world. Treat him with respect, he returns a hundredfold. I shall
find elsewhere the sixty ounces of gold, and can afford to dispense
with your assistance.”
“It is here,” said Marano, drawing quickly a leather bag from his
pocket, and the arrangements were soon made.
At moonlight they repaired to the olive field, where Balsamo had
secretly made preparations for the approaching evocation. The
incantatory preliminaries were sufficiently protracted, and Marano
panted with terror under the influence of the magical charms, till it
seemed to him that the very earth shivered beneath his feet and
phantoms issued from the ground. Marano fell prostrate on his face,
an action apparently foreseen, for there and then the wretched
goldsmith was belaboured unmercifully with sticks by the infernal
spirits, who left him at length for dead, taking flight in the company of
the enchanter, and fortified by the possession of the sixty ounces of
gold. On the morrow, the goldsmith, fortunately discovered by
muleteers, was carried disconsolately home, and forthwith
denounced Balsamo to the law. The adventure spread everywhere,
but the magician had sailed for Messina.
These are the facts of the case, but the mendacious chronicle of
Louis Figuier, alchemical critic and universal manufacturer of light
scientific literature, offers us a far more ornate and attractive version.
There the adept and his miserable dupe repair to a place appointed
at six o’clock in the morning, Balsamo in dignified silence motioning
the goldsmith to follow him, and proceeding with a pre-occupied
aspect along the road to the chapel of Saint Rosalia for the space of
a whole hour. They stopped at length in the middle of a wild
meadow, and in front of a grotto, before which Balsamo extended his
hand, and solemnly declared that a treasure was buried within it
which he himself was forbidden to touch, which was guarded by
devils of hell, which devils might, however, be bound for a brief
period by the angels who commonly responded to his potent magical
“It only remains to be ascertained,” he remarked in conclusion,
“whether you will scrupulously fulfil the conditions which must be
imposed on you. At that price, the treasure may be yours.”
The credulous goldsmith impetuously implored him to name them.
“They cannot be learned from my lips,” said Balsamo loftily. “On
your knees, in the first place!”
He himself had already assumed the posture of adoration. Marano
hastened to imitate him, and immediately a clear, harmonious voice
in the celestial altitude pronounced the following words—words, says
the Frenchman, more delicious in the ears of the covetous miser
than all the symphonies of aërial choirs.
“Sixty ounces of pearls, sixty ounces of rubies, sixty ounces of
diamonds, in a coffer of enchased gold, weighing one hundred and
twenty ounces. The infernal genii who protect this treasure will place
it in the hands of the worthy man whom our friend has brought, if he
be fifty years of age, if he be no Christian—if—if—if—” and a series
of conditions followed which Marano perfectly united in his own
penurious person, even to the last, which was thus formulated:
—“And if he deposit at the entrance of the grotto, before setting foot
therein, sixty ounces of gold to propitiate the guardians.”
“You have heard,” said Balsamo, who, already on his feet, began
to retrace his steps, completely ignoring the utter stupefaction of his
“Sixty ounces of gold!” ejaculated the miser with a dismal groan,
and torn by the internal conflict of avarice and cupidity; but Balsamo
heeded the exclamation as little as the groan, and regained the town
in silence.
When they were on the point of separating, Marano appeared to
have resolved.
“Grant me one instant!” he cried in a piteous voice. “Sixty ounces
of gold? Is that the irrevocable condition?”
“Undoubtedly,” said Balsamo, carelessly.
“Alas! alas! And at what hour to-morrow?”
“At six o’clock in the morning and, mark, at the same spot.”
“I will be there.”
This was the parting speech of the goldsmith, and, as it were, the
last gasp of his conquered avarice. On the morrow, punctual to the
appointed time, they met as before, Balsamo with his habitual
coolness, Marano with his gold. They arrived in due course at the
grotto, where the angels, consulted as on the previous day, returned
the same oracles. Balsamo assumed ignorance of what would take
place. With a terrific struggle, Marano deposited his gold and
prepared to cross the threshold. He took one step forward, then
started back, inquired if there were no danger in penetrating into the
depths of the cavern, was assured of safety if the gold had been
faithfully weighed, entered with more confidence, and again
returned, these manœuvres being repeated several times, under the
eyes of the adept, whose expression indicated the most uninterested
indifference. At length, Marano took courage and proceeded so far
that a return was impossible, for three black, muscular devils started
out from the shadows and barred his path, giving vent to the most
alarming growls. They seized him, forced him to whirl round and
round for a long time, and then while the unhappy creature vainly
invoked the assistance of Balsamo, they proceeded to cudgel him
lustily till he dropped overwhelmed to the ground, when a clear voice
bade him remain absolutely silent and motionless, for he would be
instantaneously despatched if he stirred either hand or foot. The
wretched man did not dare to disobey, but after a long swoon the
complete stillness encouraged him to raise his head; he dragged
himself as best he could to the mouth of the terrible grotto, looked
round him, and found that the adept, the demons, and the gold had
alike vanished.

When Balsamo arrived at Messina he was furnished with a very

handsome sum to support the expenses of his sojourn therein, for
the lion’s share of the booty obtained from the goldsmith had, of
course, fallen to himself. He lodged in one of the chief inns near the
port, and had prepared himself for further adventures, when he
suddenly remembered that he had an old and affluent aunt in the
town whom he took occasion to visit, but only to discover that she
had recently died, leaving the bulk of her fortune to different
churches of Messina, and distributing the rest to the poor. Doubtless
the dutiful nephew paid to the memory of this ultra-Christian relation
a just tribute of regrets, and anxious to inherit at least something
from a person so eminent in sanctity, he determined to assume her
family name, joined to a title of nobility, and from that time forward he
commonly called himself the Count Alessandro Cagliostro. His
penetrating and calculating mind, says one of his biographers,
understood the prestige which attached to a title at a period when
the privileges of birth still exercised an almost undisputed influence.
It was in the town of Messina that Balsamo first met with the
mysterious alchemist Altotas, whom in his fabulous autobiography
he represented as the oriental tutor of his infancy. As he was
promenading one day near the jetty at the extremity of the port, he
encountered an individual singularly habited, and possessed of a
most remarkable countenance. This person, aged apparently about
fifty years, seemed to be an Armenian, though, according to other
accounts, he was a Spaniard or Greek. He wore a species of caftan,
a silk bonnet, and the extremities of his breeches were concealed in
a pair of wide boots. In his left hand he held a parasol, and in his
right the end of a cord, to which was attached a graceful Albanian
Whether from curiosity or by presentiment, Cagliostro saluted this
grotesque being, who bowed slightly, but with satisfied dignity.
“You do not reside in Messina, signor?” he said in Sicilian, but with
a marked foreign accent.
Cagliostro replied that he was tarrying for a few days, and they
began to converse on the beauty of the town and on its
advantageous situation, a kind of oriental imagery individualising the
eloquence of the stranger, whose remarks were, moreover, adroitly
adorned with a few appropriate compliments. He eluded inquiries as
to his own identity, but offered to unveil the past of the Count
Cagliostro, and to reveal what was actually passing in his mind at
that moment. When Cagliostro hinted at sorcery, the Armenian
smiled somewhat scornfully, and dilated on the ignorance of a nation
which confused science with witchcraft, and prepared faggots for
His hearer, much interested, ventured to ask the address of the
illustrious stranger, who graciously invited him to call. They walked
past the cathedral and halted in a small quadrilateral street shaded
by sycamores, and having a charming fountain in the centre.
“Signor,” said the stranger, “there is the house I inhabit. I receive
no one; but as you are a traveller, as you are young and courteous,
as, moreover, you are animated by a noble passion for the sciences,
I permit you to visit me. I shall be visible to you to-morrow a little
before midnight. You will rap twice on the hammer”—he pointed as
he spoke to the door of a low-storied house—“then three times more
slowly, and you will be admitted. Adieu! Hasten at once to your inn. A
Piedmontese is trying to possess himself of the seven and thirty
ounces of gold that are secured in your valise, and which is itself
shut up in a press, the key of which is in your pocket at this moment.
Your servant, signor!” and he departed rapidly.
Cagliostro, returning in all haste, discovered the thief in the act,
and, as a lawful and righteously indignant proprietor, he forthwith
delivered him to justice.
On the morrow, at the time appointed, he knocked at the door of
the little house inhabited by the Armenian. It was opened at the fifth
blow without any visible agency, and closed as soon as the visitor
had entered. Cagliostro cautiously advanced along a narrow
passage, illuminated by a small iron lamp in a niche of the wall. At
the extremity of the passage a spacious door sprang open, giving
admittance into a ground-floor parlour which was illuminated by a
four-branched candelabra, holding tapers of wax, and was, in fact, a
laboratory furnished with all the apparatus in use among practical
alchemists. The Armenian, issuing from a neighbouring cabinet,
greeted the visitor, inquired after the safety of the gold, had
intelligence of the truth of his clairvoyance, and of the deserved fate
of the malefactor, but cut short the expressed astonishment and
admiration of Cagliostro by declaring that the art of divination was
simply the result of scientific combinations and close observations.
He ended by asking his hearer if he denied the infallible certitude of
judicial astrology, but the self-constituted count denied nothing
except the superior power of virtue over self-interest, whereat the
Armenian inquired to whom he was indebted for his training.
“I was about to say to the solicitude of my uncles and to the
apothecary in the Convent of the Bon Fratelli,” said Cagliostro; “but
to what purpose? You undoubtedly know.”
“I know,” replied the strange individual, “that you have trained
yourself; that the apothecary, equally with your uncles, has but
opened for you the door to knowledge. What are your plans?”
“I intend to enrich myself.”
“That is,” said the other, grandiloquently, “you would make yourself
superior to the imbecile mob—a laudable project, my son! Do you
propose to travel?”
“Certainly, so far as my thirty-seven ounces of gold will take me.”
“You are very young,” said the Armenian. “How is bread
“With flour.”
“And wine?”
“By means of the grape.”
“But gold?”
“I come to inquire of yourself.”
“We will solve that problem hereafter. Listen to me, young man. I
propose to depart for Grand Cairo, in Egypt. Will you accompany
“With all my heart!” exclaimed Cagliostro, overjoyed, and they sat
down in large oak chairs, each at one end of the table where the
candelabra was placed.
“Egypt,” said the Armenian, “is the birthplace of all human science.
Astronomy alone had Chaldea for its fatherland; there the shepherds
first studied the courses of the stars. Egypt availed itself of the astro-
Chaldean initiations, and soon surpassed the methods and
increased the discoveries of the shepherds. Since the reign of the
Pharaoh Manes, and of his successors, Busiris, Osymandyas,
Uchoreas, and Moeris, Egyptian knowledge has advanced with giant
strides. Joseph, the dream-reader, established the basis of
chiromancy; the priests of Osiris and Isis invented the Zodiac; the
Cosmogonies of Phre and Horus revealed agriculture and other
physical sciences; the priestesses of Ansaki unveiled the secrets of
philtres; the priests of Serapis taught medicine. I might proceed with
the sublime enumeration, but to what end? Will you faithfully follow
me to Egypt? I hope to embark to-morrow, and we shall touch at
Malta on the way—possibly also at Candia—reaching the port of
Phare in eight days.”
“’Tis settled!” cried the delighted Cagliostro. “I have my thirty-
seven ounces of gold for the journey.”
“And I not a single crown.”
“The devil!” ejaculated Cagliostro.
“What matters it? What need to have gold when one knows how to
make gold? What need to possess diamonds when one can extract
them from carbon more beautifully than from the mines of Golconda?
Go to! you are excessively simple.”
“Therefore, by your leave, I intend to become your disciple.”
The Armenian extended his hand, and their departure was fixed
for the morrow.
This Altotas, or Althotes, we are assured by Figuier, was no
imaginary character. The Roman Inquisition collected many proofs of
his existence, without, however, ascertaining where it began or
ended, for the mysterious personage vanished like a meteor.
According to the Italian biography of Joseph Balsamo, Altotas was in
possession of several Arabic manuscripts, and assumed great skill in
chemistry. According to Figuier, he was a magician and doctor as
well, though others represent him despising and rejecting the abused
name of physician. As to his divinatory abilities, he had already given
a signal proof of their extent to his pupil, but he showed him that he
was acquainted with all his Palermese antecedents.
They embarked on board a Genoese vessel, sailed along the
Archipelago, landed at Alexandria, where they tarried for forty days,
performing several operations in chemistry, by which they are said to
have produced a considerable sum of money, but whether by
transmutation or by imposture is not apparently clear. Cagliostro’s
respect for his master did not prevent him, with true Sicilian subtlety,
inquiring as to his own antecedents, till Altotas, weary of resorting to
the same stratagems of evasion, declared to him once for all that he
was himself in complete ignorance as to his birth and parentage.
“This may surprise you,” he said, “but science, which can enlighten
us on the part of another, is almost invariably impotent to instruct us
concerning ourselves.”
He declared himself to be much older than would appear, but that
he was in possession of certain secrets for the conservation of
strength and health. He had discovered the scientific methods of
producing gold and precious stones, spoke ten or twelve languages
fluently, and was acquainted with almost the entire circle of human
sciences. “Nothing astonishes me,” he said, “nothing grieves me,
save the evils which I am powerless to prevent, and I trust to reach
in peace the term of my protracted existence.”
He confessed that his name of Altotas was self-chosen, yet was it
truly his. His early years had been passed on the coast of Barbary,
near Tunis, where he belonged to a Mussulman privateer, who was a
rich and humane man, and who had purchased him from pirates, by
whom he had been stolen from his family. At twelve years of age he
spoke Arabic like a native, read the Koran to his master, who was a
true believer, studied botany under his direction, and learned the
best methods for making sherbet and coffee. A post of honour was in
store for him in the household of his master; but destiny decreed that
when Altotas was sixteen, the worthy Mussulman should be
gathered to his fathers. In his will he gave the young slave his liberty,
and bequeathed him a sum which was equivalent to six thousand
livres, wherewith Altotas quitted Tunis to indulge his passion for
Cagliostro represented that he had followed his instructor into
Africa and the heart of Egypt, that he visited the pyramids, making
the acquaintance of the priests of different temples, and penetrating
into the arcana of their mysterious sanctuaries. Moreover, he
declares himself to have visited, during the space of three years, all
the principal kingdoms of Africa and Asia. These statements are
identical in their value with the romantic story of his education in the
palace of the muphti at Medina. It is altogether doubtful whether he
ever visited Arabia, which was in any case the extreme limit of his
wanderings, and he is subsequently discovered at Rhodes still in the
society of Altotas, and pursuing, in common with that mysterious
being, his doubtful chemical operations.
At Malta they had letters of introduction to the Grand Master,
Pinto, and tarried for some time to work in his laboratory, for the
“supreme chief of Maltese chivalry” was infatuated with alchemical
experiments, and, after the fashion of that extravagant period, had a
strong bias towards the marvellous. The history of the failure or
success of the errant adepts remains in the laboratory of the Grand
Master; but from this moment Altotas, the chemist and alchemist—
Altotas, the phenomenal, the wise man, the scientist—disappears
completely. “Malta was his sepulchre, or haply the place of his
apotheosis.” “There,” says the Count, in his Memoir, “it was my
misery to lose my best friend, the most wise, the most illuminated of
mortals, the venerable Altotas. He clasped my hands shortly before
his death. ‘My son,’ he said, in a failing voice, ‘keep ever before thine
eyes the fear of the Eternal and the love of thy neighbour. Thou wilt
soon learn the truth of all which I have taught thee.’”
With every mark of respect on the part of the Grand Master, and
accompanied by the Chevalier d’Aquino, of the illustrious house of
Caramania, and himself a Knight of Malta, Cagliostro repaired to
Naples, where he supported himself for some time with money which
had been presented to him by Pinto, and perhaps by loans from his
possibly opulent companion, who, however, eventually quitted him to
proceed into France. In Naples Cagliostro met with a Sicilian prince
who was infected by the prevalent gold fever, and was so enraptured
with the high-sounding theories of Cagliostro that he invited him to
his chateau in the neighbourhood of Palermo, where they might
pursue their operations in common. It was imprudent, but the pupil of
the great Altotas could not resist the desire to revisit his native land.
He tarried a certain period with his companion, but going one day
into Messina, he encountered an old acquaintance, a certain
dissolute priest, his confederate in the affair of Marano, and who
had, in fact, acted as one of the sable fiends whose stout clubs had
agonised the unfortunate goldsmith. The adventurer warned
Cagliostro not to enter Palermo, where justice was highly offended at
his youthful indiscretions. He persuaded him to join fortunes with
himself, return to Naples, and there open a gaming-house for the
benefit, or rather for the bleeding, of the wealthy foreigners who
visited Italy. This method of gold-making was quite after the heart of
his hearer, who soon took his leave of the Sicilian prince, but they
were regarded with so much suspicion by the Neapolitan
Government that they retired into the Papal states. Cagliostro’s
companion had, however, received the tonsure, and he trembled for
his safety on the consecrated ground which was the stronghold of
the Holy Inquisition, so he hastened his departure to less orthodox
places, and does not figure further in the chequered history of his
brother in chicanery.
Cagliostro remained, and is said to have assumed several
different characters, occasionally including the sacerdotal habit.
According to some accounts, he made himself remarkable for his
extreme piety, visiting all the churches, fulfilling the duties of religion,
and frequenting the palaces of cardinals. By means of some letters
of recommendation which he had brought with him from Naples, he
obtained access to several persons of distinction, among others to
the Seneschal de Breteuil, at that time Ambassador from Malta to
Rome, and who, hearing of his former connection with the Grand
Master, received him with much warmth, and procured him other
honourable connections. One illustrious dupe ensured others, and
we find him in a short time established in the Holy City, retailing
wonderful recipes and specifics for all the diseases which afflict
fallen humanity in Rome and the universe. Crowns and ducats
flowed in upon him; he lived in some state and luxury, refraining,
however, from scandalous enjoyments.
The Italian biography which represents the opinions, embodies the
researches, and champions the cause of the Inquisition, draws,
however, a different picture to those of Saint-Felix and Louis Figuier.
“He employed himself at this period,” says this doubtful, because
indisputably biassed, authority, “in making drawings on paper, the
outlines of which were produced by means of a copperplate
engraving, and afterwards were filled up with Indian ink. These he
sold as designs made by means of the pen alone. Having taken up
his abode at the Sign of the Sun, in the neighbourhood of the
Rotunda, he quarrelled with one of the waiters and suffered
imprisonment for three days.”
Whatever these statements are worth, there is no doubt hanging
over the most important incident of his Roman career. It was in that
place and at this period that he first beheld the young and beautiful
Lorenza Feliciani, and having in two days fallen violently in love with
her, he demanded her in marriage from her father, who, fascinated
by his birth, his aristocratic name, and opulent appearance,
consented, together with the lady. The marriage took place, not
without éclat, says one section of the witnesses, and the pair resided
in the house of the father-in-law. The Italian life, minimising to the
uttermost the success of Cagliostro, says that he received as a
dower a trifling fortune proportionate to their condition.
According to the testimony of all the biographers, inquisitorial or
otherwise, Lorenza was not only young and beautiful, but “rich in
every quality of the heart, being tender, devoted, honest, and
modest;” but her husband conceived the diabolical design of
advancing his fortunes at the expense of her honour, and in private
conversation took occasion to rally her notions of virtue, which he
sought to undermine. The first lesson which the young bride received
from her husband, according to her own confession, was intended to
instruct her in the means of attracting and gratifying the passions of
the opposite sex. The most wanton coquetry and the most lascivious
arts were the principles with which he endeavoured to inspire her.
The mother of Lorenza, scandalised at his conduct, had such
frequent altercations with her son-in-law, that he resolved to remove
from her house, and in other quarters found it a simpler task to
corrupt the mind and morals of his wife. Then, according to the
Italian author, he presented her to two persons well qualified for the
exercise of her talents, having instructed her to entangle them both
by her allurements. With one of these she did not succeed, but over
the other she acquired a complete victory. Cagliostro himself
conducted her to the house destined for the pleasure of the lover, left
her alone in his company, and retired to another chamber.
The interview and the offers made to her were such as entirely
corresponded to the wishes of the husband, but the wife on this
occasion did not exhibit a proper instance of conjugal obedience,
and upon imparting the whole affair confidentially to her husband,
received the most bitter reproach and the most violent and dreadful
menaces. He also repeatedly assured her that adultery was no crime
when it was committed by a woman to advance her interests, and
not through affection for other men. He even added example to
precept, by showing how little he himself respected the ties of
conjugal fidelity—that is, apparently, he sold himself to lascivious
females of advanced age, and on these occasions aroused his
dormant passions by drinking a certain Egyptian wine, composed of
aromatics which possessed the necessary qualities for the
completion of his intention. His wife, hearkening at length to his
instructions, was conducted several times to the place where she
had formerly proved so disobedient to his orders. She sometimes
received, says the same witness, either clothes or trinkets, and
sometimes a little money, as the reward of her condescension. One
day her husband wrote a letter, in the name of his wife, in which he
begged the loan of a few crowns; these were immediately sent. In
return for them an interview was promised during the course of the
next day, and the lady was faithful to the appointment.
Such is the version of this disgraceful business given by the
enemies of Cagliostro, but all biographers agree that he corrupted
the morals of his wife. Indeed, the only question is whether the
transaction took place on the sordid scale described by the Italian
writer. Other authorities tell us that his success tempted “a beautiful
Roman—Lorenza Feliciani—to share his rising fortunes.
Unscrupulous, witty, and fascinating, Lorenza was an admirable
partner for Cagliostro, who speedily made her an adept in all his
pretended mysteries.” Whatever were her natural virtues or failings,
it is highly improbable that she sold her uncommon attractions for
such paltry and miserable advantages.
The house which was taken by Cagliostro became the resort of
sharpers, two of whom, Ottavio Nicestro, who was eventually
hanged, and a so-called Marquis d’Agriata, both Sicilians, became
intimate associates of their host. With the latter he was frequently
closeted for hours together. Their occupation is uncertain; but as
Cagliostro’s wealth increased at no ordinary rate, and as the Marquis
was an unparalleled proficient in the production of counterfeit writing,
they are supposed to have succeeded in forging numerous bills of
exchange; and it is, at any rate, certain that the letters patent by
which the great charlatan was authorised to assume the uniform of a
Prussian colonel, which he subsequently did to his definite
advantage, were the production of this skilful miscreant. But a
quarrel arose between the three confederates; Nicastro betrayed his
accomplices, the Marquis fled from Rome, Cagliostro and the
unhappy Lorenza incontinently following his example.
Our three fugitives took the road to Venice, reached Bergamo, and
there practised several unparticularised rogueries, till their identity
was discovered by the Government. The marquis again managed to
escape, the others after a short imprisonment were expelled from the
town, and being stripped of all their resources, undertook a
pilgrimage into Galicia, hoping to cross Spain, through the charity of
the clergy and conventual communities. They travelled through the
territories of the King of Sardinia, through Genoa, and so arrived at
Antibes. From this moment the life of the Count Cagliostro was for
several years one of incessant wandering. According to the Italian
biographer, as beggary proved unprofitable, Lorenza was again
forced by her husband to augment their resources through the sale
of her charms. In this way they arrived at Barcelona, where they
tarried for six months, the same course of infamous prostitution,
followed by Lorenza with the most manifest reluctance, contributing
in the main to their support.
From Barcelona they proceeded to Madrid, where also certain
noble Spaniards proved sensible to the charms of Lorenza. From
Madrid they journeyed to Lisbon, and thence sailed to England,
where Cagliostro is said to have adopted the profession of a
common quack, to have fallen into prison, to have been bought out
by his wife, in whose person he still continued to traffic, bartering her
charms to every opulent man who wished to become a purchaser;
but the frequency of her prostitutions has probably been grossly
An English Life of the Count Cagliostro, dedicated, in 1787, to
Madame la Comtesse, and written in the interests of the charlatan,
gives a singular account of his misfortunes in London, showing that
when he arrived there he was in possession of plate, jewels, and
specie to the amount of three thousand pounds, that he hired
apartments in Whitcomb Street, where he dedicated a large portion
of his time to his favourite studies of chemistry and physics, and that
all he suffered must be entirely attributed to the profuse generosity
and charity of himself and his lady.
In 1772, Cagliostro and his wife crossed over to France,
accompanied by one M. Duplaisir, who lodged with them at Paris,
and seems to have been intimate with Lorenza. But Cagliostro was
insatiable, says St Felix. He sold his honour at a high price, and the
fortune of Duplaisir melted in the crucible of another’s follies and
extravagances. At length, in alarm, the victim took leave of his
rapacious guests, not without strongly warning Lorenza to return to
her parents, for he had learned to esteem the natural good qualities
which she possessed. According to one account, she attempted to
follow this advice, but others say that she sought refuge from
incessant prostitution with Duplaisir himself. In either case,
Cagliostro had recourse to the authority of the king, and obtaining an
order for her arrest, she was imprisoned in the penitentiary of Sainte
Pélagie, and was detained there several months, during which
Cagliostro abandoned himself to a life of congenial dissipation. The
sale of a certain wash for beautifying the complexion appears to
have procured him a considerable revenue about this period.
The imprisonment of Lorenza did not prevent a reconciliation with
her husband immediately after her release, which occurred on
December 21, 1772, on which date, having obtained under false
pretences some magnificent dresses from the costumiers, Cagliostro
appeared at the ball of a dancing-master in a peculiarly brilliant
It is from this period that our adventurer’s success as an alchemist
must be dated. Here he found means to form an acquaintance with
two persons of distinction, who carried their love of chemistry to a
ridiculous excess. He pretended to have discovered some
miraculous secrets in the transcendent science, proclaimed himself
publicly a depository of the Hermetic Mystery, and posing as a
supernatural personage in possession of the great arcanum of the
philosophers’ stone and of the glorious life-elixir. This also was the
epoch of mesmerism, of which novel science Cagliostro decided to
avail himself. After a time, according to the Italian biography, his two
dupes entertained suspicions of his veracity, and being in fear of
arrest, he obtained a passport under a fictitious name, fled with great
precipitation to Brussels, traversed Germany and Italy, and once
more arrived at his native city Palermo.[AM]
At Palermo he was speedily arrested by the implacable Marano,
but the protection of a noble, to whom he had obtained a powerful
recommendation while at Naples, ensured his speedy release, and
he embarked with his wife for Malta, where, according to the Italian
biographer, he ostensibly supported himself by the sale of his
pomade for the improvement of the complexion, but his more certain
income appears to have been his wife. Monsieur Saint-Félix,
however, declares, and this, on the whole, is most probable, that
they were received with the most marked distinction by the Grand
Master. In either case, they soon retired to Naples, when Cagliostro
professed in public for three months both chemistry and the
Kabbalah. At Naples they were joined by a younger brother of
Feliciani, a lad named Paolo, who was remarkable for his
extraordinary loveliness. Cagliostro, seeing that he might prove
useful, persuaded him to share their fortunes. They embarked with a
great train for Marseilles, and thence proceeded to Barcelona. The
star of the great adventurer was now fairly in the ascendant, and
from this time he seems always to have travelled in considerable
state. He met, however, with no dupes of importance in the
peninsula till he reached its extremity, where he cheated a fanatical
alchemist of a hundred thousand crowns, under the pretence of a
colossal accomplishment of the magnum opus. After this signal
success he incontinently departed for England, while Paolo, with
whom he had quarrelled, returned to Rome, much to the grief of his
The commencement of the grandeur of Cagliostro is to be dated
from his second visit to London. It was then that he was initiated into
masonry, and conceived his titanic project of the mysterious
Egyptian rite. Saint Félix accredits him even from the moment of his
admission into the order with an unavowed object. Cagliostro, he
informs us, was resolved one day to seat himself on the throne of the
grand master of a rival and more potent institution, and he appears
to have lived henceforth in the light of his high aspiration, and to
have eschewed—theoretically at least—all petty rogueries.
He incessantly visited the various London lodges, and a
correspondence printed in English at Strasburg during the year
1788, relates that by a pure chance he picked up a curious
manuscript at an obscure London bookstall. This manuscript
appears to have belonged to a certain George Gaston, who is
absolutely unknown. It treated of Egyptian masonry, and abounded
in magical and mystical notions which excited the curiosity of its
purchaser, nourished both his ambition and his imagination, and in a
short time he developed his own system from its suggestive hints.
The source of his inspiration, of course, remained concealed. He
pretended to have received his masonic tradition by succession from
Enoch and Elias. Privately, however, he pursued his former
rogueries, and his sojourn in London was not infrequently disturbed
by his squabbles with the police. Those who are interested in this
part of the Cagliostro controversy will do well to refer to the English
biography, dedicated to the countess, and which contains much
curious information.
When all his plans were matured he departed for the Hague, and
thence proceeded to Venice, where some of his English creditors
seem to have disturbed his serenity, and prompted him in
consequence to retire through Germany into Holstein, where he is
supposed to have visited the renowned Count de St Germain.
According to the Mémoires Authentiques pour servir à l’Histoire du
Comte de Cagliostro, published in 1785, he demanded an audience
with this man of inscrutable mystery, in order that he might prostrate
himself before the dieu des croyants. With characteristic eccentricity
the Count de St Germain appointed two in the morning as the hour
for the interview, which moment being arrived, say the “Memoirs,”
Cagliostro and his wife, clothed in white garments, clasped about the
waist with girdles of rose-colour, presented themselves at the
castellated temple of mystery, which was the abode of the dubious
divinity whom they desired to adore. The drawbridge was lowered, a
man six feet in height, clothed in a long grey robe, led them into a
dimly-lighted chamber. Therein some folding doors sprang suddenly
open, and they beheld a temple illuminated by a thousand wax
lights, with the Count de Saint-Germain enthroned upon the altar; at
his feet two acolytes swung golden thuribles, which diffused sweet
and unobtrusive perfumes. The divinity bore upon his breast a
diamond pentagram of almost intolerable radiance. A majestic
statue, white and diaphanous, upheld on the steps of the altar a vase
inscribed, “Elixir of Immortality,” while a vast mirror was on the wall,
and before it a living being, majestic as the statue, walked to and fro.
Above the mirror were these singular words—“Store House of
Wandering Souls.” The most solemn silence prevailed in this sacred
retreat, but at length a voice, which seemed hardly a voice,
pronounced these words—“Who are you? Whence come you? What
would you?” Then the Count and Countess Cagliostro prostrated
themselves, and the former answered after a long pause, “I come to
invoke the God of the faithful, the Son of Nature, the sire of truth. I
come to demand of him one of the fourteen thousand seven hundred

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