Ae Phe 28 2023 30072024

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Dated Guwahati the 3 luly,2024

No. 1 40PSC/CON lExam-2612023 -2024

2024, the
The Assam public Service commission hereby declares today, the 30rr' July,
results of the Screening Test (oMR based) for recruitment to the post of Assistant Engineer
(Civil/Mechanical/Electrical/Chemical) under Public Health Engineering Department
(Advt No'
Candidates bearing the
2812023 dated 31llol2o23) conducted by the commission on 0910612024.
the commission'
Ibllowing Roll Numbers will have to appear in the Interview to be conducted by
The dates of Interview will be notified shorlly.

Roll Number ofcandidates to be appeared in the Interview are stated below

(A) Assistnnt [,nginccr (Civil):

1,0175 '1,0176 10180 10190 10199 1,0203

10025 10084 10135 1.0764
1.02L6 10227 10233 70257 t0268 70276 t0284 10313 10324
10334 10335 103 39 70340 t0342 103 66 103 69 L0375 10392
10399 t0402 10478 1,0420 10438 1.0440 1.0467 10539 70567
105 84 10598 10600 10615 1.0624 1.0677 1.0699 70754 10756
lO7BB 10801 10 811 10846 108 59 10861 10871 lOB7Z lOB9Z
1.07 6',2
70897 1.0907 1.0974 10925 109 5 4. 1,0972 1.0978 10983 11010
11.029 11040 1,1,042 1,1,052 1.1.064 17070 1,1,076 11080 11083
11086 1.7093 11\07 77t27 1,71.28 11.1.29 11154 1.1.213 77228 17241
77277 1,1290 1.L302 113 18 1,1.346 11353 1.1.384 77423 71434
71.439 1.L444 1,I4BZ 11530 1L542 11555 77606 17609 1,!6L0 1L624
1,t667 1.1671. 11685 1,t730 1t7 +2 71.7 46 1,t747 1,1752 7t773 1177 4
11793 11806 11811 11815 11,BZB 17840 11847 71.848 11890
1,19t4 11933 1,1,943 trg46 1,t961 1,1,968 11989 12002 1,2024 12050
72094. 1,2149 12t5L 121.72 1,21,85 12194 72226 72232
1.2080 1,ZO89
1.2247 IZZ48 72273 1.227 4 72286 1,2287 1,2288 1.2290 t2292 72294
1.2295 1.2343 r2346 t2362 t2369 72374 72377 1.2378 L2383 IZ3B4
L241.3 1,2432 12433 1245'l L247B 124.8L t2489 1,2490 1,2495 12526
72535 72543 12547 72559 12579 1,2596 1.2606 t2645 12676 12682
12700 12727 1.2736 727 45 t2809 t2824 12834 72854
72691 1,2698
72857 1,2861. 1,2902 72903 72930 1.2933 1,2969 12970 IZ9BO IZ987
1.2998 13010 730t2 1.3032 13036 13038 13039 13043 13045
13063 13081 1.3727 t3136 131.52 13160 L3768 1,3179 13180 13t84
1318 5 13189 13190 t3197 13198 73207 L3220 13224 t3zs9 1,3289
73327 L3337 t3344 13398 t3407 73477 73412
73291 73307
73466 13 519 13543 13548 13552 13553 13 556 13561
t"V 13 588 t361.t 1.3617 1.3624 1,3625 13658 73726 13732 t3733
1,37 44
13786 1.3790 1380 2 13B03 13BOB 13843 73845 1.3847
13895 1.4072 1.4073 740i4 74026 74079 t4095 t4773 1,41,78
Page 2 of Z

(B) Assistant Enginccr (Mechanical):

20L67 20259 20338 20345 20392 20712

20012 20023
ZLZ47 21625 21626
207 65 207 67 20825
(C) Assistant Enginecr (Electrical):

30063 30098 301.23 30153 30179 30242 30249 30390

30018 30055
30511 305 21 30545 30604 30658 3O6BB 30722 30733
30457 30501
(D) Assistant Engincer (Che mical):

4077 6

N.B.: The Commission will not be responsible for any typing/printing mistakes'

Plincipal Controller of Examinations,
Assam Public Service Comtnission,
Jawaharnagar, Khanapara, Guwahati-22

Memo No. 1 40PSC/CON/ExaI-2612023-2024 (A) Dated Guwahati the 3}tt' t:ttl1, 2024

Coq,.{orwarded to:
l. All Hon'ble Menrbers of A.P.S.C., Khanapara, Guwahatl22 '

2. The Secretary, A.P.S.C', Khanapara, Guwahatl22'

in all
3. The DIpR, Assarn, Dispur, Guwahati-6 for information and publication ofthe said notification
leading news papers of Assam for lvide circulation.
4. P.S. to the Hon'ble Chairman, A.P.S.C., Khanapara, Guwahati-22'
5. The Deputy Secretary, D.R. Section, APSC for information'
6. The Programmer, A.P.S.C. for uploading in the A.P S.C''s website'
7. Order File.

Principal Controller of Examinations,
Assam Public Service Cotnln ission.
Jawalrarnagar, Khanapara, Guw ahati-22

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