Collisions in Straits
Collisions in Straits
Collisions in Straits
The Malacca and Singapore Straits are the primary routes for vessels plying their trade between the Far
East, the oil rich states in the Middle East and all the way to Europe. Currently, the Straits of Malacca and
Singapore bear more than 100,000 vessel movements per year. When cross-straits ferry and other local
traffic are included, the total exceeds 500 vessel movements per day. The large number of ships sailing
through these straits means more risk, especially when such ships are concentrated at chokepoints.
Moreover, traffic in the Straits is predicted to double in the next ten years, making these Straits the most
congested in the world.
For centuries the straits have been the main shipping channel between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific
Ocean. In 2011, hundreds of thousands of containers in thousands of box-ships crossed its waters carrying
about one-quarter of the world's traded goods. In addition, approximately forty percent of all the oil
carried by water goes through this area from the Middle East toward China, Japan, South Korea, and the
Pacific Rim. The Malacca and Singapore Straits remain the key chokepoints of oil trade to and in Asia.
The importance and relevance of this area from geopolitical and geo-economic interests is wide and
diverse. Moreover, in the last twenty years, all the major regional powers in the area have shown a special
interest in protecting rights of passage through these waters.
The route through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore is beset with challenges, natural and man-made.
1. Geography: The most difficult stretch for navigation in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore is in
areas spanned by the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) between One Fathom Bank off Port Klang
(Malaysia) in the west and Horsburgh Lighthouse (Singapore) in the east. The TSS extends for
250 nautical miles and has six choke points where the average depth may be as little as 23
2. Narrowness: The Strait’s narrowness of as little as less than 2 nautical miles creates one of the
most important traffic choke points in the world. Due to the strait’s shallow waters (at 25
meters or 82 feet in many areas) the passage of larger oil tankers currently takes place in the
Lombok, Makassar, Sibutu and Mindoro Straits.
3. Traffic: The high shipping traffic coupled with the narrowness of the Straits make for
navigational hazards. The narrowest breadth along the Strait of Singapore is off the southern tip
at Phillips Channel, where it is about 1.96 nautical miles. The Straits of Malacca and Singapore
also accommodate cross-strait traffic or coastal shipping, particularly in the TSS area. Since 2008,
the steady increase of coastal shipping has been identified as one of the impediments to safe
navigation through traffic.
AIS grab showing average no. of vessel passing through Malacca Strait
Source: Strasselink Marine Consultancy
4. Weather: The region is subject to frequent rain and squalls, and strong currents can be
experienced during the transit through the Straits. During squalls and haze, visibility can
decrease considerably making it difficult for mariners to navigate their vessels.
5. Visibility: Haze caused by forest and bush fires in Sumatra has also compromised safe
navigation through these waterways and it remains a threat to mariners until today. The haze
caused by forest and plantation fires could at times severely affect visibility, in the past forcing
Malaysia to issue a hazard warning for ships sailing in the Straits of Malacca.
6. Piracy: Piracy and sea robbery activities also complicate navigation, though since 2006 the
number of sea robbery incidents has gone down due to effective security measures by the
littoral States, such as the coordinated naval patrols by Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
However, we have recently witnessed piracy activities resurfacing especially in the vicinity of
Nipa anchorage off Indonesia, as well as reporting hijackings and cargo theft.
7. Human error: Human error is a significant form of navigational hazard in the Straits. The tighter
sailing schedules and shorter turnaround times in ports have contributed to the increasing risk
of crew fatigue and stress experienced by crew members.
8. Groundings: Groundings have also been a regular cause of accidents along the Straits. With the
shallows along the Singapore Straits being most notorious for groundings, some ships also got
stuck while navigating along the stretches of the Malacca Straits.
9. Other hazards: Other navigational hazards in the Straits include ship wrecks, small islands, isles
and shoals in the south-eastern exit of the Strait of Singapore and potentially unreliable aids to
navigation, especially in the Indonesian portion of the Straits.
Accidents in the Straits involve collisions, contacts, founderings, strandings, fires, engine troubles, bilgings
and leakages. An analysis of the types of vessels involved in a maritime casualty indicates that the risk of an
accident can involve almost every type of ship plying the Malacca and Singapore Straits.
The situation is serious, considering the extent of the casualties, many of which result in loss of lives,
pollution damage and loss of earnings for those whose livelihood depends on the Straits, as well as
significant wreck removal projects.
The risks posed by smaller crafts moving in the Straits must not be under estimated. Large ships have got
into serious trouble and even sunk after colliding with such crafts. Fire, explosions and pollution, too, have
resulted from accidents between small and large ships.
1. Human error and poor judgment: Following three incidents resulting in oil spills, the Maritime and
Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) conducted an investigation into the cause of the accidents. The
main cause of the three collisions was found to be human error and poor judgment. There was
found to be a lack of situational awareness of personnel on the bridge.
2. Non-observance of rules: The human element is the most important factor. Compliance with
international safety standards and procedures has not been sufficient and has caused a situation
which can best be described as “an accident waiting to happen”. The implication of this is that not
all users of waterways may be maintaining the vigilance that is expected when navigating in straits.
3. Inadequate use of collision prevention aids: The MPA in its investigation has also found that
equipment such as the Automatic Identification System (AIS), Automatic Radar Plotting Aid (ARPA),
and Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is not being used properly or
effectively by the bridge teams to avoid collisions.
4. Navigational hazards: Safety of navigation is one of the main challenges in the Straits. The safety of
navigation is threatened mainly by navigational hazards and accidents, and occasional security
threats as well. Despite vessels being installed with modern navigational aids and assisted by Vessel
Traffic information systems, the Straits are still considered an accident-prone waterway. Apart from
direct risk to lives and property, accidents can threaten the Straits eco-system, particularly if there
are cargo and oil spills close to major fishing grounds and tourist beaches.
5. Mechanical problems: Ships that are either not properly maintained or are under way while
suffering mechanical problems contribute to the risk of accidents. A power or steering failure while
in busy or challenging waters can quickly turn into a serious situation.
6. Traffic: The most difficult waters of the Straits lie between Horsburgh Lighthouse and One Fathom
Bank Lighthouse, a distance of some 217 miles. The remaining 500 miles have a more open sea
environment. Since Masters are free (within rules and TSS) to plot their own course, the obvious
tendency is to elect for the shortest route. This in turn will result in many ships drawing the same
courses which cause them to meet when overtaking within the narrow confines of the fairway.
Although the introduction of Traffic Separation Schemes (TSS) had helped significantly in the
regulation of traffic, with the various types of vessels going at different speeds and manned by
crews exercising different standards, the risk of collision and grounding is still significant.
Recent Incidents
As the traffic volume grows, it is anticipated that the risk of accidents and pollution will increase too. Major
and minor incidents in the Straits have been caused by accidents resulting from the constraints of the
waterway or human error, including from failure to make correct situational assessments of developing
situations. It is important to look at ways of reducing accidents from a proactive position rather than a
reactive one.
Among the casualties that have taken place in the Malacca Straits, we highlight a few below:
In 2011, two large ships - MV B Oceania and Xin Tai Hai - en route to China collided 8 nautical miles
southwest of Pulau Pisang, resulting in the sinking of the MV B Oceania. The MV B Oceania was
reported to have experienced a failure of both generators, resulting in a complete loss of power.
She started to lose speed and was unable to alter her course, drifting to starboard. Unable to avoid
the MV B Oceania, the two vessels collided. In the early hours of 30th July 2011, the MV B Oceania
sank, fortunately shortly afterwards all 23 crewmen were rescued by a passing container ship, the
MV Ikaruga. The resulting wreck removal of the vessel turned in to a pool claim for both P&I Clubs
of the two respective vessels.
Towards the end of 2013, a Panama-flagged containership, "NYK Themis", collided into a barge "AZ
Fuzhou", at East Keppel Fairway.
3. Hammonia Thracium and Zoey
In the same month, a Singapore departing Liberia-flagged containership "Hammonia Thracium" and the
Panama-flagged chemical tanker "Zoey" also collided in the Singapore Strait, off Sebarok Island.
The most recent high-profile and serious collision occurred late last year occurred between the Q-Flex
LNG carrier Al Gharrafa, and boxes-hip Hanjin Italy between Batam Island and Singapore.
1. Undertake proper voyage planning: The commitment to proper voyage planning is critical in
ensuring the success and safety of the vessel on the intended voyage. Passage planning basically
consists of four stages: appraisal, planning, execution, and monitoring. Care and commitment must
be exercised in every stage of the plan so that there is no chain of events that could lead to a
mishap. Enhancing communication and information sharing between Masters and Pilots is also vital
to preventing incidents.
2. Instil a strong safety culture on board: The Master and crew should be well-aware of the
challenges they may face when passing the area. There should also be a strong safety management
framework instituted on board to prevent accidents.
3. Ensure crew are qualified and trained: The basis of preventing maritime casualties and pollution of
the sea is that ships must not only be properly designed, constructed, equipped and maintained;
but must also be operated by an adequate number of qualified officers and trained crews.
4. Ensure crew are not stressed or tired: It is well recognised that the human element is a significant
factor in a number of maritime casualties. In order to prevent human error becoming the
contributing factor to an incident, Ship Owners and Masters should be mindful of stress and fatigue
management. Officers and Crew should not be subjected to long hours of watch-keeping beyond
permissible limits under SCTW 2010 or the MLC 2006, which can lead to a degradation of human
performance, a slowing down of physical and mental reflexes and an impairment of the ability to
make rational judgements. This also applies to Masters of ships who may need to ensure they are
available to being on the bridge during long Straits and river transits.
5. Ensure adequate watch keeping: Ships with few watch keepers, usually including the Master, when
transiting the Strait will be challenged to ensure an effective bridge watch-keeping team. The
demand of doubling the watch if required would cause their officers to work on very strenuous
schedules. The situation is compounded for deep draft vessels whose navigation must be precise,
more so when such vessels require staging in order to meet the “tidal window” at specified target
time over areas of critical controlling depths. In situations like these, the vessel managers or
charterers should look into available services which can provide assistance to the Master who
would then have the opportunity to be rested and be mentally and physically fit to meet challenges
when they arise.
Recognising the importance in assisting deeply laden and sensitive vessels to safely navigate the narrow
waterways of the Malacca and Singapore Straits, Capt. Fadzlon Ahmad, MD of StrasseLink, conducted a
development study for Malacca Straits pilotage services back in 1999.
It was noted that the Straits Pilotage service could offer optimal professional support and nautical
assistance for the captains who are not familiar with navigating in the constraint waters. The service would
contribute to the overall navigational safety for all users in the Straits and also help in the protection of the
environment of the littoral nations bordering the Malacca and Singapore Straits.
In line with IMO’s recommendation on fatigue management, StrasseLink’s pilotage assistance will:
- contribute to enhancing the safety of navigation of a vessel in the Malacca and Singapore Straits
- help the bridge team manage their resources more effectively to prevent fatigue of the team
- provide the Master with the opportunity to consult the professional when in doubt
- be of extra value to the bridge management team where his professional skillset as a ship-handler
will be most welcome in times of need
- provide a double check on the ships navigation system and proceed on the most optimum route by
using independent state-of-the-art equipment and thereby saving bunkers and time to next port of
With about a decade of experience, Strasselink provides safe, quick and reliable 24/7 service all year round.
Being Class A1 pilots, StrasseLink’s pilots are well-experienced in handling all types of vessels including
deep-draft VLCCs, LNG/C, FPSO, Oilrigs, semi-subs etc.
As a consultancy company, StrasseLink has been actively contributing local knowledge and expertise to
enhance Witherby’s publications of the “Passage Planning Guide: Malacca and Singapore Straits”.
Capt. Fadzlon had been providing inputs and vetting both the 2011 and 2013 editions of this guide. This
book serves as a comprehensive step-by-step guide for Masters of vessels transiting the Malacca /
Singapore Straits.
Additional information
In May 2014, a pamphlet on the safe passing in the Straits of Singapore and Malacca was officially
launched at the 93rd session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee. The pamphlet highlights the unique
navigational considerations when passing through this area and the importance of adhering to the
COLREGs in various situations.
Capt Fadzlon
Managing Director & Chief Marine Advisor
StrasseLink Pte Ltd