CHEM 401 - Course Outline - 2023
CHEM 401 - Course Outline - 2023
CHEM 401 - Course Outline - 2023
Course Description: Properties of gases, kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamics, states of matter, and phase
equilibria. A survey of basic topics of physical chemistry. This course is designed for preprofessional and
advanced chemistry students.
Course Content
Method of Instruction:
➢ Random Classwork either the first five minutes or the last five minutes during class time ➢
➢ For class discussion (industrial process case studies)
➢ Three or four regular assignments and case studies will be administered
➢ Midterm examination
➢ Final Exam
Tasks Required Percent Distribution
Test 30
Quiz 15
Mid-term exam 20
Final Exam 35
Total Points Possible 100
Grading System
Score Range Letter Grade Point
95 – 100 A+ 4.000
90 – 94 A 3.750
85 – 89 B+ 3.500
80 – 84 B 3.000
75 – 79 C+ 2.500
70 – 74 C 2.000
65 – 69 D+ 1.500
60 – 64 D 1.000
< 60 F 0.000
Incomplete Grades:
➢ Miss two problem sets but fully participated in the rest of the evaluation tests.
➢ Miss two discussions on industrial process case studies
➢ Miss the midterm examination
➢ Miss the final examination
➢ According to University policy, if a student's test, examination paper, laboratory report, term paper,
or other written assignment shows evidence of not being completely his/her work, he may be given
an F for the course.
➢ A student who communicates with anyone during an examination or test without the permission of
the instructor may be immediately dismissed from the room and given an F. Such communications
include attempts to read from another's paper.
➢ If a student is found to have brought study materials into the examination room without the
instructor's permission, it may be assumed that he/she intended to use such materials for academic
fraud, and he/she may be penalized accordingly. Such behavior will result in disciplinary sanctions
resulting in suspension, dismissal, or expulsion from the University.
3. Thermochemistry 4 Hours
a. Standard enthalpy of formation, Hess’s law of constant, Hess summation and its
application, heat of reaction at constant pressure and volume
b. Enthalpy of neutralization, bond dissociation energy and its calculations from
thermodynamic data, the temperature dependence of enthalpy
c. Kirchhoff’s equation, law of Thermochemistry, Born – Harber Process
of heat engine
b. Concept of entropy, entropy as a state function, entropy as a function of volume –
temperature, pressure – temperature, entropy changes in a physical change
c. Clausius inequality, entropy as a criterion of spontaneity and equilibrium, entropy changes
in ideal gases and mixing of gases