PSP-SIMP (2) (1) (1) PDF
PSP-SIMP (2) (1) (1) PDF
PSP-SIMP (2) (1) (1) PDF
SIMP Questions
1. Define Computer. Broadly classify the computers based on their Speed, Storage and
2. Define an algorithm and Write an algo to find the area and perimeter of a rectangle
3. Explain the following (a)Structure of a C program (b)Primitive data types (iii)Software
and different types of software (iv)identifiers and its rules -12M
4. Explain the following (i)Types of constants (ii)Tokens in C (iii)Type conversion
(iv)Different types of network topology
5. List any three input and three output devices of a computer and explain any one
6. Describe the evolution of Computers by mentioning how computers in one
generation are better than their predecessors.
7. Difference between Primary and Secondary Memory.
8. Explain the syntax and working of if,if else,switch,while and do-while statement.
Mention in which situation it is desirable
9. What are unconditional control statements? Explain any two with syntax and
10. Write a C program to compute the roots of a quadratic equation by accepting the
coefficients and print the appropriate message along with the values.
11. How is a 1D and 2D integer array represented in memory? with the help of suitable
example demonstrate the initializing the array elements
12. Define string. How is the string declared and initialized ? Explain string input/output
functions with an example
13. Mention various operations that can be performed on strings using built-in functions.
Explain any two functions.
14. With the help of suitable example explain the working of Binary Search technique,
also list the difference between binary and linear search
15. .What is function, Discuss the implementation of user-defined function and built in
function with a suitable example
16. What is Recursion? Write a C program to compute polynomial coefficient nCr using
17. Discuss the various ways of passing parameter to the functions
18. List any five built-in functions and explain any two of them.
19. What is a pointer? Explain how the pointer variable is declared and initialized? Write a
C program to swap two integer values using pointers
20. How is union different from struct? Give the syntax for declaring and initializing a union
with a suitable example
21. What is structure? Explain the C syntax of structure declaration with example
22. What is the preprocessor directive? Explain #define and #include preprocessor