Prostitution, STDs & Human Trafficking
Prostitution, STDs & Human Trafficking
Prostitution, STDs & Human Trafficking
Most of the men who use prostitutes in the Philippines are locals not
You would not get this impression by visiting one of the better known as
red light districts. Local tend to use community-, neighborhood- and
town- based brotherl and sex workers.
In Angeles City, near Clark Air
base, there is one street with bars
for foreigners on one side, and bars
for locals on the other.
STDs pass from one person to another through vaginal, oral, and
anal sex. They also can spread through intimate physical contact
like heavy petting, though this is not very common.
STDs don’t always cause symptoms or may only cause mild
symptoms. Therefore, it is possible to have an infection and not
know it.
That is why getting an STD test is important if you are having sex.
If you receive a positive STD diagnosis, know that all are treatable
with medicine and some are curable entirely.
STDs are preventable. If you have sex, know how to protect yourself
and your sex partner(s) from STDs.
Some of the most common STDs don’t cause symptoms, but they can still
lead to serious health problems. Learning about STDs can help protect your
health now and in the future.
HPV is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There are more
than 40 types of HPV. They can infect the genitals, mouth or throat.
Most men and women who are sexually active will get at least one
type of HPV at some point in their life.
HPV spreads from one person to another through vaginal, anal or oral sex.
You can get the virus even if your partner has no symptoms.
Fortunately, vaccines protect people against many types of HPV.
HPV infections are usually not harmful. They often go away on their
own within two years. The problem is some types of HPV can lead
to serious health problems. These include genital warts and cervical
cancer. Most people infected with HPV have no symptoms until they
develop other health issues.
2. Chlamydia
New cases each year in the United States: Almost 3 million.
Chlamydia spreads through sexual contact with the penis, vagina, mouth
or anus of an infected person. A pregnant woman can pass chlamydia to
her baby during childbirth. Even if you’ve been treated for chlamydia
in the past, you can get the infection again.
3. Trichomoniasis
New cases each year in the United States: More than 1 million.
This infection comes from a parasite that passes from one person
to another during sex.
It can spread from a man to a woman, a woman to a man, or from one
woman to another woman.
Women usually develop the infection inside the vagina or the urethra.
Men can develop trichomoniasis inside the penis. The infection usually
doesn’t spread to the mouth, anus or other parts of the body.
4. Gonorrhea
New cases each year in the United States: More than 800,000.
Gonorrhea spreads through sexual contact with the penis, vagina, mouth
or anus of an infected person. A pregnant woman can pass gonorrhea to
her baby during childbirth.
5. Genital Herpes
New cases each year in the United States: Almost 800,000.
This infection comes from the herpes simplex virus (HSV), type 1
or type 2. You can get herpes by having vaginal, anal or oral sex with
someone who is infected.
Some people with herpes have mild symptoms. Some have none at all.
Other people have outbreaks of lesions that look like blisters
around their genitals, rectum or mouth. These blisters can break
open and become painful sores that take a long time to heal.
The fluid inside herpes sores contains the virus. You can become
infected if you come in contact with it because the virus can spread
through the skin. Infected people can pass the virus to their partners even
if they don't have sores. Outbreaks of genital herpes can happen
again and again. But the outbreaks usually become shorter and
less severe over time.
There is no cure for herpes. But your doctor can prescribe medicines
that help prevent and shorten outbreaks and ease the pain.
6. Syphilis
New cases each year in the United States: About 55,000.
Syphilis is treated with antibiotics to kill the bacteria. The more quickly
you get syphilis treatment, the more completely you will recover.
7. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
New cases each year in the United States: More than 41,000.
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. When it enters the body, the
virus attacks the immune system. It destroys certain white blood
cells the body needs to fight off infections. Without enough of these
cells, people with HIV develop other serious diseases, such as pneumonia
or tuberculosis.
HIV can’t survive for long outside the body. It spreads from person to
person through contact with bodily fluids, such as blood and semen during
vaginal and anal sex.
It's possible to get HIV through oral sex, but this is not common. A
pregnant woman can pass HIV to her baby during pregnancy or while
breastfeeding. You can also get the virus from sharing needles or
syringes with an infected person.
There is no cure for HIV. But treatment with several different types of
medication helps people live longer and maintain an active life. The
medicine also reduces the chances of spreading the virus to
The fact that some STDs cause symptoms and some don’t is one of
the reasons why STD testing is so important.
Human Trafficking
When they arrive they find that the work does not exist, or
conditions are completely different. They become trapped, reliant on
their traffickers and extremely vulnerable. Their documents are
often taken away and they are forced to work until their debt is
paid off.
Abortion definitions can vary. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), abortion is defined as a pregnancy termination
prior to 20 weeks' gestation.
Abortion definitions can vary. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), abortion is defined as a pregnancy
termination prior to 20 weeks' gestation.
Most women who had had an abortion had discussed the matter with at
least one person, but fewer than half had discussed it with their partner,
suggesting that in many cases women feel that their partner will
not be supportive of their situation or decision.
4 Nearly one-third of women who get an abortion do not tell
anyone, highlighting how stigmatized abortion is in the
6. It’s not just cisgender women and girls who need abortion.
7. Criminalizing abortion is a form of discrimination which
further fuels stigma.