Jarzyne Et-Al. 2004 Comparison-Pd-Pt
Jarzyne Et-Al. 2004 Comparison-Pd-Pt
Jarzyne Et-Al. 2004 Comparison-Pd-Pt
A comparative study of hydrodechlorination of dichlorodifluoromethane, carbon tetrachloride and 1,2-dichloroethane over alumina-
supported Pd–Pt catalysts showed several interesting features in the catalytic behavior. Platinum, the metal which binds chlorine and
chlorine-containing organic intermediate species less strongly than palladium is a better catalyst in CCl4 hydrodechlorination. However,
in hydrodechlorinations of CCl2 F2 and 1,2-dichloroethane platinum offers too weak binding with reaction species, and in effect, Pd/Al2 O3
shows a better catalytic performance than Pt/Al2 O3 . Nevertheless, this positive behavior of Pd/Al2 O3 can still be improved by doping it with
small amounts of platinum. The formation of mixed Pd–Pt ensembles leads to an enhancement of the overall activity and selectivity for partial
hydrodehalogenation. Temperature-programmed hydrogenation (TPH) of deposits accumulated on the catalysts during hydrodechlorination
confirms a better resistance of platinum against carbiding. In the case of Pd/Al2 O3 and Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 catalysts, massive amounts of coke (and
chlorine) were found after CCl4 reaction.
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62 M. Legawiec-Jarzyna et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (2004) 61–68
lysts. Only the results of testing the catalysts after CCl2 F2 60
and CCl4 reactions were analyzed. The use of very small
catalysts charges in 1,2-C2 H4 Cl2 reaction (16–33 mg) re-
sulted only in some hardly visible changes in the respective 40
mass spectra and will not be discussed here. 20
3. Results
0 0
Prepared Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 catalysts showed a significant de- 0 20 40 60 80 100
gree of metal dispersion (fraction exposed (FE) = 0.36–0.77, Atom % Pt
Table 1). The monometallic Pd100 showed the highest metal
Fig. 2. The effect of Pd–Pt alloying on CHCl3 selectivity in CCl4 hy-
dispersion (FE = 0.77), whereas the rest of samples exhib- drodechlorination at 90 ◦ C (circles) and CHClF2 selectivity in CCl2 F2
ited roughly similar metal dispersion, FE = 0.51 ± 0.15. It hydrodechlorination at 180 ◦ C (squares).
means that the monometallic Pd100 catalyst would be char-
acterized by mean metal particle size of ∼1.5 nm (≈1.12/FE, 100 25
[19]), whereas the other samples should contain metal parti-
cles 2–3 nm in size (Table 1). This fact, in combination with
low metal loading and high background from ␥-alumina, 80 20
precluded use of X-ray diffraction for studying the metal
Selectivity for C2H5Cl, %
Selectivity for CH2F2, %
TOF, s-1 (C2H4Cl2)
4. Discussion
0.00 0.000 The performance of Pd and Pt, two of the most frequently
Pd 20 40 60 80 Pt investigated metals in catalytic hydrodechlorination, is de-
Atom % Pt pendent on the reactant subjected to chlorine removal. There
Fig. 1. The effect of Pd–Pt alloying on overall activity in hydrodechlori- are reactions in which Pd shows an exceptional performance,
nation of 1,2-dichloroethane at 200 ◦ C (circles), CCl2 F2 at 180 ◦ C, (tri- to such reactions one can include CFCs hydrodechlorina-
angles) and carbon tetrachloride at 90 ◦ C (squares). tion. However, there are also reactions, like the gas phase
64 M. Legawiec-Jarzyna et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (2004) 61–68
Table 2
Representative kinetic data of hydrodechlorination over Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 catalysts: product selectivities and turnover frequencies
Catalysta Product selectivity (%) Turnover frequencyb (s−1 )
hydrodechlorination of carbon tetrachloride, in which plat- tion may follow from simple consequences of the Sabatier
inum shows a more attractive catalytic behavior than pal- principle [22]. If the C–Cl bond dissociation presents a criti-
ladium. Table 2, which collects kinetic data of this work, cal step in hydrodechlorination, then a relatively weak bond-
demonstrates this relation, in agreement with works [1–16]. ing with platinum surface, so advantageous in the case of
In addition, palladium quickly deactivates and exhibits a CCl4 hydrodechlorination, would be less satisfactory for Cl
rather poor selectivity at steady state, giving a variety of removal from those organic compounds in which the C–Cl
products, including longer hydrocarbons. The latter ten- bond is much stronger. In such a case palladium is a more
dency noticed by others [5,10,14–16] was also observed in efficient (than platinum) chlorine abstraction agent. Table 3
this study (Table 2). shows that the dissociation energy of the C–Cl bond is in
The reason for such a distinction may well be a differ- fact higher for CCl2 F2 and 1,2-C2 H4 Cl2 molecules, com-
ent affinity of both metals to chlorine and other intermedi- pared to CCl4 . In line with the above-mentioned interpre-
ate species playing a role in catalytic hydrodechlorination. tation are earlier results of Weiss et al. [8], who studied
Platinum is a more noble metal than palladium, so one can the catalytic hydrodechlorination of C1 compounds: CCl4 ,
expect that both the reactants and reaction intermediates
are less strongly bonded to the surface of platinum than in
the case of palladium catalysts. Accordingly, Erley found Table 3
Dissociation energies of Cl–C bonds in reactants used in this work
that the activation energies of chlorine desorption from Pt
surfaces are considerably lower from the respective values Chlorine–carbon Dissociation Literature
characteristic for Pd single crystals: 199 versus 253 kJ/mol bond energy (kJ/mol) source
for (1 1 1) planes [20] and 249 versus 272 kJ/mol for (1 1 0) Cl–CCl3 305.9 ± 7.5 Ref. [24]
planes [21]. Different affinities of both metals for chlorine Cl–CClF2 346.0 ± 13.4 Ref. [24]
Cl–CH2 CH2 Cl 348.1 ± 9.6 Ref. [25]
suggest that their catalytic performance in hydrodechlorina-
M. Legawiec-Jarzyna et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (2004) 61–68 65
3e-9 5.0e-8
Mass signal, a.u.
Pd95Pt5 4.0e-8
1e-9 Pd90Pt10
Pd80Pt20 3.0e-8
0e+0 Pd50Pt50 Pd20Pt80
Pt100 2.0e-8
-2e-9 1.0e-8
0 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
o o
(a) Temperature, C (b) Temperature, C
Fig. 5. Methane evolution during temperature-programmed hydrogenation of used Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 catalysts after hydrodechlorination of CCl2 F2 (a) and
CCl4 (b). Mass 15 was selected for presentation because CH4 liberation observed by monitoring mass 16 is somewhat misinterpreted due to evolution
of water (especially around 100 ◦ C). Comparable catalyst weights (0.1 g) were used.
66 M. Legawiec-Jarzyna et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (2004) 61–68
In the case of CCl2 F2 the presence of mixed Pd–Pt sites activity as well as the selectivity. This synergistic effect must
is beneficial for reaching a good selectivity for CH2 F2 , a follow from a considerable effect of interaction between pal-
desired product of this hydrodechlorination (Fig. 3). Again, ladium (active component) and platinum (much less active
as in the case of changes in TOF for this reaction (Fig. 1), a component). A similar, although less distinct relation was
considerable enhancement of the selectivity towards difluo- found for the selectivity towards ethyl chloride formation
romethane (from 46 to ∼60%, at 180 ◦ C) is obtained upon from 1,2-C2 H4 Cl2 (Fig. 3). Although reaction mechanisms
introducing small amounts (up to 20 at.%) of platinum to pal- involved in these two processes are probably different (i.e.
ladium. Further increase of platinum content lowers both the adcarbenes in CH2 F2 formation from CCl2 F2 [26,27] and
Conversion, %
flow of CCl4 stopped, reduction at 350 C
Product selectivity, %
adalkyl species in Cl substitution by H [28] in 1,2-C2 H4 Cl2 ) returns to a level exhibited before the TPH run. Such a result
one can notice that both reactions involve chlorine replace- would suggest that the main reason of a continuous deacti-
ment at one carbon atom. vation is the formation of carbonaceous deposits, not metal
Steady-state catalytic behavior of Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 in hy- surface chloriding. However, changes in the selectivity (bot-
drodechlorination is associated with the extent of catalyst’s tom section of Fig. 6) reveal interesting changes generated
deactivation during reaction. Following other results by short reduction periods. It appears that the selectivity
[15,29,30], we consider that the deactivation would be for CHCl3 is considerably increased (at the expense of
caused by blocking active sites by surface chlorine/chloride methane) just after finishing all reduction periods. Later in
or organic coke. The TPH of used catalysts brought about time, the selectivity toward CHCl3 is noticeably decreased,
some interesting results (Figs. 4 and 5). First, it should be but still keeps a higher value than the respective level before
mentioned that TPH after CFC-12 reaction revealed only re-reduction of the catalyst. Such a behavior suggests that,
minute amounts of chlorine in used Pd–Pt/Al2 O3 cata- although the overall activity is largely determined by the
lysts (not shown). However, TPH of the catalysts tested amount of deposited carbonaceous material, nevertheless
in CCl4 hydrodechlorination showed the presence of Cl in the re-reduction of a coked catalyst may result in some re-
the catalysts, removed from the surface as HCl (Fig. 4). construction of the carbonaceous residues. It seems possible
Although the detailed source of deposited Cl is not obvi- that changes in the structure of coke would lead to the for-
ous (i.e. chlorinated metal species or chlorine associated mation of a variety of active sites associated with a different
with deposited coke), evolution of hydrogen pressure (m/z degree of steric constraints, and contribute to selectivity
2, not presented) clearly shows that desorption of chlorine changes. The presence of different active centers related to
needs hydrogen from the gas phase. Desorption of HCl specific sites in the coke structure has recently been pro-
takes place at ∼200–350 ◦ C, and moreover, the amount posed by Borodziński and co-workers [31,32] in his mech-
of liberated HCl depends on catalyst (Fig. 4). In the case anism of selective hydrogenation of acetylene on palladium
of Pt100, hydrodechlorination of CCl4 leads to deposition catalysts.
of only small amounts of Cl, whereas Pd and Pd–Pt cat-
alysts contain much more surface chlorine. Whether or
not some part of this chlorine originates from alumina, it
5. Conclusions
is not settled (possibly the peculiar shape of TPH peak
of HCl results from the fact that the high temperature
A comparative study of hydrodechlorination of dichloro-
shoulder, at ∼300–350 ◦ C, is due to chlorine removal from
difluoromethane, carbon tetrachloride and 1,2-dichloro-
ethane over alumina-supported Pd–Pt catalysts revealed
Methane evolution in the course of TPH runs is associated
several interesting changes in the catalytic behavior. Plat-
with hydrogenation of carbonaceous residues (Fig. 5). Much
inum, the metal which binds chlorine and chlorine-containing
larger amounts of carbon are removed from the catalysts
organic intermediate species less strongly than palladium is
used in CCl4 hydrodechlorination (consider different scales
a better catalyst in CCl4 hydrodechlorination. In the case
of the Y axis in Fig. 5a and b). In addition, the catalysts tested
of Pd/Al2 O3 , the catalyst quickly deactivates. However,
in CCl4 conversion “release” methane at higher temperature
in hydrodechlorinations of CCl2 F2 and 1,2-dichloroethane
than the analogous samples investigated in CCl2 F2 reaction.
platinum offers too weak binding with the reaction inter-
It is considered that an apparent absence (or very negligible
mediates. In effect, in these reactions, Pd/Al2 O3 is a much
amounts) of chlorine on Pd–Pt catalysts used in CCl2 F2
better catalyst than Pt/Al2 O3 . Nevertheless, a marked deac-
reaction make coke hydrogenation easier than in the situation
tivation associated with hydrodechlorination on Pd/Al2 O3
when the metal sites needed for hydrogen activation are still
may be lessened by adding platinum. In addition, due
blocked by chlorine species. Again in the case of deposited
to weakening of the metal-reactant bonds, Pt addition to
chlorine, both in CCl4 and CCl2 F2 reactions, platinum is
Pd leads to some improvement in the selectivity toward
less extensively covered by carbonaceous species than Pd
partial hydrodechlorination. Temperature-programmed hy-
and Pd–Pt bimetallic catalysts.
drogenation of carbonaceous deposits accumulated on
In an attempt to establish reasons of catalyst’s deactiva-
the catalysts during hydrodechlorination run confirms
tion in CCl4 conversion we decided to make use of our TPH
a better resistance of platinum against deactivation by
runs and to reinvestigate the catalytic behavior of one spent
PdPt/Al2 O3 catalyst (Pd50Pt50) after subsequent removal
of chlorine from its surface. According to the TPH spectra
(Fig. 4), deposited chlorine/chloride species should be re-
moved from the catalyst in effect of a short H2 treatment at Acknowledgements
∼350 ◦ C. Accordingly, the Pd50Pt50 catalyst was subjected
to a few chlorine removal operations during its screening in This work was supported in part by the Polish State
CCl4 reaction. Fig. 6 shows the results. It appears that after Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) within Research
returning the flow of CCl4 the overall conversion quickly Project 4 T09B 098 24.
68 M. Legawiec-Jarzyna et al. / Applied Catalysis A: General 271 (2004) 61–68
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