Kotak Gen2Gen Protect Presentation Final
Kotak Gen2Gen Protect Presentation Final
Kotak Gen2Gen Protect Presentation Final
You have always worked hard to provide for your family's needs and made sure their aspirations are met.
We realise that you have multiple roles to play as the head of the family. One of your important roles is
being a responsible and caring parent. Ever wondered, will your family be able to maintain the same
standard of living even without you or will your child get the right amount of coverage? What if there is a
life insurance plan that ensures a Two Generation cover where not only you have financial protection but
your child is protected too?
Our Kotak Gen2Gen Protect safeguards your future planning while simultaneously also ensuring that you
get a maturity benefit along with a free life cover for your child till his retirement years. Take the first step
towards a brighter future for you and your child, no matter what the uncertainties in your life.
Key Features:
Tax Benefits:
May be available as per
applicable laws amended
from time to time
How Does the Plan Work?
1 Choose any one of the 2 Plan Options: Life ROP Option or Legacy ROP Option
Choose your Policy Term & Premium Payment Term based on your
You may select any one of the 2 Plan Options available under this plan at inception based on your requirements.
Once the plan Option is chosen, the same cannot be changed during the policy term or extended policy term
This Plan Option provides you with the flexibility to select the age at which age you wish you receive the Sum Assured
on Maturity. The following options are available:
1. 60 years or;
2. 65 years or;
3. 70 years or;
4. 75 years
On the policy anniversary following the attainment of Age 60 or Age 65 or Age 70 or Age 75 years (as opted for), the
Sum Assured on Maturity shall be paid. The policy shall terminate on payment of Sum Assured on Maturity at the end
of the policy term.
Maturity Benefit:
On your survival till the end of the policy term, Sum Assured on Maturity shall be paid as a lump sum. The policy shall
terminate once the benefit has been paid.
Death Benefit:
In case of an unfortunate event of death of the Life Insured during the policy term, provided the policy is in-force, the
Sum Assured on Death shall be paid as a lump sum to the nominee / beneficiary. The policy shall terminate once the
benefit has been paid.
Life ROP Option:
Highest of:
1. Basic Sum Assured or;
2. 11 times Annualized Premium1 or;
3. 105% of Total premium paid* till the date of death
In the event of the death of the Life Insured, during the grace period, the Sum Assured on Death shall be adjusted for
any due unpaid premiums. In case of Non-Annual modes of premium payment, the outstanding instalment premiums
for the balance of the policy year of death shall also get deducted from the Sum Assured on Death.
In case the Life Insured is a Female Life, then the Sum Assured on Death shall be enhanced by 5%.
1Annualized Premium is the premium payable in a policy year, excluding loadings for extra mortality, modal premium, Goods and
Services Tax and Cess as applicable and Rider Premium, if any.
*Total Premium paid means total of all the premiums received including Extra Premium and Modal Loading, but excluding any Rider
Premium and Goods and Services Tax and Cess
In case of any discount on first year Premium, the Total Premium paid will be limited to the actual Premium paid by the Policyholder.
Life ROP Option Illustration:
Mr. Rahul, 40-years old, buys Kotak Life Gen2Gen Protect: Life ROP Option. He opts for a cover till the age of 75 years and
decides to pay premiums annually for 10 years. He chooses Base Sum Assured of ₹50 lacs by paying premium of Rs.
46,800 (premium is exclusive of GST). Channel: Offline.
Scenario 1:
In case of an unfortunate demise of Mr. Rahul during the policy term, provided the policy is in force, his nominee/
beneficiary shall be paid ₹50 lacs and the policy will terminate.
Policy Term of 35 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs
Age 40 41 50 55 75
Unfortunate demise in the 15th year
.......... ..................................
Pays Annual Premium: Rs. 46,800
for 10 years Sum Assured on Death of 50 lacs is paid as
lump sum and the Policy terminates
Life ROP Option Illustration:
Scenario 2:
In case of survival till the end of policy term, provided the policy is in force, he would receive Sum Assured on Maturity
and the policy will terminate.
Age 40 41 50 55 75
.......... ..................................
Pays Annual Premium: Rs. 46,800
for 10 years
Sum Assured on Maturity of Rs.
4,68,000 is paid as lump sum and the
Policy terminates
Legacy ROP Option:
This Plan Option will have Two Life Insured:
-Life Insured here means the Primary Life Insured (i.e. Parent) who is covered during the Policy Term^
-Secondary Life Insured here means the Child who is covered during the Extended Policy Term^
It can be opted when you choose to transfer your legacy sum assured to your child (natural or legally adopted). You
(Life Insured) have the flexibility to select the age at which you wish to receive the Sum Assured on Maturity. The
following options are available:
1. 60 years or;
2. 65 years or;
The policy anniversary following the attainment of Age 60 or Age 65 years (as opted for), the Sum Assured on Maturity
shall be paid to the Life Insured. Post payment, the Life Cover on the Life Insured will be terminated along with the
transfer of Basic Sum Assured on the life of the Secondary Life Insured, provided the Secondary Life Insured is alive. The
Secondary Life Insured will be covered till the end of the extended policy term^ i.e. till he / she reaches Age 60 years.
-Only single child is covered
-In case of unfortunate demise of the Secondary Life Insured, during the Policy Term no further addition/change will
be allowed
-The minimum Age gap between the Life Insured and Secondary Life Insured should be 18 years
Legacy ROP Option:
Death Benefit :
1. Death of Life Insured during the Policy Term^: In case of an unfortunate event of death of the Life Insured during the
policy term, provided the policy is in-force, the Sum Assured on Death shall be paid as a lump sum to the nominee /
beneficiary. The policy shall terminate once the benefit has been paid.
In the event of the death of the Life Insured, during the grace period, the Sum Assured on Death shall be adjusted for any
due unpaid premiums. In case of Non-Annual modes of premium payment, the outstanding instalment premiums for the
balance of the policy year of death shall also get deducted from the Sum Assured on Death.
2. Death of Life Insured after the Policy Term^: In case of an unfortunate event of death of the Life Insured after the end of
the policy term, Sum Assured on Death shall not be payable.
Legacy ROP Option:
3. Death of Secondary Life Insured during the Extended Policy Term^: In case of an unfortunate event of death of
Secondary Life Insured during the extended policy term, the Sum Assured on Death as mentioned below shall be payable
as a lump sum to the nominee / beneficiary. The policy shall terminate once the benefit has been paid.
4. Death of Secondary Life Insured before the Extended Policy Term^: In case of an unfortunate event of death of
Secondary Life Insured before the inception of extended policy term, the Sum Assured on Death shall not be payable.
^Policy Term is the duration where the life cover is provided to the Life Insured & Extended Policy Term is the duration where life cover is
provided to the Secondary Life Insured. Extended Policy Term starts from the policy anniversary date immediately after the Life Insured
has attained Age 60 / 65 years (as opted for) and ends on the policy anniversary date immediately after the Secondary Life Insured has
attained Age 60 years.
Legacy ROP Option:
Highest of:
1. Basic Sum Assured or;
2. 11 times Annualized Premium1 or;
3. 105% of Total premium paid* till the date of death
In case the Life Insured is a Female Life, then the Sum Assured on Death shall be enhanced by 5%. In the event of transfer
of Basic Sum Assured to the Secondary Life Insured irrespective whether he/she is a Male or a Female life, the Sum
Assured on Death applicable shall be the enhanced benefit of additional 5%.
1Annualized Premium is the premium payable in a policy year, excluding loadings for extra mortality, modal premium, Goods and Services
Tax and Cess as applicable and Rider Premium, if any.
*Total Premium paid means total of all the premiums received including Extra Premium and Modal Loading, but excluding any Rider
Premium and Goods and Services Tax and Cess
In case of any discount on first year Premium, the Total Premium paid will be limited to the actual Premium paid by the Policyholder
Legacy ROP Option Illustration:
Mr. Rahul, 35-years old, buys Kotak Life Gen2Gen Protect: Legacy ROP Option to protect himself and his child Sourav 2-
years old. He opts for a cover till the age of 65 years and decides to pay premiums annually for 10 years. He chooses
Base Sum Assured of Rs 50 lacs by paying premium of ₹35,800 (premium is exclusive of GST). Channel: Offline.
Scenario 1:
In case of an unfortunate demise of Mr. Rahul during the policy term, provided the policy is in force, his nominee/
beneficiary shall be paid Rs. 50 lacs and the policy will terminate.
Policy Term of 30 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs
Rahul Age 35 45 48 65
Sourav Age 2 12 15 32
.......... .............
Pays Annual Premium: Rs. 35,800 Sum Assured on Death of 50 lacs is paid as
for 10 years
lump sum and the Policy terminates
Scenario 2:
In case of survival till the end of policy term, provided the policy is in force, he would receive Sum Assured on
Maturity and the transfer of Basic Sum Assured shall be applicable on the life of the Secondary Life Insured.
Policy Term of 30 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs Extended Policy Term of 28 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs
Risk Transfer
Rahul Age 35 45 65
Sourav Age 2 12 32 60
.......... .......................................
Pays Annual Premium: Rs. 35,800
for 10 years
Sum Assured on Maturity of Rs.
3,58,000 is paid as lump sum
Life Cover for Life Insured (Parent) Life Cover for Secondary Life Insured (Child)
Legacy ROP Option Illustration:
Scenario 3:
In case of survival till the end of policy term, provided the policy is in force, he would receive Sum Assured on Maturity
along with the transfer of Basic Sum Assured on the life of the Secondary Life Insured. In case of an unfortunate demise
of Mr. Sourav during the extended policy term, his nominee/ beneficiary shall be paid ₹50 lacs and the policy will
Policy Term of 30 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs Extended Policy Term of 28 years with a Base Sum Assured of 50 lacs
Risk Transfer
Life Cover for Life Insured (Parent) Life Cover for Secondary Life Insured (Child)
Sum Assured on Maturity:
Sum Assured on Maturity is defined as sum of Total premiums paid.
In case of any discount on First Year Premium, the Sum Assured on Maturity will be limited to the discounted premium
actually paid.
1. Kotak Accidental Death Benefit Rider (UIN:107B001V03): Lump sum benefit paid on accidental death in addition to
Death Benefit under the base plan
2. Kotak Critical Illness Plus Benefit Rider (UIN: 107B020V01): Rider Sum Assured shall be payable on admission of a
claim on any one of the 37 covered critical illness, subject to terms and conditions, definitions and specific exclusions
3. Kotak Permanent Disability Benefit Rider (UIN: 107B002V03): 120% of the Rider Sum Assured shall be payable over a
period of 5 years.
Note: Rider coverage is available only on the life of the Life Insured and not for Secondary Life Insured. For more details on
riders and exclusions, please refer to the Individual Rider Brochure before concluding the purchase
Sample Illustration:
Given below are premiums for sample combination of entry age, policy term and premium payment term of 10 years, for
a Basic Sum Assured of 50 lacs buying the policy through an Agent.
Premiums mentioned above are annual premiums excluding Goods and Services Tax and Cess, as applicable and is for a healthy
individual male (non-tobacco user). The premiums are further subject to Goods and Services Tax and Cess, as applicable.
Sample Illustration:
Premiums mentioned above are annual premiums excluding Goods and Services Tax and Cess, as applicable and is for a healthy individual
male (non-tobacco user). The premiums are further subject to Goods and Services Tax and Cess, as applicable.
Eligibility Criteria Life ROP Option Legacy ROP Option
Minimum Age:
Life Insured: 18 years;
Secondary Life Insured: 3 months
Minimum Age for Life Insured:
18 years Maximum Age:
Entry Age (Age as on last Life Insured: 45 years
birthday) Secondary Life Insured: 17 years
Maximum Age for Life Insured: The Life Insured should be a major and Secondary Life
50 years (Maturity Age 70 / 75 years) insured should be a minor & the minimum Age gap
45 years (Maturity Age 60 / 65 years) between the Life Insured and Secondary Life Insured
should be 18 years
The Secondary Life Insured should be a major at the
start of the Extended Policy Term
The following modal loadings shall be used to calculate the instalment premium in case of Limited
Premium Payment Options:
Yearly 100% of Annual Premium
Minimum Premium shall vary basis the Basic Sum Assured, Plan Option, Life Insured Age, Secondary Life
Premium Insured Age, Distribution Channel, Smoker Status, Policy Term, Premium Payment Term & Premium
Payment Mode
Minimum – ₹25,00,000
Basic Sum Assured
Maximum – No limit, subject to Underwriting Policy
Wellness Benefits:
This product offers access to inbuilt Health & Wellbeing Platform Services such as Telemedicine Consultation,
Personal Medical Care & Lifestyle Management Programs, Emergency Response Service, Home Health care and
Pharmacy where the Life Insured can access exclusive benefits on a pay-per-use model.
Wellbeing App:
This is an inherent inbuilt feature of the platform wherein Life Insured will have complete access to Health
assessment, Activity trackers, Content and Blogs, Tools and Calculators, Electronic Health Records with ABHA
interoperability, Challenges and Quizzes and other services/ features as may be made available on the platform
targeted at improving the overall Health and wellbeing of the Life Insured.
Tax Benefit:
You may avail tax benefits as per the Income Tax Act, 1961 subject to conditions as specified in those sections. Tax benefits
are subject to change as per tax laws. You are advised to consult your Tax Advisor for details. Goods and Services Tax and
Cess, as applicable shall be levied over and above premium amount shown here as per applicable tax laws.
Free Look Period:
The Policyholder is offered a 30 days’ free look period to review the terms and conditions of the Policy (except for
policies having a policy term of less than a year) beginning from the date of receiving the Policy Document either
electronically or otherwise. In case the Policyholder is not agreeable to any terms and conditions of the Policy or
otherwise; then subject to no claims having been made hereunder, the Policyholder may choose to return the
Policy to the Insurer for cancellation, stating the reasons thereof within the aforesaid free look period.
Should the s/he choose to return the Policy, the Policyholder shall be entitled to a refund of the Premium paid
after deducting the proportionate risk Premium for the period of cover, stamp duty charges and expenses of
medical examination (if any). A Policy once returned shall not be revived, reinstated or restored at any point of
time and a new proposal will have to be made for a new Policy. Where Rider(s) are available under the base Policy
and so opted by the Policyholder, the same would also stand cancelled when the free look provision of the base
Policy is exercised.
Extract of Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time states:
(1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any person to take or
renew or continue an insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in India, any rebate of
the whole or part of the commission payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any
person taking out or renewing or continuing a policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in
accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the insurer:
(2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty which
may extend to ten lakh rupees
Section 45 of the insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time states that:
Fraud and Misstatement would be dealt with in accordance with provisions of Section 45 of the Insurance Act,
1938 as amended from time to time. Please visit our website for more details:
About Us
Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company Ltd is a 100% owned subsidiary of Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited (Kotak)
which provides insurance products with high customer empathy. Its product suite leverages the combined
prowess of protection and long term savings. Kotak Life Insurance is one of the growing insurance companies in
India and has covered over several million lives. For more information, please visit the company's website at
Kotak Gen2Gen Protect - UIN: 107N132V01, Form No: N132 , Kotak Permanent Disability Benefit Rider - UIN:
107B002V03, Form No.: B002, Kotak Critical Illness Plus Benefit Rider - 107B020V01, Form No.: B020, Kotak
Accidental Death Benefit Rider - UIN: 107B001V03, Form No: B001, Ref. No.: KLI/24-25/E-PPT/442
A Non-Linked Non-Participating Individual Savings Life Insurance Plan. For sub-standard lives, extra premium may
be charged based on Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company’s underwriting policy. The sales brochure gives only
the salient features of the plan. Please refer to the Policy Document for specific details on all terms and
conditions. For more details on riders please read the Rider Brochure.
Kotak Mahindra Life Insurance Company Ltd.; CIN: U66030MH2000PLC128503 Regn. No.:107, Regd. Office: 8th
Floor, Plot # C-12, G-Block, BKC, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051. Website: https://www.kotaklife.com; WhatsApp:
9321003007; Toll Free No: 18002098800.
Trade Logo displayed above belongs to Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited and is used by Kotak Mahindra Life
Insurance Company Ltd. under license.