AET307 - Vishnu Narayan V

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Preamble: This course aims to develop the skill to design circuits using operational amplifiers
and other linear ICs for various applications.

Prerequisite: ECT202 Analog Circuits

Course Outcomes: After the completion of the course the student will be able to

CO 1 Outline Op Amp fundamentals and differential amplifier configurations

CO 2 Design operational amplifier circuits for various applications

CO 3 Design Oscillators and active filters using opamps

CO4 Explain the working and applications of timer, VCO and PLL ICs

CO5 Outline the working of Voltage regulator IC’s and Data converters

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO PO PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9 PO PO PO
1 2 10 11 12
CO 1 3 3 1 2 1
CO 2 3 3 2 2 2 1
CO 3 3 3 2 2 2 1
CO 4 3 3 1 2 2 1
CO 5 3 3 2 2 2 1

Assessment Pattern

Bloom’s Category Continuous Assessment End Semester Examination

1 2

Remember K1 10 10 10
Understand K2 20 20 50
Apply K3 20 20 40
Analyse K4

Mark distribution

Total CIE ESE ESE Duration

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation Pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contain 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each
question. Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each
module of which student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-
divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

Course Outcome 1 (CO1): Understand Op Amp fundamentals and differential amplifier


1. Explain the working of BJT differential amplifiers.

2. Calculate the input resistance, output resistance, voltage gain and
CMRR of differential amplifiers.
3. Explain the non-ideal parameters of differential amplifiers.
4. Derive CMRR, input resistance and output resistance of a dual input
balanced output differential amplifier configuration.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2): Design operational amplifier circuits for various applications.

1. Design an opamp circuit to obtain an output voltage V0=-(2V1+4V2 + 3V3)

2. A 741C op-amp is used as an inverting amplifier with a gain of 50. The voltage gain vs
frequency curve of 741C is flat upto 20kHz.What maximum peak to peak input signal can
be applied without distorting the output?
3. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, derive the equation for the output voltage
of an Instrumentation amplifier.
4. With the help of circuit diagrams and graphs, explain the working of a Full wave
Precision rectifier.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3): Design Oscillators and active filters using opamps.

1. Derive the design equations for a second order Butterworth active low pass filter.

2. Design a Notch filter to eliminate power supply hum (50 Hz).

3. Design a first order low pass filter at a cut-off frequency of 2kHz with a pass band
gain of 3
Course Outcome 4 (CO4): Explain ELECTRONICS
and applications of timer, VCO
and PLL ICs .

1. With the help of internal diagram explain the monostable operation of timer IC
555. Draw the input and different output waveforms. Derive the equation for pulse

2. Explain the operation of Phase Locked Loop. What is lock range and capture range?
Realize a summing amplifier to obtain a given output voltage.

3. Design a circuit to multiply the incoming frequency by a factor of 5 using 565 PLL.

Course Outcome 5 (CO5): Outline the working of Voltage regulator IC’s and Data

1. What is the principle of operation of Dual slope ADC. Deduce the relationship

between analogue input and digital output of the ADC.

2. Explain how current boosting is achieved using I.C 723

3. Explain the working of successive approximation ADC


Module 1:
Operational amplifiers (Op Amps): The 741 Op Amp, Block diagram, Ideal op-amp parameters,
typical parameter values for 741, Equivalent circuit, Open loop configurations, Voltage transfer curve,
Frequency response curve.

Differential Amplifiers: Differential amplifier configurations-Dual input Balanced Output, Dual input
Unbalanced Output, Single input Balanced Output, Single input Unbalanced Output- using BJT, Basic
Differential pair using BJT- DC Analysis- transfer characteristics; AC analysis- differential and
common mode gains, CMRR, input and output resistance, Voltage gain. Virtual ground. Concept of
current mirror-the two transistor current mirror, Wilson and Widlar current mirrors.

Module 2:
Op-amp with negative feedback: General concept of Voltage Series, Voltage Shunt, current series
and current shunt negative feedback, Op Amp circuits with voltage series and voltage shunt feedback,
Virtual ground Concept; analysis of practical inverting and non-inverting amplifiers for closed loop
gain, Input Resistance and Output Resistance.
Op-amp applications: Summer, Voltage Follower-loading effects, Differential and Instrumentation
Amplifiers, Voltage to current and Current to voltage converters, Integrator, Differentiator, Precision
rectifiers, Comparators, Schmitt Triggers, Log and antilog amplifiers.

Module 3:
Op-amp Oscillators and Multivibrators: Phase Shift and Wien-bridge Oscillators, Triangular and
Sawtooth waveform generators, Astable and monostable multivibrators.
Active filters: Comparison with passive filters, First and second order low pass, High pass, Band pass
and band reject active filters, state variable filters.

Module 4:
Timer and VCO: Timer IC 555- Functional diagram, Astable and monostable operations;. Basic
concepts of Voltage Controlled Oscillator and application of VCO IC LM566,

Phase Locked Loop – Operation, Closed loop analysis, Lock and capture range, Basic building blocks,
PLL IC 565, Applications of PLL.

Module 5:
Voltage Regulators: Fixed and Adjustable voltage regulators, IC 723 – Low voltage and high voltage
configurations, Current boosting, Current limiting, Short circuit and Fold-back protection.

Data Converters: Digital to Analog converters, Specifications, Weighted resistor type and R-2R
Ladder type.
Analog to Digital Converters: Specifications, Flash type and Successive approximation type.

Text Books
1. Roy D. C. and S. B. Jain, Linear Integrated Circuits, New Age International, 3/e, 2010

Reference Books
1. DFranco S., Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3/e,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2008
2. Gayakwad R. A., Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall, 4/e, 2010
3. Salivahanan S. and V. S. K. Bhaaskaran, Linear Integrated Circuits, Tata McGraw Hill,
4. Botkar K. R., Integrated Circuits, 10/e, Khanna Publishers, 2010
5. C.G. Clayton, Operational Amplifiers, Butterworth & Company Publ. Ltd. Elsevier, 1971
6. David A. Bell, Operational Amplifiers & Linear ICs, Oxford University Press, 2nd
7. R.F. Coughlin & Fredrick Driscoll, Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated
Circuits,6th Edition, PHI,2001
8. . Sedra A. S. and K. C. Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, 6/e, Oxford University Press,

Course Contents and Lecture Schedule

No. of
No Topic
1 Operational amplifiers (9)
1.1 The 741 Op Amp, Block diagram, Ideal op-amp parameters, typical 1
parameter values for 741
1.2 Equivalent circuit, Open loop configurations, Voltage transfer curve, 1
Frequency response curve.

1.3 Differential amplifier configurations using BJT, DC Analysis- transfer 2

1.4 AC analysis- differential and common mode gains, CMRR, input and 2
output resistance, Voltage gain
1.5 Constant current bias and constant current source 1

1.6 Concept of current mirror, the two transistor current mirror Wilson and 2
Widlar current mirrors.

2 Op-amp with negative feedback and Op-amp applications 10

2.1 General concept of Voltage Series, Voltage Shunt, current series and 1
current shunt negative feedback,
2.2 Op Amp circuits with voltage series and voltage shunt feedback, 1
Virtual ground Concept
2.3 analysis of practical inverting and non-inverting amplifier 1
2.4 Summer, Voltage Follower-loading effect 1
2.5 Differential and Instrumentation Amplifiers 1
Voltage to current and Current to voltage converters

2.7 Integrator, Differentiator 1

2.8 Precision rectifiers-half wave and full wave 1
2.9 Comparators, Schmitt Triggers 1
2.10 Log and antilog amplifier 1
3 Op-amp Oscillators and Multivibrators 9

3.1 Phase Shift and Wien-bridge Oscillators, 2

3.2 Triangular and Sawtooth waveform generators, Astable and 2

monostable multivibrators
3.3 Comparison, design of First and second order low pass and High pass 2
active filters

3.4 Design of Second Order Band pass and band reject filters 2
3.5 State variable filters 1

4 Timer, VCO and PLL 8

4.1 Timer IC 555- Functional diagram, Astable and monostable operations. 2

4.2 Basic concepts of Voltage Controlled Oscillator 1

4.3 application of VCO IC LM566, 2

4.4 PLL Operation, Closed loop analysis Lock and capture range. 1

4.5 Basic building blocks, PLL IC 565, Applications of PLL 2

5 Voltage regulators and Data converters 9
5.1 Fixed and Adjustable voltage regulators 1

5.2 IC 723 – Low voltage and high voltage configurations, 2

5.3 Current boosting, Current limiting, Short circuit and Fold-back 2


5.4 Digital to Analog converters, Specifications, Weighted resistor type 2

and R-2R Ladder type.

5.5 Analog to Digital Converters: Specifications, Flash type and 2

Successive approximation type.

Total 45

Assignment may be given on related innovative topics on linear IC, like Analog multiplier- Gilbert
multiplier cell, variable trans-conductance technique, application of analog multiplier IC AD633.,
sigma delta or other types of ADC etc
At least one assignment should be simulation of opamp circuits on any circuit simulation software

Model Question paper


Course Code: AET307

Program: Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering / Electronics and

Instrumentation Engineering

Course Name: Analog Integrated Circuits

Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours


Answer ALL Questions. Each Carries 3 mark.

1. Draw and list the functions of 741 IC pins K1

2. Define slew rate with its unit. What is its effect at the output signal? K2
3. How the virtual ground is different from actual ground? K2
4. A differential amplifier has a common mode gain of 0.05 and difference mode
gain of 1000.Calculate the output voltage for two signals V1 = 1mV and V2 =
0.9Mv K3
5. Design a second order Butterworth Low Pass Filter with fH= 2KHz K3
6. Draw the circuit of monostable multivibrator using opamp. K1
7. What is the principle of VCO? K1
8. Design a non inverting amplifier for a gain of 11. K3
9. Define the following terms with respect to DAC (i) Resolution (ii) Linearity
(iii) Full scale output voltage K2
10. Differentiate between line and load regulations. K3

Answer one question from each module; each question carries 14 marks.
Module – I
11. Derive CMRR, input resistance and output resistance of a dual input 7 CO1 K3
a) balanced output differential amplifier configuration.

11. What is the principle of operation of Wilson current mirror and its 7 CO1 K2
b) advantages? Deduce the expression for its current gain.
12.a) Draw the equivalent circuit of an operational amplifier. Explain 7 CO1 K3
voltage transfer characteristics of an operational amplifier.

12.b) Explain the following properties of a practical opamp (i) Bandwidth 7 CO1 K2
(ii) Slew rate (iii) Input offset voltage (iv) Input offset current

Module – II
13. Design a fullwave rectifier to rectify an ac signal of 0.2V peak-to- 7 CO2 K3
a) peak. Explain its principle of operation.

13. Draw the circuit diagram of a differential instrumentation amplifier 7 CO2 K2

b) with a transducer bridge and show that the output voltage is
proportional to the change in resistance.

14.a) Derive the following characteristics of voltage shunt amplifier: 7 CO2 K3
i) Closed loop voltage gain ii)Input resistance
iii) Output resistance iv)Bandwidth

14.b) Explain the working of an inverting Schmitt trigger and draw its 7 CO2 K2
transfer characteristics.


15 a) Derive the equation for frequency of oscillation (f0) of a Wein 7 CO3 K3

Bridge oscillator. Design a Wein Bridge oscillator for f0 = 1KHz.
15 Derive the equation for the transfer function of a first order wide 7 CO3 K3
b) Band Pass filter.


16a Derive the design equations for a second order Butterworth active 7 CO3 K3
low pass filter.

16b Design a circuit to generate 1KHz triangular wave with 5V peak. 7 CO3 K3

17 a) Design a circuit to multiply the incoming frequency by a factor of 5 8 CO4 K3
using 565 PLL.
17 With the help of internal diagram explain the monostable operation 6 CO4 K2
b) of timer IC 555. Draw the input and output waveforms. Derive the
equation for pulse width.
18 a) Design a monostable multi-vibrator for a pulse duration of 1ms 8 CO4 K3
using IC555.
18 Explain the operation of Phase Locked Loop. What is lock range 6 CO4 K2
b) and capture range?

19 a) Explain the working of R-2R ladder type DAC. In a 10 bit DAC, 7 CO5 K2
reference voltage is given as 15V. Find analog output for digital
input of 1011011001.
19 Explain how short circuit, fold back protection and current boosting 7 CO5 K2
b) are done using IC723 voltage regulator.
20 a) With a functional diagram, explain the principle of operation of 7 CO5 K2
Successive approximation type ADC.
20 With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a 3-bit flash 7 CO5 K2
b) converter.

Simulation Assignments (AET307)

The following simulations can be done in QUCS, KiCad or PSPICE. (The course tutor is free to add or
modify the list)

1. Design and simulate a BJT differential amplifier. Observe the input and output signals. Plot the
AC frequency response.
2. Design and simulate Wien bridge oscillator for a frequency of 10 kHz. Run a transient simulation
and observe the output waveform.
3. Design and implement differential amplifier and measure its CMRR. Plot its transfer
4. Design and simulate non-inverting amplifier for gain 5. Observe the input and output signals. Run
the ac simulation and observe the frequency response and 3− db bandwidth.
5. Design and simulate a 3 bit flash type ADC. Observe the output bit patterns and transfer
6. Design and simulate R − 2R DAC circuit.
7. Design and implement Schmitt trigger circuit for upper triggering point of +8 V and a lower
triggering point of −4 V using op-amps.
8. Design a function generator using Op Amp and observe output waveforms.

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