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Guidelines For Corrosion Repair in ICF Coaches

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(for office use only)

(Govt. of India)
(Ministry of Railways)

Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches

(For official use only)

July 2013


egkjktiqj, Xokfy;j

This hand book covers introduction, Inspection, general

instructions for inspection in corrosion, instructions and
precautions during inspection and maintenance,
maintenance practices in shop as well as in open line, Type
of corrosion & corrective measures to prevent them

I am sure that the handbook will be useful to the field staff

to ensure trouble free service of the train operation.

Technological up-gradation and learning is a continuous

process. Hence feel free to write us for any addition /
modifications or in case you have any suggestion to
improve the Hand Book. Your contribution in this
direction shall be highly appreciated.
Place: (A.R.Tu pe)
Exe. Director

Corrosion is a vital aspect of coaching stock. Proper

upkeeping and maintenance of corrosion is necessary to
ensure reliability and availability of coaching stock. This
Hand book on Instruction for corrosion repair in ICF
coaching stock has been prepared by CAMTECH with the
objective that those involved in maintenance of coaching
stock in workshop & open line must be aware of correct
maintenance procedure of Corrosion.

The purpose of this hand book is to enhance knowledge

and competence of C&W staff in dealing with coaching
stock in Corrosion Repair.

It is clarified that this handbook does not supersede

any existing procedures and practices laid down in the
maintenance instructions issued by manufacturers or by

Place: (K.P.Yadav)

The correction slips to be issued in future for this

handbook will be numbered as follows:

CAMTECH/2011/Mech/Corrosion/1.0/C.S . # XX date
Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned
correction slip (S tarting from 01 onwards)


S r.No. of Date of Page No. and Item Remarks

C.S lip issue no. modified

S.No Description Page No

Foreword i
Preface ii
Correction Slip iii
Content iv
1.0 Introduction 1

2.0 Inspection 3

3.0 General Instructions For Inspection In 5


4.0 Procedure for Inspect ion of 6

‘Vulnerable’ Me mbers and Locations
in Workshops

5.0 Corrosion Repairs 12

5.1 Material & Treatment of Components 12

5.2 Procedure for Corrosion Repairs 13

I Instructions for Stiffening of 14

Sole Bar

II Instruction for Corrosion Repair of 17

Sole Bar
III Instructions for Corrosion Repairs 23
of Side Wall Sheets & Body Pillars
& Turn Under.
S.No Description Page No

IV Instructions for Corrosion Repair of 27

Corten Steel and Stainless Steel
Trough Floor.

V Instructions for Replacement of 32

Outer Head Stock During Corrosion
VI Instructions for Corrosion Repair of 36
end Walls and end Wall Stanchions

VII Instructions for Corrosion Repair of 38

TRA Ventilators

VIII Instructions for Corrosion Repairs of 39

Body Side Doors

IX Instructions for Corrosion Repairs 41

0f Seat Pillars in Coaches with PVC

X Procedure of Changing of Defective 43

Body Bolster

XI Spe cificat ion for Materia ls Used in 46

Corrosion Re pairs of Shell.

XII Instruction for Welding of D Class 47

Electrodes. Welder Quality &
S.No Description Page No

6.0 Corrosion Repair Procedure 0f Head Stock 49

and Their Assembly

Annexure -1 Instructions for Replacement of 51

Outer Head Stock During
Corrosion Repairs

Annexure -2 Instructions for Replacement of 54

Mead Stock Assembly During
Corrosion Repairs

Annexure -3 Welding Electrode & Welding 58

Wire for Different Combination
of Steel Material
Corrosion repair in
ICF Coaches



These coaches incorporate a number of pressed steel

sections made out of thin sheets (1.6, 2.0 / 2.5, 3.15 and 4
mm) and plates of thickness 5 to 16 mm in the construction
of the shell. These sheets/plates are considerably stressed,
as the design of the coach is based on the principle of a “self-
supporting structure" and it is, therefore, essential that these
coaches are maintained in good condition free from
corrosion. The trough floor which is designed to take 70%
of the buffing force needs particular attention. Corrosion
when once started spreads rapidly and this would be
dangerous in so for as stress bearing members of the shell
are concerned. It is, therefore, essential to stop the initiation of
corrosion and attempts made to arrest the spread of corrosion
particularly in places, which are not easily accessible for
inspection and attention. Immediate attention should,
therefore be paid by the Railways to arrest corrosion when
noticed, so that the strength of the body shell is not
impaired. Even slight corrosion when once noticed if
not attended to immediately may eventually result in
perforations necessitating heavy repairs.

Corrosion is a chemical phenomenon of oxidation of

Steel surfaces which results in loss of section and therefore of
strength. Oxidation takes place only when steel surfaces are
exposed to atmosphere in the presence of moisture. Unless
water is drained out quickly, no paints except those that are
based on epoxy resin could stand long under accumulation
of water and dust, as eventually the film of paint would
break down resulting in water seeping to the metal surface
and causing corrosion. In all-metal Integral coaches, steel
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 1

surfaces are protected from coming in contact with

atmosphere by the application of an inhibitive zinc chromate
red oxide primer. Surfaces which are not finish painted have
also been given 3/4 coats of bituminous emulsion/ solution,
which gives added protection to the steel surfaces by
excluding moisture along with primer. If due to some reason
or other, like the abrasive action of sand or other particles,
the bitumen paint film breaks down, the inhibitive primer
acts as a second line of defence. Corrosion of steel surfaces
start only when both the bitumen and the primers suffer from
mechanical injuries. Copper bearing steel, which has an
inherent resistance to atmospheric corrosion more than the
ordinary mild steel was earlier used in the construction of
these coaches. Since 1979 low alloy high yield strengt h
cort en steel to IR Specification No. M-41 is being used for
steel and is being gradually introduced for plates as well.
These instructions, in general, explain as to how
the ICF built coaches are to be inspected for locating
corroded members and the procedure to be adopted for
attending to them. It may be added that the instructions
contained in this Pamphlet are intended to serve as a guide
only and the Railways may, in addition, adopt any other
measure (s) considered necessary so as to ensure that the
coaches in service are always in sound condition.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 2



2.1 Onset of corrosion is indicated by flaking of paints, flaking
of metal, pitting and rusting. Components like sole bar,
trough floor etc, which are not visible from both sides,
should be examined by tapping with a spiked hammer.

2.2 Shell members and locat ions prone to corrosion can be

classified into two categories viz. ‘vulnerable’ and ‘not so-
vulnerable’. Though all parts of the coach are to be
periodically inspected to ensure that there is no corrosion on
any of the members, particular attention should be paid to
members and locations categorized as ‘vulnerable’.

2.3 Vulnerable members and locations:

a.) Tubular frame below lavatories and trough floor in

bays adjoining lavatories in all types of coaches and
under the luggage compartments of SLRs and parcel
vans and kitchen area of pantry cars.

b.) Sole-bar, body pillars, turn-unders in the bays under and

adjoining lavatories in all types of coaches and in
addition kitchen area of pantry cars.

c.) Sole bars, turn unders and pillars above lifting pads.

d.) Sole bars and pillars behind the sliding door pockets of
SLR’s & parcel vans.
e.) Sole bars, pillars and turn-unders at door corners.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 3


2.4 “Not so-vulnerable” members and locations:

a.) Trough floors at locations other than those
described in para 2.3 (a).

b.) Sole bars, pillars and turn unders at locations

other than those described in paras 2.3 (b to e)

c.) End stanchions and end wall sheets.

d.) Head stocks- Inner and outer along with stiffening


e.) Roof sheet around ventilators.

f.) Body side doors.

g.) Lavatory partition walls.

h.) Longitudinal partition wall in First class, AC

First class, Ladies compartment of three tier
sleeper and other coaches, were provided.

i.) Seat pillars and transverse partition walls.

j.) Side wall sheets.

k.) Water tank ceiling construction.

l.) Vestibule hoods.

m.) Battery box frame.

n.) Air reservoirs & suspension straps.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 4




When coaches are received in the workshops for

rep airs t hey should be thoroughly inspected for locating
corroded members by competent and trained staff who have
thorough knowledge of integral coaches. Adequate
instruments such as spiked hammer, torch etc should be
provided to enable proper and through inspection being
carried out.

It is seen that these coaches generally require their first

corrosion repair after 9-11 years. It is therefore essential to
visually inspect all coaches irrespective of their age and if
signs of corrosion are noticed, they should be subjected to
through detailed inspection. For those post 1977 built coaches
which are provided with sealed w indow sills and closed
turn unders mandatory opening of side wall sheet for
inspection is not necessary this should be done on condition
basis only.

Normally, coaches thoroughly inspected and attended to for

corrosion repairs in accordance with the instructions
given in this pamphlet should not require corrosion
repairs at the same location for a further period of six to
seven years, but in view of factors such as non-vailability
of materials of the pres cribed quality and specification
variations in quality of workmanship and climatic and
service conditions from Railway to Railway, it is difficult to
predict the period with any degree of accuracy. it will,
therefore, be necessary that on subsequent visits of these
coaches to shops for POH, all coaches irrespective of age
and the degree of attention given in the previous POHs
should be subjected to a through examination.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 5



4.1 Through floor: Non AC coaches built since 1982 on the

trough floor below the luggage compartment of SLRs and
Parcel Vens and adjacent bays of lavatories and the under
frame members are provided with FRP sandwiched in
between layers of bituminous emulsion. The tough floor at
these locations should be examined visually from below for
signs of corrosion supplemented by tapping with a spiked
hammer. If
signs of
corrosion are
noticed, the
trough floor
should be
replaced as
described in
Annexure IV.
In case of
replacement of
trough floor
below luggage compartment of SLRs, LRs etc and bays
adjacent to the lavatories under doorways as also in case the
whole trough floor in a coaches has been replaced and
painted with RDSO specification M &C/PCN/123/2006 for
high performance anticorrosion epoxy.

4.2 Sole bars, body pillars and turn unders:

4.2.1 Turn under with elongated holes: The sole bars, body
pillars and turn unders in the bays under and adjoing lavatories
should be examined visually from the below the coach and
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 6

through the elongated holes in the turn under after

removing accumulated dirt and cleaning the inside surfaces.
A torch light may be used to facilitate inspection. The
inside of sole bar above the trough floor, how ever, cannot
be visually inspected. If incidence of corrosion is noticed in
the bottom half of the sole bar, the through floor should be
cut to a width of 300 mm and requisite length for
examining the inside top half. If heavy corrosion is noticed,
the side wall should be cut to a height of 500 mm from the
bottom of the turn under covering sufficient length and all
the exposed parts, after scraping and cleaning should then
be examined to determine the extent of corrosion.

4.2.2 Turn under without elongated holes: coaches without

elongated holes in the turn under, should be visually
examined, supplemented by tapping with spiked hammer on
the bottom of the turn under as w ell the low er half of the
sole bar, from inside, if corrosion is suspected, a 100 mm
dia hole in the bottom of turn under in the s uspected area
should be cut without damaging the pillar, for
examining the inside. If signs of corrosion are noticed, side
wall up to height of 500 mm bottom of turn under should be
cut for thorough examination

4.3 S ole bar, turn under and pillars above the lifting pads:
The above members should be examined visually in the
same manner as des cribed at para 4.2. If signs of corrosion
are noticed, the side wall sheet above the lifting pads should
becut to a height of 500 mm above the turn under and to
length of half a metre on either side of the lifting pads and

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 7


the structural members scraped cleaned and examined

minutely to ascertain the extent of corrosion

4.4 He ad s tock : T he
inner head stock,
the out er head
stock and t he
immediately behind
the buffers
including stiffening
tubes and the
junction of sole bar
at the head stock
should be vis ually
examined for incidence of corros ion. After removing the
buffer assembly, the head stock should be carefully
examined as corrosion has been primarily noticed at this
4.5 Pillars behind the sliding door pockets of S LRs & Parcel
vans: The pockets for sliding doors s hould be opened and
the accumulated dust dislodged and thoroughly cleaned. If
on visual examination, signs of corrosion are noticed the
side wall sheet should be cut to a height of 500 mm above the
turn under and to a distance of one meter on either side of
the sliding door corners and the pillars thoroughly
examined. The trough floor to a width of 300 mm from sole
bar should also be removed and the sole bar thoroughly
examined to ascertain the extent of corrosion.

4.6 Sole bars, pillars at door corners: These members should

be examined visually in the same manner as des cribed at
para 4.2. If corrosion is noticed, the turn under to a width
of half a metre from the door corner should be cut and
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 8

the accumulated dust dislodged. The structural members

should be thoroughly scraped, cleaned and examined
carefully to assess the extent of corrosion.


4.7.1 Trough floor: At location other than those described para 2.3
(a), the entire area of trough floor should be visually
examined thoroughly from below, supplemented by tapping
with a spiked hammer for signs of corrosion. In cas e
corros ion is noticed, the affected and surrounding areas
should be thoroughly scraped, cleaned and minutely inspected
to assess the extent of corrosion.

4.7.2 S ole bars, body pillars, turn unders at location other

than those described under para 2.3: Turn un der with elongated holes: Visible portion of
sole bars through the elongated holes and from the bottom
of the under-frame should be examined. To facilitate
inspection, the accumulated dust in the turn under should be
dislodged through the elongated holes and structural
members scraped to the extent possible. If corrosion is
noticed, side wall side wall sheets in the area where the
corrosion has been observed should be cut to a height of 500
mm from the bottom of turn under covering s ufficient
length for thorough examination and to facilitat e
subsequent attention. Turn unders without elongate holes - Coaches without
elongated holes in the turn under should be visually
examined, supplemented by tapping with a spiked hammer
on the bottom of the turn under as well as the lower half of
the sole bar from inside. If corrosion is suspected, a 100 mm
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 9

dia hole in the suspected area should be cut without

damaging the pillar, for examining the inside. If signs of
corrosion are noticed, side wall up to a length of 500 mm
from bottom of turn under should be cut for through
examination. . Coaches without turn under lead to corrosion of
sole bar. Hence closed turn unders without observation holes
should be discontinued in new & re-built coaches. The
elongated holes shell be provided in turn unders of all Non-AC
coaches similar to ICF drg. No. GS-1-4-009 & GS-1-4-011.

4.7.3 En d wall stan chions an d en d wall sheets: T he end

stanchions should be inspected for corrosion by opening
the interior paneling. If signs of corrosion are not iced, the
end wall sheet may also be cut to the extent of corroded
portion marked for attention.

4.7.4 Roof sheets around

ventilators: The roof
sheets should be carefully
examined around the

4.7.5 Body side doors - the

interior of the body side
door should be carefully
inspected after
removing the paneling.

4.7.6 Lavatory partition walls - visible portions of the partition

pillars at its junction with the floor should be examined
for incidence of corrosion. If corrosion is
noticed the flooring around the area should be removed for
thorough examination.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 10


4.7.7 Longitudinal partition wall in first class, AC first class,

an d othe r coaches where ver provi de d: Corrosion at
this locat ion should be inspect ed by removing the guide
rail, joint moulding & paneling and the components
corroded distinctly marked for attention.

4.7.8 S eat pillars and partition walls: Square\round tubes at the

junction of the floor should be visually examined for
corrosion. If signs of corrosion are noticed, the flooring
around the area should be removed for more detailed
4.7.9 S ide wall sheets -The entire side wall should be visually
examined for signs of corrosion.

4.7.10 Water tank ceiling construction- This should be visually

examined for signs of corrosion by removing the lavatory

4.7.11 Vestibule Hoods: The vestibule hood should be visually

examined for signs of corrosion all round its joint wit h
the end wall and any cracks on the hood particularly at
corners under the vestibule suspension bracket.
4.7.12 Battery box frames: The
battery box frame should be
visually examined for signs of

4.7.13 Air Reservoir & S uspension

S traps: The air reservoir and
its suspension straps should be thoroughly examined for
signs of corrosion at their surface of contact.

4.8 Inspection at Sick lines: With systematic inspection and

repairs of these coaches for corrosion in the Railway
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 11

workshops as detailed in this Handbook, it should be

possible to ensure that coaches having extensive
corrosion are not in service. When considered necessary,
Railways may also organize inspection at primary coach
maintenance depots to identify coach’s heavy corrosion
for dispatch to Railway workshops.

5.1 Material & treatment of components

It is essential to use low allow high tensile corten type steel

sheets and plates to IRS M41-97 for repairs of integral
coaches. The thickness of steel sheet\plates to be used shall
be as under:
Thickness of steel
SN. Description of components sheets & plates
IRS - M 41-97
1 Inner head stock
Centre plate 12 mm
Inner beam, Web plate 10 mm
2 Outer head stock 8 mm
3 Sole bar 5 mm
End wall stanchions cross
4 bears above & below trough 4 mm
5 Turn under
With elongated holes 4 mm
Without elongated holes 2 mm
6 Floor side moulding 2 mm
Through floor body side
7 pillars body side and end wall 2 mm
panels waist rail and light rail
8 Roof sheet 1.6 mm

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 12


Components of 5 mm or more thickness should be grit

blasted and immediately followed by application of red oxide
zinc chromate primer.
Welding electrodes and paints should be of the prescribed
quality conforming to the relevant is IS\IRS specification,
particulars of which are given in Annexure- 3. Where the
corrosion noticed is of a very minor nature and has just
started to reach t he bare metal and the surface treated
with two coats of primer. In addition under frame
members should be given four coats bituminous solution.
5.2 Procedure for corrosion repairs:

Wherever a portion of the sole bar is replaced during

corrosion repair, the bottom portion of side wall pillars at
this location should also be simultaneously replaced.

Corrosion repairs are required to be carried out to the best

standard of workmanship. Trained and experienced welders
should be deputed for carrying out welding under careful
supervision of qualified welding supervisors. Suitable
arrangement should be made for dry storage of electrodes.
Approved class B-II electrodes suitable for vertical and
overhead welding should only be used for corrosion repairs.
Reference may be made in this connection to the
approved brands of electrodes issued by RDSO.
Procedure detailed in ‘Code of Practice for painting of all
metal coaches’ should be followed for cleaning and painting
of surfaces which are attended to during corrosion repairs.
Effective supervision and inspection should be introduced
at all important stages of corrosion repairs.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 13


(Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10086)
A. Middle doorways of 4 doors, aside shell:
Support the coach body at the body bolsters.
Remove the footboards.
Remove the step sheets for the footboard and modify
the same as shown as detail ‘Y’ in RDSO drawing No.
Cutoff the side wall sheet to a height of 500 mm and
to a length of 350 mm on outer side of both doorways
and also cut complete side wall to a height of 500 mm
in between the doorways.

Cut off the door corner sheets and doorway pillars on

either side
of doorways
and the
two pillars
in between
doorways to
a height of
430 mm.
Prepare the
sole bar
stiffener as shown in RDSO drawing No. CG-10086.
Prepare door corner sheets and part pillars as shown at
detail ‘X’ in RDSO drawing No. SK-78101.
Weld part pillars and corner sheets to the existing
pillars and corner sheets and to the sole bar stiffeners
as shown at section ‘AA’. Weld sidewall sheet as
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 14

explained in Annexure III.

Replace the foot steps after modifying the top foot step
as shown at section ‘BB’ of RDSO drawing No. SK-
Clean and paint. Parts/ sub-assembly which would
become inaccessible after assembly/ welding should
be properly cleaned and painted before assembling.

B. Luggage compartment doorways of S LR coaches to CSC

1405 /1692
Support the coach body at the body bolsters.
Remove the footboards and step sheets if not already
done earlier.
Cutoff the side wall sheet to a height of 500 mm and
to a length of 600 mm on either side of doorways of
luggage compartments.
Cut off the door corner sheets and doorway pillars to a
height of 430 mm.
Prepare the sole bar stiffener and cover plate and
weld as shown in the sketch.
Prepare door corner sheets and doorway part pillars.
Weld doorway part pillars and corner sheets to the
existing pillars and corner sheets and to the sole bar
stiffeners. Weld sidewall sheet as explained in III.
Clean and paint Parts/ sub-assembly, which would
become inaccessible after assembly/ welding should
be properly cleaned and painted before assembling.

Note: Foot-Boards are not to be provided for the

doorways of luggage compartment.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 15

C. Luggage compartment doorways of S LR coaches to CSC

1554. (Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10087)
Support the coach body at the body bolsters.
Remove the footboards and step sheets, if not already
done earlier.
Cutoff the side wall sheet to a height of 500 mm and
to a length of 176 mm on lifting pad side and 800 mm
on the other side (i.e. up to the next pillar) of
doorways of luggage compartments.
Cut off the door corner sheets and doorway pillars to a
height of
430 mm.
the sole
closing pieces and welded.
Prepare door corner sheets and doorway part pillars.
Weld doorway part pillars and corner sheets to the
existing pillars and corner sheets and to the sole bar
stiffeners. Weld sidewall sheet as explained in III.
Clean and paint Parts/ sub-assembly, which would
become inaccessible after assembly/ welding should
be properly cleaned and painted before assembling.
Note: Foot-Boards are not to be provided for the doorways of
luggage compartment.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 16



BAR. (Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10101)
A. At locations other than the lifting pads and bolster:

Support the coach body on bolster.

Support the coach body near the sole bar portion under
replacement through the window opening on wooden

Provide additional wooden supports on either side of

the sole bar to be cut..

Cut off the side wall sheets and turn under to a height of
500 mm covering length of approximately 200 mm on
either side of the sole bar to be replaced.

Cut off the trough floor, cross bearers and body side
pillars at the locations where the sole bar portion is to be
renewed. Ensure that cross bearers are not damaged.
Cut off the sole bar and grind the edges and prepare for
a 'V’ Butt joint.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 17


Prepare a new sole bar piece of the requisite length

with edges suitable for a ‘V’ Butt joint.

Tack weld the new sole bar piece at both ends.

Check and
straightness of
the sole bar
and overall

Tack weld
cross bearers, if
any, to the new
sole bar piece.

Weld both ends of the sole bar.

Weld cross bearers, support piece and trough floor.

Weld new body pillar part, sidewall sheet and turn

under as detailed in III. These components also
require replacement whenever a part of sole bar is
replaced for corrosion.
Note: -

i) If sole bar of length more than 2400 mm requires

replacement, the same should be done in lengths not
exceeding 2400 mm at each stage.

ii) If sole bars are to be replaced on both sides, the joints must
be staggered and both ends should not be attended to
iii) If the sole bar at head stock location requires renewal,
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 18

the sole bar to a distance of 300 mm towards body bolster

from the inner head stock should also be replaced.

iv) If the coach under repair has its under frame and body
pillars upto waist rail level pasted with FRP tissue, the
portion of FRP tissue damaged during corrosion repair
should be painted with RDSO specification
M &C/PCN/123/2006 for high performance anticorrosion

B. At Body Bolster and lifting pad locations: (Ref: RDSO

drawing No. CG-10102)

Support coach body on the body bolster, where sole bar

is not to be attended to.
Support coach body on wooden trestles on both the
sides of the bolster where sole bar is to be replaced.
Support the superstructure of the coach body through
the window
where the sole
bar is to be cut.
Cut off
sidewall sheets
with turn under
to a height of
500 mm and
side wall
pillars to a
height of 430 mm in the area where sole bar is under

Tack weld temporary mild steel stays to the body bolster

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 19

and sole bar, The location on the sole bar should be

reasonably away from the point where, it is to be cut for

Cut the cross bearers, if any, attached to the sole bar

portion to be renewed.

Cut off the trough floor to a distance of 180 mm from

sole bar and to a length of 600 mm in the bolster area.

Cut the sole bar to a distance of approximately 200

mm away from the point of replacement and prepare
the edges for a 'V' butt weld joint. Care should be
exercised not to damage the body bolster when cutting
off the sole bar. Carefully grind the body bolster without

Tack weld a new piece of sole bar whose edges are

similarly prepared for a ‘V’ butt weld.
Weld packing piece (ICF Drg. No. T-1-1-505) to the
sole bar as shown in Section ‘CC’ of 10102 .

Weld the sole bar on either side after ensuring

straightness and overall alignment.

Weld body bolster to the new sole bar.

In case of damage to the edges of the body bolster or

if any part of the body bolster near the sole bar is to
be replaced for corrosion, the following procedure may
be adopted: -

a) Cut off the trough floor to a distance of 350 mm

from the sole bar and to a length of 600 mm in the
bolster area. Cut the top plate, bottom plate and
webs of the booty bolster to the dimensions.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 20

b) Prepare a new sole bar of the required length.

Weld the two web pieces (item 1) to the new sole
bar piece.

c) Weld packing piece (ICF Drawing No. T-1-1-505)

to the sole bar.

d) Tack weld the sole bar piece on both sides and

check for straightness and overall alignment of the
sole bar and body bolster web pieces.
e) Full weld the sole bar piece on either side.

f) Weld the body bolster web piece's (item 1) to the

webs of the body bolster at an angle.

g) Weld the bottom flange of the body bolster (item

2) to the sole bar and the body bolster.
h) Weld the top flange piece (item 3) to the body bolster
and sole bar.

i) Weld trough floor to the support piece.

Weld new body pillars turn-under and sidewall as

explained in -III


i) If sole bars are to be replaced on both sides of the body

bolster, the joints should be staggered, and both ends of the
body bolster should not be, attended to simultaneously.

ii) Renewal of the sole bar near the body bolster should be
taken at the last stage after renewing the sole bar, if need be at
other locations.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 21


C. At lifting pad locations (Ref: RDSO drawing No. 10102)

Follow instructions enumerated at A above for
replacement of the sole bar portion.

Before welding the turn-under and side wall sheet,

weld the modified lifting pad as shown in Section ‘BB’
of Sketch No. 10103)

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 22


III Instructions for Corrosion Repairs of Side Wall Sheets

& Body Pillars & Turn under.

(Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10103 & CG 10089)

A. Renewal of sidewall sheets.

Support coach body at body bolsters.

Cut the sidewall sheet requiring replacement and grind

the burnt edges.

Prepare a new side wall sheet with 5 mm diameter

holes at appropriate locations for plug welding, to the
side wall pillars when required and tack weld the same
on all the four sides.

Check the sidewall for straightness and ensure overall


Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 23


Weld the side wall sheets on all four sides and plug
weld the same to body side pillars, if the inside
paneling and flooring have not been removed for any
other purpose in case the inside paneling and trough
floor have been removed for some other purpose, side
wall sheets may be welded with the body pillars from
inside and plug welding avoided.

Grind flush the welded joints on all the four sides to

obtain a smooth exterior finish.
In case if pillars are renewed, FRP tissue on a coach
with sealed windows, the elongated holes and the
thicker sheets for the turn under are not necessary and
the side wall sheets should be directly welded to, the
bottom of the sole bar.

B. Renewal of Body Pillars: (Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-


Support the coach body on the body bolsters.

Remove the inside panels, flooring and floor side
mouldings to gain access to the body pillars.

Cut off the

turn under
and side
wall sheet
up to
height so
as to fully
expose the
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 24

Cut off alternate body pillars on the same side to a
height of approximately 430 mm or 525 mm or 600
mm as the need may be, as shown in the sketch
exercising care to ensure that the sole bar is not
damaged. Prepare the edge of pillar for ’V’ butt-
Clean the surface of the sole bar thoroughly of rust etc.
Tack welds the new body pillar part to the pillar and
sole bar.
Check and ensure straightness and alignment of the
body pillars.
Full weld the body pillar part to the pillar and sole bar.
Cut off the remaining body pillars and attend to them
in like manner as indicated above.
Replace the body sidewall sheet as indicated in Para A
Clean and paint the inner surface of the replaced
sidewall and body pillars.
Replace floor side moulding and relay flooring.
Replace inside panel.

C. Renewal of Turn Unders: (Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG


Support coach body on the bolsters.

Cut off side wall sheet also to a height of 500 mm to

the required length.

Clean the surface of the sole bar thoroughly of rust

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 25

etc. to the bare metal and ensure there is no corrosion

on the sole bar.
Prepare a new turn-under (see note No. 2 below) to the
length required with edge prepared for a ‘V’ Butt
joint and tack w eld the s ame to the body pillars and
bottom of the sole bar.
Check the turn under or straightness.

Weld intermittently the body pillars to the turn under.

Replace the sidewall sheets as given in Para A above.


1. Whenever longer length of side wall sheet or turn under is

replaced the ski should be properly tensioned by spot
heating before giving anti-corros ive treatment.

2. The new turn under part should be compatible with the

existing turn under on the coach viz.: -

3. For a coach with 5 mm thick turn under with elongated

holes, the new part should also be of 5 mm thickness with
elongated holes as shown in RDSO drawing No. CG -

4. For a coach w ith 2 mm thick turn under, the new part

should be of 2 mm thickness without holes and all other
dimensions as per RDSO drawing No-CG-10099)

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 26




Cut the trough floor below end lavatories to a distance of

620 mm from the inner head stock and ensure a straight
edge of the trimmed trough floor.

Clean the paint and rust, if any in the adjacent portions of

inner head stock and trimmed trough floor.

Weld 60 mm wide four locating angle of 40 x 200 x5 mm,

to the trough floor and check for flatness.

Weld four locating rectangular flats 60x60x8 mm to the

inner head stock.

Prepare the three tubular sub-assemble in separate jig.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 27


Tack weld tubular assemblies to the trough floor and inner

head stock.

Ensure proper alignment of the tubular frame assembly with

that of the trough floor and overall straightness.

Full weld the tubular frame assembly to the inner head stock
and trough floor.

Weld the cross bearer channel 60/30 x 119 x 5mm at the

location shown in the sketch.

Weld connecting pieces 110x75 mm between the tubes and

the new cross bearers.

Clean and paint tubular frame assembly.

Note: Doorways should be stiffened as in annexure-I and

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 28

RDSO drawing No. CG-10086 before the tubular sub-

assemblies is welded.

Guard's lavatories

Guard's and middle lavatories of SLR coaches (Ref: RDSO

drawing No. CG-10107).

Cut off trough floor below Guard's lavatories to a distance

of 916mm from the body bolster towards head stock along
with cross bearers.

Clean paint and rust, if any, in the adjacent parts of the

bolster and trough floor.

Weld four locating angles 40x200x5mm (width 60mm) as

shown in the sketch on either side of the edges of the trough
floor and check for straightness .and flatness.

Prepare the new tubular sub-assemblies to the under frame.

Tack weld the tubular assemblies to the under frame.

Check and ensure alignment of the tubular frame with that

of the adjoining trough floor and overall straightness.

Full weld the tubular frame to trough floor.

Weld the cross bearer 60/30x119x5mm at the location.

Weld connecting pieces 11Ox75x5 mm between tubular

frame and the new cross bearer.

Clean and paint the tubular frame assembly.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 29

Trough floor at other locations

Cut off the corroded Corten and Stainless Steel trough floor
to the length and width required.

Weld isolating plate of 5mm thick transversely after

grinding the edge of the trough floor straight.

Prepare a new Stainless Steel 301 trough floor members to

the dimensions required and tack weld the same to the
isolating plates on either side.

Ensure proper alignment of the replaced part with that of

adjoining parts.

Full weld trough floor to the isolating plates both at top and

Weld intermittently the trough floor longitudinally to the

supporting piece and adjoining trough floor. Ensure the
alignment in the longitudinal direction by suitably cutting
off the trough floor to match with the new patch of Stainless
Steel 301 trough floor.

Drill 19 mm diameter holes in the valleys between two

isolating plates.

Clean and paint the affected area of trough floor.

Note: In the case of coaches rifted with Corten Steel, Stainless

Steel and combination of Corten Steel and Stainless Steel trough
floor. the electrodes as specified in shall be used.
Trough floor below luggage compartment of S LRs, LRs, etc.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 30

and bays adjacent to lavatories under doorways:

Attend to corroded floor as above.

Provide 40x5mm thick isolating plates between the trough

floors below the luggage compartment and the adjacent
passenger compartments or the bay adjacent to lavatory
below doorway and the next bay .as the case may be and
affected portion should be painted with high performance
anticorrosion epoxy to RDSO Specification No.
M &C/PCN/123/2006, over the trough floor, adjoining areas
of sole bar. and side wall and body pillars up to waist rail
level and cross bearers.

1. If during corrosion repairs whole length of the trough floor
needs replacement in that event the trough floor. sole bars, side
wall and body pillars up to waist rail level and cross bearers
should be painted with high performance anticorrosion epoxy to
RDSO Specification M &C/PCN/12312006 .

2. During corrosion repair of coaches fitted with IRS M -41

trough floor, the corroded patches of IRS M -41 trough floor
shall be replaced with Austenitic stainless steel (Grade 301),
1.7 mm thick, corrugated sections where these are necessary
for replacement.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 31




Dismantle the buffers and check the buffer base periphery

for corrosion and the bolt holes for securing buffers for wear
and oblongivity /cracks.

If the depth of
corrosion below the
buffer base is
insignificant, the
bolt holes are not
worn out and no
cracks have
developed, dean the
rust and paint.

Replace the buffer base.

If corrosion is not significant and bolt holes for securing of

buffers are worn out / have become oblong, the holes should
be filed up by welding and re-drill if required.

If the corrosion is significant (i.e. loss in section is more

than 20% of original thickness) replace the buffer base.

Remove the floor molding, end wall panel, lavatory,

stainless steel inlay flooring/compreg PVC flooring up to a
distance of 3OOmm in lavatory gang way and supporting
member of compreg flooring in the gangway.

Support the anti-telescopic stanchions at the bottom and sole

bar on suitable wooden stands.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 32

Gas cut the head stock beam along with the vestibule sill
and other corroded components and the end wall sheet,
ensuring that no damage is caused to the anti-telescopic
stanchions, sole bar and the stiffener tube behind the

Grind sole bar flanges, stiffener tubes behind buffer (center

stiffener) and floor stiffener stanchions to match with the
head stock.

Remove all existing paint of visible area by steel wire brush

to bare metal & prepare the visible surface for painting.

Prepare a new head stock beam arrangement complete with

8 mm steel plate to drawing No ICF/STD-1-2..002. Before
welding ensure correctness of the bolt hole size for buffer
bolts in headstock beam as well as stiffeners (Item 5,15.
6,16) are welded in the head stock in position.

Check for straightness of head stock and over all alignment.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 33

Full weld the new head stock to the sole bar, stiffener tubes,
anti telescopic stanchions, floor stiffeners and guide angles.
Weld a new vestibule sill over the headstock.

Welding shall be done by "D' class electrodes to IRS - M 28

(latest Rev.) or class IV M IGIMAG welding wires as per
specification IRS-M 46 (latest Rev.)

While welding with D class electrodes following special

care should be taken as - these are basic coated electrodes:

a) The electrode must be preheated to about 250°C for two

hours or as recommended by electrode manufactures
before use.

b) While welding with AC. the welding transformer must

have minimum OCV 80 volts for its smooth running.

c) If welding with DC equipment, the electrode must be

connected with positive terminal of equipment
d) During positional welding, 4 mm or less diameter
electrodes to be preferred for better control of bead.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 34


Welding shall be preferred in flat position. Vertical up

welding shall be used in place of vertical down.

Welded head stock should cleaned again by steel wire brush.

Paint the head stock and all visible members by high

performance anticorrosion epoxy coating RDSO specification
No M & C/ PCN/123/2006.

Weld a new end wall sheet as required.

Clean and paint the end wall.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 35




(Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10109)

A. End wall sheet

Cut the corroded end wall sheet as required.
If the end stanchions are not corroded, replace the
corroded part of the end wall sheet.

Clean and paint.

B. End Wall Stanchions:

Remove the floor
moulding, end wall
panel, flooring
composition and
timber floor
/plywood PVC
flooring to a distance
of 300 mm from the
end wall.

Cut off the corroded

end wall stanchions
and grind the cut
surface square.

Prepare a new end stanchion.

Tack weld the same to the head stock and to the end

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 36


Ensure proper alignment.

Full weld the end stanchions.

Note: - i) If the head stock is also corroded and requires

replacement, the same should be attended to first as described
in "V” before replacement of the corroded end stanchions.
ii) ICF have been turning out coaches with end stanchions
formed out of 4 mm thick sheet to IRS-M-41 instead of 5
mm plate. The replacement of end stanchions should,
therefore, be with 4mm or 5 mm thickness according to the
stanchion removed.

Clean and paint.

Replace the end wall panels and floor moulding.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 37



VENTILATORS . ( Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10110)
TRA Type Ventilators:
Remove the air-duct casing below the roof ventilators
and insulating material.
If no corrosion is noticed on the roof sheet, cutoff
the corroded ring and the corroded channel supports
and replace them with new ring and channel supports.
If corrosion is noticed in the roof sheet, cut off the
roof sheet around the ventilator to a distance of
345x345 mm and grind the edges straight.

Provide a backing strip 25 mm in width all around.

If corrosion is noticed on the roof sheet around any of

the supporting channels cut off the roof sheet around
that channel to a distance of 95 x 45 mm and grind the
edges. Prepare a new roof sheet piece of 100 x 50 mm
along with supporting channel and weld in position.
Repair a new roof sheet of size 345x345 mm with
ring complete & weld the same in position.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 38


(Ref: RDSO drawing No. CG-10083)
Remove the body side door and place the same on a
suitable stand,
Set louver and glass shutters in raised position.

Remove the-inside bottom panel.

Check for corrosion of outer panels etc.

If corrosion is light,
scrape of rust to bare
Clean and paints

If corrosion is
heavy, gas cut the
corroded parts and
grind the edges

Butt weld the outer

panel to the existing
panel along with the

Clean and paint.

If the curved portion of the outer panel and pillar

are corroded, the corroded portions should be cut
and replaced by Butt-welding patch plates and then
weld ground smooth outside.
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 39

Note: Body side doors of coaches manufactured since 1966

have been modified by providing an open bottom to avoid
incidence of corrosion. Body side doors of coaches built earlier
have bottom stiffener. This bottom stiffener should be removed
whenever attention is required for the body side doors and

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 40




If the corrosion at the bottom of the seat pillars is light,

scrap off the rust to bare metal, clean well and re-paint.

If the corrosion is heavy remove the PVC sheets at the

location of corroded pillar as such an extent that underneath
compreg board is exposed completely up to support points
(Refer ICF SK-4-1-135).
Remove the fixing screws of compreg board and lift it from
its position.

Cut off the corroded pillar to a height of 150mm from the

bottom of the supporting channel.

Prepare a new pillar as shown in section 'AA' and to a height

of 150mm with a base to ICF drg. No. T -1-0-625 and weld
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 41

the new pillar to the supporting channel and pillar. Clean

and paint.

Prepare a cover for seat pillar to ICF I SK -4-1-131 for

single seat sleeve frame to item 31 of ICF I SK - 4- 1- 135.

Follow the procedure for repairing P VC flooring of ICF

built coaches to C-8701 for relaying the flooring.
Partition walls in coaches with PVC/Compreg floorings

Remove the PVC skirting and panel on both sides.

If corrosion is light, scrap off rust to bare metal, clean and

repaint, replace paneling and PVC skirting.

If corrosion is heavy, remove the P VC sheets to such an

extent that underneath compreg board is exposed completely
up to support points (Ref: ICF SK - 4 -1-135).

Remove the fixing screws of compreg board and lift it from

its position.

Cut off the corroded pillar to a height of 160mm from the

bottom and grind the edges of the pillar square.
Prepare a new pillar and weld the same to the supporting
channel and pillar.

Prepare a supporting plate and weld the same to supporting

channel and pillar.
Clean and paint.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 42




The reject able defects of Body bolster are:

• Thin edge of bottom Plate due to wear and tear

(Thickness reduces from 16mm to 12.8mm).

• Corrosion taken place (Corroded Body Bolster).

• Bent of bottom Plate due to hitting of bogie Sole bar.

• Crack develops in Body Bolster.

After Completion of ir1spection, if body bolster found

defective required to be replaced then sequence of operation
for changing the body bolster are as under:

• Lift the coach and place it on trestles.

• Weld suitable supports with rail, in both ends in the

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 43

following locations:

• Both side of inner and outer Head Stock

• One side of sole bar in. the location where the bolster
is to be change.

• All Supports is to be welded in such a way that while

removing old bolster and putting hew one the
geometry of the coach should not be disturbed.
M easure the distance from the head stock to the centre
of the body bolster which is to be removed and record

Cut and remove the trough floor above the bolster to be


Cut one side of sole bar not less then four feet of the bolster
location and provide suitable weld support to both ends of
the sole bar.

Cut the bolster from other side.

Remove the bolster.

Weld a suitable support matching the bottom flange of the

sole bar where it was cut.

Put the new bolster into the coach as per the dimension
recorded earlier and also ensure the end bottom of the
bolster should be properly seated with sole bar bottom

Check dimension and ensure it.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 44

Fit the sole bar that was cut.

Full weld the bolster with both side of the sole bar. Fit
trough floor above the bolster.

After full welding, lower the coach on Bogie.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 45




S. N Item Specification No.

1 Steel sheets for manufacture of

1.1 Trough floor 2mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I,1.7

mm for Austenitic stainless
1.2 Pillars, sidewall sheet, light rail, 2 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
waist rail and end wall sheet.
1.3 Car line 2 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
1.4 Roof sheet and longitudinal 1.6 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
1.5 Cant rail and Ribs 3.15 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
1.6 Other structural members IRS:M-41 Gr. I
2 Steel plates for manufacture of

2.1 Sole bars and turn under 5 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I

2.2 Cross bearers above and below 4 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
trough floor, end wall stanchions
2.3 Outer headstock beam 8 mm for IRSM-41 Gr. I
2.4 Other structural members like sole IRSM-41 Gr. I
bar stiffeners
3 T ubes for tubular frame below IS: 1239 Pt. 1, Tab. 3
4. Non-Structural membe rs
4.1 Sheets like skirting plate for IRSM-41 Gr.
reservoirs and floor side moulding
4.2 Plates IRSM-41 Gr.1
5 Paint RDSO Specification No.
M&C/PCN/123/2006 for
high performance
anticorrosion epoxy coating.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 46



While welding with D class electrodes following special
care should be taken as these are basic coated electrodes.

• The electrode must be preheated to about 250°C for

two hours or as recommended by electrode
manufactures before use.

• While welding with AC, the welding transformer must

have minimum OCV-80 volts for its smooth running.

• If welding with DC equipment, the electrode must be

connected with positive terminal of equipment.

• During positional welding, 4 mm or less diameter

electrodes to be preferred for better control of bead.
Welding shall be preferred in flat positi()n; vertical up
welding shall be used in place of vertical down.
For the periodical checking of competency of welder the
Railway should follow IS: 7310 (Part-1). This specification
covers the approval test for welder working to approved
welding procedure. This is BIS standard also stipulates the
norms for approval of welder. Welder approval test record
may be kept as per appendix-A of this IS specification.

RDSO specification No M &CIPCN/12312006 for high

performance anticorrosion epoxy coating to be adopted in
all under frame member where Bituminous solution and
Emulsion where painted earlier.

Stainless steel cutting shall be done with arc cutting by two


Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 47


i) By using class N1 electrodes as per IRS M -28-Rev.2.

ii) Portable plastna arc cutting machine (The equipment
consistent of power source, a control unit, and one or more
gases to function as orifice and shielding gas and cutting

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 48




During last two years, there has been an increase in the

cases of en-route detachment of coaches due to major weld failures.
These failures have occurred due to working out of head stock,
draw bar assembly and sole bar cracks etc. The quality of corrosion
repair has a direct bearing on the safe running of coaches. RDSO
had been advised to prescribe complete procedure for corrosion
repair of head stock and other critical areas.

RDSO has carried out sample check of welding practices

and type of electrodes being used for welding of critical areas. It is
noted that railways are either not using "'D" class electrodes for
welding of IRS M -41 or face difficulty in its usage. Railways are
advised to take following care during welding with "D” class
electrodes i.e.

a.) The electrode must be preheated to about 250°C for two

hours or as recommended by electrode manufacturers before

b.) While welding with AC, the welding transformer must have
minimum OCV -80 volts for its smooth running.

c.) If welding with DC equipment, the electrode must be

connected with positive terminal of equipment.

d.) During positional welding. 4 mm or less diameter electrodes

to be preferred for the corrosion repair procedure of head
stock, their assembly and precautions to be taken during
welding and painting after repair in ICF/RCF coaches are
contained in following annexure:

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 49


1. Instructions for replacement of Outer Head Stock during

Corrosion Repairs: Annexure -1
2. Instructions for replacement of Headstock Assembly during
Corrosion Repairs: Annexure -2
3. Welding Electrode &. Welding Wire for different
combination of steel material Annexure -3

Railways are advised to follow the above procedure during

corrosion repair in critical areas like head stock, draw gear, etc.
(RDSO Letter No. MC/CRN/REH dated 21.12.2010)

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 50


Annexure -1



Dismantle the buffers and check the buffer base periphery

for corrosion and the bolt holes for securing buffers for wear
and oblongivity /cracks.

If the depth of corrosion below the buffer base is

insignificant, the bolt holes are not worn out and no cracks
have developed, dean the rust and paint.

Replace the buffer base.

If corrosion is not significant and bolt holes for securing of

buffers are worn out / have become oblong, the holes should
be filed up by welding and re-drill if required.

If the corrosion is significant (i.e. loss in section is more

than 20% of original thickness) replace the buffer base.

Remove the floor molding, end wall panel, lavatory,

stainless steel inlay flooring/compreg PVC flooring up to a
distance of 3OOmm in lavatory gang way and supporting
member of compreg flooring in the gangway.

Support the anti-telescopic stanchions at the bottom and sole

bar on suitable wooden stands.

Gas cut the head stock beam along with the vestibule sill
and other corroded components and the end wall sheet,
ensuring that no damage is caused to the anti-telescopic
stanchions, sole bar and the stiffener tube behind the
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 51

Grind sole bar flanges, stiffener tubes behind buffer (center

stiffener) and floor stiffener stanchions to match with the
head stock.

Remove all existing paint of visible area by steel wire brush

to bare metal & prepare the visible surface for painting.

Prepare a new head stock beam arrangement complete with

8 mm steel plate to drawing No ICF/STD-1-2..002. Before
welding ensure correctness of the bolt hole size for buffer
bolts in headstock beam as well as stiffeners (Item 5,15.
6,16) are welded in the head stock in position.

Check for straightness of head stock and over all alignment.

Full weld the new head stock to the sole bar, stiffener tubes,
anti telescopic stanchions, floor stiffeners and guide angles.
Weld a new vestibule sill over the headstock..

Welding shall be done by "D' class electrodes to IRS - M 28

(latest Rev.) or class IV M IGIMAG welding wires as per
specification IRS-M 46 (latest Rev.)

While welding with D class electrodes following special

care should be taken as - these are basic coated electrodes:

a) The electrode must be preheated to about 250°C for two

hours or as recommended by electrode manufactures
before use.

b) While welding with AC. the welding transformer must

have minimum OCV 80 volts for its smooth running.

c) If welding with DC equipment, the electrode must be

connected with positive terminal of equipment
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 52

d) During positional welding, 4 mm or less diameter

electrodes to be preferred for better control of bead.

Welding shall be preferred in flat position. Vertical up

welding shall be used in place of vertical down.

Welded head stock should cleaned again by steel wire brush.

Paint the head stock and all visible members by high

performance anticorrosion epoxy coating RDSO specification
No M & C/ PCN/123/2006.

Weld a new end wall sheet as required.

Clean and paint the end wall.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 53


Annexure -2



(A) Cutting of Headstock Assembly:

Dismantle the buffers, remove the floor moulding, end wall

panel, stainless steel inlay flooring from lavatory / compreg
PVC flooring up to door way and supporting member of
compreg /P VC flooring.

If the corrosion is significant i.e. loss in thickness of section

is more than 20% of original thickness at any location on
inner head stock and their other members, the assembly
should be replaced.

Gas cut the vestibule sill and the end wall sheet up to
required height.

Provide Bolster Support with Bogie Frame and Bottom

Portion of Sole bar flange to rail line.

M easure the Camber of the coach by "Piano Wire System",

and also measure the height of the bottom flange of the head
stock from the rail level.

Note Down the camber and height of head stock from rail

Cut the end panel by gas cutting up to required height.

Remove the Yoke and cut the end stanchion pillar by gas
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 54

Cut the sole bar near door pillar, sole bar boxing and body
side pillar at both side.

Cut the Lavatory tube/trough floor, welded with inner head

stock by gas cutter. .

(B) Fabrication of headstock assembly:

Fabricate the complete head stock with 8 mm outer beam (outer

head stock) to RCF Drawing No CC12230 or ICF drawing No.
ICF/STD-1-2-001 on a welding manipulator for facilitating down
hand full welding or procure from trade.

(C) Fitting of headstock assembly

From the welding manipulator place the head stock

assembly by EOT crane (if manufactured in house) on the
lifting platform.

M ove the loaded lifting platform for fitment to place where

old one was removed by gas cutting.

Fully weld the supports on the both side of the bottom

flange of old sole bar to the inner head stock.

Finish cut the outside end stanchion pillar as per the

required height.

Place the lifting platform in proper place and lift it up to the

required height. Push it forward so that the inner head stock
is support welded with the old sole bar.

Tack weld two end stanchion at bot/1 end with the old one
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 55

and weld two angles at bottom portion of it to provide

support to the head stock portion of the assembly. .

Place the assembly properly and set it as per dimensions by

measuring tape & plumb.

Check the height of the lower flange bf Head Stock from

rail level and adjust with the initial reading.

Check all the dimensions and tack weld the head stock
assembly with the stanchion pillars, sale bar and sale bar
boxing. Remove the welded support from the end

Tack weld the middle stanchion pillars.

Now release the lifting trolley and pull it out.

Weld two nos of vertical support with the lower portion of

the head stock on both ends, to provide support of the front
portion of head stock assembly from rail line.

Tack weld the head stock bottom strengthening plate at

proper place and carry out full weld.

Fully weld the outside stanchion pillar with the head stock.

While welding with 'D' class electrodes following special

care should be taken as these are basic coated electrodes:

a.) The electrodes must be preheated to about 250°C for

two hours or as recommended by electrode
manufactures before use.

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 56


b.) While welding with AC, the welding transformer must

have minimum OCV-80 volts for its smooth running.

c.) If welding with DC equipment, the electrode must be

connected with positive terminal of equipment.

d.) During positional welding, 4 mm or less diameter

electrodes to be preferred for better control of bead.

Welding shall be preferred in flat position; vertical up

welding shall be used in place of vertical down.

The vertical support of the head stock assembly should be

removed after completion of the fitment of sale bars on both

Welded head stock should cleaned again by steel wire


Paint the head stock and all visible members by high

performance anticorrosive epoxy coating to RDSO
specification M & C /PCN/123/2006.

M easure the final camber of the coach at the ends, if

required re-adjusts it accordingly.

Welding shall be done by 'D' class electrodes to IRS - M 28

(latest Rev.) or class IV M IG/M AG welding wires as per
specification IRS-M 46 (latest Rev.).

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 57


Annexure -3



A) ICF S hell
Following types of steel are used for manufacture of major shell

SN Major assemble S teels used

1. Side wall. End wall IRS M -41 (Corten Steel)
and Roof structure
2. Roof sheet and IRS M -41 (Corten Steel)
Trough floor Austenitic Steel (SS 301)
(for 1. 7mm
T rough floor)
3. Under frame IRS M -41 (Corten Steel)
IS: 2062 E-250 & IS:1239 Pt.1

B) LHB S hell
Following types of steel are used for manufacture of major shell

SN Major assemble S teels used

Side wall, End wall and
1. Ferritic Steel (SS 409M )
Roof structure
Roof sheet and Trough
2. Austenitic Steel (SS 304)
IRS M -41/ Corten Steel &
3. Under frame
IS: 2062 E-250

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 58


C) Electrode & Welding Wire

Welding electrode and M IG/MAG welding wire for welding of

different types of steels are:

Ele ctrode As pe r welding wire
SN Description IRS) M-28 As pe r IRS M-
2002 46-2003
(Amendment-2) (Amendment -1 )
1 IRSM -41 with IRSM - 'D’ class Class IV
AISI 304 with AISI
2 M 1 Class Class VI
IRSM -41with AISI
3 M 4 Class Class VII
4 AISI 304 with AISI M 1 Class Class VI
AISI 409 M with
5 M 2 Class Class VI
AISI 409 M
6 M 4 Class Class VII
with IS:2062 E-250
IS: 2062 E-250 to
7 IS:2062 E-250 or A3/B1Class Cass I
IS:1239 Pt.1 Tab.3
8 IRSM -41 with IS: 'D' Class Class IV
2062 E-250 ,

Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 59

To upgrade maintenance technologies and
methodologies and achieve improvement in
productivity and performance of all Railway assets
and man power which inter-alia would cover
reliability, a vailability, utilisation and efficiency.

If you have any suggestions and any specific comments,

please write to us.

Contact person : Executive Director

Postal address : Indian Railways,

Centre for Advanced
Maintenance Technology,
Maharajpur, Gwalior.
Pin code - 474 005

Phone : 0751- 2470803

Fax : 0751- 2470841

Email address : [email protected]

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