Guidelines For Corrosion Repair in ICF Coaches
Guidelines For Corrosion Repair in ICF Coaches
Guidelines For Corrosion Repair in ICF Coaches
(Govt. of India)
(Ministry of Railways)
Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches
Place: (K.P.Yadav)
CAMTECH/2011/Mech/Corrosion/1.0/C.S . # XX date
Where “XX” is the serial number of the concerned
correction slip (S tarting from 01 onwards)
2.0 Inspection 3
c.) Sole bars, turn unders and pillars above lifting pads.
d.) Sole bars and pillars behind the sliding door pockets of
SLR’s & parcel vans.
e.) Sole bars, pillars and turn-unders at door corners.
4.2.1 Turn under with elongated holes: The sole bars, body
pillars and turn unders in the bays under and adjoing lavatories
should be examined visually from the below the coach and
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 6
4.3 S ole bar, turn under and pillars above the lifting pads:
The above members should be examined visually in the
same manner as des cribed at para 4.2. If signs of corrosion
are noticed, the side wall sheet above the lifting pads should
becut to a height of 500 mm above the turn under and to
length of half a metre on either side of the lifting pads and
4.4 He ad s tock : T he
inner head stock,
the out er head
stock and t he
immediately behind
the buffers
including stiffening
tubes and the
junction of sole bar
at the head stock
should be vis ually
examined for incidence of corros ion. After removing the
buffer assembly, the head stock should be carefully
examined as corrosion has been primarily noticed at this
4.5 Pillars behind the sliding door pockets of S LRs & Parcel
vans: The pockets for sliding doors s hould be opened and
the accumulated dust dislodged and thoroughly cleaned. If
on visual examination, signs of corrosion are noticed the
side wall sheet should be cut to a height of 500 mm above the
turn under and to a distance of one meter on either side of
the sliding door corners and the pillars thoroughly
examined. The trough floor to a width of 300 mm from sole
bar should also be removed and the sole bar thoroughly
examined to ascertain the extent of corrosion.
Support the coach body near the sole bar portion under
replacement through the window opening on wooden
Cut off the side wall sheets and turn under to a height of
500 mm covering length of approximately 200 mm on
either side of the sole bar to be replaced.
Cut off the trough floor, cross bearers and body side
pillars at the locations where the sole bar portion is to be
renewed. Ensure that cross bearers are not damaged.
Cut off the sole bar and grind the edges and prepare for
a 'V’ Butt joint.
Check and
straightness of
the sole bar
and overall
Tack weld
cross bearers, if
any, to the new
sole bar piece.
ii) If sole bars are to be replaced on both sides, the joints must
be staggered and both ends should not be attended to
iii) If the sole bar at head stock location requires renewal,
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 18
iv) If the coach under repair has its under frame and body
pillars upto waist rail level pasted with FRP tissue, the
portion of FRP tissue damaged during corrosion repair
should be painted with RDSO specification
M &C/PCN/123/2006 for high performance anticorrosion
ii) Renewal of the sole bar near the body bolster should be
taken at the last stage after renewing the sole bar, if need be at
other locations.
Weld the side wall sheets on all four sides and plug
weld the same to body side pillars, if the inside
paneling and flooring have not been removed for any
other purpose in case the inside paneling and trough
floor have been removed for some other purpose, side
wall sheets may be welded with the body pillars from
inside and plug welding avoided.
Cut off alternate body pillars on the same side to a
height of approximately 430 mm or 525 mm or 600
mm as the need may be, as shown in the sketch
exercising care to ensure that the sole bar is not
damaged. Prepare the edge of pillar for ’V’ butt-
Clean the surface of the sole bar thoroughly of rust etc.
Tack welds the new body pillar part to the pillar and
sole bar.
Check and ensure straightness and alignment of the
body pillars.
Full weld the body pillar part to the pillar and sole bar.
Cut off the remaining body pillars and attend to them
in like manner as indicated above.
Replace the body sidewall sheet as indicated in Para A
Clean and paint the inner surface of the replaced
sidewall and body pillars.
Replace floor side moulding and relay flooring.
Replace inside panel.
Full weld the tubular frame assembly to the inner head stock
and trough floor.
Guard's lavatories
Cut off the corroded Corten and Stainless Steel trough floor
to the length and width required.
Full weld trough floor to the isolating plates both at top and
1. If during corrosion repairs whole length of the trough floor
needs replacement in that event the trough floor. sole bars, side
wall and body pillars up to waist rail level and cross bearers
should be painted with high performance anticorrosion epoxy to
RDSO Specification M &C/PCN/12312006 .
If the depth of
corrosion below the
buffer base is
insignificant, the
bolt holes are not
worn out and no
cracks have
developed, dean the
rust and paint.
Gas cut the head stock beam along with the vestibule sill
and other corroded components and the end wall sheet,
ensuring that no damage is caused to the anti-telescopic
stanchions, sole bar and the stiffener tube behind the
Full weld the new head stock to the sole bar, stiffener tubes,
anti telescopic stanchions, floor stiffeners and guide angles.
Weld a new vestibule sill over the headstock.
If corrosion is
heavy, gas cut the
corroded parts and
grind the edges
following locations:
• One side of sole bar in. the location where the bolster
is to be change.
Cut one side of sole bar not less then four feet of the bolster
location and provide suitable weld support to both ends of
the sole bar.
Put the new bolster into the coach as per the dimension
recorded earlier and also ensure the end bottom of the
bolster should be properly seated with sole bar bottom
Full weld the bolster with both side of the sole bar. Fit
trough floor above the bolster.
b.) While welding with AC, the welding transformer must have
minimum OCV -80 volts for its smooth running.
Annexure -1
Gas cut the head stock beam along with the vestibule sill
and other corroded components and the end wall sheet,
ensuring that no damage is caused to the anti-telescopic
stanchions, sole bar and the stiffener tube behind the
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 51
Full weld the new head stock to the sole bar, stiffener tubes,
anti telescopic stanchions, floor stiffeners and guide angles.
Weld a new vestibule sill over the headstock..
Annexure -2
Gas cut the vestibule sill and the end wall sheet up to
required height.
Note Down the camber and height of head stock from rail
Remove the Yoke and cut the end stanchion pillar by gas
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 54
Cut the sole bar near door pillar, sole bar boxing and body
side pillar at both side.
Tack weld two end stanchion at bot/1 end with the old one
Guidelines for Corrosion repair in ICF Coaches 55
Check all the dimensions and tack weld the head stock
assembly with the stanchion pillars, sale bar and sale bar
boxing. Remove the welded support from the end
Fully weld the outside stanchion pillar with the head stock.
Annexure -3
A) ICF S hell
Following types of steel are used for manufacture of major shell
B) LHB S hell
Following types of steel are used for manufacture of major shell
Ele ctrode As pe r welding wire
SN Description IRS) M-28 As pe r IRS M-
2002 46-2003
(Amendment-2) (Amendment -1 )
1 IRSM -41 with IRSM - 'D’ class Class IV
AISI 304 with AISI
2 M 1 Class Class VI
IRSM -41with AISI
3 M 4 Class Class VII
4 AISI 304 with AISI M 1 Class Class VI
AISI 409 M with
5 M 2 Class Class VI
AISI 409 M
6 M 4 Class Class VII
with IS:2062 E-250
IS: 2062 E-250 to
7 IS:2062 E-250 or A3/B1Class Cass I
IS:1239 Pt.1 Tab.3
8 IRSM -41 with IS: 'D' Class Class IV
2062 E-250 ,