SikaR I Z+ en IT (09 2019) 2 2

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Sika® R-I-Z +


Sika® R-I-Z + is a highly breathable, cement free, mor- ▪ Render, plaster and skirting with a single product;
tar used for rendering, plastering and skirting of load- ▪ Cement free
bearing walls and cladding, using only one product. ▪ Natural hydraulic lime NHL 3.5 (EN 459-1)
Sika® R-I-Z + is specially formulated with natural hy- ▪ Excellent workability;
draulic lime NHL 3.5 to ensure perfect compatibility ▪ It can be easily applied, either by hand or by ma-
with substrates in brick, stone and mixed masonry of chine;
new construction or, in the case of preservation, his- ▪ It does not require anti-salt preliminary treatment;
toric structures also of cultural interest. ▪ Mechanical behaviour compatible with the mason-
ries (also hystorical);
USES ▪ High water vapor permeability

Sika® R-I-Z + can be used to realize: APPROVALS / CERTIFICATES

▪ Breathable plastering in new buildings;
▪ Plastering for old walls restoration; CE Marking and Declaration of Performance to EN 998-
▪ Restoration of hiytoric buildings; 1:2016, class R (restoration mortars)
▪ Plastering and rendering according to Bio-Construc-
tion and Bio-Architecture method
Sika® R-I-Z + is suitable to be used on following sub-
strates, indoor and outdoor:
▪ bricks;
▪ hollow bricks;
▪ stone walls;
▪ mixed masonry;
▪ tuff blocks (or local stones) with not powdery sur-

Packaging 25 kg bags
Appearance / Colour light beige powder
Shelf life 12 months from the date of production
Storage conditions The product must be stored properly in undamaged original sealed pack-
aging, in dry and cool conditions.
Density after mixing ~1.55 kg/l
after application ~1.65 kg/l
appearing density 1,40 kg/l +/- 0,05 kg/l (EN 1015-10)

Product Data Sheet

Sika® R-I-Z +
September 2019, Version 02.02

Maximum Grain Size Dmax= 2,5 mm

Compressive Strength Class CSII (EN 1015-11)

Tensile Adhesion Strength ~ 0,2 MPa (FP:B) (EN 1015-12)

Reaction to Fire Euroclass A1 (EN 13501-1)

Permeability to Water Vapour μ ≤ 15 (EN 1015-19)

Capillary Absorption ~ 1,90 kg/m2 (EN 1015-18)

Water penetration after capillary ab- ~ 4,0 mm (EN 1015-18)

Thermal Conductivity ~ 0,42 W/mK (EN 1745)

Mixing Ratio For rendering (layer of adhesion) 5,75 - 6,25 l, according to reques-
ted workability
For plastering and skirting: 4,75 - 5,25 l, according to reques-
ted workability

Consumption for plastering ~13.0 kg/m2/cm of thickness

Consistency Plastic-tixotropic
Product Temperature + 5°C min. / +35°C max.
Ambient Air Temperature + 5°C min. / +35°C max.
Substrate Temperature + 5°C min. / +35°C max.
Pot Life > 30 min at +20°C


SUBSTRATE QUALITY / PRE-TREATMENT First apply the adhesion layer using Sika® R-I-Z + with
semi-fluid consistency, applied with a trowel or spray.
Remove completely any damaged or detached plaster, Wiat for the setting of the adhesion layer. The timing
with particular attention to bed joints and among the depends on temperature and humidity conditions.
masonry elements, which will be cleaned in depth. Further layers of plaster with Sika® R-I-Z + must be ap-
Clean completely the masonry by means of high-pres- plied on the previous adhesion layer hardened, able to
sure waster (200-400 bar) to obtain a healthy, clean support the weight of the layers. Keep moist the sur-
and sound substrate and mechanically suitable to re- face of adhesion layer, wetting if necessary.
ceive subsequent processing. In case of salt efflores- Sika® R-I-Z + with plastic consistency, workable and
cence repeatedly wash the surface. thixotropic, must be applied by trowel or by spray to
If you need to regularize the surface with brick by brick make plaster and skirting. Prepare bands to adjust the
(cuci-scuci) method of patching, use Sika MonoTop®- thickness of application directly with Sika® R-I-Z + with
722 Mur mortar. Thoroughly wet the surface: before thixo consistency. Subsequently, plaster and regular-
the application, the surface must appear opaque. ize with straightedge and float the surface with
wooden instruments, to leave rough, porous and open
MIXING texture surface of the plaster. The maximum thickness
per coat is about 2 cm, in case you need to apply a
Mix one bag of Sika® R-I-Z + with the appropriate thicker layer of plaster or skirting, apply subsequent
amount of water according to the desired workability layers. The total thickness of about 2 cm is recommen-
using drill mixer low speed o suitable cement mixer, ded.
until obtaining homogeneous, free from lumps and Sika® R-I-Z + must be finished with the appropriate
with creamy consistency. product SikaMur® Finish, smoothing based on natural
Do not add excess water at the beginning of mixing, hydraulic lime NHL 3.5, highly breathable. Use paints
when the mortar appears dry, but continue for at least of SikaMur® Color range for the finishing of the sys-
3 minutes to allow adequate air entrapment. tem.
Let the mixed product rest for a few minutes, to allow
a better hydration of lime: in this way the product will
show a better workability and ease of application.

Product Data Sheet

Sika® R-I-Z +
September 2019, Version 02.02

Clean all tools and application equipment with water For information and advice on the safe handling, stor-
immediately after use. Hardener material can only be age and disposal of chemical products, users shall refer
mechanically removed. to the most recent Safety Data Sheet (SDS) containing
physical, ecological, toxicological and other safety-re-
▪ Finish Sika® R-I-Z + with tools and wood screeds, do
not use steel or plastic tools to not close the surface LEGAL NOTES
pores compromising the breathability of the system. The information, and, in particular, the recommenda-
▪ Sika® R-I-Z + can be applied mechanically with tradi- tions relating to the application and end-use of Sika
tional plastering. machines. For further information, products, are given in good faith based on Sika’s cur-
contact our Technical Department. rent knowledge and experience of the products when
▪ Small cracks on the surface of the plaster can appear properly stored, handled and applied under normal
during curing and aging: this is normal behavior for conditions in accordance with Sika’s recommenda-
natural lime-based products. It is recommended to tions. In practice, the differences in materials, sub-
wait a sufficient curing time of the plaster made with strates and actual site conditions are such that no war-
Sika® R-I-Z + before the application of SikaMur® Fin- ranty in respect of merchantability or of fitness for a
ish, to prevent a recurrence of cracks caused even on particular purpose, nor any liability arising out of any
the surface. legal relationship whatsoever, can be inferred either
▪ You can apply Sika® R-I-Z + on slightly damp or with from this information, or from any written recom-
moderate rising damp issues ar present. In case od mendations, or from any other advice offered. The
severe rising damp problems, use SikaMur® range user of the product must test the product’s suitability
products. for the intended application and purpose. Sika re-
▪ Do not add any cement or additives either in powder serves the right to change the properties of its
or liquid. products. The proprietary rights of third parties must
▪ Protect the surfaces from direct sunlight and strong be observed. All orders are accepted subject to our
wind in the first phase of maturation. current terms of sale and delivery. Users must always
▪ Keep the surface wet for the first 24 hours after ap- refer to the most recent issue of the local Product Data
plication. Sheet for the product concerned, copies of which will
▪ Protect from rain until fully hardening, to be checked be supplied on request.
according to the environmental conditions of tem-
perature and humidity


All technical data stated in this Product Data Sheet are
based on laboratory tests. Actual measured data may
vary due to circumstances beyond our control.

Please note that as a result of specific local regula-
tions the performance of this product may vary from
country to country. Please consult the local Product
Data Sheet for the exact description of the application

Sika Italia S.p.A.

Via Luigi Einaudi, 6
20068 Peschiera Borromeo (MI)
Phone: +39 02 54778 111
Fax: +39 02 54778 119
[email protected]


Product Data Sheet

Sika® R-I-Z +
September 2019, Version 02.02


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