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Lecture Notes Rcıı Week1

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Preliminaries for the Course

➢ Objective

The objective of this course is to help the students to acquire:

582052005401401 • The knowledge for fundamental design principles of reinforced concrete
(R/C) type structures,
• Understanding the design code requirements and implementing the
Reinforced Concrete II principles in analyses,

• The knowledge on behavior of reinforced concrete materials,

Lecture Notes
-Week #1- • Examining the design principles of reinforced concrete members.

Preliminaries for the Course Preliminaries for the Course

➢ Outcomes ➢ Expectations from the students

Students successfully completed this course will gain the knowledge on: • Study on time,
• Concrete behavior, • Benefit from the lecture notes and the assignments provided for you,
• Reinforcing steel behavior, • Prepare yourself before the courses,
• Designing and detailing of different types of slabs&foundations, • Do not try to memorize, try to examine the underlying reason.

• Load calculations,
• Design principles of R/C type structures,
• Code requirements to design slabs&foundations,
• Earthquake-resistant design approach.

Preliminaries for the Course Preliminaries for the Course

➢ Weekly course plan

➢ Assignment criteria 1- Review of course contents, explanations for activities and the assessment
• … criteria, introduction, review of types of structures,
2- Load calculations,
3- Analysis and design of slabs: One-way solid slab with beams-I/II,
➢ References 4- Analysis and design of slabs: One-way solid slab with beams-II/II,
5- Analysis and design of slabs: Two-way solid slab with beams-I/III,
• Course notes provided for you,
6- Analysis and design of slabs: Two-way solid slab with beams-II/III,
• Celep, Z., "Betonarme yapılar", Beta Basım Yayım Dağıtım A.Ş., 7- Analysis and design of slabs: Two-way solid slab with beams-III/III,
10th edition, 2019 (In Turkish),
8- Midterm exam,
• Ersoy, U., Ozcebe, G. and Tankut, T., "Reinforced concrete", METU
9- Analysis and design of slabs: Joist floor/ribbed slab-I/II,
Press, 2003.
10- Analysis and design of slabs: Joist floor/ribbed slab-II/II,
• McCormac, J.C. and Brown, R.H., "Design of reinforced concrete",
11- Design and detailing of foundations-I/III,
Wiley, 2014.
12- Design and detailing of foundations-II/III,
• Other references are cited during the slides.
13- Design and detailing of foundations-III/III,
14- Introduction to earthquake-resistant design.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

➢ Basic definitions ➢ A general review for the fundamental types of structures

Concrete is a mixture of aggregates (e.g. sand, gravel, …) and helded together - Even several applications may be common during the fundamental stages of
by cement and water. construction applications, there might be differences depending on different
characteristics such as the material used, location of the structure, service
Reinforcing steel enables to prevent sudden collapse under the tensional
period, purpose of use, property properties.
- In general, the following classification approach can be considered for
Reinforced concrete is a combination of concrete and reinforcing steel in a
conformable way. structures;
▪ Based on locations ▪ Based on durableness
➢ What do we need to analyze the reinforced concrete problems?
→ Super-structures, → Permanent structures,
A certain level of strength of materials knowledge (equilibrium equations, → Infrastructures. → Temporal structures.
internal forces and strain equations) is important.
▪ Based on construction stages
Interpretation of results from softwares is critical. Knowledge on basic
principles of a structural system design and analyses is beneficial. → Rough construction,
→ Finishing construction.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

➢ A general review for the fundamental types of structures ➢ A general review for the fundamental types of structures
- In general, the following classification approach can be considered for - In general, the following classification approach can be considered for
structures (cont’d); structures (cont’d);

▪ Purpose of utilization ▪ Based on structural systems

→ Residental structures, → Framed structures,
→ Cultural structures, → Prefabricated structures,
→ Accommodation based structures, → Masonary type structures.
→ Monuments and historical structures,
▪ Based on material characteristics
→ Others.
→ RC type structures
▪ Based on ownership characteristics → Steel structures,
→ Official buildings, → Wooden buildings,
A typical half-timbered structure
→ Private buildings, → Masonary type structures,
→ Foundation buildings. → Half-timbered structures,
→ Adobe buildings.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

➢ Consider the required circumstances to select the proper structural type ➢ Consider the required circumstances to select the proper structural type
- Fundamental advantages of reinforced concrete type structures in - Disadvantages of reinforced concrete type structures in comparison to the
comparison to the others: others:

• Reinforced concrete is an economical material for structural member • Long duration in construction process,
applications such as footings, slabs, basement walls,
• Overweight,
• Great resistance to fire and water actions (maintenance is important),
• Diffucult to get high quality,
• High rigidity of reinforced concrete structures,
• Diffucult to strengthen,
• Ability to be cast into different shapes of structural members,
• Formwork is expensive,
• Easy maintenance-long service life,
• As the concrete material has low tensile strength, it requires additional
• Easy to find skilled-worker for construction. reinforcing steel.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

➢ Historical background ➢ Basic definitions for R/C members

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1700 1800 1900 2000 [Years]

concrete members slab
Significant improvement for cement is not available beam
1 TS500

2 1756-Using cement material (John Smacton) Structural Non-structural

3 1801-Fundamental concepts in reinforced concrete (Francois Coignet) Slabs, beams, Partition walls,
columns, foundations slab covers, … column
4 1824-Got patent for Portland cement (Joseph Aspdin)
5 1855-Strengthening of concrete-type vessel by bars (J.L. Lambot)
Slabs: transfer loads to the beams.
6 1873-Reinforced concrete type building was constructed (W.E. Ward) Beams: support the slabs and transfer
Basic representation of load
1886-First book based on design and theory of reinforced concrete loads to the columns. transfer mechanism in a
7 Columns: transfer story forces to single story frame-type system
type structures (M. Coenen)
8 1911-First cement factory in Turkey (Darica/Kocaeli)
Foundations: transfer column forces to soil.
9 1953-Code prepared by Bridge and Construction Society of Turkey !! Consider the
interaction between
1975-Standard to identify the requirements for design and
10 construction of R/C strustures (TS500) soil&structure

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

➢ Reinforced concrete ➢ Concrete

• A reinforced concrete mainly consists of two fundamental materials: • Weight of concrete per unit volume, γc (for calculations)
(1) concrete, and (2) reinforcing steel. 25kN/m3→with reinforcement
24kN/m3→w/o reinforcement
• Concrete is a mixture with high compression and low tension properties.
• Concrete reaches 60~90% of its ultimate strength in 28 days.
• Sudden collapse under tensional stresses is prevented by using reinforcing
steel bars.
P P interaction→hydration Water
(stiffening occurs) (14~18%) Fine
(7~15%) aggregate
reinforced concrete
plain concrete
P Basic representations of Coarse
responses of concrete types to Concrete aggregate
service loading (figure from: (30~50%)
Naaman, 2001)
prestressed concrete

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of concrete

Class Cylinder compressive Equivalent cubic Characteristic Elasticity modulus
o Uniaxial compressive strength: strength, fck,cyl [MPa] compressive strength, tensile strength, at 28 days, Ec
- Concrete is strong in compressive strength, weak in tension, (150x300mm) fck,cube [MPa] fctk [MPa] [MPa]
- Compressive strength of concrete → strength of 28 days old concrete,
C16 Min in 16.0 20.0 1.4 27000
- Monotonic uniaxial compression tests are performed, TS500
C18 18.0 22.0 1.5 27500
- Three different test specimens:
C20 Min in 20.0 25.0 1.6 28000
→ Cylindirical specimen with 150mm diameter and 300mm height, TBEC
C25 25.0 30.0 1.8 30000
→ Cubic specimens of 150x150x150mm and 200x200x200mm.
C30 30.0 37.0 1.9 32000
P Fundamentals that affect the
P uniaxial compressive strength: C30: Concrete with compressive strength of 30MPa.
- Rate of loading Cylinder compressive strength
Strength increases with
→ Different standarts have specific notations based on units (i.e. SI-metric,
increasing rate of loading,
MKS-metric, or U.S. Customary units)
- Geometry of specimen,
Ex: Concrete strength of 35MPa in TS500 (~6000psi as U.S. Customary units)
- Water/cement ratio,
P P - Aggregate properties. → Reinforced concrete type buildings with a concrete with compressive
strength, fck >80MPa are beyond the scope of Turkish seismic code 2018.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of concrete

o Stress-strain characteristics: o Stress-strain characteristics (cont’d):

• εc0: Strain at maximum stress [-] • Widely-used mathematical models for stress-strain behavior of
(~0.002 for unconfined concrete), concrete:
• εcu: Ultimate (failure) strain [-], - Mander et al. (1988)
• Decreasing interval between εc0 - εcu Longitudinal concrete compressive stress, fc:
enables to prevent failing of concrete f 'cc xr
f '
fc =
subjected to bending. cc
r − 1 + xr
εc0 εcu where;
f 'c 0   f 'cc 
• Linear behaviour up to 40% of x =  c /  cc  cc =  c 0 1 + 5  − 1 
concrete strength,   f c0 
fc,2 • Strength decrement after 70% of r=
Ec = 5000 f 'c 0 [MPa] Ese c =
f 'cc
Stress, f

concrete strength, Ec − Esec  cc
 c 02 c 0  cc  cu
~0.4fc,1 • Initial modulus of elasticity is  sp εc0≈0.002 (Richart et al., 1928)
evaluated as the secant modulus of
elasticity that corresponds to ~0.4fc  7.94 f 'l f' 
f 'cc = f 'c 0  −1.254 + 2.254 1 + −2 'l 
εc0,2 εc0,1 εcu,1 εcu,2 Strain, ε stress.  '
f c0 f c 0 

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

f 'l ,rec = 0.5( f 'l ,rec , x + f 'l ,rec , y ) • Mechanical properties of concrete
f’l: Effective lateral confining f '
= ke f yh  x ( y ) (rectangular sections) o Stress-strain characteristics (cont’d):
l , rec , x ( y )
stress on concrete
f 'l ,circ = 0.5ke f yh  s (circular sections) - Modified Kent and Park (1979)
Maximum stress for confined concrete, Kf’c:
 n
( wi ' ) 2  s '  s' 
1 −  1 − 1 −  Kf 'c  s f yh
d c  (rectangular K =1+
ke =  c c  c 
i =1 6 b d 2 b 2
(confined) f 'c
ke: Confinement effectiveness (1 − cc ) sections) f '

coefficient  2 c  c  
 s'  f c = Kf 'c  −
1 −    for εc≤0.002K;
(circular sections (unconfined)  0.002 K  0.002 K  
ke = 
2 ds 
(1 − cc ) with circular hoops)
f c = Kf 'c 1 − Z m (  c − 0.002 K )   0.2 Kf 'c otherwise
ds bc 0.002 0.002K
concrete w’i
Others: Saatcioglu and Ravzi
cc (1991), Hognestad (1951), Roy- 0.5
dc Zm =
Sozen (1963-1964), Vallenas- 3 + 0.29 f 'c 3 h ''
Effectively 1/4s’ Effectively + s − 0.002 K
Bertero-Popov (1977). 145 f 'c − 1000 4 sh
confined core confined core

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of concrete

o Elasticity modulus of concrete: o Elasticity modulus of concrete (cont’d):

Elastisity modulus of concrete can be The modulus of elasticity of concrete at age j, Ecj is
defined in different ways such as: evaluated as follows (for normal-weight concrete):
(2) (3)
fc • (1) Initial modulus: Slope of origin based
Concrete stress, f

(1) Ecj = w1.51362 f cj [MPa] Pauw (1960)

drawn tangent line to the f-ε curve,
preferred • (2) Secant modulus: Slope of secant line Ecj = 4700 f cj [MPa] ACI318-14
that is drawn between origin and 0.5fc, 1/3
Ecj = 9500  f cj + 8 [MPa] Eurocode2
• (3) Tangent modulus: Slope of tangent
Concrete strain, ε line drawn through 0.4~0.5fc. Ecj = 3250 f cj + 14000 [MPa] TS500-2000

Recommended for static

conditions, should be
increased by 10% for
impact loads

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of concrete

o Concrete properties in tension: o Concrete properties in tension (cont’d):
• Tensile strength of concrete, fct is about ~8% to 15% of its ii) Modulus of rupture tests
compressive strength, fc,
• Tensile strength of concrete affects the deflection of structural members, ≈0.15m

• Tensile strength of concrete continues up to a tensile cracking, ≈0.15

L/3 L/3
• Difficult to measure with tests based on direct axial tension loads, L≈0.75m Unreinforced
concrete beam
• Two indirect tests are commonly considered: (ASTMC78-2002)
M .c M (h / 2) 6 M PL
i) Split-cylinder tests fr = = = 2 = 2
I bh3 bh bh
P Split tensile strength at which splitting occurs: 12
f ctk = 0.35 f ck [MPa] TS500-2000 where M =
ft = f r = 0.62 f 'c [MPa] ACI318-14
 LD
Modification factor (0.75~1)

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of concrete

o Lateral confinement effect: o Other mechanical properties of concrete:
• Proper selection of lateral confinement is critical for stress-strain • Poisson’s ratio, ν:
behavior of concrete,
- Ratio of lateral expansion to longitudinal shortening of concrete under
• Concrete material forces the lateral reinforcement to widen as the compression,
axial compression forces increases, ΔLlat/2
• The strain capacity of confined concrete increases with increasing  lat (Llat / Llat )
Llat P P = =
levels of lateral pressures.  lon (Llon / Llon )
to limit ΔLlon/2
limited lateral strain (core Llon
the strain
concrete) becomes confined
more (circ) - Varies between 0.11 and 0.21 for high to weak strength concretes (e.g.
recommended as ν=0.20 in TS500-2000 standard),

as the
confined (rec, s2)
confined - Especially critical for structures Type of material Poisson’s ratio, ν
(rec, s1) under expansion-shortening effects copper ≈0.3
unconfined s2<s1
(i.e. arch, dams, tunnels). rubber ≈0.5
unlimited lateral strain
concrete ≈0.2
(cover concrete) Strain

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of concrete • Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement)

o Other mechanical properties of concrete (cont’d): o Widely-preffered reinforcing steel types
• Shear modulus, G: Typical manufacturing forms
- Corresponds to the modulus of elasticity in shear,
- Depends on the modulus of elasticity, Ec and the Poisson’s ratio, ν and Reinforcing Deformed
the shear modulus, G is evaluated as follows: steel
Welded wire
Ec fabric
2(1 +  )
- Bar type reinforcements are mainly indicated by their diameters.
- Recommended as G=0.4Ec,j in TS500-2000 standard.
For Turkey; For U.S.; plane→(3in/8)ϕ
• Coefficient of thermal expansion, αt: Either plane of deformed→Φ12 Bar No D (in.) Acr-sec(in.2)
12mm diameter reinforcement #3 0.375 0.11
- An approximate value of 10x10-6 is considerable in analyses,
#4 0.5 0.20
- Especially critical for large surface structures (i.e. pavements). Bar No/8in. (up to #8)
#8 1 0.79
After #8, the area is equal to 1 n/8in.x1 n/8 #9 1.128 1.00
square bar area (i.e. #9→1in.x1in area,
D=√(1x4/π)=1.128mm) #10 1.270 1.27

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement) • Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement)
o Stress-strain relationships for reinforcing steel o Stress-strain relationships for reinforcing steel (cont’d)

in TBEC2018
fs High-carbon
Steel Grade
steel fyk=Re: Yield strength (MPa)
fsu=Rm: Tensile strength (MPa) S220 S420 B420B B420C B500B B500C B500A
f yk ,h−c Plane Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed Ribbed Profiled
React: Experimental yield strength (MPa)
f yk ,l −c Renom: Characteristic yield strength (MPa) fyk=Re ≥220 ≥420 ≥420 ≥420 ≥500 ≥500 ≥500
steel εsu: Strain at rupture (-) fsu=Rm ≥340 ≥500 - - - - ≥550
Agt: Total elongation at max load (-) ≥1.15 ≥1.15
 su εs fsu/fyk ≥1.2 ≥1.15 ≥1.08 ≥1.08 -
 s = 0.2% Agt <1.35 <1.35
React/Renom - ≤1.3 - ≤1.3 - ≤1.3 -
εsu ≥18% ≥10% ≥12% ≥12% ≥12% ≥12% ≥5%
Agt - - ≥5% ≥7.5% ≥5% ≥7.5% ≥2.5%

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement) • Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement)
o Stress-strain relationships for reinforcing steel (cont’d) o Stress-strain relationships for reinforcing steel (cont’d)
- Mathematical model for stress-strain behavior of reinforcing steel - Several models were proposed to simulate the stress-strain behavior of
recommended in TBEC2018 under monotonic loading (Mander, 1984): steel under reversed cyclic loading (i.e. Aktan et al., 1973),

f su fs fs (tension) Repeated cyclic

Monotonic stress- loads
f sy
strain curve
Es=2.1E5 (MPa) Reduced yield due to loss
of isotropic behavior
 sy  sh  su (Bauschinger effect)
εs -fs (compression)

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement) • Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement)
o Interaction between concrete&reinforcing steel o Interaction between concrete&reinforcing steel (cont’d)
• Bonding: Stress transmission between concrete and steel w/o • Bonding also depends on the location of rebar in concrete,
debonding, • Spacing between cracks and crack widths are smaller for deformed
• Corrosion of reinforcement affects the bonding in a negative way, bars compared to those of plane bars.
• Experiment based on extracting the steel bar enables to compute
the approximate length of bonding, lb: τb
Longitudinal Horizontal deformed bar
f y deformed bar Bottom surface
Fs lb = Longitudinal Horizontal deformed bar
4 bu plane bar top surface
Horizontal plane Horizontal plane bar
Bar top surface bottom surface
• Bonding is mainly based on:
i) Chemical reaction between the bar surface
and cement paste,
ii) Frictional force over the bar surface, Δtip
iii) Forces over the ribs.

Introduction and Fundamental Concepts

• Mechanical properties of reinforcing steel (reinforcement)

o Interaction between concrete&reinforcing steel (cont’d)
• Bonding under tensional and compressional effects (TS500-2000):
Tensional effects
- Flat bonding is allowed for deformed bars,
 f 
lb = max 0.12 yd  , 20 
 f ctd 
- Bonding of lateral confinement limits the lateral deformation of
concrete (enables to increase the level of ductility),
Compressional effects
- Hooks near the concrete surface causes the torsion of rebar (hooks
are not recommended for compressional reinforcements).
- Overlapping length, l0 under tension (TS500-2000):
As ,add
l0 = 1lb ; 1 = 1 + 0.5
As ,tot


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