For Box Plot
For Box Plot
For Box Plot
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In order to achieve maximum efficiency a photovoltaic (PV) arrays should operate at their maximum
Received 18 September 2012 power point (MPP). Therefore, an MPP tracking (MPPT) scheme is implemented between the PV system
Received in revised form and the load to obtain maximum power. When the irradiance distribution on the PV arrays is uniform,
26 November 2012
many traditional MPPT techniques can track the MPP effectively. However, when the PV arrays are par-
Accepted 2 December 2012
tially shaded, multiple MPPs show up, which usually results in the failure of finding the global MPP. Some
researchers have reported this problem and tried to solve it, but most of the MPP control schemes are
relatively complicated or fail to guarantee the MPP under all shading circumstances. In order to over-
Maximum power point tracking
Photovoltaic systems
come this difficulty, this paper presents a novel ant colony optimization (ACO)-based MPPT scheme for
Ant colony optimization PV systems. A new control scheme is also introduced based on the proposed MPPT method. This heuristic
Partially shaded conditions algorithm based technique not only ensures the ability to find the global MPP, but also gives a simpler
control scheme and lower system cost. The feasibility of this proposed method is verified with the irra-
diance of various shading patterns by simulation. In addition, the performance comparison with other
traditional MPPT techniques, such as: constant voltage tracking (CVT), perturb and observe (P&O), parti-
cle swarm optimization (PSO), is also presented. The results show that the proposed algorithm can track
the global MPP effectively, and is robust to various shading patterns.
© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-7788/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
228 L.L. Jiang et al. / Energy and Buildings 58 (2013) 227–236
Table 1
The specifications of the PV module.
No bypass diode
6 With bypass diode
Maximum power (Pmax ) 60 W Short circuit current (Isc ) 3.8 A Uniform
Optimum voltage (Vmp ) 17.1 V Number of cells (Ns in series) 36 M1
Optimum current (Imp ) 3.5 A Temp. coefficient of Isc A (◦ C) 0.003 M2
Open circuit voltage (Voc ) 21.1 V Temp. coefficient of Voc V (◦ C) −0.08
modules used in this work are BP MSX 60. The specification of the
PV module is listed in Table 1.
PV module receives a different irradiance value (GM1 = 300 W/m2 ,
2.2. The partially shaded problem definition GM2 = 1000 W/m2 ). Fig. 4 gives the P–V curves, and shows that
there is only one MPP in the P–V curve for the module string without
As indicated earlier, PV cells are extremely sensitive to partial bypass diodes. Thus without bypass diodes, the number of MPPs is
shading. If a cell or a small portion of a module in a series string the same as when the irradiance on these two modules is uniform
is shaded, then instead of contributing to the power output, the (at 300 W/m2 ). However, when the bypass diodes are added, each
shaded cell(s) will absorb the power from the other cells in the module contributes to the total power, and as such two MPPs are
string. This absorbed power is converted into heat, contributing to observed in the P–V curve of the module string. Here, the number of
hot spots that can damage the cell(s). Most commercial modules use MPPs is related to the uniformity of the irradiance on each PV mod-
bypass diodes across a series of cells to overcome this effect. Thus, ule and the number of the modules (bypass diodes). For example,
the shaded cells are bypassed and as a result, only the power from for a PV system with Nss modules (as in Fig. 2) connected in series
the shaded series (of cells) is lost. A typical PV module consists of with each module receiving a different irradiance, the number of
a series connection of cells with a bypass diode across each 18–20 MPPs in the P–V curve will equal Nss . Some researchers [21,22] have
cells. This group of cells is called a series with a bypass diode. A suggested using a bypass diode for each solar cell to reduce the
typical module will have 2 or 3 series. power loss caused by partial shading within a PV module, but this
When only a single cell (or a small number of cells) in a series is would add to the cost and complexity of the module. These differ-
partially shaded the series behaves the same as if the entire series ent bypass diode configurations and how they could be optimized
is partially shaded. To simplify the analysis, and to avoid confusion to maximize power is not within the scope of this paper.
in our partial shading analysis, we have considered a module to
have just a single series with bypass diode. Then a more realistic 2.3. MPPT under partially shaded conditions
commercial module could be considered as a series connection of
two or more of these simple modules, as shown in Fig. 2. Using this As indicated above, bypass diodes are added to commercial PV
simple module model means that there is no difference in power modules to protect the PV panel from hotspots due to the mod-
output, irrespective of whether a single cell or the complete module ule acting as a load and consuming power. In order to protect the
is shaded, so long as the irradiance is uniform. PV panel, the bypass diodes (D1 and D2 ) are added to the PV sys-
In order to illustrate the characteristics of the PV modules under tem by connecting them parallel with the PV modules, as shown in
half-shading and full shading conditions, the I–V and P–V curves Fig. 2. In addition, the blocking diode (Db ) is usually connected in
of the PV module with and without bypass, for the small PV sys- the PV string in series to prevent the reverse current from the load
tem shown in Fig. 2, are given in Figs. 3 and 4 respectively. Fig. 3 or unbalanced current flow from other paralleled PV strings.
shows the I–V curves for each PV module and for the combined Since the current through these two modules with different irra-
PV string without bypass diodes and with bypass diodes. Each diance is equal due to their series connection for the PV string with
bypass diodes, the I–V curve of this assembly (in green dotted line)
can be obtained by adding the voltages across them while keeping
the current value constant as shown in Fig. 3. From the I–V curve of
50 G1 G2
0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 4. The P–V curves of the modules with the same series assembly and the same
Fig. 2. A small PV system with two PV modules, module M1 is shaded and M2 is irradiance as in Fig. 3. P1 and P2 represent the PV string power for the uniform and
receiving normal irradiance (1000 W/m2 ). non-uniform irradiance conditions, respectively.
230 L.L. Jiang et al. / Energy and Buildings 58 (2013) 227–236
these two modules, it is evident that two knee-points are formed, the shortest path through the exchange of such information. Ini-
generating two local maxima (G1 and G2 ) in the resultant P–V curve tially, the ACO algorithm is used to tackle combinational problems.
as shown in Fig. 4. When these two modules are exposed to uni- Nowadays, more and more researchers have extended this tech-
form irradiance, there is only one MPP (G3 ) in the P–V curve. In nology into the continuous domain [25–27], among which Socha
order to extract the maximum power from the PV array, the sys- et al. [25] show that the ACOR gives better performance than other
tem should be operated at the global MPP (G3 or G1 , depending on related ACO algorithms. For continuous problems, the solution con-
the distribution of the irradiance). However, when the irradiance struction is a little different from the combinational problems. An
changes from uniform to non-uniform distribution with the power archive is defined in the process of solution generation as shown in
curve changing from P1 to P2 , the operating point of the PV system Fig. 6. Suppose that there is an N-dimensional problem in which
with a traditional MPPT algorithm, such as P&O and IncCond, will N parameters need to be optimized. The procedure for solution
move to the local maxima (G2 ). Thus, the potential power (PG1 –PG2 ) construction can be described as follows [25].
from the PV arrays is wasted. Therefore, in order to maximize the Initially, K random solutions are generated and stored in the
power output from PV systems, an efficient MPP tracking method solution archive (see Fig. 6) with size (K ≥ N). Then, these K solutions
is needed. are ranked according to the evaluation value (from best to worst, in
the minimization problem, f(s1 ) ≤ f(s2 ) ≤ · · · ≤ f(sl ) ≤ · · · ≤ f(sK )). For
each dimension, the probability density function is a Gaussian func-
2.4. Proposed PV array configuration structure
tion which consists of multiple Gaussian sub-functions. The new
solutions are generated by sampling this Gaussian kernel for each
PV modules can be connected in series, parallel or a hybrid,
dimension, which is given by
among which the hybrid connections are popular. Generally, the
PV modules are not connected totally in parallel or series because
1 (x − il )
it may not meet the load current and voltage requirements. In addi- G i (x) = ωl gli (x) = ωl √ exp − (5)
tion, it reduces the system stability. For instance, when one of the l 2
l=1 l=1
PV modules connected in series is shut down, all the PV modules
where Gi (x) is the Gaussian kernel for the ith dimension of the
will be influenced by this single troubled module. In this work, in
solution, gli (x) is the lth sub-Gaussian function for the ith dimen-
order to illustrate the system performance clearly, we consider a PV
system with two PV stings and three PV modules in each PV string. sion of the solution, il and li are the ith dimensional mean value
Usually, there are two modes of MPPT control: the centralized and and the standard deviation for the lth solution, respectively. With
distributed control methods. Centralized control means that the K solutions in the archive, three parameters of the Gaussian ker-
entire PV array is controlled by a single MPPT controller. Each PV nels (mean, i ; standard deviations, i ; weight, ωl ), are calculated
string has an equal value for the control variables (voltage or cur- based on following equations.
rent). Distributed control requires that each PV panel is equipped Mean:
with an MPPT which are controlled individually. The advantage of i = {i1 , . . . , il , . . . iK } = {s1i , . . . , sli , . . . sKi } (6)
the former mode is that it has a simple structure. However, it is
easy to lose energy and cannot maximize the energy harvest. For where sli is the ith dimensional value for the lth solution.
example, when each of the PV strings is assigned the same control Standard deviation:
value, it cannot guarantee that each PV string is working at the best
|sji − sli |
operating point. The latter method can maximize the energy out- li = (7)
put, but has a complex structure and a higher system cost, as each K −1
PV module requires its own MPPT controller.
In this work, we use centralized control by applying computa- where the standard deviation for the ith dimension of the lth solu-
tional intelligence optimization algorithms, but the control value tion is calculated by multiplying the average distance from the
of each PV string converter is different. The difference to the tradi- chosen solution sl to other solutions in the archive with the parame-
tional centralized control is that, in our proposed PV array structure ter, , which represents the speed of convergence (higher the value
as shown in Fig. 5 each PV string is installed with a DC–DC converter of , the lower the convergence speed) [25].
instead of each PV module. Moreover, only one pair of current and Weight:
voltage sensors are required, which reduces the system cost. Either 2
the current or the voltage of these PV strings can be regarded as the 1 (l − 1)
ωl = √ exp − , (ωK ≤ · · · ≤ ωl ≤ · · · ≤ ω2 ≤ ω1 )
control variable to maximize the power output. Therefore, this con- QK 2 2Q 2 K 2
figuration structure not only improves the reliability of the system, (8)
but also increases the efficiency of the energy output. where ωl is the weight of solution sl , l is the rank of solution sl , Q is
the algorithm parameter which represents the importance of the
3. Ant colony optimization applied to MPPT in a PV system best ranked solutions. When Q is small, the possibility of choosing
the best ranking solution is larger. When it is large, the chance of
3.1. Ant colony optimization choosing all the solutions is equal.
The process of sampling a Gaussian kernel with multiple
The ant colony optimization (ACO) is a probabilistic algorithm, Gaussian sub-functions is divided into two steps: first, choose
which is used to find the global optimal solution for a nonlinear the Gaussian function; second, sample the chosen Gaussian
problem. ACO mimics the foraging behavior of the ants to achieve sub-function randomly according to the parameterized normal dis-
optimization of the path in a graph. The collective behaviors of tribution. The probability of choosing the lth Gaussian function can
a large number of ants form a positive feedback phenomenon be calculated by
[23,24]: ants initially search the path randomly and lay down ωl
pl = (9)
pheromone for other ants to follow. The more ants that travel a r=K
r=1 r
path, the higher density of pheromone on the path, and as a result,
the greater likelihood that subsequent ants will choose the path. The sampling process is repeated for each dimension (i = 1, . . .,
Finally, most of the ants follow the trail until ant individuals find N) of each new solution until M (also called the number of ants)
L.L. Jiang et al. / Energy and Buildings 58 (2013) 227–236 231
new solutions are created. After this, these M new solutions are where st is the current vector at the tth step, INt is the current control
added to the original solutions. All the M + K solutions are ranked value for Nth PV string at the tth step. The objective function of this
again and only the K best solutions are kept into the archive. Thus, optimization problem f (st ) is the summation of the power output
the whole procedure is repeated until the maximum iteration is from each PV sub-string after applying current variable to each PV
reached or the termination conditions are satisfied. With this solu- string. It can be described by
tion construction scheme, all the ants will be effectively guided to Npp
the optimized point in the search process.
f (s ) = (Ijt × Vjt ) (11)
The ACO combines a positive feedback mechanism, distributed
computing, and a greedy search algorithm. It has a strong ability
to search the optimal solution. The positive feedback mechanism where Ijt and Vjt are the current control variable value and the volt-
ensures that the ant colony algorithm is capable of early detection age value for jth PV string at the tth step respectively. Assuming
of the optimal solution. Distributed computing helps the ACO to that there are M new solutions generated in each iteration and the
avoid premature convergence. The greedy search helps to quickly
find an acceptable solution, thereby enhancing the efficiency of the
system. s1 s11 s12 ... s1i ... s1n ω1 f(s1)
B Sense V(k), I(k);
0 Compute power P(k) for the ant;
2 3
I2(A) 1 1
0 0 I1(A)
Fig. 7. 3-D image of the power versus the current in each PV substring under the C power for each ant; Generate a
shading pattern of [M11 , M12 , M13 ; M21 , M22 , M23 ] = [1000, 800, 400; 1000, 400, new solution; Eqn. (5)-(9)
200] W/m2 .
Table 2
Percentage ofthe extracted power
0.8 Pattern no. Shading pattern [M11 , M12 , M13 ; M21 , M22 , M23 ] (W/m2 )
Table 3
0 Algorithm parameters used in the experiment.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Size ofthe solution archive Parameter Symbol Value
15 300
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.9
Fig. 10. Box-plot of the relationship between the number of iterations to converge Shading patterns
and the value of Q for the irradiance Case B in 200 runs; the edges of the box are the
25th and 75th percentiles of the iterations needed to converge, and the line inside Fig. 11. Power extracted by the ACO-based MPPT under four different shading
the box indicates the average number of iterations to converge. patterns.
234 L.L. Jiang et al. / Energy and Buildings 58 (2013) 227–236
Power (W)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)
Fig. 12. Transient response of the proposed MPPT method for Case 1: SP change from SP1 to SP2, K = 7, M = 4, = 0.82, Q = 0.45.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (s)
Fig. 13. Transient response of the proposed MPPT method for Case 2: SP change from SP1 to SP3, K = 7, M = 4, = 0.82, Q = 0.45.
Fig. 14. Transient response of the proposed MPPT method for Case 3: SP change from SP1 to SP4, K = 7, M = 4, = 0.82, Q = 0.45.
L.L. Jiang et al. / Energy and Buildings 58 (2013) 227–236 235
Table 5
The power obtained by different MPPT algorithms under different shading patterns.
SP3, and Case 3: SP changes from SP1 to SP4. The sampling period of of PV array. From Table 5, we can see that PSO and ACO are both
the MPPT algorithm is set to 0.01 s. The power transient character- good choices for MPPT under partial shading conditions with rapid
istics, the corresponding duty cycle, and the current variable of each irradiance change. Both of PSO and ACO have four parameters to
PV string for Case 1. Cases 2 and 3 are shown in Figs. 12–14, respec- be determined. As the choice of the algorithm parameters influ-
tively. From these three performance figures for different transition ences the optimization performance of the applied method, there
cases, we can see that when the shading pattern changes from a is a slight difference in the power obtained by these two meth-
uniform condition to a partially shaded condition at 4 s (middle of ods as shown in Table 5. However, compared to the PSO-based
x-axis), the proposed MPPT algorithm can find the global MPP for MPPT method, our method has the advantage of faster conver-
the new shading pattern. For example, when the case changes are gence speed. It is reported that the required convergence iterations
SP1 to SP2, SP1 to SP3 and SP1 to SP4, power changes from 359 W of the PSO-based MPPT algorithm is less than 20 [16], while our
to 150 W, 359 W to 95 W and 359 W to 162 W are respectively method only requires less than 15 iterations to reach convergence.
obtained. By simulating all the cases, we found that the average In addition, ACO has not previously been applied to the problem of
iterations required to converge was less than 15. Since the samp- MPPT for PV systems, the proposed new method provides another
ling period of the MPPT algorithm influences the tracking speed, it optional method to maximize the power output from PV systems.
should be determined appropriately, according to the place where
PV systems are located. When setting the sampling period of the 5. Conclusions and future work
MPPT algorithm as 0.01 s, we measure that the average execution
time of the ACO-based MPPT algorithm is 7.3 ms by running the We proposed a novel ACO-based MPPT for PV systems under
algorithm 30 times, and the average runtime for the proposed MPPT partially shaded conditions. The configuration structure of the PV
algorithm to find the global MPP is less than 0.4 s. This means that array is also presented in order to work with the proposed method.
it can find the global MPP in a very short response time. This capa- The feasibility of the proposed MPPT for PV arrays under steady and
bility of fast response is very important for the systems located transient irradiance conditions are verified by simulation with var-
where there are rapidly changing irradiance conditions, such as in ious shading patterns. The results show that, compared to some
the tropics [28]. traditional MPPT methods, such as P&O and CVT, the proposed
ACO-based MPPT algorithm provides better performance to find the
4.2. Experiment 2 global MPP under various shading conditions. As a result, it ensures
to abstract more power from the PV arrays. In addition, it shows
This experiment compares the proposed ACO-based MPPT algo- some advantages over another recent popularly used method –
rithm with other existing MPPT techniques. As the efficiency of PSO-based MPPT. For instance, it requires less number of iterations
the MPPT algorithms significantly depends on the transient perfor- to converge and it is convergence independent of the initial con-
mance, we consider the cases when shading pattern changes from ditions. Since only a pair of current and voltage sensors are used,
a uniform distribution to other non-uniform pattern. Here, the pro- the proposed PV array structure also reduces the system cost. In
posed ACO-based MPPT algorithm is compared with three existing our future work, we plan to extend this work from a simulation
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