Battlezoo Ancestries Sidhe PF2 v1

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Mark Seifter

From the Archives of Aitheria Nyx

Sidhe: Fairy Tales Made Real
Beware the fair folk. These are the stories that parents tell their
children. Strange creatures who look similar to certain humanoid
ancestries, especially humans and elves, but yet have minds so alien that
they are still the things that go bump in the night. Never eat faerie food
or drink their libations. You might be spirited away forever, or for a
century, only to return to a world transfigured. Ancient and perhaps
immortal, they might steal infants out of their cradles and replace them
with faerie changelings to be raised among mortalkind.
The truth is more complicated. I’m certainly not saying you should
trust a sidhe’s offer without being cautious. There are reasons those stories
exist. Many sidhe make decisions that we would consider cruel, callous,
or immoral because of their perspective on time, scope, and the world
around us. But that doesn’t make it right to paint all sidhe with the same
brush. Sidhe have a range of benevolence to utter cruelty just like any
other ancestry, and it’s just the case that the fairy tale warnings are told
about the cruelest of their courts. Many of the kinder or more aloof sidhe
are less likely to interact with mortals, feeling either that we mortals
should be allowed to live our lives unhindered by faerie politics or simply
not caring about us one way or the other. This leaves those interested in
toying with us for their own amusement the most commonly encountered.
But it doesn’t mean they are the only sidhe out there in the mortal
world. There are also the so-called sidhe “heroes.” That sounds like
an honorific, but those of us with a deep enough understanding of the
nuances of wordplay in the faerie courts have come to understand that it
is generally used as a veiled insult toward the sidhe in question. These are
questing sidhe who seek greater excitement, adventure, knowledge, power,
or sometimes even to help others. These heroes are likely to join up with
others of various ancestries, often other fey but sometimes much farther
afield, in order to pursue grand quests and objectives. Given that they
may have arisen, as far as some of the top scholarly theories suggest, from
the same existential component that lead to overly romanticized tales of
nobility and knights (often tyrants and murderers in real life), even the
most benevolent sidhe hero can come across as extremely arrogant at
times, often considering themself to be “in charge” of operations even if
everyone else thinks of them as a group effort. It might be humorous to
see one banter with a solar dragon or other ancestry that shares their
haughty nature. Still, the unique perspective of sidhe means we must be
careful before we laugh at such a spectacle. Is it strange to say that sidhe,
who look more human by far than a mimic or slime, might be the most
alien of all in the end.

— Aitheria Nyx, Herald of the Space Element, Advocate of Monsters

Sidhe are the “fair folk” that are the origin behind countless fairy tales warning about trespassing,
hospitality, and strange rules of courtesy. They are the otherworldly nobility whose beauty and alien
morals entrance and terrify mortals and who follow the logic passed down through oral tradition.
But to sidhe, they are just people, and mortalkind are equally confusing and perplexing.
Ultimately, the first thing that sets sidhe apart mischief and mayhem, but they are the sidhe most
is the fact that they choose to set themselves likely to interact with mortals in the first place. Most
apart from other ancestries physically and other sidhe isolate themselves in their own realms,
spatially. Their ancestry’s name derives where they can pursue their passions uninterrupted
from the word for their faerie halls, palaces, by any but other sidhe or allied fey. Adventuring sidhe,
and otherworlds, often accessed through known as “sidhe heroes” with a bit of playful derision
hills, mounds, or other similar entryways. by other sidhe, are the exception among
In fact, the sidhe penchant for exceptions. They seek the outside world
creating otherworldly spaces for a variety of reasons, rarely related to
via subterranean entrances or playing tricks on mortals or maliciously
in places with great natural or punishing those who fail to show them
magical power has led some the appropriate respect. They might
scholars to believe that sidhe adventure to learn more about the
might have been responsible for mortal world, to enjoy the thrill of it,
creating the first intelligent to partake in a grand quest for honor,
dungeons. to curate their own narrative and
By creating their own avoid a prediction of calamity, or for
realms and faerie courts, countless other reasons still.
sidhe began the process of If you want to play an enigmatic
weaving their own rules, fey from an aloof, beautiful, and
etiquette, and stories. menacing ancestry famed for their
Sidhe have lifespans long connection to folklore and fairy
enough to make elves tales, you should play a sidhe.
seem like mere children,
and over the course of time, You Might...
these rules and stories • Follow your own eclectic set of
became real for sidhe, a rules, compulsions, and narratives.
distorted reality that they • Consider yourself superior to
can force others to share mortals due to your faerie heritage.
under certain conditions. • Have difficulty understanding
Thus, folklore spread exactly why your mortal companions
among other ancestries make certain decisions and
on how to avoid the distinctions that don’t seem obvious
dangerous actions of to you.
malevolent sidhe: don’t
eat the faerie food, don’t Others Probably...
offer insult or trespass, • Assume that you are ancient,
and always carry cold powerful, and wise, knowing and
iron. Parents whisper these and other tales understanding far more than you actually
to their frightened children, hoping that do.
sidhe won’t take the children for • Worry that you might curse them for
their own purposes and replace the pettiest slight or insult, or replace
them with something else from their children with a faerie changeling.
their own realms. • Find your worldview and morals
Only a small minority of sidhe seek to cause such difficult to understand.

Physical Description Rarity
Sidhe appearance varies somewhat based on their heritage, but most sidhe have Rare
features that could be described as reminiscent of elves but more so, albeit without
the distinctive elven eyes. Sidhe have long ears, fine features, and tend to be taller Hit Points
and more slender compared to elves, in much the same way that elves appear when 6
compared to other humanoids, notably humans. Sidhe reach adulthood physically
slightly more slowly than humans do, but they are generally considered adults by Size
sidhe society based on the needs of their story, which can wildly vary, The sidhe Medium
heritages each have their own differences, though they all fit this general description.
Aes sidhe tend to have colorful but light and pastel hair, skin, and eye colors. Speed
Their otherworldly features are impossibly fine, soft, and flowing. Their 30 feet
appearance gives an amaranthine impression of ancient and unfading beauty
with an air of ethereal fragility. Ability Boosts
Baobhan sidhe have impossibly graceful features befitting dancers, with Intelligence or Charisma
incredibly pale skin and hair and eyes that tend to reds and crimsons matching Free
the color of the blood they drink, and a tendency to prefer gothic clothing and
appearances. Their appearance is especially captivating, but part of that is the Languages
captivation of prey when facing a predator. These predatory features mean they Common, Sylvan
are the only sidhe who often appear actively threatening or malevolent at a Additional languages equal to your
glance, even when they are kind-hearted. Intelligence modifier (if it’s positive).
Cait sidhe have features that seem vaguely feline, especially their eyes, which Choose from Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial,
look just like those of a cat. Their hair color matches their fur in their cat form. Draconic, Elven, Gnomish, Jotun,
The stereotypical hair color of most cait sidhe is usually black, though sometimes and any other languages to which you
with a white streak matching the white spot that appears on the chests of many have access (such as the languages
cait sidhes’ cat form. That said, they can appear as all different breeds of cat as prevalent in your region).
well. A few cait sidhe sport cat ears or other minor feline features even when they
aren’t in their cat form, though it isn’t common. Traits
Cu sidhe, on the other hand, have slightly canine features, and they tend to Fey, Sidhe
have hair colors and styles that match their dog form. The stereotypical hair
color and style for most cu sidhe is typically shaggy and dark green, though any Low-Light Vision
other breed of dog is also possible. A small number of cu sidhe display dog ears You can see in dim light as though it
or other minor canine features even when they aren’t in their dog form, though were bright light, so you ignore the
most don’t. concealed condition due to dim light.
Daoine sidhe have bolder, darker, richer hair, eye, and skin colors than aes
sidhe. Their features also tend to be stronger and less delicate than aes sidhe, but
still give that same feeling of alien beauty. They lend an impression of impossible
strength, courage, and invincibility to a daoine sidhe’s appearance.
Leanan sidhe tend to look a bit more like mortals than the other types of
sidhe, with appearances that could be drawn directly from the impressions of
mortal artistic inspiration and the definitions of aesthetic beauty. By smoothing
out the surreal perfection of other sidhe, they appear more approachable, and
even more bewitching, which allows them to approach and inspire mortals more
easily, while ultimately draining their life force if they so choose.

Sidhe society in their own faerie realms is a complex web of interconnected
interactions, hierarchies, etiquette, hospitality, faerie honor, ritualized
expressions, and story-like narratives. In any given situation, a sidhe living
among other sidhe knows their place in the pecking order, what words to say,
how to dance the dances and play their part. But just as a mortal falling into
sidhe society can be overwhelmed in these intricacies, sidhe heroes who head to
the mortal world have their own trouble fitting in. Even so, some sidhe heroes
enjoy this liberating feeling of escaping from their assigned part, while others
feel lost without this guidance.

Each of the sidhe heritages has their own traditional of the most common paradigms in their narratives to
societal roles and tendencies, though these are far less describe the way they interact with the mortal world,
likely to be shared by sidhe heroes than they are by other though many more have been chronicled across the
sidhe of that heritage. Even among those living in faerie ages by the nigh deathless sidhe, who live for over 1,000
realms and walking faerie paths, every individual sidhe years unless slain by violence, illness, or another outside
spins out the tales embodied by their heritage in unique force.
and distinct ways. Sidhe who believe in the Fate of their The following are descriptions for the five heritages
roles in the story find this thought both comfort and presented in this volume, followed by the five paradigms
tragedy, favoring one or the other perspective depending as determined by sidhe heroes of ages past.
on how well their feelings correspond to the path they
feel the metanarrative story of Fate has chosen for them. Aes Sidhe
Sidhe heroes themselves have also come up with five Aes sidhe consider themselves to be the eldest of the
sidhe heritages, the “first” sidhe from times so ancient
that they make the turning of the ages seem paltry.
Researchers, scholars, and extraordinary mages, aes
sidhe claim that they were the ones who built the faerie
realms, otherworlds, and extraplanar settlements where
daoine sidhe set up their courts. While daoine sidhe
stand on the ceremony of nobility more often, it’s a
mistake to assume that aes sidhe are any humbler or more
down to earth. Aes sidhe simply have their own brand
of finicky courtesy, narrative, and rules of interaction,
a brand that even some of the other sidhe find archaic
and abstruse. Theirs is the social dance of respect for
one’s elders, or for only achieving greatness by standing
on the shoulders of giants. To insult an aes sidhe’s
ingenuity or depth of scholarship is a major faux pas,
which makes it difficult to bring up other intellectual
points of view in a scholarly discussion, lest you
imply the aes sidhe had been so thoughtless
so as not to consider it. Thus, formal debates
among aes sidhe have so many different rules
of engagement that they’re almost impossible
for a mortal to penetrate. The best strategy
tends to be to take the role of a supplicant with
an inferior understanding and ask the aes sidhe
to explain it, which avoids the ritual engagement as
intellectual equals or rivals. For instance, instead of
asking if an aes sidhe has taken a certain theorem
into account, a mortal could ask the aes sidhe
to explain to the mortal how the aes sidhe’s
proof accounts for that theorem.
Aes sidhe heroes tend to be builders
or watchers, as both paradigms suit them, particularly
builders. They tend to neutral alignments far more than
extreme alignments.

Baobhan Sidhe
Baobhan sidhe, the blood drinkers of the sidhe ancestry,
have some of the most interactions with mortals (along
with their cousins leanan sidhe), although unfortunately
many of those interactions are fatal for the mortal in
question. While their name includes a word for woman
and comes from the fact that the first generation of

baobhan sidhe were all female, baobhan sidhe of all Sidhe Adventurers
genders are possible. Male baobhan sidhe sometimes Sidhe adventurers often choose classes that grant them arcane
call the heritage fola sidhe instead, though that or occult spellcasting or give them social tricks, such as bard,
alternate name is fairly obscure among mortal scholars, rogue, swashbuckler, sorcerer, witch, or wizard. But no class
some of whom don’t realize the feminine implications is more common for sidhe than thaumaturge, since sidhe see
in the name baobhan sidhe in the first place. Baobhan Fate as a metanarrative and follow inscrutable rules only they
sidhe possess a narrative of a beautiful and mesmerizing understand. Sidhe often have backgrounds allowing them to
predator, like a snake dances to mesmerize its prey express their majesty, cunning, or intellect, such as academy
before it strikes. Interacting with a baobhan sidhe dropout, archaeologist, artisan, artist, astrologer, bookkeeper,
“properly” to show the appropriate respect tends to be charlatan, emissary, entertainer, magical merchant, magical
either the most or least difficult among all sidhe. Some misfit, merchant, musical prodigy, noble, occult librarian,
baobhan sidhe seek to give their potential prey an out scholar, spell seeker, student of magic, teacher, tinker, or
by holding up standards of discourse and politeness to toymaker. Sidhes’ tendency to be involved in strange and
the highest possible level, killing those who make the complex narrative situations mean that they are also more likely
slightest mistake. If a given baobhan sidhe is hungry, than most ancestries to have uncommon or rare backgrounds.
however, and has determined to kill a conversation
partner regardless, then it can be easy to talk to them, as
baobhan sidhe tend to be more lenient with decorum unnoticed in communities with many cats, especially
when they’re talking to a meal who doesn’t have long if they hide their telltale mismatched fur on their chest
left to live. (typically white). That’s not to say it’s impossible to
Baobhan sidhe heroes tend to be among the baobhan offend a cait sidhe by violating its sense of the proper
sidhe who prefer not to kill mortals to get the blood decorum, though. Tales abound of those cursed with
they require for sustenance. Nonetheless, drinking bad luck for such an offense, though in truth cait
from animals is still something that runs against a sidhe enjoy such curses so much that it causes others
baobhan sidhe’s inherent narrative and strikes them to wonder whether they don’t set the bar higher than
as uncultured, jarring, and fundamentally wrong on necessary specifically to find someone who transgresses
a level they can’t explain. They can do so and survive, in order to “punish” them. One of the most common
but nearly all would sooner die. Instead, these non-evil cait sidhe rituals is to curse those who don’t leave them
baobhan sidhe seek to sustainably drink blood from a saucer of milk on important holidays (which includes
mortal volunteers who have enough blood to give, nearly everyone if the locals aren’t in the know) while
never taking so much that it risks the mortals’ health. blessing those few who do. Then again, cait sidhe are
Baobhan sidhe heroes tend to be authors or knaves, so curious that mortals have found their curiosity is a
outcast from baobhan sidhe society due to unusual good way to distract them away from curses or other
beliefs on the idea of killing mortals for blood and sport, activities a mortal would prefer to avoid.
or sometimes watchers. While baobhan sidhe in general Cait sidhe heroes are able to overcome their
tend heavily to chaotic evil, since most baobhan sidhe independence and work alongside groups to achieve a
heroes are authors or knaves and those two paradigms goal, though they often maintain the bristly personalities
tend to mismatch their heritage’s alignment tendencies, for which other cait sidhe are known. Their favorite
baobhan sidhe heroes usually aren’t chaotic evil. paradigm by far is watcher, though they are occasionally
knaves, banished from the hierarchy of other cait sidhe
Cait Sidhe for eschewing traditional cait sidhe standards or simply
Cait sidhe, or cat sidhe, are sidhe who also take the for attempting and failing to seize power from a local
form of cats, typically black cats, and who are associated King or Queen of the Cats. They are more likely to be
with narratives of bad luck, mischief, and aloofness. chaotic than lawful, and they rarely care enough about
They have their own hierarchies distinct from other issues of morality to be good.
sidhe, with their own King, Queen, or Monarch of the
Cats ruling over cait sidhe in a particular faerie domain. Cu Sidhe
Cait sidhe are among the easiest sidhe for mortals to Cu sidhe are sidhe who take the form of hounds,
avoid offending because the fickle feline fey are likely to typically shaggy green dogs, and they often take the role
avoid conversations, simply going about their way for of heralds, announcers, or messengers for other sidhe
their own mysterious purposes, or occasionally—when due to their incredibly loud barks that can be heard at a
one of the notoriously independent cait sidhe serves a great distance. Cu sidhe appreciate their role and their
more powerful figure—for those whose agendas they connection to other sidhe heritages, though other sidhe
serve. Cait sidhe move swiftly, silently, and virtually vary in the way they treat their cu sidhe heralds. While

Sidhe Settlements out a hand to shake while hiding a knife behind their
Sidhe build magnificent magical settlements in pocket back.
dimensions, Otherworlds, and alternate realms deep in the Daoine sidhe courts tend to be focused around
hidden places of the world. While many of the largest sidhe dichotomies, embodying two opposing concepts into
cities were built by aes sidhe millennia ago, modern sidhe rival courts allowing them to choose their side in the
create smaller homes even today, sometimes only large conflict. Tensions run high between opposing courts,
enough for a single manse or workshop with expansive and daoine sidhe tend to identify strongly with their
grounds. Their settlements in the broader faerie realms tend court… at least until or unless they come across a twist
to be more famous, however, as they are easier to access in their personal narrative where they switch sides,
for other fey, or even enterprising mortals. Wherever sidhe denying everything for which they used to stand and
congregate, they are the undisputed rulers of their domain, embodying all that they once despised.
enforcing their unfathomable rules of etiquette and courtesy Daoine sidhe heroes are often either knights errant
upon all those who venture within. Where daoine sidhe set up or knaves, though they’re sometimes authors if they
their courts, settlements often either exist in pairs or otherwise seek a way to escape the harsh strictures of daoine sidhe
split down the middle by the rulership and influence of the two society. They are more likely to be lawful than chaotic,
dichotomies the courts represent. and they have no particular draw toward good or evil.

Leanan Sidhe
some share the cu sidhe’s opinions and treat them as Leanan sidhe are muses, lovers, confidantes, patrons,
trusted friends and allies, others see them as little more and inspirations to mortal artists. However, an artist
than hounds or lapdogs to be used as needed, showing with a leanan sidhe for a muse tends to die young, as the
just enough affection to maintain the cu sidhe’s inspiration they grant comes at the cost of the mortal’s
undying loyalty. Mortals can usually avoid offending a life force, and this is how a leanan sidhe feeds. This
cu sidhe by recognizing that a cu sidhe’s interactions makes them similar to their cousins, baobhan sidhe,
with them tend to be in the form of dire warnings though they don’t physically drink blood from mortals,
and pronouncements to make way for another sidhe. and unlike baobhan sidhe they do offer something in
Those who stand aside and seek safety after hearing a cu return. Leanan sidhe tend to be friendly and considerate,
sidhe’s bark have earned the cu sidhe’s respect for their albeit regal and haughty, making interactions with
consideration, and cu sidhe rarely pursue them further. leanan sidhe the absolute easiest of all sidhe for mortals
Those who don’t heed the bark’s warning and continue to handle. Some mortals find it odd that leanan sidhe
to stand in the way of the cu sidhe or their noble patron would feed on their lives while being so genuinely kind
quickly earns a cu sidhe’s wrath, however, and such folk and polite. Is it just a facade or veneer to hide ill intent?
are rarely long for this world. But in truth, leanan sidhe are beings of contradictions.
Cu sidhe heroes display the same loyalty to their They care for others, and do so most deeply for the
adventuring companions that other sidhe show toward mortal artists they sponsor, and sometimes even love
their lord or patron. They come from all paradigms, them. They feel honest tragedy and sorrow when their
though they are less likely to be builders than any of the artists die, and in fact experiencing a deeper grief
other four paradigms. They are more likely to be lawful is considered a mark of pride by leanan sidhe. The
than chaotic, and they have no tendencies toward good, catharsis of their terrible grief provides a strange high,
evil, or neutrality between the two extremes. leading some leanan sidhe to taste deep grief as a chaser
to a cocktail of love and affection. Other leanan sidhe
Daoine Sidhe are tired of the cycle of passion and grief and seek to
Daoine sidhe are the most stereotypical sidhe in mortals’ find another way to live. Leanan sidhe legend tells that
imaginations, the quintessential otherworldly nobles the first nymph queens and muses, who share similar
with dangerous rules of politeness and hospitality abilities, were once leanan sidhe who found ways to
within their faerie realms and courts. Arrogant and escape their fates by changing into something different.
bold, daoine sidhe play games of politics from within Leanan sidhe heroes come to their status through a
their fey enclaves, jockeying for power, prestige, and variety of paths, and each of them comes with their
position while playing by their courts’ byzantine rules own paradigms. Those who seek a new path in life are
of etiquette and protocol. Daoine sidhe appear to others overwhelmingly authors, but more traditional leanan
on the surface as beautiful nobles or knights in shining sidhe who become heroes are often watchers or knaves.
armor, infinitely wise and kind, but in reality, they are They tend to chaotic alignments over lawful, and while
unimaginably cruel to those who step out of line. They most leanan sidhe are rarely good, leanan sidhe heroes
might be all smiles, but only on the surface, stretching seeking to change their fate can be of any alignment.

Authors letter are common among aes sidhe heroes, and they
Authors are sidhe who are convinced that the narrative make up a high percentage of those willing to challenge
Fate has spun out for them is wrong or unfair. They the outside world among the notoriously reclusive
want to change their role, and so they’ve resorted to aes sidhe. Other builders might seek to create other
extreme measures, becoming sidhe heroes in order notable achievements, such as a giant monument to
to seize their own stories and write the next chapters proclaim their skill, a powerful barrier to protect what
themselves. Most authors’ obsession with restoring they cherish, or a tenacious gateway to connect two
agency by reclaiming control over their own stories places together. Builders usually become sidhe heroes
leads them to act in ways that other sidhe find troubling not out of an ideological or emotional attachment to
and unnatural; even knaves are far easier to understand. the hero lifestyle but out of sheer practicality: doing so
That’s because authors are intentionally attempting is by far the best way to be exposed to the new ideas,
to subvert the narratives Fate spins out for them by rare materials, and trying challenges that will all be
breaking many of the fundamental rules of sidhe necessary for them to achieve their true goal.
interactions, or observing them based on the role they
hope to achieve rather than the role that the story had
previously assigned them. But despite their fervent wish,
this process is more likely to catastrophically blow up in
their face than it is to succeed in rewriting their story
into something new. There’s a reason why sidhe act the
way they do, following the paths of the narrative, the
ritual expressions, and the complex web of rules. Fate
pushes back hardest on those who go against the grain,
and would-be authors can find the blowback far harsher
than whatever they had experienced in the first place
that set them on their rebellious path.
However, that’s not to say they are doomed to failure.
Every once in a while, Fate smiles upon their struggle,
or perhaps, as authors describe it, Fate is always truly
on the side of an author willing to stake everything on
a desperate bid to seize the narrative. After all, it makes
for a more interesting story. Not only that, overcoming
great hardship in order to achieve a deep desire serves
to give the accomplishment greater narrative weight,
making it more likely to be a permanent and fulfilling
shift. Those who achieve things too easily can find their
victory hollow.
Authors’ individualistic desire to buck the trends
makes them somewhat more likely to be chaotic,
though they also often have alignments significantly
different from the norm for their heritage. For example,
baobhan sidhe in general are usually chaotic evil, so a
baobhan sidhe hero who was an author might be most
likely to be chaotic good, but also fairly likely to be any
other alignment far from chaotic evil.

Builders have a simple goal: they want to build
something lasting, something permanent, and in so
doing forever leave a mark on the world around them.
Most typically, they seek to build a new realm for sidhe
habitation, whether it’s as small as a tiny Otherworld
or demiplane for a solitary work space or large enough
to hold multiple sidhe settlements in its space.
Stereotypical builders who follow the paradigm to the

Builders’ desire to leave something lasting is relatable Knaves
to sidhe of all alignments, depending on the nature of Knaves are sidhe who became sidhe heroes not by choice
what they wish to build. Lawful good builders might but because they were banished from polite sidhe society.
want to make a place that could become a utopian What few knaves made the decision themselves were
community and lift others up, while chaotic evil builders retroactively pronounced knaves by their sidhe associates,
might instead exploit labor and seize riches to construct which ultimately comes down to a similar narrative
a monument to their own might and greatness paid for paradigm as far as Fate is concerned. The reasons for
in blood, sweat, and tears. being abjured forever from the society of fellow sidhe
vary wildly from knave to knave. Usually it’s something
weightier than stealing tarts baked by someone of higher
social status, and some knaves have committed some
truly heinous acts that would make other sidhe blanche.
However, once again, mortals have difficulty
understanding sidhe morality, as the proximal cause
for being declared a knave can sometimes be an action,
or series of actions, that sound admirable or righteous
to mortal minds. For instance, a sidhe whose liege was
victorious over a rival in one of the few open wars between
sidhe might be ordered to exterminate the noble’s relatives
and retainers. To mortals, this request would be evil,
even to those who argued it was a necessary evil, but to
sidhe, refusal to fulfill that order is a major failing, even
if it was to save an innocent infant who knew nothing
of the original plot and had no reason to seek revenge.
After all, how many stories exist of the sole orphaned
survivor discovering their true heritage and growing up
to finish off their parents’ killer? To sidhe, who expect to
live for millennia, any such vulnerability in the story that
gives Fate an excuse to kill them is one too many, and
a significant threat to their life expectancy. Thus, such
mercy would be worthy of banishment.
Knaves’ actions after being banished vary wildly
but they tend to be extreme. Some become the exact
opposite of what they once were, embracing their status
as knaves, switching from hero to villain or vice versa.
Others double down on their original role as if to show
Fate that they were the ones who stayed true to their
role, or perhaps in an attempt to desperately win back
to the approval of other sidhe, in the slim hope of
having their exile revoked. Finally, some knaves decide
that if their home rejects them, they’ll just make their
own home instead, either becoming builders as well or
starting a more mortal community.
Like authors, knaves tend to have a more chaotic
alignment than lawful, but they also often have an
alignment that doesn’t match perfectly with their
heritage’s expectations. That said, these tendencies
are weaker than they are among authors, as authors
necessarily break the mold but knaves sometimes gain
their exile from a single lapse in judgment. It’s worth
noting that sometimes knaves become authors in
response to being declared knaves, deciding that if they
can’t have their old path in life any more, then they will
be the ones to decide where their story goes next.

Knights Errant Sidhe or Sith?
Knights in shining armor. Noble heroes who would In Pathfinder monster lore, several sidhe heritages exist, though
die before dishonoring themselves, who truly embody not always under the sidhe name. They bear the names leanan
the meaning of the word “noble.” These things rarely sidhe, baobhan sith, and cat sith, with those spellings. The main
exist in mortal life, instead formed by stories that serve difference between those spellings is that sidhe is usually used for
as little more than romanticized propaganda, blended the Irish spelling (sometimes also spelled sí) and sith is typically
together with the accounts of the few real champions used for the Scottish spelling. When consolidating into a single
among a mainly corrupt lot. To sidhe, however, those ancestry, I chose to use the Irish spelling, sidhe, because writing
romanticized propaganda stories have become a “You can now play a sith in 5e and Pathfinder!” is likely to give
narrative, and that narrative can become their truth, you a lot of incorrect ideas based on the bad guys in a popular
making story into reality. science fantasy franchise. The sidhe ancestry is a mix of the
To be sure, even for sidhe, it’s usually something of a Irish and Scottish legends, the pre-existing monsters, and some
facade, a role in the story that is likely to provide them new ideas to help make an ancestry known especially for being
great reward if they simply play the part to the end. “Other” in all their usual fairy tale appearances into playable
When two daoine sidhe courts set themselves up as characters, combined with attention to be respectful to all the
foils, in part this allows the more “heroic” of the two source material. If you’re interested in more information on sidhe
courts to receive the narrative advantages common in from a primary source, the beliefs and traditions of the Fairy Faith
heroic literature, even when neither court operates with are actively practiced today in Ireland, Scotland, and beyond!
anything approaching mortal morality. But sharing
mortal morality is not required to worship at the
altar of honor and nobility, and those sidhe who truly Watchers
embody these stories often become sidhe heroes, feeling Watchers are a paradigm of eccentric sidhe heroes who
that questing throughout the world is a far more fitting have one major distinction from all the others. Other
use of their skills than politicking and backstabbing in sidhe heroes deal with mortals as a necessity of their role
faerie courts with other knights and nobles. So rather living and questing in the outside world among mortals.
than pledge their lives to such things, these knights To many, they might need mortals for certain story roles
errant wander the lands in search of quests to seek, (for instance as victims or innocents for knights errant to
dangers to overcome, and heroic tales to embody. save), but those mortals are means to an end. If there was
Knights errant might be much more freewheeling and a way to quest in the mortal world without the whole
whimsical than a knight remaining rigidly in service to mortal part, they might not mind it. To watchers, though,
a local lord, but that only goes so far; they’re still far that would be missing the point. They became sidhe
more likely to be lawful than chaotic. They are also heroes and went out into the mortal world specifically
more likely to be good or neutral than evil, due to the because they wanted to research and observe mortals in
stories they embody, though the fact that the “heroic” their natural habitat. More fervent watchers believe that
knights errant can be evil at all, without much difficulty, sidhe have much to learn from mortals, but even more
is a stern reminder to mortals not to let the labels sidhe moderate watchers still find them endlessly fascinating.
use distract them from the fact that sidhe operate under When other sidhe deride such pursuits, watchers point
completely different standards of morality. To them, out that mortals are much more populous than sidhe and
one can be an honorable hero while still being evil by love to tell stories, so observing, or even influencing, the
mortal reckoning. There are also knights errant that are way these stories spread and change might allow sidhe to
better considered as villains than heroes, wandering the have advanced knowledge of the metanarrative trends Fate
land and explicitly performing mustache-twirling over might one day enforce upon all sidhe. Other sidhe refuse
the top acts of cliche villainy that would make even to acknowledge the accuracy of such claims, certain that
mortal villains blanche. the only stories that truly matter are the ones that sidhe
Nearly all of these villainous knights errant are evil. formulate and tell among themselves. Whatever the case,
Oddly enough, though, a few villainous knights are watchers delight in observing the actions, decisions, and
neutral, or even good-aligned. Non-evil villainous beliefs of mortals, which are bizarre and alien to them as
knights engage in villainy so intentionally convoluted sidhe are to mortals. Watchers consider themselves above
that they know it doesn’t stand a chance of succeeding, those sidhe who mock them, since watchers serve as an
while serving as an obvious enemy to unite people and audience to life’s narrative, and ultimately, the audience
help them put aside their differences, reducing strife, decides whether a performance is successful.
building camaraderie, and allowing heroes to be born. Watchers are more likely to observe and research than
Thus, they act as designated villains fulfilling their role to take action, causing them to be slightly more likely to
out of obligation. have neutral alignments than alignments in the extremes.

Sidhe, Fate, and Metagaming a metanarrative that controls the fate of the world like a
Many sidhe believe in Fate as a quasi sentient metanarrative story playing out in real time. Crucially, this worship of
that rules over the universe, and especially over sidhe, Fate directly, as a separate entity and metanarrative, is
enforcing narrative tropes common in stories. While this can be distinct from any of the usual mortal deities of fate, and
a unique and interesting perspective to take with a character’s many such deities take great offense at the very concept.
belief systems and lead to fascinating roleplay, it also has an
unparalleled risk that it might lead to the kind of metagaming Names
that would pull some people out of the story. Some metagaming Sidhe names tend to be lyrical and challenging for those
is inevitable, and much is harmless or even beneficial. However, who don’t speak Sylvan to pronounce, with novel vowel
that line varies from group to group, and the fact of the matter and consonant combinations. These names they give
is, in our world there really does exist a sentient arbiter of fate to others are merely their public names, however. They
plotting out narrative arcs for the sidhe player character: the keep their private names secret to only themselves and
Game Master. If your group finds the sidhe idea of Fate too others who need to know, since those might give a clue
distracting, you might need to downplay it, or choose to play a about the sidhe’s true name. Their true name, of course,
sidhe who doesn’t put as much stock in that belief. However, for remains a secret they guard with their life, as it allows
groups who really enjoy this kind of philosophical and literary others to influence them (Pathfinder Secrets of Magic).
challenge, it can add depth and excitement to the way you run Sidhe often take epithets, kennings, or titles based on
the game and tell stories. Plus, it provides a convenient answer their roles or accomplishments, which they sometimes
to questions of the medium like “Why do we always run into use as part or all of their public name. Sometimes sidhe
so many random encounters and find so much treasure? At have multiple public names, and they might pretend
this rate, travelers would die before reaching the next town or one of them is their private name.
become set for life after one trip.” The answer is that most other
travelers don’t have Fate offering them risk and reward hand in Sample Names
hand with a sly smile. Ailil, Aoife, Auberon, Diana, Knight of Roses, Medb,
Morgan, Pied Piper, Scáthach, Tamlin, Uonaidh.

Alignment and Religion Sidhe Heritages

Sidhe can have any alignment, though they are more Each sidhe heritage has unique characteristics, magic,
likely to be neutral or evil than good. This is in large and stories, setting them apart from the others (see
part because of the fact that their own morality is alien page 6). Choose one of the following sidhe heritages
to that of humanoids and their gods, and they see the at 1st level.
multiverse’s manifestations of alignment as simplistic
and trite. Why do “good” humanoids slaughter countless Aes Sidhe
animals wholesale, sometimes raising them especially You’re an aes sidhe, from a line of enigmatic scholars who
brutally to make the meat taste better, whereas doing understand the mysteries of ancient magic used to build
so to just a few humanoids makes you “evil”? They find the sidhe realms, granting you additional spellcasting.
the very distinctions that define good and evil to be Choose a common cantrip from the arcane or occult
inherently biased, and thus meaningless compared to spell list, or another cantrip from the list you chose to
their own narrative definitions of heroes and villains, which you have access. You can cast this cantrip as an
honor and dishonor. Sidhe readily acknowledge that innate spell of the chosen tradition at will (heightened
the multiverse has been arranged according to these to half your level as normal).
alignments; they don’t deny that alignments exist. They
simply believe that the multiversal arrangement around Baobhan Sidhe
alignment is due to bias in the multiverse’s composition You’re a baobhan sidhe, from a line of captivating
on the part of deities. Their own realms, some sidhe performers who drink the blood of bleeding foes. You
insist, possess no such bias, and thus are superior. gain a claw unarmed attack, which deals 1d4 slashing
Whatever their alignment, these feelings that damage and has the agile and finesse traits. Your claw
the deities themselves were biased in arranging the is in the brawling group, but it’s razor sharp and prone
multiverse around mortal morality causes many sidhe to causing bleeding, so it uses the critical specialization
to feel distant to most deities worshiped by mortals. effect of the knife weapon group instead.
They usually stick to fey divinities, including powerful
ancient kings and queens of sidhe legend who have since Cait Sidhe
been deified in sidhe society. Another faith common You’re a cait sidhe, from a line of tricksters who can
among sidhe is the belief in a cosmic force that serves as switch to cat form at will. As a single action, which

has the concentration, occult, polymorph, and Leanan Sidhe
transmutation traits, you can switch back and forth You’re a leanan sidhe, from a line of muses who inspire
between your humanoid form and your cat form, a mortal artists to greatness but, in so doing, slowly
specific Tiny cat (typically black) with a spot of wildly drain their life force. You can choose to grant a willing
different color on your chest (typically white). While in creature your assistance over the course of an intimate
cat form, you can’t use weapons, shields, or other held conversation or other interaction taking at least 10
items of any sort, and you are limited in what actions minutes, giving them the benefit of a successful Aid on
you can take that have the manipulate trait. The only all their Craft and Performance checks, but also giving
manipulate actions you can take are to Cast a Spell with them a –2 circumstance penalty to saving throws against
somatic components or simple Interact actions such as effects you create. This lasts until you choose a different
opening an unlocked door. creature to assist or decide to revoke your assistance.
Your cat form can’t perform actions that require Over time, leaving the effect on the same creature might
fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any inspire them to incredible heights and cut their life short,
action that would require a check to accomplish. but this normally takes years, which is longer than the
The GM might determine other manipulate actions course of a typical campaign. In long-term campaigns
are appropriate for your cat form. While in cat form with a lot of downtime, the GM determines whether this
you can speak, and the only unarmed attacks you can happens and exactly how long it takes.
make are jaws unarmed attacks that deal 1d4 piercing
damage, have the agile and finesse traits, and are in the
brawling weapon group. You can remain in cat form Ancestry Feats
indefinitely until you choose to switch back. The following feats are available to sidhe characters.

Cu Sidhe 1ST LEVEL

You’re a cu sidhe, from a line of heralds and messengers
who can switch to dog form at will. As a single action,
which has the concentration, occult, polymorph, and AES SIDHE CRAFTER FEAT 1
transmutation traits, you can switch back and forth SIDHE
between your humanoid form and your dog form, a Prerequisites aes sidhe heritage
specific Small dog (typically shaggy and moss green). You have learned the ancient secrets of magical crafting, taking the
While in dog form, you can’t use weapons, shields, or first steps along the path to building new realms. You gain the trained
other held items of any sort, and you are limited in what proficiency rank in Crafting. If you would automatically become
actions you can take that have the manipulate trait. The trained in Crafting (from your background or class, for example),
only manipulate actions you can take are to Cast a Spell you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain the
with somatic components or simple Interact actions Magical Crafting skill feat as a bonus feat, even if you don’t meet the
such as opening an unlocked door. prerequisites.
Your dog form can’t perform actions that require
fingers or significant manual dexterity, including any ANCESTRAL LONGEVITY FEAT 1
action that would require a check to accomplish. The SIDHE
GM might determine other manipulate actions are Prerequisites At least 100 years old
appropriate for your dog form. While in dog form you You have accumulated a vast array of lived knowledge over the
can speak, and the only unarmed attacks you can make years. During your daily preparations, you can reflect upon your life
are jaws unarmed attacks that deal 1d6 piercing damage experiences to gain the trained proficiency rank in one skill of your
and are in the brawling weapon group. You can remain choice. This proficiency lasts until you prepare again. Since this
in dog form indefinitely until you choose to switch proficiency is temporary, you can’t use it as a prerequisite for a skill
back. increase or a permanent character option like a feat.


You’re a daoine sidhe, from a line of nobles divided SIDHE
into opposing courts. You gain the trained proficiency Prerequisites baobhan sidhe heritage, trained in Performance
rank in Society and the Courtly Graces skill feat. If you Your captivating dances are the stuff of legends. You gain the
were already trained in Society, you become trained in Fascinating Performance and Virtuosic Performer skill feats. Your
a different skill of your choice, and if you already had type of performance for the Virtuosic Performer skill feat is dance.
Courtly Graces, you gain a different 1st-level skill feat For each of those two skill feats you already have, you gain another
of your choice for which you qualify. 1st level skill feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites.

Prerequisites cait sidhe heritage Prerequisites cu sidhe heritage
Frequency once per day Your bark is so loud it can be heard at great distances, warning all
You can jinx another creature to cancel their fortune for a time. who hear it to get out of your way. You can let out a series of three
Choose a target creature within 30 feet. That creature must attempt a barks, as an activity over the course of a minute, and the barks can
Will save against the higher of your class DC or spell DC. be heard up to three miles away. Some cultures have superstitions
Critical Success The creature is unaffected. that something bad will happen if they don’t find cover by the time
Success The creature is under the jinx, which affects all its rolls you make the third bark. At the GM’s discretion, those who believe in
for 1 round. This has no other effect, but since it’s a misfortune such superstitions might duck for cover when they hear your barking.
effect, it cancels fortune effects.
Failure As success, except the jinx lasts affects all its rolls for 1 DAOINE SIDHE HAUGHTINESS FEAT 1
minute. SIDHE
Critical Failure As success, except the jinx affects all its rolls for Prerequisites daoine sidhe heritage
1 day and the creature takes a –1 status penalty on attack rolls, Your confidence in yourself and noble swagger make it difficult for
saving throws, and skill checks for the duration. others to affect you with emotion or mental effects for long. You gain
a +1 circumstance bonus on saving throws against emotion effects,
and whenever you are affected by a mental effect that lasts at least 2
rounds, you can reduce the duration by 1 round.


Those who break faith with you suffer for it. Whenever you and another
creature both willingly approve an agreement or term, if either of you go
back on your word, the one who does so first takes a –1 status penalty on
checks and DCs against the other for 1 week; this is a curse, divination,
and occult effect. This also applies when the agreement is understood
by both parties, even if it isn’t spoken. For instance, a human with a
culture of hosting and guests might realize that by willingly accepting
food or drink you offer, they have accepted your hospitality and must act
with the proper decorum and treat you politely as their host, but a wolf
would not. Likewise, you know that by willingly accepting your hospitality
they have become your guest and you must provide for them based on
sidhe standards of hospitality and avoid bringing them harm. As usual, a
creature magically influenced into making a decision is not willing.


Prerequisites leanan sidhe heritage
You find it especially easy to make friends and gain people’s
confidence, especially artists and performers. You gain the trained
proficiency rank in Diplomacy. If you would automatically become
trained in Diplomacy (from your background or class, for example),
you instead become trained in a skill of your choice. You gain the
benefits of the Glad-hand feat, but only with artists and performers.
If you have the Glad-hand feat, you no longer take the -5 penalty to
your immediate Diplomacy check to Make an Impression if the target.


Whether you affiliate yourself with courts associated with darkness
and the night or attuned yourself to midnight magic, you have
improved your sidhe low-light vision, allowing you to see comfortably
in the darkness. You gain darkvision.

NOT TODAY 4 FEAT 1 Sidhe Narratives
FORTUNE SIDHE Thanks to the whims of Fate, sidhe can become involved
Frequency once per day in various narratives common among mortal cultures. The
Trigger You fail a saving throw following are examples of narratives that might influence a sidhe.
You know that your story doesn’t end here. You’re destined to Consider looking for other narrative tropes by reading literary or
continue your journey until a fated encounter. You can reroll the mythological analysis or online on sites like
triggering saving throw, using the better of the two results. You • The only one who can defeat the lord of evil is the hero,
can’t use Not Today if you are facing against an effect from a final who rises from obscurity empowered by three special
campaign villain or other campaign-ending event, or character-arc artifacts.
ending event appropriate to end your story (determined by the GM). • The last heir to a family line thought to be extinct grows up
to topple the villainous lord who slew their kin.
SIDHE LORE FEAT 1 • Despite many unforgivable acts, the villain has a change
SIDHE of heart, but they can only prove their redemption and earn
You are knowledgeable about the labyrinthine customs and rules forgiveness by sacrificing themselves heroically.
of etiquette of sidhe culture, as well as the shape of occult magic. • The hero’s child, raised far from their side, seeks to
You gain the trained proficiency rank in Occultism and Society. If you challenge their famous parent to a duel anonymously, only
would automatically become trained in one of those skills (from your to be slain in the battle.
background or class, for example), you instead become trained in a
skill of your choice. You also become trained in Sidhe Lore.
trapped. When an encounter begins, they flee immediately and never
SIDHE MAGIC FEAT 1 assist you. If, despite their cowardice, the fairy servant is slain, a new
SIDHE servant arrives to attend you at sunset after three days and three nights.
You have developed additional magic talents for which sidhe are
renowned. Choose a common cantrip from the occult spell list, FATED STRIKE 1 FEAT 5
or another occult cantrip to which you have access. You can cast CONCENTRATE DIVINATION FORTUNE OCCULT SIDHE
this cantrip as an occult innate spell at will. As normal, the cantrip Frequency once per day
is heightened to half your level, rounded up. If you’re an aes sidhe, You call out to Fate, imbuing your next attack with additional meaning
you can choose an arcane cantrip instead of an occult cantrip if you to your story, and thus increasing your chance to land it. First
prefer and cast it as an arcane innate spell instead. describe the importance of your attack aloud, sanctifying it in your
own personal narrative. Since Fated Strike doesn’t have the auditory
trait, it’s not important whether anyone else can hear you speak, as
5TH LEVEL long as you and Fate know. If you do, then the next time you make an
attack roll before the end of your turn, roll the attack twice and use the
CHECK THE NARRATIVE 1 FEAT 5 better result. The attack ignores circumstance penalties to the attack
DIVINATION SIDHE roll and any flat check required due to the target being concealed or
Frequency once per day hidden.
When you need to make sure you get the right information, you try to
compare what you’re seeing to your own view of how the narrative is HAUGHTY DEMAND FEAT 5
proceeding, with particular effect if you are trying to determine the roll SIDHE
of a new person or strange creature you’ve encountered. You Recall You proclaim a command with such self assuredness, even a foe
Knowledge, gaining +1 status bonus on the Recall Knowledge check. can’t help but momentarily heed you. You can cast command once
If you roll a critical failure on this check, you get a failure instead. If per day as an occult innate spell. If you’re an aes sidhe, you can
the roll is successful and the subject is a creature, you gain additional choose to gain the ability to cast command as an arcane innate spell
information or context about the creature. instead of an occult innate spell if you prefer.


You are followed by an invisible fairy servant, cowardly but loyal, that Frequency once per hour
provides you with basic vanity service but flees swiftly at the first sign You can set a protective ring of mushrooms, a faerie ring, around you,
of danger. The fairy servant has the statistics of an unseen servant, but claiming the territory temporarily as your own and punishing those
they aren’t a spell effect, you don’t need to Sustain the spell, and they who trespass. The process takes 10 minutes, and has the effects
take their own actions. They generally perform actions like bringing of the alarm spell, except that the creature that breaks the circle
you a drink, wiping away your sweat, or otherwise attending to you and triggers your alarm is cursed for its trespass, taking a –1 status
and never do something dangerous like opening a door that might be penalty to attack rolls and skill checks for 1 minute.

Metanarrative Masterminds FAIRY MESSENGER FEAT 9
Sidhe often find themselves attached to common narratives CONCENTRATE CONJURATION OCCULT SIDHE
that exist in mortal cultures, which means that no matter how Frequency once per hour
much sidhe hole themselves up in their own realms away from As a sidhe, you often pull rank over minor fey and get them to deliver
mortalkind, there’s still an undeniable connection between messages for you. As a 1 minute activity you call forth a tiny fairy
them. While most sidhe would scoff to hear this spoken aloud, messenger to carry a message to a given location. You imprint the
some of the most devious sidhe masterminds not only embrace image, direction, and distance of an obvious place or landmark well
this truth but actively manipulate it to their own advantage. known to you within the minor fey. Optionally, you can attach a small
These schemers have discovered that it’s possible for a long- object or note up to light Bulk to them. The fairy does their best to reach
lived sidhe to sow the seeds of new kinds of stories among the destination; if they make it there, they wait nearby until the duration
various mortal cultures in order to reap the benefits later expires, allowing other nonhostile creatures to approach them and
when those stories become ubiquitous enough to influence remove the attached object. The effect ends after 24 hours or when a
Fate. For instance, a cunning swordswoman with a sorcerous creature removes the attached object, whichever happens first.
rival who defends their tower well might take advantage of the
metanarrative by spreading tales of the heroic warrior defeating SIDHE HIDEAWAY FEAT 9
Frequency once per day
You create a minor sidhe realm to rest hidden from the outside world,
SIDHE STYLING FEAT 5 entered by a ring of mushrooms, or faerie ring. You spend 10 minutes
CONCENTRATE MANIPULATE OCCULT SIDHE TRANSMUTATION shaping and forming the realm, after which, for 8 hours, any who
Frequency once per day cross the faerie ring are sent into a small extradimensional pocket
Your fashion sense changes daily, and thus, so too does your realm that holds up to eight Medium creatures and their gear. A Large
wardrobe. You spend one minute fussing and primping your clothes creature counts as two Medium creatures, a Huge creature counts as
in order to magically alter their aesthetic style. This can change the four Medium creatures, and a Gargantuan creature fills the space on
color, texture, pattern, and minor details of the ensemble you’re its own. If too many creatures attempt to enter, the space collapses
currently wearing, though it doesn’t add fabric or material, change instead.
the function or overall form of a piece of clothing, resize the clothing, While the space is active, creatures can leave or enter as often
or increase the quality of the item’s crafting. Once you’ve used Sidhe as they like by passing across the ring’s boundary, though creatures
Styling, the effect has an unlimited duration, meaning that it lasts can’t see past the boundary of the space without crossing it, and it
forever unless your magic is counteracted. might not be clear that anything is inside without either using magic
or crossing the ring first. While the radius of the faerie ring is only 20
feet, the extradimensional hideaway is larger on the inside, with a 40
9TH LEVEL foot radius.
If you also have the Protective Ring feat, you can activate it at the
COMPREHEND MENTAL NARRATIVE FEAT 9 same time as Sidhe Hideaway without spending an additional minute
UNCOMMON SIDHE to do so, tying both effects to the same faerie ring. If you do, you can
You understand how human minds fit into the narratives and stories select up to eight creatures present during the casting who can enter
you tell. You can cast mind reading as an occult innate spell once per and leave the hideaway without triggering the alarm.
day. If you’re an aes sidhe, you can gain mind reading as an arcane
innate spell if you prefer. SIDHE POWER FEAT 9
EXPERT LONGEVITY FEAT 9 Prerequisites Sidhe Magic or aes sidhe heritage
SIDHE You’ve gained more powerful spell from the wellspring of sidhe
Prerequisites Ancestral Longevity magic within you. Select one 1st-level occult spell and one 2nd-level
You’ve continued to refine the knowledge and skills you’ve gained or lower occult spell. They must be spells to which you have access.
through your life. When you choose a skill in which to become trained You can cast each of your chosen spells once per day as occult
with Ancestral Longevity, you can also choose a skill in which you are innate spells. If you chose an arcane cantrip with Sidhe Magic or your
already trained and become an expert in that skill. This lasts until aes sidhe heritage, you can instead choose to gain arcane spells to
your Ancestral Longevity expires. cast as arcane innate spells with Sidhe Power if you prefer.
When the effects of Ancestral Longevity and Expert Longevity
expire, you can retrain one of your skill increases. The skill increase STORY SENSE FEAT 9
you gain from this retraining must either make you trained in the skill CONCENTRATE DIVINATION MANIPULATE OCCULT PREDICTION SIDHE
you chose with Ancestral Longevity or make you an expert in the skill You draw out connections and theories related to a particular
you chose with Expert Longevity. creature and how it relates to your own story, determining a hint about

its near future. Choose a creature other than yourself and draw out FAERIE RING TRANSPORT FEAT 13
those connections. UNCOMMON SIDHE
The process takes 3 minutes, and it reveals a single word important Faeries are rumored to transport themselves via rings of mushrooms,
to the narrative for roughly the next day of an unimportant background also known as faerie rings or faerie circles, and thanks to the power
character or roughly the next hour for an adventurer or other character of those stories, you have found a way to actually transport yourself
with a hectic narrative. The word is mysterious and difficult to between them. You can cast tree stride as an innate primal spell once
understand, often working through metaphor rather than face value, per day, except that instead of transporting between two trees, you
though the meaning might be clearer in hindsight. The GM rolls a transport between two faerie rings.
secret DC 6 flat check. If the creature’s narrative is too uncertain, or on
a failed flat check, your Story Sense simply reveals the word “none.”
Either way, the creature is then temporarily immune for 24 hours.



Frequency once per hour
Trigger A creature states that they will perform an action (for the
purpose of this trigger, only a person’s exact wording matters, not
their intent, so Enforce Commitment can trigger on a careless or
sarcastic commitment).
Once someone makes a commitment to you, you can magically
enforce it, making it difficult for them to later renege on their
agreement. The triggering creature must attempt a Will save against
the higher of your spell or class DC.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected.
Success If the creature fails to fulfill its commitment in full, they
take a –1 status penalty on all checks and DCs against you for
1 day. This penalty only applies after they definitively fail in the
Failure If the creature fails to fulfill their commitment in full, they
take a –1 status penalty on all checks and DCs against you for
1 week. This penalty only applies after they definitively fail in
the commitment. When their commitment becomes relevant,
either right away (for instance if they agree to bring you a glass
of water after you ask for one) or at a later date (for instance
if they promise to attend your upcoming party), they must
fulfill the commitment for at least 1 minute unless doing so
becomes self destructive or causes obvious negative effects.
If the commitment is finite and completed before the duration
elapses, the compulsion ends early. The GM is the final arbiter
of when the commitment becomes relevant. Most commitments
that would obviously not be performed right away, such as “I’ll
pay you back” or “I’ll find you some jewelry” might not have
an explicit timetable when they become relevant, but instead
might become relevant based on the context (for instance, after
the person who promised to pay you back has enough money
to do so, or when the person who promised to find you some
jewelry is at a market).
Critical Failure As failure, but the creature must fulfill the
commitment they made to you for at least 1 hour, rather than for
at least 1 minute, unless doing so becomes self-destructive or
causes any other obvious negative effects.

FEY SKIN FEAT 13 of damage it deals; generally, the accident should be one that deals
SIDHE physical damage of some type; for instance a creature who failed to
Your incredible longevity improves to grant you drastically increased shake your hand might find that a window breaks and flings sharp
survivability and recovery, though in exchange you suffer the same slashing glass into their arm. However, other damage types might be
weakness to cold iron that plagues sidhe who aren’t heroes. Increase appropriate in more unusual environments and offense; for instance,
your maximum Hit Points by an amount equal to your level. If you rest a creature who served you lukewarm food might be incinerated in an
for 10 minutes, your magic sustains and recovers you, causing you to oven explosion in their kitchen, dealing fire damage. The damage
regain a number of Hit Points equal to your level; this is cumulative from the curse increases by 5 for every two levels you have above
with any Hit Points you regain from Treat Wounds. However, you gain 13th, to a maximum of 70 damage at 19th level.
weakness 5 to cold iron.


Prerequisites Not Today CONJURE ABODE FEAT 17
You can twist the narrative to protect you more often. You can use Not UNCOMMON SIDHE
Today once per hour, rather than once per day. You can call upon an entrance to a tiny Otherworld that contains
naught but a mansion of your own design. You can cast magnificent
READ THE NARRATIVE FEAT 13 mansion once per day as an occult innate spell (if you’re an aes sidhe,
CONCENTRATE DIVINATION MANIPULATE OCCULT PREDICTION SIDHE you can choose to cast it as an arcane innate spell instead if you
You don’t just take a peek at the ongoing narrative. Your faith in Fate is prefer). The mansion and servants you conjure are the same each
strong enough that you keep constant track of all possible narratives time you cast the spell, and it continues to exist between castings;
that might affect you, nipping potential problematic components in you are simply moving the entrance to a new location.
the bud while encouraging narrative twists that work out to your own
advantage. By spending an hour drawing diagrams, writing out plot DEDUCE STORY FEAT 17
points, goals, and interlocking narratives, and comparing the results, CONCENTRATE DIVINATION OCCULT SIDHE
you gain a glimpse into what Fate has in store. Choose a particular Frequency once per day
goal or activity you plan to engage in within 1 week, or an event you You are able to guess impressions from the story or narrative that
expect might happen within 1 week. You learn a cryptic clue or piece played out at your current location even with no clues, simply based
of advice that could help with the chosen event, often in the form of on your knowledge of the way stories play out and the magic that flows
a rhyme or omen. within you. For each consecutive minute that you ponder the story
threads interweaving the area, you gain impressions from the previous
SIDHE SOVEREIGNTY FEAT 13 day of key emotions and metaphorical story fragments that provide
SIDHE cryptic clues and details of the past, rather than literal visions. You
Prerequisites Sidhe Power can continue piecing together impressions for up to 10 minutes, which
Your sidhe magic is intense, outstripping the capacity of lesser would grant you clues about the events of the past 10 days.
spellcasters. Select one 3rd-level or lower occult spell and one 4th-
level or lower occult spell. They must be spells to which you have PLOT ARMOR 4 FEAT 17
access. You can cast each of your chosen spells once per day as SIDHE
occult innate spells. If you chose arcane spells instead of occult Frequency once per day
spells from Sidhe Power, you gain arcane spells instead of occult Trigger You would be reduced to 0 Hit Points by an effect or killed
spells from Sidhe Sovereignty as well. instantly by a death effect
If you haven’t reached the end of your story, Fate will protect you from
TWIST FATE 2 FEAT 13 a premature ending, sometimes to unbelievable lengths. Through
CONCENTRATE CURSE DIVINATION OCCULT PREDICTION SIDHE some bizarre twist of fate, such as a bird falling out of the sky in front
Frequency once per day of a creature’s attack, lightning being diverted by a nearby metal rod,
You curse a fool who offended you, dooming them to meet a violent or some other contrivance, you don’t take damage from the triggering
fate in the near future. Choose a creature within 60 feet. A horrific effect or aren’t killed by the death effect; at the GM’s discretion, this
accident, usually tinged with poetic justice based on the way in might prevent other components of the triggering effect (for instance,
which the creature offended you occurs 1d4 rounds later, dealing if your Plot Armor prevents a snake’s fangs from damaging you by
55 damage to the creature, with a basic Fortitude save against the causing it to bite into a nearby tree branch instead, you wouldn’t
higher of your class DC or spell DC. This happens regardless of suffer the snake’s venom either). You can’t use Plot Armor if you
where the target is located at the time, even if it travels to another are facing against an effect from a final campaign villain or other
plane. The GM should roll to determine when the damage occurs campaign-ending event or character-arc ending event appropriate to
secretly and determine the form of the accident as well as the type end your story (determined by the GM).

OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
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upgrade, improvement, compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing and Dave Arneson.
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names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, Author: Mark Seifter.
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5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original material including the introduction, physical description, society, and alignment and religion
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion permission.
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Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the title, the Battlezoo Ancestries: Sidhe (Pathfinder) © 2023, Skyscraper Studios, Inc.; Author:
copyright date, and the copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Mark Seifter.
original Open Game Content you Distribute.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, including as
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Agreement with the owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not to AUTHOR: Mark Seifter
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EDITING: Stephen Glicker, Sébastien “Aleph” Greffier, Mark Seifter, and
in conjunction with a work containing Open Game Content except as expressly
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Nathan Wright
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does ART DIRECTION: Stephen Glicker
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which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game Content. LAYOUT: Stephen Glicker
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish updated DIRECTOR OF GAME DESIGN: Mark Seifter
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every copy
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12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the terms
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13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with
all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the

Unleash Your Inner Dragon!
With Battlezoo Ancestries: Dragons,
Dragons, you can channel the might of
wyrms for your next PC! Using both the ancestry rules and innovative
archetypes, you can grow your dragon’s abilities and even focus your
class feats into gaining draconic power.
Featuring 45 different dragons with details on how to play any of these
dragons, or even your own homebrewed dragons, in your next campaign!

Befriend, Train, Battle, Evolve
With Battlezoo Eldamon,
Eldamon, you can finally become the monster trainer of
your dreams. Befriend over 160 elemental monsters and battle with them
as an eldamon trainer or embody the powers of the elements yourself as
an elemental avatar! With 13 distinct elements, this book contains more
playstyles and character options than you can shake a lotusnek at!

Unleash The Horde!
Inside the Battlezoo Bestiary,
Bestiary, discover a treasure trove of over
100 new monsters and villains for your players to confront and
overcome at your next game!
The Battlezoo Bestiary also includes the new Monster Parts system,
allowing players to craft weapons, armor, and magic items from the
foes they defeat. Plus, two new character archetypes allow you to become
one with your slain monsters! The monster mage can master the spells of
any defeated foe, and the vestige hunter can wear trophies claimed from
slain monsters to gain incredible powers!

Shock Your Players!
Battlezoo Bestiary Strange & Unusual has over 150 incredibly unique
monsters sure to surprise, thrill, and terrify your players in your next game!
But a monster is more than just a single fight! With the Battlezoo Bestiary
Monster Parts System, you can turn every creature into a story as it
becomes part of the characters’ weapons, armor, and magic items.
Battlezoo Bestiary Strange & Unusual has all new options that really shake
things up. Plus, the aberrant soul archetype allows you to play a character
who is slowly changing into a tentacled aberration and gaining their powers!

Immerse yourself in the Indigo Isles!
Pairing perfectly with the Jewel of the Indigo Isles Adventure Path,
the Indigo Isles Character Guide provides you with thousands of
new combinations for your next character, plus detailed background and
lore options for players and GMs alike to learn about the setting.

Featuring new rules and player options when playing one of the seven ancestries
and heritages who make the Indigo Isles their home, an extensive overview of
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lost treasure. Will the characters rise to the challenge and return to Rumplank with
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