Gupta 2002
Gupta 2002
Gupta 2002
Intercondylar fractures of the distal humerus in adults are difficult management problems on account of the complex anatomy of the elbow,
small sized fracture fragments and the limited amount of sub-chondral bone, which is often osteopenic. The results of managing these frac-
tures non-operatively are compromised by the failure to get anatomical reduction and early mobilization. This often results in a painful stiff
elbow and/or pseudarthrosis, thereby making an operative approach for these fractures, desirable. Fifty-five such fractures, operated on by the
author during the last 9 years, were reviewed. All the fractures were managed by open reduction and internal fixation followed by early mobi-
lization. The outcome in 51 of these cases was graded as excellent or good using the evaluation criteria of Aitken and Rorabeck. Thirty-three
of these cases achieved a range of flexion of more than 130◦ . There was minimal incidence of complications like ulnar nerve neuropraxia or
heterotopic bone formation. Anterior transposition of the ulnar nerve was performed in only one of the patients. Dorsal application of both
the plates instead of the commonly advocated supracondylar crest placement resulted in a stable configuration requiring less extensive dis-
section and retraction of the ulnar nerve and resulting in a low incidence of complications. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Intercondylar fractures of the distal humerus in adults con- Fifty-five patients with intercondylar fractures of the distal
stitute a small percentage of fractures. These fractures are humerus in adults operated on by the first author during
often difficult to treat with an uncertain outcome. Recom- 1992–2000 and available for follow up, were reviewed. The
mended management in the literature varies considerably, series included long term follow up of 20 such cases reported
ranging from plaster of Paris (POP) cast immobilization or earlier by the author [13].
treatment as a bag of bones, to fully invasive open reduction Fall on the point of the elbow was the most common
and internal fixation [1–8]. Non-operative management of mode of trauma followed by road traffic crashes. Twelve
these fractures may lead to either a pseudarthrosis with gross of the patients had associated injuries elsewhere, including
instability or a painful stiff elbow [7–9]. Moreover, accurate additional ipsilateral upper limb trauma (five patients). There
reconstruction of the articular surface is not always possible were 37 males and 18 females and the average age of the
by closed methods. As a result, many now favor open re- patients was 39 years (range 18–65 years). Six of the patients
duction and internal fixation, although to obtain acceptable had compound injuries of Gustilo type 1 (three patients) or
results, it has to be followed by early mobilization of the type 2 (three patients) [14].
elbow [1–3,5,6,9,10]. Authors recommending an operative As per Muller et al. [15] classification, 18 fractures were
approach differ widely in respect to the extent and type of of C1 type, 23 of C2 and the remaining 14 of C3 type. Two
internal fixation. In addition most of the authors advocating of the patients had an additional dislocation of the medial
internal fixation propose placement of plates on the supra- condyle from the olecranon notch of ulna. All but six of
condylar crest and have reported a significant incidence of the patients were operated on within 7 days of injury. De-
hetrotopic ossification and ulnar nerve involvement [10–12]. lay in surgery usually resulted from late presentation of the
The present study analyses the long term results of the patients though in some of the cases it was due to associ-
author’s experience of operative management of these frac- ated injuries. One patient presented 8 months after injury,
tures and attempts to address these problems. with pseudarthrosis and gross instability at the fracture site,
demonstrating failed conservative treatment.
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-1262-44799. All the patients were operated on, in the lateral decubitus
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Gupta). position with the forearm hanging by the side over a sand
0020-1383/02/$ – see front matter © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 0 - 1 3 8 3 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 0 9 - 8
512 R. Gupta, P. Khanchandani / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 33 (2002) 511–515
Table 1
Range of motion at elbow
Range of Number Extension Number
flexion (◦ ) of cases loss (◦ ) of cases
>130 33 Nil 15
110–130 9 <5 20
75–110 9 5–10 15
60–75 2 10–15 2
<60 2 >15 3
Fig. 2. Final radiograph showing consolidation.
R. Gupta, P. Khanchandani / Injury, Int. J. Care Injured 33 (2002) 511–515 513
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