BS Pharmacy 1 Block 1B
As a student at a licean program, I believe that the new normal significantly affects licean students.
Students, particularly licean students like me, benefit from it as well. Ransitioning from traditional
college to online learning was extremely difficult at first, but as the months pass, I am gradually
becoming accustomed to it. Though I don't get a lot of social interaction from my peers, I find online
learning to be much more beneficial for me as a student. Without the pressure of a classroom, I can
learn at my own pace, whether that is faster or slower than the original classroom, and if clarification is
required, I can simply rewind the lecture videos my teachers are putting out, or send an email to my
teacher quickly and efficiently. Being visually impaired in college is difficult; in addition to navigating the
hallways and putting a lot of trust in my technology to work properly that day, I feel as though my
anxiety has decreased significantly while at home, because if something goes wrong with my
technology, I can simply pause what I'm doing and fix it, without having to worry about missing
something or slowing down the others. I'd like to see online learning integrated into the traditional
college environment, because I'm getting so much more done in so little time, and I feel like I'm actually
learning the material rather than just grazing over it as I would in a traditional classroom. The most
alluring aspect of online education, which influences licean students to choose this path over a more
traditional education, is frequently its flexibility. Flexibility itself benefits the student's overall learning
even though it offers advantages like convenience and more freedom. Learning as opposed to being
required to attend a class. We can schedule our education around our responsibilities thanks to this
control, which also makes sure we're learning at the most effective moment. By designing our courses to
fit our individual learning styles, flexible learning enables students to decide when and how they will
learn. In the end, this helps us remember information and produce better outcomes. Additionally, we
have the benefit of being able to learn at our own pace, which can assist to reduce a lot of stress.
Teachers frequently give quick explanations of ideas before giving us an assignment to do. This may put
pressure on us to finish tasks fast while preventing us from asking questions. When we are unable to
execute a work to the best of our abilities because we didn't understand a concept or notion that the
teacher had taught, we impede our own learning. Since online learning is flexible, we may carefully
understand ideas and make sure we understand them completely before continuing. Once more, this
results in getting better grades. The entire focus of education has switched from the teacher's
instruction to our own learning thanks to flexible learning. Before, all we had to do in class was listen.
Then, when it came time for the final exam, we had to memorize the material. Flexible learning is driving
organizations to reconsider how we are taught and whether the conventional approach to education is
ultimately helpful. Although each of us as licean students has a unique learning style, traditional
schooling does not take this into account. Institutions can thus assess the overall impact and result of
their efforts by altering the methods of instruction and the manner in which information is conveyed to
us. By giving us the freedom to learn on our own and try out different learning techniques, we become
more responsible for how we are assimilating knowledge and it also helps us to put the accountability.
We are more inclined to be committed and hence put in more effort when we feel more in charge of our
education. Institutions are already starting to incorporate online learning components into their
teaching as they swiftly recognize their influence and usefulness. This not only keeps us interested but
also saves time for professors who would otherwise have to assign activities in the classroom. In
addition to attending class, some courses require students to participate in online discussions and
quizzes, which can make us more involved and fully interested in the material we are studying. The
adaptability of online learning encourages more self-discipline and aids in the development of
transferable skills for the workplace. This is something that traditional education frequently overlooks
because we are required to attend classes all the time and do not prioritize our own personal
development. We may eventually be able to advance to a more senior position inside an organization if
we can show that we have learned these skills through online learning. Therefore, flexibility has a
significant influence on how we learn, and its allure is well justified. Our success depends on giving us
the choice of how we want to learn. In flexible learning quality education may be in question because of
so many factors that affect the learning process, such as the preparation of teachers capable to handle
online and offline classes; the availability of information technology (IT) resources in schools, teachers
and students; the curriculum; the syllabi to be used; the internet connectivity of the schools and the
learners; among others. Hence patience and cooperation of everyone is called in this transition or
transformation towards the new normal or new modalities of the teaching-learning process.
Flexible Learning is the appropriate design and delivery of programs, courses, and learning interventions
that address these kinds of situations in the new normal. Flexible learning involves the use of digital and
non-digital technology. Flexible learning allows time flexibility. It commonly uses the delivery methods
of distance education.
The main objective of flexible learning is to provide learners with most flexibility on the learning
content, schedules, access, and innovative assessment, making use of digital and non-digital tools. In
this pandemic period flexible learning aims to decongest classrooms or to reduce the number of
students who go to the classroom at one time. This is to promote physical distancing and to protect the
health of the students.
Schools have the discretion to decide what most viable form of flexible learning and teaching they will
utilize. This will be based on their capability and their existing situation. They may utilize in teacher-
learner engagement or communication short message service (SMS), electronic mail (email), chat,
instant messaging, and other means of communication convenient, appropriate, and available to ensure
personalized, effective, efficient, and timely mentoring and feedback mechanisms.