Act A1641 - Amendment Act 2022
Act A1641 - Amendment Act 2022
Act A1641 - Amendment Act 2022
Act A1641
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Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of 3
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Amendment)
Act A1641
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Short title
Amendment of section 2
Amendment of section 9
“Part XIa
(a) the defect liability period after the date the purchaser
takes vacant possession of a housing accommodation;
Temporary Measures for Reducing the Impact of 7
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (Amendment)
(b) the defect liability period after the date of
completion of common facilities; and
(c) the time for the developer to carry out works to repair
and make good any defect, shrinkage and other faults
in a housing accommodation and common facilities.
Substitution of section 39
39. (1) This Part, except sections 40a and 40b, is deemed to
have come into operation on 18 March 2020.
8 Laws of Malaysia Act A1641
Substitution of section 42
42. The period from 18 March 2020 until the expiry period
of the operation or any extended operation date of this Act,
but shall not exceed 31 December 2022, shall be excluded
from the calculation of the period—
“Part XIIIa
42b. The period from 1 June 2021 until the expiry period
of the operation or any extended operation date of this Act,
but shall not exceed 31 December 2022, shall be excluded
from the calculation of the period for making a complaint
to the Director of Labour under subsection 7 a (3) of
the Sabah Labour Ordinance.
Part XIIIb
Amendment of section 59