SPEC1-1 Shades of The Zhentarim v1.2
SPEC1-1 Shades of The Zhentarim v1.2
SPEC1-1 Shades of The Zhentarim v1.2
Shades of the
A Dungeons & Dragons® Living
Forgotten Realms Adventure
Zhentil Keep is a city with a storied history, even if most of the tale is not fit for innocent ears. A mission to find the
wayward son of a wealthy merchant leads deep into the secrets, deceptions, and brutal power on which the dreaded
Zhentarim built their ominous keep. A Living Forgotten Realms two-round special adventure set in the north section of
Zhentil Keep for characters levels 1-4.
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game
designed by Andy Collins, Rob Heinsoo, and James Wyatt.
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission of Wizards of the
Coast. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 SYSTEM license, please visit www.wizards.com/d20.
This is an official RPGA® play document. To find out more about the RPGA and to learn more on how you can sanction and run DUNGEONS &
DRAGONS game events of all sizes, visit our website at www.rpga.com.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, D&D REWARDS, RPGA, Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual are trademarks of
Wizards of the Coast, Inc, in the US and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. This product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental. © 2008
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
For rules questions specific to this document email [email protected].
RPGA® Sanctioned Play Reading Monster Stat Blocks
Most likely you ordered this adventure as part of an Most of the information should be easy to understand, as
RPGA event from the RPGA website, or you received it it mirrors the information presented in the Monster
from your senior gamemaster. To play this adventure Manual. Attacks have a letter next to them designating
and receive rewards from the RPGA Rewards program, the type: M for melee, R for ranged, C for close, and A
you must sanction it as part of an RPGA event. This for area. A lower-case letter (used only in some melee
event could be as elaborate as a big convention, or as and ranged attacks) denotes that the attack can be used
simple as a group of friends meeting at the DM’s house. as a basic attack.
To sanction an RPGA event, you must be at least a
HERALD-LEVEL™ gamemaster. The person who sanctions
the event, called the senior gamemaster, is in charge of
Important DM Information
making sure the event is sanctioned before play, runs As the DM of the session, you have the most important
smoothly on the date sanctioned, and gets reported back role in facilitating the enjoyment of the game for the
to the RPGA in a timely manner. The person who runs players. You take the words on these pages and make
the game is called the table Dungeon Master (or usually them come alive. The outcome of a fun game session
just DM). Sometimes (and almost all the time in the often creates stories that live well beyond the play at the
cases of home events) the senior gamemaster is also the table. Always follow this golden rule when you DM for a
table DM. You don’t have to be a HERALD-LEVEL GM to group:
run this adventure if you are not the senior GM.
By sanctioning and reporting this adventure you Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the
accomplish a couple of things. First, it is an official game, fun of the adventure when possible.
tracked under your play history. Second, players and
DMs gain rewards for sanctioned RPGA play if they are To reinforce this golden rule, keep in mind the
members of the RPGA REWARDS program. Playing this following:
adventure is worth four (4) points.
This adventure retires from RPGA-sanctioned play • You are empowered to make adjustments to
on December 31, 2011. the adventure and make decisions about how
To learn more about RPGA event sanctioning and the group interacts with the world of this
RPGA REWARDS, visit the RPGA website at adventure. This is especially important and
www.rpga.com. applicable outside of combat encounters, but feel
free to use the "scaling the encounter" advice
Preparing for Play (usually for adjusting to different-sized groups) to
adjust combat encounters for groups that are
In order to play this adventure, you’ll need copies of the having too easy or too hard of a time in an
following D&D 4th Edition rulebooks: Player’s Handbook, adventure.
Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster Manual. Any • Don't make the adventure too easy or too
other rules referenced in this adventure will be noted in difficult for a group. Never being challenged
the New Rules Items section at the end of the makes for a boring game, and being
adventure. overwhelmed makes for a frustrating game.
Throughout this adventure, text in bold italics Gauge the experience of the players (not the
provides player information for you to paraphrase or characters) with the game, try to feel out (or ask)
read aloud when appropriate. Information on nonplayer what they like in a game, and attempt to give
characters (NPCs) and monsters appear in abbreviated each of them the experience they’re after when
form in the adventure text. they play D&D. Give everyone a “chance to
Along with this adventure, you’ll find a RPGA shine.”
Session Tracking sheet. If you’re playing this adventure • Be mindful of pacing, and keep the game
as part of an RPGA-sanctioned event, complete and turn session moving along appropriately. Watch for
in this sheet to your Senior GM directly after play. stalling, as play loses momentum when this
happens. At the same time, make sure that the
players don’t finish the adventure too early;
provide them with a full play experience. Living
Forgotten Realms adventures are designed to be
played within 3.5 – 4 hours per round; try to be
The PCs arrive in Zhentil Keep, finding it to be much Features of the Area
worse than Kerstol Cobb described in his letter to his
Illumination: The entire area is brightly lit by
father. The streets are littered with the dead and dying,
torches and lanterns.
the most unsavory criminal elements openly flaunt their
Tables: Creatures can move diagonally past the
unlawful behavior, and any sort of law or order seems
tables. Jumping onto a table takes a DC 20 Athletics
check (or DC 10 with a running start). Attacking from
Several rival pirate gangs have made their home
atop a table gives a creature +1 to attack rolls, but the
bases here, and they wage constant warfare against each
tables are not large or strong enough to provide cover.
other when they aren’t terrorizing innocents. One of
Sticky Floor: The squares of the floor that contain
those gangs, to which Kerstol belongs, is the Bloody
darker markings contain blood, ale, and other fluids that
Scalps. They are named for their insistence that new
make them difficult terrain.
recruits scar their heads.
Bar: The bar in the top-right corner of the map
The PCs can easily find the “tavern” that Kerstol
holds several mugs and bottles. To get behind the bar,
refers to in his letter. It was obviously once a one-story
one must either go over the top or move beneath. Both
barracks, with its dour façade and militaristic
methods equate to difficult terrain, and the bar does
appearance. Only a few windows ever adorned the
provide cover.
building, and those have been boarded up. Stout
wooden doors, currently unlocked, offer the only Game Table: The game table is large and can only
entrance. The tavern is the gathering place of the Bloody be moved with a DC 20 Strength check. If flipped on its
Scalps, and they use the rest of the old barracks as a side, it can provide cover.
place to sleep, hold meetings, store loot, and keep
prisoners and slaves. Tactics
As the adventurers enter the area, read: As mentioned previously, the pirates attack no matter
what, but they knock PCs unconscious instead of killing
The room contains the furnishings of a tavern, with them if Kerstol intervenes on their behalf.
eight round tables and a makeshift bar. A game table of The pirates are used to fighting together, and they
some sort rests in one corner. attempt to maneuver into position to make the best use
The occupants of the tavern are a mix of brawny, of swashbuckler tactics and dirty fighting. Although there
loutish sailors dressed in patchwork leathers and are several other pirates in the room, none of them join
commoners unhappy to be stuck in such a place. A the fray because they are either too drunk or too
female sailor, head shaved clean and ears decorated cowardly.
with innumerable sparkling gems, points at you as you The initial group of pirates does not surrender
enter. Her scalp is heavily scarred. under any circumstances; they fight to the death, but no
“Well what have we here, lads? Adventurers! Looks more pirates join in the fray once it’s clear that the PCs
like we’d better leave—the Keep lets anyone in these are tough enough to defend themselves. If the PCs
Entrance /
PC Start Area
Experience Points
If the PCs succeed on the skill challenge and are the
first group to discover the entrance to the temple, each
character receives 100/150 XP. If they fail the skill
challenge, they still get half experience, but this has
some consequences later in the adventure.
There is no treasure to be gained in this encounter
(although the PCs might spend a bit of their own money
to buy information).
Experience Points
The characters receive 120/180 experience points each
for defeating the shadow creatures and disarming the
Amid the pile of “fake treasure” are a few valuables. It
requires a DC 25 Perception check to find the valuables
within the junk. The PCs find 45/65 gp each and a +1
staff of fiery might (low-level) or a +2 staff of fiery might
Shadow Mote
Dark Hammers
Shadow Shapers
Experience Points
The characters receive 120/150 experience points each
for defeating the followers of Bane.
The followers of Bane carry no magical treasure, but
their possessions and equipment are worth a total of
15/25 gp per PC.
Banite Group 2
Banite Group 1
The passage opens into a large room ahead. Two Scaling the Encounter
humans stand at the other end of the chamber, facing a
Make the following adjustments to the combat based on
passageway obscured by a cloud. One moves toward the
the number of PCs present.
cloud, when a shadowy tentacled creature emerges and
Four PCs: Reduce the guardian’s hit points by 30 at
lashes at him, tearing his head off. Panicked, the other
low tier and 50 at high tier.
leaps into the cloud, trying to escape. As soon he makes
Six PCs: Increase the guardian’s hit points by 30 at
contact with the cloud, however, his flesh seems to low tier and 50 at high tier.
dissolve from his body, leaving a nasty puddle on the
Ending the Encounter
Features of the Area After the PCs defeat Shar’s guardian, its body turns into
dark smoke and flows into the holy symbol that they
Illumination: The room is brightly lit by magic recovered from the reliquary. The holy symbol can then
within the chamber. be used to banish the dark cloud which blocks the
Ceiling: The ceiling is 10 feet high. entrance to the sewers. However, the cloud takes a very
Black Symbol: In the lower-left corner of the room, long time to completely dissipate (5 hours), meaning the
a black symbol of the goddess Shar is etched into the PCs can use this opportunity to take an extended rest.
floor. Any PC who is standing in those squares and is hit
Experience Points
The characters receive 150/200 experience points each
for defeating Shar’s guardian.
There is no treasure in this encounter, although by this
point the reward of being able to take an extended rest
will probably be worth more to the PCs than gold
Consecrated Ground
(4 squares)
Black Symbol
Arcane Corridors
Wall / Floor 1x1 x5
Hidden Crypts
Wall / Floor 1x4 x3
A DC 15 Religion check reveals that the symbol is that Features of the Area
of Mystra, the former Goddess of Magic, whose death
unleashed the Spellplague. Illumination: The swirling magical portals provide
A DC 15 History check recalls that the worship of bright light to the entire room.
Mystra was specifically illegal in Zhentil Keep and that Pool: The large pool of magic in the center of the
the Tower of the Art was the only place in the Keep room is difficult terrain, but it is not hazardous.
where her followers were not afraid to proclaim their Characters within the pool gain a +2 bonus on their
allegiance. attack rolls when using any power that deals acid, cold,
A DC 20 History check recalls that the Tower of the fire, or lightning damage.
Art was once 10 stories high, and was only accessible via Wall Portals: The portals on the walls are short-
teleportation magic. The Tower was wreathed in all sorts range teleporters. They are connected to each other by
of magical wards and protective spells, which must have color. (Two of them are blue and are marked with a “1”
been an unmistakable beacon for the Spellplague. on the map; the other two are purple and are marked
A DC 15 Arcana check reveals that the circle no with a “2” on the map.)
longer radiates any form of magic. Its portal-like When anything enters one of the portals, it emerges
properties are long gone. from the corresponding portal, maintaining its direction
and momentum. Line of sight and line of effect are both
You continue to climb the spiral staircase, but after only preserved by these portals. For example, a character can
a few tens of feet, your upward progress is halted by the charge into one portal and continue the charge when he
collapse of a massive support beam. Above you can see emerges from the other portal, or can even use ranged
or area attacks as if the portals were connected with a
only rubble. Another archway opens to the side, and the
straight line. Areas of effect (such as zones, blasts, and
room beyond seems to be largely clear of debris. Bright
SPEC1-1 Shades of the Zhentarim Page 37
bursts) continue to count distance through the portals Treasure
(treat the portal squares as if they did not count for any The guardians have no treasure. However, the magical
distance – they are effectively infinitely thin, meaning pool is capable of imbuing weapons with elemental
the squares directly in front of each linked portal are energy. If a non-magical weapon is dipped into the pool,
considered adjacent to the corresponding squares in it becomes temporarily enchanted. A character who
front of the other portal.) examines the pool and makes a DC 20 Arcana check
Magic Wall: The wall is impassable and blocks can surmise that the pool might have some sort of effect
both line of sight and line of effect (meaning it is not on weapons that are dipped into its whirling energy.
possible to use fey step to get behind it). Treat the wall A ranged weapon that is dipped into the pool gains
squares as hazardous terrain (meaning that a character the flameburst +1 property for the remainder of the
who would be forced to move into the wall gets a save to adventure, and this property is also available as a
instead fall prone in front of the wall). Touching the wall treasure selection (meaning the item can keep the
deals 1d10 points of damage at the low tier and 2d10 property permanently if the player chooses this treasure
points of damage at the high tier. It cannot be disabled, bundle).
but a DC 15 Arcana or Thievery check would allow a For a melee weapon that is dipped into the pool, roll
character to recognize the wall’s basic properties 1d6. On a result of 1-3, the weapon gains the frost +1
(including how much damage it would deal to someone property for the remainder of the adventure. On a result
who touched it). of 4-6, the weapon gains the thundering +1 property for
the remainder of the adventure.
Tactics Magical implements (holy symbols, rods, wands,
The guardians understand how the purple and blue orbs, staffs) that are dipped into the pool absorb some of
portals work and use them to best advantage. Their the magical energy (gaining a +1 magical enhancement
energy charge ability relies on their moving through a bonus that lasts for the remainder of the adventure if
portal to emerge from the other portal as part of a they are currently non-magical) but do not absorb any
charge attack, so don’t be shy about having them run all elemental energy.
over the room. They need to use energy charge at least Items other than weapons and implements that are
once before their energy burst ability becomes available. dipped into the pool gleam brightly for a moment, but
At the high tier, the energy motes are floating in the they do not absorb the elemental or magical energies
pool in the center of the room and emerge at the start of and their properties are unchanged.
the second round of combat. They try to position
themselves so that when they explode, they heal the
guardians and harm the PCs. If the guardians are hurt,
the motes gladly sacrifice themselves by moving with
range of a guardian’s energy burst power. The damage
from the energy burst destroys the mote, which heals the
Experience Points
The characters receive 100/150 experience points each
for defeating the spellwrought guardians.
The gate leading out of the city is garrisoned by a Campaign Note: Quest Card Opportunity
number of black-cloaked men and women wearing the The Zhentarim are willing to fight to the death.
heraldry of the Zhentarim, the Black Network. Their However, if a PC attempts to spare one of the
leader, a human wearing a gem-studded holy symbol of mercenaries’ lives in conjunction with a quest card, this
Cyric, gestures for you to stop well short of the gate. is an opportunity to do so. Make a note on the player’s
“No one may leave this city carrying items that are adventure journal if this happens. The spared man
rightfully the property of the Zhentarim,” sneers the scampers off into the city, presumably to report back to
leader. “You will surrender all magical objects and his masters in the Black Network. The DM decides
papers in your possession for inspection. Your whether multiple players can fulfill the task at the same
equipment and any standard ritual or spell books will time.
be returned to you following the inspection, but any
contraband or items of historical significance to the
Scaling the Encounter
Zhentarim will be kept. If you do not surrender these
items, or if you resist us in any way, then we will take There are two ways to scale this encounter. The first
them from you by force.” depends on how the PCs did in their earlier skill
The mercenaries’ swords clear their scabbards in a challenges. Each challenge that they failed and any extra
practiced motion. extended rests (more than 1) that they took during the
adventure cost them precious time, meaning that the
Zhentarim were able to round up more forces to send to
There are a few different things the PCs could try here.
try and intercept them.
Obviously, they could give the Zhentarim what they
For each skill challenge (Encounter 2 and
want, which is the only way to avoid a fight. The PCs
Encounter 5) that the PCs failed, add another Zhent
might also try to get out of this situation by using social
soldier to this encounter.
skills such as Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate. However,
If the PCs took more than one extended rest during
the Zhents have been given very specific orders and they
the adventure, add a second Zhent war mage to this
know exactly what they are looking for, so anything that
the PCs attempt to pass off as being the “contraband”
Also, make the following adjustments to the combat
that the mercenaries seek is recognized as a fake
based on the number of PCs present.
Regardless of which conclusion they reached (success or
failure), the PCs’ presence at Zhentil Keep has drawn
the attention of many evil factions. Read or paraphrase
the following text to conclude the adventure:
Bundle G: ritual book of Make Whole 2. How many extended rests did the PCs take
Found in Encounter 10 during this adventure?
a. The PCs did not take a single extended rest.
Bundle H: ritual scroll of Enchant Magic Item (high- b. The PCs took the one planned rest (between
level version only) Encounters 6 and 7) during the adventure.
Found in Encounter 10 c. The PCs took two or more extended rests during
the adventure.
Potion plus Gold: If a player doesn’t want to select one
of the bundles listed above for their character, they can 3. How did the PCs resolve the encounter with the
choose to add a potion of healing plus 0/25 gp to their Master of the Tower?
total gold. The player should write the potion gained on a. The PCs destroyed the phantom in combat.
their adventure log. b. The PCs resolved the encounter without having to
destroy the phantom.
More Gold: If a player doesn't want to select one of the c. The PCs were defeated by the phantom or did not
bundles listed above for their character, they can choose reach this encounter because of the time limit.
to add 50/75 gp to their total gold.
4. Did the PCs turn anything over to the
* See the “New Rules” section for a description of this Zhentarim?
item. a. Yes, they gave the Zhents everything they had
discovered during the adventure.
Story Awards b. The Zhents ended up defeating the PCs and
taking the information that they wanted.
Award these if the PC completes the condition for the
c. The PCs refused to give anything to the Zhents
award in the adventure. Pass out certificates to the
and proceeded to thrash them in the ensuing battle.
players for their story awards.
d. The PCs somehow managed to deceive or bluff
the Zhents into accepting false information.
SPEC01 Attention of Dark Powers
Your explorations of the Ruins of Zhentil Keep have
5. What did the PCs tell Yazeth about his son?
caused you to become embroiled in a power struggle
a. They told Yazeth everything – the full truth about
between a number of evil organizations and factions.
his son’s activities.
This sort of attention comes at a cost – to what end you
b. They covered for Kerstol and did not blow his
do not know.
c. They hinted at the truth, but didn’t come out and
SPEC02 A Promise to Return
tell Yazeth all the details.
You have promised Yazeth Cobb, merchant and devout
d. They invented some totally new story of their own
follower of Amaunator, that you will join him on a future
and told that to Yazeth.
expedition into the dangerous southern ruins of Zhentil
e. The PCs killed Yazeth’s son or had him arrested
Keep. This story object is the beginning of a Major Quest
and dragged back to his father in chains.
that will be resolved in an upcoming Living Forgotten
Realms Core Special adventure.
Adventure Questions
Mark the answers to the following adventure questions
on the tracking form.
Moonsea General
History DC 10: A few years after establishing their realm in Anauroch, the Shadovar moved against Zhentil Keep,
whose rulers had formerly contended for control over the Moonsea, the northern Dales, and the empty lands west of
the great desert. The Zhents fought furiously, but the shades prevailed; Zhentil Keep was razed, as was the Citadel of
the Raven. The Black Network of the Zhentarim was broken. The Shadovar attempted to colonize the fortresses that
they had conquered, but Ilsevele of Myth Drannor struck an uneasy alliance with Hillsfar, Melvaunt, and Thentia to
prevent Netheril from achieving this goal.
Streetwise DC 15: The entire Moonsea region is a smattering of city-states and robber baronies, some old, some
new. The city of Mulmaster is the center of Bane’s worship in Faerun, and some say the church of Bane has become
the ideological heir to the Zhentarim. Voonlar, Teshwave, Phlan, and Thentia are the centers of small realms where
Myth Drannon and Netheril quietly fence for influence.
Zhentil Keep
History DC 10: Once the strongest city on the Moonsea, Zhentil Keep was largely destroyed by Netheril many years
ago. The secret society known as the Zhentarim, or the Black Network, was driven out of its seat of power; it now
lurks in the fortresses of Darkhold and Wyvernwatch in distant lands.
History DC 15: The wreckage of the old city’s northerly districts on the left bank of the River Tesh is a dismal pirate
den and bandit town, lawless and violent. Ships belonging to a loose league of corsairs known as the Black Moon
Brotherhood often descend on this wretched place, selling their captives into slavery and taking on new crew
members desperate or wicked enough to sign on.
History DC 20: Across the river, the walled core of the old city on the south bank of the Tesh is a half-razed ruin
shadowed by unquellable twilight and half-cast curses. Unlike the well-picked-over ruins on the northern bank, the
southerly portion of the ruined city yet contains unlooted treasuries, shrines, and wizard workshops, but is haunted
by dangerous undead. The unnatural dimness allows day-fearing undead to walk even at noon, turning the ruin into a
haven for such creatures. Several undead factions vie for this valuable territory. Overall, these ruins harbor literally
hundreds of separate adventure sites, each one offering its own dangers and rewards, though getting to and from
each such dungeon requires dealing with the ubiquitous, roving undead.
Church of Bane
A well-honed weapon of conquest and tyranny, Bane’s church is all the more dangerous since the Black Lord
consolidated his power during the Spellplague. Bane wants all beings subjugated under his authority. To this end, the
Church works openly, touting its military might and the benefits of a strong social order where the capable and
ruthless rule. Common folk in some regions, such as Mulmaster, even buy the idea that Bane represents these ideals
more than his darker aspects.
Religion DC 15: Bane suffered when the shades razed Zhentil Keep and the Citadel of the Raven, annihilating the
backbone of the Zhentarim. But what he lost then, he has decidedly regained. Not only did he assimilate the goblin
SPEC1-1 Shades of the Zhentarim Page 55
deities under his authority, but he also gained the worship of evil dwarves through Abbathor. Thwarting Shar’s desire
to take power over vengeance, Bane sheltered and subjugated Hoar. He furthered his power by taking Loviatar as a
consort, uniting the two faiths. Even great Tiamat now serves Bane, and through her, many evil dragons.
History DC 15: It’s a well-known fact that Fzoul Chembryl died defending Zhentil Keep against the incursion of the
shades. It’s equally known that, despite Fzoul’s failure, Bane then took him as an exarch. Since that time, Fzoul’s
followers have focused on maintaining Bane’s influence in the Moonsea region. At Fzoul’s direction, they unite many
against the threat of Netheril. Only time will tell what strange allies may rise to face Shar’s prized servants.
Church of Cyric
The Cyricist influence on the Zhentarim fuels the group’s destructive behavior. It also leads Zhents to willingly
associated with vile creatures and perform hideous acts. Cyricists within the Zhentarim intend to use the
organization’s resources to free their god. The Cyricist devotion to deception helps the Zhents to work with some
subtlety and caution. Agents have even been known to use good-hearted dupes for certain tasks.
Religion DC 15: Since Cyric’s imprisonment, the power and sway of his church has waned somewhat across Faerun.
The church remains influential in Amn and Muranndin. It also has great authority among the members of the
Zhentarim, having “won” the struggle to break Bane’s hold on the Black Network when the Netherese destroyed
Zhentil Keep. Other than these focal points, however, little more than disparate Cyricist cults exist. These followers
are numerous enough to support Cyric’s continued existence as a god, but little more. One day, these separate arms of
Cyric’s faithful could unite, but for now they remain widely divided.
Church of Shar
During past times of strife, such as the Time of Troubles and the Spellplague, the Dark Goddess has moved openly
against her enemies and killed them. Shar’s faith has enjoyed a revival and waxed strong with the establishment of
the nation of Netheril, as well as Shar’s hand in the deaths of Mystra and Mask. Many evil creatures, especially those
of the Shadowfell, willingly serve or work with Shar’s faithful.
Religion DC 15: Shar was once a being of darkness, created at the beginning of time. She and her sister Selune
fashioned the universe in which Toril exists. Since then, only strive has existed between Shar and her lighter twin.
Where Selune desires unbridled creation and light, Shar longs for a return to the primeval void of nonexistence.
Towards this end, she works to eventually snuff out all other gods.
History DC 20: Worship of Shar has existed since the earliest days, but in secret. Through her followers, Shar has
worked to subvert all creation, especially the works of Selune. Shar’s spellcasters were said to be able to draw upon a
dark form of magic called the Shadow Weave. This was a shadowy mirror of the Weave, the fabric of magic which
was destroyed when Mystra died and unleashed the Spellplague. The Shadow Weave was also destroyed when magic
ran wild across the planes.
Zhentarim Mercenaries
Known also as the Black Network, the Zhentarim include priests, soldiers, wizards, and worse. Zhents, as the
mercenaries are known, will hire on to most any job if the money’s right, regardless of moral considerations. They
offer “protection” to merchants and arrange attacks against those who don’t pay up. Criminal activities ranging from
petty smuggling to open murder to elaborate extortion schemes are all within their purview. Zhents have even been
caught manipulating, aiding, and even leading monsters to threaten peaceful settlements. They have various reasons
for this. Sometimes they are simply drumming up business (they bring a monster to the area and then get paid to
drive the creature off). Other times they are furthering some political scheme, hoping to again be feared and potent as
they once were.
Streetwise DC 15: Zhent sellswords are most prominent on the Dragon Coast near Westgate and the southern
Sword Coast region. Commissions they take bring trouble to the lands near those regions, such as Cormyr and even
Religion DC 20: When Bane’s faithful suffered their serious defeat, the Banites bowed out of the Zhentarim. A
strong following of the god Cyric existed in Darkhold, which suddenly became the most prominent fortress of the
Black Network. The Cyricists quickly gained a hold in the mercenary group that remains, and the Zhents are
prominently allied with the Church of Cyric.
However, Cyric’s hold on the Zhentarim is far from solid. Fzoul Chembryl’s hatred for the Netherese has earned
him some admirers and followers among the Zhents. Although Bane’s church isn’t formally allied with the Zhentarim
any more, the two groups often find a common purpose and end up working together. A thread of respect for and
even worship of Bane still exists in the Zhentarim – a thread that Cyric’s devotees would like to cut.
History DC 25: Manshoon, the wizard ruler of Zhentil Keep, founded the Black Network. He created a huge
network that included evil churches, primarily Bane’s. The ambitious Fzoul Chembryl eventually wrested control
from Manshoon. Under Fzoul’s leadership the Zhentarim controlled as much as half the Moonsea region. They even
made a military bid to conquer the Dalelands and destroy Myth Drannor. This attempt failed, and Fzoul ultimately
made an alliance with the phaerimms, which led to the Zhenatrim’s undoing.
Shade needed little provocation to want to destroy the Black Network. The Netherese had long pursued a pogrom
against the phaerimms, and they quickly learned of the alliance with the Zhents. The Empire of Shade then laid waste
to Zhentil keep and the Citadel of the Raven, a blow from which the Zhentarim have yet to recover, and they now
hate the Netherese above all others.
Relic of Shar
The relic described in this adventure is the object of pursuit by all of the groups mentioned above. The PCs can’t
make skill checks to learn anything about the history of the relic, since the whole point of this adventure is to discover
that history. However, they can surmise why each of the power groups would be interested in obtaining the relic for
its own ends. Don’t reveal this information in such a fashion that it causes spoilers. Let the PCs learn what they can.
Church of Bane: The Church of Bane would see the relic as a powerful weapon against Shar and the Empire of
Netheril. An item of such powerful shadow magic could surely be used by Fzoul Chembryl to cause great damage to
the power of the Shadovar.
Church of Cyric: The Cyricists would want to use the relic in hopes that it might give them the power they need to
free their imprisoned deity. If the relic is truly powerful enough to remake the Shadow Weave, then it might well
have enough strength to break Cyric free from his bondage in the Supreme Throne.
Empire of Netheril / Church of Shar: The Netherese and the followers of Shar clearly desire the relic in hopes that
it actually does what the legends claim. Being able to recreate the Shadow Weave would give Shar’s adherents (such
as the Shadovar) a huge advantage over all other spellcasters in Faerun because it would deliver them a power source
that only they would have access to.
The Zhentarim: Individual factions within the Zhents would desire the relic for their own reasons. Some would
follow the religious reasons outlined above depending on whether they worship Bane or Cyric. Others would want to
sell the relic to the highest bidder. Still others would want to try and use its power to bring the Black Network back to
its former glory.
Of all these groups, the Church of Shar are probably the only ones who would actually try to use the relic for its
intended purpose (to recreate the Shadow Weave). However, that doesn’t mean that any of the other groups would
be any less dangerous if they got their hands on the relic. Furthermore, the fighting that would break out over this
item alone could easily bring endless war back to Zhentil Keep and its surrounding area in the Moonsea.
I hope this letter finds you well. I know it has been over a year since we
parted under circumstances that were far from pleasant. My choice to
take to the sea as an explorer is one that I do not regret, and my skill
with ships and their repair have made me indispensible to my
companions. The sights I have seen!
But I write not to share my joyous adventures with you. Instead, I write
you to relay some distressing news. My travels have brought me to what is
left of the once-magnificent Zhentil Keep. My current ship is here taking
on supplies and getting some much-needed repairs. While the place has
gained a deserved reputation as a lair for the dangerous and the
debauched, I am completely safe.
However, while I spoke with some of the residents of Zhentil Keep, I
became aware that something dark might be stirring here. There is a
tavern on Warrior Street in the Common Quarter, part of what used to be
a barracks here. Creatures of shadow have been seen lurking in the area,
and locals believe that some kind of evil artifact is drawing them. An
old-timer claims that priests of Shar frequented this area in the past, and
they did powerful experiments here. I know that you worship the light,
and I thought you might know people who would be interested in
checking into these claims, in case the rumors of a shadowy power
growing here are true.
Please give my best to mother. I am, as I shall always be,
We have heeded well the Prophecy. The signs and portents are disturbing but every time we
read the stars, we come to the same conclusion. A Goddess will perish and her Great Work will
fall. Oh, beautiful Shar! Has our unworthiness, our lack of piety, brought you to this terrible
We cannot stop the Prophecy from coming to pass. It is too late for that. Instead we must
make preparations for Her return. The shadow seed will germinate a new Great Work, a new
fabric of shadow magic upon which Her followers can weave the cloth of darkness and clear the
way for Her triumphant return.
Although the Prophecy makes it clear what must be done, I lack the power to fashion the
shadow seed myself. The magewrights at the Tower of the Art, however, are a different story.
I am certain they could do it, but they would never help if they knew what it was intended
for. Fortunately, we have several initiates on the inside, which means it is only a matter of
convincing that fool Thagdal that this is the will of Mystra.
The creation was a success! Unfortunately, it appears that I might have been mistaken
about the relative lack of practicality of the item. Hardly an hour after the work was
complete, I received word from Lord Fzoul Chembryl that the item was to be placed into
his care “for safekeeping” inside the Temple in the Sky. Well, I guess I’ll never see it
again, and neither will our patron. I wonder what sort of magic she could have wanted to
put inside? Not that it matters now, since I’m sure that Fzoul will never give the thing
back even if he decides it’s totally worthless.
Still, I’m rather proud of the work. I do believe it would have functioned according to
the design.