Marvin - Lesson Plan 1.docx Final Na Gid Ni

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Learning Area: Lesson No. Grade Level: Duration: 60 minutes Date: 04/30/2024

Learning Competency: The Code: ABM_ESR12- IVi-l-3.1 Quarter: 4

Responsibilities and Accountabilities
of Entrepreneurs

1. Objectives At the end of the lesson the student

will be able to:

Knowledge Identify specific stakeholders of

business to whom the entrepreneurs
are held responsible and accountable.

Skills Demonstrate the difference between

responsibilities and Accountabilities of
entrepreneurs to its stakeholders; and.

Attitude Appreciate the importance of

maintaining a good relationship
between the business organization and
its stakeholders.
2. Content Responsibilities and Accountabilities
of Entrepreneurs
3. Learning Resources  K-12 Self-Learning Module
 K-12 Curriculum Guide
4. Procedures

I. Introductory Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity


a. Prayer

May I request everyone to please stand for an opening prayer

(One students will be lead a prayer)

Good morning class!
Before you take your seat, kindly pick up those pieces of trash under your chair
and arrange you chairs properly.
Good morning ma’am.

Students will pick up the trash and arrange the chairs properly)

b. Checking of Attendance

Please say present as I called your name

(okay sir)

c. Classroom Rules
1. Raise your hand if you want to recite, stay quite unless you are told to talk;
2. Be mindful of your action.
3. Turn off your cellphone, or put it in silent mode
4. Keep your area clean.

Do you understand class?

Yes, sir!

Very good! Thank you!

D. Review
Let’s have a recap. What was our lesson about last week?
Motivation Before we proceed to our discussion for
today, I have here a video presentation.

Just raise your hand if you want to answer.

1. Based on the video presentation, what Answers may vary…

have you observed?

2. As a student what motivates you the most Answers may vary….

to become successful entrepreneur in the

3. Based on the video, do you have any idea Answer may vary….
what would be our Lesson for today?
A. PRESENTATION Good job everyone! That video presentation
would simply rear you on what will be our
lesson for today.

In other word, today we will be discussing

about Responsibilities and Accountabilities of

II. lesson proper For you to be able to understand well our

lesson. We will have first an activity

1. Groupings
B. Group Activity Please group yourselves into two
2. Setting standards
 Select leader, secretary and
 Do your best to be a great
3. Giving of visual aids

Does everybody have a group? How many

are you in group 1, group 2? Yes, sir!

Read the instruction carefully before

answering the activity.

Responsibility Versus Accountability

Instruction: Observe the scenario

portrayed inside the box. Answer the
processing questions concisely

1. What do you think is the main problem

shown in the picture?
2. Who do you think is the person
responsible for this problem? Explain.

3. Who is the person accountable for this

problem? Explain.

4. What will be the possible

consequence to the employee if this Answers may vary…
problem will not be addressed properly?

5. Is there a remedy to address this

problem? What do you think it will be?

You have only 5 minutes to answer the

given questions.

Did you get me class?

After answering the activity each group will

presesnt their answer in front. Choose only
one presenter in your group You will be given
another 3 minutes to do the presentation.


C. Analysis The teacher will let the students present their

Group 1 will present
Let’s begin with group 1. their answer..

Very Good Group 1. Thank you! Let’s give them 5 claps

The next group to present is

Next group 2. Group 2 will present

their answer…

Let’s give them another 5

Very good group 2. Thank you! clap.

Good job everyone! We will know if your

answers is correct.

Guide questions for lectures and discussion: We enjoyed the activity,

found it interesting….
1. How did you find the activity?
Accountability is
2. What do you think the difference betweeen answerability for actions
accountability and responsiblity? actions or decisions,
Okay very good class, this activity is related while responsibility is
to our topic which is The Responsibilities and the duty to fulfill tasks or
Accountabilities of Entrepreneurs obligations


ABSTRACTION 1. What are the difference Accountability involves

consequences, while
between accountability
responsibility may not
and responsibilty? always have direct
consequences attached.
2. Why is it important to The role of accountability
understand the role of and responsibility is crucial
responsibility and for us as an ABM students
because it helps us grasp the
accountability in your life
impact of our actions on
as an ABM student? financial outcomes and
organizational success.

3. As an ABM student. How

Understanding responsibility
can this responsibility and
and accountability helps us
accountability be ABM students develop
beneficial to you? integrity, trust, and the
ability to make sound
financial decisions, paying
the way for success in our

Read and understand the given scenario
and determine whether it is
accountability, responsibility or both.

Scenario no.1
A group project is due tomorrow,
and one member hasn’t completed their
part. Another member takes one the
extra work to ensure the project is
finished on time. Is this accountability or


During a class presentation, a
student notices a mistake in their
group’s slides. They speak up and take RESPONSIBILITY
responsibility for the error, offering to
correct it before continuing the
presentation. Is this accountability or

Scenario no. 3
A students forget to submit their
homework on time and receives a lower
grade as a result. They acknowledge
their mistake to the teacher and work BOTH ACCOUNTABILITY AND
harder to meet deadlines in the future. RESPONSIBILITY
Is accountability or Responsibility

Scenario no. 4
A group of students is assigned to
clean up the classroom after a science
experiment. One student takes charge,
assigning task to ensure everyone BOTH ACCOUNTABILITY AND
contributes to the clean up effort. RESPONSIBILITY
Is this accountability or responsibility?

Scenario no 5.
A group of student volunteers to
lead a fund raising event for a school
charity. They create a detailed plan, RESPONSIBILITY
delegate tasks to other volunteers, and
ensure that everyone stays on track to
meet their goals.
Is this accountability or responsibility?

Assessment Direction: Choose the the letter

of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is the

responsibility of an
entrepreneur to the C. Provide fair return on
government? investment

A. Strengthen shahre prices

B. Create and maintain safe


C. Provide fair return on


D. Observe laws, rules,

regulations, and pay taxes

2. Which of the following is the

responsibility of the
entrepreneur to the
environment? D. Conserve and protect
A. Attend complaints

B. Manage performance

C. Avoid coercion litigation

D. Conserve and protect


3. Which of the following are

examples of stakeholders?

A. Media
C. Media
B. Unions

C. Customers

D. Regulators
4. Who primarily owns the

A. Creditors

B. Employees
D. Entrepreneur
C. Consumers

D. Entrepreneur

5. Who works for the company?

A. Owner

B. Employees B. Employees
C. Investors

D. Customers

Assignment For your assignment.

Reflect on a recent situation

where you demonstrated
responsibility. Describe the
situation, your duties and
obligations, and how you
fulfilled them. Noted, Sir!

Write it in a one whole sheet of

pad paper

Pass it on Thursday…..

Prepared by:

Student Teacher

Checked by:
Resource Teacher

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