TeslaCodeMasterMind Week3

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The Tesla Code Mastermind

Week 3

I am a writer and I write from home. My forte is in stock reports and it can be dreary sometimes
working on these reports again and again. There is this chapter on concentration which I found very
useful. I wonder if I’m bored, is that why I’m losing focus easily, and finding myself blocked? Should I
try other fields of writing? In fact, can a writer find success in non-fictional writing?

Hey Landy,

Nobody can tell you what success is.

You define success for yourself.

What may be the pinnacle for success for one person, may mean nothing to another.

In this subjective area, one of the safest to claim as the most successful I would say stands, JK Rowling.

She scored a great deal for her Harry Potter books.

But if you think about her and then there is this travel writer who has just as many readers.

Who is more successful?

That’s difficult to gauge is it not?

I want you to recap the 16 rules that I already mentioned in my book, Miracle Brain System.

All these rules are meant to help you be able to focus better on specific tasks.

With the Miracle Mind Magic Stimulator you get to follow the rules that trigger the correct physiological
language in you.

The first rule is all about how it becomes difficult to concentrate on anything after you have had a hearty
meal or had too much of fat content from that meal.

This is because food tends to digest slowly and because of that, they deprive your brain of the normal
blood circulation that is required to concentrate.

The second rule that you need to remember, that even if you do not have heavy meals at a time, there
are certain foods that just have you sleeping more.

For example, apples.

The third rule, is more of a counter action to the first and second rule.

A solution if you will.

The best times to concentrate are always right after a good night’s sleep or a nap that has you well

The fourth rule dictates, and I am pretty sure you have an idea of this as well, that one cannot
concentrate as well when they are worried about something, or undergoing a deep emotion.

It could be anything.

The fifth rule that you need to remember is about how you cannot concentrate when you are suffering
from pain.

This does not only include big things like that from a major injury or illness; something as small as an
insect bite can cause this as well.

Rule number 6 is a helpful one.

Know that you always concentrate best when you are near the countryside, strolling while you are
inhaling fresh air, and outdoors with a sense of relaxation and safety.

Rule 7 says that when it is darker outside, people tend to be able to concentrate a lot better than their
best days; especially if you are working on your task outside.

Rule number 8 is no brainer.

It is very important that you create a quiet environment for yourself to concentrate, away from all the

The ninth rule is just as important.

It talks about how you must refrain from consuming any stimulants or liquor.

By stimulants we mean cocoa, tea, and coffee. The idea is to keep your mind clear and alert.

Rule number 10 is one that I unfortunately has to do with smoking habits.

If you smoke and you know that it helps you concentrate, in instances where you cannot do anything to
focus, smoke away.

However this must be done after you have given the rest of the rules a go.

Rule number 11 talks about how classical soft music helps you focus, as opposed to the repetitive music
that only creates meaningless noise and does nothing to help you concentrate.

Rule number 12 is an interesting one.

There are certain colors that help you concentrate better.

The best part about this is that once you get into that mental zone, you don’t get distracted easily.
Rule 13 is sort of an exercise.

Here you get to lie on your back with your eyes covered to keep the light away.

You might be surprised how much this assists you with concentration.

If you think you will fall asleep with this exercise, then get up and sit at your desk while indulging in this

Or when you feel the dizzy spells, get up and walk for a bit.

Rule 14 requires effort from you.

In times when you need to concentrate it is important that you train your brain to not dwell in matters
of the past.

Sometimes when we are alone and in a quiet environment we tend to have flashbacks.

That’s what you don’t need.

Rule 15 talks about how you should try to simplify your thinking to one subject.

Don’t look at the bigger picture focus on one part at a time.

The last rule, you need to focus deeply.

You need to resist your fleeting attention span.

I know it is easier said than done, but the best way to go about is to keep on bringing your mind back to

This last technique may bore you, but here is a little secret every time your brain is bored of something
it comes up with a new idea about that particular thing.

This is the paradox that brings your focus back on track.

There may be times when you find it difficult to keep on working on the same thing.

However it is not simply because you cannot focus, maybe it is your subconscious telling you to try
different things.

It may be time that you expand your repertoire.

There is nothing wrong with going about in other fields of writing. With a varied skill set you can do this

I don't have good relations with my family. We are always getting into arguments with each other,
and there is much slamming of doors, and harsh words. I read your Tesla Code, but it doesn't have
anything helpful for me.

Hey Macey,

There are some misconceptions about the Tesla Code.

I think these are there because a lot of people do not entirely understand what it is about.

The basic thought behind the Tesla program revolves around your mind.

It is meant to target specific aspects about your life and influence them by transforming your
physiological language.

In fact it talks about how a person can achieve everything and anything they have in their head.

All one has to do is believe in themselves and make the effort for themselves.

The Tesla Code can be helpful for your predicament as well.

First off, it is important that you understand what exactly is causing such problems with your family
members. Sit back and think about it without bias.

You need to ask yourself, is there a breakdown in communication.

If not, then there is probably something else that caused this and needs to change.

Even if nothing has changed, a negative and toxic family environment is not the healthy lifestyle to settle

Niether is it is not healthy to shout at family members with harsh words.

You create a negative environment at home, and the worse bit about this is that the same things get to
pass down towards the next generation.

If you have children in the family they will only harness and imitate this negative behavior, because to
them this is the norm.

This is what they grew up with.

Fortunately you can use your cerebral powers for the better. As far as you are concerned there will be a
difference in your family life.

Others may even pick cues from you and start changing. But it is unlikely that they would change first.
Since it is impossible for you to change others, there is something in the Tesla Code that you can use to
work on yourself and change yourself for the better.

You need to start with normalizing your physiological language first.

Your personality changes without you realizing it.

It manifests in the way you act, and the people you meet.

In other words, it modifies the impression you give the world of you.

You can use the same technique with your family members.

It is called the Physiological Normal technique.

The first thing you need to do here is reflect on how much you like this individual.

Even if you don’t, you must project likeness towards him or her.

The next step is to imagine them as the ideal family member with their respective role in the family, you
need to behave towards them accordingly.

This alters your physiological language and you find yourself behaving towards them differently.

Others in your family will start noticing this and will also be affected by this.

The person that you are directing your efforts to, will notice and change as well.

Another thing that is very important for you to understand is that you cannot understand others quickly.
It takes time and effort.

You may have spent your entire life with your family.

With the secret cerebral powers you can make this easier; especially if you have your fair share of
differences with your family.

A technique you can use here, is to practice visualizing in your room.

You need to visualize everyone you meet. Have the right expression on your face, say the right things,
and treat the other person with flattering respect.

Remember you cannot demean yourself here either.

You must repeat this practice three times.

Each time you must intensify it. Ideally you should not stop practicing this until you see yourself actually
changing into that very person.

Soon you will see things changing between your relationship with your family members.
Another great thing about this is that youngsters in the household will learn from the example that is
your physiological language. So in a way you are influencing someone if not everyone.

If you think that the underlying issues are a lot more severe, then professional counseling may just be
the thing that would better help you to professionally work it out.

Hello, I have this coworker who joined us recently. He is super competitive in conversations and
always wants to have the last say. Yet he is all meek in front of our manager and boss. It really irks us,
me and the other coworkers. I have this fantasy of punching him in the face.

Hey Ivan,

First off, before we begin, I just want to say that no way do I believe in violence or any sort of physical

The smartest way to resolve situations like the one you are facing is through non-confrontational ways.

And trust me when I say, you can resolve this in a non violent way.

Sometimes when we feel like punching someone in the face, we tend to get ourselves in trouble without
thinking about the consequences.

There is nothing wrong with having a dominant attitude but sometimes you have to think before you

No one likes to be dominated, which is why the secret Clench and Relax technique may just be what you

It will teach you how to protect you from being dominated by others.

It is pretty simple, with basic steps for you to follow.

You can start by clenching your arms, your fists, and your legs, this will take 2 seconds.

After that you must relax them for around 3 seconds.

You will notice that what you’re basically doing over here is that you’re imitating the stance that a
fighter generally takes.

However, it is not intended for fighting the other person, but to get rid of the pent-up aggression that is
building inside of you.

Therefore when you repeat the technique you need to reduce the time, so that all aggression is passed
over and is finally negated.

On top of this you can also try different meditation techniques.

It may be wise to further monitor the coworker’s behavior or even subtly reflect to him his obnoxious
behavior so that he is aware of the discord his behavior is bringing.
The Tesla Code Mastermind is going to teach you how to resolve your issues without any violence

Your colleague has recently joined your company, according to what you have said, and it maybe that he
is trying hard to please the rest of the team.

He may come off as someone who is obnoxious, but I am sure that he doesn’t have any ill intentions or
aggressive intentions against you.

Sometimes in life we come across people who we would love to punch in the face, but we don’t end up
doing anything to them.

I know that you only fantasize punching them in the face, but that’s still not a pleasant thought to have
towards your co-worker.

You must realize that this is a test that you have to pass, and punching your colleague in the face doesn’t

If you can’t deal with a colleague who is enthusiastic and wants to dominate through words, then how
are you going to deal with difficult clients in the future?

There are other ways to deal with aggressive workers at work, than resorting to violence.

You don’t seem like the person who would advocate violence, just going by what you have told me.

But it is clear that you really don’t like your new colleague.

One thing that you could do is have a word with them and let them know that their behavior is

However, if that isn’t something you want to do then the lessons taught in the Tesla Code Mastermind
will definitely be helpful to you.

The next time you feel angered by your colleague practice the different techniques that have been
mentioned to you, so that you can deal with effectively.

You should also know that people generally act aggressively because they are feeling threatened, and
you shouldn’t be threatened by a new colleague.

If your colleague isn’t able to stand up and be noticed in front of his bosses, then they aren’t really
threatening you are they?

Your main aim should be to deal with your work and get noticed by the management.

Punching someone in the face isn’t going to help you get into the good books of the management.

You should also ask yourself, whether you’re misinterpreting the situation a bit too much or are being
just a little bit too sensitive.
Remember that you have to work alongside your new work colleague, so show them the ropes and let
them blend in.

Maybe that your new colleague is just trying to please everyone, by showing that they have what it
takes to cut it in the organization.

You can help them settle down and also prove to the management that you’re a team player.

Remember that you can overcome anything through the Tesla Code Mastermind.

Good luck with it all.


I must say The Tesla Code is something very refreshing to read. I have a small problem here. I just
started on a job about 3 months back, then my colleague is fired and I have to take over her duties.
The thing is her job entails making regular presentations in workshops, that is, to the public and also
members of the industry. I am just not a guy who can speak in public. Can the Tesla Code help me, I
can’t find anything on public speaking?

Hey Will,

It is true that public speaking in particular is not featured in The Tesla Code.

But to tackle your problem, you can always through your cerebral powers that target removing confused

The techniques that are used here get you results that can help you with public speaking.

Whenever we are distracted by an obstacle, or are simply afraid while there are so many things going
around in our head, keeping us from saying what we really need to say in front of a group of a crowd,
the Miracle Mind Stimulator may just be what we need.

In order to avoid this peril it is important that you visualize the obstacles that you face. In this case it is
your fear of public speaking.

When you visualize the situation, imagine your mind becoming very cool and your entire body losing all
sense of confused thinking, this is one way that you can transform yourself into the kind of person you
want to be.

When you do this, you are still in your mind in front of the people, giving your presentation, the only
difference is that you get to practice being confident in front of them, before you step into a real life

You must maintain this vision for at least 4 seconds. You must practice this 3 times a day. Shorten every
procedure as you start feeling that you are turning into that confident person.

There are so many successful and famous people out there who have been through the same frightening
ordeal. But they overcame it.

For example Tiger Woods, the American professional golfer had a stutter problem. But he overcame it
with practice, at one instance he even shared how he used to talk to his dog till he would fall asleep.

Julia Roberts is the award winning actress, but she started out with speech problems when faced with a
public speaking situation. She overcame all that too.
Another great example is Samuel L Jackson who actually started acting because his therapist suggested
it would help him overcome his fear that was leading to speech problems.

Not being able to fulfill certain requirements and sticking to the benches is something that will reflect
poorly on your performance and role in the company, even if this is not what you signed up for.

Before you go on and discuss this fear of giving out presentations with the management, think how you
can actually get rid of this problem, and astound everyone.

In fact you should see this situation as an opportunity. Here is your chance to showcase your true talent
to the higher ups.

Give the technique a go. You will overcome the fear before your next presentation is due. And the best
part about this is that if you need extra help, then you can always approach the management and
discuss what you require to deliver what they need from you.

Another one of the things that you can do here is practice filling yourself with interest on the subject
you will be speaking about.

After that, do your homework on overcoming fear. Go through videos; look up stories regarding this to
overcome this fear.

This way it will become a whole lot easier to come up with a personal action plan for yourself, to
overcome your fear of public speaking.

If you get through this, that is a big deal. You should feel great about yourself.

Public speaking is considered a major obstacle for people. It also ranks as the second most common fear
in people, right after the fear of dying.

Also this is not something that will be over after you conclude those presentations. This is something
that you get to take with yourself for future endeavors.

Be extraordinary, be amazing. This could be your wake up call, to step away from the normal crowd, give
your mind a break from routine, and treat this as a blessing in disguise that will have you learning a
valuable skill for life.

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