New Device Noa
New Device Noa
New Device Noa
Pilot Study of a New Mandibular Advancement Device
Marzia Segù 1 , Giovanna Campagnoli 2 , Marco Di Blasio 1 , Antonio Santagostini 1, * , Matteo Pollis 3
and Luca Levrini 4
1 Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Parma, 43126 Parma, Italy; [email protected] (M.S.);
[email protected] (M.D.B.)
2 Department of Clinical-Surgical, Diagnostic and Pediatric Sciences, Section of Dentistry of Pavia,
University of Pavia, 27100 Pavia, Italy; [email protected]
3 School of Dentistry, University of Siena, 53100 Siena, Italy; [email protected]
4 Department of Human Sciences, Innovation and Territory, Postgraduate School of Orthodontics,
School of Dental Hygiene, University of Insubria, 22100 Como, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +39-3394538461
Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the efficacy of a customized mandibular advance-
ment device (MAD) in the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Eight patients (M = 3; F = 5;
mean age = 56.3 ± 9.4) with a diagnosis of OSA confirmed by polysomnography (PSG) were re-
cruited on the basis of the following inclusion criteria: apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) > 5, age between
18 and 75 years, body mass index (BMI) < 25, and PSG data available at baseline (T0). All were treated
with the new NOA® MAD by OrthoApnea (NOA® ) for at least 3 months; PSG with NOA in situ was
performed after 3 months of treatment (T1). The following parameters were calculated at T0 and T1:
AHI, supine AHI, oxygen desaturation index (ODI), percentage of recording time spent with oxygen
saturation <90% (SpO2 < 90%), and mean oxygen desaturation (MeanSpO2%). Data were submitted
for statistical analysis. The baseline values were AHI = 21.33 ± 14.79, supine AHI = 35.64 ± 12.80,
ODI = 17.51 ± 13.5, SpO2 < 90% = 7.82 ± 17.08, and MeanSpO2% = 93.45 ± 1.86. Four patients had
mild OSA (5 > AHI < 15), one moderate OSA (15 > AHI < 30), and three severe OSA (AHI > 30). After
treatment with NOA® , statistically significant improvements in AHI (8.6 ± 4.21) and supine AHI
Citation: Segù, M.; Campagnoli, G.;
(11.21 ± 7.26) were recorded. OrthoApnea NOA® could be an effective alternative in the treatment of
Di Blasio, M.; Santagostini, A.; Pollis,
OSA: the device improved the PSG parameters assessed.
M.; Levrini, L. Pilot Study of a New
Mandibular Advancement Device.
Dent. J. 2022, 10, 99.
Keywords: obstructive sleep apnea; mandibular advancement devices; polysomnography
shown to be more effective and stable [3,7,8]. Vanderveken et al., comparing the efficacy of a
customized versus a prefabricated device, found greater compliance and effectiveness with
the custom-made appliance, while the thermoplastic MAD did not obtain a therapeutic
effect due to lack of retention and lower comfort for the patients [4].
In the present study, a new MAD is evaluated. MAD is a custom-made, two-piece
device designed using CAD-CAM technology to be smaller and less cumbersome than ex-
isting devices. It is designed for the individual patient on the basis of a detailed mandibular
kinematic evaluation. It allows titration of the protrusive movement and can be reinforced
for patients with bruxism. Since the relationship between the degree of mandibular pro-
trusion and mouth opening influences the efficacy of this treatment, MAD is designed to
ensure effective protrusion associated with reduced muscular discomfort.
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of new MAD in the treatment of OSA.
The null hypothesis is that the new appliance is not associated with a significant
improvement of the selected PSG parameters.
2.2. Device
The oral appliance chosen for this study was NOA® by OrthoApnea, a new titratable,
custom-made, two-piece MAD with interconnected vertical extensions. The appliance
comprises a maxillary bite and several mandibular bites that allow for sequential degrees
of protrusion. The device is made of polyamide-12 through 3D printing with CAD-CAM
Dent. J. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 10
Figure Thedevice
wornbyby the
the patient.
2.3. Study
consisted of all thethe
of all preliminary
preliminary medical, dental,
medical, and and
neurological analyses, including evaluation of baseline PSG data and administration of
neurological analyses, including evaluation of baseline PSG data and administration of
questionnaires. TMJ clinical examination according to DC/TMD Axis I was performed [10].
questionnaires. TMJ clinical examination according to DC/TMD Axis I was performed
Disease severity was defined by the AHI.
[10].InDisease severity
the second step,was defined
eligible by the
patients wereAHI.
treated with NOA® to test their tolerance of
the device and, therefore, their likely response totreated
In the second step, eligible patients were this MAD with NOA® to test their tolerance of
the device and,
An initial therefore,period
habituation their likely responseduring
was envisaged to thiswhich
MAD the therapy.
patient kept the device
in their initial habituation periodofwas
for short periods timeenvisaged
while awake.during which thethe
Thereafter, patient kept
device wastheput
in at
in their mouthand
bedtime for worn
short periods
throughout of time while awake.
the night. Thereafter,
Advancement the device
(titration was was
protocol) put in at
bedtime and activated
progressively worn throughout the night.
by the dentist Advancement
until clinical resolution(titration protocol)
of subjective was progres-
symptoms [11].
sively activated PSG
A follow-up by the dentist
with NOA until clinical
in situ resolutionafter
was performed of subjective
3 months ofsymptoms [11].
treatment [12,13].
A follow-up analysis: Descriptive
PSG with NOA®statistics (mean,
in situ was standard after
performed deviation, median,
3 months mini-
of treatment
mum and maximum values) were calculated. The normality of the data was calculated
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Subsequently,
analysis: Descriptive to analyze
statistics (mean, standardthe results obtained
deviation, withmini-
the NOA ® , paired Student t-tests were performed to compare AHI, supine AHI, ODI,
mum and maximum values) were calculated. The normality of the data was calculated
SpO2 < 90%, and MeanSpO2% between T0 and T1. For all tests, the level of significance
using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Subsequently, to analyze the results obtained with
was set at p® < 0.05.
the NOA , paired Student t-tests were performed to compare AHI, supine AHI, ODI,
SpO2 < 90%, and MeanSpO2% between T0 and T1. For all tests, the level of significance
3. Results
was set at p < 0.05. ®
Efficacy of the OrthoApnea NOA Device
Eight patients (3 males, 5 females; mean age: 56.25 ± 9.75 years) consented to use the de-
3. Results
vice. Their respiratory index values at T0 were AHI: 21.33 ± 14.79, supine AHI: 35.64 ± 12.80,
ODI: of the
17.51 OrthoApnea
± 13.5, NOA7.82
SpO2 < 90%:
® Device
± 17.08 and MeanSpO2: 93.45 ± 1.86. Four had mild
(5 ≥ AHI
Eight patients
< 15), (3 males,(15
one moderate ≥ AHI <mean
5 females; age:three
30), and 56.25 ± 9.75
severe ≥ 30)
(AHI consented to use
OSA (Table 1). the
device. Their respiratory index values at T0 were AHI: 21.33 ± 14.79, supine AHI: 35.64 ±
12.80, ODI: 17.51 ± 13.5, SpO2 < 90%: 7.82 ± 17.08 and MeanSpO2: 93.45 ± 1.86. Four had
mild (5 ≥ AHI < 15), one moderate (15 ≥ AHI < 30), and three severe (AHI ≥ 30) OSA (Table
Dent. J. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 10
Figure 2. A paired data t-test showed a significant difference between AHI at T0 and T1 (p < 0.05)
when evaluating data from patients (PZ) treated with the OrthoApnea NOA® device.
Dent. J. 2022, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 10
Dent. J. 2022, 10, 99 Figure 2. A paired data t-test showed a significant difference between AHI at T0 and5 of
T110(p < 0.05)
when evaluating data from patients (PZ) treated with the OrthoApnea NOA device.
Figure 3. A paired data t-test showed a significant difference between supine AHI recorded at T0
Figure 3. A paired data t-test showed a significant difference between supine AHI recorded at T0
and T1 (p < 0.05) in patients (PZ) using the OrthoApnea NOA® device.
and T1 (p < 0.05) in patients (PZ) using the OrthoApnea NOA® device.
Regardless of the severity of their OSA, all six patients met the AHI and supine AHI
criteria of the severity
defining treatment success.ofIntheir OSA,
supine allthey
AHI, six patients met the AHI
showed reductions and from
ranging supine AHI
−17% todefining
−86% and treatment success.
in AHI from −37%In tosupine AHI, 3).
−91% (Table they showed reductions ranging from
−17% to −86% and in AHI from −37% to −91% (Table 3).
Table 3. Short-term effects of the appliance: changes in AHI and supine AHI.
Table 3. Short-term effects of the appliance: changes in AHI andChanges
supine AHI.
in Supine AHI
Patients Changes in AHI T0–T1
Changes in Supine AHI
Patients1 Changes in AHI−T0–T1
46% −75%
2 −91% −86%
1 −46% −75%
3 −67% −17%
2 −91% −86%
4 −37% −46%
3 −67% −17%
4 5
−37% −68% −−46%
6 −47% −57%
One patient was reported to have AHI and supine AHI values < 5, which were
considered non-pathological.
One patient was reported to have AHI and supine AHI values < 5, which were con-
sidered non-pathological.
4. Discussion
Recent years have seen a growing interest in OSA in different fields of medicine due
to Discussion
its considerable prevalence [14] and its important role as a risk factor for cardiovascular
and metabolic disorders
Recent years have[15].
seen a growing interest in OSA in different fields of medicine due
Although CPAP remains the gold standard treatment for OSA [16,17], MAD treatment
to its considerable prevalence [14] and its important role as a risk factor for cardiovascular
has emerged as an increasingly valuable alternative on account of its higher compliance and
and metabolic
remarkable disordersin[15].
effectiveness mild-to-moderate cases. MAD treatment is widely reported to
reduce the severityCPAP remains
of several OSAthe gold standard
parameters treatment
in the long term, suchforasOSA [16,17],
and treat-
minimumhas emerged as an increasingly
oxygen saturation valuable alternative
[18–20]. Improvements in daytimeon accountand
sleepiness of its higher compli-
ance and remarkable
perception effectiveness
of snoring were reported inin mild-to-moderate
several cases.
studies [8,21–25]. MADCPAP
Although treatment
therapyis widely
was foundto
reported toreduce
be morethe
effective in reducing
severity daytime
of several OSAsleepiness
parameters in the
in long term term,
the long [24], MAD
such as the
AHI, ODI,achieved better therapeutic
and minimum compliance[18–20].
oxygen saturation [26–28]; instead, the two methods
Improvements proved
in daytime sleepiness
and subjective perception of snoring were reported in several studies [8,21–25]. Although
CPAP therapy was found to be more effective in reducing daytime sleepiness in the long
Dent. J. 2022, 10, 99 6 of 10
the three types gave positive and comparable results, the non-personalized thermoplastic
device was the least comfortable due to poorer retention; this led to lower therapeutic
adherence compared with the semi-personalized and personalized devices.
In our study, 75% of the sample treated with NOA® accepted the device and followed
the treatment protocol without experiencing the problems commonly related to the use of
MADs. This could be due to the refined, customized design of this device outlined above.
However, to confirm this scientifically, it would be necessary to compare NOA® with other
custom-made MADs and enlist a larger sample of patients.
Mandibular advancement devices are capable of improving health and quality of
life, including social life [6,26], and thanks to their therapeutic efficacy in treating severe
OSAS, MAD therapy is suitable for all patients refusing CPAP. A meta-analysis conducted
by Schwartz [26] in 2018 showed a difference in treatment compliance between the two
therapies: with CPAP, it was 1.1 h per night lower than with MAD (p = 0.004). This explains
why CPAP does not show significant quality-of-life improvements compared with MAD
therapy, specifically significantly improved cognitive and functional results. This is despite
CPAP being more effective in improving cardiorespiratory parameters.
The present study does not have enough data to obtain statistically significant results
regarding the follow-up of the patients beyond the 3-month (T1) assessments. However,
numerous studies in the literature attest to the effectiveness of personalized MADs in
improving OSAS symptoms over time [18,19,21,31]. The most significant studies in this
regard include one conducted by Uniken Venema and colleagues in 2020 [20]. These
authors set out to compare the long-term effectiveness of CPAP and MAD in patients with
OSAS through evaluation of the effects of treatments over ten years. Polysomnography
results showed a favorable outcome of both therapies at ten years: the mean AHI in the
MAD group was 9.9 ± 10.3 events/h, versus 3.4 ± 5.4 events/h in the CPAP group. Both
therapies led to a substantial improvement in self-reported neurobehavioral outcomes at
ten years of follow-up. Attali and colleagues [19] also showed that MADs can effectively
treat OSAS in the long term, maintaining good compliance and patient satisfaction. Their
study, conducted in a sample of 279 patients with an average age of 58 years and followed
up for at least 1000 days, showed that 63% of the sample (at 2.5 years) continued treatment
with MAD with adequate efficacy, tolerability, and compliance over time; only in some
patients was a recurrence of side effects observed, probably due to the natural course of the
disease or to wear and tear of the MAD associated with a loss of therapeutic efficacy.
patient and enhance the therapeutic alliance, and therefore allow the therapeutic window to
be reached, the personalized titration protocol should be carefully explained to the patient.
Finally, the device requires some maintenance since it can deteriorate over time,
leading to a reduction in retention, comfort, and therapeutic efficacy. Again, to maintain
patient compliance and the effectiveness of the treatment, periodic re-evaluation of the
device is recommended so that any necessary modifications or replacements can be made.
5. Conclusions
Treatment with NOA® could be an effective alternative in the treatment of OSAS,
having been found to significantly improve some PSG respiratory parameters, specifically
AHI and supine AHI, even in cases of severe OSAS (AHI > 15). The other parameters
investigated (ODI, SpO2 < 90%, and MeanSpO2) also improved, albeit not significantly.
In conclusion, although the statistical data are promising, to establish the potential of the
device, further studies are needed.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.S.; methodology, M.S.; software, M.P.; validation, M.S.;
formal analysis, G.C.; investigation, G.C.; resources, A.S.; data curation, M.P.; writing—original draft
preparation, G.C.; writing—review and editing, A.S.; visualization, M.D.B.; supervision, L.L.; project
administration, M.S.; funding acquisition, M.S. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was approved by the Unit Internal Review
Board (17-1023).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: All data are available upon request to the corresponding author.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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